Shadow Inquisition

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And yet humanity still believes in that image of God as

their lord and savior, a source of good, despite the horrors it
brings. Not only due to fanatism to a mission, but also
inductinated or forced by society to believe the words of the
“Holy Book”, with the widsom of God.
All is a lie, a vain pray for salvation and a frail image of
hope. The God worshipped by humanity, is an eldritch
monstrosity awoken from all of mankind's darkest desires,
nightmares and vices. Now, with the mission of guiding
humanity to their fate, spinning the Wheel of Fate as an
actual deity. Though there are those who have learned the

The Truth of God horrible and unbearable truth. Throughout the history of man,
some of “the Wise” have created art and texts telling the
truth, though such information have been mostly lost, burned
“Re asons for pain. Re asons for sadne ss. Re asons or condeemed heresy.
However, the truth of the Idea of God, is actually more
for life . Re asons for de at h. Re asons why our live s
suited to be called the Ego of Evil. And those who know the
are fille d wit h suffe ring. Re asons why our de at hs truth, know about this eldritch Demiurge.
The Demiurge is a primordial, eldritch horror residing in
is absurd. Hum ans want re asons for t he dest iny the depts of the darkest Abyss. It is responsible for the fate
t hat kee p t ransce nding our knowle dge . And God
of humanity, acting on the species' collective desires.
None have truly meet God. However, some information
produce t hose , as it is what God ha ve bee n brought have been accumulated over the centuries, from varrying
sources and from a variable amount of methods, and all
into exist e nce for. ”
theories points to anything than an "Old man in the skies,”
— Abu Ray han Arsl an, — T he A b u M a n us c r i p t .
but a macabre an alien, cosmic horror resting within the
eather, the darkness of the Abyss outside the known realm of
AD. 115 existence.

Imagine knowing, with absolute certainity, that God is in One of the only remaining of such depictions of the
his Heaven and that he loves you. Imagine that despite all Demiurge, comes from the poems and paintings of the 3rd
your sins and faults, despite all the horror and death in the century Persian artisan, Qasim Al-Zahir, whoes artwork often
world, a path to Heaven exists. Imagine that even through depictured "God" as a massive darkness. It is the life of the
people murder, steal, rape and lie, God will wash away Abyss, the life-giving blood to fate, the creator of the horrors
humanity's sins. Imagine those notions without doubt, without of humanity. Qasim's depictions varies over time, but
the notion or even the option of believing otherwise. You consistently they describe the Demiurge as appearing as a
don't choose to believe those things. You know them because colossal conglomeration of innards and tendrils the size of a
you've been instructed to know them all your life. large planetary body filling all of the Abyss. On closer
inspection it possess a slimy "skin" covered in countless
And then somewhere along the way, you learned the
thousands of eyes, valves and what at first glance appear to be
horrible truth. There truly is a God, yes, but all is decidedly
warts but which are in fact biological incubators, each one
not right with the world or humanity. The existence of God
containing monstrosities in its larval stage. Its whole interior
is more a scorn than a salvation, a deadly infection than a life
is also riddled with enormous tunnels which are home to yet
giving force. More of a curse than a blessing. A morbid cruel
more of these disgusting pustules, housing an untold number
sentient power feeding on mankind's desires, rather than
of unborn monstrosities. The valves in it's body inhales and
mankind created in a loving God's image.

AD. 12 1 3

exhales obscuring clouds of the souls of mortals. It sprouts Arian priest, Gregorio de la Mesa, who was later trialed for
countless tentacles and vein-like protrusions which grows into sorcery, heresy and condemned to death, wrote about the
the surrounding realms. It rests in a massive void full of a “Daedroths” or “the true messiahs”, of which there are
gaseous substance upon which it feeds, which is the souls of severeal. One example in his last texts, refers to a certan
the dead. Merodach, a great warlord of ancient Mesopotamia, who was
Quasim believed that all humans have a collective sub- deadly wounded in battle and slipped into death. However, in
consciousness and that this Demiurge slumbers within that the Eclipse, he heard the “Voice of God”.
sub-consciousness, making it essentially both the first Chosen as an Avatar, Merodach's being would slowly
powerful and essential omnipotent entity and the Will of the solidify “within the womb” into his true existence, Merodach
World. was reborn as an eldritch, god-like being in the world of men,
He speculated that humanity is the unwitting creator of the beyound any mortal comprehention; Merodach had been
void that this elder deity sleeps within, though it's unlikely ascented into a Daedroth, the messiahs chosen by God, a
that humanity created it, or if all of humanty is quintumvirate of omnipotent sovereigns who act as executors
subconsciously bound to it. of God's will, by virtue of their desires being intrinsic to the
Contradicting to the Holy Book, rarely have any mortals entity.
heard the "Voice of God", but those few who have learned
the truth have all gone either completely mad with despair or the Return
become forever changed for the worse.
In ancient times, human tribes were able to perceive and
In the heretic texts of La verdad de los mundos exteriores
interact with astral entities, even erecting shrines in reverence
(Truth of the Outer Worlds), from the 6th century Hispanic
of spirits and pseudo-gods. However, following the
widespread of the Holy Church's orthodoxy the old
traditions have been forgotten by time.
After the reveal and dardenening defeat of the
Daedroth; Humbaba, the Sumarian King and
Sorcerer, Gilgamesh, back in the late 2nd millennium
BC, with the aid of six wise magicians, managed to
strengthen the veil between worlds by creating a Great
Seal to lock the eldritch influence from this world.
Which helped preventing horrors from entering the
world of man. However, this also shut off the access
to the dreamlands and the spirit worlds, resulting in
the presence of spirits and fae creatures from
interacting with humans and prevented humans from
tapping into the forces of the aether. This transformed
these creatures into nothing but mythological creatures
of legend, and magic and sorcery became folktales.
Unfortunately, the process of this Great Seal was
corrupted during it's creation, as such the Seal is
slowly but graduately fading. Throughout the
millennia, the eldritch forces and other supernatural
threats have slowly been slipping through.
The slow weakening of The Great Seal brings
about the merging of the astral and corporeal realms
into one global Interstice, with astral spirits and

AD. 12 1 3

eldritch creatures of myth taking physical form worldwide as As the Astral World expands, the landscape becomes
living legends. These goblins and daemons, terrorizing the markedly different from that of the Interstice, unimaginable in
common folk, which strangely enough, only helps comparison. In these deep layers, there exist eldritch beings
strengthening the faith of salvation from the “Lord”, and the so profound and dissimilar, so powerful and potent from
support of the Holy Church's crusades and escalating most others as to be considered god-like, so powerful as to
strictness. have their influences reach across the realms, without even
being present. Such beings include Daoloth, Seraphim,

Astral World Daedroth, daemons, and nephilim.

The Astral World, also known as the Netherworld, is the

realms in the macrocosmic trinity, overlapping the Physical
the Abyss
World, the world of dreams and Ideal World. It is the planes The Abyss is the deepest level of the Astral World. It is
in which ethereal beings reside – the World of Wonders. called "Hell" by some. The Abyss is the home of the Ego of
More precisely, the realms are home to numerous eldritch Evil, the resting place of the Demiurge. It has a vortex of
creatures of legends on its surface layers, as well as profound souls, an endless swirl of consciousness as if all the evil in
primal forces of nature near the deeper strata. the world were gathered there. It's the dark side of the
The Astral World is multi-layered, beginning at a shallow collective consciousness of the human species and other
layer, in which creatures of legend reside, and expanding sentient monstrosities, filled with all kinds of blurred negative
downward into the depths of primordial forces. feelings, forgotten dreams and concealed desires and vices.

the Interstice
The Interstice is a shallow layer of the Astral World which
intermingles significantly with the Physical World, where the
dead who did not realize they died or left regretfully and
various astral beings reside. Certain humans that use magic
like witches and warlocks or those of strong spirituality have
a footing in the Interstice and can interact with the beings
residing there.

the Umbra
The Dream Realms
The Umbra or the Dream Realms is a border-realm within
the Interstice, between the Human and Astral worlds. It is a
vast, alternate dimension or universe, accessible to earthly
humans only through dreams and through which one can
enter the Abyss.
Umbra is a layer of the Astral World that is home to
creatures created from the dark recesses of humanity's
collective thoughts. Such residents of this realm include fae,
spirits, monsters and other mystical creatures of legends.

the Sefirot
AD. 12 1 3

Church's most feared and religious chapters is the Holy

The Holy Chapters Inquisition. It rose in the first half of the 10th century to
combat heresy and the servants of the Devil. However, in
truth, this force against evil is more a force against the non-
There is no power above God.
believers. Their primary roles seems to be hunting and
There is no labor unendurable in the name of God. punishing heretics, destroying any subjects contradicting the
There is no pain unbearable in the name of God. holy doctrines, and often enforce blind obedience from the
There is no fear unassailable with faith in God. common man through fear of persecution and execution.
Their Inquisition sweep across the land as a holy tide,
There is no object that cannot be given up for God.
darkening the skies with the soot and smoke from the holy
There is no word other than the word of God. fire of their mission.
There is no end. There is a place for us all at the feet Pope Severius II has recently declared Augustus Dominic
of God. Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition and has commissioned the
—the Holy Book Holy Office of the Inquisition, to seek out and convert—or—
punish heretics and heresy where ever they find it. Something
he is most dedicated and very thorough about.
The Holy Church is an independent theocracic protectorate However, there are those who knows the truth and take
utterly dedicated to the strict doctrine of God. Led by the battle against the forces of darkness. This obscure order is
cardinals, a ruthless priest caste, their worldwide order of the true defenders against the darkness, the true hunters of
organized religious crusades have earned the Church power, monsters wherever they reveal their ugly heads, and they can
rivaling that of kings. Their Holy War against "The Devil" actually differate between an evil witch and an ecentric healer.
and all of his worshippers and agents is a battle they can't They don't lecture the common man of his sins. They don't
lose. After all, they have God on their side! praise faith in false saviours. They restlessly seek out and
Now the Church stands as a formidable power, battle the true enemy.
armed with both righteous weapons of war
and the resolve of fanatic faith.
Despite the presence of mystic
Besides the armies of the creatures, witches and ghouls, the
Knight Templars, the Knights common man is not nearly as aware
Hospitaller, and the of these horors as they
Teutonic Knights. should be. At least
Another of the not enough to
Holy know what

AD. 12 1 3

monsters truly are. One of the reasons is the harsh orthodoxy

of the Church never speaking about such horrors. Another is Shadow Inquisition
the relatively obscurity about daemons and monsters.
Although most believe in ghosts and daemons, it's one thing
to believe they exist as an opposition against God. But to Witchhunters
actually know they truly exists without fear of any gods, is The Witchhunters is a dark and mystical group that works
another story. to defeat the Demiurges and all of their spawn. Originally
But if the Church can't (or most likely don't care to) take established by the old Church, the Witchhunters is
up arms against undead monsters and eldritch horrors, then denounced by the Holy Office, ostracized and anounced as
who does truly defend the common folk from ghouls and heretics and an enemy of God and a scorn on the Church.
goblins? Founded by the Cardinal Trine, a small group of occult
There is a secret order, formerly from the Church, whose scholars within the Church, investigating old texts and
mission is only to slay monsters, banish daemons, exorcise manuscripts, ancient sculptures and artifacts, investigating and
ghosts, hunt vampires and werewolves, sniff out witches and excavate old forgotten tempels. These secrets all felt on deaf-
lift curses or searching for dangerous lost relics. ears or received threats of persecution, resulting in trials of
They dont adhere to the laws of the Church, they don't five members of these scholars, including two cardinals.
care about God for they know the truth. They don't care Pope Alexander III, however, was secretly worried and
about the methods only the goal. They have chosen to fight granted the remaining three cardinals Alencio Gerrourio,
fire with fire and they have chosen to utilize the knowledge of Georgio la Lelaverde, and Cicero Marcellus; later referred to
man combined with the forces of the aether to become the as the Cardinal Trine the permission to act in secrecy. These
best agents and advesaries of the creatures from beyond the three cardinals formed contra Diabolum enim et alii
veil. daemones (against the Devil and other demons), a secret holy
They are the Witchhunters; they are also sometimes referred group dedicated to investigate the truth about the Daedroths,
to as the Shadow Inquisition. the Demiurge, and other spawns from the Astral Worlds.
As more and more sightings of monsters and supernatural
forces became more common, the need for action required
drastic measures of a holy crusade against the astral

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In 993 AD the last deed of Pope Alexander III was world would it be allowed too, granted the abilities to tap
approving the Cardinal Trine to establish their own individual into the raw elements of aether from the netherworlds.
organization within the church; the Shadow Inqusition. Through decades of research into magical powers, alchemy
Before the official beginning of the 10th century, the and enhanced physiology, and have opened alot of insight
Shadow Inquisition was ready to investigate into the nature of into monster.
the Demiurge and all supernatural evil and have collected Later experiments included injecting raw ethereal energoes
large amounts of information. Divided into several orders into subjects' bodies. Those who didn't die immediately,
throughout the world, brought together by papal decree, the showed a slight unraveling effect on magic energies.
Shadow Inquisition lasted until the formation of the official This later developed into creating arteficial organs and
Holy Inquisition, at which point it was forcefully dissolved, blood, all grown through alchemy and with the element of the
for it's “satanistic and un-godly practices” and the various aether as core components. The result was enhanced blood
orders either joined and were reorganized, seceded or were and organs to be surgically inplanted within a potential
even hunted themselves. The remains of the Shadow candidate, granting them not only enhanced physical
Inquisition, however, managed to establish themselves back on capabilities but also an inate resistance to the supernatural if
their feet, but without church support. They secretly successful. The artificial organs and the aether element being
established a castle on an uninhabited island somewhere in a phycial part of a Witchhunter's body also allows for more
the North Atlantic Ocean. The exact location and how to potent alchemy than that other humans uses. Their connection
reach it by sea is known only to the Shadow Inquisition. It's with aether also allows them to perform metaphysical abilities,
on this island that the Dark Cathedral is located, a large close to, if not, actual magic spells and rituals.
cathedral and fortified castle that functions as the headquarter
The resulting Witchhunter; is now a seclusive order, with
of the Witchhunters.
innate defenses against supernatural powers, the most obscure
The Witchhunters is overseen by, and the field agents of, of forgotten knowledge and the enhanced physique to battle
the Shadow Inquisition. What these dark halls and dungeons inhumane enemies on equal terms. Though the consequences
have witnessed of forbidden experiments, dark rituals, and of these practices are still risky to the Witchhunter apprentice,
other blasphemous acts in the name of the greater good, as not all may survive the risky surgical procedures.
would unnerve the most dedicated God-fearing knight.
If managing to climb down the deepest parts of the cliffs
The Witchhunters acts like a closed spiritual warrior caste, that carries the stronghold, one would be stunned by the sight
and they don't care for prestige and doesn't adhere to of the ivory collored bases of the canyons and basin floor.
organized hierarchy or how they are presented. As a result Concealing the skeletal remains of all the failed subjects.
they are less resourceful than the religious militia orders of
the Holy Church.
It's unknown exactly from where they came, or what they
would gain, but certain unknown sources, supporting the
Shadow Inquisition, agreed to do something rather drastic,
and with combined resources and the united skills of some of
the greatest sages, alchemists, and scholars of the time, have
all contributed, somehow, to create a solution to the creation
of a empowered exterminator caste which could match the
horrors they would have to face.
Training and education could only prepare a knights' errents
to the dangers they would face, however, it couldn't provide
them with the edge they needed.
Combined and hazardous efforts resulted in alchemy-
enhanced sciences and surgical techniques, revolutioning the

AD. 12 1 3


Character Creation
Aether is equal to Courage. Starting Morality is the sum of
Character Process Conscience + Self-Control. Starting Willpower is the sum of
the character's Courage + Power.
† Select Attributes: Choose primary, secondary nad tertiary Spend additional 21 freebie bonus points.
categories of Attributes. Start with 1 dot in each Attribute;
† Endowment: Start with three Endowment Investitures at a
divide 6 additional dots among primary Attributes, 4 dots
maximum Tier-One. Other Investitures must be bought from
among secondary Attributes, 3 dots among tertiary Attributes;
the Cathedral with currency. Beginning Investitures can be
increased with 5 points times the current Tier-Level of the
Physical: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina. Endowment.
Social: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance.
† Rites: Rites are mystical rituals that Witchhunters are
Mental: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.
using in the field.
† Select Abilities: Choose primary, secondary and tertiary
categories of Abilities. Divide 11 dots among primary † Alchemy: Alchemy is the art of matter and how to
Abilities, 7 dots amon secondary Abilities, 4 dots among prepare mystic potions and poisons.
tertiary Abilities; 1 1 / 7 / 4
Talents: Innate aptitudes.
Skills: Learned abilities Freebie Points
Knowledges: Academic and intellectual lore. All † Attributes: 5 bonus points per dot.
Witchhunters automatically begins with 1 dot in Occult and 1 † Abilities: 2 bonus points per dot.
dot in Theology. † Ability Specialities (max three per ability): 1 bonus
† Select Advantages: Select one chosen primary Superior point each.
Virtues Power (Courage), Wisdom (Self-Control), Focus † Backgrounds: 1 bonus point per dot.
(Conscience). † Virtues: 2 bonus points per dot.
Divide 5 dots among Backgrounds, 7 dots among the three † Willpower: 1 bonus point per dot.
Virtues; (Courage, Self-Control, and Conscience) to a
† Rituals: 3x Level bonus points per Ritual.
maximum of 5 dots. Characters automatically has one dot in
each Virtue. † Endowment: Level x5 bonus points.
† Aether: Level x5 bonus points.
† Finishing Touches: Starting Permanent Aether is the sum
† Alchemy: Level x5 bonus points
of the character's primary Superior Virtue and its controlling
basic Virtue (Conscience + Focus, for ecample). Temporary

AD. 12 1 3

Nature & Demeanor Celebrant

The greatest joy in life is the only thing worth having.
Some particular kind of consummate satisfaction draws you
The twin faces of a character’s archetype, Nature and
on. Depending on who you are, it may be the ecstasy of
Demeanor, point at aspects of his personality beyond and
prayer, the heady rush of battle, the textures of the finest
beneath any specific aptitude or knowledge.
fabrics… almost anything might be the key to sensual
happiness. Whatever it is, you’ll do whatever seems necessary
Autocrat to protect that pleasure and enjoy it. You may or may not
The time is out of joint, and you were born to set it right. feel compelled to share the joy with others.
You thrive when you can take charge and bring order to † Regain Willpower whenever you experience a new pleasure
what’s been chaotic. You might be a great leader; you might within your favored category (using an unfamiliar type of
also have been one of the powerless masses, now serving in a weapon in battle, praying in accordance with a new liturgy or
role that was once denied to you. You trust your judgments, hymnal, wearing a fabric you’ve never worn before), when you
and why not? Experience tells you that you’re made for convert another character to a proper appreciation of the
special insights into both the world’s problems and their pleasure’s merits or when you repeat the single strongest
solutions. pleasure of your chosen sort.
† Regain Willpower when you lead a group to some
significant accomplishment. Defender
Everything that matters in the world struggles to survive in
Barbarian the face of its enemies. This isn’t necessarily a commitment
Civilization is the trap that the clever set for the weak, and to tradition, though. The thing you defend may be some
in which they end up snaring themselves. Truly intelligent, fragile innovation or the hope of future progress. You may
brave, strong people understand that sedentary existence only see your role in martial terms, or otherwise; this is an
brings you that much closer to the grave, and that what Archetype for healers and priests as well as warriors. You find
counts is what you achieve as an individual. You respect only your fulfillment in defending the cause to which you’ve given
actual deeds. Anyone can boast or scheme, but all words your allegiance.
vanish in the end. Only deeds remain, having changed the † Regain Willpower whenever you successfully defend your
world. chosen object of loyalty from some outside threat.
† Regain Willpower when you beat “civilized” competition
through your barbaric virtues. Gallant
Never mind goals and ultimate conditions: What matters is
Caretaker how you make your way. The most important thing in the
You are, indeed, your brother’s keeper. You know that the world is style in all its manifestations — the right appearance,
most important obligation is providing for others’ needs. Not the right accoutrements, the right speech and actions. You
everyone appreciates your effort, as you already know from aspire to be the gentleman or lady whose panache sets the
bitter experience, but rejection and ingratitude do not give you tone for the community around you. Romance and rhetoric
license to stop doing what you know you should. There can guide you; morbidity, depression and earnest self-denial are
be no rest until the world is at ease, and that’s a long way the great enemies.
off. † Regain Willpower whenever you accomplish a significant
† Regain Willpower when you put forth significant effort task with particular style and grace.
that benefits others without any particular return for yourself.
AD. 12 1 3

You are the one who sees the world as it is (a veil of folly atonement must be made. Your whole existence is given over
and deceit) and who enlightens others through the subtle ways to the struggle for redemption. You do everything you can to
of humor. They may see only slapstick or broad comedy, but deny your darker impulses or at least to channel them into
your insights creep past their mental walls and set up camp, some productive, virtuous enterprise.
so that in the end, the stupid, vicious, clumsy powers that be † Regain Willpower whenever you make a substantial
all fall down. Where there is wholesome laughter and relieved sacrifice to atone for a recent sin. The greater the sin, the
scorn, there is no room for tyranny. Let the world’s would-be more lasting the sacrifice must be.
masters beware, for you strike at the fear that sustains them.
† Regain Willpower whenever you raise the spirits of those
in great misery, or whenever you undermine a bully or tyrant
by making him the object of ridicule. Priests talk of Satan, kings talk of the Jacquerie. They
mean the same thing: that nobody should ever dare challenge
the existing order. You understand that everybody should
Judge challenge it, for the existing order is rotten to the core.
Above all, the world cries out for judgment. Someone must Authority is your enemy, and you will do whatever it takes to
weigh competing wants and needs in the balance, rewarding topple it. Impulsive or calculating, patient or rash, you know
those who deserve it and punishing the guilty for their your enemies. In time, they will know you and fear you.
offenses. That’s you. Whether you hold any official role or † Regain Willpower whenever you inflict significant damage
not, you are one of the latter-day heirs to Joshua, applying on the order you despise.
right principle and careful consideration to the tumult around
you. You act to resolve conflict and administer justice. It is
not necessary for others to appreciate or understand your Survivor
work; their obedience is sufficient. The Day of Judgment may be imminent, or it may be
† Regain Willpower whenever you settle a long-time dispute thousands of years off. Your goal is very simple: to be there
or whenever you convince contentious factions to submit to when the end comes. You’ll do whatever it takes to survive in
your judgment. the meantime. Alliance and betrayal, devotion and hypocrisy,
these are all just tools for you to use when appropriate. You
do care about what happens around you, and if you can take
Pedagogue others with you on the longest journey, so much the better.
“But I didn’t know,” says the criminal and the sinner. They It’s just that you won’t let them stop you, if it comes down
protest, but they have a point. Who can do right without to that.
being instructed? In the absence of revelation, we must all † Regain Willpower whenever
apply ourselves to the task of learning. Someone must teach you survive a serious threat
others the facts of the world, and that someone is you. You through determination and
find the greatest joy in correcting error and removing tenacity, or whenever
ignorance, whether others appreciate your efforts or not. your leadership
† Regain Willpower whenever you see someone survive a allows others to
significant threat thanks to knowledge you gave them or survive a threat that
whenever you can make a point of instruction compulsory, would otherwise
thereby abolishing that ignorance for good. have destroyed
In the beginning there was sin, and in the end there will be
judgment. In between, there is your guilt and the world’s, so
much wrong that must be acknowledged and for which

AD. 12 1 3

Attributes 6th—Inhuman. One extra action. Perfect cat-like balance
reduces falling damage and acrobatics difficulties.
7th—Unnatural. Two extra actions. Blinding cobra-like
Physical reflexes. Roll Initiative twice and pick the highest result.
The Physical Attributes measure qualities of the body, such 8th—Supernatural. Three extra actions. Near-absolute
as its strength, speed, coordination, resilience and so on. control of manual tasks. Could flip heads on a coin every
single time.
Strength is a character’s innate muscle power, governing Stamina
how much he can lift and how hard he can hit. Stamina includes overall health, toughness and resilience.
1st—Poor. You can lift 40 lbs. Characters with high Stamina can take more damage in and
2nd—Average. You can lift 100 lbs. out of combat, and they recover more quickly from the
3rd—Good. You can lift 250 lbs. injuries they do suffer.
4th—Exceptional. You can lift 400 lbs. 1st—Poor. Your existence is a constant parade of minor
(and major) miseries. In life, you got hurt easily and healed
5th—Outstanding. You lift 650 lbs.; you routinely break
the bones of (and otherwise intimidate) anyone who gets in
your way. 2nd—Average. You’re of average health.
3rd—Good. In life, you seldom succumbed to the illnesses
HIGHER LEVELS sweeping around you. In unlife, you resist injury better than
6th—Inhuman. Strike with staggering force. Opponents many vampires.
must make a successful Stamina roll when striked or become 4th—Exceptional. You keep going in the face of challenges
Dazed. that exhaust others.
7th—Unnatural. Powerful grip; bend steel or iron bars. 5th—Outstanding. Perhaps Adam and Eve were this
Unarmed strikes deal lethal damage. vigorous before the Fall.
8th—Supernatural. Lift a 1500 lbs. stone block. Earth-
shattering strikes so devestating that they inflicts aggravated HIGHER LEVELS
damage. 6th—Inhuman. Tough as an ox. Immune to most sickness
and weaker poisons. One additional Bruised health level.
Dexterity 7th—Unnatural. Immune to all non-magical poisons and
diseases. Two extra Bruised health levels. Take only half
Dexterity covers the qualities of physical prowess apart from
bashing damage after soak (round up).
strength, such as speed, agility, coordination and so on.
8th—Supernatural. Tireless; never need to rest or sleep.
1st—Poor. You are always awkward and often clumsy.
Three extra Bruised health levels. Take half lethal damage
2nd—Average. You get through life without too many after soak (rounded up).
embarrassing accidents.
3rd—Good. You move with notable grace, and you can do
well at the athletic efforts that attract your interest. Social
4th—Exceptional. You could be a professional tumbler or Social Attributes measure how well a character deals with
other acrobat, and you have the reflexes to make an others in various ways. They encompass her appearance,
outstanding warrior. charm, ability to master social graces and so on.
5th—Outstanding. You have the constant grace of a
demigod. Charisma
AD. 12 1 3

Charisma plays a part in efforts to win others’ trust and 7th—Unnatural. Enthralling. With a successful resisted
sympathy, and to bring them into alignment with the Manipulation versus Willpower roll, implant a post-hypnotic
character’s own views and goals. suggestion for a target to perform later, as long as it doesn't
1st—Poor. Even your best moments contain many minor threaten her life.
gaffes. 8th—Supernatural. Enslaving. As under level 6, but influence
2nd—Average. You seldom give unintended offense, and you continues even when not present, so that the subject feels
enjoy reasonable social standing among your peers and inclined to look out for the slaver's best interests as long as
neighbors. doing so doesn't put her in danger.
3rd—Good. People trust you and enjoy your company
without always realizing how much of your outlook they’re Appearance
adopting. Appearance is the sum of all the factors that make an
4th—Exceptional. You naturally lead whatever group you’re individual attractive to others. Physical beauty is part of it,
in. but so are one’s implicit attitudes, the subtle cues of body
5th—Outstanding. You have the confidence of the blessed. movement and poise and many other less obvious features.
1st—Poor. You’re ugly by the standards of your own society
and those of many others.
6th—Inhuman. Commanding presence. Others fall over
2nd—Average. You’re inconspicuous.
themselves in order to please.
3rd—Good. You attract favorable attention almost
7th—Unnatural. Awe-inspiring. Mortals bow in awe or flee
everywhere you go.
in fear. Impressionable people roll Willpower against
Charisma or suffer an ecstatic or psychotic episode. 4th—Exceptional. You stand out in nearly any crowd, for
good and ill.
8th—Supernatural. Divine aura. Crowds flock around and
acts like sheep under guidance. 5th—Outstanding. People routinely compare you to a
demigod or angel incarnate.

