System of Simulation and Control With Mobile Sources

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Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on

Information Control Problems in Manufacturing

Moscow, Russia, June 3-5, 2009

System of Simulation and Control with Mobile Sources on MATLAB

A.G. Butkovskiy*, V.A. Kubyshkin*, V.S. Suhoverov*
Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russia, 117997, Moscow, GSP, Profsojuznaja, 65,

Abstract: Principle scheme and computer control system for motion and power of mobile sources of heat
are considered. Model of plant and control method for mobile sources of heat are also considered.
Description of principle blokes of simulation and calculation for programmed motion control and power
of source are given. It is described variant of system in form of program complex in MATLAB media.
Keywords: mobile sources of heat, motion and power control, simulations, computer control system,
electron beam and laser installations, program complex, screen interface.

1. INTRODUCTION Control problem is to receive prescribed temperature

distribution over the surface of ingot and support it under
Powerful electron beam and laser installations in external disturbances.
technological processes of melting, welding, thermo
treatment, metal dust covering of surfaces in vacuum require Centre of heat source moves along direct line trajectory from
to create special control systems with mobile sources of heat point x0=0 up till other end point xn=L. Such motion of source
and material. Mobile sources and material provide is called cycling or multi-cycling motion (Kubyshkin V.A. et
temperature or mass distribution with high accuracy over al., 2005). Intensity of source can be changed considerably
given area of surface of manufactured objects. In the papers slowly than period of time when source is running over
and book by A.G. Butkoskiy, Yu.V. Darinskiy, L.M. interval (0,L).
Pustylnikov (Butkoskiy A.G. et al., 1976, 1987) for the first
time exact mathematical statements of above mention
problems were given for distributed parameter systems with Electron Power
gun amplifier
mobile sources of heat or materials.
Deflecting Power
Now-a-days such control systems are developed as system amplifier
programming complexes by means of computers with
furthers realizations by means of microprocessors. The Electron beam
Control unit
purpose of given paper is to describe programme expedients
which permit simulate heat or mass processes in objects and
make control processes by mobile sources in real Vmet
Metal ingot
installations. Such systems now have applications in x0=0 xn=L for melting
technological process of zone cleaning for metals, melting
ingots in crystallizers, junction, welding and thermo-tests.
Cooling liquid
Fig. 1 shows the basic scheme of control system for mobile
electron beams in plane crystallises for manufacturing metal
ingots. Vpull
y Crystallizer
Electron beams is created by special gun. By means of
deviating system electron beam is directed along the surface
of ingot. Ingot itself is moving down with speed Vmet. Fig. 1. Scheme of ingot melting.
Coming into the zone of acting electronic beam ingot for Prescribed temperature distribution along interval (0,L) can
melting is melted and drops into cooling crystallizer. Here be reached by means of programmed pies- continuous control
molten metal becomes solid and simultaneously moves down for motion and power of source.
with speed Vpull. Control system forms signals which control
Fig. 2 shows the scheme of computer control system for
power of electron beam and its motion.
mobile power source in mobile control systems on Fig. 1. In
the model interval (0,L) (see Fig. 2) is divided by n equal

978-3-902661-43-2/09/$20.00 © 2009 IFAC 1201 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0568

Moscow, Russia, June 3-5, 2009

intervals Ii = (xi-1,xi), i = 1,2,…,n. The speed Vi(x), x ∈ I i Where Q is temperature at point x (or point ( x, y ) , for 2-
along each interval I i respective law of source motion s (t ) dimensional model) at moment t; a = λ c ρ is coefficient of
and required power p ( t ) are calculated in the model to temperature conductivity; λ coefficient of heat conductivity
provide given for example uniform temperature distribution for given ingot, c – thermal capacity, ρ – density of
on the surface of ingot (see Fig. 2). If pyrometer observes material, S is square of cross section of one-dimensional
deviation for temperature distribution from given one then model, Qc is temperature of surrounding atmosphere at
pyrometer gives signals to correct speed of beam and integral
y = 0 (boundary of ingot); Q0 is initial temperature
power of source.
distribution; α is coefficient of heat exchange on the
boundary at x = 0 and x = L ; σ * is Stefan-Boltzman
Electron Power constant; 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1 is degree of blackness; g 0,L and QH are
gun amplifier
prescribed function of time to specify thermo exchange
processes on the boundary of ingot.
Mobile source itself is described by formula:

