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Microsoft Azure
Workshop Guide
UTD-Azure 2.1 | VM-Series | CN-Series | Prisma Cloud

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 1
Table of Contents

Purpose of This Workshop Guide 4

Activity 0: Log In to the UTD Workshop 5

Task 1 - Login to Your Ultimate Test Drive Class Environment 5
Task 2 - Sign-on Azure account 6

Activity 1: Deploy Lab Environment with ARM Template 8

Task 1 - Prepare VM-Series for Bootstrap 8
Task 2 - Launch ARM Template 10
Task 3 - Review the Palo Alto Networks Products Offerings from Azure Marketplace 12
Task 4 - [Optional] Subscribe to Prisma Cloud Free Trial Version 13
Task 5 - Check Deployment Status and Review What Has Been Deployed 13

Activity 2: Access and Review VM-Series Firewall 18

Task 1 - Access the VM-Series Firewall 18
Task 2 - Review the Monitor tab 19
Task 3 - Review the Security Policies 20
Task 4 - Review the Object, Network and Device Tabs 21

Activity 3: Enable Applications with App based Policy 23

Task 1 - Verify Static Content on Web Server 23
Task 2 - Verify Dynamic Content on Web Server 24
Task 3 - Allow MySQL on the VM-Series Firewall 25
Task 4 - Re-verify Dynamic Content on Web Server 26

Activity 4: Enhance Protection for Applications with Threats Prevention Profile 27

Task 1 - Attempt to SSH from the web server to the DB server 27
Task 2 - Review the Threat Protection Profile 28
Task 3 - Trigger the SQL brute force attack and review logs 28

Activity 5: VM-Series Integration with Azure Application Insights 30

Task 1 - Create Application Insights Instance on Azure 30
Task 2 - Enable Application Insights on the VM-Series Firewall 31
Task 3 - Verify that you can view the metrics on the Azure 32

Activity 6: Outbound Access During Failover with Azure Load Balancer 33

Task 1 - Update Route Table – User Defined Routes 33
Task 2 - Run the Wget Command from Webserver 35

Activity 7: Strengthen Security Rule with Policy Optimizer 38

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 2
Task 1 - Policy Optimizer Helps You Convert a Policy to an Application-Based Policy 38
Task 2 - Enhanced Security in Application-Based Policy 39

Activity 8: Deploy CN-Series Containerized Firewall 41

Task 1 - Deploy Kubernetes Cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 42
Task 2 - Review CN-Series Core Building Blocks 45
Task 3 - Connect to the Kubernetes Cluster 47
Task 4 - Deploy the CN-Series Firewall 48
Task 5 - Configuring Panorama Kubernetes Plugin 51

Activity 9: Deploy and Secure Applications Pods 57

Task 1 - Deploy Application Pods 58
Task 2 - Create Dynamic Address Group using Tags 59
Task 3 - Create Policy with Dynamic Address Groups 61
Task 4 - Access Application Pod and Review the Traffic Log 62

Activity 10: Prisma Cloud Overview 65

Task 1 - Login to Prisma Cloud demo tenant 65
Task 2 - Console Quick Overview 66
Task 3 - Help Center 69
Task 4 - [Optional] On-board a Azure Account 69

Activity 11: Prisma Cloud Security Alert Investigation and Remediation 72

Task 1 - Investigate Network Alerts 72
Task 2 - Investigate Audit Alerts 73
Task 3 - Locate and remediate a security event 75

Activity 12: Feedback on Ultimate Test Drive 77

Task 1 - Take the online survey 77

Appendix 1: How to Install Dynamic Updates 78

Appendix 2: Prisma Cloud Demo Tenant access 79

Appendix 3: How to Re-Activate Azure Account 80

Appendix 4: Download configuration file and configure the firewall 81


UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 3
Purpose of This Workshop Guide
This workshop guide describes deploying Palo Alto Networks VM-Series firewall in the Microsoft Azure
public cloud to provide visibility and protection for the VNet inbound and outbound traffic
The activities outlined in this Workshop Guide are meant to contain all the information necessary to
navigate the workshop interface, complete the workshop activities, and troubleshoot any potential issues
with the lab environment. This guide is meant to be used in conjunction with the information and guidance
provided by your facilitator.
This workshop guide covers only basic topics and is not a substitute for training classes conducted by
Palo Alto Networks Authorized Training Centers. Please contact your partner or regional sales manager
for more information on available training and how to register for one near you.

Lab Activities Overview

1. Part 1: VM-Series lab activities 1-7
2. Part 2: CN-Series lab activities 8-9
3. Part 3: Prisma Cloud lab activities 10-11
Once These Activities Have Been Completed 
You should be able to:
1. Navigate the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Firewall and Panorama management console GUI.
2. Review portions of the Firewall and Panorama configuration.
3. Change the configuration to affect the behavior of traffic across the firewall.

How to Use This Guide 

In this guide:
Tab​ refers to the seven tabs along the top of the screen in the VM-Series firewall GUI.
Node​ refers to the options associated with each ​Tab​ found in the left-hand column of the screen.

Notes provide additional information

Cautions warning
Note:​ Unless specified, the Google Chrome web browser will be used to perform any tasks outlined in the
following activities. 


UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 4
Activity 0: Log In to the UTD Workshop 
In this activity, you will:

● Log in to the Ultimate Test Drive Workshop from your laptop.

● Understand the layout of the environment and its various components.
● Log in to the Azure portal using the account provided.

Task 1 - Login to Your Ultimate Test Drive Class Environment

Step 1: Open a browser window and navigate to the ​class URL​. If you have an invitation email, you
will find the class URL and passphrase there. Otherwise, your instructor will provide them.

Enter your email address and the class passphrase.

Step 2: Complete the registration form and click ​Register and Login​ at the bottom.

Step 3: Make a note of your email and password to login on UTD lab environment. You might need
email and password to re-login in the lab environment in case you logged out.

Step 4: Once you have logged in, the system will create a unique UTD environment for you. Please
note that this process may take a while, as indicated by the progress bar at the top of the

Step 5: Click on the ​Workshop Guide​ tab to open the lab guide in a new tab.

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Task 2 - Sign-on Azure account
This hands-on lab lets you do the lab activities yourself in a real cloud environment, not in a simulation or
demo environment. It does so by giving you new, temporary credentials that you use to sign in and
access the Azure portal for the duration of the lab.

Step 1: Go to the CloudShare lab environment and click on the ​Student Desktop​ tab at the top of the

Step 2: In the left-hand side Action panel under the ​Virtual Keyboard​, click on the ​key​ ​icon​ to log in
on Student Desktop.

Step 3: If the ​Student Desktop ​resolution is too high or too low for your laptop display, you can adjust
the resolution by ​right clicking​ on the desktop and then select the ​Display Settings​. Select
the resolution from Resolution drop drown. The recommended resolution is 1280 x 768

Step 4: From the left-hand Action panel. You can also click the ​Full screen icon to maximize the

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 6
Step 5: To exit the full-screen mode, use the esc key on our keyboard or click the black arrow at the
top of the window to open the dropdown menu; then click ​Exit​.
Step 6: In the ​Student Desktop ​window ​click on the ​Firefox Web browser​ icon.

Step 7: Click on ​Azure Portal bookmark​ tab to open a Azure portal login page. Follow the below
steps to copy and paste the login credentials from the left-hand Action panel to login on Azure

A. Under the ​Azure Credentials​ click on the ​User​ and then click on the ​Send Text​ icon,
paste the copied user name and click Send. On the Azure Sign page click ​Next​.
B. Repeat step A to copy and paste the ​Password​.
C. Finally Click Sign-in.

NOTE:​ ​You can also access the Azure portal from your laptop browser and login using the
credentials provided by the Cloudshare lab environment.

End of Activity-0  

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 7
Activity 1: Deploy Lab Environment with ARM Template 
In this activity, you will

● Prepare the environment to bootstrap the VM-Series Firewall.

● Use the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template to deploy the lab resources.

Task 1 - Prepare VM-Series for Bootstrap

Bootstrapping is a feature of the VM-Series firewall that allows you to load a pre-defined configuration into
the firewall during boot-up. This ensures that the firewall is configured and ready at initial boot-up, thereby
removing the need for manual configuration. The bootstrapping feature also enables automated
deployment of the VM-Series.

The VM-Series firewall on Azure supports Azure Files service for bootstrapping. To manage the bootstrap
package for the VM-Series firewall on Azure, you will create a file share and directory objects that contain
the folder structure required for the bootstrap package. You can share an Azure file share across many
virtual machines so that all firewalls deployed in the same region as the storage account that hosts the file
share can access the files concurrently.

The management interface of the VM-Series firewall must be able to access the file share that holds the
bootstrap package so that it can complete bootstrapping. For details on bootstrap the vm-series firewall
please refer to following doc:

Step 1: Go to Azure portal and navigate to ​Storage accounts​ and click on storage account name.

Step 2: Click ​Overview​ and then click ​Files shares​.

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 8
Step 3: Click the ​bootstrap​ file share. You will see 4 directories. These directories are pre-created
during the lab setup and required to bootstrap the firewall.
A. config
B. content
C. license
D. software

Step 4: [​Important​] Click on the ​config ​directory

A. Click ​Upload
B. Click on the blue box
C. Navigate to ​Desktop/UTD-Azure-Lab-Files/bootstrap_files/config​ folder and select the
bootstrap.xml​ and ​init-cfg.txt​ files. Click the Open tab in the top right corner.
D. click on ​Upload​.

NOTE:​ If you have logged in on Azure portal from your laptop browser instead of lab
environment Student desktop then you need to download the lab files, from Overview tab, on
your laptop and unzip the downloaded zip file in order to upload the bootstrap files in config

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Step 5: Go back to the ​Storage account​. Select the ​Access​ ​Keys ​from the left​ ​panel and click on
Show keys​.

Step 6: Copy either key1 or key2 to a text editor. Also copy the ​Storage account name​. You will need
one of the keys and storage account name later.