Manipulation HIGHER LEVELS

Where Charisma brings allegiance, Manipulation brings 6th—Inhuman. Heavenly. So attractive as to have an inner
obedience in the present moment, with or without lasting quality that causes others to see their own ideal. Each person
affiliation. sees the person's inner beauty through their own desires, and
1st—Poor. You have a hard time sounding sincere even people may disagree as to exactly what she may look like.
when you are. 7th—Unnatural. Mesmerizing. Those who are attracted fall
2nd—Average. You can persuade and be persuaded about as into a stupor as through she was their most beloved and
easily as anyone else. idolized person of worship. They may even roll a Stamina or
actually swoon in rapture.
3rd—Good. You’re accustomed to getting your way.
8th—Supernatural. Hypnotizing. Her words reach into the
4th—Exceptional. You have the makings of a good preacher
stunned mind of those who see her. Regardless of their
or inquisitor.
normal orientation, they must roll Willpower to resist trying
5th—Outstanding. Your words move all who hear them to to satisfy her every desire.
aid your cause, and you speak with divine (or demonic)
HIGHER LEVELS Mental Attributes are qualities of the mind, such as
6th—Inhuman. Absorbing. Can almost place an individual reasoning, intuition and sharpness of the senses. Depending
in a mild hypnotic state with a successful resisted on the individual, high Mental Attributes can represent wide-
Manipulation versus Willpower roll. Lasting for a scene. ranging genius or more focused cleverness.

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make innovations in your chosen field.

Perception 5th—Outstanding. You’re a latter-day Solomon or
Perception is the ability to accurately sense one’s Odysseus.
environment. It combines keen senses with the intuitive grasp
of what may or may not be significant, without needing to HIGHER LEVELS
pause for labored analysis. 6th—Inhuman. Eidetic memory. Encyclopedic pool of
1st—Poor. You may be bright but self-absorbed or simply knowledge. Decipher puzzles or mysteries with minimal clues
inattentive. and effort.
2nd—Average. Subtlety may elude you, but you don’t miss 7th—Unnatural. Intuitive understanding. Ignore penalties
the obvious, and you can do all right with the obscure if you from not possessing required Skills or Knowledges in
have time and good circumstances. Intelligence related rolls.
3rd—Good. You’re aware of your environment in significant 8th—Supernatural. Universal mind. All Knowledges, Skills
detail without having to strain at it. and talents are at a plus one level per success on an
4th—Exceptional. Little can remain hidden from you when Intelligence roll. Lasts for the rest of the scene.
you choose to find it. You see all things clearly.
5th—Outstanding. The book of the world opens its every Wits
page to you. Wits is the capacity for quick thinking: not necessarily for
HIGHER LEVELS brilliant intellectual reasoning or even for careful appraisal of
the environment, but rapid response based on available
6th—Inhuman. Eyes of an eagle, the nightvision of a cat,
information and survival instinct.
the ears and nose of a hound or hands delicate as a set of
scales. 1st—Poor. Your jokes fall flat and you’re the last to notice.
7th—Unnatural. Perceive infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. 2nd—Average. You get through life without too many
Hear like a bat, even using sonar to paint a sound-image of unpleasant surprises.
the surroundings. 3rd—Good. You’re quick on the uptake, and you often get
8th—Supernatural. Read an opponent so well that the best of others when speed is essential.
Perception may replace Dexterity in close combat. Pierce any 4th—Exceptional. You’re the one who makes everyone else
sensory-confounding magic—invisibility, illusion—up to level think, “I wish I’d thought of that.”
five, and can resist higher level magic with a successful 5th—Outstanding. You have the Psalmist’s gift for the
resisted Perception roll against the power. appropriate response for every occasion.

Intelligence 6th—Inhuman. Perform complex calculations instantly. Sum
Intelligence includes a character’s ability to master facts and up the situation instantly. Roll initiative twice and chose
knowledge, recall them at need and put them together to higher result.
produce new insights. Problem-solving and logic lie within the 7th—Unnatural. Complete integration of memory and
domain of Intelligence. mental capacity prevents surprise and ambush.
1st—Poor. If you’re not actually a half-wit, surely you have 8th—Supernatural. Computational mastery. Profound insight
less than one full wit. by processing vast bits of inspired conclusions that leaves
2nd—Average. You’re unremarkable, and you manage to get others in open-mouthed amazement.
through life without too much bewilderment.
3rd—Good. You’re insightful, and you can count on making
sense of many mysteries.
4th—Exceptional. You learn much, forget little and routinely

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Crowds, Forests, Noises, Paranoia, Traps.

Abilities measure your character’s capability to undertake Athletics is aptitude for physical exertion, be it during
specific kinds of tasks. Whereas Attributes measure raw relatively formal sports or simply in the course of an active
potential in broad fields, each Ability is a much more focused life. Athletic feats that are directly related to combat are
area of knowledge or expertise. covered by Brawl, Dodge, Melee and the other combat
Abilities, except in the case of thrown weapons. These require
Acting Without an Ability Athletics.
It’s actually when you don’t have an Ability that 1 Dot: Novice: You lead a moderately active existence.
thedifferences between Talents, Skills and Knowledges become 2 Dots: Practiced: You can compete effectively in local
clear. Talents are relatively easy to do by the seat of your sporting competitions.
pants, Skills are harder, and Knowledges are downright 3 Dots: Competent: You can support yourself, at least in
impossible. large measure, with the prizes you win in challenges of
physical excellence.
† Missing Talent: No additional penalty 4 Dots: Expert: Stories of your prowess circulate widely.
† Missing Skill: -1 penalty 5 Dots: Master: Your reputation precedes you, and would-be
† Missing Knowledge: No roll possible (automatic failure) rivals feel awe at your ability.
Possessed By: Barbarians, Entertainers, Spearmen, Squires,
Warriors, Youths.
Talents Specialties: Climbing, Dancing, Juggling, Running,
Talents are matters of innate aptitude, requiring no training Swimming, Thrown Objects, Tumbling.
to develop, and they improve primarily or exclusively through
experience. Brawl
Brawl is the ability to fight unarmed, whether with a
Alertness specific system of techniques or simply flailing away and
Alertness is the ability to notice things that are going on in relying on one’s experience of where and how to strike.
one’s vicinity, with or without actively searching for them. Brawling well requires coordination, speed, the ability to
Most Alertness rolls pair this Ability with Perception, and it withstand pain and the willingness to deal out “unfair”
generally applies to physical stimuli rather than matters of assaults, particularly against strong or quick opponents.
mood, the soul and so on. 1 Dot: Novice: You don’t immediately fold in the face of a
1 Dot: Novice: You’re seldom taken completely by surprise. fight.
2 Dots: Practiced: Whispers do not go unheard in your 2 Dots: Practiced: You’ve had your share of tussles with
vicinity. neighbors and other local brawlers.
3 Dots: Competent: You maintain a constant vigil. 3 Dots: Competent: You fight with confidence and
competence, and you can count on winning or at least coming
4 Dots: Expert: Few hidden things are safe around you.
through a fight and remaining standing.
5 Dots: Master: Your senses push the boundaries of human
4 Dots: Expert: You can take on most opponents and expect
potential and rival those of the beasts of the field.
to win.
Possessed By: Burglars, Hunters, Messengers, Sentries,
5 Dots: Master: You do as much with your fists as many
soldiers and knights do with their weapons.
Specialties: Ambushes, Angelic/Demonic Manifestations,
Possessed By: Brigands, Bullies, Soldiers.

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Specialties: Arm-locks, Boxing, Drunken Fighting, has given you a special perception.
Grappling, Showing Off, Throws, Wrestling. 5 Dots: Master: Nothing human is mysterious to you.
Possessed By: Commanders, Diviners, Gossips, Merchants,
Dodge Parents, Priests, Tricksters.
Dodge is the ability to get out of harm’s way, whether in Specialties: Background Emotions, Emotions, Family
combat or in the face of other sorts of danger. It Problems, Long-Term Concerns, Personalities, Truths.
encompasses the use of cover and agile maneuvering, and it
comes from the systematic training of a knight or the rough- Expression
and-ready experience and instincts of a thief or brawler. Dodge
Expression is the ability to communicate clearly and
plays a crucial role in the survival of any character who fights
appropriately with words, be they spoken or written.
often, greatly increasing his chances of escaping damage.
Characters with high Expression ratings make their arguments
1 Dot: Novice: You reflexively avoid most minor sources of persuasively, regardless of the extent to which the truth may
injury and show a measure of grace in your movements. support them. They can bring out subtle truths or convey
2 Dots: Practiced: You’re hard to hurt unless someone or subtle deceptions, depending on how they use their ability.
something catches you by surprise. Expression, although used when composing written texts, does
3 Dots: Competent: It takes serious effort for an opponent not cover the ability to actually read and write (that’s
to hit you; you get out of the way of most thrown objects as Academics).
well as immediate dangers. 1 Dot: Novice: Sometimes you find just the right words.
4 Dots: Expert: Only skilled warriors can expect to hurt you 2 Dots: Practiced: You routinely speak well, and (if you are
very much. literate) you can correspond reasonably clearly.
5 Dots: Master: Wherever a threat is, you’re almost 3 Dots: Competent: You can make a living with the spoken
inevitably somewhere else. and written word, and you can count on winning arguments.
Possessed By: Animal Trainers, Brawlers, Criminals, 4 Dots: Expert: Your sermons, proclamations or other acts
Hunters, Scouts, Soldiers. of expression garner widespread respect, and others copy your
Specialties: Backstep, Dive, Duck, Find Cover, Horseback, style.
Leap, Sidestep. 5 Dots: Master: Your fame runs far and wide among
devotees of good style, and others find it nearly impossible to
Empathy argue against you.
Empathy is the ability to understand others’ emotional Possessed By: Minstrels, Poets, Preachers, Rabble Rousers,
states and to present a suitable response — whether the Teachers.
character genuinely sympathizes with others or simply wishes Specialties: Acting, Conversation, Improvisation, Poetry,
to use them. It’s crucial in unraveling motives and helpful in Preaching, Storytelling.
detecting dishonesty.
1 Dot: Novice: You seem sympathetic to people with whom Intimidation
you share something in common. Intimidation is the ability to make others do what you
2 Dots: Practiced: You share others’ joys and sorrows, even want, not out of respect or conviction but out of fear of the
when you haven’t made any particular effort at it. consequences if they disobey. It may include the use of
3 Dots: Competent: You display keen insights into others’ threats, physical force or purely psychological tactics,
souls and enjoy a measure of respect or fear depending on depending on the individual.
how you use your wisdom. 1 Dot: Novice: You can reliably get your way with much
4 Dots: Expert: Few people can deceive you. Enemies mutter weaker targets.
that you deal with dark powers, and friends believe that God 2 Dots: Practiced: People around you know that when you

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make threats, you mean them, and they try not to cross you. 1 Dot: Novice: You’ve sometimes taken very small items
3 Dots: Competent: You exert the commanding presence of when nobody was looking and gotten away with it.
an authority figure, regardless of your actual status. 2 Dots: Practiced: You can rob alms boxes and steal from
4 Dots: Expert: Even those who like you feel some blind beggars with impunity, and you are good enough at
nervousness in your presence, and the masses fear your wrath. sleight-of-hand to entertain local gatherings.
5 Dots: Master: You are well on your way to becoming one 3 Dots: Competent: You can gracefully make off with nearly
of the legendary tyrants of the age. anything that isn’t nailed down, and you have the polished
Possessed By: Bullies, Commanders, Lords, Thugs, manner of a professional entertainer, even if that’s not your
Torturers. chosen livelihood.
Specialties: Blackmail, Overt Threats, Physical Coercion, 4 Dots: Expert: When you perform your tricks, they seem
Politics, Pulling Rank, Staredowns, Veiled Threats. genuinely supernatural to most observers.
5 Dots: Master: People wonder if perhaps supernatural
powers are performing the thefts you commit, thanks to your
Leadership audacity and the lack of any clues left behind.
Leadership is the ability to make others carry out orders. It Possessed By: Beggars, Jesters, Minstrels, Robbers.
doesn’t change their underlying outlook or convictions; it lets
Specialties: Concealment, Conjuring Tricks, Juggling,
the would-be leader seem credible and worthy of respect based
Picking Purses.
on whatever their standards are. It’s usually rolled with
Charisma rather than Manipulation to reflect this distinction.
1 Dot: Novice: You’ve organized small ventures in your Subterfuge
hometown with moderate success. Subterfuge is the ability to lie convincingly and to conceal
2 Dots: Practiced: You routinely direct small groups of your one’s own motives and feelings. It serves legitimate as well as
neighbors and peers. criminal purposes: Diplomats and even confessors sometimes
3 Dots: Competent: Your duties include the exercise of use it to draw out information from others.
authority, such as serving as captain of the guard or abbot of 1 Dot: Novice: You get away with small lies most of the
a monastery, and you discharge them well. time.
4 Dots: Expert: You act capably as a leader of people 2 Dots: Practiced: You’re seldom questioned about your
throughout your region. chosen explanations.
5 Dots: Master: You are, or can be if you choose, a great 3 Dots: Competent: You maintain the trustworthy demeanor
warlord, pillar of the Church or other famous leader of your of a professional thief and liar.
time. 4 Dots: Expert: Even wise and noble souls are pawns in your
Possessed By: Commanders, Constables, Ecclesiastical schemes.
Authorities, Family Patriarchs, Nobles. 5 Dots: Master: Whenever the accusations fly, you’re the last
Specialties: Commands, Compelling, Friendly, Noble, one anyone doubts.
Oratory, Pious, Stern. Possessed By: Courtiers, Charlatans, Heretics, Minstrels,
Spies, Wooers.
Legerdemain Specialties: Changing the Subject, Finding Weaknesses,
Flattery, Patter, Seduction, Selective Omission.
Legerdemain is ability to perform feats of manual dexterity,
ranging from picking a purse from a belt, to juggling and
feats of trickery such as palming objects. It encompasses the
stealth and concealment involved in using that dexterity Skills
without being noticed, such as when palming an object or Skills are all arts that people learn through apprenticeship
performing a conjuring trick. or other disciplined instruction. It’s possible to attempt

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actions covered by Skills without having enough training for archers seek you out.
one dot’s worth of the Skill in question, but the roll suffers a 5 Dots: Master: Neither distance, darkness nor anything else
+1 difficulty penalty. seems capable of stopping your arrows from going precisely
where you want them to.
Animal Ken Possessed By: Bandits, Foresters, Guards, Poachers,
Animal Ken is an understanding of beasts’ actions and Tournament-Circuit Competitors.
desires. It allows one to predict their behavior, control them Specialties: Ambush, Fields, Forests, Horseback, Hunting,
in difficult situations and train them. Moving Targets, Quick Shot, Target.
1 Dot: Novice: You work well with domesticated animals.
2 Dots: Practiced: You understand the ways of all the Commerce
animals that are common in your vicinity, and you can train Commerce is the ability to successfully bring goods to
those species most susceptible to it, such as horses and dogs. market, with all that entails. It includes the ability to evaluate
3 Dots: Competent: You’re a skilled hunter and tracker, and goods and to identify who would want them, a knowledge of
you work well even with difficult animals. Everyone in the trade routes and fairs and skill at negotiating prices.
area knows you’re the one to come to when there’s animal Commerce is a catch-all Ability, and you should choose one
trouble. class of goods as a field of expertise when you first purchase
4 Dots: Expert: No domesticated animal resists your will, it. You can buy additional fields of expertise with experience
and most wild beasts regard you with at least some good will. or bonus points within standard limits . You can use
5 Dots: Master: People compare your spiritual harmony with Commerce outside your field of expertise to identify potential
animals to Saint Francis’s. markets and experts in the field and to negotiate and haggle
over just about anything. Evaluating an item or a trade route
Possessed By: Cavalry, Falconers, Grooms, Hermits, Kennel
with which you have no experience is beyond you, and it
Masters, Lords.
counts as acting without the required Ability.
Specialties: Bears, Birds of Prey, Dogs, Farm Animals, Fish,
In the Dark Medieval, the line between legitimate and
Horses, Rodents, Snakes.
illegitimate trade is blurry to non-existent, and Commerce
comes into play just as much when buying cheese as when
Archery hiring a mercenary, soliciting a prostitute or selling stolen
Archery is the ability to use bows, the most common goods. As such, Commerce conveys a general sense of the
ranged weapon of the era. Experienced archers also know how shadier side of life — what modern folk might call being
to maintain and repair their weapons, and even how to make streetwise.
them. Archery covers crossbows and other related weapons. It 1 Dot: Novice: You can get a fair price when you bring the
does not cover spears or other thrown weapons. Using those harvest to market.
weapons requires Athletics. 2 Dots: Practiced: You can broker exchanges in your field of
1 Dot: Novice: You can shoot adequately as long as the expertise and know who in the vicinity deals in what trades,
situation isn’t too distracting. You can maintain a bow, but legitimate or otherwise.
not repair it. 3 Dots: Competent: You can make a good living as a
2 Dots: Practiced: You can hunt and fight competently with merchant or moneylender. You can draw on the expertise of
the bow. You can maintain and repair a bow, but not craft a those in other trades without difficulty.
new one. 4 Dots: Expert: You are one of the preeminent experts in
3 Dots: Competent: You use a bow with grace and style, your field, and you are rarely (if ever) taken advantage of. No
and you can make weapons that are respected for their market is closed to you.
craftsmanship. 5 Dots: Master: You are a master merchant, expert in
4 Dots: Expert: Warlords and others who need superior commerce spanning the continent.

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Possessed By: Artisans, Farmers, Mercenaries, Ne’er-do

wells, Prostitutes, Traders
Specialties: Evaluation, Negotiation, Swindling, Trade Routes Etiquette is the understanding of social customs in one or
more cultures and the ability to behave as becomes one of
Fields of Expertise: Clothing, Foodstuffs, Livestock,
their members. Characters begin with this knowledge as it
Mercenaries, Relics, Silks, Slaves, Spices, Stolen Goods,
applies to the land and class into which they were born.
Wine, etc.
Mastery of Etiquette encompasses speech, movement, dress,
furnishings and the like.
Crafts 1 Dot: Novice: You avoid most social gaffes and seem
Crafts is a catch-all Ability covering skill at making and reasonably well behaved in the culture you know best.
fixing things with your hands and evaluating such work by 2 Dots: Practiced: You can conduct yourself without
others. Skilled craftsmen produce works known for their embarrassment in your culture’s version of high society.
beauty as well as their utility. You must choose a field of 3 Dots: Competent: You understand principles of social
expertise when you first purchase Crafts and buy additional organization well enough to respond calmly to unexpected and
ones with experience or bonus points within standard limits. unfamiliar circumstances.
You can use Crafts outside your field(s) of expertise to
4 Dots: Expert: Lords and bishops admire your conduct.
undertake basic repairs and evaluate the craftsmanship and
condition of an object, but not to build anything new. Doing 5 Dots: Master: You set the standard to which others try to
so is considered acting without the required Ability. hew.
In the Dark Medieval, the Crafts Skill covers what will in Possessed By: Children, Courtiers, Envoys, Guild Masters,
later centuries become applied sciences such as engineering. Handmaidens, Heralds, Nobles
Architecture, metallurgy and so on are all fields of expertise Specialties: Courtly Manners, Family Traditions, Foreign
under Crafts. Customs, Peasants, Professional Conduct, Street Culture
1 Dot: Novice: You can repair broken goods and make gear
that more or less does what it’s supposed to. Melee
2 Dots: Practiced: You can attend to the needs of people in Melee is the ability to fight with hand-to-hand weapons,
your immediate vicinity for the craft you know. from sticks and clubs to swords and more exotic weapons,
3 Dots: Competent: You can make a good living as an depending on the details of the character’s training. Like
artisan or craftsman, and you enjoy the respect of all who call Archery, Melee includes the ability to maintain one’s weapons
on your services. (and even to make them), but manufacturing metal weapons
4 Dots: Expert: You routinely make excellent goods that are requires Crafts.
treasured widely for their elegance and durability. 1 Dot: Novice: You can handle simple weapons and any
5 Dots: Master: You’re one of the leading craftsmen in your weapons that are particularly popular in the area where you
field, and you can pick and choose from clients across several grew up. You can maintain but not repair a weapon.
countries. 2 Dots: Practiced: You can fight moderately well with
Possessed By: Artisans, Farmers, Ladies, Pilgrims, Soldiers, common weapons. You can do basic repairs on an axe or
Townsfolk other simple melee weapon.
Specialties: Detail, Evaluation, Fast Work, Invention, 3 Dots: Competent: You know how to use a variety of
Metalworking, Organization, Sanitation weapons well, and you can make a living as a professional
Fields of Expertise: Architecture, Armory, Blacksmithing, soldier if you choose. You can do basic repairs on a sword or
Boat-Building, Jewelry, Masonry, Sewing & Embroidery, more complex melee weapon. You can manufacture simple
Woodworking, etc. melee weapons.
4 Dots: Expert: You routinely distinguish yourself in battles,
tournaments and other martial displays.

