Are We Preparing Students To Build Security In? A Survey of European Cybersecurity in Higher Education Programs

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Are we preparing students to build security in? A survey of european cybersecurity in

higher education programs

Dragoni, Nicola; Lluch Lafuente, Alberto; Massacci, Fabio; Schlichtkrull, Anders

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IEEE Security and Privacy

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Citation (APA):
Dragoni, N., Lluch Lafuente, A., Massacci, F., & Schlichtkrull, A. (2021). Are we preparing students to build
security in? A survey of european cybersecurity in higher education programs. IEEE Security and Privacy, 19(1),
81-88. [9336077].

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Editors: Jelena Mirkovic, | Bill Newhouse,

Are We Preparing Students to

Build Security In? A Survey of
European Cybersecurity in
Higher Education Programs

Nicola Dragoni | Technical University of Denmark

Alberto Lluch Lafuente | Technical University of Denmark
Fabio Massacci | University of Trento and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Anders Schlichtkrull | Aalborg University Copenhagen

We present a review of European master of science programs in cybersecurity and reflect on the presence
(and lack) of knowledge and skills needed to build security in.

I ndustry and government organi-

zations have been using encryp-
tion to protect the data at rest and data
is to ask the directors of studies of
educational programs about their
offerings and then check how well
[…] baking in security only hap-
pens when there is intent to do so.
[…] You convert rare expertise
in transit in information and com- building security in topics fare in the into a process that others can fol-
munications technology networks classroom. We report here a review of low, but the kind of process has to
for several decades. Only in the last more than 100 European M.Sc. pro- be one that reinforces disciplined
10–20 years has there been a grow- grams in cybersecurity at the univer- thinking […] and can be mea-
ing interest to “build security in,”1 sity level2 from 28 countries, and we sured sufficiently well to know if it
with “security and privacy-by-design” look forward to extending this survey works. Better still if […] you can
being a recent buzz phrase. As a result to more countries. Figure 1 shows the get real value out of doing only
of past history, traditional skills are countries represented in the survey. some of it. [Our emphasis]
well anchored (for example, almost Our main finding is that the
every university has a cryptography current landscape of education pro- While all cybersecurity topics
course), but we do not know how grams does not seem to put the are important, here we have a clear
prevalent courses that teach building required emphasis on building emphasis on the design, intentional,
security in topics are, as offered by security in skills. and process aspects also advocated
European master of science (M.Sc.) by the Carnegie Mellon University
programs in cybersecurity. Structuring Cybersecurity Software Engineering Institute.5,6
This article aims to answer the Knowledge In our work, we seek to identify
following question: Are (European) There is no silver bullet answer to the these aspects in the teaching pro-
universities preparing students to question of how to become a (soft- grams delivered by each educa-
build security in? To answer our ware) security expert,3 but we take tional institution.
question, a reasonably good approach guidance from Dan Geer’s introduc- Cybersecurity encompasses many
tion to Gary McGraw’s Building Secu- different concepts, techniques, meth-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSEC.2020.3037446
rity In4 to identify features indicative odologies, and tools. To define a com-
Date of current version: 25 January 2021 of building security in: mon set of elements in the courses we
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
For more information, see https://creative
Copublished by the IEEE Computer and Reliability Societies January/February 2021 81

