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FAQ (Frequently Asked

Q1:What are some examples of Metamorphic

Ans: There are two types of metamorphic rocks:

1. Foliated Rocks: Examples: Slate, schist,

amphibolite, gneiss, migmatite, phyllite, etc.
2. Non-foliated Rocks: Examples: Amphibolite
quartzite, marble, hornfels, etc.

Q2: Write uses of Metamorphic Rocks in

everyday life.

Ans: Quartzite and marbles are most commonly

used metamorphic rocks in our day-to-day life. The
marbles are available in a collection of different
colors that were deformed into coils while the rock
was ductile. The marbles are often used mostly as a
decorative stone in buildings and some marbles
are considered a better quality stone, carved into
statues, however, they lack in variety of colors.


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Q2: Write uses of Metamorphic Rocks in

everyday life.

Ans: Quartzite and marbles are most commonly

used metamorphic rocks in our day-to-day life. The
marbles are available in a collection of different
colors that were deformed into coils while the rock
was ductile. The marbles are often used mostly as a
decorative stone in buildings and some marbles
are considered a better quality stone, carved into
statues, however, they lack in variety of colors.

Q3: Write some examples of Sedimentaryy


Ans: The examples of sedimentary rocks are:

A. Clastic Sedimentary Rocks: These rocks are
from mechanical weathering rubble.

1. Breccia
2. Conglomerate
3. Stale
4. Slit
5. Sandstone

B. Chemical Sedimentary Rocks: They are formed

when dissolved minerals precipitate from the

1. Rock salt

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B. Chemical Sedimentary Rocks: They are formed

when dissolved minerals precipitate from the

1. Rock salt
2. Chert
3. Iron ore
4. Flint
5. Limestone
6. Dolomites

Q4: What minerals are found in the

Metamorphic Rock?
Ans: Common minerals in metamorphic rocks are:
quartz, feldspar, mica, calcite, and hornblende.
Index minerals in metamorphic rocks determine
how much rock material was
metamorphosed or
transformed into another form. It is also called the
grade of metamorphism.
Index minerals include the
2. Garnet
3. Epidote
4. Staurolite
5. Kyanite
6. Sillimanite

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