Aadil Nadeem - Culminating Activity Assignment Civics Current Events Portfolio

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York Region SVS

Culminating Activity Assignment: Civics Current Events Portfolio

Aadil Nadeem

Civics: CHV2O1-58

Mrs. Coleman


Table of Contents:

Culminating Activity Assignment: Civics Current Events Portfolio 1

news article or editorial based on a municipal/local government focus with news article analysis

ONE current article or editorial concerning a Canadian legal case (it can be a criminal case, a
civil case, or a constitutional case) with news article analysis. 6

ONE news article or editorial depicting an international government issue (i.e. climate
change, human rights, illegal immigration) with news article analysis. 9

ONE news article or editorial based on a federal/national government focus with

news article analysis 12

Letter of Concern: 15

Work Cited: 17

news article or editorial based on a municipal/local government focus with news article

Part A: 4 marks

Full MLA Citation for the article. "T.O. secures Novotel in shelter plan; Downtown hotel to be used as
Hyperlink the URL in the citation to the space for city's homeless until December." Toronto Star [Toronto,
Pressreader article. (insert link in menu). Ontario], 6 Feb. 2021, p. A18. Gale In Context: Environmental
Use the article title for your table of Studies,
contents link. link.gale.com/apps/doc/A650917629/GPS?u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GP
S&xid=1f5f0c55. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021.

Highlight the type of article: News (factual) article, or editorial (opinion)?

Highlight the primary focus(es) of the article International, National/Federal, Provincial, or Municipal/Local
Government Focus? Citizenship Focus? Civic Career Focus? Legal/Judicial Focus?

Main theme/topic/issue of article (i.e. this article's main Topic consists of a hotel called Novotel, a 201
genocide of Uyghurs, gender gap in room hotel participating in a homeless shelter program during
Canadian municipal politics, etc.) the pandemic and winter. this allows the homeless to stay more
warm. also talks about some issues that may arrive, like the
hotel is not able to properly socially distance everyone, and
things like Covid may spread within this hotel. but not only will
this shelter/hotel provides shelter, but will also consist of a clinic
and other forms of help the homeless need.

Part B: Summary: 5 marks. Complete the chart with information from the article. Of all the 5 "W's" and "H", Highlight
the one criteria which you think is the most important. This can be completed in point form. Some W’s or the H may
not be present in the article.

Criteria Point form information

Who? - the municipality of Toronto

- the homeless of toronto and help they are getting.
- services that may help the homeless during the pandemic.

What? - What is happening is that the hotel, Novotel is participating in letting it be vacant to homeless people, and
is providing clinics and other forms of care.

When? Starting in February, this program is said to run through december 2021 ( when the municipalities lease for this
hotel runs out.)

Where? - Takes place in Esplanade Toronto

Why? - The Novotel is letting the Toronto Municipality lease their building to help the homeless during the harsh
winter, as well as help during the pandemic which is affecting everyone.

How? - by letting their hotel be leased by the municipality

Part C: Personal Reaction: 6 mark Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Choose 1.5 line spacing in the
google doc menu. Proofread for spelling and grammar. Maximum 2 paragraphs (10-12 sentences).

What is your reaction to this article? Can you personally relate to the issue(s) or individual(s) presented? Do you have
any proposals, suggestions, or solutions to the issue? Do you agree or disagree with the argument presented?
Include 1 - 2 direct quotations of textual evidence from the article to support your response. Answer below:

This article explained about this Hotel, called Novotel ( also a chain of hotels) allowing the Toronto municipality to lease
their 205 room hotel and use it as a clinic and homeless shelter. I think that is wonderful, and it honestly gives me the feeling that
good is still being done in the world. The quote, "People who are homeless require simply more than a place to sleep. They
require wraparound health and housing supports to transition out of homelessness. In so many ways, this new shelter hotel is
not just a shelter, it's a clinic and it's a health facility.", shows that this shelter can provide many other forms of help for the
homeless, like health and safety, as well as a channel for them to transition out of homelessness. I think this is a great thing
they're doing because I remember when I volunteered for the Muslim Foodbank in Regent Park, a very impoverished area, a lot
of the people coming for free meals said the main problem is not being hungry, it finding warmth and medical care, and this
solves both of those issues. A proposal I could add is that it can teach the homeless basic financial lessons, or provide
pamphlets to help with their transition out of homelessness. With all things considered, this program will help the homeless, and
provide safer places for the homeless to stay and transition out of poverty.

ONE current article or editorial concerning a Canadian legal case (it can be a criminal
case, a civil case, or a constitutional case) with news article analysis.

