Aceh Investment Opportunities 2020

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ACEH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES fay Woaana ‘Aceh Investment and One Stop Services Agency 2019 10 2 6 7 ° a 1 O NvEsT IN ACEH Ler's FEEL THEIR EXPERIENCES ON INVESTMENT {VISION MISSION, wry AceH? ‘4 poreNTIAL ‘SECTORS. ‘Aceh in Figures ‘ea ‘Aceh Administrative Region Population Economic Indicators Spatial Plsaning Swratenie Areas Investment Realization Employment Hotels in anda Aceh & Surrounding eae B 2 2% 2a 0 2 “ Nu Infesetuctre Support Airport Seaport Roads Eletiity Wioter investment ‘OpPoRTUNITIES INFRASTRUCTURE Toll Road ENERGY Hychopomer Geothecma Projcts E N = 47 Acro noustRY 48 Plantation Pal OH 52 Nagin Roya Cooking Oil Processing Industey (0 Coffee 7 Cacao 12 Patehoul 7% Chronals 79 Livestock 80 Beet Industry 2 Fishery {a Fishing Port 84 Sowang Bu Fishing Port 6 TOURISM ‘The New Brand of Aceh (88 Bands Acah Urban Tourism Development Proeet 92 Golf Course Development Project of Aceh Besar 4 Tourtm Development oF Gayo Highlands 97 Banyak Islnd Tourism evelopment 102 Lovsee eo-Touriem ° 105 106 110 19 cou masinen oroxruuris20% 2 Ts S [ACEH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONES ‘Sabng Fee Port, and Free Trade Zone (FT2) Specie Boner Zora (SEZ) Arun Liokseumawe ‘Aca Induct Pak \adong Kutarsj nterntional Feching Port, ONLINE SINGLE ‘SUBMISSION. contact INVEST IN ACEH ACEH tthe orher tp of'Sumaters, Uokosumane we magnet rinses issvategcaly located along the whowishto mestn eas wih mary wert busiest irtemational shipping ‘nce nchcing tac recht ond cute, the Seat of Malacca srry ober bone. With speci autonomy stats, the province has developed trendy Our strong cukural identity and ‘agulsions for beeners nd ade to ‘have ghenus est oppor tive nthe region. We have been to complement ne growing focusing on the development trough demand ofhalal food production copettion with rate sectors. anal eam x nighboutng Ineddiion, nese commitedto cous, expecially aong regal improving irestuctresin the region cooperation ent of ndonesi- sic 2 ace, highways seports—ilayea-Thaland Grow Tangle teapots and oleccy spy (MEGD, whch Acen sea member With its unique and divers cuties, Acth sap fobs. The ‘cah haa boc an ipertnt Coverment of Aad searmiadin tourstdesinaton forthese who heen of dong basen by ping wont ony serenity and ace. In nvesmentelmst to ave cur BO Sqrcutural sector Aceh soundant ofoscorang sng dosmson vith high valued conmodsia. insert oes We wl pve ‘Among them, cole, cocoa, and palm neces aedsarce nd spp oir oll are usta shor Tit Futharmace, _ patnertoinestn Aen, We wale Faberes anc vestck ae aio outs stn emarng Ash onde ok potenti investment to explore. Temardso vena youn Aa ‘Anny urchad Ladong Aceh til Nova bianayoh Pak ad Spc Econom Zone fun Acting Goveor of Aceh Aceh Fb We uncersiana that private sector is the key in achieving our long term goal to increase economic growth and greater job opportunities for the people. Our role is to create conducive environment that would attract investors to do their businesses in Aceh.” ~ Alia Sofyan, Head of Ace Invesiment & (ne Stop Services Agency a ACES one of the most compete provinces in Indonesia for investment ue tos seategic geographical tection aturl sere young {nent population and invest ‘endly regulon. To accserat he process of doing buses, we are working with ferent autores Create 3 one-ap sere or aery trate late to invest ot ur ice We