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5 Dots: Master: Everyone who uses your favored weapons rides safely, if not always comfortably.
knows your deeds — which may breed challenges as well as 3 Dots: Competent: Horses hold very few surprises for you,
respect. and you can fight from horseback without penalty.
Possessed By: Barbarians, Guards, Lords, Soldiers, Thieves 4 Dots: Expert: You can engage in fancy stunts and keep
Specialties: Axes, Clubs, Disarms, Knives, Multiple your horse calm and healthy in the midst of dangerous,
Opponents, Rapid Draws, Swords, Team Tactics rapidly changing situations. You’re the one who gets called on
when most people fall and fail.
Performance 5 Dots: Master: Alexander the Great and his Bucephelas
were no closer than you are with your favored steeds, as
Performance is the ability to perform artistic feats. It covers
troubadours routinely remind their audiences.
both the technical aspects of the chosen form of expression
and the social knowledge of what audiences like. Performance Possessed By: Circuit Officials, Crusaders, Huntsmen,
is a catch-all Ability, and you should choose a field of Knights, Merchants, Messengers, Nobles, Travelers
expertise when you first purchase it. You can buy additional Specialties: Combat, Forest, Jumping, Speed, Stealth,
fields of expertise with experience or bonus points. Stunts
Performance is useful outside your field of expertise to
evaluate another’s skill. Stealth
1 Dot: Novice: You can entertain friends and family when Stealth is the ability to move without alerting others — to
more skillful alternatives aren’t available. enter without permission, remain undetected while about one’s
2 Dots: Practiced: You take part in local entertainments on self-appointed business and to leave without creating a stir.
a regular basis, and you do fairly well at them. You generally roll this Skill in combination with Dexterity
3 Dots: Competent: You can make a living as an against observers’ Perception + Alertness. It does not cover
entertainer, and you enjoy a reputation as a good one to call sleight-of-hand, which is the domain of Legerdemain.
upon. 1 Dot: Novice: You can make your way through familiar
4 Dots: Expert: Your fellow performers study your work places without attracting attention as long as no one’s
carefully. The masses flock to see you in your specialty. searching very actively for you.
5 Dots: Master: You can pick and choose your audiences, 2 Dots: Practiced: You can hide yourself fairly well in
and you are always in demand almost everywhere you go. familiar places, and you can hide reasonably well in unfamiliar
Possessed By: Musicians, Troubadours, Actors, Ladies, places that are related to something you know, such as any
Spinsters, Monks and Nuns church following the standard orientation.
Specialties: Bawdy, Composition, Courtly 3 Dots: Competent: You move in mysterious ways, and it
Fields of Expertise: Acting, Dance, Percussion, Singing, takes dedicated effort to keep you out of most places you’d
Stringed Instruments, Wind Instruments like to go.
4 Dots: Expert: You enjoy the reputation of being able to
bypass almost all barriers… which makes you a frequent target
Ride of suspicion, as well as valuable to those who have need of
Ride is the ability to travel astride a horse or other riding stealthy allies.
animal, keeping it under control in varying circumstances. 5 Dots: Master: You feature in ballads of master thieves,
Experienced riders can fight from horseback, tend horses’ questing knights who make their way into the Grail Castle
common ailments and evaluate the quality of their mounts and others who triumph over all obstacles. Your gift seems
and related gear. holy or wicked depending on how you apply it.
1 Dot: Novice: You can get around on a good mount as Possessed By: Burglars, Hunters, Scouts, Shy People, Spies
long as things don’t get complicated.
Specialties: Crawling, Crowds, Prowl, Shadows, Wilderness,
2 Dots: Practiced: You can hunt, chase and sustain long Tracking
AD. 12 1 3

Academics within the last 300 years must choose the trivium
Survival or quadrivium as an initial field of expertise (and can acquire
This is the ability to cope with the challenges of harsh the other one later). Only truly exceptional characters, such as
environments: shelter, navigating to civilization, foraging for vampires who were created before the rise of medieval
food and water, hunting and so on. It includes knowledge of universities or self-taught firstborn fae, can escape this
the common threats posed by a particular sort of wilderness, requirement. Any other categories seem strange at best (and
such as forest or swamp. Stealth rolls in wilderness cannot actively suspicious at worst) to conventionally educated
include more dice from Stealth than the character has dots in people.
Survival. Your character must know Latin, requiring Linguistics 1, to
1 Dot: Novice: You can cope with the routine challenges of acquire the second dot in Academics.
whatever sort of wilderness was closest to your home. 1 Dot: Dabbler: You know rudimentary Latin and the most
2 Dots: Practiced: You won’t starve in most environments, fundamental authorities in your field of expertise.
though it won’t be comfortable until you get to the next 2 Dots: Student: You can construct solid arguments, and
settlement. you know some of the important commentaries in each area
3 Dots: Competent: You can get yourself and others to your expertise covers.
safety in most circumstances, and you can make an effective 3 Dost: Learned: You can make a living instructing others.
living off the fruits of hunting, trapping and the like. You know some Greek and possibly other languages in
4 Dots: Expert: You can blaze new paths through unbroken addition to Latin, and your own commentaries and glosses
wilderness and cope with almost any challenge that the natural earn the respect of your peers.
world can throw at you. 4 Dots: Scholar: Lay people admire your mind, but they
5 Dots: Master: The dark powers of the night (and day) in may feel that you’ve neglected the rest of life for the sake of
the lands beyond civilization hold no terror for you. learning. You can confidently advise potentates on important
Possessed By: Bandits, Barbarians, Crusaders, Penitents, matters.
Pilgrims, Refugees 5 Dots: Master: Any library on the subjects in which you
Specialties: Coasts and Shallows, Deep Sea, Deserts, specialize seems inadequate without your works.
Foraging, Forests, Hunting, Marshes and Swamps, Possessed By: Court Officials, Monks, Priests, Scribes,
Mountains, Tracking, Trailblazing Tutors
Specialties: Instruction, Quoting Text, Research
Fields of Expertise: Trivium, Quadrivium
Knowledges are Abilities that require intellectual mastery of Hearth Wisdom
information. They almost always require rolls with Mental
This is the lore of the people, as opposed to the academy.
Traits, though some other sort of Attribute may prove useful
It’s unsystematic, but in its haphazard way, it covers the body
occasionally. Apart from the most general popular lore,
of knowledge accumulated by peasants, traders and other
characters who lack dots in a particular Knowledge can’t even
people who do not benefit from servants or live in isolation.
attempt an action requiring it.
It includes mundane matters such as which plants and animals
are safe to eat in the area, which herbs are good for cooking
Academics and for medicinal purposes, signs of impending bad (or
Academics covers the standard curriculum of the Middle good) weather, rules of thumb for resolving domestic disputes
Ages: the trivium of grammar, rhetoric and dialectic and the and the folk wisdom regarding the dangers (supernatural and
quadrivium of arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy. otherwise) of the night. Unlike other Knowledges, those
Anyone who attends university learns the lore of the world characters without Hearth Wisdom can attempt feats that
divided into these two categories. Any character who acquired require it, but they do so at a +2 difficulty. Despite its

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diversity of topics, Hearth Wisdom is not a catch-all Ability you.

with fields of expertise. Possessed By: Bounty Hunters, Confessors, Constables,
1 Dot: Dabbler: You know all the common fireside tales of Judges, Parents, Spies, Tax Collectors
your home and you can recall them at need. Specialties: Accounting, Locate Informant, Record-Keeping,
2 Dots: Student: You know the obscure and traditional lore Search, Stalking
of your region, and very little — even if it’s strange and
dangerous — takes you by surprise within the fields you know.
3 Dost: Learned: You quickly acquire the lore of any area
Law is the body of knowledge about justice and its
you pass through, and others know that when the unseen
applications to practical affairs. In the Dark Medieval world,
world makes itself visible, you’re the one who most likely
Law covers two wildly different subjects: the organic (not to
knows what to do about it.
mention chaotic and contradictory) accumulation of common
4 Dots: Scholar: You are famous for your knowledge of law based on case by-case rulings, and the rigorous, academic
mysterious affairs, and some fear you because of the potential tradition grounded in Roman law and guided by logic and
for pacts with dark forces that your explorations afford. theology. The higher a character’s social rank is, the more the
5 Dots: Master: Your supreme insights into strange matters latter dominates. Canon law, the religious law of the Church,
make you the target of pleas from individuals both high and draws primarily on Roman law for its assumptions and
low who suffer mysterious depredations. principles of development, and scholars in canon law have a
Possessed By: Farmers, Herbalists, Hermits, Magicians, significant advantage in familiarity when issues of Roman-
Matrons, Village Elders, Witches based secular law arise. The same applies to secular legalists
Specialties: By county or region (southern France, northern trying to deal with canon law.
France, England, Bavaria, etc.), and Arabic, Cures, Jewish, 1 Dot: Dabbler: You know all the important laws of your
Omens, Wards home and a good sample of the less important or less
frequently invoked ones.
Investigation 2 Dots: Student: You can defend yourself and your
comrades against most charges, and you know the grounds on
Investigation is the ability to systematically examine one’s
which to accuse others, as long as you’ve had a while to
environment and analyze the results. It’s the central tool for
study the laws of the area.
judicial inquiries, religious searches for heresy and the like. It
includes a grasp of the principles of research as well as an eye 3 Dost: Learned: You can make a living as a lawyer or
for detail. advisor to a court, secular or religious depending on your
specialization. People in your vicinity seek you out for legal
1 Dot: Dabbler: You regularly see things that others miss,
and it’s hard for the people of your home to keep secrets if
you choose to seek them out. 4 Dots: Scholar: Your views on the proper application of
law shape practice in wide-ranging areas.
2 Dots: Student: You know how to extract information from
others without alarming them, and you can unravel many 5 Dots: Master: You’re revered as one of the great legal
mysteries. theorists of the age.
3 Dost: Learned: You can make a living as a professional Possessed By: Constables, Criminals, Judges, Kings, Lords
investigator for religious or secular purposes, and even if you Specialties: Canon Law, Diplomacy, Feudal Obligations,
practice some other trade, your acuity is widely respected. Laws of Ownership and Inheritance, Local Law, Sentencing
4 Dots: Scholar: The most complex and best-concealed
matters unravel themselves when you confront them. Linguistics
5 Dots: Master: When all other means fail and the holy Linguistics is the knowledge of languages other than the
saints do not choose to intervene directly with supernatural one most common in a character’s childhood. Every character
revelations, people who are bedeviled by mysteries turn to
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begins with one language for free. Growing mastery of health and prosperity. You often achieve new insights into
Linguistics covers the principles underlying languages, their pressing medical problems.
relations and evolution as well as the contents of specific 5 Dots: Master: Popular accounts describe how you and the
tongues. Dark Medieval Europe is a warren of dialects and spirit of Hippocrates work together to cheat the imps of Hell
regional tongues, but (at the Storyteller’s discretion) you can from the dying souls they’d otherwise claim.
assume that skill in one major language comes with Possessed By: Apothecaries, Barbers, Field Surgeons, Ladies,
understanding of its major variants and dialects. Major Midwives, Squires
languages include Latin, Occitan, French (or Francien),
Specialties: Battle Wounds, Childbirth, Diagnosis, Disease,
English (Middle English), Castilian, the various Italian
First Aid, Herbs, Minor Surgery, Poison Treatment
dialects, the various Germanic dialects, Greek and many
1 Dot: Dabbler: One extra language. Occult
2 Dots: Student: Two extra languages. Occult encompasses all the lores of supernatural power,
3 Dost: Learned: Four extra languages. most especially those that derive from formal studies,
experimentation and treaties (and hence beyond Hearth
4 Dots: Scholar: Six extra languages.
Wisdom). Occult generally provides a more focused body of
5 Dots: Master: 12 extra languages. knowledge, with a somewhat higher ratio of truth to error and
Possessed By: Diplomats, Dock Workers, Interpreters, distortion, but inevitably one field bleeds into the next.
Merchants, Priests, Scholars, Travelers Occultists can and do acquire smatterings of information
Specialties: Diplomacy, Politics, Profanity, Technical Terms, about a great many subjects. The higher a character’s Occult
Theology score is, the more generally reliable the results of his Occult
rolls are. There is a certain overlap between Occult and
Medicine Theology when it comes to a knowledge of the powers of
saints or recognizing the miraculous.
Medicine is the lore of the human body (and, to a lesser
1 Dot: Dabbler: You know the general framework of the
degree, the body as transformed by vampirism, lycanthropy
good and evil (and neutral) powers at work in your area.
and other exotic conditions). Depending on a character’s
particular inclination, it may cover both practical relief of 2 Dots: Student: You understand many things about the
trauma and injury, as well as the academic tradition based in supernatural world. You may have had some direct experience
Greek and Roman scholarship, which is often greatly with supernatural beings, though you likely misunderstood at
mistaken about the realities of anatomy and physiology. least some of what happened to you.
Medicine also covers the knowledge of which herbs and 3 Dost: Learned: You’re known as a scholar of the
plants are useful for remedying ills. mysterious, regarded with a hopelessly tangled mixture of fear
1 Dot: Dabbler: You can fix minor wounds and help people and respect by those who need you to explain the supernatural
recover from fevers, minor infections and the like. to them. You may have regular contact with some sort of
supernatural being.
2 Dots: Student: You can deal with most common
problems, not providing luxury or instant relief from misery 4 Dots: Scholar: The mysteries of the night society lie open
but at least keeping people alive long enough for normal before you. If you possess any significant social rank, some
healing to run its course. secular or religious authority probably wants you as an
3 Dost: Learned: You can make a living as a surgeon or
other medical professional. If you do something else for a 5 Dots: Master: The demon named Legion may seek you
living, such as mercenary soldiering, you nonetheless regularly out for a second try at defeating the age’s holiest man, but it
get requests for aid. won’t win.
4 Dots: Scholar: If you devote yourself to treating others, Possessed By: Heretics, Inquisitors, Judges, Magicians,
the area in which you live enjoys a particular reputation for Pagans, Priests, Satanists, Witch- Hunters

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Specialties: Ancient Secrets, Paganism, Sufism, 2 Dots: Student: You can manage a business or manor and
Thaumaturgy, Vampires, Witches, Daemons, Daedroths, keep almost everyone involved reasonably happy.
Ghosts, etc. 3 Dost: Learned: You successfully oversee multiple properties
over an extended area, even in times of war, famine and other
Politics calamity.
Politics is the theory and practice of governance: what 4 Dots: Scholar: Rulers know that they can give you custody
ancient and modern governors have written and how people of their lands and goods and get them back in better
respond to authority of various sorts. It includes insights into condition than you received them.
how people gain power, how they maintain it and how they 5 Dots: Master: Preachers illustrate the contemporary
lose it. High levels of Politics include more theory and more significance of the parable of the talents with stories of your
information about the practices of realms far from home. accomplishments.
1 Dot: Dabbler: You know how things work in your home Possessed By: Innkeepers, Knights, Lords, Seneschals,
community, and you can usually use the local system to get Stewards, Wives
what you want. Specialties: Common Households, Farms, Feudal Estates,
2 Dots: Student: You deal confidently with the authorities if Inheritance, Noble Households, Religious Orders, Urban
you’re outside the hierarchy, or confidently with the governed Holdings
populace if you hold some local office.
3 Dost: Learned: You know how to make use of the Theology
hierarchy at every level that touches your existence, and you Theology is the lore of the queen of the sciences, the study
can conduct yourself effectively whenever you need to deal of God’s will in all things. It combines historical scholarship
with political matters. with logic and a measure of artistic expression. Theology by
4 Dots: Scholar: You’re known widely as a competent itself does not make a character articulate, but it can provide
governor or advisor, and your comments garner widespread the information necessary for effective persuasion, and it’s
respect. crucial in evaluating many social matters. Nothing human or
5 Dots: Master: People look to you as a modern Plato or physical lies outside the scope of God’s commandments, as
Cicero. heretics and the orthodox agree, and there is a theological
Possessed By: Counselors, Courtiers, Heralds, Jesters, Lords dimension to political, economic and other disagreements.
Specialties: City, Feudal Obligations, Heraldry, Historical, Keep in mind that, for medieval people, this is not a matter
Religious of unfounded supposition and personal conviction, but of
knowable truths susceptible to reasoned analysis. It is as
rigorous a matter as medicine or ballistics.
Seneschal 1 Dot: Dabbler: You know the major tenets of whatever faith
Seneschal is the ability to administer holdings, from prevails in your home, and you grasp the essential spirit of
households to kingdoms. It covers the knowledge of physical common doctrines even when you’re unclear on details.
assets and their needs, from crop harvesting to the 2 Dots: Student: You know holy writ and important
maintenance of buildings, and the social skills to coordinate teachings, past and present.
others’ labor, resolve disputes, keep those who must be paid
3 Dost: Learned: You can debate the technical points of
satisfied and so on. A skilled seneschal can evaluate the state
right belief, as you understand it, and readily understand the
of others’ holdings based on personal experience and
beliefs of others even when you disagree with them.
theoretical knowledge, too.
4 Dots: Scholar: Heretics and infidels fear to contest with
1 Dot: Dabbler: You can keep your family’s household going
you, and you’re a pillar of the community of faith wherever
smoothly and manage a few other resources as long as there’s
you are.
no intense pressure or stress.
5 Dots: Master: You are a latter-day Saint Paul or Saint

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Peter, depending on whether you turn your attention primarily Weapons: Spear, arming sword or falchion, knife, possibly
to winning unbelievers’ hearts or ministering to the needs of dagger, Str 6-8 crossbow with goat’s foot lever and
those who already believe. broadhead bolts
Possessed By: Devout Laymen, Heretics, Magicians, Monks, Armor: Mail or early mail, mail coif, possibly nasal helmet
Priests, Troubadours or kettle hat, rimmed kite shield or metal heater.
Specialties: Confession, Debate, Exposition, Heresy,
Orthodoxy CITY THUG
Weapons: Club, knife, possible dagger, possibly tool axe,
possible small mace
Armor: Heavy clothing, heavy cap


Backgrounds measure a character's background in ways that Weapons: Spear or hand axe, self bow or longbow with
aren’t as innate as Attributes or Abilities. Presented here is a bodkin arrows, possibly broadhead arrows
number of Background Templates of weapons, armor and Armor: Heavy clothing or padded armor, heavy cap or
merits for various types of people. They can be used as padded cap
antagonists, allies, retainers, etc.
Weapons: Hand axe or battle axe, knife, possibly spear
Weapons: Spear, knife, possibly sling with sling stones or
Armor: Heavy clothing or padded armor, heavy cap or
self bow with bodkin arrows
padded cap, possibly unrimmed round shield
Armor: Heavy clothing, heavy cap
Weapons: Knife, tool axe, possibly sling with sling stones
Weapons: Spear or peasant polearm, knife, sling with sling or self bow with bodkin arrows
stones or self bow with broadhead arrows
Armor: Possibly heavy clothing
Armor: Padded armor, padded cap, unrimmed targe or
unrimmed round shield
Weapons: Spear, knife, possibly club or small mace,
possibly dagger
Weapons: Tool axe or dagger, knife
Armor: Padded armor or early mail, mail coif or kettle hat
Armor: Heavy clothing, possibly heavy cap (possibly with mail coif), unrimmed targe


Weapons: Spear or small mace or hand axe or shortsword Weapons: Spear, mace or battle axe or arming sword, knife,
or low-quality arming sword, knife, possibly dagger, possibly possibly Str 8-9 crossbow with goat’s foot lever or cranequin
Str 5-6 crossbow with stirrup and bodkin bolts and broadhead bolts
Armor: Padded armor, padded cap or low-quality nasal Armor: Early mail or mail armor, mail coif, possibly kettle
helmet or low-quality kettle hat, unrimmed targe or unrimmed hat or nasal helmet, unrimmed or rimmed kite shield
round shield
Weapons: Longbow or Str 8 crossbow with stirrup or

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goat’s foot lever and broadhead bolts, hand axe or battle axe POOR KNIGHT
or shortsword, knife Weapons: Lance, flanged mace or battle axe or arming
Armor: Heavy clothing, heavy cap sword, knife, possibly dagger
Armor: Early mail or low-quality mail armor or low quality
PILGRIM knight’s armor, nasal helmet and mail coif or lowquality full
Weapons: Quarterstaff (possibly metal-shod), knife, possibly helm and mail coif, heater or low-quality metal heater
small mace or hand axe
Armor: Possibly heavy clothing, possibly heavy cap KNIGHT
Weapons: Lance, flanged mace or battle axe or arming
JOURNEYMAN CRAFTSMAN sword, knife, dagger
Weapons: Quarterstaff, knife, possibly tool axe, possible Armor: High quality mail armor or knight’s armor, full
hand axe or small mace helm and mail coif, heater or metal heater
Armor: Heavy clothing, possibly heavy cap
TRAVELING MERCHANT Weapons: Lance, flanged mace or battle axe or arming
Weapons: Arming sword or high-quality spatha, knife, sword (all of high quality), knife, dagger
possibly dagger, possibly Str 5-6 crossbow with stirrup or Armor: Knight’s armor (possibly high quality), full helm
goat’s foot lever and bodkin bolts and mail coif (possibly high quality), metal heater (possibly
Armor: Padded armor or leather lamellar, padded cap or high quality)
nasal helmet, possibly unrimmed round shield or unrimmed
kite shield LORD (BARON, COUNT, ETC)
Weapons: Lance, flanged mace or battle axe or arming
MERCENARY CROSSBOWMAN sword (all of high quality), knife, dagger
Weapons: Str 9 crossbow with goat’s foot lever or Armor: High quality knight’s armor, high quality full helm
cranequin and broadhead bolts (possibly armor piercing and mail coif, metal heater (possibly high quality)
bolts), short sword or hand axe or battle axe or flanged mace,
knife, possibly dagger MONGOL HORSEMAN
Armor: Leather lamellar or early mail or mail armor, kettle Weapons: Composite bow with broadhead arrows, lance or
hat (possibly with mail) spear, curved sword or flanged mace or battle axe, knife
Armor: Leather or iron lamellar or iron lorica squamata or
MERCENARY FOOTMAN iron early mail, nasal helmet, rimmed targe
Weapons: Spear or battle axe or flanged mace, knife,
Armor: Early mail or mail armor, kettle hat and mail coif, Weapons: Iron or steel spear or Dane axe, short sword or
unrimmed or rimmed kite shield dagger or spatha, knife, self bow or longbow with bodkin or
broadhead arrows or 2-3 javelins
MERCENARY SERJEANT Armor: Padded armor or iron early mail, padded cap or
Weapons: Spear, possibly lance, flanged mace or battle axe iron spangelhelm, possibly unrimmed or rimmed round shield
or arming sword, knife, dagger
Armor: Early mail or mail armor, nasal helmet and mail
coif, rimmed kite shield or heater

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spite of grave injury

Regaining Willpower: Running out of Willpower is a very
Variable Traits bad thing for characters. It’s hard for a character with zero
temporary Willpower to do much of anything.
Each of these traits shares a quality that sets it apart from † Acting In Accordance with Nature: Characters regain one
the others you’ve defined for your character so far: or more points of temporary Willpower when acting in
accordance with their Natures
† Resting: At the Storyteller’s discretion, characters can
Willpower regain one Willpower as they rise from sleep. This gain
Willpower measures a character’s determination — not reflects the renewed determination that comes with rest.
courage precisely, nor conscience, but everything that leads to † Triumphing: At the Storyteller’s discretion, characters can
persistence in the face of adversity and to effort that regain one or more points of temporary Willpower upon
transcends her normal limits in a moment of supreme crisis. achieving some outstanding goal or victory.
The permanent rating indicates your character’s overall will
in much the way other traits function. It serves as a dice pool
when you must roll Willpower, and it can be increased with Virtues
The Virtue Traits define a character's outloo - they shape a
1 Dot: Spineless character's ethical code and describe his commitment to his
2 Dots: Weak chosen morality.
3 Dots: Unassertive
4 Dots: Diffident Conscience
5 Dots: Certain Conscience is a Trait that allows characters to evaluate their
conduct with relation to what is "right" and "wrong." A
6 Dots: Confident
character's moral judgment with Conscience stems from her
7 Dots: Determined attitude and outlook.
8 Dots: Controlled Conscience factors into the difficulty of many rolls to avoid
9 Dots: Iron-Willed committing a transgression. Additionally, Conscience
10 Dots: Unshakable determines whether or not a character loses Morality by
committing acts that do not uphold her moral code. A
Spending Willpower: Willpower serves several very useful character with a high Conscience score feels remorse for
purposes in Dark Ages, so your character’s temporary transgressions, while a character with a lower Conscience may
Willpower score is likely to move up and down faster than be a bit more callous or ethically lax.
any other trait.
† Ensuring Success: Spend one temporary Willpower point 1 Dot: Uncaring
to get an automatic success on a single roll. You can spend 2 Dots: Normal
only one Willpower this way for a particular action and 3 Dots: Ethical
modify only one action in a single turn this way. 4 Dots: Righteous
† Maintaining Sanity: Spend one temporary Willpower point 5 Dots: Remorseful
to restrain a derangement from manifesting for the rest of the
current scene. Using Willpower thus repeatedly can weaken
most derangements over time and even eventually cure them. Self-Control
† Overcoming Injury: Spend one temporary Willpower point Self-Control defines a character's discipline and mastery
to ignore wound penalties as described under Health for one over their instincts. Characters with high Self Control rarely
turn. Doing so allows your character to take heroic actions in
AD. 12 1 3

succumb to emotional urges, and are thus able to restrain 1 Dot: Timid
their darker sides more readily than characters with low Self 2 Dots: Normal
Control. 3 Dots: Bold
1 Dot: Unstable 4 Dots: Resolute
2 Dots: Normal 5 Dots: Heroic
3 Dots: Temperate
4 Dots: Hardened
5 Dots: Total self-mastery
Focus is a special trait based on Conscience. It allows the
character to draw upon their ethereal forces through their
Courage determination, and project it outward.
All characters have a Courage Trait. Courage is the quality 1 Dot: Directing
that allows characters to stand in the face of fear or daunting 2 Dots: Influential
adversity. It is bravery, mettle and stoicism combined. A 3 Dots: Controlling
character with high Courage meets her fears head-on, while a
4 Dots: Commanding
character of lesser Courage may flee in terror.
5 Dots: Mastering

Wisdom is a special trait based on Self-Control. The
character's ability to handle himself in extreme circumstances
is also the skill needed to perceive into the spirit, and by
such weave the aether through that insight.
1 Dot: Thoughtful
2 Dots: Insightful
3 Dots: Learned
4 Dots: Enlightened
5 Dots: Transcendent

Power is a special trait based on Courage. The power of
personality and presence draw the ethereal energies into raw
1 Dot: Dedicated
2 Dots: Competent
3 Dots: Commited
4 Dots: Relentless
5 Dots: Unstoppable

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This is the essential energy that give the Witchhunters their functioning in similar ways so as to be labeled with call-
powers. Beginning characters start with a Permanent Aether names. A subject can literally tell a Cathedral surgeon for a
rating which may be raised with freebie points. Aether comes “Vitality” Endowment, and everyone knows what procedures
in two varieties: permanent and temporary. Just like are to be made.
Willpower. Temporary Aether may be used to heal and use
Aether is recovered at a rate of one temporary Aether per Vitality
day of activity, or every one hour of rest.
† Aether: Beginning characters start with a temporary Aether
Tier l
rating equal to their Courage. There is no upper limit for the A Witchhunter with tier one of Vitality is tougher and
permanent Aether rating. better able to withstand physical pain. Relatively minor
wounds no longer inflict more than mild discomfort.
† High Trait Limits: Over the course of time, Witchhunters
may raise their traits past the normal human limit to a The character gains an additional Bruised (OK) health
maximum rating of 8. At these levels Attributes, witchhunters level, permanently.
gain special bonuses.
Tier ll
† Sense Aether: The Witchhunter can automatically sense
ethereal energy within the area (20 yards radius per Perception Moving beyond mere pain tolerance, a Witchhunter with
dots), but not the exact location of the source, only its tier two is able to function more fully while suffering from
nearby presence. debilitating wounds.
† Healing: Aether allows a Witchhunter to recover quickly The character gains an additional health level, Battered (-1
from injury: 1 Bashing Wound each hour of rest; or one penalty) permanently. This health level is placed below Hurt.
Lethal Wound each 12 hours. Battered characters are pretty beat up, halving Dexterity
(round down) when calculating running speed.