Part A: 4 marks

Full MLA Citation for the article. "Toronto man arrested in alleged sexual assaults at North York
Hyperlink the URL in the citation to the church dating back to 2013." Toronto Star [Toronto, Ontario], 22 Mar.
Pressreader article. (insert link in menu). 2021, p. NA. Gale In Context: Environmental Studies,
Use the article title for your table of link.gale.com/apps/doc/A655894483/GPS?u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GP
contents link. S&xid=fae23cd5. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021

Highlight the type of article: News (factual) article, or editorial (opinion)?

Highlight the primary focus(es) of the article International, National/Federal, Provincial, or Municipal/Local
Government Focus? Citizenship Focus? Civic Career Focus? Legal/Judicial Focus?

Main theme/topic/issue of article (i.e. The assault of two men under investigation in a north york
genocide of Uyghurs, gender gap in church. the accused is a Volunteer at that church, and is Facing
Canadian municipal politics, etc.) 10 charges of secial assult and suxual exploitation.

Part B: Summary: 5 marks. Complete the chart with information from the article. Of all the 5 "W's" and "H", Highlight
the one criteria which you think is the most important. This can be completed in point form. Some W’s or the H may
not be present in the article.

Criteria Point form information

Who? - the Municipality of Toronto and Gta is who this article is targeted to .
- aswell as other victims of sexual assault in this church, and cases like this.

What? - 2 men, from 2013 to 2020 were sexually assaulted in this church, by a church volunteer.

When? - the crime took place between 2013 and 2020 ( several times)

Where? - Took place in a NorthYork Church

Why? - various reasons could have caused the volunteer to do these crimes. mainly a sign of weakness and
advantage he could use against the men who were assaulted.
- as well as mental illness the volunteer may have.

How? - How this happened is over the course of 2013 and 2020 these men were assaulted and taken advantage
of by a high ranking church volunteer. Could have happened for a number of reasons, so far it is not fully

Part C: Personal Reaction: 6 mark Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Choose 1.5 line spacing in the
google doc menu. Proofread for spelling and grammar. Maximum 2 paragraphs (10-12 sentences).

What is your reaction to this article? Can you personally relate to the issue(s) or individual(s) presented? Do you have
any proposals, suggestions, or solutions to the issue? Do you agree or disagree with the argument presented?
Include 1 - 2 direct quotations of textual evidence from the article to support your response. Answer below:

My initial reaction to this story was disgust. I am a fairly religious person, and see my place of worship, the Mosque
as a safe and peaceful place would never imagine this would happen in a church. the mental issues those men are
facing, and unable to feel safe in a place of worship because of that volunteer is disgusting. In the quote, “Jose Portillo,
62, of Toronto, is facing 10 charges, including four counts of sexual assault and three counts of sexual exploitation”.
This quote made me in a sense, relieved that this person is taken care of properly, and hopefully can make this church
peaceful and safe again. Now I can relate to this., not in terms of sexual assault, but how staining a place of worship
reputation because of one person can affect one. Some time ago three boys urinated on Denison Mosque, a mosque
close to where they Live. I can see how this hurt the community dearly, and I can feel what this church and community
are feeling when they had nothing to do with this issue. A suggestion I could make to rebuild this church's community
is by conducting background checks and monitoring behavior of specific volunteers, which can make churchgoers feel
and be safer. But with all things considered, I hope the victims can recover from this tragedy, the criminal made
accountable for his actions, and the community around it be able to feel safe again.

ONE news article or editorial depicting an international government issue (i.e.
climate change, human rights, illegal immigration) with news article analysis.

Part A: 4 marks

Full MLA Citation for the article. "Congo working to stop new Ebola outbreak in country's east."
Hyperlink the URL in the citation to the Toronto Star [Toronto, Ontario], 7 Feb. 2021, p. NA. Gale In Context:
Pressreader article. (insert link in menu). Environmental Studies, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A651062097/GPS?
Use the article title for your table of u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GPS&xid=58409f56. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021.
contents link.

Highlight the type of article: News (factual) article, or editorial (opinion)?

Highlight the primary focus(es) of the article International, National/Federal, Provincial, or Municipal/Local
Government Focus? Citizenship Focus? Civic Career Focus? Legal/Judicial Focus?

Main theme/topic/issue of article (i.e. The main Topic of this article is that a new Outbreak of a deadly
genocide of Uyghurs, gender gap in Virus originating from Africa had a new outbreak in the African
Canadian municipal politics, etc.) country of Congo. The outbreak took place in the eastern area of
the country. This article explains how the world health
organization will respond as well as the Congolese Government.