We mention two other examples

that are suitable to structure educa-
tion in building security in: the soft-
ware assurance (SwA) curriculum,11
which provides an M.Sc. curricu-
lar framework, and the related SwA
competency model,12 which pro-
vides a structured model for training
and education beyond a university
education. Starting with Howard,3
Mead and Hilburn,5 and Hilburn
and Mead,6 most authors emphasize
the importance of skills in security
1 23 design, the understanding and assess-
ment of threats, automated security
Figure 1. The number of education programs in the survey, distributed by analysis, and the testing of newly
country. The darker the blue is, the more programs participated; 19 is the
developed and externally procured
software components. Table 2 high-
lights the dozen of KUs that we think
looked for, we first surveyed several and structure. While these frame- are most relevant to those skills.
existing cybersecurity frameworks: works all provide a good basis for
academic curricula, we decided to Questioning Europe
■ ■A sso c iat i o n o f Co m p u t i ng base our survey mainly on the ACM To obtain a snapshot of the higher
Ma­­chinery (ACM) Cybersecurity framework because the target of the education landscape, we used a
Curricular Guidelines7 survey is composed of heads of stud- questionnaire that required the
■■ The National Institute of Stan- ies and faculty members, who may responder to indicate the degree to
dards and Technology (NIST) arguably have more familiarity with which each KU is covered: by man-
National Initiative for Cyberse- the scientific terminology of ACM. datory courses, by optional courses,
curity Education Cybersecurity We slightly enriched the ACM frame- or not covered at all. The question-
Workforce Framework8 work with the NIST area operate and naire was distributed among faculty
■ ■ The European Joint Research maintain, for which we could not find members with relevant roles in the
Centre ( JRC) European Cyberse- an immediate mapping to areas and education programs, typically the
curity Taxonomy9 knowledge units in the ACM frame- head of education or a faculty mem-
■■ The Cyber Security Body of work. The resulting ACM+NIST ber. We exploited the vast network
Knowledge (CyBOK).10 framework is summarized in Table 2, of the European project CyberSe-
where each knowledge area (KA) c4Europe13 as well as other chan-
Table 1 gives an overview of the is broken down into several smaller nels, including national mailing lists
various frameworks and their focus knowledge units (KUs). and the European Union Agency

Table 1. The cybersecurity knowledge frameworks.

Framework Owners Focus Structure

CSEC ACM, IEEE-CS, AIS SIGSEC, IFIP WG 11.8 Academic curriculum 8 areas/54 KUs

CWF NIST Workforce skills 7 categories/33 specialty areas

JRC JRC Research and technology 15 research domains/150 subdomains

CyBOK NCSC Scientific knowledge 19 KAs/244 topics

CS: Computer Society; AIS: Association for Information Systems; SIGSEC: Special Interest Group in Information Security and Privacy; IFIP WG: International
Federation for Information Processing Working Group; NCSC: National Cyber Security Centre; JRC: European Union Joint Research Center; CWF: National
Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.

82 IEEE Security & Privacy January/February 2021

Table 2. The ACM+NIST Framework.


Data security 1 cryptography, 2 digital forensics, 3 data integrity and authentication, 4 access control, 5 secure
communication protocols, 6 cryptanalysis, 7 data privacy, 8 information storage security

Software security 9 fundamental principles, 10 design, 11 implementation, 12 analysis and testing, 13 deployment and
maintenance, 14 documentation, 15 ethics

Component security 16 component design, 17 component procurement, 18 component testing, 19 component reverse

Connection security 20 physical media, 21 physical interfaces and connectors, 22 hardware architecture, 23 distributed
systems architecture, 24 network architecture, 25 network implementations, 26 network services,
27 network defense

System security 28 system thinking, 29 system management, 30 system access, 31 system control, 32 system
retirement, 33 system testing, 34 common system architectures

Human security 35 identity management, 36 social engineering, 37 personal compliance with cybersecurity rules/policy/
ethical norms, 38 awareness and understanding, 39 social and behavioral privacy, 40 personal data
privacy and security, 41 usable security and privacy

Organizational security 42 risk management, 43 security governance and policy, 44 analytical tools, 45 systems administration,
46 cybersecurity planning, 47 business continuity, disaster recovery, and incident management,
48 security program management, 49 personnel security, 50 security operations

Operate and maintain 51 customer service and technical support

Societal security 52 cybercrime, 53 cyber law, 54 cyber ethics, 55 cyber policy, 56 privacy

The design and process skills more relevant to building security in are bold.