Tier lll
Once the third tier of this Vitality is attained, a
Endowments Witchhunter can literally withstand torturous punishment
without suffering more than a minor reduction in his physical
In the cold, dark dungeon-labs of the Dark Cathedral, men faculties.
are made into monsters for the greater good of humanity. The character gains an additional health level, Beaten (-1
Some Witchhunters might carry bizarre mystical artifacts or penalty) permanently, which is placed below Injured. A
learn blasphemous rites of arcane power, but all Witchhunters character who has been Beaten has suffered moderate injuries,
actually take monster-replicated organs and put them inside and cannot run (although she may still move at Jogging or
their own bodies, gaining some of their powers through Walking speeds).
biological implants and poisonous eather-infused blood. Additionally, the character is not considered stunned unless
Endowments are the most invasive category of medical she suffers a number of health levels of damage from a single
knowledge ever known to mankind, and while some attack equal to her Stamina + Vitality.
Witchhunters in the field might appreciate the edges these
biomedical defilements give them, few are entirely comfortable Tier lV
with the concept of replacing organs with artificial grown A Witchhunter who has attained tier four is seemingly able
copies of those of monsters, or to have unnatural and often to shrug off wounds that would cripple or paralyze a mortal.
lethal substances from the beyond infused into their flesh and
The character gains an additional health level, Lacerated (-2
penalty) permanently. This health level is placed below
Different types of Endowments have been made, all Wounded. A Lacerated character is seriously injured and can

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only walk with a limping gait (movement is restricted to 5 Tier lV

yards/meters per turn).
Upon reaching this level of power, the Witchhunter may
Additionally, a number of successes equal to the character’s totally detach themself from any pain at will, for as long as
Vitality rating are now required on any damage roll intending required. This means that anything which would cause pain
to stale the character in combat. still causes damage, but has no other effects. Upon releasing
the discipline again, the Witchhunter feels all of the intense
Tier Vl agony until all wounds are completely healed.
The Witchhunter may seem all but invincible to foes relying
on conventional weapons. An entire pack of ghouls could Tier Vl
unload waves of claws and teeth onto the Witchhunter’s body, Sturdy and resilient towards even the most harsh injuries,
and probably only succeed in pissing her off. the Witchhunter's body can reduce and/or negate the effect of
The character gains an extra health level, Maimed (-3 incomming damage with extraordinary success.
penalty) permanently. This health level is placed below This power transforms lethal wounds into bashing wounds,
Mauled. A Maimed character has been critically wounded, and making it far easier to heal and resist. This requires a
movement is restricted to 2 yards/meters per turn as the Willpower roll at a penalty per wound level, as well as the
character drags himself along, using nearby objects, furniture expendure of a Aether point. If she manages, all wound levels
and architecture to support his weight. become bashing and may be soaked normally.
In addition, any lethal or bashing attack that fails to reduce
the character’s Health Level below Bruised inflicts no damage
Tier l
Endurance This power sharpens all of the Witchhunter's senses,
effectively doubling the clarity and range of sight, hearing and
Tier l smell. While her senses of taste and touch extend no farther
At this most basic level, the Witchhunter's skin thickens than normal, they likewise become far more acute; the
and muscles harden, and is resistant to bruising. Any damage Witchhunter could taste the hint of liquor in a sample of
which would move a Witchhunter from unhurt to bruised blood, or feel the slightest give of the board concealing a
simply has no effect. hollow space in the floor. The Witchhunter may magnify her
senses at will, sustaining this heightened focus for as long as
Tier ll she desires.
At the cost of one point of Willpower, the Witchhunter is No roll is necessary, but the change requires a full turn to
able to ignore the effects of his wounds for one scene. This complete. All sensual Perception rolls are at a +2.
power is reactionary in that, while requiring effort to use, it At a spending of a Aether point, this enhanced vision can
does not take an action to activate. make the Witchhunter see perfectly well in pitch darkness,
not requiring a light source to notice details in even the
Tier lll darkest basement or cave.
By spending 1 point of Willpower per turn, a Witchhunter
may continue to remain active after reaching Incapacitated. All Tier ll
wounds taken during this time are ignore, unless the wound is For each point of Willpower spent, all of the Witchhunter's
Aggravated, which will kill the Witchhunter as normal. This physical Attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina) increase by
power is reactionary, and does not require an action to 1 point. This boost lasts until the end of combat, and the
activate. The player merely spends a Willpower point when incresement bonus cannot surpass the level of power of the
initiative is rolled to have the Witchhunter act that turn. Hunter enhancement.

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Tier lll Tier lll

Allows the Witchhunter to completely blend in with This amount of reflexive speed grants multiple actions. By
whatever is behind them as a natural camouflage by spending spending a point of Willpower, the Witchhunter may take
one Willpower point. Roll Manipulation + Stealth, the one extra Action this turn. Only current Willpower may be
number of successes subtracts from the number of successes spent this way. This is reactionary, and may be used any time
on other subject's Perception rolls to visually notice the during the turn, after regular Actions.
concealed Witchhunter.
Tier Vl
Tier lV The Witchhunter can react to stimulus with superhuman
The Witchhunter's Brawl attacks can now act as if the came speed, fast enough in fact, to perform a move in the same
from the prey's natural weakness, such as silver for most were- round as an opposing attack. For instance, the Witchhunter
creatures. can react fast enough to jump straight up as an opponent
Spend one Willpower point for each turn this power is in swings his sword.
effect. The player rolls Perception + Alertness. Only one success
is needed.
Tier Vl
At final tier this aspect of the Hunter is truly an amazing Tier lV
sight to behold in the final battle against the prey: able to The Witchhunter can make a series of successive attacks
attack many times and able to do devastating damage and equal to the number of dexterity dots he has.
withstand awesome amounts of damage. The only way the combo can work is if the character has
3 points of Willpower must be spent. All physical initiative on the first hit, and he must land the first hit. If he
Attributes are increased by one. Additionally the Witchhunter misses the first hit, the combo is void. He spends 2
gains and additional soak and even lethal damage can be Willpower points to start the combo. If both of the above
soaked with Stamina as if bashing. In addition a +1 bonus criteria are met, the combo proceeds. Even if any attack after
are gained on all combat rolls and all damage is increased by the first fails, the combo will still proceed. The combo
+2. doesn't do damage per hit, but as a whole. This damage is
This lasts (as usual) until the end of combat. equal to the number of hits that connect plus strength. The
opponent soaks all of the damage in one soak roll. This can
be a truly devastating attack.
Alacrity Ex: Steven has 5 dots in dexterity. He decides to do a four
Tier l hit combo to a foe. He gains initiative and the first hit
By spending a point of Willpower, the Witchhunter may lands. Therefore the combo proceeds. Unfortunately for his
dodge/parry any attack he is aware of without having to split opponent, he doesn't block any of the four attacks. Steven
his roll up between them. This is a reactionary power, and has a strength of 4, so the damage done by the combo is 8
may be used any time the Witchhunter is being attacked. (4 + 4). The opponent soaks for 3 points of damage loosing
5 Health Levels. Now he is mauled.
Tier ll
By spending a point of Willpower, the Witchhunter may Flesh-Knitters
move at tremendous speed. He may opt to go First during
the turn, regardless of what he rolled for initiative that turn. Tier lll
This is a reactionary power, and may be used at anytime, if As good as the Cathedral’s doctors are, they aren’t even
the Witchhunter has not yet had his action, allowing him to close to the recuperative abilities of some of the monsters
take it then. they utilize in their research. Some very strange alien-like
symbiotes have apparently managed to enter the physical

AD. 12 1 3

world from the aether. These tiny creatures are rather unique, Tier ll
but the Cathedral have managed to get their hands on a few
A ritual that banishes supernatural illusion, showing the user
and since then used them in alchemy processes to re-design
what is real and what is an elaborate hoax. The Witchhunter
and breed-grow these tiny, hair-thin, red vein-like worms
destroys illusions created by supernatural beings.
themed; “flesh-knitters.” As far as the Witchhunters know,
This requires one point of Aether and an Occult +
they’re harmless, but the Witchhunters got hold of a few
Wisdom roll. The number of successes required to dispel an
through some very questionable means, and now their
illusion is equal to the number of successes garnered by the
surgeons in the dark dungeons have figured out how to
crafter of the illusion.
harness the things’ regenerative potentials and turn it loose on
the human body. Once the target number is reached, the illusion is banished
and utterly destroyed. No character present is affected by it
A Flesh-Knitter looks like tiny red thred, though they are
thereafter. In the case of multiple illusions, the weakest is
astral worms. When weaved into the body, they multiply over
banished first (when the character reaches the appropriate
time and manipulate the surrounding tissue, weaving and
number of successes for the illusion with the least successes,
kniting any destroyed tissue back together again.
it dispels); once an illusion has been dispelled, a character
In addition to being wounded, in order to stimulate the
must expend another point of Aether and begin the roll again
Flesh-Knitters, the character must spend a Willpower point to
to banish further illusions.
aggitade the symbiotic worms. Once activated, the knitters
heals the character’s injuries at a terrifying rate: one point of Tier lll
bashing damage heals every turn, while one lethal wound
Through the power of her aether-infused blood, the
disappears every 3rd turns. This healing is reflexive, and the
Witchhunter banishes the all dark taint of the unnatural from
accelerated healing rate lasts until all bashing and lethal
the target.
wounds have been healed. Once the character’s Health boxes
are entirely free of bashing or lethal wounds, the Flesh- The character must touch the target to use this power.
Knitters are completely spent of energy and cannot be used This rite costs one point of Aether, and it requires an
again for 24 hours. Occult + Wisdom roll at a penalty equal to the caster's
number of successes on the initiate roll of the power. The
character removes a single supernatural effect from a target.
Spell Breaker The effect must be something that magically affects the
Tier l victim.
With a quick ritual of protection, the Witchhunter can This only cancels ongoing effects; powers that have a
focus her supernatural defense against outside forces, permanent effect after they have been completed are not
heightening it for a brief moment. affected.
This power costs one Aether but involves no roll. Upon
Tier lV
activating, the character gains a bonus to defense equal to her
Willpower (whether rolled by the Witchhunter or subtracted Spell casters often traffic with ghosts and demons, binding
from her attacker’s pool) against any powers that target her them to their will and using them as tools against the living.
for a single turn. This power is reflexive and needs to be Others create entities out of thin air or call to themselves
activated only once in a given turn to defend against all animals to guard them, twisting nature to their foul whim.
powers used against the character during that turn. The bonus The Witchhunter can reject such abuses of both the material
remains until the end of the turn during which it was and spiritual realms.
activated, though it can be activated as a defensive action (like The Witchhunter must make an extended and contested roll
going prone or dodging, the character can use the power prior (Occult + Power), and spend a single point of Aether. Each
to her own point in the initiative roster). This power can be extended roll represents one turn. The character attempts to
activated after an enemy use a power against the Witchhunter. garner successes equal to the target’s Willpower. The target’s
goal is equal to the character’s Occult + Power.

AD. 12 1 3

If he overcomes the being’s Willpower before it overcomes even reveal supernatural influences.
his Occult + Power, he either drives it from a body it is For every success on a Perception + Wits roll, the hunter
possessing or banishes it. A banished spirit returns to the can clearly discern one aura color of one individual in her line
Astral Worlds and a banished ghost is locked within one of of sight. This costs one Willpower to activate.
its anchors. This effect lasts for one night per success the
Witchhunter achieves on the roll (though destroying a ghost’s
anchor while the ghost is locked within frees it, assuming that Etheria
the ghost possessed another anchor, otherwise, it vanishes). Tier l
This ability allows the Witchhunter to stimulate the Aether
Tier Vl
in his body to partially submerge his body into the
The most potent of the powers of the Spell Breaker. This netherworld. While he is riding the border between
immediately ends a single supernatural effect. The netherworld and reality, he can move through spaces half as
Witchhunter unleashing a powerful wave of energy that small as he could normally.
disrupts other supernatural powers.
Burn one Aether to activate this power. It lasts for about
The character must spend a permanent Willpower point and half an hour.
one Aether point and make a contested roll of Occult +
Power. On a success the targeted supernatural effect Tier ll
immediatel ends. If the character scores 4 or more successes
This ability allows the Witchhunter to summon a piece of
all supernatural effects on the targeted character, item and
the nether, binding it together with his weapon. This weapon
locale immediately ends.
will cause aggravated wounds.
This power can target all supernatural powers from any
The Witchhunter spends Aether to infuse the nether into
supernatural entities. Furthermore, it can break the thralldom
the weapon. The Witchhunter must score three successes on a
of a character and even lift curses (these are considered two
Manipulation + Focus roll and spend a turn to infuse it
different effects, necessitating two separate applications of the
correctly. If the roll is botched, then the nether explodes in
power), though breaking a curse costs a permanent dot of
the Witchhunter's hands, doing one Aggravated damage.
It can reverse changes made to the body for any purpose. Tier lll
Though curses can be lifted, this power cannot remove This ability allows a Witchhunter to instill nether into an
monster templates, such as curing vampirism, lycanthropy, etc. inanimate object. As a result, the object becomes vapor-like.
It doesn't blow away or separate; it just becomes non-solid,
Devil’s Eyes kind of like a ghost.
The Witchhunter spends a turn and two Aether points to
Tier ll instill an object in the nether and rolls Perception + Focus,
Once these eyes have been implanted, they shift their penalties depends on size of objects. The Witchhunter must
pigmentation and structure, becoming indistinguishable from spend a Willpower point for every turn he wishes to keep an
the natural eyes. No matter how bad the character’s eyes were object in this state.
originally, Devil’s Eyes grant him perfect vision.
Devil’s Eyes aren’t really “eyes” in any biological sense; Tier lV
while they are the sensory organs of the creature they come At this level of mastery, a Witchhunter can begin to
from, they don’t really perceive the world the way a human’s navigate the nether. Using this power, he can quickly step
eyes do. through the neitherworld, causing him to shift through the
When active, the Eyes allow the character to perceive the space of the Interstice. A Witchhunter can effectively “step”
emotional auras surrounding other individuals. These auras to anywhere within close proximity.
provide insight into a character’s emotional state, and can Costs 2 Aether to activate. Roll Perception + Willpower.

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One success is required to move half a yard, each additional falling poses less of a threat.
success expands the travel distance by one yard. A botch By spending a Willpower point, Transcendence increases the
usually will have the effect of landing a Witchhunter in some normal jumping distance for each success on a Strength roll
random direction and drain an additional Willpower point. (plus Athletics if the character gets a decent run up).
Horizontal jumps are at eight feet per success per level of
Tier Vl Transcendence. Vertical jumps have half the range of
Discorporate taken up a few notches. By instilling to great horizontal ones.
an amount of the nether into an inanimate object, a Horizontal leaps are made at the running speed of the
Witchhunter can make it extremely volatile. Objects that are character and thus it may take more than one turn to reach
affected by this power will explode at almost the lightest the desired destination for exceptionally long bounds.
contact, indeed sometimes they blow up immediately.
Falling is less hazardous to those with Transcendence, and a
Functions almost like Tier-2. This requires the Witchhunter secondary benefit is that falling causes one less lethal damage
to spend three Aether points and all penalties are increased by per level of success on a Willpower roll.
two. If more than three successes are scored, the Witchhunter
can decide to immediately detonate the object. When Tier lll
exploded, the object shoots out astral force in a yard radius The Witchhunter's ability to overcome gravity with this
equal to object's size, taking one Aggrevated damage for each enhancement has increased to the point where it is now
size level. Creatures may make a resisted Willpower vs. possible to crawl up the steepest of surfaces without any
Willpower roll against this ability. difficulty. It is no problem to climb a wall, shin across the
ceiling and come back down to the ground on the other side.
Transcendence For one Willpower and as long as three or more limbs are
in contact with a surface at all times, the Witchhunter can
Tier l negotiate it at walking speed without the need for rolls of any
This power grants the silent movement of a ghost. kind. The smoothness of the surface is not important,
Whenever active, the Witchhunter only barely touches the however the Storyteller may impose an Athletics + Strength
ground and thus leaves no footprints and makes no noise by roll for lubricated surfaces.
his footsteps.
The Witchhunter may wish to jump onto a vertical surface
This power does not help in sneaking through shadows, but from another wall, this tricky manoeuvre requires a roll of
it will give the user a +1 per Successes on a Stealth roll if Dexterity (plus Climb or Athletics) against a -2 penalty. It
sound is a factor. also assumes that the Witchhunter was able to jump far
Perhaps even more beneficial is the ability of the enough and actually reach the wall. If the roll is failed, the
Witchhunter to walk on surfaces that he "shouldn't" be able Witchhunter simply fails to adhere to the wall....
to such as weak floorboards or climb weak branches on a
tree. The character must spend one point of- and roll Tier lV
Willpower versus a penalty number of the ST's discretion With this level of enhancement, its almost as if his body is
based on the suface that is to be walked over. The character divested of much of it's mass, greatly easing movement and
may move a number of yards over that surface equal to the allowing to walk across the flimsiest of surfaces or even at
number of successes. A failure indicates the character falls times, run across water itself.
through. Each turn the roll may be done again. Difficulties for Acrobatics, Stealth (in motion), Athletics,
Climbing and so forth are all at a +3. Dodging and Initiative
Tier ll are considered as +1 bonus. The Witchhunter's mass may be
This power is still in its infancy but the character becomes reduced to around 10% of it's original value, allowing it to be
able to leap unnatural distances which are considered utterly supported by structures too weak to support others.
impossible by mortal means. With this enhancement even
The Witchhunter can also now sprint across water by

AD. 12 1 3

making a Willpower roll granting one yard/Dexterity of water-

running per success.

Tier Vl
This power allows the Witchhunter to temporarily reorient
their own personal gravity for a single turn, allowing him to
step up walls or make a jump to sit at the wall, jumping off
again or upwars to take a jumping start from the ceiling!
A Willpower point must be spent, and a single success on
a Dexterity + Athletics roll allows the user to redirect the
effect of gravity on themselves for a turn.
The Witchhunter must score three successes to make a full
movement along ceilings and walls. The effect normally lasts
only for a single turn unless an additional Willpower point is
expended to extend its duration by another turn.

Tier l
As focusing Aether requires an effort of will, it becomes
necessary to learn to regain and strengthen one's will even This power remains on at all times. The Witchhunter may
faster. now use the Aether within his blood more efficiently to heal
The Witchhunter meditate and rolls Willpower, but each himself. Normal damage may be healed at 2 Levels per 1
success counts as two points of Willpower regained. Aether point. To heal aggravated, the Witchhunter spends 1
additional Willpower, and he may then heal each aggravated
Tier ll for three Aether per level.
The Witchhunter has learned to alter the flow of Aether
Tier Vl
within his body to enhance his martial abilities.
The Witchhunter's enhancement of Magnachi has become
The Witchhunter spends 1 Willpower and rolls Wits +
advanced enough to cause a negative void of the Aether within
Willpower. Each success adds +1 bonus to all Brawl, Dodge,
supernatural entities. The Witchhunter can perform attacks
and Melee rolls for the next scene.
directly at an opponent's mystical power reserves or physical
Tier lll body.
The Witchhunter can concentrate the Aether in his body to At the expense of one Willpower point, the Witchhunter
anyplace he wishes, empowering the striking limb to burn makes an attack roll. Each success provides one turn where
with an inner fire. all damage points are dealt to the opponent's power fuel
aswell as their physical health. For example, a Witchhunter
The Witchhunter spends 1 Willpower, and he may now do
doing Str+3 damage physically, also may do Str+3 drainage
Strength aggravated damage with his brawl attacks for the
to a warlock's mana pool, a vampire's blood pool, a
next scene.
werewolf's gnosis, etc.
Tier lV
The Witchhunter has become advanced enough to work the Potency
powers of Aether on his own form, enabling him to heal with
Tier l
great speed.

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The Witchhunter can evoke a strange aura around himself. the victim loses rejuvenates the Witchhunter, giving him one
It is barely noticeable to the eye, but is faintly dark and quite Aether point. Damage dealt with this power is not aggravated
cold. Anyone who is close by the Witchhunter will feel a chill unless the user spends a Willpower point when making his
and an eerie sense of foreboding, as though someone had roll.
stepped on their grave. This power gives the Witchhunter and
automatic success on Intimidation rolls. Tier Vl
There is no roll, but a point of Aether must be spent to The Witchhunter's touch can be made to carry the cold
activate this power. grasp of undeath. Anyone else he touches after activating this
power takes aggravated damage and suffers from progressive
Tier ll Attribute loss.
It is rumored that some Witchhunters can actually move The Witchhunter must spend one Aether point to activate
unseen through the shadows. This level allows the this power, after which it will last for the entire scene or until
Witchhunter to move under a veil of deceptive Aether, the Witchhunter chooses to release it. The Witchhunter's
literally making the Witchhunter invisible to sight. The touch deals an amount of damage to any creature he touches
Witchhunter could move in the open unseen even amidst a equal to his current Willpower as well as any damage
crowd. normally incured. This damage is aggravated and soaked
The Witchhunter spends a point of Aether to initiate the separately but is applied before any damage dealt by the type
effect, while hidden in shadow or darkness. The effect lasts of contact made. If this power causes even one Wound Level
until called off, for a scene, or until detected, whatever comes of damage then the victim contracts the Chill. Anything with
first. The character can move normally (i.e., run, swim, walk, the Chill must make a Willpower roll with a -2 penalty after
or even climb unseen). they score any botches in a roll involving a Physical
Attribute. Failure indicating a loss of one point from that
Tier lll Attribute. Lost Attribute points are regained at a rate of one
Witchhunters with this level are able to tear the fabric of per day once the Chill is gone. The Chill is gone only once
the living lands and reach for the nether of the Umbra, the victim makes a successful Willpower roll -2, only one try
underlying the Interstice. The Witchhunter's attacks are per night's rest.
accompanied by the chilling and terrifying touch of the Abyss.
The Witchhunter must roll Strength + Power (penalty Empathy
equals the strength of the local veil) and spend one Aether
point. Each success adds a turn of which damage dealt by Tier l
weapon or brawl is aggravated. This pool diminishes each The Witchhunter can gain a memory or feeling (usually the
turn by one, as the gap between worlds closes. A botch is most intense) from an object he is touching. The
very dangerous, as it channels the winds of the Abyss within Witchhunter may be swept up in these emotions and could
the character, inflicting a level of aggravated damage per lose control.
botch rolled. It is automatic for inanimate objects, but the character must
spend one Willpoint to tune out the emotions of the object
Tier lV for the entire time physical contact is being made. To read
The Witchhunter can steal the lifeforce of a target to the emotions of another being, the character must spend 1
replenish his Aether, at a distance of up to 3 yards away. Willpoint. If the subject resists then the vampire must make
The Witchhunter rolls Willpower to determine the amount a Willpower roll with the target's Willpower as penalty.
of Aether taken. The victim rolls Willpower against the
Witchhunter's Willpower to soak this loss. Points lost are Tier ll
first taken from their power trait (gnosis, mana, etc.), and This level is a collection of intelligence-gathering effects that
once that is gone, then from their wound levels. Each point help the Witchhunter know what he’s confronting.

AD. 12 1 3

A Witchhunter using this level is able to tell when magic (ties go to the Witchhunter), instantly attacks the nearest
or supernatural energies of any sort are being channeled or other supernatural creature with whatever it believes to be its
used, including very subtle forms of magic. To the sight of most lethal attack. Witchhunters may certainly be injured or
the Witchhunter, those using such energies stand out from killed as frenzied monsters may lash out at everything closest
the crowd unmistakably, often appearing wreathed in unnatural to them.
flames, speaking in streams of black fog or in other, similar
ways. As with the other applications of this level, the Tier Vl
Witchhunter concentrates. The player spends a point of The Witchhunter projects a portion of her consciousness
Aether and rolls Perception + Wisdom. Every success allows into a nearby intelligent mind, creating a mental link through
the Witchhunter to know if magic (supernatural powers or the which she can communicate wordlessly or even read the
like) is being used (and who is doing so), in a radius of five target's deepest thoughts. The Witchhunter "hears" in her own
feet per success rolled. mind the thoughts plucked from a subject as if they were
This danger sense lasts for the duration of the scene. spoken to her.
This is a potent ability since a Witchhunter can learn
Tier lll virtually anything from a subject without him ever knowing.
Sometimes even the prey can emit such a threathening The player spends an Aether point and rolls Intelligence +
presence that the predator holds back with care, sometimes Wisdom (penalty of the subject's Willpower). Projecting
even give up it's hunt and flee instead. thoughts into the target's mind requires one success. The
This level creates an aura of protection around the subject recognizes that the thoughts come from somewhere
Witchhunter that keeps all supernatural creatures at bay. other than his own consciousness, although he cannot discern
Supernatural creatures, instinctively stay away from the their actual origin.
Witchhunter. Those so willful as to try breaking through To read minds, one success must be rolled for each item of
suffer three levels of aggravated damage per turn (although information plucked or each layer of thought pierced. Deep
those creatures with the means to soak aggravated damage can secrets or buried memories are harder to obtain than surface
do so). The player spends two points of Aether and rolls emotions or unspoken comments, requiring five or more
Charisma + Wisdom. The aura extends from the Witchhunter successes to access.
in a radius of five feet per success. Any supernatural creature Telepathy does not commonly work upon the undead mind
caught in the circle when the Witchhunter invokes this level or beasts. A character may expend a Willpower point to make
may remain absolutely still to avoid the damaging effects, the effort, making the roll normally afterward. Likewise, it is
otherwise it takes damage as though it had broken the aura. equally difficult to read the thoughts of other supernatural
Tier lV
Thoughts are “seen” as flowing streams of impressions and
The Witchhunter’s power has grown such that not only can
images, rather than as a sequence of prose.
he use empathic power to sense creatures, he can control
them, even to the point of turning them on each other.
This level causes all supernatural creatures within a twenty- Restitution
yard radius to become confused and turn on one another with Tier l
extreme violence. They do this heedless of any physical or
By mentally manipulating metabolism and the bodys
social consequences; only leaving the area allows a creature
naturally processes, the Witchhunter can control the flow of a
regain its self-control once more.
demonic entity's force within. Consuming it as raw power to
The player spends three Aether points and rolls fuel the Witchhunter's own strengths.
Manipulation + Power. The Storyteller must make resisted
This level allows the Witchhunter to draw strength from a
Willpower rolls for all supernatural creatures in the area of
demon's pain. After wounding the creature, the player rolls
effect. Any creature with fewer successes than the Witchhunter
Perception + Power and the target resists by rolling Stamina.