Task 2 - Launch ARM Template

Step 1: In the Azure portal, type ​template​ in ​global search box​ and select ​Deploy a custom

Step 2: Select ​Build your own template in the editor.

Step 3: Click on the ​Load file​ and Navigate to ​Desktop/UTD-Azure-Lab-Files/ ​and​ s​ elect the
azureDeploy.json​ file and click on ​Save​.

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Step 4: On the deployment page, enter the parameters as follows:
● Subscription​: Select existing subscription
● Resource Group​: Select existing resource group name
● Bootstrap Storage Account​: Paste your bootstrap Storage Account name
● Bootstrap Access Key​: Paste your Storage Account Access Key
● Bootstrap File Share Name​: bootstrap

Step 5: Click on ​Review + Create ​and then click ​Create t​ o deploy the template.

Step 6: Click the ​bell icon​ in the top right of the Azure Portal. Click D
​ eployment in Progress​. Wait
for the deployment to complete. ​Deployment might take 10-15 minutes​.

Step 7: While ARM is deploying the resources, you can refer to the link below to get to know more
about Palo Alto Networks Azure cloud offerings.

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 11
Task 3 - Review the Palo Alto Networks Products Offerings from Azure

This lab has deployed the Palo Alto Networks 300 VM-Series firewall with bundle2 license
from Azure marketplace using the ARM template. There are various other products offered by
Palo Alto Networks from Azure marketplace. Let’s take a look.

Step 1: Type market in ​resource and products ​search box​ and select marketplace.

Step 2: Type “palo alto networks” in the ​Search the Marketplace​ search box and press enter.

Step 3: On Azure, the VM-Series firewall is available in the bring your own license (BYOL) model or in
the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) bundle 1 and bundle 2 hourly model.

For the differences in the BYOL (bring your own license) and PAYG (pay as you go) models,
see ​this link for more information on​ ​VM-Series Firewall Licenses for Public Clouds​.

Step 4: The other products offerings include Cortex XSOAR and Prisma Cloud Compute.

Step 5: Prisma Cloud is a cloud security platform and provides threat protection, governance &
compliance to workloads running in Azure, AWS, GCP and Alibaba cloud. You will learn more
about Prisma Cloud in later activities.

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 12
Task 4 - [Optional] Subscribe to Prisma Cloud Free Trial Version
Prisma Cloud is a SaaS service and it’s subscription is available from Palo Alto Networks, GCP and AWS
Marketplace. The free trial version is currently offered only from Palo Alto Networks marketplace. In this
task we will show, how you can subscribe to the Prisma Cloud free trial version from Palo Alto Networks
Marketplace. After completing the trial account registration process, your trial tenant will be ready for you
in a few hours. You can use your new trial tenant to learn more about Prisma Cloud.

Step 1: Go to Palo Alto Networks Marketplace ​

Step 2: Scroll down and then click on ​View app​.

Step 3: Click on ​Free Trial​ and then Create Account.

NOTE:​ The free trial version is valid for 30 days.

Step 4: Enter the personal and company information requested in the form. Required fields are
indicated with red asterisks.​ ​Accept the privacy agreement and click on ​Create an account​.

NOTE:​ Personal email like gmail is not allowed to create a new account. You need to use your
company email ID to create an account.

Step 5: It will take a couple of hours to provision the Prisma Cloud tenant. You will receive a welcome
email that includes a link to log in to the Prisma Cloud tenant once it’s ready.

Step 6: Here is the video link to give you an overview of Prisma Cloud:

NOTE:​ You will do hands-on lab by accessing the Prisma Cloud demo portal in the lab
activities 10-11.

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Task 5 - Check Deployment Status and Review What Has Been Deployed

Step 1: When the lab ARM template deployment completes you will see below screen.

NOTE:​ If there is any issue with deployment and ARM template deployment failed, delete the
current deployment and repeat the Task 2 steps. Delete only the deployment and DO NOT
delete the resource group.

Step 2: Right click on ​Outputs and ​select Open Link in New Tab. Keep the output page open. You
will need the url from this page in next lab activities.

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Before looking at the resources deployed by ARM template let’s first review the lab topology. The below
lab diagram describes how different resources are deployed and connected to each other.

To review all the resources deployed by the template Go to ​Azure portal​. Right click on ​All resources
and select open in a new tab. Depending on the browser type you might have to re-login to Azure portal.
You can group all the resources by clicking on Type.

To group all the resources by resource type, click on ​Type​.

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 15
Here is a high level break down of resources:
Virtual Machine
Four virtual machines deployed by the template. A Web and DB server and two VM-Series firewalls.

Network interfaces
For the firewall: vmseries-vm1-nic0 and vmseries-vm2-nic0 is the management interface,
vmseries-vm1-nic1 is in the untrust zone and vmseries-vm1-nic2 is in the trust zone.

The Network security group

This security group applies to the Azure Resource Group as a whole. The network security group
specifies rules that allow or deny access to the resources within the resource group and provides a very
rudimentary port/protocol based firewall.

Inbound and outbound rules for the mgmt-nsg

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Route Table: User defined Routes (UDRs)
The UDRs enable the VM-Series firewall to secure the Azure resource group. For the four
subnets—Trust, Untrust, Web, and DB —included in the template, you have three routes, one for routing
traffic from the web to the FW, the DB to the FW and the default route. Each route ensures that the traffic
flows through the VM-Series firewall.

Public IPs

End of Activity-1    

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 17
Activity 2: Access and Review VM-Series Firewall 
In this activity, you will:

● Access the VM-Series firewall.

● Review key portions of the firewall configurations.

Task 1 - Access the VM-Series Firewall

Step 1: To access the firewall login page, go back to the ​Outputs ​tab in your​ ​browser. If you have
closed the browser Output tab then go to ​Resource groups > Deployments > Microsoft
Template​ to access the deployment template output.

Step 2: Click the blue box to the right of ​fw1-mgmt ​to copy.

Step 3: Open a new browser tab and ​navigate to the ​fw1-mgmt​ ​link copied in the previous step.

Use following credentials to log in into the firewall:

Username: ​paloalto

Password: ​Pal0Alt0@123

NOTE:​ ​If you get a security exception, please ignore it for this lab and proceed to the firewall
login page. We are using a self-signed certificate, which causes the exception.

If the message "Your connection is not private" opens, click ​Advanced​, and then ​Proceed to
<IP address> (unsafe)​.

Step 4: You are now logged in to the firewall. Take a look at the welcome page to see some of the
features introduced in the latest release of PAN-OS. Click ​Close​ to close the welcome page
and that will bring you to the default dashboard view.

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Step 5: The dashboard provides a visual summary of the device status. It is widget-based and can be
customized to fulfill your specific requirements.

In the ​General Information​ widget, you can see this VM is a ​Microsoft Azure​ instance under
the ​VM Mode​.

Task 2 - Review the Monitor tab

The Monitor tab is where you can perform log analysis and generate reports on all of the traffic flowing
through the VM-Series. Logs are stored on box and can also be forwarded to either Panorama, our
centralized management solution, or forwarded to a syslog server for analysis and reporting by 3rd party

Step 1: Click the ​Monitor​ tab. Navigate through the various log viewers.

Step 2: Click ​Reports​ to see the various pre-defined reports you can use.

NOTE:​ Your firewall is new and doesn’t have any data yet so any reports you create at this
point will likely be blank. You can return to this step at the end of the lab and create a new

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 19
Task 3 - Review the Security Policies

The Policies tab is where you will define all of your policies. The default view will be your security
policies, all of which can be based on the application, the content within, and the user.

Step 1: Click the ​Policies​ tab. As shown along the left side of the image, additional policies can be
defined for actions such as NAT, Decryption, and DoS.

Step 2: Mouse over the column header ​Tag,​ click on the drop down and select ​Adjust Columns​. This
will allow you to see the information much easier.

Step 3: In the ​WEB-TO-DB ​rule (rule 4) and under the ​Application c​ olumn, click on the small arrow
next to ​mysql​. Then click on ​value​ to see the details for the mysql AppID. You will see details
about the application including the standard ports.

The VM-Series is a next generation firewall. It does not simply assume all traffic on TCP port
3306 is MySQL. It inspects the traffic and ensures that it truly is MySQL.

Step 4: On the left-hand side, under ​NAT​ you can also inspect the translation rules that allow the web
and db servers to be accessed from the outside world via SSH. A NAT rule that allows http
access to the web server and a default outbound NAT rule to allow the web and db servers to
access external resources.

And the NAT policies allow for ssh access to the web and db servers as well as directing web
traffic to the web server only​.

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 20
Task 4 - Review the Object, Network and Device Tabs

The Objects, Network, and Device tabs provide you with the various management capabilities.

Step 1: Click the ​Objects​ tab. The ​Objects​ tab allows you to manage the building blocks for creating
policies such as address objects, custom applications, and security profiles.

Step 2: Click the ​Network​ tab. The ​Network​ tab allows you to create and manage interfaces, security
zones, VLANs and other elements that enable connectivity.

The interface ​ethernet 1/2​ in the ​Trust​ ​zone is the layer3 interface where the assets that need
to be protected reside (in this case the web and database servers).

The interface ​ethernet 1/1​ in the ​Unturst​ z​ one​ ​is the layer3 interface that is exposed to the
outside world. All traffic enters through this interface.

Step 3: Click the ​Device​ tab. The ​Device​ tab is where configuration items like DNS, service routes,
etc. are managed. The device tab also allows you to manage high availability, users, software
and content updates.

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End of Activity-2

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Activity 3: Enable Applications with App based Policy 
In this activity, you will:

● Generate traffic on the firewall and review the traffic log

● Edit security policy to allow inter-tier application traffic

Task 1 - Verify Static Content on Web Server

Step 1: Go to Azure portal ​Output​ tab. If the Output tab is closed then navigating to ​Resource
groups > Deployments > Microsoft Template​ > ​Output​ and copy the ​ssh-web-vm.

Before making a http request to web server let’s first check if webserver-vm is up and running.