for Cybersecurity map of cyberse- Data Security

curity education programs.14 The (92%, 46%)
survey is still open15 and is not lim-
Societal Security Software Security
ited to Europe. (72%, 24%) (67%, 21%)
The key summary results pre-
sented here are based on more than
Operate and Maintain Component Security
100 M.Sc. education programs from (58%, 13%)
(67%, 22%)
higher education institutions in Euro-
pean countries. The map of the par-
ticipating institutions is available on a Organizational Security Connection Security
dedicated webpage (https://cyber​ (62%, 18%) (84%, 41%)
Human Security System Security
-education-survey-map). Further (64%, 20%) (75%, 22%)
details on our methodology to gather
and validate the data can be found in Figure 2. The average global coverage of KAs. The shapes display for each
Dragoni et al.2 KA the average percentage that is covered by universities with mandatory
From a bird’s-eye view, all cyber- courses (blue) and with nonmandatory ones (gray). Traditional KAs like data,
security KUs seem covered to connection, and system security are well covered by mandatory courses. Other
KAs are more of an optional kind.
some extent, and there is no single
cybersecurity KA being entirely
neglected. Figure 2 illustrates a star starplot.htm), the extent to which programs. Detailed numbers can
plot ( our ACM+NIST framework’s KAs be found in Dragoni et al.2 Each
div898/handbook/eda/section3/ are covered by the educational of the plot’s spokes (black lines) 83

correspond to a KA. The part of

1 9 16 each spoke covered in blue is pro-
8 2 15 10
portional to the coverage propor-
tion with mandatory courses of
7 3 19 17 the corresponding KA—the maxi-
14 11
mal magnitude possible being
6 4 100%. The gray part extends the
13 12
5 18 blue, and from this, we can read
Data Software Component the coverage proportion with any
20 28 35 kind of course of the correspond-
27 21 ing KA. The results also show a
34 29 41 36
skewed distribution of how topics
26 22 are covered by mandatory courses.
33 30 40 37
Digging deeper, we find more inter-
25 23 esting results.
32 31 39 38
Connection System Human Traditional Versus
42 52
New Areas
In Figure 3, we give a quick over-
view of the coverage of each KA’s
49 44 KUs. Here, each KA is represented
by a star plot, and its KUs are rep-
48 45
55 54 resented as spokes. The part of each
47 46 spoke covered in blue corresponds
Organizational Operate and Maintain Societal to the percentage of the education
programs covering the KU by man-
Figure 3. The top 10 most covered KUs in European M.Sc. programs. The datory courses, with gray represent-
bars show the percentage of the education programs covering the KU with ing coverage by other courses.
mandatory courses (blue) and with other courses (gray). A look at the potential Most noticeably and, perhaps,
building security in KUs in Table 2 demonstrates that only risk analysis and
not surprisingly, the traditional KAs
network architecture made it to the top 10.
of data security and communication

KU Mandatory Courses Other Courses KA

Cryptography Data

Data Integrity and Authentication Data

Secure Communication Protocols Data

Access Control Data

Network Defense Connection

System Access System

System Control System

Network Architecture Connection

Data Privacy Data

Risk Management Organizational

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 4. The coverage of each of the KA’s KUs. The numbers correspond to the numbers of the KUs from Table 2. The shapes show the
percentage of the education programs covering the KU with mandatory courses (blue) and with other courses (gray). Data security is well
represented, while other KAs such as software and organizational security are less so.

84 IEEE Security & Privacy January/February 2021

security are covered to the largest and operate and maintain are clearly example is the KU component pro-
extent. Figure 4 provides an overview the least covered (Figure 3). But curement, which belongs to the
of how the most popular KUs are cov- they also show that not all KAs otherwise popular KA of system
ered, with cryptography, not unex- are covered consistently, and that security and is practically not cov-
pectedly, occupying the first place. several popular KAs contain KUs ered at all (Figure 5). This is quite
By contrast, our results indicate whose coverage proportions are worrying given the unavoidable
that the KAs of component security very low (Figure 4). A significant need to use third-party components

KU Mandatory Courses Other Courses Gap KA

Network Architecture Connection
Distributed Systems Architecture Connection
System Thinking System
Risk Management Organizational
Common System Architectures System
Design Software
Component Design Component
Usable Security and Privacy Human
Deployment and Maintenance Software
Security Program Management Organizational
Cybersecurity Planning Organizational
Hardware Architecture Connection
Component Procurement Component
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 5. The coverage of building security in KUs in European M.Sc. programs.

