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NAME _____________________________

14 Self-Help Exercises

Add necessary commas to the following sentences. For each sentence indicate the number of commas
that you added. If a sentence is correct, write C.

1. Your organization’s use of cross-functional teams Mr. Wilson explains is

why your company is able to develop so many innovative products.
2. By the way do all of your teams work well together and collaborate effectively?
3. To be most successful however all teams require training coaching
and other support.
4. Our team leader is from Ames Iowa but is now working in Des Moines.
5. Developing effective collaborative teams on the other hand is not
always possible.
6. The CEO’s son Mark will be joining our team for the summer.
7. Send the shipment to MicroTech Systems 750 Grant Road Tucson Arizona
85703 as soon as possible.
8. It appears sir that an error has been made in your billing.
9. You have until Friday April 30 to make complete payment on your
past-due account.
10. Mr. Franklin T. Molloy who is an advertising executive has been elected
chairman of the council.
11. Anyone who is interested in applying for the job should see Ms. Sheridan.
12. The bidding closes at 10 p.m. EST.
13. You will in addition receive a free brochure outlining our wireless devices.
14. Our latest wireless technology provides support for high-traffic areas such
as airports shopping centers and college campuses.
15. All things considered the company will be obligated to pay only those
expenses directly related to the installation.
16. Only Mr. Hudson who is a specialist in information systems is qualified
to write that report.
17. You can avoid patent trademark and copyright problems by working
with an attorney.
18. We are convinced incidentally that our attorney’s fees are most reasonable.
19. Mr. Van Alstyne developed the policy Ms. Thorson worked on the budget
and Mr. Seibert handled compensation issues.
20. Sasha will travel to Italy Greece and Croatia next summer.


Add necessary commas to the following sentences. For each sentence indicate the number of commas that
you added. If a sentence is correct, write C.
1. We must find a practical permanent solution to our Internet access problems.
2. For a period of six months it will be necessary to reduce all expenditures.
3. Melissa Meyer speaking on behalf of all classified employees gave
a welcoming address.
4. We held a marketing meeting last week and we included representatives
from all divisions.
5. I am looking forward to getting together with you when you are in Rochester.
6. We do appreciate as I have told you often your continuing efforts to increase
our sales.
7. Consumer patterns for the past five years are being studied carefully by
our marketing experts.
8. For some time we have been studying the growth in the number of working
women and minorities.
9. After you have examined my calculations please send the report
to Bill Thompson.
10. Please send the report to Bill Thompson after you have examined
my calculations.
11. Would you please after examining my calculations send the report
to Bill Thompson.
12. Our human resources director is looking for intelligent articulate young
people who desire an opportunity to grow with a start-up company.
13. Call me as soon as you return or send me an e-mail message within the next week.
14. Beginning on the 15th of June Dell is slashing prices on laptop computers.
15. In 2013 we will unveil our most innovative hybrid vehicle.
16. As soon as I can check the inventory we will place an order.
17. On October 25 the president and I visited Sandra Goodell who is president
of Sandra Goodell Public Relations.
18. You may submit a report describing when where and how we should proceed.
19. To begin the purchase process we will need your request by Thursday June 1
at the latest.
20. Any student who has not signed up for a team by this time must see the instructor.


Add necessary commas to the following sentences. For each sentence indicate the number of commas that
you added. If a sentence is correct, write C.
1. Michael Ferrari PhD has written another book on consumer buying.
2. In 2010 our company expanded its marketing to include the United Kingdom.
3. By 2011 12 of our competitors were also selling in Great Britain.
4. In 2011 our staff numbered 87; in 2012 103.
5. It was in Taiwan not in mainland China where the lightest racing bike
in the world was made.
6. Long before our president conducted his own research into marketing trends
among youthful consumers. (Tricky!)
7. “We prefer not to include your name” said the auditor “when we publish
the list of inactive accounts.”
8. You may sign your name at the bottom of this sheet and return it to us
as acknowledgment of this letter.
9. The provisions of your Policy No. 85000611 should be reviewed every five years.
10. Irving Feinstein MD will be the speaker at our next meeting.
11. Dr. Feinstein received both a BA and an MBA from Northwestern University.
12. Ever since we have been very careful to count the number of boxes
in each shipment.
13. In his lecture Dr. Hawkins said “One species of catfish reproduces by hatching
eggs in its mouth and growing them to about three inches before releasing them.”
14. Did you say it was Mr. Samuels not Ms. Lambert who made the sale?
15. Ten computers were sold in January; nine in February.
16. Our figures show that 17365000 separate rental units were occupied in September.
17. “The function of a supervisor” remarked Sid Stern “is to analyze results not
to try to control how the job is done.”
18. By the way it was the president not the vice president who ordered the cutback.
19. “A diamond” said the therapist “is a chunk of coal that made good under pressure.”
20. Whoever signs signs at her own risk.


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