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Periodic Test -1st (2021-22)
Sub- English Core
Time 2 hrs Class-XII M.M-40

1. What a thunder clap these words were to me!” Which were the words that shocked and
surprised little Franz?
2. What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave his last French lesson?
3. What changes came over little Franz after he heard M. Hamel’s announcement?
4. Why had the bulletin-board become a centre of attention during the last two years?
5. What was Franz expected to be prepared with from the school that day?
6. What does the reference to chappals in ‘Lost Spring’ tell us about the economic condition of
the ragpickers?
7. Describe the irony in Saheb’s name.
8. What did Garbage mean to the children of Seemapuri and to their parents?
9. In what sense is garbage gold to the ragpickers?
10. How is Mukesh different from the other bangle makers of Firozabad?
11. How did Douglas finally get rid of the fear he had of water?
12. Why did Douglas prefer to go to YMCA swimming pool to learn swimming?
13. Which two incidents in Douglas’ early life made him scared of water?
14. What happened when ‘a big bruiser of a boy’ tossed Douglas into the YMCA pool? How did
Douglas plan to come out?
15. Why did the peddler think that the world was a rattrap?
16. How was the peddler treated at the crofter’s cottage?
17. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?
18. Why did the peddler keep to the woods after leaving the crofter’s cottage? How did he feel?
19. Why did the peddler think that the world was a rattrap?
20. Do you think Saheb was happy to work at the tea stall? Answer giving reasons.
21. Y.M.C.A stands for?
(a) Young Men's Christian Authority
(b) Young Men's Christopher Association
(c) Young Men's Christian Army
(d) Young Men's Christian Associa
22. Where is Yakima located?
(a) US City Newzealand
(b) US City in Callifornia
(c) US City In Washington
(d) None
23. What does Douglas do to save himself in the pool?
(a) Used his mind and pushed himself up
(b) Shouted aloud
(c) Called people
(d) Shouted help
24. What was the impact of the pool incident?
(a) Developed fear
(b) became confident
(c) became overconfident
(d) Hydrophobia was revived
25. Why did Douglas' mother recommend that he should learn swimming at the Y. M.C.A
swimming pool?
(a) Because it was local
(b) Because it was safe
(c) Because it was shallow
(d) Because it was shallow and safe
26. What do the boys appear like to the author in the story
(a) Morning crows
(b) Evening crows
(c) Morning birds
(d) Evening birds
27. Why did Saheb go through garbage dumps
(a) To find a silver coin
(b) A rupee
(c) A ten rupee note
(d) All of these
28. Who is Mukesh?
(a) Student
(b) Worker
(c) Bangle Maker
(d) Ragpicker
29. What is the means of survival in Seemapuri
(a) Work
(b) Merchandising
(c) Education
(d) Ragpicking
30. What is function of glass blowing industry?
(a) To make windows
(b) To make doors
(c) To mould glass
(d) To mould glass and make colourful bangles
31. Deep water is an excerpt from which book?
(a) Fear of water
(b) Of men and Mountains
(c) How to Swim
(d) Fearless
32. How did this experience affect the author
(a) Became fearless
(b) Confident
(c) Overconfident
(d) Became hydrophobic
33. Why did Douglas hate to walk with bare legs?
(a) Ugly looking legs
(b) Fat legs
(c) Because of skin color
(d) Because of skinny legs
34. Where was the lake Wentworth?
(a) In New Hampshire
(b) In Washington
(c) In California
(d) In Washington D.C.
35. In what manner has the story (The Rattrap) been narrated?
(a) Non-fictitious style
(b) Realistic manner
(c) Fairy tale manner
(d) None of these
36. What is massage of the story?
(a) Love and kindness are powerful reformers
(b) Kindness is powerless
(c) Kindness encourages thieves
(d) Thieves need reprimand
37. Why does the peddler knit up various kind of thoughts?
(a) Because of greed
(b) Because of travelling
(c) Because of loneliness and poverty
(d) None
38. Why did the peddler have to take shelter?
(a) Because of his wishes
(b) Because he wants to steal
(c) Because he wants to be with his friends
(d) Be he had no home
39. Why did Edle have doubts about the Peddler?
(a) His behavior
(b) His words
(c) His fear and appearance
(d) None
40. Who used to make rattraps?
(a) Crofter
(b) Edla
(c) Ironmaster
(d) Peddler

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