AD. 12 1 3

For each success the player achieves in excess of the target's opportunity for other actions.
successes, the Witchhunter regenerates a point of Aether (up
to the limit of his Power). Tier Vl
The Witchhunter, must do one of the most difficult things
Tier ll possible: He must let an opponent land a blow on him!
Sometimes the worst monsters are those who can spin your This level, delivers to the Witchhunter’s enemy the same
around their fingers, inductrinate others to their ideas, or damage, slightly exacerbated, that they do to him with fists or
outright possess your thoughts and movements. melee weapons. The Witchhunter stoically receives the blow
However, the Witchhunter with this aspect have a good delivered by his enemy. He may not attack that turn, nor
weapon against such manipulators. may he attempt to dodge (although he may soak).
This reflexive action rids the Witchhunter’s mind of all Roll the character’s Stamina + Power. If the player obtains
forms of supernatural control. This includes all forms of one or two success, all damage dealt to the character (before
mind-control. The player rolls Wits + Focus. Two successes soak) is visited upon the attacker as bashing damage. If the
are needed for emotionally based control and the magic of player rolls three or four successes, the damage is visited
mages and the fae, while one success breaks all other forms upon his attacker as lethal damage. If the Witchhunter’s
of mental control, including all conditioning that would affect player rolls five (or more) successes, the attacker suffers
the Witchhunter at a later date. This level can even purge the aggravated damage.
Witchhunter of a possessing demon, but this requires three
successes and the expenditure of a point of Aether.
Tier lll
With this level, the Witchhunter gains the ability to
meet supernatural opposition on even ground,
The Witchhunter may augment his Attributes
increasing to match those of his opponent. For example,
if facing a werewolf with Strength 7, his own Strength
leaps to that level as well. The player must spend a
point of Aether for each Attribute to be affected and roll
Wits + Power. An individual Attribute may never rise
higher that the character's Willpower, and never higher
than the target's Attributes.

Tier lV
Basic control over the functionalities of demonic
This application allows the character to reflect a
supernatural power back upon the user. A fireball thrown
from a sorcerer's hands ricochets off the Witchhunter's
body, flying straight back at the (probably very
surprised) caster, and inflicts its normal effect.
To activate this force, the character spends two points
of Aether and rolls Intelligence + Wisdom (penalties
depends on the attacker's Willpower). This power
requires the character's complete attention, reducing the

AD. 12 1 3

Tier l flimsy materials. Curtains, paper, etc., will be

normal difficulty, but thin steel and concrete
Many monsters hide behind illusions, beguiling, or outright
will be very hard.
conceal themselves from all the senses. But to the
Witchhunter their magically hiding is all in vain. 2 The character can now see through denser
This effect allows the Witchhunter to pierce the veil of a materials, as long as they are thin.
supernatural creature's magically created obfuscation. The
3 The character can see through armor with
player rolls Perception + Power, opposed by the creature's
Wits + Stealth. If he acquires more successes than the
creature, the character sees through it's foul dissembling. 4 The character sees through ordinary objects,
even thick armor, without difficulty.
Tier ll
5+ The character can see through normally
This effect grants the Witchhunter the ability to affect the impenetrable substances, like lead and other
senses of ethereal creatures, passing unnoticed by the eyes of heavy metals.
the supernatural, “hiding in plain sight.”
This effect allows the character to cloud the minds of the Tier Vl
supernatural, shielding his presence from supernatural creatures The Witchhunter with this ability projects her senses out of
even as he stands among the flock. This non-perceptibility is her physical shell, stepping from her body as an entity of
free of cost, requiring only that the character concentrates, pure thought. The Witchhunter's astral form is immune to
and it may be maintained for as long as the character physical damage or fatigue, and can "fly" with blinding speed
continues to concentrate. If another creature actively seeks anywhere across the world - or the Interstice.
him out, the player must engage in an opposed roll. The
The Witchhunter's material form lies in a torpid state while
player rolls Wits + Focus, opposed by the Wits + Alertness
her astral self is active, and the Witchhunter isn't aware of
of the creature attempting to locate him.
anything that befalls her body until she returns to it. An
ephemeral silver cord connects the Witchhunter's psyche to
Tier lll
her body. If this cord is severed, her consciousness becomes
The Witchhunter forced to rely on stealth and secrecy. The stranded in the Interstice, among ghosts, spirits and shades.
power of this effect goes far beyond mere silence, and lets the Attempting to return to the Witchhunter's physical shell is a
Witchhunter cover his presence (and even his trail) in a long and terrifying ordeal, especially since there is no
myriad of ways. guarantee that she will accomplish the journey successfully.
Utilizing this power prevents enemies from using any This significant danger keeps many Witchhunters from leaving
supernatural means to detect the Witchhunter. The their bodies for long, but those who dare can learn much.
Witchhunter concentrates for concealment, and the player Journeying in astral form requires the player to expend 2
spends a point of Aether and rolls Wits + Focus. Every points of Aether and one Willpower, then make a Perception
success deletes three successes from a supernatural creature’s + Focus roll. Difficulty varies depending on the distance and
attempts to use magical sensory capabilities to detect the complexity of the intended trip. The greater the number of
Witchhunter. successes rolled, the more focused the character's astral
presence is and the easier it is for her to reach her desired
Tier lV
The Witchhunter can actually see his surroundings without
relying on his physical visual senses, allowing the Witchhunter
to see through solid objects. Resilience
The character rolls Focus + Alertness and pays one Aether. Tier l
Successes Effect This augmentation gives the Witchhunter remarkable (many
1 The character can only see through thin or claim miraculous) abilities in battle.

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Thos power improves the Witchhunter’s reflexes to an

astonishing degree, giving him a chance to move out of the
way of any number of attacks against him. He can sidestep
attacks from an array of enemies — even while taking the
battle to the enemy. The player spends a point of Aether. For
the rest of the turn, the character receives a chance to dodge
(without any penalties) against every attack directed at him,
even if he’s attacking an enemy in the same round. This use
of this augmentation in no way provides the Witchhunter with
more than one attack, it simply gives him unlimited dodging
ability. This augmentation does not work if the character does
not know an attack is coming (i.e., if he is ambushed).

Tier ll
This technique, when used strategically, can easily astonish
the Witchhunter’s opponent and turn the tide of a combat.
The Witchhunter causes a number of attacks to give him the
health levels that they ordinarily would have taken away.
The player spends one Aether. From then on to the end of
the scene, the character can reverse the damage of a number
of attacks equal to his Wisdom rating. A Witchhunter can
thereby turn his enemy’s well-aimed deathblow into a blessing
of revivification. This augmentation can only be used once per
scene. Witchhunter in any way.
That said, direct magical attacks on the Witchhunter still
Tier lll work normally, as do normal weapons. Only supernatural
More physical is this augmentation, which grants the weapons using Brawl, Melee or Archery rolls are affected by
Witchhunter an astonishing capacity for surviving even the this augmentation.
best efforts of his enemies to inflict damage on him. Requires 2 Aether points. No roll is necessary, and the
When the character invokes this augmentation, his player effect lasts until the end of the scene.
pays 1 Aether and rolls Stamina + Power. Each success
provides the character with one point that he can use for Tier Vl
soak. This pool can be spent at the player's choice, but it can Not all challenges faced by Witchhunters can be dealt with
only be used once per scene. quickly. Their work eventually places all members of the
Witchhunters in a position of extended adversity. This
Tier lV augmentation grants the Witchhunter the ability to endure a
The level of this power renders the Witchhunter impervious variety of drawn out, difficult situations without being whittled
to all forms of supernatural weaponry, whether it be the claws away by physical or mental erosion and falling before the
of a wolf-man, the fangs of a vampire or the enchanted blade enemy.
of a wizard. Any such weapons used against the Witchhunter This power allows a Witchhunter to survive even the most
may make contact with his body, but then have no effect on grievous wounds inflicted on him in battle by rendering the
him at all, as though the weapon were made of thin wood blows of his opponents incapable of inflicting significant harm
and the Witchhunter’s body were made of stone. For the sake — or, at times, any harm at all. The player spends two points
of formality, the attacker may want to roll to hit, but the of Aether and rolls Stamina + Power. Each success represents
outcome is the same: no supernatural weapon affects the one degree of wound reduction (i.e., from aggravated to

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lethal, from lethal to bashing, or from bashing to no wounds The Witchhunter infuses some of their Aether into a
at all). The player makes the roll at the beginning of combat; weapon's physical manifestation. It becomes near unbreakable,
for the duration of the scene, he can choose to lessen an and never needs be sharpened again. It will never scratch,
attack by one grade for each success (i.e., three successes never bend, never chip, etc.
would allow the character to ameliorate an attack causing Requires 2 points of Aether, and the Witchhunter must
aggravated wounds by three levels — that is, from aggravated succeed on a Power + Dexterity. The weapon then inflicts
to no damage at all — or three attacks by one damage aggravated damage. It cannot be broken, except by seven
category apiece (i.e., turning three lethal attacks into three points of aggravated damage directed directly at the weapon.
bashing, or ignoring damage entirely on three bashing This supernatural force soothing through the steel, gently
attacks). binding the weapon to the hand reducing weight and
handiness, ignoring Wield Penalties, also grants one
Combat automatic success on initiative.

Tier l Tier Vl
The Witchhunter can alter the flow of the Aether within his With this power the Witchhunter will be able to attack
body to enhance his martial abilities. groups as though he were fighting with only one opponent.
The Witchhunter spends 1 Aether and rolls Wits + Power. He can strike several individuals with one blow in a 360
Each success adds one extra bonus to all Brawl, Dodge, and degree.
Melee rolls for the next scene. The Witchhunter rolls his Dexterity + Power. The number
of successes determine how many additional opponents he can
Tier ll strike: All opponents capable of being affected must be within
This is an enhanced intuition. The Witchhunter has learned a radius of 5 yards radius.
to use his combat sense in battle and is capable of reacting Successes Effect
on insincts that are more accurate to the situation. Thus he is
1 Success 1 Opponent
able to roll with the punches, aim his attacks more accurately,
3 Successes 2 Opponents
and just overall perform better in combat.
5 Successes 3 Opponents
The Witchhunter gains one automatic success on all
combat rolls for each Aether point he spends. 6+ Successes 4 Opponents
The Witchhunter must expend one Aether point every time
Tier lll this power is used with a single attack. Once the opponents
With this power the Witchhunter can induce the fear of to be hit with the additional attacks are declared they cannot
battle and death in his opponents. be changed. Once the attack is declared, only Brawl or Melee
Any mortal being must roll Courage with a penalty based attacks may be used in conjunction with this power; with the
on the results of the Witchhunter's Willpower + Intimidation exact same attack (opponents can attempt to defend
roll. He must also spend one Willpower. themselves but will automatically suffer a penalty equal to the
Player's Melee/Brawl Ability, + the amount of Aether spend
With three successes on the Courage roll the victim has
in the attack).
completely resisted the effect. With one or two successes he
will have to continue to roll Courage every round he tries to Once the Witchhunter has declared that he is using this
engage the Witchhunter. With no successes he will retreat power he may not try to dodge or commit any other action
from the battle. for that attack.
If the Witchhunter fails the roll he will never be able to
effect his opponent with that power ever again. Telekinetics
This rare Endowment was developed by long mentoring and
Tier lV
“voluntary” experiments with witches and mystics, showing

AD. 12 1 3

unique skills of moving things with their minds. The resulting Tier Vl
Endowment allows a Witchhunter with this skill to mentally
Up to 2000 pounds (1 ton) may be moved using this
lift, move, and manipulate objects. Objects may be
manipulated as if in the Witchhunter's hands; axes may be
The character must spend three Aether points and roll
swung, doors may be opened, locks may be lockpicked,
Focus + Willpower -5.
goblins may be slammed against the walls, etc.
If this is used on a living being, they may resist the power
with a Willpower roll (penalties equal to the character's Focus Battle Sovereign
rank); each success subtracts one success from the
Tier l
Witchhunter's Focus + Willpower roll. This power cause
stress on the mind and requires total concentration; nothing As warriors the Witchhunters invested in many advantages
else may be done. in fighting enhancemnet, and the Endowment of Battle
Sovereign is another of these. This Endowment use his
For all powers below, the successes determine how fast the
opponents strengths against them.
object can be moved in one turn.
With this ability, the Witchhunter becomes better able to
Successes Effects
judge the ebb and flow of combat around him. Each Aether
1 success one foot point spent in this enhancement's announced use will give the
2 successes one yard Witchhunter a +1 bonus when determining initiative.
3 successes three yards
4 successes ten yards Tier ll
5 successes twenty yards When the Witchhunter has attained this level of mastery, he
can execute melee strikes with much more vigour, causing a
Tier l greater degree of damage to his foe.
Up to one pound may be moved using this power. The Witchhunter makes a Strength + Melee as normal to
The character must spend one Aether point and roll Focus hit and spends one Aether point. If a hit is scored, the
+ Willpower -1. Witchhunter's Power is added to the damage. On a botch,
the Witchhunter must make a Stamina roll or take bashing
Tier ll one health level of damage from over stretching himself.
Up to 20 pounds may be moved using this power.
Tier lll
The character must spend one Aether point and roll Focus
Using this ability, the Witchhunter is able to move Aether
+ Willpower -2.
within his body to cushion damage inflicted upon him.
Tier lll By making a Stamina + Survival roll the Witchhunter may
add any successes to his Stamina for purposes of soaking. If
Up to 200 pounds may be moved using this power, or it
the Witchhunter expends a point of Willpower, he may enable
may be used to levitate the Witchhunter only (regardless of
these successes to be used to soak lethal damage. If he
actual weight).
additionally spends two Aether, he may soak aggravated
The character must spend one Aether point and roll Focus
damage aswell.
+ Willpower -3.
Tier lV
Tier lV
With this power, the Witchhunter is able to probe the
Up to 500 pounds may be moved using this power.
mind of an opponent and temporarily affect his ability in
The character must spend two Aether point and roll Focus combat. The Witchhunter can "leech" knowledge away from
+ Willpower -4. his opponent and use his own knowledge against him.
The Witchhunter spends an Aether point and must make a
AD. 12 1 3

Perception + Empathy roll with a penalty equal to the target's from control at any time.
Willpower. For every success, the Witchhunter is able to
"leech" one level from any of his opponents combat related
skills and use them in that combat turn only. The victim can
make a Willpower roll with a penalty equal to the number of Tier l
successes to shrug off the effect on him, but the Witchhunter This is a recent and experimental Endowment that deals
will still enjoy the benefits of the insight into his opponent's with the absorption and discharge of incoming force. It's
style. quite powerful, and requires a lot of mental strength and
Example, the Witchhunter with a Melee skill of 3 is control of his ethereal energies to utilize.
fighting a wyvern with a Brawl skill of 5, a dodge of 3 and a When the Witchhunter is getting struck in combat and
Willpower of 5. The Witchhunter employs this power and dealt damage, the body's Aether may absorb some of the
gains five successes. He chooses to leech four points from energy and store it within the blood of the Witchhunter,
the wyvern's Brawl skill and 1 from it's dodge. This gives the utilizing it for fuel at a late time.
Witchhunter a revised Melee skill of 7 and a dodge of 1. The
When a Witchhunter is drained a Health level from
wyvern has revised skills of Brawl 1, dodge 2. The wyvern
physical sources, the Witchhunter gains one kinetic Force
then makes a Willpower roll against -5 and scores 3
point; it's used later on but can already be expended to add
successes. It adds these to its Brawl. This gives a final skill
one bonus to damage for one attack.
of Brawl 4, dodge 2 for the wyvern. The Witchhunter's skills
remain Melee 7 dodge 1. If this skill is used in subsequent Tier ll
turns against the same opponent, he gets increasingly harder
The Witchhunter can expend more force and use it to pack
to affect. For each turn after the first, the opponent get a
a punch to stun opponents.
bonus of +1 to his Willpower for the purposes of
determining the Witchhunter's successes and for determining The Witchhunter may spend more than one point of Force.
his chance to shrug off the effect. By expending an Aether point the character can increase the
number of Force points by a one for three rank. When the
The Witchhunter may leech a maximum number of combat
character chooses to, he may discharge it all in a bursts of
related levels equal to half his (Power + Willpower).
kinetic force. This counts as stunning Bashing damage. The
Tier Vl character cannot spend more than five points of Force per
burst, though.
This is the most potent power in this Endowmen, as it
allows the Witchhunter to take control of an enemy's body Tier lll
and use it in whatever manner he desires. Although the body
Basically the same as the second-tier of this Endowment.
will not commit acts of violence upon itself, it can be used to
The Witchhunter can reach further with his force releasing
attack friends and allies. (Just perfect for when that big
burst. throwing his kinetic bursts over a distance, hitting
Crinos decides to take your head off!).
someone from afar. The range is about 1 yard per Willpower,
The Witchhunter must expend two Aether points and one times the Witchhunter's Focus rank.
Willpower and then make a Manipulation + Empathy roll,
with a penalty equal to the target's Willpower. For every 2 Tier lV
successes scored, the Witchhunter gain one turn of complete
This level is a bit more devestating that athe previous force
control over the target's movements. The target can make a
projectiles. This time causing internal harm.
Willpower roll with a penalty equal to the Witchhunter's
The Witchhunter can discharge the kinetic burst inside a
Manipulation + Empathy. Each success will negate one
target by touch. The target must roll Stamina penalty the
success achieved by the Witchhunter. The Witchhunter may
Witchhunter's Focus rank or suffer from crushed bones. If the
undertake no other action while he is directing the automaton,
roll fails the target is immediately on Crippled Wound Level.
but may control a number of targets equal to his
For targets of mortal physiology this is Lethal damage.
manipulation score, he may also release these automatons

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Bashing for monsters of unmortal physiology. Immaterial longer required to see or hear his target—instead, mystically
creatures and demons are completely unaffected. sensing it. This allows him to attack in utter darkness as if it
was daylight.
Tier Vl The Witchhunter ignores all penalties due to lack of sight
This is a more devestating effect of the fourth-tier power of or darkness. He just mystically sense where his enemy is.
this Endowment. This doesn't let him see in the dark, however, and he must
The Witchhunter may discharge the kinetic force in great, know that there is an enemy for him to use this ability. If
powerful bursts of energy. He may never use more than ten there are multiple enemies, he can keep track of all of them—
Force points, though. This damage is aggravated on creatures but if a new enemy moves onto the field after the
of mortal physiology and lethal for creatures of unnatural Witchhunter can't see him, he will not be able to fight him
physiology. Constructs are also affected, however, suffering unless he gets sight of him for at least a second.
lethal damage. Daemons may now be affected by bashing This requires no roll to use.
damage, but immaterial foes are unaffected.
Tier ll
Skara The Witchhunter empowers his weapon with Aether, which
almost glows in power as he holds it. Any attacks made with
This Endowment uses the Witchhunter's natural ethereal to the weapon cut deeper than normal, and the wounds are more
estblish a connection to his weapon of choice to allow him to grevious.
do things with his weapon that others would consider
The Witchhunters weapon now does aggravated damage if
supernatural. All powers, however, requires the infusion of his
he spends two Aether points. He merely needs to make a
Aether, so it only work with the chosen bonded weapon.
Willpower roll and spend a round to empower the weapon.
In order to do so, the Witchhunter must, however, sacrifice He may not do anything else while doing this.
one Permanent Aether to bind himself and his weapon
together on an ethereal plane. Tier lll
This allow the Witchhunter to “heal” his weapon of any A Witchhunter with this level is mystically connected with
damage suffered through extensive use, or if severily punished his weapon on an even deeper level, and can draw it to him
through combat. This requires several hours of his time as he as long as it is not too far away from him. The weapon
gently whets it with a pure stone (to remove nicks and dings), actually “jumps” into its owner's hand, ready to be used. If
polishes it with fine cloths (to remove scratches and burs), or the Witchhunter attacks the same turn he uses this power, he
sits holding the shattered remains together with his hands and usually surprises his foe.
exorting his will into it. If the weapon is not more than five yards away from the
For nicks and dings the character bleeds an Aether point Witchhunter, he may spend a Willpower point to have it leap
onto a pure whet stone and spends time rubbing the stone into his hand. This will almost always surprise an opponent
over the nicks, dings or other bliemishes. After a few hours unless he is aware that the Witchhunter is capable of this.
of this, all of the mars will be gone. After a couple of hours His attack against him will receive a +2 bonus to attack,
the ritual is finished and the sword is perfect again. To heal a because he is off-guard.
broken weapon takes an expenditure of 2 Aether points and Note: The weapon does not just disappear and reappear in
the expenditure of a Willpower point. This will completely the Witchhunters hand—it must be able to navigate you.
repair the weapon of all damage and remanifest as good as
new. Tier lV
The Witchhunter can “dance with the sword” as some calls
Tier l
it, anticipating the actions and moves to intercept others while
The Witchhunter becomes truly one with his weapon, they're attacking the Witchhunter. He becomes a lot harder
allowing him to extend his senses through it and the weapon to injure when he achieves this level of mastery of Skara.
technically feels like an extension of his person. He is no

AD. 12 1 3

The Witchhunter can parry one attack per round for each repertoire of most used rituals known to the Witchhunters.
rank of this Endowment, without splitting his Roll. He can Unless otherwise noted, all rituals requires ethereal energies
roll his full Dexterity + Melee to try to avoid the attack. He to take effect, as such one point of Aether must be spend on
can only parry Melee attacks, Brawl attacks, and projectile Tier-one to Tier-three. Tier-four and five, however, requires
attacks. If the Witchhunter does nothing but parry, then the more energy, costing two Aether points to cast. Additionally
parry is at a +2 bonus. strong will and concentration are required, and a Willpower
roll must be made, usually with a penalty equal to the level of
Tier Vl ritual used.
The Witchhunter is as empower by the connection as the
weapon is at this stage. He is as fast as lightning with his Level l
weapon, and is so unerringly quick that few others can get a
slash in before they are cut down by his expert martial skills.
The Witchhunter must spend an Aether point every time he This ritual allows the Witchhunter to discover a source of
wishes to use this power. Every turn he spend the Aether hunting prey. The collarbone of a desired species is needed.
point anything other than a 1 is considered an automatic This is thrown into a fire. Afterwards it is taking out and the
success on initative roll. He also roll Wits + Melee for his cracks made in the collar bone are followed as a map. It
initative. requires an Intelligence role to understand. Each success is
additional to hunt roll successes.
Additionally, the former tier-four level is also automatically
Wisdom of Bones
By obtaining a fragment of bone from a target, as well as
some of that target's blood, the ritualist can gain supernatural
Rituals knowledge of that person's thoughts. The ritual takes an hour,
and the bone must be crushed into a powder and mixed with
The body of knowledge of mystical ritae, or rituals, which blood from the target until it becomes a paste, which the
have been recorded by the Shadow Inquisition is constantly ritualist swallows at the end of the ritual. For the rest of the
growing as more and more Witchhunters finds them useful in night, the target may use a form of Telepathy upon the
the field, however, the Shadow Inquisition itself still considers subject from which the blood and bone were taken, even if
them only a useful “side-tool”. Presented here is a further the ritualist does not possess that power.
sample of the ritae that make up the Cathedral's records

AD. 12 1 3

Cast Thy Sight once.

