(ESA/CFS 2020-21) - QUESTÃO: RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly One Month After Brazil's Most Deadly Mining

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(ESA/CFS 2020-21) - QUESTÃO

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Exactly one month after Brazil’s most deadly mining
disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing
under tons of mud left behind after a dam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by
Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have
been retrieved and identified.

“The search starts at 5am, when the teams get up. At 6:30 am, we gather for
directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be done throughout the day.
The teams are then taken into the field,”firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells

“At the end of the day, when the teams return, they give us feedback on how the
search went. We then hold a meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats
itself,” concluded the official.

(Adapted from: https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/month-after-brumadinho-dam-tragedy-131-still-missing)

According to the text, it is correct to say that:

a) only firefighters are working to find the missing people.
b) firefighters and volunteers are working together to find the missing people.
c) firefighters and volunteers are working together to identify the retrieved
d) Vale’s officials are working to retrieve the corpses from the mud.
e) only volunteers are working to find the missing people.
In developing countries there are high levels of what is known as “food loss”, which
is unintentional wastage, often due to poor equipment, transportation and
infrastructure. In wealthy countries, there are low levels of unintentional losses but
high levels of “food waste”, which involves food being thrown away by consumers
because they have purchased too much, or by retailers who reject food because of
exacting aesthetic standards. (www.theguardian.com)

Segundo o texto,

a) a perda de alimentos acontece tanto em países ricos como pobres, devido à

mudança climática.
b) os alimentos são jogados fora pelos consumidores e pelos pontos de venda por
falta de refrigeração.
c) a perda não intencional de alimentos acontece em níveis alarmantes em países
d) o desperdício de alimentos durante seu transporte ocorre principalmente em
países ricos.
e) os meios de transporte e a infraestrutura deficientes contribuem para a perda
não intencional de alimentos.

(ESA/CFS 2021-22) - QUESTÃO

The plural forms of tables, box, kilo, sky, wife and tooth are respectively

a) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wives and tooths.

b) tables, boxes, kilos, skys, wives and teeth.

c) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wifes and teeth.

d) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wives and teeth.

e) tables, boxes, kiloes, skies, wives and teeth.

(ESA/CFS 2021-22) - QUESTÃO
"My brother has a new job. He doesn't like _____ very much'’. Fill in the blank with
the correct forms of the personal pronoun.

a) him

b) it

c) her

d) he

e) she

(ESA/CFS 2021-22) - QUESTÃO

"The President _______ The New York Times everyday". Complete the space with the
correct forms of the verb.

a) reads
b) are reading
c) read
d) is read
e) is reading

(ESA/CFS 2021-22) - QUESTÃO

Brazilian Armed Forces

The Brazilian Armed Forces is the unified military organization formed by the
Brazilian Army (including the Brazilian Army Aviation), the Brazilian Navy
(including the Brazilian Marine Corps and Brazilian Naval Aviation) and the
Brazilian Air Force.

Brazil's armed forces are the third largest in the Americas, after the United States
and Colombia, and the largest in Latin America by the level of military equipment,
with approximately 318,480 active-duty troops and officers. They are expanding
their presence in the Amazon under the Northern Corridor (CalhaNorte) program.
In 1994, Brazilian troops joined United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces in five

The Brazilian military, especially the army, is more involved in civic-action

programs, education, health care, and constructing roads, bridges, and railroads
across the nation. The 1988 Constitution preserves the external and internal roles of
the Armed Forces, but it places the military under presidential authority.
(Adaptado de BrazilianArmed Forces. Revolvy, 2019. Disponívelemhttps://www.revolvy.com/page/Brazilian-ArmedForces?cr=1.Acessoem: 19de ago.
de 2019)

According to the text, it is correct to say that:

a) the Brazilian Marine Corps is part of the Brazilian Army.

b) the Brazilian Armed Forces is part of Brazilian Air Force.

c) the Brazilian Air Force is part of the Brazilian Armed Forces.

d) the Brazilian Naval Aviation is part of the Brazilian Air Force.

e) the Brazilian Army Aviation is part of the Brazilian Navy.

(ESA/CFS 2020-21) - QUESTÃO

Complete the sentence below using the appropriate words:

Mr. Harris_________ trains: He is afraid of airplanes and________like buses, but

a) like/do/loves.
b) likes/don’t/love.
c) like/does/love.
d) likes/doesn’t/loves.
e) like/don’t/love.
(ESA/CFS 2020-21) - QUESTÃO

Which sentence is grammatically correct ?

a) Camila’s dress is cheaper than mine.

b) I went to bed more earlier than usual.
c) Gustavo is more old than his brother.
d) Going by train is expensiver than by car.
e) My car is more fast than my sister’s car.

(ESA/CFS 2020-21) - QUESTÃO

“_________ American?”

Complete the space with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.
a) Is you.
b) Are you.
c) You is.
d) Am you.
e) You are.

The ____________ we study, the __________.

a) most – best
b) more – worst
c) less – worst
d) less – worse
e) least – best
Complete: You made ___ essay of the class.

a) the most
b) the more big
c) biggest
d) the biggest
e) the bigger

Completa-se a frase: Mary is ___ than Susy, com:

a) more beautifuler
b) more beautiful
c) beautifuler
d) the beautifulest
e) beautifullest

A frase: I think beer is ___ than coffee, completa com:

a) worse
b) bedder
c) worst
d) more bad
e) the baddest

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir:
Do politicians work _______ and earn _______ money?

a) little - many
b) very - much
c) much - few
d) little - much
e) hard - many

Aside from the irrelevant fact that ________ might not then take the opportunity to
read the book.

a) much people
b) much peoples
c) very peoples
d) many people
e) little people


Which of the following sentences can be completed with the word MANY as in "the
laser has many applications"?

a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telephone companies.

b) The laser beam has caused __________ advance in various areas.
c) Science has gained __________ from the latest applications of the laser.
d) __________ effort has resulted in significant technological improvement.
e) Scientists have devoted __________ time to research in the field of communication.

I watch _____TV since I do not have ______ time and, besides, I feel _____ better doing
something else like reading a good book.
A alternativa que completa corretamente a frase apresentada é:

a) less / many / much

b) fewer / less / many
c) little / many / more
d) little / much / much
e) few/ much / much

Assinale a alternativa correta:
It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires__________ years of study.

a) many
b) much
c) little
d) lot of
e) any

Assinale a alternativa correta: How __________ shoes are there in the shop windows?

a) much
b) many
c) few
d) a few
e) a lot of

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:
Give me __________ tea with __________ sugar.

a) many – much
b) some – a lot of
c) short – many
d) bit – a lot of
e) some – many

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