oe happy toast you en regulations ssues, permit issuance Sad other senices needes in ney Tecay we a leveceging our resources snd seeing potential fetor. Or vent prospect eppotad by goverment pc re-stablch Indonesia an emerging matin power in the region With vat and eh a etry, als Inviting you to ele mate rote sect such eaves, farming and seapor. Acsh lvesiment 1 One Stop Senice gency sa ‘pecialexebaed goverrvere’s utero facttate and promote investment oppomuntie mesh ‘We oe commnted to serve potenti Investorsby providing accurate information on investment potentials tne conrtnaig invert earnces wih lovant ations noo barr faced by nestosis lack of eae ae norton Inthe formof pli ltd toimesment and opporties robles at dict levels in Ach We, ‘Serf, hope hat "Acthnvesment Cpprunter”ai gie you a pimary ‘vence frat ayn rescue potentials and expling lbrmtve mieement Opportntie ‘regen We warmly eeme yout investi eh ESTIMONY LET’S FEEL THEIR EXPERIENCES = ON INVESTMENT HaoA= 1 fatemes «119035 73 OW086'572" nde Matinee ae Sane (seers) coerlte ser sud and e017 137" eat lenin erage ae of 125 meter Shove sa evel veh an ecereve hla ar above 1000| rte stove es leet. WHY ACEH? ‘Yu can’t beat out location we te a the moet west of Sorators We are close to mot of ASEAN ‘member with S00 milion consumers, rot © mention your business (ur infrastructure i ready for connecting business urintemational ipo, tepeaned seapor: high-speed road and brosdtand netort re sacond to We have prominent commadities for your industries. abe efi tom Gaye Highland, ceo tom Pe Joye and ner in Bande Aceh are among the been Wie have workforce fr your need Our education i supponed by 20% of cur anal budget 1 help ‘communis manage change bn thee workorce development sytem, neadeg esting one stop cee centers and developing the, young ard sled wortors, Wie have a pertuasive business dinate duet an PT. Solis Bangun Anas ‘ndidoners oF ether rational and ‘rultntorlethving in Aceh, Roling out and excancing your company 78 eas) nAcon, 4 POTENTIAL ie SECTORS ae Aceh in Figures Ce ee ed cane een attaches 2.21% 0.07% 2.45% 3.49% 5.38% 7.00% Lard usa 6 + + + a i; Paumors Cenuslans Paruie Cres Fae naiar omaetra Sassie” Zork Terie zarousoKa arith 17.63% 0.15% 4.09% 1390% 39.99% 3.64% We 2 OA 567.081 Hay 2,270,080 Ha Tota en Forest eosin By ely sein Area Aaperpe opie cagceand oleae esi Scie 2o0s Snes 779m and SF.9SG00 Kew) 227080 Fe fone Soe age fester lowed the 003 Aethberdaed on tenor andthe aut at ae 28 Site at feat eh Ponca sideman Oye vc acrowcznroe ‘noms Se lan econ a 6h scones cerosranis 19 accisrwcnrorroeunmnesanns BY 7 sabang Pie Pee aya Bireuen Lvokscumawe Aceh Utara Beer Mesh ‘ech Time Langs ‘Aceh Tamiang BET 11.| Acchtenggara 12,|_Subutussaiam 8G sconmstusntcoromunnes 9 Hib Kobvpaten, ll Kecamatan 14, 15. 16. 7. 18 a 23. Aceh Sing Aceh Selatan Gayo tues Simeulue Aesh Barat Daya Nagan aya Aceh Tengah ech Barat ech ya Banda Aceh ‘Aceh Besar cou asruen omomtunmis ne 39 . baimnd 2018 Ew 2016 Ex Ex Population cn — eo Re nan ‘The total population of Aceh was $,281,314 “Aezh Singkil 192,161 W4S18 «116712119490 121,681 eee South Acoh (220971 224897 28,603 231893 235,115 ade area) ae er aa porn ee ee aa ‘Aceh Tengah «192.204 «196,090 200412204273 «208.505 ~— West Aceh 190,246 193,791 197,921 201482 (205,971 ree ee PAIR Ok] | onsek (RE cee BOR aceon (ge bs Southwest Aceh 136,140 140,687 «143,312 «145,726 148,111 crue ed son ee r pee ee ee 2,642,891 Lal Nogen aye 152352155070 