With this ritual and either a crystal ball or a wide, flat This long and involved rite allows for temporarily or even
body of water (a puddle or a bowl would work fine, though permanently banish a spirit. The Witchhunter must engage in
unnatural surfaces such as mirrors cannot), a Witchhunter can an extended, opposed roll with the spirit in residence. The
view distant events, places or people. Other spellcasters or exorcism requires a standard roll and payment, but with the
monsters may detect this scrying (Contest of Perception + spirit's Willpower as a penalty. This roll is made at the
Occult to detect versus ritualist's Wits + Stealth to spy beginning of every hour during which the ritual is taking place
softly). No sound can be heard, although lips can be read. and is opposed by a Willpower roll for the spirit. The
The interior of relatively small enclosed objects (boxes, safes, Witchhhunter must accumulate a total number of net
people) cannot be viewed. Concentration is required; loud successes equal to the spirit's Willpower rating before the
noises or interruptions will either require a Willpower roll spirit may be compelled to vacate the premises.
with an appropriate penalty.
Blessing of Eternal Rest
The casting Witchhunter must enter into a light trance and
concentrate on the water, while murmuring a fifteen-second Witchhunter are aware of the use of wicked magics to affect
incantation and passing her hands over it a series of circles. the dead, and the usual rites performed during a funeral are
After a successful Willpower roll, the Witchhunter can either not always enough to prevent this from happening. When a
send her sight to a place she can clearly visualize or she can recently deceased corpse is purified with this ritual, however,
move it from her current point of reference, flitting it about desecrating it with necromantic arts becomes much more
as though from a flying perspective, sending it down difficult.
chimneys, through open windows, doors, etc. In either This ritual may only be performed over a body within three
instance, the Witchhunter must make a Willpower roll every days after death. It involves chanting for five minutes and
half-hour beyond the first to maintain her concentration. sprinkling the ashes of a cremated corpse over the deceased.
Failure means that she has lost focus and must rest for an The Witchhunter then makes a standard Willpower roll and
hour or so before continuing. spends a point of Aether. From that point forward, any
attempts to use powers that affect the corpse of the deceased
The Rune of Vigilance have their difficulty increased by the number of successes
This ritual requires approximately an hour for an rolled to perform this ritual.
experienced ritualist. It allows the ritualist to prepare a small
vial of blood, which, when painted upon a wall or other flat Level ll
object in the form of a thaumaturgic sigil, approximately
three inches high by three inches wide, will slowly fade to Hurt the Spirit
match the color of the object upon which it has been painted. By burning incense and pouring alcohol over a weapon it is
Any individual passing within a yard of the rune will trigger possible to give it power to actually do some sort of damage
it, and the ritualist will instinctively know which rune was to things not of this world. It does not do aggravated damage
triggered. The ritualist may have as many Runes active as though. However, it functions against immaterial enteties and
ranks in Willpower. The Rune can be perceived by someone demons as if on a normal mortal creature.
using a mystical form of detecting.
Approaching the Shroud
Rite of Exorcism This disturbing ritual brings a Witchhunter closer to the
One of the most utilized rituals practiced by Witchhunters grave, making her body unfeeling and pale, like that of a
in their proffesion. Many restless spirits haunt manrors and bloodless corpse. It takes an hour to cast, and requires a
graveyards, and the ritual to banish them is a usefull tool. handful of soil from the grave. When the ritual is activated,
Through this power, a ritualist may command a spirit or the ritualist will feel her body grow cold and numb. This
demon residing within a given place or person to leave at increases the difficulties of all Appearance and Dexterity-based

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to tell the truth, and may not know the answers in any event.
The ritualist can contact either spirits whose name they know,
or the spirits of corpses which are found. This ritual does
nothing if the spirit no longer exists, is bound or is not
within ten miles of the ritualist.
In case of an unknown spirit to be summoned, the
ritualist must be in possession of the head of the spirit's
corpse. Having the head of a known spirit grants a +1 bonus
to the casting Willpower roll. If the ritualist is in possession
of the entire corpse, his bonus increases to +2 of an unknown
spirit and by +4 in the case of a known spirit. Spirits which
exist but have been spirits for several centuries will be at a
-1 difficulty to summon for every century since death.
The ritualist must draw a circle around the site of contact
—a circle which has a radius of at least one yard—and inscribe
rolls by one. However, because the Witchhunter can feel no the thaumaturgic symbols for fire, water, earth, air, and ether
pain, she suffers no wound penalties. The effects of the ritual at their correct positions around the circle. In the center of
last for one night. the circle part of the body or the body itself if available, must
be placed and blood (human blood) sprayed over the remains
Skull Sentry to give the spirits the power to manifest and to talk. When
This old ritual was allegedly developed by Rhunegaard wyrm this is complete, the ritualist must position himself outside
druids during the Worldbridge area. To cast this ritual, the the circle and chant which will take two hours to complete.
Witchhunter must cut the head from a living creature using a The completion of the ritual demands the expenditure of 3
specially prepared knife that is engraved with runic symbols Aether points. The blood used in the ritual must be human,
and lightly powdered with gold dust. Then the severed head but never the ritualist's—or the spirit will possess the ritualist!
must be completely drenched in blood. Any blood may be Roll Perception + Occult. The number of successes
used, but typically the ritualist uses animal blood while adding determines the number of minutes the spirit will stay. If the
a drop of their own, and sometimes oteher's, blood into the ritualist wishes the spirit to stay for an extended period of
pool. The head is then buried underground until all the flesh time, he must spill forth an additional point of Aether. The
has decayed from it. At this point, the skull is extracted, spirit will then stay for an additional number of minutes equal
polished, and placed near an item or area that the ritualist to the number of successes originally rolled by the ritualist.
wishes it to guard. Thereafter, any individual whose blood was The summoned spirit will feel compelled to answer the
not used in the casting of the ritual will, when approaching ritualist, if the spirit knows the information desired and/or is
within six yards of the skull, activate a disturbing effect. The willing to share this information. All questions must be
skull suddenly screams a high-pietch scream, high enough to phrased in a very simple fashion.
function as an alarm, but also so devestating as to inflict one
point of bashing damage each turn of continuing screams. Sanctified Homestead
This effect ends when the person that has triggered it leaves
Sanctified Homestead can protect a private dwelling from
the area.
any supernatural breach for a time. This ritual is well known
among Witchhunters, and its roots lie more with old folk
Tongue of the Spirit
traditions of honoring the hospitality and sanctity of the
This ritual enables the ritualist to communicate on a very home than with the actual blessing of an area. Still, its utility
basic level with the spirits of the dead, as well as weak spirits in the field is unquestionable and has guaranteed the restful
of the Umbra. The ritualist can only ask very simple sleep of many witchhunters and protected.
questions to the spirits. The spirits are under no compulsion

AD. 12 1 3

This ritual must be performed in a private dwelling and turned completely ebony and has no magic left.
protects against uninvited visits by undead and demonic This ritual binds the spirit of the individual to whom the
creatures. The character must sprinkle cremated ashes mixed bone belonged in life; it is this spirit who wrests the truth
with salt in all quarters of the building, burn an ounce of from the potential liar. The spirit absorbs the lies intended to
incense and chant for half an hour, after which time the be told by the bone's holder, and as it compels more truth, it
Witchhunter makes a standard roll. For each success, the becomes more and more corrupt. If summoned forth, this
structure is protected from entry by any undead and demon- spirit reflects the sins it has siphoned from the defeated liar
possessed or inhuman creatures for one day. The only (in addition to anger over its unwilling servitude). For this
loophole is that the creature may enter if invited by anyone reason, anonymous bones are often used in the ritual, and the
inside the dwelling. Note that this protection is purely bone is commonly buried after it has been used to its full
physical: a creature that can see into a window or across a extent. A specific bone may never be used twice for this
threshold could use mental powers to force an occupant to ritual.
give the needed invitation. Furthermore, although the place The bone imbued with this power must be at least 100
may not be entered, it may be damaged from the outside, years old and must absorb 10 Aether points on the night that
forcing those inside to flee. If the ritus roll is botched, the the ritual is cast. Each lie the holder wishes to tell consumes
ritual may not be performed again on the same dwelling. one of these points, and the holder must speak the truth
immediately thereafter.
Level lll
Bottled Death Level lV
To cast this ritual, the ritualist needs a small bit of flesh Change Name
from a vampire. The flesh (preferably fresh), must be mixed This ritual allows someone near death or for other reasons
with at least three ounces points from either a werewolf or a to change her true name. It could actually possibly break
fae (ingredients which are both difficult to obtain, due to the domination over a person, depending on the nature and block
ferocity of the first, and the elusiveness of the second). The future scrying or even heretical blood curses as the past soul
mixture of flesh and blood is then placed in a small glass vial name is now dead. Something very personal must be burned
that is engraved with mystical symbols. After chanting the during this ritual. And no attempt may ever be made to
words of the ritual, the vial is stoppered and left in absolute recognized the past name, lest the ritual's power is revoked.
darkness for a week. After this period, the flesh gobbets have
liquified and become absorbed into the blood, which has Vitriolic Vitae
become a deadly poison to many coporeal undead. If the
This 45 minute ritual renders the ritualist's blood poisonous
blood from the vial is subsequently drank or injected into an
to vampires and blood and flesh eating monsters. During the
undead, it inflicts three health levels of damage for each point
casting, he must drink a small amount of poisonous
drank or injected. The blood is especially lethal to the
blackroot juice, and take one unsoakable level of aggravated
vampires, whose flesh was used in the ritual, for if they so
damage in the process. The next 24 hours, any creature
much as touches the blood, it is instantly absorbed into its
exposed to the witchhunter's blood will suffer one lethal
skin, and it takes damage as though it had entered the body.
health level (unsoakable) per 1 oz ingested.
Bone of Lies
This ritual enchants a mortal bone so that anyone who Level Vl
holds it must tell the truth. The bone in question is often a
Barred Haven
skull, though any part of the skeleton will do - some
Witchhunters use strings of teeth, necklaces of finger joints This ritual requires the ritualist to sprinkle five onces of
or wands fashioned from ribs or arms. The bone grows blood on all doors and windows in the room to be shielded.
blacker as it compels its holder to tell the truth, until it has The ritual takes one hour to cast, and blocks attempts to scry

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or locate the room. This ritual also seals the doors and the surgical procedures of the Witchhunters.
windows against unauthorized entry. However, since Alchemy is magical in nature, they are
Each successes scored in casting the ritual adds +2 to the subjects to the Witchhunter's powers of negating magic.
strength required to break into the room. The locks aren't
pickable as the doors simply will not open. If someone who Alchemical Preperations
knows where the room should be searches, he may roll
Perception + Occult against the ritualit's Willpower score as The process of alchemy is not properly a spell or ritual.
a penalty, and must gain at least two successes to locate it. Instead, and alchemist creates a product that embodies the
effect he seeks or one that induces the desired result.
Alchemical spells and rituals are generally called formulas, and
one usually achieves their effects with a particular preparation.
Alchemy Except for some of the simplest preparations, alchemy usually
requires long hours of work with suitably prepared kit of
Alchemy is arguably the oldest arcane art in the world. speciallized alchemy tools.
Named for Al Khem, or the Black Land, the art of Alchemy
was one of the greatest gifts from ancient Egypt to the Determining Success
mysticism of the world, and it have spread worldwhide and Alchemy is a special Knowledge. Creating a preparation
evolved into different paths of sciences throughout the eons. requires a standard Occult + Alchemy roll, against a penalty
The search for the elixir of life, the panacea of universal of the formula's difficulty.
medicine and the transmutation of base substances into gold Creating alchemical preparations requires an average of one
led to the creation of an encyclopedia of sciences, potions hour per level of the formula being crated.
and curses for nearly every occasion. The Egyptian priesthood

Duration and Resistance

naturally expanded the care for the spiritual well being of their
charges to cover their charges' physical welfare, and they
commanded the greatest liberaries of mystical formulas. The standard alchemical preparation either creates an instant
Countles scholars have made an attempt to reassemble all of and permanent effect, or it lasts for an average of 4 hours
these formulas and texts lost to the ages and garther them in before the effect fades. Taking multiple doses of a potion
all into the ultimate complete codex of truth of arcane with a time duration normally lengthens the duration, rather
sciences. than increase the effect.
The Shadow Inquisition is especially spending resources on Sometimes a subject may wish to resist an alchemical
collecting such secrets and use them in their war against the preparation's effects. Unless the formula description notes that
unnatural. the formula may not be resisted, the victim may roll Stamina
Most common folk can't tell the difference between an with a penalty equal to the formula's difficulty level. The
alchemist and a herbalist, believing both to make potions and subject must roll at least one more success than the alchemist
foul sorcery. It's what they've been told after all. However, the applied to the mixture's potency.
few who know a little about an aclhemist is most familiar
with the royal alchemist who trie to cover the secrets of the Level One Alchemy
universe through experimentation, usually about the secrets of
how to make gold from lead. True alchemy, however, is far
Cloud of Smoke
more complicated and the art truly shows the arcane abilities Type: Essence
of the ancient Egyptians. Roll: Alchemy + Occult
The mastery of alchemy by the Shadow Inquisition Difficulty: -1
obviously proves that the art is not completely forgotten. The Aether: n/a
formulas and discoveries have become an essential element in With this powder, the alchemist can cause any fire, even a

AD. 12 1 3

smoldering spark, to emit a cloud that conceals the area. The rating 2 per dose. A poison takes effects in the same turn it
smoke is normal in all ways. It causes visual and olfactory is administered, and the effect is permanent, although a victim
difficulties for those in the area. Including the alchemist. The may heal as normal if he survives. On a weapon, the poison's
thick smoke cloud firlls a 5 yard cube of space for each damage applies in addition to that of any blow inflicted by
success on the roll. the weapon itself.
All those within are at a -4 penalty to all approperate A standard Perception roll is required to notice, whether it
Perception-related rolls. is a salve made to coat a surface or a potion slipped into the
victim's food. The number of extra successes extra spent on
Drink of Seven Days' Rest the preparation's potency increases the victim's penalty to
Type: Elixir resist the poison.
Roll: Alchemy + Medicine
Decoction of Resilience
Difficulty: n/a
Type: Elixir
Aether: n/a
Roll: Alchemy + Medicine
The Drink of Seven Days' Rest relieves fatique instantly,
restoring vitality to the one hwo drinks it. If the beneficiary's Difficulty: -1
health level is Bruised, the potion also restores one health Aether: n/a
level. No healing occurs with more seriously wounded This substance is essentially a supernatural anesthetic.
characters. A successful preparation leaves the recipient feeling Although it is commonly created as a potion, it may take the
refreshed and alert for four hours. The beneficiary tires form of a salve. The recipient's wound penalties decrease by
normally after the effects wear off. two health levels. Therefore, a Mauled character suffers only
a -1 penalty rather than the usual -2. Even a user who fails to
Restful Candle Incapacitated may continue activity until the effect's duration
Type: Essence ends. Of course, dying puts the recipient beyond the help of
any painkiller.
Roll: Alchemy + Occult
Difficulty: n/a Simple Elixir
Aether: n/a
Type: Elixir
This soothing fumes is very popular among the well-to-do
Roll: Alchemy + Occult
and even among some lesser employees of the noble courts.
This thick bluish wax, used for candles, when slowly burned Difficulty: -2
along a wick, fills the air with a sweet, relaxing fume which Aether: n/a
sticks in no windy conditions for 6 hours. When inhaling A simple elixir is a catch-all designation for a plethora of
these fumes, beings feels more relaxed and can easier battle preparations that magically boosts a recipient's Attributes
stress, mental pressure and remain calm when facing fears or temporarily. Each application raises by one the Attribute it is
trauma. All rolls against fear, or somehow mentral stress is all designed to boost for about four hours. As noted previously,
at a +2 bonus. multiple applications increase the effect's duration, not the
Attribute boost.
Mild Poison An enhancement of an Attribute higher than five from a
Type: Salve/Elixir mystical source of alchemy, typically provides a trait with a
Roll: Alchemy + Medicine focused benefit.
Difficulty: -1
Aether: n/a Simple Philtre
This creates a simple but effective poison with a lethal toxin Type: Elixir

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Roll: Alchemy + Occult yards—dark (-4) is reduced to -2; at 10- to 15 yards—dim

Difficulty: -1 lighting (-2) is at a -1 penalty instead. A Lantern Star can be
Aether: n/a used and reused for over a year before it looses it's usage.
Old folktales, and old fairytailes alike, are rife with these
magical potions. A simple philtre inspires a particular
emotion—be it fear, love, courage, anger or something else. Type: Powder
As with elixirs, a character must learn each type of philtre Roll: Alchemy + Occult
seperately Difficulty: -1
the philtre floods a character with a particular emotion, even Aether: n/a
if such a feeling is normally unthinkable to the recipient. This This powder when finished prepared turns into gold colored
effect adds -1 penalty to any roll to resist circumstances ceramic-like substance about 1-foot-long tile, that glows
relating to the emotion created. Succeeding on Seduction brightly when snapped in the hands of a user. It clearly
rolls is far easier against a victim of a love philtre, as is illuminates a 10 yards radius and provides shadowy
succeeding on Manipulation attempts against a character who illumination in a 20 yards radius after that. It glows for up to
is subject to fdeeling adoration. A philtre of courage makes 3 hours, after which it turns more reddish, before it turns
the subject more likely to attempt hazardous endeavors, while completely dark and have burned out.
a philtre of hate is useful when trying to provoke an
Ammun's Ointment of Noncorruption
Simple Tonic Type: Salve
Roll: Alchemy + Medicine
Type: Salve/Elixir
Difficulty: -1
Roll: Alchemy + Medicine
Aether: n/a
Difficulty: -1
Ammun's Ointment of Noncorruption is an embalming
Aether: n/a
ointment that slows the decomposition of dead tissues. This
A tonic is a preparation that heals damage caused by oil simply slows down the decomposition rate of a dead body
sickness or physical attack, and it may take the form of a to the decomposition effect of one hour per day. It's not
salve or potion. Each dose restores one health level of uncommon for huntsmen to use this oil to keep their game
bashing or lethal damage. as fresh as possible while camping in the wilds. There's a
chance that the meat could begin to spoil before returning
Lantern Stars home, so this helps keeping it fresh for use longer. Many
Type: Elixir bounty hunters also use this ointment to keep their trophies a
Roll: Alchemy + Occult fresh as possible, so that when they return to their employer
Difficulty: -1 to show that their job is finished, they doesn't carry a
decomposing, maggot filled, smelly head at their person.
Aether: n/a
There is usually enough ointment within one container to
A fist-sized glass vial with a pale blue liquid, and if shaken cover and entire human-sized person.
the lichen sheds a bluish light equal to a torch for a time,
after which it burns out. These lights, called lantern stars, last
Level Two Alchemy
for a few hours before burning out, but if shaken again they
begin to glow again. They do not give off heat or smoke, and Blood of the Snake
the light is constant and unwavering. All darkness vissibility
Type: Elixir/Salve
related penalties are reduced by half. Additionally each extra 5
Roll: Alchemy + Medicine
yards of radius negates the level of low-illumination by half as
well; 5 yards—pitch darkness (-6) is reduced to -3; at 5- to 10 Difficulty: -2

AD. 12 1 3

Aether: 1 Chira's Polish is a thick white chymical paste that quickly

Each dose of this preparation—typically a potion or a salve darkens to purple, then blue, then black as it interacts with
—defends against poisons for four hours. This brew reduces any metals upon which it is placed. Assuming an item has
by three the toxin rating of any poison that is already in the not lost more than 1/2 its Durability points, Chira's Polish
character's body or introduced into her body during the can restore up to 3 Durability points by alchemical restoring
antidote's duration. Reducing a toxin rating to zero negates and rebounding the metals (but metals only). By spreading it
the poison's effects entirely. If this potion is administered onto the metal and leaving it undisturbed, the polish
within one turn of the point at which a poison took effect, transforms any damage by fractures and imperfections in the
Blood of the Snake can also restore a number of health levels weapon or armor, slowly repairing the item at the rate of one
to the subject equal to the successes gained on the alchemist's an hour.
preperation roll. Chira's Polish is mostly used by Witchhunters and some
mercenaries while out in the field, or if too far from a
Dragon Bile blacksmith to easily get metal implements fixed or reforged.
Type: Elixir
Roll: Alchemy + Occult
Bottled Fire
Difficulty: -1 Type: Salve
Aether: 1 Roll: Occult + Alchemy
Although it could be used as a poison, this potion is Difficulty: -1
actually a vitriolic acid. Each dose causes one level of Aether: 1
Aggravated damage to whatever substance it touches unless This liquid can start a fire with little more than a touch on
said substance is gold or glass. Dragon Bile can be used to non-living flammable substance. The size of the subsequent
eat through non-living barriers, and it is devestating to living fire depends upon the amount of flammable material available
tissue. and the number of successes the alchemist rolls on the
preperation roll. Damage to a victim caught by the flame
Eyes of the Ghost follows normal rules for fire.
Type: Salve
Roll: Occult + Alchemy
Level Three Alchemy
Difficulty: n/a Gravesalt
Aether: n/a Type: Powder
The alchemist applies this magical salve to the beneficiary’s Roll: Alchemy + Occult
eyes and ears. While its effects last, the character may see Difficulty: -2
across the veil into the Interstice, the part of the Astral
Aether: 1
Realms that borders closest to the world of the living. Sights
are distorted and sounds are muted. Since ghosts normally Not a true salt mineral, however, created artificially through
pass unseen amongst the living, they are likely to notice that alchemy and mystic ritualism, this powder of silvery crystals
the user is actually observing them. have a deflective effect on incorporeal entities. If spread out in
a line or smeared across a 1½ yards square, any ghost or
Chira's Polish other restless spirit are unable to pass through, unless passing
a Willpower roll for every turn afterwards or become drained
Type: Salve of mental force (one Willpower per fail ed roll). Wheter
Roll: Alchemy + Craft succeeding or failing on such a roll, they still receive a -1
Difficulty: -1 penalty to all rolls while within the area.
Aether: 1 The Gravesalt can remain in effect for as long as the line

AD. 12 1 3

yards cone. Can burn for 8 hours.

Complex Elixir
Type: Elixir
Roll: Occult + Alchemy
Difficulty: -1
Aether: 1
Not surprisingly, a Complex Elixir is a more powerful
version of a Simple Elixir. Each elixir here works like its
respective level one equivalent, but it imbues the recipient
with two extra points to any of his Attributes. Or it may
increase two Attributes by one instead, for example might one
dose of Complex Elixir increase Stamina and Strength by
one each for the potion’s duration.

Complex Tonic
Type: Salve/Elixir
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
Difficulty: -1
Aether: 1
A Complex Tonic heals three health levels of bashing or
lethal damage that derive from disease or injury.

Dangerous Poison
Type: Salve/Elixir
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
Difficulty: -1
Aether: 1
isn't broken, which could happen by even a strong gust of
wind. This formula represents knowledge of a number of ways to
create mixtures that conceal the preparation and use of quite
Spirit Light deadly toxins.
This preparation creates a poison with a lethal toxin rating
Type: Essence
of 5 per dose. Even if the subject resists the toxin’s effect, he
Roll: Alchemy + Occult still suffers one bashing health level of damage. It otherwise
Difficulty: -2 functions just like a level-one Mild Poison.
Aether: 1
When burned, the type of candle illuminates it's One Hundred Tongues
surroundings in a greenish glow, which shows the shadows of Type: Salve/Elixir
invisible creatures and ghosts within the Interstice. This light Roll: Linguistics + Alchemy
allows visual detection of ghosts and hidden entities beyond
Difficulty: -1
the veil. It illuminates up to 5 yards radius, but if placed in a
bullseye lantern, the cone of light becomes focused to 15 Aether: n/a

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This preparation endows the user with the ability to speak Type: Elixir
and understand any spoken language. The user may drink it Roll: Occult + Alchemy
as a potion or apply it to both the ears and mouth as a salve. Difficulty: -2
A salve applied to only one sensory organ bestows only
Aether: 2
partial enchantment. A salve applied to the hands and eyes
enables the user to use and comprehend sign language. Communication is a vital component of success for any
Botched batches of this concoction might render the user a Witchhunter. Without the ability to maintain communication
babbling idiot temporarily, make her misinterpret everything during an assault, no plan can survive contact with the enemy.
she hears or leave her capable of speaking only a particular The alchemist simply brew up a vat of this mind-expanding
foreign tongue. elixir. Once he fights his way through the hallucinations, the
user finds he has the ability to read the surface thoughts of
Potion of Valor others and even to project his own thoughts into their minds.
This concoction is a virulent shade of yellow, with subtle
Type: Elixir
veins of a slightly darker color swirled throughout the liquid.
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
One dose will for the rest of the scene, the alchemist may,
Difficulty: -1 as a reflexive action, hold a two-way mental conversation with
Aether: 1 another character within his line of sight or scan the surface
A more powerful form of the Potion of Resilience, this thoughts of another. Holding a two-way conversation requires
preparation reduces wound penalties by four levels instead of a Perception + Willpower roll, with one roll required of both
two. It also grants two temporary health levels below characters for every turn’s worth of conversation. If the
Incapacitated, which forestall death and allow the beneficiary character being conversed with is also under the effect of this
limited mobility. This extra resilience lasts until the potion ritual, conversations are automatic, with no roll required.
wears off, so someone who is hanging onto life thanks to this Scanning the surface thoughts of another character likewise
potion must receive medical attention or healing magic before requires a Perception + Willpower roll, contested by the
its four hours pass, lest he fall dead. target’s Willpower if the target is unwilling.

Gravebane Tears of the Nether

Type: Essence Type: Elixir
Roll: Alchemy + Occult Roll: Occult + Alchemy
Difficulty: -2 Difficulty: -1
Aether: 1 Aether: 2 plus amount invested
This thick white liquid evaporates almost instantly upon A staple of many Witchhunters in general, this one-dose
contact with air, creating a thin, nearly invisible smoke. The potion stores raw Aether for future use. When making the
smoke is nearly odorless, and it has no effect on most preparation, the alchemist must decide upon the amount of
creatures. Undead, however, are usually repulsed by the smoke Aether she wants the potion to hold, then she must spend
and can only pass though it with the expense of a Willpower that amount of Aether along with the minimum that the ritual
point. When opened, a flask of Gravebane fills a 6 yards itself requires. Obviously, the character cannot spend more
radius area with smoke. Undead cannot enter an area filled Aether than her character has on hand.
with Gravebane smoke unless they also succeed on a Instead, one success is required for each point of Aether
Willpower roll (after the expendure of one Willpower point). infused into the preparation, and any extra Aether dissipates.
The effect lasts for as long as an hour, although strong winds Therefore, if an alchemist expends five Aether to create a dose
may decrease this duration. of Tears of the Nether that contains three Aether, but he gets
only two successes, the potion contains two Aether, and the
Eyes of Isis remaining Aether is lost.

AD. 12 1 3

When consumed, the potion increases the user’s Aether Type: Elixir/Essence
score temporarily, even above its normal maximum. Aether Roll: Meditation + Alchemy
points gained from drinking the preparation are always the Difficulty: -1
first to be expended, and any points that remain unused when
Aether: 3
the potion’s duration is over are lost. Only one potion may
benefit a character at any one time, and further draughts have This potion puts the user into a trance-like state, allowing
no effect before the initial dose is exhausted. her consciousness to separate from her body and travel
astrally. More correctly, the spirit remains connected to her
physical form via a protective link. Astral travel operates
Level Four Alchemy
mostly as per the top Awareness endowment. The spirit is
Panacea restricted to travel in the Interstice.
Type: Salve/Elixir If the user’s consciousness is still separate from her body
when the potion wears off, the wayward spirit snap back into
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
her body. Returning to flesh in such a jarring fashion requires
Difficulty: -2
the user to make a Stamina + Occult roll or lose a bashing
Aether: 3 health level due to shock.
This ritual creates a potion that can cure almost any
disease. Each dose removes from the recipient one illness up Level Five Alchemy
to a toxin rating equal to the alchemist’s Medicine +
Alchemy rating – from a common cold to amoebic dysentery Deadly Poison
to cancer. The panacea does not heal wounds, however. Type: Salve/Elixir
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
Amun’s Water Difficulty: -3
Type: Elixir Aether: 2
Roll: Occult + Alchemy This preparation creates a poison with a lethal toxin rating
Difficulty: -4 of 7 per dose. Even if the subject resists the toxin’s effect, he
Aether: 3 still suffers three bashing health levels of damage. By
The monsters the Witchhunters face are at home among spending two additional Aether during preparation, the
the shadows, lurking unseen in the night. To face them and alchemist can transform the lethal poison into one that
uncover their wickedness, a Witchhunter must sometimes go inflicts aggravated damage. It otherwise functions just like the
unseen as well, passing beyond sight and entering the very den level-one Mild Poison ritual.
of the lions. By quaffing this potion, an alchemist veils herself
from sight, becoming invisible. Potent Elixir
Amun’s Water is a deep blue liquid the consistency of ink, Type: Elixir
brewed from deadly nightshade and the venom of an adder. It Roll: Occult + Alchemy
has a cloying, sweet taste and as it goes down, it feels like Difficulty: -3
swallowing liquid ice.
Aether: 2
The user fades from sight and becomes partly invisible.
The Potent Elixir is a significantly more powerful formula
This is no mere psychic trick; the character is literally
of the level-one Simple Elixir. Each specific Potent Elixir
invisible. Witnesses simply see her cloaking, partly vanishing
bestows three points that the player can use to boost any of
into the environment. Any hostile action, such as attacking or
her character’s Attributes temporarily.
brandishing a weapon, immediately breaks the invisibility.