F ( x, t ) = p(t )ψ( x − s (t ), σ) , t ≥ 0 , (7)

Where p ( t ) is power of source; s ( t ) , 0 ≤ s ( t ) ≤ L, t > 0 ,
x0=0 xn=L
describes position of electron beam centre; ψ ( x, σ ) has
function describing the form of source. Number parameter σ
describes the diffusion of electron beam. We suppose,
y ψ ( x, σ ) is Gaussian form of distribution for electron beam

Fig. 2. Scheme of computer control system. (

ψ ( x,σ ) = (1 2πσ ) exp ( − 1 2σ 2 ) x 2 . ) (8)

Steady-state temperature distribution takes place when we

3. MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF OBJECTS have long enough fast periodic regime of mobile source with
We consider two types of model: 1) 1-dimensional, 2) 2- constant power. For computation of periodic mobile source
dimensional models on space coordinates: regime we use “Method of substitution and realization”
(Butkovskiy A.G. et al., (1987), Kubyshkin V.A. et al.,
a). One dimensional space model: 2005).
∂Q a ∂ 2 Q 1 Part “substitution” in this method consists of substitution of
= + F ( x, t ), 0 < x < L, t > 0, (1)
∂t S ∂x 2
cρS mobile control by distributed control F * ( x,t ) which provide

given steady-state temperature field of the plant Q* ( x ) .
⎡ ∂Q ⎤
After that we define power and trajectory of mobile source.
⎢ αQ m λ ∂x ⎥ = g 0, L , Q( x, 0) = Q0 ( x) . (2)
⎣ ⎦ x=0 This step is called “realization”.
b). Two dimensional space model:
∂Q ∂ 2 Q ∂ 2 Q
= 2 + 2 , ( x, y ) ∈ ( 0 ,L ) × ( 0 ,H ) , t > 0 , (3) 1,6
∂t ∂x ∂y
⎡ ∂Q ⎤ 0,8
⎢ αQ m λ ∂x ⎥ = g 0, L , (4)
⎣ ⎦ x =0
⎡ ∂Q 4⎤
⎢ −λ ∂y − εσ ( Qc − Q ) ⎥ = F ( x,t ) , x ∈ ( 0,L ) ,
(5) x
⎣ ⎦ y =0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 L
Q ( x,H ,t ) = QH , Q( x, y, 0) = Q0 ( x, y ) . (6) Fig. 3. Distributed source of heat F * ( x ) along x ∈ [ 0, L ] .

Moscow, Russia, June 3-5, 2009

Here it is require to get given temperature distribution Q* ( x ) 5. PROGRAM COMPLEX FOR BLOCKS OF
in steady-state regime. Fig. 3 shows distributed source of heat
F * ( x ) along x ∈ [ 0, L ] . Program complex for blocks of simulations is intended for
interacted simulation of heat treatment process. It contents of
Fig. 4 shows function s ( t ) = s* ( t ) in mobile control (7) 1) program block for simulation of heat dispersion in the
metal under the treatment, 2) program block for calculation
which corresponds distributed source of heat F * ( x ) in Fig. of motion for mobile source of heat (electron beam); 3)
3. program block for simulation of mobile source with choose
law of motion and choose power of source; 4) program block
s*(t) for calculation of temperature distribution under given
control; 5) screen interface for users works with simulation
Interacting users work is provided by window interface. Main
0,3 window of program interface is shown on Fig. 5.
The upper part of window is served for formation of piece-
0,1 continuous function F * ( x ) (left upper corner) and right
upper corner is served for parameter setting : material,
number of intervals, period time, length of material, number
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 T t of steps in time and length, choice of intervals.