Step 2: Open a terminal in the ​Student Desktop​ tab. Click the terminal icon on the left side ribbon.

Step 3: Execute the following ​ssh​ command in the terminal to ssh ​webserver-vm​.

ssh paloalto@<webserver-vm ip-address> -p 221

Password: ​Pal0Alt0@123

Note: You can also paste the ssh command copied in the previous step.

Successful SSH indicate webserver-vm is up and running.

Type ​exit​ to close the ssh connection.

Step 4: Now go back to Azure portal ​Output​ section of the deployments, copy the ​web-server-url​,
open a new browser tab and paste it. You should see the Apache2 default page.

This indicates the web server is accessible from the Internet.

Step 5: Return to firewall UI and navigate to ​Monitor ->​ ​Logs​ -> ​Traffic​. You should see
web-browsing​ logs. If there is so much traffic that you cannot see your web-browsing logs,
type an application filter ​( app eq web-browsing ) and c​ lick on the Apply​ Filter​ arrow.

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Task 2 - Verify Dynamic Content on Web Server

In this task, you will generate a WordPress content request from your web browser that will trigger a
database query to the MySQL server. Like many web-based applications, WordPress uses a backend
database to create, store, and retrieve dynamic content. You will use the WordPress application to show
exactly this type of behavior and demonstrate how the VM-Series firewall will secure this traffic.

Step 1: Go back to Azure portal ​Output​ section of the deployment summary, copy the
web-server-url-wordpress​, open a new browser tab and paste it.

NOTE:​ This will eventually time out but it will take a while. You can proceed with the next step
without waiting for the timeout​.

Step 2: Return to the firewall ​Monitor​ tab and check the firewall logs to troubleshoot the problem.
(Remove the last filter by clicking on the X if needed).

You should see ​deny​ l​ ogs. If there is so much traffic that you cannot see your deny logs, type
an application filter ​( action eq deny ) and ( port.dst eq 3306 ) ​and​ ​click on the Apply​ Filter

As you can see, the MySQL traffic (TCP port 3306) is being blocked between. Let’s look at
the security policy to determine the cause.

Task 3 - Allow MySQL on the VM-Series Firewall

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Step 1: Go to the Policies tab and click on ​Security​ on the left-hand pane. Look at WEB-TO-DB rule
(rule 4) and note the source and destination address.

As you can see, ​the Source and Destination addresses are reversed​ and need to be
corrected. The Source address should be ​web-vm​ and the destination address should be

Step 3: Click on ​WEB-TO-DB​ rule and then click on the S

​ ource​. Click on db-vm to bring up the pull
down menu and change the selection to web-vm.

Step 4: Next, click on the ​Destination​ tab and then click on web-vm to bring up the pull-down menu
and change the selection to db-vm.

Step 5: Click ​OK​ to close the Security Policy Rule window.

Step 6: Verify your security rule now resembles the snapshot below. This rule should allow traffic
from the web to the db server.

Step 7: Click on ​Commit​ in the upper right. With “Commit All Changes” selected, click on ​Commit​ to
commit the changes.

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Step 8: Verify the commit was successful and then click ​Close​.

Task 4 - Re-verify Dynamic Content on Web Server

Step 1: Return to your WordPress browser tab and click refresh. You should see the initial WordPress
welcome screen.

NOTE:​ You don’t need to actually configure the new WordPress server for the purpose of the
test drive. In its initial, un-configured state, it will generate the traffic we need to test the
VM-Series firewall.

Step 2: Now, head back to the firewall ​Monitor​ tab and verify that the traffic did indeed go through the
firewall from ​WEB-TO-DB​ (Remove the last filter by clicking on the X if needed).

You should be able to see the initial web request, the subsequent MySQL request and the
additional web traffic.

If you have trouble seeing the log entries for traffic that you generated, you can create a traffic
log filter as above with the entry ​( app eq mysql ) ​and​ ​apply the new filter by​ c​ licking on the
Apply Filter​ arrow.

End of Activity-3


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Activity 4: Enhance Protection for Applications with Threats 
Prevention Profile 
In this activity, you will:

● Generate two simulated East/West (Web tier to DB tier) attacks.

● Monitor the firewall log to see the results of the attacks.

Task 1 - Attempt to SSH from the web server to the DB server

This task will simulate a compromised web server that is being used to attack the database. This is a
common attack strategy of getting a foothold on the web front-end server and then expanding to the other
application tiers with the ultimate goal of accessing all data in the database.
Because the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series firewall has visibility of traffic between the web and database
server (east/west traffic), it can detect and automatically block the attacker’s attempt to compromise other

Step 1: Go to Azure portal ​Output​ section of the deployment summary, copy the
web-server-url-sql-attack​, open a new browser tab and paste it.

Step 2: Click on ​LAUNCH WEB TO DB SSH ATTEMPT​ ​to simulate a web to db ssh attempt. This
launches a CGI script that attempts to ssh as root to the db server from the web server.

Step 3: Now return to the firewall’s ​Monitor​ tab to note the failed traffic. If you have trouble seeing the
log entries apply the log filter with the entry ​(port dst eq 22).

(Remember to remove the last filter by clicking on the X if needed).

The above log entries indicate that firewall has successfully prevented the DB attack and has
secured the E/W traffic.

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Task 2 - Review the Threat Protection Profile

In this task, we will look at the Vulnerability Protection profile. This profile is used to prevent
exploits of vulnerabilities – in the case of MySQL. There are many other components of Palo Alto
Networks threat protection that are beyond the scope of this lab and are not included in the
firewall configuration.

Step 1: On the firewall’s security policies tab, under Security, ​WEB-TO-DB​ rule, you will notice that
the web to db traffic is protected further by a vulnerability profile.

Step 2: Click on the ​icon​ in the ​Profile​ column and you will see all the threat protection profiles.

Step 3: Note the ​Test Drive​ Vulnerability Protection profile. This is a custom profile created just for
this lab. It is part of the default vulnerability protection profile but is called out separately for
the purpose of this lab environment.

Step 4: To take a closer look at the vulnerability protection profile go to ​Objects > Security Profiles >
Vulnerability Protection​ and click on “Test Drive”.

Task 3 - Trigger the SQL brute force attack and review logs

For this task, you will launch some scripted attacks on the SQL server and use the pre-configured
threat protection to show and block those attacks on the VM-Series firewall. As noted above,
these are simple, scripted attacks and blocking configurations – there are many other threat
protections features available on the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series that are beyond the scope of
this demo.

NOTE:​ This task requires Applications and Threats content installed on VM-Series firewall to
​ evice > Dynamic
detect the attack. Please make sure content is installed by navigating to D
If content is not installed please refer to Appendix-1 (at the end of workshop guide) to install the
Application and Threat content.

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Step 1: Let’s finally trigger the attack. Head back to the Azure portal ​Output​ section of the deployment
summary, copy the ​web-server-url-sql-attack​, open a new browser tab and paste it.

Step 2: Click on ​LAUNCH BRUTE FORCE SQL ROOT PASSWORD​ ​GUESSING​ t​ o start a script that
will generate multiple failed MySQL authentication attempts. This will launch some scripted
attacks on the SQL server and use the pre-configured threat protection to show and block
those attacks on the VM-Series firewall.

Step 3: Now return to the firewall and click the ​Monitor​ tab and then click on ​Threats​ in the left-hand
pane under Logs​ ​and notice the new vulnerability log message regarding the failed MySQL

Step 4: The CGI script you launched above attempted to login to the MySQL database multiple times
with an incorrect password. The VM-Series firewall saw this activity and using the
vulnerability profile, reset the connection and logged the activity.

End of Activity-4

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Activity 5: VM-Series Integration with Azure Application 

In this activity, you will:

● Enable the VM-Series firewall to integrate with the Azure Application Insights to
publish native PAN-OS metrics to Azure at a specified time interval.

Task 1 - Create Application Insights Instance on Azure

In this task, you will create the Azure Application Insights instance.

Step 1: On the Azure console, type ​Application Insights​ in the search box and then select the
Application Insights listed under the Services.

Step 2: Click on +​Add​ and the fill the information as below

A. Resource Group: ​Select the​ Resource Group ​name from the drop-down list
B. Name:​ Enter the Name ​PanOS-NGFW-Metrics​ or any other name.
C. Region:​ You can change the Region to East US or leave it default selected.
D. Resource Mode: ​Select Classic
E. Finally click ​Review + Create​.

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Step 3: Review the entered information and click ​Create​.
Application Insights instance deployment will take a few minutes to complete. To check the
progress of the deployment, navigate to the top of the screen and click the bell icon. When the
deployment is complete, the notification tab will say “​Deployment succeeded​”.

Step 4: Once the deployment is complete click on ​Go to resource​ and then select the ​Overview​ and
click on Copy to clipboard icon to copy the ​Instrumentation Key​. The firewall needs this key
to authenticate to the Application Insights instance and publish metrics to it.

Task 2 - Enable Application Insights on the VM-Series Firewall

In this task, you will configure the firewall VM-Series plugin to enable the integration with Azure
Application Insight.

Step 1: In the VM-Series firewall, click the ​Device ​tab​ t​ hen scroll down in the left panel and select
VM-Series​ and then click on ​Azure Application Insights​ gear to edit.

Step 2: Select ​Enable Application Insights​ by clicking on the checkbox and enter the
Instrumentation Key​ you copied earlier. You can also change ​Update​ ​Interval​ to 1 minutes
(default is 5 min). Update Interval is the frequency at which firewall publishes the metrics to
Application Insights.

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Step 3: Click ​OK​ to close the window.

Step 4: From the top right click ​Commit​ to save the changes. Disregard any commit warnings. When
the commit is complete, click ​Close​.

The firewall generates a system log to record the success or failure to authenticate to Azure
Application Insights.

Task 3 - Verify that you can view the metrics on the Azure

In this task, you will select the specific metrics published by firewall to Azure Application Insights.