Potion of the Unseen Path Potent Philtre

AD. 12 1 3

Type: Elixir venomous saliva, cry poisonous tears and even discharge toxic
Roll: Occult + Alchemy urine. Even breathing on another living being causes the
Difficulty: -2 victim to make a Stamina roll or lose one bashing health
level. Against nonliving materials or tissue, her corrosive fluids
Aether: 2
destroy two levels automatically.
The Potent Philtre works exactly like a more powerful form
A monster who drinks the user’s blood suffers two levels of
of its level-one counterpart. It adds +3 difficulty to any roll to
aggravated damage. Likewise, anyone cutting or stabbing the
resist circumstances relating to the emotion that the philtre
user risks getting splattered with toxic blood. To avoid this
damage, an attacker who draws the user’s blood must get a
number of successes on a Dexterity + Dodge roll greater than
Potent Tonic the number of health levels he inflicted. If the attacker is
Type: Salve/Elixir splattered, the effect is the same as if the user spat on her
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy opponent. An attacker who draws blood with natural weapons
Difficulty: -2 like claws or teeth takes damage automatically, and a material
Aether: 2 weapon suffers the corrosive damage described previously.

The Potent Tonic heals up to five health levels of bashing

or lethal damage.
Level Six Alchemy
Personal Poison
Potion of the Divine Type: Salve/Elixir
Type: Elixir Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy Difficulty: -2
Difficulty: -2 Aether: 3
Aether: 3 One of the great dangers of poison is that it will strike the
This ritual is an improved version of the Potion of Valor. wrong target. Although this spell have managed to spread
The user suffers no wound penalties, regardless of health level, across the Middle East. It has found rare use with the
and he receives three temporary health levels below Fedayeen assassins from Nizari during assassinations. This
Incapacitated that forestall death and allow him mobility. If preparation reequires the addition of something closely
he takes any more damage, however, the character dies as connected to the intended victim, be it a strand of hair, drop
normal. The effects of any wounds that remain hit full force of spittle or tattered bit of solid clothing. Success creates a
after the potion wears off. poison creates a poison with a lethal toxin rating of 7 per
dose. Even if the subject reswists the toxin's effect, he still
Potion of the Vile Body suffers three bashing health levels of damage. And if two
Type: Elixir additional Aether points is spent during preparation, the
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy alchemist can transform the lethal poison into one that
inflicts aggravated damage.
Difficulty: -2
The primary advantage to this ritual is that only the
Aether: 3
intended victim can be harmed by the resultant concoction.
Consuming this potion renders the user immune to all
forms of poison, flooding her system with deadly venom in Princely Elixir
the process. Her entire body, including various fluids and
secretions, becomes poisonous. Type: Elixir
Against living targets, the character’s excreted bodily fluids Roll: Occult + Alchemy
act as a contact poison of lethal toxin rating 5. She can spit Difficulty: -3

AD. 12 1 3

Aether: 2 not been set aside are rendered useless. Each Talent, Skill or
The Princely Elexir is a more powerful and universally Knowledge requires a different formula and must be learned
useful formula for the level five Potent Elixir. Each specific independently. If the Abilities are different, a user may benefit
Princely Elixir boosts up to four appropriate Attributes by a from more than three doses, as long as no single Ability
single point. gains more than three dots total.

Princely Tonic Kingly Elixir

Type: Salve/Elixir Type: Elixir
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy Roll: Occult + Alchemy
Difficulty: -2 Difficulty: -3
Aether: 3 Aether: 2
This tonic was described in old papyruses as “Honey of The Kingly Elixir is a more powerful and universally useful
Khem” and once thoughts to be a key component of the formula for the level six Princely Elixir. Each specific Kingly
legendary “Spell of Life” belived to grant long livity to the Elixir boosts up to four appropriate Attributes by two dots.
ancient Pharaohs.
Unfortunately, the ritual's great fame has brought great woe Kingly Tonic
to those ancient priestesses of Isis who knew this formula. Type: Salve/Elixir
During a period in the 2141 BC, dozens of priestesses were Roll: Medicine + Alchemy
abducted and brutally tortured by the Wasets in hopes of Difficulty: -3
wringing this formula from their screaming throats. Since this
Aether: 4
formula have reached the archieves of the Shadow Inquisition,
it obviously didn't remain a secret. This dose of Kingly Tonic removes all diseases and heals
up to seven health levels of bashing or lethal damage from
The Princely Tonic heals up to six health levels of bashing
sickness or from injury or three health levels of aggravated
or lethal damage, as well as all diseases.
damage. If the tonic restores any aggravated damage it does
not also heal any levels of bashing or lethal damage.
Level Seven Alchemy
Personal Poison Philtre of the Night Realms
Type: Elixir Type: Essence
Roll: (Ability) + Alchemy Roll: Occult + Alchemy
Difficulty: -1 Difficulty: -3
Aether: 1 per dose Aether: 5
The Book of Thoth was said to record all knowledge and This ritual creates a red incense. When lit, the incense gives
this elixir is said to have been found from a torn page of off an abundance of enchanted fumes that quickly fill a room
same said book. This formula attempts to instill the wisdom with a cloying, bruise-colored haze that causes all peaceful
via a direct infusion. For the elixir's duration, the user gains sleepers who breathe in the odor leave their bodies and enter
one dot in the Ability to which the formula is attuned. More the dream realms of the Umbra.
than one dose may be consumed, though it is important to
remember that no more than three dots may be added to a Level Eight Alchemy
single Ability at any one time. When the alchemist begins the
process, she must declare the amount of Aether being
Divine Elixir
invested. Any Aether beyound the number of successes Type: Elixir
received is wated, an any doses created for which Aether had Roll: Occult + Alchemy

AD. 12 1 3

Difficulty: -4 Even China has throwing weapons they call “Zhen Tian
Aether: 4 Lei” ("Sky-shaking Thunder") were Chinese soldiers pack
The Divine Elixir is is a more powerful and universally gunpowder into ceramic or metal containers. In 1044, a
useful formula for the level seven Kingly Elixir. Each specific military book Wujing Zongyao ("Compilation of Military
Divine Elixir boosts every Attributes by two dots. Classics") described various gunpowder recipes in which one
can find the formulas and designs for creating these bombs.
Divine Tonic These texts and diagrams have come into the hands of the
Shadow Inquisition.
Type: Salve/Elixir
The manuscript stated that shells, they call “pào” are made
Roll: Medicine + Alchemy of cast iron, as large as a bowl and shaped like a sphere.
Difficulty: -4 Inside they contain half a pound of 'divine fire', which is
Aether: 5 gunpowder. They are sent flying towards the enemy camp
Each dose of Divine Tonic removes all diseases, grants from an eruptor (mu pào), and when they get there a sound
immunity to poisons and diseases and heals all health levels like a thunder-clap is heard, and flashes of light appear. If ten
of bashing or lethal damage from sickness or from injury. It of these shells are fired successfully into an enemy camp, the
even brings someone back from the edge of death whole place can be set ablaze.
(Incapacitated). Alternatively, the tonic may heal five levels of Even in India have such devices been found and the designs
aggravated damage. If the tonic restores any aggravated brought back to the Shadow Inquisition.
damage, it does not heal any bashing or lethal damage. The earliest gunpowder formula contained to little saltpeter
to be explosive, but the mixture seems to be highly
Bombs flammable, and contemporary weapons can be deployed as
incendiary weapons. One of the first, if not the first of these
Bombs are five-inch diameter spheres made of iron,
weapons was the Chinese fire arrow.
ceramics/clay, cloth, or paper, filled with alchemical
blastingpowder and, in some cases, additional alchemy This gunpowder may only produced an effective flame when
ingredients to enhance damage. Bombs have a simple built-in exposed to oxygen, thus the rush of air around the arrow in
pyrotechnic black match fuse which can be either a lit fuse flight is a suitable catalyst for this reaction.
ignited by flint and steel, or it can be a fuse igniting by The Shadow Inquisition have found a use in firing burning
frictional heat generation when the fuse is striked against a arrows and bolts at some monsters.
suitable surface. Bombs are made through alchemy, but they aren't a
Rudimentary incendiary bombs appeared in the Eastern mystical force as other alchemicals, they are a chemistry side-
Roman Empire, where soldiers learned that Greek fire, a effect of the research into alchemy. As such they can be made
Byzantine invention of the previous century, could be thrown by anyone (though they require the skill of Alchemy) and
at the enemy in stone and ceramic jars. Later, glass containers does not require Aether to function.
were employed. The use of Greek fire spread to Muslim
armies in the Near East, from where it reached China by the Level One Bombs
10th century.
Blasting Bomb
The most important alchemical ingredience in these bombs
Type: Bomb
is “gunpowder”, an explosive powder which have been made
back in China during the Tang dynasty. Roll: Craft + Alchemy
While it apparently wasn't their intention to create a weapon Difficulty: n/a
of war, the Chinese Taoist alchemists developed this Effects: may cause Knockdown
gunpowder in their experiments with minerals known as Blasting bombs are an explosives bomb filled with packed
sulfur, saltpeter and cabon involved in searching for eternal gunpowder, connected to the fuse. It's highly unstable and
life and alchemical transmutations. when exposed to fire, explodes with tremendous force. Those

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caught within the blast area suffers 8 lethal damage. This perchlorate or potassium nitrate, with a heat reactive
damage reduces by 1 damage point for every yard it expands alchemical that flares with incredible intensity when ignited.
from the point it exploded. As the gunpowder ignites the alchemical mixture flashes with
Fragment: This variant of the blasting bomb. It has in such intensity it can illuminates up to 30 yard radius, and
addition of packed gunpowder also a large amount of metal those who stares at the excact point of the source are exposed
pellets, nails or glass shards. When it explodes, it deals 8 to Blinding for two turns, after which they receives a -1
points of lethal damage, but reduces by 2 damage points penalty to all Perception rolls. The thunderous blast also
every third yards, (it will always end at damage 1, however) as causes Dazed effects to anyone withon 5 yards of the bomb
fragments flies a far greater distance. as it explodes.
A typical fragment bomb uses iron pellets, but they can
instead be packed with silver or iron. Greek Fire
Type: Bomb
Flash Bomb Roll: Craft + Alchemy
Type: Bomb Difficulty: -2
Roll: Craft + Alchemy Effects: Immolation
Difficulty: -1 An invation of the ancient Byzantine. Greek fire is an
Effects: Blinded, Daze incendiary bomb that are filled with an alchemical mixture of
Flash Bomb is filled with a such ingredients as naphtha, sulfur, quicklime, calcium
pyrotechnical ingredients of phosphide, niter, bitumen and pine resin, which are extremely
pyrotechnic metal-oxidant volatile and highly combustible when exposed to heat. Once
mix of magnesium ignited the bomb explodes covering a 5 yard radius with a
or aluminium and flamable and very adhesive substance which burns for 2 lethal
an oxidizer such damage per turn unless extenguished, and it is difficult to
as potassiu soak (soak penalty 9). if allowed for continuesly burn it can
m last for up to severeal hours before the fires begin to die out,
depending on flamable materials.

Dragon's Fumes
Type: Bomb
Roll: Craft + Alchemy
Difficulty: -1
Effects: Blinded, concealment
Dragon's fumes is a smoke bomb, found among Chinese
formulas, that contains an alchemical composition, of poorly
combustible materials such as potassium nitrate, sodium
bicarbonate, an organic dye (roots, berries, barks, leaves,
woods, fungi, etc.) for creating thick deep colored smoke, and
sugar as a fuel. When ignited it produces a thick, billowing
cloud of obscuring smoke. This billowing smoke can fill a 20
yard radius area causing Blindness effects -4 penalties to all
visual Perception related rolls. Additionally it also induces a -1
penalty to all scent related Perception rolls, due to its
choking effects when inhaled. This cloud will continue to

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burn and spread for a minute, afther witch it remains present unless they are able to wash off the grease with alcohol or a
for about a minute after which it dissipates naturally. mild detergent—water is ineffective.

Scent Bomb Level Three Bombs

Type: Bomb Grave Blight
Roll: Craft + Alchemy
Type: Bomb
Difficulty: -1 Roll: Craft + Alchemy
Effects: Obscure scents
Difficulty: -3
This alchemical mixture contains ammonium sulfide and
methanethiol, or ethanethiol naturally used by skunks. This Aether: 2
liquid is contained in a glas bottle, that when tossed and Effects: Aggravated
broken causes an aromatic, strong stench, which can confound This vial of volatile alchemical chemicals contains traces of
any creature’s sense of smell. When tossed it spreads within a graveyard dirt, ectoplasm, wild roses, wolfbane, mistletoe and
3 yards radius, and remain active in that area. Any creature a few other ingredients, representive of death and infused with
passing through that area, or is outright splashed by the Aether. Once this compound is thrown at a normal creature,
mixture, looses their sense of smell (Stamina + Perception), it deals 4 bashing damage within a 2 yard splash radius.
and thereby their ability of tracking by scent for up to two Against undead creatures, however, this mystic acid deals 3
hours. Additionally if a creature is splashed by this foul aggravated damage. On the round following a direct hit, an
smelling liquid, it also looses it's attempts of ambush since undead is damaged by an additional 1 aggravated damage per
it's stench give aways it's presence. turn for two turns.

Level Two Bombs

Hot Grease
Type: Bomb
Roll: Craft + Alchemy
Difficulty: -1
Effects: Knockdown, Immolation
This slippery, alchemical oil burns like all hell when
it comes into contact with skin. A flask of hot grease
(15 oz.) covers one 2- by 2-yard area. Anyone walking
through the area must make a continual Dexterity +
Athletics roll or fall to the ground. If moving faster than
walking speed they suffers a –1 penalty each additional 5
yards of movement it is taking faster than half it's walking
Example: a creature (with Dexterity 4) sprinting through
the area. Taking its full 32 yards of movement per turn.
Since half of it's 7 yards walking speed is 4 (rounded up)
it suffers a –6 penalty (32 - 4 = 28 / 5 = 5.6 (rounded
up) = 6) to its Dexterity + Athletics roll to keep balanced.
Creatures that slip and fall on the hot grease suffer 1 lethal
(8 Soak difficulty) point of damage per turn for 4 turns

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Martial Arts Add +1 to attack rolls made against a blinded target.
Furthermore, blind characters are at -4 on all actions.

For all their superhuman abilities, their mystic rituals and

drugs, the Witchhunters are still hunters and warriors using Dazed
sword and axe as much as their knowledge and spells. As If damage is greater than a target’s Stamina +3, the victim
trained warriors and combatants the Witchhunters have a wide is at chance of being dazed (Stamina + Willpower roll). The
arsenal of combat maneuvers during close combat. target must spend her next available turn shaking off the
attack’s effects.

Multiple Actions Immobilization

If declaring multiple actions, subtract from the first dice Add +2 bonus to attack rolls made on an immobilized
roll equal to the total number of actions taken (max. 1 per (i.e., held by someone or something) but still struggling
Dexterity dot). Each subsequent action loses an additional -1 target. Attacks hit automatically if the target is completely
(cumulative). immobilized (tied up, unconscious, or otherwise paralyzed).

Aiming Knockdown
The attacker adds one bonus to her attack roll on a single The victim falls down. After suffering a knockdown, the
ranged attack for each turn spent aiming. The maximum subject makes a Dexterity + Athletics roll. If successful, she
number of aim bonusses that can be added in this way equals may get back on her feet immediately, but her initiative is
the character's Perception, and a character must have Archery reduced by -2 in the next turn. On a failed roll, the subject
1 or better. The attacker may do nothing but aim during this spends her next action climbing to her feet, if she chooses to
time. rise.
Maneuvers like tackle and sweep are intended to knock an
Targeting opponent down. However, an especially powerful attack of any
Aiming for a specific location incurs an added difficulty, but kind may send the target to the ground.
can perhaps bypass armor or result in an increased damage
effect and special results. Ambush
Ambushes involve surprising a target to get in a decisive
Hit Location Chart first strike. The attacker rolls Dexterity + Stealth in a resisted
Location Accuracy Damage Chance Effect action against the target's Perception + Alertness. If the
Head/Neck -3 +4 Fatality, Decapitate, Daze attacker scores more successes, she can stage one free attack
Arms -1 - Dismember on the target and adds any extra successes from the resisted
roll to her attack dice roll. On a tie, the attacker still attacks
Chest/Torso - -
first, although the target may perform a defensive maneuver. If
Vitals -2 +3 Fatality? the defender gets more successes, he spots the ambush, and
Legs -1 - Dismember both parties roll initiative normally.
Hands/Feet -3 - Dismember
Heart -4 +4 Fatality Dismember
Eyes -5 +3 Blinded To disarm someone is a difficult task, but the most
experienced fencers are capable of going a step beyond and
remove a foe's extremity, making sure that they become less

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dangerous while critically injuring them. In order to perform considered separate actions, depending on their complexity.
this attack the victim's limb must be targeted (Dexterity +
Melee) and recieve a total of 3 levels of lethal damage or
aggravated damage after Soak. This maneuver can be done to
attack the victim's neck, performing Decapitation.
Combat Proficiencies
This maneuver can be done with a weapon that deals Proficiencies, where combat is concerned, measure the
bashing damage to cripple the limb instead, increasing the amount of training, practice, and familiarity a character has
difficulty of any further attack by one for every level of with a given brand of weapon or fighting style. Proficiency
damage inflicted. covers the basic tenants of how such a weapon or
combination is used, and what its effects are. Proficiencies
Multiple Opponents represent relatively loose categories—a short club, for example,
can be used with sword-related proficiency, based on weight
A character who battles multiple opponents in close combat and method of use. This assumes that the two items (swords
suffers attack and defense difficulties of +1, cumulative, for and short clubs) are used similarly; it is conceivable that
each opponent after the first (to a maximum of +4). another proficiency could cover the club, or any weapon.
What is important is how that weapon is being used—not
Weapon Length necessarily what the weapon is.
Weapons lengths is a simple estimated measurement of the The following descriptions cover most every weapon that a
weapons lengt + the wielder's arm, etc. measured in yards. A character may use or come in contact with in the course of
longsword, for example would have a 1.1 yard length + ca .7 play. Each entry consists of a description of what falls under
yard for an arm, giving an overall Weapon Reach of 1.8 yard that fighting style's "domain."
weapons with a greater length automatically win Initiative. Maneuvers, listed under each Proficiency, are specialized
Anyone wielding a weapon with length 2 against a shorter uses of each given proficiency. Some maneuvers—such as
weapon gets +1 to their attack and defense rolls, while anyone most basic attacks— are automatic to anyone possessing even
attacking a weapon with a length of 2 with a shorter weapon one point in the proficiency in question.
gets a -1 penalty on attack rolls (but not defenses). Many maneuvers have a "cost," paid from the character's
Combat Points and found in parentheses to the right of each
Seizing Weapons maneuver listed under a given Proficiency.
Any time opponents are at grapple range, a character may
attempt to seize an opponent’s weapon. The opponent may
try to resist this with a resisted Grapple roll. This also works Sword & Shield
for natural weapons (grabbing a monsters paw or throat to As long as the sword has been in use, the shield has been
keep them from biting, etc.) present to support it. This is one of the oldest fighting styles
found in Weyrth, and is still taught in many schools.
Flank and Rear Attacks Throughout the world Gentry and Nobility are particularly
fond of the sword and shield, finding it the perfect
Characters attacking targets from the flank gain an
combination for knights both mounted and on foot.
additional +1 attack roll. Characters attacking from the rear
gain +2 to attack rolls. Primary advantages of the shield are its ease of effective use
and its strong defense (allowing the sword to deliver a strong
A character may move half of her running distance for each
actions in a turn, and still take following actions.
As better armors came into use warriors began discarding
Other maneuvers such as leaping or tumbling may be
shields in favor of larger swords. They are elegant weapons,

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capable of cutting and thrusting and complicated maneuvering

and countering. Greatswords, longswords, and bastard swords
are effective weapons both in personal duel and on the The newfangled rapier is an urban descendent of the Cut-
battlefield. and-Thrust style, focusing entirely on the thrust aspect.
The Greatsword Proficiency covers greatswords (roughly 4' There is a hot (and bloody) debate between those that
6" to 5' long), longswords (about 4' long), bastard swords prefer the more traditional longsword or cut and thrust
(about 4' long, with a hard tapering blade) and estocs (4' swords, but the rapier is steadily growing in popularity as a
long, unedged for halfswording), along with any other civilian dueling weapon. It is relatively useless on the
twohanded or hand-and-a-half variety. Primary advantages of battlefield.
these weapons include a long range, lots of cutting power, and Rapiers are long, with blades sometimes reaching 4 feet.
a plethora of maneuvers. Despite their weight, superior balance makes them quick and
deceptively deadly thrusting weapons. They are almost always
Cut & Thrust used along with a companion weapon such as a cloak, a
poniard/dagger, or an arming glove.
As longbows, crossbows, and primitive ranged armory began
to make plate armor less practical a new form of combat
evolved. This fighting style, the predecessor to the rapier, Case of Rapiers
consists of a somewhat lighter version of the old-fashioned A case of rapiers consists of one full-size rapier in each
knightly sword, with a new emphasis on thrusting in addition hand. These weapons are often matched in length, but not
to cutting. A companion weapon, such as a buckler, dagger, necessarily. The weapon form is sometimes called “Florentine”
or arming glove usually complements this quick and deadly by some, describing the use of two swords simultaneously. In
weapon. some ways this combination is similar to rapier and cane as
This school covers all lighter one-handed swords such as there are two long items, but different in that both are
basket-hilted broadswords, backswords, most sabers, sword- weapons and can be used offensively. In a way it is also
rapiers, and so on. The primary sword is almost always similar to the rapier and dagger combination in that there are
accompanied by a buckler, poniard/dagger, or arming glove two offensive items to use, but it is also different in that both
(a leather and chain gauntlet for grasping and deflecting weapons are long.
blades). This school's primary advantage is the extended range of
both weapons—possible only due to the thrusting-only attack
line of a rapier. On the downside, a swordsman is left
without a smaller weapon in the case of suddenly-closing

The true two-handed sword, an enoumous weapon
of German origin other name is also
"Zweihänder"). Meant for cutting down pike
formations and other pole-armed infantryIn its
developed form, the Zweihänder acquired the
characteristics of a polearm rather than a sword due to
their large size and weight and therefore increased range
and striking power.
Doppelhanders are generally about 6 feet long or
more, with an 18" grip and a second cross-guard about
10" up from the first. They are fearsome weapons with

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great range, but easily overcome by any fighter quick enough Pole-arms, exact maneuvers are dependent on the weapon at
to close range. hand.

Pole-axe Dagger
This ancient weapon has proven effective and valuable This small, easily hidden weapon comes in many forms.
throughout history. The pole-axe's primary purpose is cleaving Found in every place in the world, daggers and knives are
through armor and shields, providing a powerful blow. Most used as tools and instruments of death. Daggers are extremely
knights and infantry have trained with this weapon. It is popular civilian weapons, and are carried by almost everyone.
popular in every corner of the world in some form. This Proficiency covers stilettos, poniards, rondels, and all
Pole-axes are generally 4 feet long, with a hardwood haft manners of short stabbing and slicing blades. This Proficiency
and a reinforced steel head. They are often adorned with a is directly attached to street brawling and wrestling due to the
spike or hammerhead on the back or top or both. The pole- short range of daggers and the like.
axe is especially useful against armored opponents. Because it
requires the use of both hands, no shield is possible. Lances
As fighting from horseback became more and more
Pole-arms practical, efficient, and popular, heavy cavalry came into being.
This wide grouping of weapons encompasses items as Their weapon of choice for the opening charge is the lance.
ancient as the spear, as the pike, and as everlasting as the This weapon is found anywhere knights or heavy cavalry are.
quarterstaff. Lances range from 8' to 14' in length, depending on the
This school includes all staff or pole-mounted weapons over given area. They are usually butted under the right arm and
6 feet long, though most range anywhere from 8 feet (spears used with a shield. Lances, though made of wood, are usually
and staves) to 14 feet (pikes). They have the advantage of capped with a long steel or iron point. A sporting version, the
range and (often) speed, but are hard to transport. jousting lance, has a blunted tip for tournaments. The primary
Available maneuvers vary greatly due to the design of each advantages to a lance are its range and power in a charge,
individual weapon. Use discretion and common sense. where it uses the mount's Strength, not the rider's.

Mass Weapon & Shield Combat Maneuvers

Since the earliest clubs mass weapons have found their
place in warfare. With the advent of better and better armors Advanced maneuvers are special fighting abilities that can
clubs and farming tools were transformed into battle-axes, only be learned through training. Characters must purchase
picks, flails, morning stars, and maces. These weapons are in maneuvers using Experience Points.
use the world-over, holding particular popularity with the
peasant infantryman (these weapons are cheap) and the Strike BASIC
armored gentry (these weapons are especially effective against The attacker lashes out with a weapon. The base attack is a
plate armor). standard action and inflicts the character's Strength in damage
Mass weapons include any single-handed (and occasionally added to the weapon modifier. All beginning fighters—and
two-handed) weapon that is particularly heavy on the business most people in general—know how to strike.
end. Axes, maces, flails, and picks are good examples. These All attack rolls are Dexterity + Melee.
weapons' balance makes parrying especially difficult, and
forces the use of constant evasion or—more commonly—
Thrust BASIC
The thrust is a simple yet powerful attack. A fighter’s stance
Additionally most axes and hammers are outfitted with a
(one leg anchoring your character’s position and the other leg
secondary spike or hammer on the back and/or top. As with

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lunging him forward) gives this attack extra force. When the longer weapons as well: close in penalties are ignored when
character makes a thrust attack, plunging the blade toward an beating.
opponent, he does so with a +1 bonus.
It is harder to Parry (Parry attempts are at a -1). It Bind & Strike COST 2
additionally can cause greater penetration damage +1 damage This maneuver uses off-hand weapons (shields, poniards,
as more weight can be put behind the thrusting. etc.) to bind or pin down an opponent's weapon, opening up
a clean follow-up attack. Roll attack as normal with the off-
Kick BASIC hand weapon/shield (-2 penalty). If this attack is successful
If one does not wish to get ones sword blooded, one can the attacker and the opponent must make a contested
choose to Kick ones opponent instead. This requires a Brawl Strength roll. If a success, the opponent loses actions for
roll -1, but increases damage by +1. every success in the roll. If beating the opponent by 4
successes, his defense on the next attack on behalf of the
Punch BASIC Bind and Striker is reduced by -2.