158223812) N04. wat an oe? A ener Merish 134015 135821 139,890 142525 145,086. LN ew ie ee aman toon EE oon ee oo ee anaes Sebeng me 328 aT MASTA : BE coe Be wren ree ed ree EE om Pee peared) eg Bed 40h accxmesuns cerocrsnns 19 acoustic omonronmas ane 311 Economic Indicators Graphic of Economic Gow Economie Growth (O18Go9 69 Econo Growth (on 18 Ga8) Co) ‘Gross Regional Gross Regional Domestic Product Domestic Product Cooreon" rtenteon § Es S ears ra “pisos aaa er rT Sane ta eigenen 42 scons cerocranns 19 rap of aaon: yen ao 2015 —=—aotéSS2K =O Year 10k 20181900000 cou este oomronmis aoe 3 12 Volume And Vl Export ane | arrssaoros amis $45 957 481.00 zai | 272.240,98200 aan | 2anavosz20 aoa | sosa702, 8, vinsage 4 A | cece |lme nwestuenromoarunmis oi 3 15 Spatial Planning Co seen ce ea eran awe 4 iTV FeLaCola) ee TN raed oectoe Py Pr ey cd oe ee es Err i rer re 9,90 46 eee ed peo Employment The Government of Acth provides 20% oft nrusl budget for urn capt ipa ate per re Number of tabor Force by Sx thousand) 20042018. s K “ae Yor Mate Female Total 201 ——— 590 ——— 220190 ——— 30sn20 05 ——— 19ra30 ——— 590 ——— 1419.00 200 ——— 18170 ——— e050 ——— 16220 207 ——— 1.12540 ——— 8790 ——— 181350 2008 ——— 112100 ——— ea.0. 14220 2008 sasas0 69990 179800 zm10 120730 r120 13850 am 125150 74970 200120 13 ——— 129820 ——— 73990 ——— 203410 za y3aat0 77920 —__ 2.23.50 zis 137890 —__—0s00 218280 2016 141400 3990 2257.0 zor7 —____ 141900 —_____ 49.70 —____ 228870 za 145490 aso. 235240 1 Fomsryoundton NPR plo SEZ A Uekseone 20h aconwoesruer onroerunms 2019 acoustic oromronris ane 24 8 Hotel teh ‘Alaris House ul Race Hotel ural Hotel Mokioh Hore Medan Hota 22h acon moesven AFath Hotel aka Hotel Diana Hotel (Grand Laut Hotel Hip Hep Het otal Lacing Hel Madinah Hote (Oyo 1690 Hotel Ang Road (Oye 884 Rumah PMI Hotel (Oyo 1845 GI in Hotel (Oye 854 UB Caner Hotel Poms Hote Prapat Hora asamala Hote Seventeen Hota Hota Wisata Het! Total Ac Freight & Passengers of Suan skanda Muda Aor 2018 Infrastructure 3 Support “en? Airport 1. ntamatins Apo Suan leaner Mus Banda Aca 2. Narn Saleh Aiport Saban 2. Mallvealeh Airport Nth Aceh 4. embele Airport Bene Merah 5. Tat ion South Aeon 6: Hanah an ape Sigh 7. Laskin Arpor Snabang 2 Mocs cma 2 eal tte per Sot sh 5. Gana rap agen oe moe imsaibio Sac kh ep me 8 Peli Gell, 24 acon mosis cerosrsnis 19 cou waste omomrunmes oe 3 25 S re - oes Provincial Road 1,580.42 Km CTT > waa E107 Cee ena ae eee te fea oo noel tt 4 i i + SS) pisreicicry WATER SUPPLY COMPANY oa Se OPPORTUNITIES eso I 35 s INFRASTRUCTURE [mnt sin on Route: Sande Aceh - Acth Basar = Sigh Mereuds reuen- Usekseursie-Lrokson Investmont Estimates of Acc Tl for 3 Segments: bere ee a aC 2 fings-tewsas amas oe ee 26 aconmwster cerocranns 19 con masiuen orouroumis2o 3S 37 + Toll Route Banda Aceh - Medan (Binjai) v a Sess" | [| B SS .. SSS 4 a = ce pee a —— Plantation " ooking ot processing indus rar eta neato Peete pertoertna Seesincenen taney Sse Sore a an Land Transportation secon Seacvacetbee” paper rcnay Snore etna Pistaegenaar ges ceeatcananceonece Gastaedeten tare Teves moe oa arabecee! Secremicteanoa ca Seecedasepaa pe ‘Sea Transportation Enery Human Resources Land Availability ‘The eset oeston forthe Coking Oi eee aed eee Peeeerierpersip heyy peered eee ees panier een ts ee eed eet ee rere Dead eee eee [Soe aerad eee eee Serr fenton panne eg eee eee eee eel eee ete Penaeus aeeanentT aveohe we ennenny WS EAU N 7 | Market Opportunities The cooking of cry