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Midlands State











1.1 Introduction

This is the first chapter for COVID-19 Vaccine Management System. This chapter covered
the background of the study thus what motivated the author to develop the system. It
explored also on the background of the study, the problem statement was also explained
thus the problems which were noted by the scholar. The aim and the objectives of the
system were explored also in this chapter. Instruments and methods which were used were
also pointed out and therefore the rationale and justification of the research. The scope of
this system was to monitor vaccine doses, saving the statistics into the database thus
monitoring the patients, tracking the correct dose that the patients should receive and
reporting if the patient had any after effects with the vaccine. It also keeps the vaccine
records in the database.

1.2 Background of the study

COVID-19 vaccine was introduced after the acceleration of covifd-19 cases. The RNA was
the first vaccine to be authorised in United Kingdom. Its main aim was to stop the spread of
the virus. The Zimbabwean health sector joined the programme of vaccinating its people
and it aim is to keep it people safe. The health sector supply any form of vaccination free of
charge depending on what’s in stock. It also vaccinates people on willingly condition and
not by force.

1.3 Problem definition

Currently COVID-19 vaccine does not have a computerised system that is being used to
capture data for the vaccinated people in Zimbabwe. This being the case they cannot
accurately detect if someone once received the dose or it’s their first time. The healthy
sector are currently facing various problems in which the first problem is that there is
shortage of the doses since some people are being injected all the three vaccine hoping if
one doesn’t work the other one will work. Also lack of traceable record of the patients
dosed is causing corruption where nurses keep the doses for friends and families. More so
some people are failing to get their second dose just because their vaccination cards are lost
and there is nowhere the vaccination card number was recorded. People do not know where
to get the dose and which clinic is offering what they want so with the use of a system this
will help people to freely and officially get the important updates. Another challenge that
the nurses and doctors are facing is that they can’t trace or get feedback from their clients
thus in case someone reacted with the vaccine due to different factors that they get exposed

1.4 Aim of the study

The aim of the project is to develop COVID-19 vaccine management system that monitor
the availability of vaccine, patients’ record, patients’ health status after getting the vaccine
and log all the details in the database.

1.5 Objectives

 To monitor patients and make sure they get correct dosage.

 To quickly get feedback from patients in case of any reaction caused.
 To monitor and trace used and available doses so that all statistics are up to date.
 To inform the public about the available vaccine type and place
 To enable interaction between doctors and patients and also entertain questions

1.6 Instruments and methods

1.6.1 Instruments

 Windows 10 operating system (OS) – It is the greatest extensively used

operating system (OS) designed for desktop as well as PC computers. It was
industrialized by Microsoft. It predominantly functions on x86 established
computers (the universal laptops). This operating system offers an interface
which is graphical and desktop atmosphere in which software and computer
systems are presented in resizable, portable windows on computer screens.
 Visual Studio 2015 ASP.Net with C# - Active server page is an integrated
Web development ideal that comprises the facilities essential for one to
develop world class web based applications Web applications with least
work of writing lines of code. It is a fragment of the Dot Net framework,
hence while developing applications with ASP.NET there is access to
classes of dot net framework. One can develop software in any language
well-matched to the runtime comprising of VB.NET and C-Sharp. These
languages empower the developer to come up with ASP software that profit
from the runtime.
 SQL Server 2016 – standard query language server is a SQL Server is an
interactive and relational database management system (RDBMS)
developed by Microsoft intended for organizations, enterprises. Server
management studio functions on transact standard query language which is
an established software design extended by Sybase and Microsoft that
enhance diverse traits to standard query language.

1.7 Methods
Various methods were employed by the writer when collecting data about the already
existing system in the ministry of health sector. The type of information which the scholar
tried to acquire, people which was delivering data, determined which methods were to be

1.7.1 Questionnaires
This is the first technique which was employed by the author. According to Saris and
Gallhofer (2014), questionnaires give access to a large audience from many divisions. In
trying to come up with information about the covid-19 vaccine questionnaires were
distributed, one was given to the head of vaccination team and the other three were given to
the vaccination team who gave their view on how the current system is operating. The
questionnaires were given to the head of the team and the vaccination team because they
were the ones who were well versed with how the current system operates. Moreover, via
the use of particular questions, a vivid information set was obtained.  However, by using
this method response rate tended to be very low.

Those who were responding could not find an opportunity to give of their complete
responses and feedback, the questions were delivered in the same way and moderately
aimed at partaking adequately and appropriately to the demands. The questions which used
were planned in advance.
In addition to that, in order to increase responses, the author ensured that the review
interrogations were on the focal subject, letting contestants recognize the benefits they will
attain from the survey.

1.7.2 Document review

The author was given an identical printed replica of the records which has the illustration
and full details of how the information flow in the current system. Hence the author had an
appreciation of additional understanding of the manual system and used this as the
foundation in making enhanced requirements. The author used the vaccination documents
which states the number all patients were recorded in a book which was also difficult to

1.7.3 Observation

The observation was carried out in different sections on how the currently using their
information system. The first observation was made in the reception section of vaccination
department where they prepare records of all patients getting their vaccine. The other
observation was made in the query and enquiries where people were coming to ask if the
vaccine was still available and the possible dates they could get another dose.

1.6 Justification and rationale

Information technology is now the strength of every corporate operation since it is an

instrument that wires business incorporation. Information system is now a key area in the
healthy sector; it’s no longer a department for cutting costs. The system will not only track
vaccinated patients, but also will keep interested people updated on anything to do with the
vaccine on their website. The system was built because of various advantages; it will
proactively inform people about the availability of the vaccine, alert doctors on any
harmful effect on their patient and it also helps doctors to know the exact dose to be given.
Another reason is that the system won’t allow patients to get vaccines of different types for
example getting the sinopharm and sinovacc. The system will also reduce theft and
corruption since everything will be easy to track and see how it works.

1.8 Conclusion

This Chapter mainly focused on problem definition and objectives of the projected system
along with the rationalization which elucidates the reasons why the software should come
into being. Delineated also are the Practices which were put in use to devise a synopsis of
the current system.

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