If one does not wish to get ones sword or shoes blooded,

one can choose to Punch ones opponent instead.
The brawler graps the opponent and lifts him enough to
Distract BASIC smash him to the ground. This maneuver first requires a
successful Grapple attack; if the enemy can’t break free that
This is not a maneuver used for attack, just to throw the turn, the attacker may use her next action to slam him into
opponent off balance for a second or two. If the maneuver is the nearest and most painful surface.
successful (throwing sand in opponents face, stomping his
Generally, this attack inflicts Strength +2 bashing damage;
foot or something like that) he or she looses one action.
if the surface happens to be sharp, spiked or incredibly hot,
however, said pain might be lethal.
This is a very special maneuver, not really a combat move, Going Close COST 1
used to enrage the opponent so that he or she becomes over-
The attempt to change the distance of the engagement and
aggresive and makes a mistake of some sort. If the maneuver
get in close with an opponent, to take advantage of a shorter
is successful, the opponent must make a Self-Control check
weapon or negate the advantage of a longer one. Roll
in order not to be affected.
Dexterity + Brawl (if unarmed) or Melee (if using a weapon),
with a penalty equal to the higher of opponent’s Athletics,
Beat COST 1 Brawl (if opponent is unarmed), or Melee (if opponent is
The beat is an attack upon an opponent's weapon or shield armed). This roll is modified by weapon length as if it were
in attempt to temporarily remove it from the equation. Beats an attack. If successful, the combat moves to close reach,
may only be performed at the start of one's own turn or if limiting what weapons can be used.
followed by an attack. This sudden, brutal, and effective
maneuver is executed by declaring a “Targeting” and making Separate COST 1
the roll. The defender contests with a defensive maneuvre
The attempt to get away from an opponent to make better
(parry, dodge, block, etc.) and the contest is rolled normally.
use of a longer weapon. Roll Dexterity + Athletics, with a
If the attacker wins the beat, then the defenders weapon (or
penalty equal to the higher of opponent’s Athletics, Brawl (if
whatever else was being "beaten") is knocked aside and
opponent is unarmed), or Melee (if opponent is armed). If
cannot be used in defensice maneuvres on the following
using a shield or a pole weapon, the fighter can use that to
shove the opponent; if using a pole weapon, the fighter get
Using a Beat is an excellent way to handle opponents with +1, if using a shield he get +2.

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Curbstomp BASIC Roll Manipulation + Melee.

The attacker splits his number of bonuses into two, then
If the opponent is flat on the ground or other solid surface,
roll to attack. Once the roll is made any number of successes
the attacker then slams his foot down on the back of the
may be added to the attacker's hand for making a new attack
enemy. Curbstomping requires a Knockdown and Dazed or
roll using normal strike.
Immobilized target. After that, the attacker stomps, and
physics does the rest. The attacker rolls his Strength + Brawl It's important to note that a feinted attack lands in a
for the attack. This assault inflicts Strength +2 plus and different spot than originally declared. The attacker must also
additional 1 lethal damage for each success in the attack roll. state the new location of attack (usually within close areas of
the original attack.
Shield Hack COST 2 For example: Evan has a STR 3 and Melee 4, and declares
a Feint-and-Slash: He divides his total of 7, into a 3 and a
The fighter attacks his opponent’s shield in order to 4. He performs his Feint (using the 3 as Melee + his
damage it. The opponent gets a free Perception + Melee roll Manipulation of 2). The result is a 12; gaining a +2 to his
(with a penalty equal to the fighter's Wits + Melee) in order actual attack roll of (STR 3 + 4, +2) gaining a total of +9
to recognize that maneuver – if they succeed, they realize to his attack.
what is being attempted and can Dodge or Parry. Shield
Feints have a tendency to lose their novel effect after a
Hack cannot be Blocked (and shields give no defensive
while when used against the same opponent. Each repeated
bonus). If hit, add successes on the attack roll to the base
identical feint against a single opponent provides the
damage done to see if he overcome the shield’s Threshold.
opponent with a +1 bonus to defend against the Feint.

Double Attack COST 4

Attacking with two weapons or two fast strikes in one
A Dexterity + Melee maneuver using a weapon to block a
action, at once is a tricky. The good thing is that both
Brawl or Melee attack.
attacks deal damage, though only one attack roll is needed.
The bad news is that these strikes are far lighter and deals Successes on a parrying attempt reduce the net success of
less damage (-2 damage) and can be impossible to fine the incoming attack. It is not generally possible to parry
precission hits (Targeting -4). missile attacks, though in some circumstances it may be
possible at the Storyteller’s discretion.
An opponent may defend by evading, blocking, parrying but
Parry is at a -1 penalty. Blocking with shields or dodging out Rather than make defensive maneuvers a part of a multiple
of the way is the most sure method. action, the character may declare that he spends an entire turn
defending. The normal multiple-action rules are not used in
this case. Instead, he have a full dice pool for the first
Feint COST 4
defensive action, but lose one die, cumulatively, for each

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subsequent defense action made in the same turn. damage automatically or attempt to escape the clinch. No
other actions are allowed until one combatant breaks free. To
Lock Hilts COST 1 escape a clinch, make a resisted Strength + Brawl roll against
the opponent. If the escaping character has more successes, he
The swordsman attempts to trap an opponent's blade and
breaks free; if not, the characters continue to grapple in the
keep him from using it. The opponents weapon is locked in
next turn.
position and cannot be used for attack or defence until the
attacker chooses to release the opponents weapon, or if the
opponent succeeds with an opposed roll vs. Strength. Half-Sword COST 4
Treat this as a Grapple maneuver, replacing the attack roll This is one of the few practical ways to kill an armored
with Dexterity + Melee at a difficulty of the opponent's opponent in full harness (full plate) with a sword. Used with
Melee rating. long swords, bastard swords, and other longer weapons, the
half-sword technique is performed by grasping the blade of
Grapple BASIC the sword with the off hand in order to use the sword as a
short spear or pole-weapon. This technique is particularly
This attack inflicts no damage, as the intent is to useful in close-quarters as well, when swinging a long weapon
immobilize rather than injure the subject. On a successful may be impractical. Half-swording reduces a swords effective
roll, the attacker holds the target until the subject's next length for closequarters; the half-sword may be released into a
action. At that time, both combatants roll resisted Strength + one-handed attack at any time, nullifying any half-sword
Brawl actions; the subject remains immobilized (able to take bonuses, but gaining reach, and provides +2 damage when
no other action) until she rolls more successes than the thrusting against armors. When thrusting with half-sword a lot
attacker does. more force can be applied to a pin point, granting a -1 to
Sweep BASIC Half-staff is basically the exact same maneuvre as using
The attacker uses her own legs to knock the legs out from Half-Sword, except it is used with polearms such as spears,
under her opponent. The target takes Strength damage and poleaxes
must roll Dexterity + Athletics or suffer a Knockdown.
The attacker can also use a staff, chain, or similar Pommel-Jap COST 3
implement to perform a sweep. The effect is the same, All damage usually does Kill damage. However, if a
although the target takes damage per the weapon type. character knows how to use a weapon well can often attack
with them in ways not originally intended in their desing. A
Tackle BASIC Pommel-Jap is primarily used with swords, when turning the
The attacker rushes the opponent, tackling him to the sword backwards and hammering the pommel and grib into
ground. The attack roll is at a -1 penalty, and the maneuver the face of the opponent, causing -1 damage (bashing
inflicts Strength +1 damage. Additionally, both combatants damage), but automatically cause a Daze.
must roll Dexterity + Athletics or suffer a Knockdown. Even
if the target's Athletics roll succeeds, he is unbalanced, Hook COST 3
suffering -1 to his actions for the next turn. Many pole-arms and axes are capable of hooking an
opponent's limb or head. This maneuver is executed like a
Clinch BASIC thrust that intentionally misses, and then the shaft is pressed
On a successful Brawl attack roll, the attacker goes into a against the target and pulled. This maneuver is particularly
clinch with the target. In the first turn, the attacker may roll effective on the legs, causing one's opponent to fall and
Strength damage. In each subsequent turn, combatants act on become prone. If the attack succeed, the victim is dealt
their orders in the initiative. A combatant can inflict Strength damage -2, but is required to succeed on a Dexterity +
Athletics roll or become Knockdown.
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Shield Hook COST 3 defender’s bare hands or shield. Only brawling attacks can be
blocked with bare hands. Successes on a blocking attempt
The attempt to hook the top of an opponent’s shield in (Dexterity + Brawl/Melee) reduce the success of the incoming
order to move it away. This requires a weapon capable of attack.
Hooking – an axe, boar/winged spear or peasant’s polearm
can do that, as can a dagger held point-down. The opponent
gets a free Perception + Melee roll (with a penalty equal to
Shield Bash COST 1
the attacker's Wits + Melee) in order to recognize the Shield If one has a shield he or she may use it for an attack in
Hook attempt – if they succeed, they realize what is being which the user smashes the shield into his or her opponent.
attempted and can Dodge or Parry. Shield Hook cannot be This costs oppunity of blocking witch the shield, but it grants
Blocked and shields give no defensive bonus. If successful, the a blunt damage attack. This requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll
opponent cannot use his shield until he takes an action to -3. If a success, the opponent takes Strength + 3 damage.
clear it – this action counts towards multiple action penalties. Otherwise it functions as a Stun attack.
Should the fighter attack with the weapon hooking the shield
or a weapon in the other hand, the opponent recovers as a Moulinet COST 3
free action, but this attack cannot be Blocked and the shield If the character makes a successful Thrust on an adversary
offers no defensive bonus. with his sword, he may then rotate his wrist and perform a
quick spiral cut with the tip of the weapon. This additional
Simultaneous Block / Strike COST 3 cut requires an additional attack roll; the cut does lethal
The fighter can deflect incoming attacks with his weapon damage to the opponent equal to the character’s Dexterity and
and swiftly strike back. When using this maneuver, a fighter this cut does not count as an actual action.
gains +1 to his Block/Parry roll for the turn, but any
immediate attack he makes as a free action suffers a –2 Block Open & Strike COST 3
penalty. This maneuver consists of blocking or parrying an incoming
attack wide open, then using a primary weapon to attack the
Evasive Attack COST 2 new opening. The character must defend against an
This is a defensive measure that takes place during an incomming attack with a Block, and may then follow up with
attack. In principle the attacker cuts with his weapon while a free attack roll at a -1 penalty.
simultaneously leaping backward so as to evade an opponent's
attack. This maneuver requires a great deal of skill, but is Riposte COST 4
indispensable to those who often find themselves in quick- When one has succeeded in a Parry an attack from another,
draw style duels where both opponents go straight for the a attack may be launched using the attackers own, parried,
attack. attack. The attack parried (attacker's original number of
To execute this maneuver one attacks as normal. Once the successes), are gained as a bonus to Initiative for a free attack
maneuver is activated any dots in Dodge may raise the on behalf of the defender. It doesn't do full damage (- 2
opponent's attack penalty by one per dot. On the downside, damage), but take up no action in a turn.
the character's own attack is also penalised, though only by
one for every two (it's hard to hit a guy when you're going
Disarm BASIC
the other way...). As stated above, this maneuver is activated
with any slash or slash-like maneuver; it is relatively This maneuver is used to dislodge the opponent's weapon
impossible in conjunction with any thrust-based maneuver. so that it leaves his or her hand and falls to the ground a few
meters away.
Blocking BASIC The fighter rolls his Strength + Melee/Brawl. The target
“soaks” the damage by making a Strength roll. For every
A block is an interception of an incoming attack with the success that the fighter has left after the target' makes a soak
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roll, the weapon flies from the target's hands one hex in a The Morstslag is mainly used in armoured combat, although
direction specified by the fighter. it can be used to surprise an opponent in close quarters.
If fighting an armored opponent and slashing and thrusting
Rakes / Deflect COST 5 doesn't help, brutal blunt-trauma can often make the
The move of slaying an opponent with one sword stroke difference. In effects it turns all damage from lethal to
immediately after unsheathing it. It is designed as a method bashing (blunt force), and increases damage by +3 and may
of countering surprise attacks. When the swordsman declares Daze the oppoennt if truck in the head, which is often the
a Rake, roll his Wits + Melee against the opponent's Wits + trick.
Alertness (in essence, a modified Initiative roll). If the
swordsman rolls more successes, the margin of victory is Great Blow COST 2
added to an immediately rolled attack, representing the Basically a simple and unhandy attack, -2 to a Dexterity +
surprise that the swordsman gains from using the Rake, and Melee roll to attack. However the fighter puts everything he
makes such attacks more difficult, but not impossible, to has into the blow, exposing himself to injury in the hopes of
Parry. Losing the opposed roll allows the opponent to act doing worse injury to his opponent. If the attack connects,
first and subtracts the margin of loss from the swordsman's the damage done is at +2 Strength bonus. The blow is so
Parry roll, reflecting the need to recover, draw, and ready the forceful it cannot be parried only dodged.
sword to parry from a badly timed attack.
Like Rake, the Deflect counters a sudden attack from out Stop Short COST 1
of nowhere with a near-simultaneous unsheathe and deflecting
This maneuver consists of leaping or stomping at an
motion. Roll the modified opposed Initiative as for Rake. If
opponent and then halting suddenly to throw your opponent
the swordsman wins, the successes are added to his Parry roll.
off guard.
If he loses, the successes left are added to the attacker's
attack roll, who capitalizes on the swordsman's awkward The attacker rolls a contested attack roll against the
position. defender's Perception + Melee. If the defender wins, then he
can take defensive actions (Parry, Block, etc.) as normal. If
the attacker wins, then the opponent receives a penalty to his
Counter COST 4
defense maneuvers equal to the number of successes of the
The swordsman uses the attacker's own strength and attacker's next maneuver.
momentum against him, combining defense and attack into
one maneuver. Roll Dexterity + Melee against the opponent's Toss BASIC
Dexterity + Melee. If the swordsman scores three more
successes than his opponent, he deflects the incoming attack Almost all fighting styles teach maneuvers in which the
and also inflicts damage equal to the weapon modifier in fighter closes in to grab and throw his opponent to the
bonusses to his opponent (i.e., if a weapon does Str + 5 ground. Some throws involve fairly little contact between the
damage, he would deal five points of damage). two fighters, but they atleast require some contact. Typically,
the shoulders and/or arms are used to unbalance the
opponent and leverage him to the ground. The opponent's
Morstshlag COST 4
momentum (from his attack or movement) is usually turned
From the German school of swordsmanship, this is part of against him.
the full repertoire of half-swording techniques. If the move succeeds (a Grapple), the fighter may choose
Morstshlag is also called “Murder Stroke”, is a half- where his oppoennt lands. An opponent can be tossed a
sword technique of holding the sword inverted, with both number of yards equal to the fighter's Strength. The
hands gripping the blade, and hitting the opponent with opponent receives the fighter's Strength in bashing damage as
the pommel or crossguard. This technique allows the he smashes to the ground and is automatically Knockdown.
swordsman to essentially use the sword as a mace or hammer.

AD. 12 1 3

Overhead Strike COST 3 distance of Strength x 10 in yards. For every additional 1 kg

of mass that an object has, this distance decreases by 2 yards.
The combatant lifts or swings the weapon overhead. wheter As long as the object's mass doesn't reduce throwing distance
single-handed mass or slashing weapons, or large two-handed to zero, your character can pick up and throw it. If an object
weapons, force of Strength in combination with gravity propel can be lifted, but its mass reduces throwing distance to zero,
the attacker's strike downwards from above head height. the object can be hurled aside at best.
Although a slow move (- 1 Initiative) and clumsy (-1 to hit,
+1 to attacker's defensive maneuvers), when the downward
strike hits it deals great damage.
Contra Tempo COST 4

Any target damaged by the Overhead, is automatically Contra Tempo is kind of a reverse feint or spoiling attack
Dazed, subject to Knockdown and all damage received is at a in which a fighter threaten to quickly wound the opponent to
+4 damage bonus. keep them from effectively attacking. It can be a particularly
good option if having lost Initiative.
Additionally, the Overhead can be combined with Great
Blow for even greater damage output. Any time the fighter is attacked in close range, once per
turn he may expend a single Willpower point to make a
Ex: Gell (Strength 3) rises his greatsword (6 Lethal
special attack of opportunity. This is considered a ‘spoiling
damage) over his head to hammer it dowards toward an
attack’ which takes place before their attack is executed, but
opponent's head (Target Blow -3), he also declares to use
at a -1 penalty to hit and -1 damage.
Great Blow. His attack is slower providing a -1 penalty to his
Initiative (luckily he attacks first), and even though his attack If the opponent chooses to, they can change their attack
is clumsy -6 to his Dexterity + Melle roll (-2 from Great roll to a defense roll on the spot, or they can opt to just
Blow, -1 from Overhead and -3 from Head Targeting) he still continue with their attack anyway in which case the fihgter's
hits (because he's just that good) his opponent for 11 lethal ‘spoiling attack’ is rolled against their defense.
(Great Blow—Str 3 +2 = 5. Overhead—Weap 6 + 4 = Lunge COST 3
10). Because Gell's opponent wears a Knight's Armor (Soak A special thrusting attack developed for the rapier or cut-
4) and a Full Helmet (Soak 4), he gets a total Soak value and-thrust sword. A leap forward is made in coordination with
of 8. (15 – 8 = 7 + 4 from Head damage). Since this the thrust. This enabled the attacker to reach an opponent
devestating amount of damage far surpasses any mortal health who thought he was out of weapon reach. It also allows the
capasity by two levels (one beyound Death), Gell literally attacker to concentrate more power, +1 damage, and energy
cleaves the entire upper-half of the torso, including the head and to attack with remarkable speed, +1 Initiative.
in two. He may conduct a single thrusting attack, and gain a +1 on
the attack.
Rising Strike COST 3 A Lunge attack cannot be initiated unless the uses is one
The Rising Strike is the exact opposite of the Overhead, level out of weapon's reach, and he may not perform any
instead being a vertical upward strike. This strike is mostly defense moves on the same round as a Lunge.
performed from ground-fighting or if to attack a higher placed
opponent. The maneuver is slow (-1 Initiative) and rather Meisterhau COST 5
clumsy -1, and also deals less damage (-1 damage) as there Another fencing technique for two-handed swords.
isn't enough force behind it. It is, however, the only maneuver
A Meisterhau (master-cut) is a cut in which the fighter
from a Knockdown, which can be performed ignoring
simultaneously defends against an attack as they cut their
penalties from Knockdown or if prone.
opponent. This is done either by cutting through the
opponent’s potential avenue of attack (a single time Counter.
Throwing BASIC
Once per turn, if having won Initiative, the fighter may
Objects with a mass of 1.5 kg or less can be thrown a attempt to make a strike. He make a single focused cut

AD. 12 1 3

against the opponent. Whether he hit or miss, his modified Guard.

attack roll is used as a penalty against the next attack from
that same opponent if he is attacking within one turn. Niten Ichi (Flowing Strike) COST 4
Ex: A Meisterhau is attempted with an attack roll of 3 The Nitchen Ichi is a Japanese two-weapon fighting style
successes including all modifiers. When the defender makes which allows both weapons to be used together.
their next, one, attack they must roll 3 successes or better to
Directing two weapons is not, however, an easy task, and it
get a hit.
requires considerable skill and is considered performing a
multiple action. A fighter rolls Dexterity + Melee to use two
Missile Parrying COST 6 weapons at once for attacking. The weapons can be used in
Bat incoming spears, javelins and darts out of the air with a separate actions through the standard rules for multiple
melee weapon or bare hand. The fighter may apply his Parry actions, or the attacker can use them together for greater
to defend against missile weapons. damage. Against a single foe, this maneuver awards only
This does normally not apply against crossbows, slings, or additional damage based on the off-hand weapon type.
bows. However, if acheiving Dexterity rank 5 or more, this Such a strike is not easy, however, and it incurs a -2
type of Parry may also be used on incomming bolts, arrows penalty, but the maneuver counts as only a single action an
and slung bullets. does not count as multiple actions, and do not follow normal
penalties from two-weapon fighting.
Durchlauffen COST 4
Durchlauffen, a German term meaning “passing through” or Sieze Weapon COST 3
“running through” is a basic principle. It simply means to These are arm-locks and disarms, part of the system of
pass beside or through the enemies’ attack, and can be an abrazare or ‘grips’, usually with the goal of seizing the
excellent way to cope with an aggressive closing opponent by opponents weapon.
using timing to bypass their defense as counter-attacking. This works with unarmed against an opponet armed with a
After a successful Dodge (least 2 successes) maneuver melee weapon.
against an attack from a designated target while in melee or Once a designated target have been established on the start
grapple range, the fighter may immediately sidestep, thereby of a character's turn (won the Initiative roll), the character
change range (including entering or exiting melee reach ignores all actions and allow the opponent to attack with a
without provoking any free attack roll) and may move to melee weapon, wheter the attack was a success or not, the
flanking or even rear attack. Character may immediately roll a Dodge, followed by a
Disarm roll. If the character succeeds in disarming the
Fool’s Guard COST 4 opponent, the character may seize the opponent's weapon
Used primarily with long swords, the fighter intentionally
hold his weapon low to seemingly invite attack (Manipulation Weapon Slap COST 3
+ Melee vs Perception + Alertness), but when the opponent The character unleashes a powerful blow designed not to
strikes, the fighter can quickly raise it to counter automaticaly fatally injure an opponent but instead to push his weapon or
without using an action for defense. Instead of a normal shield out of the way and create an opening that can be
defense, roll an additional Manipulation + Melee at a + 1 quickly exploited. If the attack roll is successful, no damage
bonus against the opponent’s attack. Each success reduces the is inflicted on the victim, but the opponents does not have
attack’s damage by 1, and if the characters successes exceed access to any form of defensive moves (with the exception of
the attacker’s, the difference is instead inflicted upon the Dodge) against the next incoming attack.
attacker as damage from the character’s weapon. Ex: A fighter could attempt to spend two actions to make
The drawback, however, is that the fighter cannot employ two attacks, but the opponent have access to attempt to
any of his defenses in any turn where he uses the Fool’s Block with his shield, or Parry with his weapon, or make a

AD. 12 1 3

Dodge. The fighter sees that his opponent is wearing a full a Strength + Brawl roll, which is reduced by the
armor plate, reducing his mobility severily, and decides to character’s Strength +1. This maneuver is not to cause
attempt a Weapon Slap. He rolls his attack which is damage or kill the opponent — intentionally — this maneuver
successful. However, the opponent have only access to his is to render him unconscious by pressing the chain against
Dodge, which is at a -1 (Dex 3, armor -4 penalty); failing his the arteries of his neck, thus halting blood flow to his brain.
Dodge roll. Since he can't use his shield or weapon, as they If a character is successful on the grapple, she can begin to
are the target of this maneuver, both being bashed aside, the choke the victim on the following turn. For every turn that
following attack from the fighter can't be defended against. the choke hold is not broken, the victim suffers an additional
–1 on all rolls to resist. When your character has accumulated
Versetzen COST 4 a number of uninterrupted turns equal to twice the victim’s
Stamina, he falls unconscious. This maneuver, when complete,
Simply 'lock and block', with this move, a character uses
causes a single point of bashing damage to the victim.
an adversary’s momentum against her. If he succeed on a
Strength + Melee roll, the character captures an opponent’s
attacking arm in his own and gains a Grapple over her. The Impenetrable Defense COST 4
fighter may add their character’s Dodge to the Strength + A chain or flexible weapon wielding character may choose
Melee roll, as he is technically making a defensive maneuver. not to attack in a given turn, and instead chose to defend
However, if so chosen to add his Dodge to this attack, he whirling the chain in the direction of her opponent. During
may not apply any defensive maneuvers against any incoming the entire turn, regardless of Initiative, the character adds +2
attacks that turn. to all defenses to deflect or Parry incoming blows.
Additionally, the character also gets no penalty for defending
Defanging the Snake COST 4 against multiple opponents.
This attack is specifically aiming at the hands or wrists, so
effectively this means the fighter must make a Targeting Spinning Strike COST 5
attack. This attack may be used in conjunction with a Spinning is a rather complex looking move, but it's actually
Countering. leaving the fighter open to attacks, granting the opponent a
The attack is considered Targeting but at a +1 bonus. If +1 to hit, but the advantages of the attack is that one attack
successful the target will drop their weapon as their hand is action can make a strike against every opponent within a
severily damaged or dismembered. radius of Reach both front, rear and flank, however, at a -2
damage as the strikes are not that powerful, but they are fast,
Chain Bind COST 3 granting the fighter a +1 Initiative and the opponent a -1 to
defensive maneuves.
This defensive maneuver is made with a chain or long
Another powerful advantage is that a fast spining can often
flexible weapon against an incoming attack (Brawl or Melee-
land more strikes, depending upon the weapon's speed, but
based). When a foe attacks with a weapon or with his body,
stil at one single attack roll. A weapon's speed is added to
the wielding character wraps the attacking limb with the
the attack roll, and each success is added as a hit.
chain, making a Grappling but using Strength + Melee.
Ex: Gerd is surrounded by three opponents closing in, one
If the character is successful, the limb is bound with the
at the fron, one of his left flank and one at the rear. He
chain, and the opponent can attempt to escape this next turn
makes a spinning move with his longsword (Damage str+4,
with a resisted Strength roll, exactly as if Grappled.
Reach 1.8, Speed +1 Initiative). He rolls his attack roll
(Dexterity 2 + Melee 2) he rolls a 7 + 4 + 1; for a total of
Outside Choke COST 3 12, two successes, landing two strikes on all three opponents
A chain fighting character attempts to wrap the chain within roughly 2 yards radius. All three opponents must roll
around an opponent’s neck. Roll Strength + Melee. The defensive maneuvers for two strikes, both at a -1 penalty. If
victim may attempt to free himself on his next action with they fail they are hit for Strength + 2 (4 – 2) lethal damage.


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