Step 1: On the Azure portal, select the ​Application Insights​, and select ​Metrics > metric​ to view the
PanOS custom metrics. Select the metric(s) that you want to monitor.

Step 2: Select ​Add Metrics​ ​to add multiple metrics. To change the graph, click on Aggregation and
select count.

The PanOS metrics allow us to monitor the firewalls directly from the Azure portal. These
metrics allow you to assess performance and usage patterns that you can use to set alarms
and take actions to automate events such as launching or terminating instances of the
VM-Series firewalls.

End of Activity-5

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Activity 6: Outbound Access During Failover with Azure Load 

In this activity, you will:

● Update the UDR to redirect traffic from web and db servers to Internal load
● Run the wget command from web server vm
● Check the firewall traffic logs to see which firewall is passing traffic
● Release DHCP lease on trust-zone interface of the firewall passing traffic
● Check traffic logs of the second firewall to verify traffic is picked up after failover

The goal of this test is to provide fault tolerance and secured access to the internet. The internal load
balancer handles the fault tolerance and decides when a firewall is no longer suitable to receive traffic.
The last step is to test failover using wget. Failover is simulated by releasing the DHCP assigned IP
address on the trust interface of the firewall that is passing traffic. Once DHCP is released the load
balancer will send traffic to the next available firewall.

Task 1 - Update Route Table – User Defined Routes

What are User​ Defined Routes​? UDR are used to send traffic to a desired next hop and this will be
demonstrated in this lab activity.
In previous lab activities the route table is configured to route the traffic to vm-series-vm1 trust interface.

In this task you will update the Web, DB and default route to point to the Internal load balancer. After UDR
update the topology will looks like below diagram:

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Step 1: Go to Azure portal and select the ​Load balancers​. Click on ​Overview​ and copy the internal
load balancer ​Private IP address​. You will use this IP to update the route.

Step 2: Internal load balancer is pre-configured with the backend pool IP address of vmseries-vm1
and vmseries-vm2.

Step 3: To update the routes. Click on ​All resources​ and type route in ​filter-by-name​ search box.
From the search list click on ​vm-route-table.

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Step 4: On the expansion tab under Settings, select ​Routes​. You will see three UDR pointing to
vmseries-vm1 trust interface as a next hop.

Step 5: To forward the traffic to the internal load balancer click on ​db-udr​ and replace the Next hop
address with internal load balancer address.

Step 6: Click on ​Save​ to update the UDR.

Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6 on ​default-udr​ and ​web-udr​. The route will look like the picture below once
all three UDR next hop addresses are updated.

Task 2 - Run the Wget Command from Webserver

For this task you will need to be logged into webserver-vm via SSH, and both firewalls simultaneously via
https. If you are not already logged into these virtual machines, please do so now.
Username: ​paloalto
Password: ​Pal0Alt0@123

Step 1: Login to firewall ​vm-series-vm1​ and ​vm-series-vm2 ​webui via https.

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Step 2: Execute the following ​ssh​ command in the ​Student Desktop terminal​ to login on

ssh paloalto@<webserver-vm ip-address> -p 221

Password: ​Pal0Alt0@123

Step 3: From ​webserver-vm​, run the​ sudo wget​ command. Hit the up arrow
and press enter to run this command multiple times.

Alternatively, you can also run below commands to generate multiple wget requests.

sudo su
for i in {1..30}; do wget ​​ -O index.html; sleep 5; done

Step 4: From ​vm-series-vm1​, go to the ​Monitor​ tab, select ​Traffic​, and filter by ( ​port.dst eq 80​ ).
Here you should see google-base traffic in the logs. If you don’t see the traffic in
vm-series-vm1​, then check ​vm-series-vm2.

Step 5: From ​vm-series-vm2​, go to the ​Monitor​ tab, select ​Traffic​, and filter by ( ​port.dst eq 80​ ).
Now you know ​vm-series-vm2 ​is passing traffic.

Step 6: Back on ​webserver-vm​, re-run the wget script if it has stopped or run the ​sudo wget​ command multiple times using the up-arrow + enter key sequence.

Step 7: From ​vm-series-vm1 ​or the firewall that is passing traffic, Navigate to the ​Network ​>
Interfaces​. Select the ​ethernet1/2​ interface and click the D
​ ynamic-DHCP Client​ link, then
click ​Release​. The release should be instantaneous.

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Step 8: On ​webserver-vm​, continue to run the wget script or the ​wget​ command
multiple times using the up-arrow + enter key sequence.

Step 9: On ​vm-series-vm2​, navigate to the ​Monitor > Traffic​. Notice the private IP address of
webserver-vm​ in the traffic logs. This shows that the load balancer has successfully failed
over traffic to ​vm-series-vm2.

Please remember to check the other firewall if you don’t see any traffic.

Step 10: Renew​ the DHCP lease on the ​ethernet/2​ interface of the firewall that you released the
DHCP lease.

In this task you used wget to test internet access. This test was performed to demonstrate
how Azure based high availability handles outbound traffic during a failover.

End of Activity-6

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Activity 7: Strengthen Security Rule with Policy Optimizer 
In this activity, you will:

● Review which applications are passing through the port-based policy

● Enhance your security posture by creating application-based policy with Policy

Policy Optimizer identifies port-based rules and shows you the applications are seen by this rule, so you
can convert them to application-based whitelist rules, or add applications to existing rules, without
compromising application availability.

Task 1 - Policy Optimizer Helps You Convert a Policy to an Application-Based


Step 1: Go to the VM-Series firewall console and navigate to the ​Policie > Security​, noting the “Policy
Optimizer” window in the lower left.

Step 2: Click ​No App Specified​ to open the window that shows security policies that have no
application specified. In our lab, the “allow-inbound-web” rule is configured with “Any”

Step 3: Click on the “​allow-inbound-web​” under Name to open the rule window to review the rule.
Review the ​Application​ tab and the S​ ervice/URL Category​ tab. This rule is configured with
“Any” for Applications and “service-http” and “service-https” in Service/URL Category. Click
Cancel​ to close the policy rule window.

Step 4: In the “Apps Allowed / Apps Seen” column of the ​No App Specified​ window, you can see how
many applications this policy has seen or allowed. Click on ​Compare​ to open the Applications
& Usage window.

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Step 5: Select the ​web-browsing​ application with the checkbox; note that now you have the option to
decide what to do, either to ​Create Cloned Rule ​or​ Add to This Rule​.

Note that you can change the ​Timeframe​ to see when these applications were seen.

Step 6: As an example, in this lab, we will use the ​Create Cloned Rule​, which will allow us to keep
the original rule. Click on the ​Create Cloned Rule​.

Step 7: Enter “allow-inbound-web-app-rule”, and click ​OK​.

Step 8: Go back to ​Policies > Security​, notice the new “allow-inbound-web-app-rule” is added on top
for the original “allow-inbound-web”. More importantly, the new rule is an application-based

Task 2 - Enhanced Security in Application-Based Policy

Now that you have started creating an application-based policy with enhanced security protection, you
can easily move the other applications to this policy.

Step 1: Open the “​allow-inbound-web-app-rule​” created in the previous task, note that the policy is
identical with the original “allow-inbound-web” so it has the same Source, Destination zone,
with an added application selected through Policy Optimizer.

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Step 2: Go to the “​Service/URL Category​”, notice that “service-http” is still selected per the original

Step 3: Select “service-http” using the checkbox and click on ​Delete​. The “application default” will be
selected by default. This will restrict the applications selected from being allowed to run on just
the application-default port and greatly improve the security of this policy.

Step 4: In the “​Actions​” tab, select “​Profiles​” in “Profile Type” and select “default” for Antivirus and

Step 5: Commit the changes and now you have created an application-based policy and applied
additional security policies to enhance the protection for this application.

Now that you have started creating an application-based policy with enhanced security
protection, you can easily move the other applications to this policy. Over time, you should be
able to move all the applications that you want to allow and protect them using
application-based policy.

NOTE:​ You can use Policy Optimizer to create a rule to “block” a specific application if you
have discovered an unwanted application passing through the non-application-based policy.

Here's a quick recap of what the Policy Optimizer can do:

● Find all the rules in your policy that have no applications configured.
● Report on applications that have been defined in a rule but have not been seen using the
rule in the past 90 days.
● Report rule usage statistics and highlight which rules have not been hit with sessions in
the past 30 or 90 days, or since the last restart.

End of Activity-7


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Activity 8: Deploy CN-Series Containerized Firewall
In this activity you will deploy the Palo Alto Networks CN-Series Containerized firewall to
enforce security at specific security boundaries within a Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
Cluster. The CN-Series firewall is composed of a Management Plane (MP) service and a Data
Plane (DP) daemonset. Panorama, the Palo Alto Networks centralized security management
platform, is also required for the deployment of the CN-Series firewall. The solution uses a
Panorama plugin to make API calls into Kubernetes to pull various items such as tags and

In this activity, you will:

● Create AKS cluster
● Deploy CN-Series Mgmt service & DataPlane daemonset on to the AKS Cluster
● Configure Kubernetes plugin on Panorama


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Task 1 - Deploy Kubernetes Cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
In this task you will access the Student Desktop terminal and execute the commands to build the
kubernetes cluster.

Note:​ If you are already using Student Desktop to access the Azure Portal then you can skip Step 1-5.

Step 1: Go to the CloudShare lab environment and click on the ​Student Desktop​ tab at the top of the

Step 2: In the left-hand side Action panel under the ​Virtual Keyboard​, click on the ​key​ ​icon​ to log in
on Student Desktop.

Step 3: If the ​Student Desktop ​resolution is too high or too low for your laptop display, you can adjust
the resolution by ​right clicking​ on the desktop and then select the ​Display Settings​. Select
the resolution from Resolution drop drown. The recommended resolution is 1280 x 768

Step 4: From the left-hand Action panel. You can also click the ​Full screen icon to maximize the

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Step 5: To exit the full-screen mode, use the esc key on our keyboard or click the black arrow at the
top of the window to open the dropdown menu; then click ​Exit​.
Step 6: In the ​Student Desktop​ window ​click on the ​Text Editor​ icon. You can use this text editor to
copy and paste the commands and make a note.

