TNT 9 Step Blueprint

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The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

Thanks for downloading the Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint! 

My name is Tobias Young and I have been an industry expert for almost 2 decades and my partner Van
Taylor for 14 years. Together we have joined forces to give you the 9 steps that have been instrumental in
building our multi 6 gure online coaching businesses.

These 9 steps are the exact steps that we teach our clients in the TNT Elite Level Coaches Program,
where they get their rst $10k months online.

Step one is establishing the Perfect Avatar

One of the keys to becoming a successful online tness coach is to know what type of client you’re
looking for.

That person is going to be your avatar. Your ideal client. The person you’d love to work with, and the one
that’ll be able to pay high ticket for your coaching.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

The reason for doing this is that when you know who you’re looking for everything becomes easier.

From knowing where to nd those people, to knowing how to talk to them so that they resonate with your
message, to knowing what they love, what they hate and the problems they want to solve in their lives, so
that you can use that information to get them to become clients more easily.

In person training is so much di erent than online in this area. When you are online you MUST niche down
and be very speci c on who you are talking to with your messaging and marketing. If you are just putting
our general tness content, then you will get ignored.

You have to be ultra speci c with the pain points that your avatar is going through and take them through
the steps to getting out of pain and into the pleasure that they seek.

If you don't get super speci c with their goals or resonate with their struggles that keep them up at night,
you won't be able to get the clients paying you high ticket prices.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

Make sense?

Once you know who your perfect avatar is, it’s time for you to jump into the next step of the process.

The Authority Builder.

This is all about branding and positioning yourself as the authority on your market.

The way you do this is by building the know, like and trust factor.

You need to get people to know, like, and trust you.

The way you do this is by speaking to your ideal client in the way they want to be spoken to, and giving
them the information they’re interested in that identi es and xes the major problem that they are facing.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

The prospects need to see you as the authority in the space and the only one that they should go to
when they are ready to start their tness program.

Next step is to transform you into a Social Media Ninja.

This involves learning about how to e ectively build a community of people who love the value you
provide to them and support you.

A fundamental part of achieving this is understanding the concepts behind a good content creation
strategy that’ll make your ideal client want to take action and join your group, engage with your posts,
and even ask you to be their coach.

In addition to that, you’ll also need to be prepared for when they take action…

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

This is where a good outreach process and the appropriate messenger frameworks will make the
di erence on how many of those prospects you’ll be able to sign up.

Have bulletproof processes and strategies (like the ones we teach in our program)… And you’ll become
successful very quickly.

Another thing you should keep in mind as well, and that’ll help you close more clients is having an
Irresistible O er.

This means being able to outline the bene ts and features that separate you from the competition,

Having a pricing structure that makes people want to sign up and at the same time allows you to scale
beyond six gures,

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

You will also need to create a unique mechanism to deliver results no one else has in place.

We help our coaches develop an implement their own 9 box system to stand out from the competition.
This system will not only be used to create social media posts, lead magnets, sales copy, and emails, but
also the process in which they transform their clients from start to nish.

Once you have that set up, you’ll need to know how to e ectively close clients.

This is what the Enrollment Mastery is all about.

Most trainers do an amazing job training their clients, but really struggle in the area of sales/enrollment
and acquiring new clients.

The enrollment process starts with you pre-qualifying your prospects through an application process,
which will eliminate the tire-kickers and people who are a bad t.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

During this whole process you’ll need to nd their “hot buttons” and pain points. Something you can use to
empower them to buy from you, while at the same time seamlessly transition to a sale.

Closing clients could be considered an art. It requires the right knowledge, which we give you in the
program, and practice to be able to master it and close client after client.

In addition to that, it also requires having the right mindset.

Which is why the next step of the process is so important.

We call it the Million Dollar Mindset, and here’s why:

This consists of the daily rituals and habits that’ll take your way of thinking to the next level so that
achieving your biggest goals seems like no big deal.

These will make you feel and be unstoppable.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

You’ll also need to learn how to work smarter, since anyone can work hard, but it’s those who work smart,
knowing where they’re heading towards and how to e ectively do it that really become successful in life.

Ok, so once you get all the steps we’ve talked about so far in place, what’s next?

Your Signature Program! Among other things I’ll talk about in a second, of course.

Your signature program can involve a PT training platform and app with your branding, speci c program
design catered to get your clients the best results possible (which is something we give you templates
for in our program),

From here, you can e ectively deliver your nutrition and training programs as well as have good
communication with all your clients. Your delivery should also be able to improve their mindset while
implementing lasting habits that will help them long term.

Next, we have the Tools and Automation that’ll allow you to succeed as an online coach.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

This may include

Your CRM to organize your contacts, which you can separate into 2 groups. Your prospects, and your

Your email autoresponder, which is going to be a tremendously valuable tool when it comes to building a
relationship with your prospects, and then turning them into clients more easily as you nurture them
through emails.

Your calendar and scheduling tools, will help you avoid going back and forth multiple times with your
prospects and clients when looking for a time to schedule your calls. This way you’ll look more
professional and be able to easily ll up your time slots and avoid double bookings.

Next, you will want to set up a funnel to turn leads into prospects and prospects into clients all on auto-

Lastly, there’s the Systems that’ll allow you to scale e ectively.

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

These will allow you to gain back more of your day to day time, while at the same time grow your
business well past the 6 gure mark.

Some of those systems consist of hiring a team to support you in an area of your business you need help
with and hiring VAs and sales reps that’ll take care of all of the messaging and sales calls so you can
nally stop trading time for money.

Then once you have mastered the organic strategies, you can add paid advertising into the mix (FB ads
etc) which is like pouring rocket fuel on the re!

So that’s that for the 9-step strategy we use to help our students succeed as online tness coaches and
get their rst $10k+ months online.

Now, if you’d like to go a step further, get to know every detail of the process and jump on the fast lane to
success, we would be happy to help you build and scale your online tness business in just 90 days…

The Fit Pros Online Explosion Blueprint

Because one thing is for sure…

We can give you the clarity and action steps to get your business fully online so that you can have more
impact, gain nancial freedom, and follow a step by step proven system with templates, coaching and
frameworks to build your dream online business.

Here's the link to speak with a TNT success coach and nd out more!   >>BOOK HERE<<

Your friends in tness,

Tobias Young and Van Taylor

Co-Creators of TNT Fit Pro Coaching


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