has» cere malar segment depending onthe uakty of te cll andthe enciching opis aks sch varie Bee Sart seen that ‘can a dented fom the matketng strategies of payers inthe cooking cl nduey. namely tha wadonl markt segrent (ess, das B cass B+, class A and +. The Minty ‘of geal 2017) ted hat the ‘evelopment of pl cooking il ‘onsumpsen a the household level in Indonesia curing 2002-2016 general 56 ac incensed with an average crese 5.81% per year The peciction 0 al ecoling ol corcurrion at ‘he household evel for 2017 1.58 es apt yor this consmpion has deceased compared 102086, while 92018 nd 2019 sonata palm cooking ol consumption has Ineeased shah). The consumstion of palm ceaking olin 2018 and 2019 is pected to be 1217 fe / apt Ayer respectively end 12.79 Rea capa yor. as Investment Opportunity/Activity: ooking Ot Processing Pts 212 tomhow — $7tonvteur CPO Production fcoaingotinagus) 30 tonhaur ee te ein te e Location Vilage cots Subnet: Ta Roa Davie Noses tye Prove | Aah i PF csccoto Land Status oa Area: 15 Ha suas Doan Age Landauhorty. + Local Community Investment Acti y stucton of Cooking Ol Factory hich conse of everalinvesment cies a a Thane, [a ee Construction of complete fcty Procurement of machine and Provision of tech Procurement ofinventoy bullings, employee housing and augment forcookng ol mils fittunches andathertoos ther supporting bangs, Investment Estimate aetna ets bina oe * Werkng Captel 108222 billon * Eetinsteincome ——1DR24S bill © 2 skinny a ier Soto, Sika Make, 23571 Nagas Raye -Acsh Province + NetPreant Value 209587772.1 Telephone : +62 655. 7556367, Fax. 262 685 7558571 1 Internal te Retin SOA Ema: Spmptpinagenrayacse 90 id * Gerait Cost Rao 2761295268 iebsiee = p/p esp racarryatab god! * Payback Pero 2 Years and 9.908 Month Rt ea Sanco eR Ope nde Fs 8 cp wsz812 69321 311 Ered: malintS@grnad.con 1584 aconnvestenr orromunms 12 Gayo coffee Is grown a the Gayo highland, an area that covers ener Merish, Aceh Tengah and Gayo Lues Districts CGAYO isthe name of the highland people who Ine inthis gion. The maoity of people inthis area ar cofee rowers. Cf plang statedin 1908 and rays Arabia cole. In fat, Arabic colle predctan fom Gayo gion the argest on Ai Gayo coffehas boon exported 1 many counvies inthe wed. The sate indeates that in 2018, Aesh exported 9095881 Kg of coffee beans to 26 aunties. (Aceh Indy ar Tree Oc Gaye coffee has gained sme international cerfications recognition forts ficllan quay expecially ts cganc cole which sf tac cera wth GrograciclIndeaen (Gn arte, Gayo abies coe receive ne ighest coe in the Indoneson Specilty Coffe Action 2010in Bo, which (uaratzes that tone ofthe best cafes nthe wold Cole pede and rcion fara herby ene 2018 = Se ee L 38 | 3597 ener Merh | 46273] 30.408 Gaye tues | ase 1.366 Noth Acoh 1885 750 ones wai 2017 0173 irs 2016 100.90 977 Robust coffee planted area and production of smal holder by district 2018 Robusta Coffee 550 eH T. all NO. Cote Producers Gayo Mana Coffe 2. KB. Babwrayyan 3. Koper Padgang Koi Katine 4 PT Cahay Komotas Nesantara 5S CVA Mans 7 8 operat educenArssens SU Gayo Mand Prete Ch Degeye Aa 10 Pr Fajr Jumps 12 Fler Kotars 18. Pr Sumaterefebika Gayo 44 Cv.Pves Dama 15 ASU Arnapita 16 Koper: Gayo Nosatara 7 SU Rabat mors 1B KSUSua Ate 19 cuss Awe 20 CV.Gaye Mountain Coffee 21. Ropers Tones ndeh 22 PT Mexkst Kom Gayo 23 PT Degayo Ag ndoneda 24 PT Cahay Mes Global Kop 25 PT Gaps Kopi Kar 26 Kopors Produson Eras Gayo Cation | Scarce: ah nt and Trade OF @ Aceh Coffee Processing Industry THE demande Gayo cafes both in domentic and cveress marke are very high es cretiy sold as ‘een beans As the govermant encourages to increase ‘aloe edad ofthe Aceh cf, tis bg opportu 10 ide modem calle procesang act The popu cure cf cafe consumption in Aca is also good prospect 0 extalsh Gayo natant coon resting ics. Project Purpose: Esabla natant Cole Processing eat Based on markt cseraton, a preent,o east 10 brand finan cole re soln the more, which Showa the gronng al insant cole consumption hence the prospect vary promising Jnvesiment estimation for etablehing netntcatee cessing int with the capacty 3000000 sachets Istana price a procucevncity level pr saat USS {G10 Soper quality USS.004 pe sachet “The shart sipoy chin within Aceh region offers an achentage for invecmert sce the prosiction coms less trantheavergé cornering green Seon pice USS 458NKe) The pce is able o ceate market Segre both on mare share and mare space, Moreover le SB focarpete wih cher rye national prods. o US$ 6,258,377 uss 3,333,333 Location ‘Aceh Tengah SEZ Of Arun Lhokeeumawe NPV = US$ 1,844,999 s1RR = 23% ec = 16 + PAYBACK PERIOD 6 YEARS a eo Cacao ACEH, one of the main producers of cacao in Indonesia as partations spread snot nal eres, from Pde nthe eater par of Ash, o Smee lenin te ote edge of ‘eth Province The development sategye tpoeste asustanable cao indus The upseam indy wil focus on boosting vue eed nthe dlwrstream secon. Eas Ach, ide and Noh Aceh as mayor producers are suitable fos procesing industry. = = Project Purpose wanen ts 1a Establish eacae processing incustries Stone Indone indy ont Et chose poe) ‘ea Sg ca Eta pecagng kt Sesh Ash end han ody) Yo \cxti0 Et Aaah . ees fer Teaah ee cere Zand fie Esti Nosh ah USD 97 Million Seuhes Sesh ‘Gayo Luss ag Ta Ach Tomar nace 5,730,808.44 USD Aco i Sand xh sina totes Salen Avene zoe 2017 101,203 39.295. 9 Months zor soon | e207 sana nin oe 1 copln ee eet Cae ena Cer bhai et) EE see ra rT pees Distt, which nae are stale ray feePatcho = coy nye indus oe cy rer yy ec Perera eT) 2081 a) Sec ned Sine Soran Sere prernneteg eer ey | a) eed Geog od Pt. preerineey Cee ae eee yi _ Sean eceeer’0.00 a) ee ee paater pay ey Citronella CITRONELLA aii ne of the exert ol thet very proming asan export Fermoy and hy Eerrpettve inthe frcien rake. is mosty used 9 seeps comet perue favoring, pharmacy, 38 sk (osunudcicd Gayo Luss Diswi ione of he rman producers of onelcll inaash Th Gh scons Panted ‘res hs) Production (Ton/H Uiokseurane Subvlezam 2010. ers $33,147,500 USD Beef Neb: 6.434 Ha @ Location: A Ownership: telaawe ¥ knengdeah Kua abla, “— Goverment Industry Blang Ubo-Ubo land ‘ea Bsr eat induty—@ i eel Hoge Raya Sel sc erase toa eEiky Bloom pater beet Phe ‘Suitable for — suubiefec | esearch Suton Shem Nac aaa ecace mone some a ‘a00im Location: — Land Area: thevvitge, | Locion aaa teriiee” | ang ace Ranbong eS owe Land Status: Jegong Jeget oe eee + Bang Ube Ube age Poatota | Aamo ae fanEeeinatstises | Srone so aS ae Plasma System ‘Nucieus dan Goverment Lands. rtm | Nise om Idi Te support the devlopment of minspottan {shar cin he Goverment of East Ach Distiet oewses on creasing the production of aquacure and wid fhe, Theo ishing Port In responce to he create of production from both nl eh cathe, the following ae potent investment 1 Block ie fatry 2.000 block oyt 2 Fishearming cory 2 Promation resent center fo faerie ' Docking facies 5. Cantal feh maketng and enibwion cents