Step 7: In the ​Student Desktop​ window open the ​terminal​ by clicking on the terminal icon​.

Step 8: Execute the following ​az ​command into the terminal window. This command authenticates to
the Azure account.

az login

Step 9: The above command will open a firefox browser or a new tab in an already opened browser.

NOTE:​ If you are already logged into Azure portal from the Student Desktop browser then use
the signed-in account to login and skip the Steps A and B.

Follow the below steps to copy and paste the login credentials from the left-hand Action pane
to login on Azure portal.

A. Under the ​Azure Credentials​ click on the ​User​ and then click on the ​Send Text​ icon to
paste the user name into the Azure Sign in email or phone box and click ​Next​.
B. Click on the ​Password​ and then click on the ​Send Text​ icon to paste the password to
complete the login.
Step 10: Go back to the terminal window and ​c​hange the directory to ​the ~​ /utd-cn-series/aks​. ​The
/aks​ folder contains a Terraform plan that deploys a Kubernetes cluster in Azure Kubernetes
Services (AKS). This cluster meets the minimum requirements to support a CN-Series firewall
and will deploy regionally to span across multiple availability zones for maximum redundancy
and scalability.

cd ~/utd-cn-series/aks

Step 11: Execute the below command to review th​e ​terraform.tfvars​ ​file​.

cat terraform.tfvars

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Step 12: Execute the following ​az​ command to get the Azure resource group name.

az group list

Step 13: Double click on resource group name and right click to copy. We will use the resource group
name in following steps.

Step 14: Execute the following ​sed ​command to update the ​terraform.tfvars ​file.

Replace <​RG>​ with the values of R

​ esource Group​ name copied in the previous step.

sed -i ‘s/rg-name/<RG>/g’ terraform.tfvars

NOTE:​ If you are more comfortable with an editor, such as vi and nano, feel free to use it
instead of ​sed​.
Step 15: Verify the resource group name is replaced correctly by executing ​cat​ ​terraform.tfvars

Step 16: Now execute the following ​Terraform​ commands to deploy the kubernetes cluster.

A. Initialize the Terraform providers

terraform init

B. Validate the Terraform plan.

terraform plan

C. Once validated use the following command to execute the deployment of the Terraform
script. Note we are using the -auto-approve flag so you will not need to approve the
terraform apply.

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 44
terraform apply -auto-approve

NOTE:​ Cluster node deployment usually takes about ~7 minutes, but can take longer
depending on the lab and Azure resources used.

Step 17: Go to firefox browser and click on Azure Portal bookmark tab.

Step 18: In the Azure portal, go to ​Kubernetes Services​. You will see the cluster name
student-k8s-cluster is spinning up.

Step 19: While the cluster is getting ready let's move to the next task to understand the core building
blocks of CN-Series firewall. AKS will take around ~7 minutes to complete the cluster

Task 2 - Review CN-Series Core Building Blocks  

The CN-Series firewall is the containerized next-generation firewall that provides visibility and security for
your containerized application workloads on Kubernetes clusters. The CN-Series firewall uses native
Kubernetes (K8s) constructs and Palo Alto Networks components to make this possible

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The core building blocks to Deploy the CN-Series Firewalls are:

A. Distributed PAN-OS architecture with CN-MGMT and CN-NGFW pods​ - The management
plane (CN-MGMT) and data plane (CN-NGFW) of the containerized firewall are separate to
enable better runtime protection for applications and to support a smaller footprint. This
architecture enables you to place the CN-NGFW DaemonSet pod on each node that you want to
protect workloads in a cluster, and a pair of CN-MGMT pods can connect to and manage up to 30
CN-NGFW pods within a cluster.

a. CN-MGMT​ runs as a StatefulSet to ensure that it has persistent volume and is exposed
as a K8s service that can be discovered using DNS in the Kubernetes environment. The
CN-MGMT provides fault tolerance and a single CN-MGMT pod can manage the existing
CN-NGFW pods in the event of a restart or a failure of a CN-MGMT pod.

b. CN-NGFW​ runs as a DaemonSet. Each instance of the CN-NGFW pod can secure 30
application pods deployed within the cluster.

B. PAN-CNI plugin for network insertion​ - The PAN-CNI plugin is responsible for the allocation of
network interfaces on every Pod, which enables network connectivity to the Containerized NGFW
Pod. The PAN-CNI plugin is inserted into the CNI plugin chain within each node on the cluster by
the PAN-CNI DaemonSet. The plugin reads the annotation on each application pod as it comes
up to determine whether to enable security and redirect traffic to the Containerized NGFW Pod
for inspection as it ingresses and egresses the Pod.

C. Panorama for centralized management ​- Panorama functions as the hub for managing the
configuration and licensing of the containerized firewalls. It also hosts the Kubernetes plugin,
which enables monitoring of the Kubernetes clusters, and centralized Security policy

D. Kubernetes Plugin on Panorama​ - The Kubernetes plugin manages the licenses for the
CN-Series firewall. Licensing is based on the number of nodes within a cluster. Each CN-NGFW
pod uses a license token, and the tokens are managed locally on Panorama after you activate the
auth code and retrieve the specified number of tokens from the Palo Alto Networks license
server. As each CN-NGFW comes up on the Kubernetes nodes, Panorama distributes the license
tokens locally. The Kubernetes plugin on Panorama also enables you to monitor your clusters
and leverage Kubernetes labels that you use to organize Kubernetes objects such as pods,
services, deployments and the associated identifying attributes, so that you can create
context-aware Security policy rules.

You can refer to the link below to get to know more about Palo Alto Networks CN-Series:

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Task 3 - Connect to the Kubernetes Cluster 
In this task you will check the kubernetes cluster status by executing commands and from Azure portal.

Step 1: Go back to the terminal window and review the status of ​Terraform apply​ command.

Step 2: Once the ​Terraform ​command successfully deploy the cluster node you will see below

Step 3: [Important] ​E​xecute the following ​az​ command to update the kubeconfig file with the new
cluster's information.

az aks get-credentials --name $(terraform output az_cluster_name)

--resource-group $(terraform output az_resource_group)

Step 4: Now execute the following ​kubectl​ commands to verify the number of nodes, their status,
and the default services running on your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl get nodes

kubectl get services

Step 5: Verify the cluster nodes have been built and are in a Ready status.

Step 6: Go to​ ​Azure portal and navigate to ​Kubernetes Services​.

Step 7: Click on the Kubernetes cluster name student-k8s-cluster to review the cluster and configured
nodes information.

Step 8: Make a note of the ​API server address​. You will use this address while configuring
kubernetes plugin on Panorama.

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The API server address is also available from the terraform outputs.

Task 4 - Deploy the CN-Series Firewall 

In this task you will deploy the CN-Series containerized firewall.

Step 1: Change the directory to ​the c

​ n-series. ​This ​folder contains Terraform plan files to deploy
the CN-Series Firewall application to an existing​ ​Kubernetes cluster.

cd ~/utd-cn-series/cn-series

Step 2: Execute the below command to review th​e ​terraform.tfvars​ ​file​ ​containing the variables
and their associated values. The ​panorama_ip​ is the ​External IP address​ of the Panorama.

cat terraform.tfvars

Step 3: From the lab environment top ribbon select the ​Panorama CLI​ tab. In the Action panel click
on the ​Connection Details​, and click on the External Address to copy in the clipboard.

Step 4: Go back to the ​Student Desktop​ terminal window and follow below steps to update th​e
terraform.tfvars​ ​file.

A. Execute the ​nslookup command​ to find out the panorama IP address

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nslookup <panorama external address>

NOTE:​ Remember to use the Send Text icon from the Action panel.

B. Copy the Address from the ​nslookup ​command output.

C. Execute the following ​sed ​command to update the ​terraform.tfvars​ file.

Replace <​Panorama-IP>​ with the values of A

​ ddress ​copied in the previous step.

sed -i ‘s/addr-here/<Panorama-IP>/g’ terraform.tfvars

D. Execute the​ ​cat terraform.tfvars​ c​ ommand to verify the address has been

Step 5: Now lets verify the Panorama auth key in ​terraform.tfvars​ ​file is matching with key
available on Panorama VM.

Step 6: Select the ​Panorama CLI ​tab and login into Panorama CLI mode using below credentials:

Username:​ student
Password:​ utd135

Step 7: Run the below CLI. Verify the output with step 2 ​terraform.tfvars ​panorama_auth_key

UTD-Azure 2.1 ©2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Confidential and Proprietary 20210210 49
request bootstrap vm-auth-key show

Step 8: [Optional]​ If you don’t see any output of the above command then generate a new auth using
below command and update the​ terraform.tfvars​ file with a new key.

request bootstrap vm-auth-key generate lifetime 5

Step 9: Now execute the following ​Terraform​ commands from the ​Student Desktop​ terminal
window to create the necessary resources to deploy the CN-Series.

A. Initialize the Terraform providers

terraform init

B. Validate the Terraform plan. The plan leverages the Terrafor​m ​Helm provider​ ​to deploy
th​e ​cn-series​ Helm chart.

terraform plan

C. Once validated use the following command to execute the deployment of the Terraform
script. Note we are using the -auto-approve flag so you will not need to approve the
terraform apply.

terraform apply -auto-approve

NOTE:​ Do you see an error. Seems like you have missed a step. Go back to task 3, step
3 and execute the command.

The ​Terraform apply ​command will create the service account, PAN-CNI plugin and
deploy the CN-Series firewall Management Plane (MP) Service and Data Plane (DP)
Daemonset pods.

Step 10: Execute the following ​kubectl​ command to get the status of cni, mgmt (MP) and ngfw (DP)

kubectl get pods -A | grep pan

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NOTE:​ With the CPU and Memory configuration of the student-k8s-cluster the CN-Series
takes ~ 5-9 minutes for the pods to be up and fully running, check pod status. . Even though
the Pods are Running they are not fully up and accessible until the state is 1/1 for each of the
Pods. You will see 1/1 under the READY heading. During this time many processes are
happening, including panos bootup, auto-provisioning onto Panorama, Panorama
provisioning, auto-commit, etc.