Part B: Summary: 5 marks. Complete the chart with information from the article. Of all the 5 "W's" and "H", Highlight
the one criteria which you think is the most important. This can be completed in point form. Some W’s or the H may
not be present in the article.

Criteria Point form information

Who? - this article is targeted to people who want to know about world issues
- Doctors and healthcare professionals who need to know about Global crisis
- Health care leaders and political leaders

What? - what the article is, is about the new outbreak of Ebola The Congo is facing.
- what the Global Health organization is going to do
- what the Congo people are facing on top of violence.

When? - this took place during January and february ( Article written Feb. 7, 2021)

- took place well into the Pandemic

Where? - Outbreak Took place in the eastern are of the Congo

Why? - The country has a history of poverty and struggle, and this can translate into the people having a
lack of tools, food, money and equipment to stay clean and eat properly.
- through this and violence, an outbreak is inevitable.

How? - The outbreak may have happened for several reasons.

- One because of odd eating habits because of the lack of food and high level of poverty in the country
- Lack of hygiene and close living quarters
- and the violence in the Congo, which may have caused a channel for this virus through soldiers going
through different areas.

Part C: Personal Reaction: 6 mark Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Choose 1.5 line spacing in the
google doc menu. Proofread for spelling and grammar. Maximum 2 paragraphs (10-12 sentences).

What is your reaction to this article? Can you personally relate to the issue(s) or individual(s) presented? Do you have
any proposals, suggestions, or solutions to the issue? Do you agree or disagree with the argument presented?
Include 1 - 2 direct quotations of textual evidence from the article to support your response. Answer below:

My reaction to this article was a combination of two things. First was a pity. Not towards the Government but the
people. In this quote, “Congo has suffered more than a quarter-century of conflict and distrust of government health
workers and other outsiders is high in eastern Congo.” This quote just shows besides the outbreak what the people of
the Congo go through. This just adds to the violence and poverty they receive. my second reaction would be anger,
Towards the militants and the government. all they did was make the people's lives harder and harder, and created an
even more fragile health care system. in the quote “Residents in Butembo are already asking why it took four days from
the time the woman was tested to announce the results.” It not only explains the frustration of the residence but the
lack of effort coming from the government in terms of strengthening their health care systems. I can relate to this, when
visiting Pakistan, and getting Salmonella, I could see the exaggerated wait times, the lack of effort from the health care
workers, and the issues they have with diagnosis and treating me. A solution to this problem would most likely be a
foriegh intervention or aird, like from Canada which can help recess there health care system, and keep more
Congolese people safe. With all things considered, the fault of the Congolese Government is to blame, and the people
who already face tremendous issues and obstacles, and just gained a new one.

ONE news article or editorial based on a federal/national government focus with
news article analysis

Part A: 4 marks

Full MLA Citation for the article. . "Canada hit by another U.S. pipeline block." Globe & Mail [Toronto,
Hyperlink the URL in the citation to the Canada], 8 Mar. 2021, p. A10. Gale OneFile: Business,
Pressreader article. (insert link in menu). link.gale.com/apps/doc/A654224672/GPS?
Use the article title for your table of u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GPS&xid=e97a004c. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021.
contents link.

Highlight the type of article: News (factual) article, or editorial (opinion)?

Highlight the primary focus(es) of the article International, National/Federal, Provincial, or Municipal/Local
Government Focus? Citizenship Focus? Civic Career Focus? Legal/Judicial Focus?

Main theme/topic/issue of article (i.e. The issue of this article is our pipeline getting blocked by
genocide of Uyghurs, gender gap in American Politics. how after the Enbridge pipeline spill in 2010 is
Canadian municipal politics, etc.) interfering with Canadian oil interests.

Part B: Summary: 5 marks. Complete the chart with information from the article. Of all the 5 "W's" and "H", Highlight
the one criteria which you think is the most important. This can be completed in point form. Some W’s or the H may
not be present in the article.

Criteria Point form information

Who? - the Oil companies

- American oil and pipeline politics
- Canadian Federal government, and their interests

What? - What happened is that because of American oil politics, our pipelines can't get through and are
interfering with Canada's interests.

When? - between 2012, with the Enbridge oil spill to 2021.

Where? - Mainly Michigan, because their land had been subject to many oil spills from Canadian pipelines.

Why? - Why this happened is because of frequent oil spills which mess with the land and environment of
Michigan, and the state is unhappy.