Fig. 4. Function s ( t ) = s* ( t ) in mobile control (7) which On the lower part of windows in the left corner it is shown
the simulation of mobile heat source. In the right lower
corresponds distributed source of heat F *
( x) in Fig. 3. corner of the window it is shown the parameters of heat
source: 1) power parameters and σ and 2) parameters of
4. CALCULATION OF MOTION AND POWER FOR motion: amount of cycles, deceleration, and general number
MOBILE CONTROL steps of time.

For calculation the programmed periodical motion s* ( t ) and

constant power p* it is required to solve the following
integral equation with unknown value p* and unknown
function s* ( t ) :

F * ( x) = p* ∫ ψ( x − s* (t )),σ)dt . (9)

In case of large concentration of electron beam i.e. small

value σ , function ψ ( x, σ ) can be replaced by δ -function.
Then the power and law of motion can be approximately
calculated as it was done in (Kubyshkin V.A. et al., 2005) .
p* = ∫ F * ( x)dx,
Fig. 5. Main window of program interface.
T 1
s* (t ) = τ −1 (t ), τ* ( x ) = * ∫ F * (ξ ) d ξ , (10)
p 0
Also here it is shown parameters of motion of mobile source:
where τ ( x ) is inverse function to s* ( t ) . 1) amounts of cycles, decelerations, and 3) general numbers
of steps in time t=500.
In the real control system continuous distributed heat F * ( x )
Fig. 6 shows temperature distribution if time of passage for
is presented by piece-constant function F *c ( x ) on x ∈ [ 0, L ] each intervals are equal for any i = 1, 2,..., n . To realize more
in accordance to formula (10) with n intervals of constancy. uniform temperature it is necessary to increase passage time
There is possibility for small correction of power p* and for space-intervals at the ends of intervals (see Fig. 7).
velocity on each interval of constancy of function F *c ( x ) .
For more detail see reference (Kubyshkin V.A. et al., 2005).

Moscow, Russia, June 3-5, 2009

Distributed Parameters”, Automation and Remote

Control, 37 (2, part 1), pp. 133-142.
Butkovskiy A.G., Pustyl’nikov L.M. (1987) Mobile Control
of Distributed Parameter Systems. Ellis Horwood Ltd.
Butkovskiy A.G., Kubyshkin V.A., et al. (1983) “The
Temperature, oC

Implementation of Distributed Control Functions by

Using Mobile Control Sources”, Automation and Remote
Control, 44, (4, part 1), pp. 411-417.
Kubyshkin V.A., Finyagina V.I. (2005) Mobile Control for
Distributed Parameter Systems. Moscow, SINTEG,
232 p. (in Russian).

Length, m Time, sec

Fig. 6. Temperature distribution with heating of the

permanent speed of mobile source.
Temperature, oC

Length, m Time, sec

Fig. 7. Temperature distribution with heating at the reduced

speed of source near the ends of rod.

In the paper we consider principle schemes, structures and
compositions of computer system for mobile heat sources. It
is described one variant of system in form of program
complex. Program complex permits to get and support in
time prescribed one-dimensional temperature distribution. In
given version a correction of speed and power of mobile
source are realized by operator on base of visual observation
or pyrometer. In further development of system it is planned,
in particular, to create algorithms and respective blocks for
automatic correction of power and speed of mobile heat
source at each point and speed of mobile heat source at each
point of heated sample. For this purpose it is necessary to
use scanning pyrometers for getting information about
temperature distribution.

Butkovskiy A.G., Darinskii Yu.V., Pustyl’nikov L.M. (1976)
“Non Stationary Control with Systems Having


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