Garbage Collection Algorithms: by Achinth Anand Gurkhi

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Garbage Collection Algorithms

By Achinth Anand Gurkhi

What is Garbage Collection?

Garbage Collection is the process by which unused objects are

deleted to reclaim memory space
Invented by John McCarthy around 1959 to solve problems in
It is used in Lisp, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Haskell, ML, Schema, Modula-
3, Java and .NET
GC Algorithms

Reference Counting
Mark-Sweep Collector
Copying Collector
Mark-Compact Collector
Generational Collector
Reference Counting

Needs help from compiler and the program to maintain a

reference count
Compiler adds code to increment/decrement reference count
when the object is referenced/dereferenced
If reference count is zero it is garbage collected and reference
count of all objects it references is decremented by one
Used by ANSI C++ library classes like string
Reference Counting

Garbage collection can be immediate
Cannot handle cyclic references
Need extra memory for the reference counter
Incrementing and decrementing reference counts every time a
reference is created or destroyed can significantly impede
performance. Example: array processing
Mark-Sweep Collector

All application threads are stopped

Mark: from the roots (objects referenced directly) every
referenced object is visited and marked
Sweep: entire heap is scanned and all unmarked objects are
collected. Next all marked objects are reset
Mark-Sweep Collector

Can handle cyclic references
No burden on the compiler or the application
As entire heap is scanned, pauses would be longer
If heap is paged can have performance issues
Causes heap fragmentation which could lead of out of memory
Copying Collector

The heap is divided into two equal spaces

One contains active data and the other is inactive
When the active half gets full, the world is stopped, live objects
are moved to the inactive half and then the active half is cleared
For the next cycle, roles are reversed, the inactive half becomes
the active half
Copying Collector

Only live objects are visited, garbage objects are not visited
Data compaction is achieved which reduces cost of object
allocation and out of memory errors
Requires twice the heap size than other collectors
Overhead of copying objects from one space to another
Overhead of adjusting all references to the new copy
Long lived objects are copied back and forth on every collection
Mark-Compact Collector

All application threads are stopped

Mark: from the roots (objects referenced directly) every
referenced object is visited and marked
Compact: entire heap is scanned and all unmarked objects are
collected. Next all marked objects compacted at the bottom of
the heap and then the flags are reset
Mark-Compact Collector

Compaction is achieved
Without the hassle of long lived objects being copied back and forth
Without the need for double the heap size
Overhead of copying objects (for compaction)
Overhead of adjusting all references to the new copy
Generational Collector

98% of the objects die young

Copying Collectors perform well with short-lived objects
Mark-Compact Collectors perform well with long-lived objects
Can we use different GC algorithms based on object’s age?
Generational Collector

The heap is divided into generations (usually 2 or 3)

Objects are created in the young generation (gen 0)
When memory is needed, a GC of gen 0 is performed & live objects
are moved to the next generation (gen 1) & dead objects are collected
(Copying Collector). If enough memory is now available GC is stopped
Else the next older generation (gen 1) is collected. This goes on till
enough memory is released or till the last (oldest) generation is
The last generation (old objects) uses Mark-Compact Collector
Generational Collector

GC cycles are small as all objects are not collected
Only old objects are copied from one generation to another
Entire heap is not scanned
Overhead of copying objects (for compaction)
Overhead of adjusting all references to the new copy

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