How? - How is not really defined.

Part C: Personal Reaction: 6 mark Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Choose 1.5 line spacing in the
google doc menu. Proofread for spelling and grammar. Maximum 2 paragraphs (10-12 sentences).

What is your reaction to this article? Can you personally relate to the issue(s) or individual(s) presented? Do you have
any proposals, suggestions, or solutions to the issue? Do you agree or disagree with the argument presented?
Include 1 - 2 direct quotations of textual evidence from the article to support your response. Answer below:

Oil is one of Canada's most valuable exports and is very important to our economy. This article unravels the start of
this mishap, from the 2010 Enbridge Oil spill to the current day and why Michigan doesn't want their environment and
waters to be hurt further. And don't get me wrong, they have full rights to feel that way. But my interests are always with
Canada, and our economy in my opinion is far more important. Finding a solution for this big of an issue is one task
that takes a slot of thinking, but I think there is one solution that may work. The best option would be to create a more
efficient pipeline, that is not as subject to oil spills. Again the development will take time, but, this can be a basis for an
argument to allow the current pipeline in the ground to resume transport of oil, but a new pipeline to eventually replace
this one and reduce spoilage. The only way this can be indefinitely solved though is if the division within politics in
America can settle down. They remind me of a group that Cant get anything done because they are too distracted. With
all things considered, Canadian interests in my opinion are above the interests of Michigan, and what can only affect
one state can affect a whole country's trade.

Letter of Concern:
Aadil Nadeem
647 FredMclaren BLVD.
Markham, ON
L6E 1N4

April 6, 2021

Mayor John Tory

Mayor's Office
100 Queen St W,
Toronto, ON
M5H 2N2

Dear Mayor John Tory,

My name is Aadil Nadeem and I am a highschool student from BurOak Secondary

School In Markham Ontario. I am contacting you because of a concern, and hopefully a
solution you can implement for the municipality agreement with Novotel being used as a
homeless shelter during the winter and the pandemic. However this is a great idea I fully
support, it has been stated that social distancing within these shelters is a difficult task.
This can cause severe issues, mainly spread Covid-19 to the Homeless Who travel
around the city a lot, are not able to obtain the resources for hygiene and don't have the
resources they need to treat themselves. It's not fair we get to be safer and they don't.

This issue will do nothing but prolong the pandemic and cause more obstacles
for the homeless. In the statement by Joe Cressy, on the Toronto Star, he satiated,
"The starting point is we are still in the midst of an emergency and a global pandemic
right now and if

we don't continue to ramp up our efforts to provide safe physical distancing options for
those who are
homeless we will put not only Toronto's homeless but all our residents at risk,". As you
Can see we need alternate solutions than just one hotel, we need more places like this.
The homeless of Toronto are still our people, and we must help them.

One solution is asking for provincial spending. Other Toronto hotels are reluctant to do
the same as Novotel, but everybody has a breaking point when it comes to money. The
argument that can be brought up when asking for provincial aid is that Toronto is the hot
spot for Covid, and reducing the most vulnerable and most contagious from being sick
is a large step for us to get through this pandemic. We have to. Nay, we need to help
our homeless to get through this phase in Canadian history.

It's up to you now Mayor John Tory, I did my part, I hope you will Consider my Letter and
I hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,
Aadil Nadeem
Aadil Nadeem

Work Cited:

"Canada hit by another U.S. pipeline block." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada], 8 Mar. 2021, p. A10. Gale
OneFile: Business, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A654224672/GPS?
u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GPS&xid=e97a004c. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021.

"Congo working to stop new Ebola outbreak in country's east." Toronto Star [Toronto, Ontario], 7 Feb.
2021, p. NA. Gale In Context: Environmental Studies, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A651062097/GPS?
u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GPS&xid=58409f56. Accessed 6 Apr. 2021

"Toronto man arrested in alleged sexual assaults at North York church dating back to 2013." Toronto Star
[Toronto, Ontario], 22 Mar. 2021, p. NA. Gale In Context: Environmental Studies,
link.gale.com/apps/doc/A655894483/GPS?u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GPS&xid=fae23cd5. Accessed 6 Apr.

"T.O. secures Novotel in shelter plan; Downtown hotel to be used as space for city's homeless until
December." Toronto Star [Toronto, Ontario], 6 Feb. 2021, p. A18. Gale In Context: Environmental Studies,
link.gale.com/apps/doc/A650917629/GPS?u=ko_k12hs_d73&sid=GPS&xid=1f5f0c55. Accessed 6 Apr.


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