The Netherlands
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 6. The percentage of the KUs that each country covers with mandatory courses (blue) and other courses (gray). 85

as well as the common practice of consider of the utmost importance factor. Some smaller countries have
public sectors offering time-limited given that, nowadays, it is hardly good coverage as well (Figure 6).
contracts to IT providers. conceivable to develop software This might, of course, also be the
without resorting to third-party result of bias and over claiming (or
What About Building libraries and components. being too modest) by some direc-
Security in? tors of studies; thus, the data should
Our results indicate that the KUs Is There a Difference be interpreted with care.
that are more relevant to building by Country? Countries with a higher cover-
security in are not covered to a good Unsurprisingly, large countries age of the KUs tend to have a more
extent. Design, arguably the flagship show a higher coverage of KUs uniform distribution of the coverage
building security in KU, is entirely (that is, there is at least one educa- of each KA, whereas countries with
neglected in a quarter of the educa- tion program covering each KU in a lower coverage of the KAs exhibit
tion programs surveyed, and only the country). For example, when peaks of excellence (Figure 7).
one third make it mandatory. considering the strictest coverage There are countries that seem to
At the bottom of the rank, we metric, Spain, France, Germany, neglect certain KAs, even though
found the KU component procure- and Italy cover 75% of the KUs with their education programs cover a
ment. This is a topic that most of the mandatory courses. However, the large proportion of the KAs with
approaches to building security in size of the country is not a decisive mandatory courses. An example is

The Netherlands
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Component Security Connection Security Data Security

Human Security Operate and Maintain Organizational Security
Societal Security Software Security System Security

Figure 7. The percentage of each KA’s KUs covered with mandatory courses for each country. Each KA is represented by a color. The bar
diagram considers a KU covered by a country if there is at least one education program in the country that covers the KU with mandatory
courses. The bar diagram shows for each country the percentage of KUs that are covered in each KA. Since there are nine KAs, the total
possible percentage per country is 900.

86 IEEE Security & Privacy January/February 2021

Sweden, which ranks fifth on global Problems the Right Way. Reading,
coverage with mandatory courses MA: Addison-Wesley, 2011. /JRC118089/taxonomy-v2.pdf
thanks to individual KUs that are 2. N. Dragoni, A. Lluch Lafuente, 10. A. Rashid, H. Chivers, G. Danezis,
covered almost entirely, while A. Schlichtkrull, and L. Zhao, E. Lupu, and A. Martin, “The cyber
they do not cover the component “D6.2 education and training security body of knowledge,” Ver-
security KA at all with mandatory review,” Cybersec4europe, 2020. sion 1.0, CyBOK, 2019. [Online].
courses (Figure 7). [Online]. Available: https:// Available: 11. N. Mead et al., “Software assur-
uploads/2020/02/D6.2-Education ance curriculum project volume i:

W e believe that our findings

will help decision makers,
such as the heads of study programs
- a n d -Tr a i n i n g - R e v i e w -V 1 . 2
3. M. Howard, “Becoming a secu-
Master of software assurance refer-
ence curriculum,” Software Engi-
neering Institute, Carnegie Mellon
and the policy makers, to identify, rity expert,” IEEE Security Privacy, University, Pittsburgh, PA, Tech.
prioritize, and demand that the skills vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 71–73, 2008. doi: Rep. CMU/SEI-2010-TR-005,
needed by industry and govern- 10.1109/MSP.2008.3. 2010. [Online]. Available: http://
ment be taught by European M.Sc. 4. G. McGraw, Software Security:
programs in cybersecurity. Building Building Security In. Reading, MA: asset-view.cfm?AssetID=9415
security in approaches are needed to Addison-Wesley, 2006. 1 2. T. Hilburn, M. Ardis, G. John-
ensure that future IT systems are less 5. N. R . Mead and T. B. Hilburn, son, A. Kornecki, and N. Mead,
vulnerable to attacks than today’s sys- “Building security in: Prepar- “Software assurance competency
tems, and such approaches require ing for a software security career,” model,” Software Engineering Insti-
specialized skills. IEEE Security Privacy, vol. 11, no. tute, Carnegie Mellon University,
Further details on our survey 6, pp. 80–83, 2013. doi: 10.1109/ Pittsburgh, PA, Tech. Rep. CMU/
can be found in Dragoni et al.2 We MSP.2013.139. SEI-2013-TN-004, 2013. [Online].
look forward to your opinion and, 6. T. B. Hilburn and N. R. Mead, Available: http://resources.sei.cmu
if you are involved in a program, “Building security in: A road to .edu/li brar y/asset-v m?
do not forget to participate in competency,” IEEE Security Privacy, AssetID=47953
the survey.15 vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 89–92, 2013. doi: 1 3. CyberSec4Europe. https://www
Acknowledgments 7. CSEC2017 Joint Task Force, 14. “Cybersecurity higher education data-
This work was supported by the “Cybersecurity curricula 2017: base.” ENISA. https://www.enisa
European Union Horiz o n 2 0 2 0 Cu r r i c u l u m g u i d e l i n e s f o r
Security Union Information and post-secondary degree programs -education/education-map
Communication Technolo ­g ies in cybersecurity,” ACM, New 1 5. “Cyber security MSc educa-