The production of i eh catches fom Por is and 24731 tonwannu an prodcton fom agishie 1485 tla, ch lei, aah lh le ger sings, wt sempre herp ad ab COpectonal ae of ahing poi round (625 Ha, supped bythe facies & Westade eh ms Fh gackng ing Bon management oS Genenert having Won soe waehone Wsskaar fl Guinan 2 goes etc pak Fuel etn fi ing Eons Sawang Ba'u Fishing Port Sava Bs. Vilage isthe fi production carter for South Ach, wth 2 otal of 1408 fiharman and 132 Fshng boats. There are 60 boats 10 GT, and 78 non motorized host. The hing ge used purse sain ad the main catches ee ship jock and tune The fies nSawang dsu por are ae olowe ‘The fh potenti in Sauang Bus very promising: he local government isoxpacted fs provide necorny fives, to enceuraze ‘he private sector so mvestin a fh processing factory hee ‘The fling have potent for investment to develop Sawang Bau Fshing Por: 1. Block ie Fctry apc 1 ton/day 2 Ful tate for fahing boats 2. Coldstoroge 4 Docking folios A aconmos 4 TOURISM Tobownsthe nba oto visio Cerin fat rnd be prone ‘eh, bath domestic and foreign touts, ae community doveloprenttvough ‘he Minty of our launched dee anarenes education of hal touts - ert Prory ture development pograns the conan, Spa Psona eampsan fn Acehy char) Aceh becoming andhotel buses atc, The Wot Best oll Cut evelopment of he tout inc sie (uR ne bracing “The ight Destination, 21 Sabong becoming The tough the extabshment of hall center oth” lsophialy fac Wires Bex Warne Tousen Destination, ines, waning in mansgerent of Ce the spi of people united under ‘and taka Lut Tamar bncoming The furs areas, yas cose nds Ila values an “abt i Works Bex Adventure Desinaion. ending spore. alin” thet il ing Hlessng ond rspenty to the este universe Dea all ourem mane that we ine sronghy websoning bah Mas, ‘Aceh Goverment hasten making forts Tour development in Aceh als oper ‘omerowehuranesouces devcegmest new appounties fr ereepreneuts ‘nacorance whe nececftawiem to take arin developing sever Sd Non Muli tourer endless iu ring fing peatortaning nveshnent opportunities wf as beauty of our provace ote deloprartctherptalty andthe contnucion of hota, cages, touren sid programs Diploma IV restaurants, vansparttion, souvenir Touran stedy nthe Acsh Palechic, centers and other business opportunities 2500.000 2.000.000 1500000 00000 zou as | aoe | 2017 | ane aa77sat | 1662,508 | 2077707 | 22se.05 | 2391968 sora | sass | 7as2 | 75758 | 103261 ave 262 | v7.6 | 3384240 | 2483 | 2.098.209 26 coum HEART OF THE CITY becoming a spt for Banda Aceh, ether in economy, soci and ature Te improve ty eave perlormance ne af sratesies i toreitlie Keng Aceh by + Connecting the Died Central Busines Distt (CRO) se crowd Feed Contel ‘Fail Ares/Piaces Coherence/Contnity: 1 Pees walks + Lighting ver and pedestion ced ‘The Reaing of Sate Lecton ‘nt eng eal Onerne Eevsopmant TOD) ‘Atri tenrinal concept tegiated with ‘commercial seo Mal and Hotel + Baautflvinw om the top snd hota 1 Pedeation acess o Pensyeng ‘Accessible fe 3 man road 90 acon mess cerocranTs 19 Tens Terminal, Shopping Mal Hotel \JBehyetepey (ne Stop Seniees agency Main Ofc: lan Tk Abu Lam No? Band Acah, Phone: 0881 32874 «) oameces Had tiers On saz ers607460, ennsaah28@y0h0 cr Golf Course Development — pak eon es © vous. Oe capensaae ea / Lhotasé tere Eocene) Bee acs Pence) Cee a ACEH'INDUSTRIAL estos ween 108 Sabang Free Port and Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Law No. 37 of 2000 for Sang Free Pert and