Step 20: While the pods are getting ready let's move the next task to configure the Panorama
kubernetes plugin.

Task 5 - Configuring Panorama Kubernetes Plugin

In this task, you log in to Panorama using the web management interface and perform kubernetes plugin
configuration steps. For this lab we have pre-installed the Kubernetes plugin on Panorama and other
configuration steps have been completed for you in advance - such as the creation of Panorama
Templates, Template Stacks, Device Groups, and vwire interface.

The ​Panorama plugin ​creates the Interfaces and vwires and associates the template named
K8S-Network-Setup​. The template has 30 Vwires; a pair of interfaces that are part of a Vwire to secure
an application. A Containerized firewall can secure a maximum of 30 application pods on a node. Without
any initial configuration the traffic will be terminated at the Data Plane (DP) pod since there is no allowed
connection between the two interfaces by default.

The following steps are needed to complete the integration of the Panorama with the Kubernetes API.
This is done using the Kubernetes plugin for Panorama. It's purpose is to learn new labels and propagate
those labels to Panorama device groups. These labels may include Kubernetes labels, services,
namespaces, and other metadata from which Dynamic Address Groups (DAG) match criteria may be
defined. Other configuration steps have been completed for you in advance - such as the creation of
Panorama Templates, Template Stacks, Device Groups, and vwire interface.

Step 1: Copy and paste the following ​kubectl ​command into the terminal window. This ​command
fetch the secret name for the service account created in the previous task and place that in

MY_TOKEN=`kubectl get serviceaccounts pan-plugin-user -n kube-system -o


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NOTE:​ Use the Send Text from the Virtual Keyboard to paste the above command into the
terminal window.

A ​Service account​ is a special type of Google account that will grant permissions to virtual
machines instead of end users. Service accounts are primarily used to ensure safe, managed
connections to APIs and Google Cloud services. This Service account will be used to allow
the Panorama Kubernetes plugin to access the AKS Cluster.

Step 2: Copy and paste the following ​kubectl ​command into the terminal window. ​This command to
download the json credential file. The credential file will be created in the ​Downloads
directory. You will use this file to configure the kubernetes plugin on Panorama.

kubectl get secret $MY_TOKEN -n kube-system -o json >


Step 3: In the ​Student Desktop​ open a Firefox browser, click on + to add a new tab and then click on
the ​Panorama GUI​ bookmark tab.

NOTE:​ You can also access the Panorama console directly from your laptop browser by
clicking on the Panorama GUI tab in the lab environment. Because the json credentials file is
downloaded on the Student Desktop so in this task you will access the Panorama from the
Student Desktop browser.
If you get a security exception, please ignore it for this lab and proceed to the firewall login
page. We are using a self-signed certificate, which causes the exception.

If the message “Your connection is not private” opens, click ​Advanced​, and then ​Proceed to
<IP address> (unsafe)​:

Step 4: This opens the Panorama management console login page.

Step 5: To Login use the below credentials:

Username:​ student
Password:​ utd135

Step 6: Once logged in click on the ​Panorama ​at the top of the page, then in the left menu navigate to
Setup > Interfaces ​and click on​ Management.

Step 7: In the ​Student Desktop ​go to the terminal window and run the ​nslookup​ command to get the
public IP address of Panorama.

Note: Select the ​Panorama CLI​ tab. In the Action panel click on the ​Connection Details​, and

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click on the External Address to copy in the clipboard.

nslookup <panorama external address>

Step 8: Copy the address from ​nslookup​ output and go to the Panorama console and paste the
address in the ​Public IP Address​ box.

Step 9: Click ​OK​ to close the management interface settings window.

Step 10: In the left menu scroll down and navigate to ​Kubernetes > Setup > Cluster.

Step 11: Click on the cluster name ​aks-cluster

There are​ two screenshots​ below. The first screenshot is of the ​Panorama plugin​ setup.
The second screenshot shows where to find the ​API server address ​in the Kubernetes
cluster you are using for this lab. The API server address is a required field in the Panorama
Kubernetes Plugin.

Fill in the Cluster Definition:

A. API server address:​ Add the ​AKS API server address​. This can be found in the Azure
portal - click on the Kubernetes Cluster name ​student-k8-cluster​.​ ​Click on the Copy to

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clipboard icon. Make sure when you copy and paste that there are no spaces on the front
or back.
B. Credential: ​Click​ ​on the word C
​ redentials​ and then ​Browse​ to upload the
pan-plugin-user.json ​file you downloaded earlier. This file should be present in the
Download folder.

C. When you’re finished click ​OK

Step 12: Click on the ​Notify Groups > aks-ng​. The Notify Group is pre-configured and allows you to
segment which Device Group receives notification for changes to a given cluster. This allows
for very granular rules. Click ​Cancel​ to close the window.

Step 13: Now configure the Monitoring Definition and specify the cluster you created in the previous
step. Navigate to ​Kubernetes > Monitoring Definition ​and click ​+Add.

Fill in the Monitoring Definition field as below:

Field Value

Name aks-md

Description AKS cluster monitoring definition

Cluster aks-cluster

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Notify Group aks-ng

Step 14: When you’re finished click ​OK.

Step 15: Now that you have created the ​Monitoring Definition​ you can see that the ​status​ is
Initializing​. You need to ​commit​ the configuration to Panorama.

In the upper right corner select the ​commit icon​ then choose ​Commit to Panorama​. Once
the commit completes click ​Close​.

Step 16: After the ​commit​ is complete ​refresh​ the screen and you will see the ​status ​is now

Step 17: Scroll up and select the ​Managed Devices > Summary​. You will see the mgmt (MP) pod is
successfully connected to the Panorama.

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NOTE:​ If the MP pod isn't listed in the aks-dg then please make sure the Panorama public IP
is correctly updated in the terraform.tfvars file and Panorama management interface.

Step 18: From the terminal window execute the below command to view the pods deployed by the
Terraform script.

kubectl get pods -A | grep pan

Upon successful deploy, you should see something similar to:

End of Activity 8

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Activity 9: Deploy and Secure Applications Pods
As with any deployment in the real world, things will change. Unfortunately, in many cases this
happens without the knowledge or consent of the devops team that performed the initial
installation. Closing all of these potential security holes is a challenge, and in some cases
exploits go unknown for long periods of time. With the CN-Series firewall, you receive the ability
to block unknown exploits and zero days after deployments.

In this activity, you will:

● Deploy applications pods
● Create Dynamic Address Groups to define the attribute match criteria
● Configure security policy on Panorama to apply the DAG to a security rule.

After all components of the CN-Series firewall are deployed and your application is also deployed, the
CN-Series firewall can inspect all north-south, east-west, pod-to-pod, or pod-to-service application traffic
within the containerized application because it is directly connected via a virtual wire configuration to the
interface of each pod in the namespace.

Below diagram shows a sample three tier app protected by CN-Series

This is a three-tiered application, pods are dedicated to front-end web services and backend DB services.
Only one tier (the frontend service) is exposed to the outside world via a load balancer.

Task 1 - Deploy Application Pods

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Step 1: Click on the terminal window and change the directory to ​the ​sample-application.​ This
folder contains Terraform plan files to deploy the Guestbook and Redis application to an
existing​ ​Kubernetes cluster.

cd ~/utd-cn-series/sample-application

Step 2: Execute the following ​kubectl ​command to deploy the Guestbook, Redis pod and frontend
load balancer service:

kubectl apply -f guestbook.yml

Step 3: Execute the following ​kubectl​ command to get the status of deployed application pods:

kubectl get pods -n sample-app

NOTE:​ Re-run the above command a few times until pods will be running.
Step 4: Make sure the newly deployed frontend load balancer service is running and it has an

Note: The Guestbook pod is exposed by the frontend load balancer service

kubectl get services -n sample-app

Step 5: Re-run the command until the ​External-IP​ of the ​frontend​ pod is populated. Upon successful
deploy, you should see something similar to:

Step 6: Open a new browser tab and access the Guestbook pod by typing the
http://<EXTERNAL-IP>​ in the search box.

Browsing to the External-IP address will ​NOT ​bring up any web pages because everything is
currently ​blocked​ by the CN-Series firewall ​Deny policy​.

Task 2 - Create Dynamic Address Group using Tags

The Kubernetes plugin on Panorama also retrieves the predefined tags from every Kubernetes cluster
being monitored and creates tags. You can then use these tags as match criteria in Dynamic Address

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Groups (DAG) and enforce Security policy for the underlying IP addresses associated with each tag. You
will create a DAG in the next step.

Step 1. In the Panorama GUI, go to ​Objects > Address Groups.​ In this lab we have pre-configured
the Guestbook-pod and Redis-pod address group. In the next step you will add the tags to
these address groups.

Step 2. Click ​Guestbook-pod​ to update the guestbook pod tag.

In the ​Address Groups​ window:

A. Click on ​Add Match Criteria,​ you will see that the criteria window is now filled with
namespaces, labels and tags, along with other metadata information from the AKS

B. In the criteria window, mouse over the column header ​Name​, click on the drop down and
select ​Adjust Columns​. This will allow you to see the information much easier.

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C. Filter on label​ guestbook​, select ​OR​ and select the ​​ by
clicking on the + at the end, this will add this object to this dynamic address group (DAG).

D. Click ​OK​ to close the window.

Step 3. Click ​Redis-pod​ to update the redis pod tag.

In the ​Address Groups​ window:

A. Click on ​Add Match Criteria.​

B. Filter on label​ redis​, select ​OR​ and select the ​​ by clicking on the +
at the end, this will add this object to this dynamic address group (DAG).

C. Click ​OK​ to close the window.

Step 4. From within the newly created Guestbook and Redis Address Group select ​more​ under
Addresses. Here you will see all of the pod IPs associated with the​ Address Group ​tag.

