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I am writing this letter from our Normal, IL manufacturing plant where our

teams are working around the clock to ramp production of our R1T, R1S and

commercial vans. It is amazing to see the plant come to life through the work

of so many passionate team members.

As I’ve watched our team grow to more than 7,000 people, I’ve also witnessed

the excitement from our supporters stretch even greater. Whether you were

among our !rst reservation holders or you’re new to the community, thank

you for putting your trust in us and showing so much enthusiasm for our


We know you can’t wait to get behind the wheel of your vehicle. Earlier this

summer, we announced that deliveries would begin in July; however, the

timing for the !rst deliveries of the R1T has shifted to September, with the

R1S shortly thereafter in the fall. I wanted to be sure you heard this from me


There are many reasons why our production ramp is taking longer than

expected. The cascading impacts of the pandemic have had a compounding

e"ect greater than anyone anticipated. Everything from facility construction,

to equipment installation, to vehicle component supply (especially

semiconductors) has been impacted by the pandemic. Beyond these

unforeseen challenges, launching three new vehicles while setting up a multi-

vehicle manufacturing plant is a complex orchestra of coordinated and

interlinked activities where small issues can translate into ramp delays.

Our plant in Normal, IL has two separate production lines currently

producing vehicles, one for the R1 vehicles (initially R1T and R1S) and one for

our commercial vans. We have now built hundreds of vehicles as part of our

validation process, with many of those spotted out in the wild covered in

unique vinyl wraps. I have been asked why we aren’t delivering those vehicles

or why we continue to test rather than deliver. We believe it is critical to both

our long-term success and your ultimate satisfaction that the quality and

robustness of our launch products truly sets the tone for what to expect

from us as a brand.

I have spoken with a number of you and know we need to do a better job at

communicating speci!cs around deliveries. Our Guides will continue

reaching out to schedule deliveries and will be there for any questions

throughout the process. We are also preparing for a multi-city, multi-format

drive program set to roll out in September. You’ll start to see Rivian charging

sites and service centers being built in your local communities; and as we

head into the end of the year, you’ll also start to see events, programs and

spaces where we’ll be able to bring our Rivian community together.

Lastly, I have spent a lot of time in the R1T and R1S in just about every

conceivable environment, and I am excited for you to experience the

combination of re!nement, capability and performance – it will be worth the


You’ll be hearing more from us over the coming weeks with additional

updates and progress. Thanks again for your support and being on this

adventure with us.


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Copyright © 2021 Rivian. All rights reserved.

14600 Myford Rd., Irvine, CA 92606, USA

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