-03–2018 Project 830929 Cyber­ York, 2017. [Online]. Available: tion survey.” EUSurvey. https://
Sec4Europe (
The authors would like to thank all of content/assets/education/ CS4E_MSc_Survey_2019
the members of CyberSec4Europe cur r icula-recommendations/
for the dissemination of the survey csec2017.pdf Nicola Dragoni is a professor at the
and for reaching out to key persons in 8. W. Newhouse, S. Keith, B. Scrib- Technical University of Den-
higher education institutions through- ner, and G. Witte, “NIST special mark, Kongens Lyngby, 2800,
out Europe as well as all of the people publication 800-181: National Denmark, where he also serves as
and institutions that participated initiative for cybersecurity educa- deputy head of the Ph.D. school
in the survey. The authors are also tion (NICE) cybersecurity work- and head of the Digital Security
grateful to Ross Anderson, Joseph force framework,” NIST, 2017. Center. He is also a part-time
Hallett, Andrew Martin, Gary McGraw, [Online]. Available: https:// professor at Örebro University,
Jelena Mirkovic, William Newhouse, n v l p u b s . n i s t . gov / n i st p u b s / Örebro, SE-701 82, Sweden. His
and Awais Rashid and for their fruitful SpecialPublications/NIST.SP research focuses on security for
comments and suggestions on early .800-181.pdf fog and Internet of Things devices.
versions of this work. 9. I. Fovino et al., “A proposal for a Dragoni received a Ph.D. from the
European cybersecurity taxon- University of Bologna. He is active
References omy,” European Commission, Brus- in a number of national and inter-
1. J. Viega and G. McGraw, Building sels, Belgium, 2019. [Online]. national projects. Contact him at
Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Available: https://publications.jrc 87

Alberto Lluch Lafuente is an associate 38123, Italy, and Vrije Univer- security of open source software.
professor at the Technical Univer- siteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Contact him at fabio.massacci@
sity of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, 1081 HV, The Netherlands. His
2800, Denmark, and the head of research focuses on security eco-
the section on formal methods for nomics, experimental methods Anders Schlichtkrull is an assistant
safe and secure systems. He is the for security, and cybersecurity professor at Aalborg University
leader of the software development education. Massacci received Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 2450,
lifecycle research task of the Cyber- a Ph.D. from the University of Denmark. His research focuses
Sec4Europe pilot. His research Rome “La Sapienza.” He received on formal methods. Schlichtkrull
focuses on formal methods for the Ten Years Most Influen- received a Ph.D. from the Techni-
cybersecurity and distributed sys- tial Paper award by the IEEE cal University of Denmark. He is a
tems. Lafuente received a Ph.D. Requirements Engineering Con- recipient of the Technical Univer-
from the University of Freiburg. ference in 2015. He is the leader sity of Denmark’s Young Researcher
Contact him at of the education work pack- Award 2019. He contributed to sev-
age of the CyberSec4Europe eral tasks of the CyberSec4Europe
Fabio Massacci is a professor at pilot and the coordinator of the pilot. Contact him at andsch@
the University of Trento, Trento, AssureMOSS project on the

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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSEC.2020.3047282

88 IEEE Security & Privacy January/February 2021

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