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Task 3 - Create Policy with Dynamic Address Groups
Once the Dynamic Address Groups (DAG) is created successfully, you can apply specific security policies
using them. We will modify an existing security policy to use the DAG created in the last task.

Step 1. In the Panorama GUI, select the​ Policies tab ​then select the ​Device Group aks-dg​ then
Security > Pre Rules​.

Step 2. Highlight the rule #1, named ​Guestbook-Inbound ​(currently greyed out).

Step 3. Click ​Enable​ in the bottom bar. Once the rule is enabled, the rule color will change from grey
to blue.

Step 4. Click on ​Guestbook-Inbound.

A. Go to the ​Destination​ t​ ab​, click ​Add​ under the Destination Address, select the
Guestbook-pod address group

B. In the ​Actions​ tab, in the​ Log Setting​ make sure​ Log at Session Start ​and ​Log at
Session End ​are checked and set the L ​ og Forwarding​ option to

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C. In the ​Target​ tab​ ​select ​aks-dg ​> ​pan-mgmt-sts-0

D. click​ OK

Step 5. Highlight the rule #3, named ​Outbound ​(currently greyed out).

Step 6. Click “​Enable​” in the bottom bar to enable the rule.

Step 7. In the upper right corner of Panorama select the commit icon and select ​Commit and Push
to commit​ ​these changes to the CN-Series firewall.

Step 8. Now select ​Commit and Push​.​ T​ he configuration commit completes first but you will see a
notice that two additional commit jobs are in progress. Click ​Tasks​ in the lower right corner
to see the completion percentage.

During the commit process the Panorama pushes security policy rules to the CN-Series
firewalls. The rules are applied to secure pod traffic passing through the CN-Series firewall.
The CN-Series firewall security policy allows appropriate traffic from the pods in the same or
different namespaces within the same Kubernetes cluster.

Step 9. Click ​Close ​and​ ​proceed to the next section once all of the commit jobs complete.

Task 4 - Access Application Pod and Review the Traffic Log

Now that the Security Policy is active you can browse to the Guestbook webpage. You need to generate
traffic to populate logs. Logs will start to appear after a few minutes after you browse to the page. The
Panorama collects the logs from the CN-Series firewall.

Step 1. Go to the ​Guestbook​ web page and ​refresh​ it. You should be able to reach the Guestbook
pod web page as shown below:

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If you have closed the browser guestbook tab then open a new tab and type the
http://External IP​ to access the guestbook webpage.

Reminder, to retrieve the Guestbook pod ​External-IP ​execute the following command:

kubectl get services -n sample-app

Step 2. Return to the Panorama GUI and navigate to ​Monitor​ > ​Traffic​ > ​Logs.​ You should see
guestbook pod ​web-browsing​ logs.

If there is so much traffic that you cannot see web-browsing logs, type a rule filter above the
logs with the text (​rule eq Guestbook-Inbound)​ ​and then click on the Apply​ Filter​ arrow.
Notice the Destination Dynamic Address Group column has a Guestbook-pod DAG.

The traffic log entry indicates the guestbook pod is now protected by the CN-Series firewall.

Step 3. Now go to the ​Guestbook​ webpage and enter a message “​test1​” in the message box and
click ​Submit​.

● Why did the test message submission fail?
● Is there a policy configured to allow traffic between Guestbook and Redis (E/W traffic)

**The “test1” submission failed because the CN-Series firewall doesn't have an active
security policy rule to allow traffic between the guestbook frontend and the redis pod.

Let’s now allow access between the frontend and the redis database to illustrate how the
CN-Series firewall can manage traffic at a more granular level.

Step 4. Go to ​Panorama console​ and navigate to ​Policies > Security > Pre Rules​.

Step 5. Highlight the ​rule #2​, named G

​ uestbook-Redis ​(currently greyed out).

Step 6. Click “​Enable​” in the bottom bar to enable the rule.

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Step 7. Click on ​Guestbook-Redis.
A. Go to ​Source ​tab,​ click ​Add​ under the Source Address, select the ​Guestbook-pod
address group.
B. Go to the ​Destination​ t​ ab​, click ​Add​ under the Destination Address, select the
Redis-pod​ address group.
C. In the ​Actions​ tab, in the​ Log Setting​ select ​Log at Session Start.
D. In the ​Target​ tab​ ​select ​aks-dg ​> ​pan-mgmt-sts-0 ​and
E. click​ OK​.

Step 8. In the upper right corner click the​ commit icon​ and select ​Commit and Push​ to commit
these changes.

Step 9. Now go to the Guestbook webpage, ​refresh​ the webpage and enter a message “test2” in the
message box and click ​Submit​.

The “test2” message should be echoed back to you on the website.

Step 10. Return to the Panorama console and navigate to ​Monitor​ > ​Traffic​ > ​Logs.​ You should see
Redis​ application traffic logs.

Remember to apply the filter above the logs with the text (​app eq redis)​ a
​ nd then click on
the Apply​ Filter​ arrow.

● What is the action associated with the log entries?
● What is the port number associated with the log entries?

Congratulations!!! You have now successfully deployed Palo Alto Networks CN-Series firewall to gain
visibility and secure your AKS Kubernetes cluster.

End of Activity 9

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Activity 10: Prisma Cloud Overview
Prisma Cloud is a comprehensive cloud-native security platform with the industry’s broadest
security and compliance coverage. It​ ​protects cloud native applications, data, network, compute,
storage, users, and higher-level PaaS services across cloud platforms. It dynamically discovers
resources as they are deployed and correlates cloud-service-provided data to enable security
and compliance insights into your cloud applications and workloads.

In this activity, you will:

● Login to Prisma Cloud demo account

● Learn about the Prisma Cloud console and help center
● Review how to on-board a Azure account on Prisma Cloud tenant

We recommended you sign up for a Prisma Cloud trial account at the beginning of this workshop. If your
trial account is ready, you can follow “Task 4” in this activity to learn how to connect your Azure account
to your Prisma Cloud trial account.

Task 1 - Login to Prisma Cloud demo tenant

Step 1: Go to the CloudShare lab environment and click on the ​Prisma Cloud Console​ tab at the top
of the page.

Step 2: Follow the screen to login and then click on the Prisma Cloud icon.

NOTE​: If you see a page expired message then refresh the web page by clicking on the Home
button as highlighted in below screen capture​.

NOTE​: You can also access Prisma Cloud demo tenant directly from your laptop browser.
Please refer to Appendix 2 to create the login credentials​.

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Step 3: Use the icons from the Action panel virtual keyboard to go back, forward and home screen
while using the Prisma Cloud console.

Step 4: To check the on-boarded public cloud accounts click on the ​Settings ​on the left-hand side and
select ​Cloud Accounts​ from the drop down list.​ ​You can see the public cloud accounts
connected to this Prisma Cloud demo account.

We have already connected an AWS, Azure and GCP account to this Prisma Cloud service,
and this demo account can be used for testing across all three public cloud providers

Step 5: Click on ​+Add New​ and you will get an access denied message.

NOTE​: The Prisma Cloud demo account used in this lab is a ​read-only​ account, it does not
have full access to the Prisma Cloud Service and access to some functions is denied. This
account cannot make changes to the configuration of the associated Prisma Cloud Services.

Task 2 - Console Quick Overview

When you Access Prisma Cloud, you first see the ​Alerts​. You can then use the following tabs to interact
with the data and visualize the traffic flow and connection details to and from the different resources in
your cloud deployment; review the default policy rules and compliance standards; and explore how the
web interface is organized to help you and DevSecOps teams to monitor cloud resources.

Step 1: The ​Dashboard​ provides a summarized and graphical view of all ​assets deployed across
multiple public cloud environments.

You can use the predefined or custom time range to view current trends or historical data.

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Step 2: The ​Inventory​ dashboard provides visibility into all the assets contained within the onboarded
cloud accounts. From this view, you will be able to find out which assets passed and which
ones failed to comply with the current policies.

Step 3: A ​Policy​ is a set of one or more constraints or conditions that must be adhered to. Any new or
existing resources that violate these policies are automatically detected.

Prisma Cloud provides two different types of policies:

A. Predefined policies​ for configurations and access controls that adhere to established
security best practices such as PCI, GDPR, HIPAA, and NIST. These Prisma Cloud
default policies cannot be modified.

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B. Custom policies​ to monitor for violations and enforce your own organizational

Step 4: The ​Compliance​ dashboard enables you to view, access, report, monitor and review their
cloud infrastructure health compliance posture.

You can also ​create compliance reports​ and run them immediately, or schedule them on a
recurring basis to measure your compliance over time.

Step 5: Prisma Cloud offers a rich set of cloud workload protection capabilities. Collectively, these
features are called ​Compute​.

The ​Compute​ tab enables cloud native assets anywhere they operate - regardless of whether
running as a containers, serverless functions, non-container hosts, or any combination of

Step 6: Investigation​ tab help in identifying security threats and vulnerabilities, create and save
investigative queries, and analyze impacted resources

To conduct investigations, Prisma Cloud provides a proprietary query language called

Resource Query Language (RQL) that is similar to SQL. Three types of RQLs are currently

A. Config ​- Config Query helps to retrieve resource information and identify

misconfigurations, compliance violations, and cloud identity, access, and password
management policies.
B. Network​ - Network Query helps to search real-time network events in your environment.
C. Event​ - Event queries help you to detect and investigate console and API access events,
monitor privileged activities, detect account compromise, and detect unusual user
behavior in your cloud environments.

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Step 7: Alert​ tab allows admin to view the list of discovered violations and anomalies, drill into the
details and look up remediation options, and create alert rules and notification templates.

You will learn more about the Investigation and Alerts tab in the next activity.

Task 3 - Help Center

In this task, you will learn how to use the Prisma Cloud “Help Center” to find information about “What’s
New” in the product, “Find Answers” to commonly asked questions, “Get Help” from the public community,
and locate the product’s “API Docs” for integration.

