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Student’s name BARRERA,ANGEL Curricular Yr.& BEED- Confucianism


Contact No. 09162254009 Time Allotment 9 hours

Residence Tangke Talisay City Cebu Inclusive Date/s


Cite a real-life example of the values of a relativist, wherein it was

accepted in the past,but not necessary in these present times.
 Morally right or right according to some society moral code
 There is no objective moral truth for people at all times they have to go
on what they heve through
 There is no objective moral standard independent of what socities
enclose because they have thier own opinion about the things they into
 They cant say that a socities moral values of practices are objectively
right or wrong


1. C 6.C
2. D 7.D
3. A 8.B
4. D 9.C
5. D 10. A,D,E

1. As an occupation, a profession involves:

c)C a specialized training and qualification
2. It is an act mandating the continuing professional development
program for all regulated professions, creating
d)D RA 10912
3. According to the Professional Regulatory Commission, the
following are requisites of a professional teacher,
a)A Must have a mastery of subject matter.
4. Which of the following is NOT true about a VOCATION?
d) It is entered upon due to additional rewards
5. Which of the following illustrates teaching as a profession?
D I possess a deep understanding of the theoretical knowledge
about learning and human behavior.
6. Which of the following suggests that teaching is a vocation?
C c) see teaching as a calling for service. In here, I found
7. Which of the following professional teacher demonstrates attitudes
that foster learning and genuine human relationship?
A teacher who develops empathy for his/her students and
value them as unique individuals.
8. Theoretical knowledge about learning and human behavior is a
strong foundation that should serve to guidea teacher's actions. The
following statements show how this is put into practice, EXCEPT:
b)B Newly hired teachers think that the theories they have learned
are not workable and are difficult to interpret in order to solve
practical problems.
9. Attitudes have a direct effect on the professional teachers’ behavior.
The major categories of attitudes that affect teacher behavior are the
following, EXCEPT:
c)C teacher's attitudes toward his/her family members

10. Which of the following indicate a teacher's mastery of the subject

matter? Circle all that apply.
a)A Promotes judicious selection of the learning resources to be used
to teach the subject matter.
D Translates the content knowledge into forms and levels that
meet the abilities and needs of the
e) E Ensures that curricular content is appropriate to the objectives
and the educational level of the learners.


1. Based on the given demands of the society from you as a teacher,

how do you feel about them? Are you changing your YES to the call to
teach? Share your thought on it.
Yes, I would love to accept the call for me to teach because everything
,happens for a reason and that reason has a purpose I recieve this call
because I know I have a mission to finish and that mission would fulfill
mylife living in this world .It would be my pleasure to do such thing and
spread the thoughts that I have in me ,also it would be my pleasure to do
such thing and spread the thoughts that I have in me ,also it would be
my chance to show my future students of what really the beautifulness
of life and not just by the theories but more on the experience for them
to really visualize things.
2. With the given qualities of a professional in mind, cite at least three
(3) Filipino traits that work against the making of a true Filipino
teacher. Expand your reasons.
These are some of Filipino traits work that works against the making
of a true filipino teacher such as Bahala na habit,Procrastination and
crab mentality .When we talk about the things and they just
completely give up and say bahal na or in English come what
may.Procrastibation, this trait if I can do thus by tomrrow? It means
thats this traits would led to a person not to do things now but prefer
to do that tomorrow .And also crab mentality ,yhis filipino trait

3. How do you perceive your decision in choosing EDUCATION as a

program? Is it your vocation,mission, or are you seeing it as a
profession? Elaborate your answer.


1.What do you think are the most important contributions of contemporary

art as a period and the numerous movements under it in the lives of men

2. Out of all movements mentioned and discussed, what do you think are no
longer relevant nowadays?

3. With the different art movements across history, what do you think does the
future hold for art and art production? Looking into the next 2o years, what
do you think are the new trends that will emerge?

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