Free Trade Zones Includes a ne range of feces for doing business in Sabang. The fee ade and Fee port determined fr 70 years INCENTIVES: The Sabeng Management and Development Agency (BPKS) perstes the FTZ and has the authori to grant business Tenses anc other lense, hence the procedures are fatter and easier PKS also proves incentives for business in Sabang The incentives ar: * Custom Clearance + Custom (xpar-impon) duties * Leary goods tax » Value Added Tax WAT) wens | Seared Free Tasezoce ree ra eles Peatareee pints Do teeatatae erred Ea tei pies ©) Sidhe Sane cr sexo ers cnammtyerti sao 2S 907 ere ee er eee ee ers cesemerrcaty Ce ee ee ne ed Senn actos + vi ra + Spa Lok Weng Pott eae) Spa eo Pees) ere en ees eed panei rete Se ee eer Cicer ATi Gas = pestle rs coed ee eee) ies Ih ae eee eee os pated ee pene) ac rm eee et ee es Cas Peoria eeenereerereet rg Property ces Ce ere Py } ons Lt i (i ene een SEZ Special Economie Zane) Avr LUrckeeumane was extablahed based on Government Regulation No. § OAT. SEZs on te geoph lection af Acsh ich ie croed by Sea Lane of Communication (120), thestatof Matera andhae > comparative adiantsge tobe pao otal preducion network or aabal aha cha, SEZ Ann Ubkaeumane wil develop long with he developran ofthe ‘eoion of evra courte nthe South ‘Asia region through te evilzation cf marine econony ofthe sik reas (Martie Se Roac- Ths the Special Economie Zone of Arun Unkut is inthe ASEAN and South Asian trading movers ith te potent and ‘ppertunie, SEZ Arun tnokseuane Is projected grow and develop inthe fre secon i) (ain Pt Poa hen Ga Llane Land Area: Vacant Area: 2,622.48 190% acoanstusns ceromunns 9 con maser oroxrunris20% 3 411 34 Why Invest : 0. Feasible and plassnt (0. Scenclocation present an ‘excl tral enorenmant fee Menyle aed reicenta Development Potential Ot, Gas, Enersy Petrochemical Food and Agro Processing Rea Estatereisre * UNG Hbrtading + Chara indus Perce * Logic infosmuere + Commer Fasinee 2 Urs Hubrracing * envionment Fenty ary * nerormodate cage and contines + Hotel Lei and + Gastication &Procesing + negates Pevocrerical Project + Next Generation Por Conference Facies + Rainry & Processing Facies + Residential Development + Powe Pant + Esaton for Employment * Storage Feces 1 Health and Welles Faces ot ae Unique Selling Unit roximity to Manpower: ie} “ete im ae 1. Connectivity and Proximity 1+ Education and unwversties = * = *'Sontegeloaton snimpoct pour saan hep dere! wedeiene : ar connec indus Support: tronyesee 5. Staab snd 1 Spel Ero Zone se 4. Premium Amis ‘cea Setting + Onete esate management + High quay rece Hips Stat + 2th gover sac {Recreation facies Insure ayes * Guorded and goed 2 tegrated lnfrstuctre: (Lereceaion pa anda, eee te + Ones huran capital services + lable ntasrctre country et aoe pot * lagi senie 1 ears matey sewage vestmant, + Edcaton + Gren neworA¥SUD foeroptc high peed broadband + Commanty + Fureeady ot bad + Smt and sustainable ei tecialogie: infocrucare 116 sconnsrusnsceromunnes 9 cou esraen omonronmis ane 115 eo Facilities and intensives in SEZ @--@--9--------0--@--8 Pormitand Texation Traffic Manpower tnmigation Landltand Nonpeont ister Hi Goods neti pry Incentive In Special Economic Zone es rs = es 20% 30% BY Drews production fora ACEH Nes betiod of2 )} (Misiam 20 percent for 5 1015 years prio for total investment ranging fom IDRSOO ition =IR 1 Tillon; 116 aconmvesenr orromnmes Se @ ovr saci co H. 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