The information provided can be as simple as showing the latest blog posts, asking questions to the
community site, or accessing documentation to help answer any of your Prisma Cloud questions.

Step 1: Click the “​Help​” icon in the bottom right corner of the console to get to the online Prisma
Cloud help, quick start guides etc.

Step 2: Click on ​What’s New​, and you can review what are the newest updates or feature
enhancements in the Prisma Cloud Service.

Step 3: Click on ​Docs > Product​ will bring you to the Prisma Cloud online documentation site and
Other Resources > Get Help​ will bring you to the Prisma Cloud Live Community site.

Figure: Prisma Cloud product documentation: ​

Step 4: Click on ​Other Resources > Get Help​ will bring you to the Prisma Cloud Live Community

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Task 4 - [Optional] On-board a Azure Account

NOTE:​ This task is dependent on Activity 0 > Task 4.

Prisma Cloud tenant provisioning takes a couple of hours. It’s very likely your free trial version tenant is
not ready during this workshop. You can note down the below steps and can use the Azure demo project
name and related information mentioned here to learn the on-boarding process on Prisma Cloud when
your free trial version tenant is provisioned and ready.

Step 1: Access your ​Prisma Cloud​ tenant console and select ​Settings > Cloud Accounts > Add

Step 2: Select ​Azure ​as the ​Cloud to Protect​.

Step 3: Enter a ​Cloud Account Name​ “Azure-UTD-Prisma-Cloud” and click ​Next​.

Step 4: Enter below ​Tenant ID​, ​Subscription ID​ and S

​ ervice Principal Password ​and click ​Next​.

Tenant ID:​ add90158-db63-4f44-91eb-4c40874e09c6

Subscription ID:​ 8b1b81bf-6a93-4ebb-8cd4-04f7ed57bc51
Service Principal Password:​ Azureutd135

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Step 5: Enter below ​Application ID​, ​Application Key​ and ​Service Principal Object ID ​and click

Application ID:​ add90158-db63-4f44-91eb-4c40874e09c6

Application Key:​ 8b1b81bf-6a93-4ebb-8cd4-04f7ed57bc51
Service Principal Object ID:​ Azureutd135

Step 6: Select​ Ingest and Monitor Network Security Group Flow Logs​ ​and click ​Next​.

Step 7: Select the ​account groups​ to associate to your project and click ​Next​.

Step 8: Verify the onboarding ​Status​ and click ​Done​ and then click​ Close​.

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End of Activity 10


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Activity 11: Prisma Cloud Security Alert Investigation and 
Prisma Cloud provides alerts generated by policy violations. These alerts can be arranged in
many ways such as from High to low severity. The alerts are extremely useful as they will
indicate if a security group has been misconfigured, if the cloud workloads are exposed to the
internet or they may become vulnerable to external threats.

In this activity, you will:

● Learn how to investigate Network and Audit Alerts

● Locate and remediate a security event

Task 1 - Investigate Network Alerts

Step 1: Go to the Prisma Cloud console and click the ​Alert > Overview​ and Set the ​Time Range​ to
“All Time”.​

Step 2: Select ​High​ in the ​Policy Severity​ section from the middle pane of the console.

Step 3: Click the ​“Internet Exposed Instances”​ alert in the Alert Overview pane.

Step 4: Move the mouse over any of the workloads listed in the alert view, and click the ​“investigate”

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Step 5: You’ll now see a ​network map​ with the workloads (virtual machines) that has received traffic
from public IP addresses within the time range selected in the top right corner of the console.
(change the time range to “​Past 7 days​” in the top left corner if you don’t see traffic in the
network map).

Step 6: Single-click on the workloads in the network map and you will see the ​“instance summary”,​
“network summary”​ and “​ Alert Summary”​ sections on the right side.

Step 7: Click the “​Network Summary​” section on the right side and you can see the ​Traffic
Summary​ and Security Group rules (local virtual firewall rules) applied to the selected

Task 2 - Investigate Audit Alerts

Step 1: Click the ​Alert > Overview​ and Set the ​Time Range​ to ​“All Time”​ .

Step 2: Uncheck High in ​Policy Severity​ section and click the ​“root user activities”​ alert.

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Step 3: You’ll now see all the alerts related to root user activities such as addition, deletion, and

Move the mouse over any of the workloads listed in the alert view, and click the ​“investigate”

Step 4: Set the ​custom ​time range since the ​beginning of this year​.

Step 5: Click the “​Search​” option in the console, which will show you all the users login on the

Step 6: You can view the results in ​Table View​, T

​ rending​ ​View​ and ​Map​ ​View​. By default you can
see the details in the Table view.

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Task 3 - Locate and remediate a security event
Certain Prisma Cloud alerts would allow the user to execute a remediation by clicking on the resolve
button. This feature is extremely useful as the Prisma Cloud user won’t have to leave the console to login
into GCP, AWS or Azure. The incident could be resolved from the console, providing a platform agnostic
solution and an expedited way to close the alert.

Step 1: Click the ​Alert > Overview​ and Set the ​Time Range​ to ​“All Time”​ .

Step 2: Select ​High​ in the ​Policy Severity​ section from the middle pane of the console and click the
“GCP Firewall rule allows internet traffic to RDP port (3389)”​ alert.

Step 3: Click the ​+ sign​ in front of the alert to expand.

Step 4: Click the “​View​ ​Details​” option to see the resource configuration.

You’ll now see the ​sourceRanges​ for ingress rules are set to, which is why this alert
was generated.

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Step 5: Click outside of the resource browser to close the pop-up window.

Step 6: Move your mouse over the “​default-allow-rdp​” in the alerts view, and you’ll see options on
the right side (Dismiss, Snooz, Remediate and Investigate).

Step 7: Click the “​Remediate​” button, which will bring up the remediation command for this security

The remediation command can be executed as a single click operation from the console, or it can
be configured to run as an automated action.

You are currently logged into the Prisma Cloud demo environment with a read-only user and can’t
run the command.

Step 8: Click outside of the resource browser to close the pop-up window.

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed the Azure Ultimate Test Drive workshop!!!

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Activity 12: Feedback on Ultimate Test Drive 

Thank you for attending the Ultimate Test Drive workshop. We hope you have enjoyed
the presentation and lab activities that we have prepared for you. Please take a few
minutes to complete the online survey form to tell us what you think.

Task 1 - Take the online survey

Step 1: In your lab environment, click the feedback form tab.

Step 2: Please complete the survey and let us know what you think about this workshop.


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Appendix 1: How to Install Dynamic Updates 
The steps outlined in Appendix 1 will guide you to install the application and threat content.

Step 1: Click on the ​Device​ tab. Click on D

​ ynamic Updates​ ​on the bottom left and click on ​Check
Now​ ​on the bottom.

Step 2: Under ​Application and Threats​ in the center pane, select the latest update and click
Download​ ​in the ​Action​ column. Download will take some time. Close the Download
Application and Threat dialog box once download is complete.

Step 3: Once the download is complete, click ​Install​ in the ​Action​ column and then click Continue

Step 4: Once content is installed you should see a check mark in the currently installed column.   

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Appendix 2: Prisma Cloud Demo Tenant access 
To access the Prima Cloud demo tenant the first thing you need to do is create
credentials in the Prisma Cloud environment and provide those credentials to workshop

Step 1: Go to below link:

Step 2: Click ​Request System Access ​and then click ​Start​, if needed, provide the passcode to

Passcode: GoPaloAltoNetworks

Step 3: Follow the instructions and fill out the information, making sure to enter a valid email address.

Step 4: You will receive an email with the subject “PANW Labs Environment: Prisma Cloud Demot”
that contains a link to the Prisma Cloud tenant as well as the credentials needed for both the
instructor and attendees to access the Prisma Cloud environment.

NOTE​: Username and password is valid only for 24 hours. You have to repeat the steps 1 to 3
to regenerate the login credentials.

Step 5: Log in to the Prisma Cloud tenant using the credentials received in email.


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Appendix 3: How to Re-Activate Azure Account 
The steps outlined in Appendix 2 will guide you to re-activate Azure account if your
account is suspended due to lab environment inactivity timer.

If your Azure session has expired and account has been locked then follow below steps to re-activate the

Step 1: Go to the UTD class environment webpage and Click on Ultimate Test Drive – Microsoft Azure

Note: If you have closed the lab environment browser tab then open a new browser tab and either type or
paste the below url:

Step 2: [optional] If you are redirected to the login page then enter your Cloudshare login email and
password created in Activity 0 and Task 1.

Step 3: Once you have logged in, it may take a while to re-activate Azure user credentials and resume
the lab resource.

Step 4: Open a new browser tab and either type or paste the below url and then sign in using the
Azure user account credentials from the lab environment.

Step 5: One you are logged in to Azure portal you should be able to continue the rest of the lab


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Appendix 4: Download configuration file and configure the 

This lab environment is dynamic so there could be a possibility that VM-Series NGFW
bootup without an issue but failed to load the configuration.

If you are one of the students who is experiencing the firewall is missing configuration
then please follow the steps to configure the firewall.

Step 1: Click on below link to download the configuration file:

Note:​ If configuration file is not downloaded automatically and file contents is displayed in the
browser window then right click and select ​Save as…​ to save the file. Make sure the file is
saved with .xml extension.

Step 2: Now navigate the firewall ​Device > Setup > Operations​ and click on​ Import named
configuration snapshot.

Step 3: Click on ​browse​ to upload the configuration downloaded in step 1.

Note:​ The configuration file should have .xml extension

Step 4: Next click on ​Load named configuration snapshot​ and select the configuration file from
Name​ drop down.

Step 5: Click ​OK​ to close the window. From the top right click ​Commit​ to save the changes. When the
commit is complete, click ​Close​.

Step 6: Logout and login back using the below credentials to confirm the firewall has correct

Username: ​student​ or ​paloalto

Password: ​utd135​ or ​Pal0Alt0@123

Step 7: Repeat the above steps on VM-Series firewall 2.

Step 8: Go back to the lab activity to continue the rest of the lab.

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