Exit Test

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9 Exit test 1 REVISE ne Flowing tex withthe hep ofthe but points Below to fin out what you need ts change + Profxrsutr Inthe years ofthe American Revolution, Benedict ‘Ammold wasan army office: whe helped defend New ‘England from British colonist His wife, gay Shippen, was ‘forthe Beitishs spy and clase frend of John André — who ‘controlled the British espionage system in New York. “Ammold - who had been influenced by Shippen ~ decided to negotiating with André and accumblated debt to support ‘his wife's cause. Despite Amol’ suspicious connections, ‘George Washington admied hist snd gave him commaad ‘of West Point a stsacay American stronghold Amold, ‘instead, had ssccot planned toturs traitor and give the fort {othe Beitsh, However, the papers the Americans found READ the text about American exploration and choose & suitable linker from the box below to complete it. ‘hind « Fortis reason «wna «First «that «thus «Second « Finally « Because «for eeample «though» Mereovar ‘Two years after his frst presidential mandte. Thomas Jefferson — (D) sennmomamnrarnmeWas ecited souk ‘siploring the Aanerican caniinane™ agreed that Meriwether Word clase + Word order revealing the secret plot tthe last minute, ‘As areslt Andel was hanged though Arnold managed toescape. Inthe British Army he later brigadies became and fought the Batle of Groton Heights only few male fomhishometowa. “Alter the war, Amold moved to London where he did not enjoy a well putation. Late he mewed to Canada where De became a businessman, but is cuseelyinpopulanty Accel ics tae bad ts Desired by bat sides aa rato diedbe ia 1801 in London. Todays Bis ssameisstillasynonym for tsitorin the United States READ te teat in eerie Zand answer the vestions, 1 How mary paragraphs does the text contain? How can you tell where spew paragraph begins? |SUMMLARIBE the tet in exercive Vin ne mere than 70. ‘werds. I STATE wheter tasks 1-6 requ you to write a descriptive essay, fr andl aginst essay, or an opinion ey. ‘Do you think today’s citizens in the Western ‘world arebound by too mary rules that risk being broken easily? 2_ | Some people argue that the enlightened thinkers fof the is century had postive influence fon society as their ideas freed citizens from Ignorance and superstition through knowledge ‘and science. Others disagree saying they had a ‘egative influence as ther beliefs widened the gap between people, religion and tradition. "3 | On the one hand, Romantic poetry can be Interpreted as the description of a dream “_ | Discuss some politica, social and cultural ‘changes that the Norman Conquest of 1066 brought to England, '5_| Consider the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride & Prejudice. Do you believe ‘marrage today stil takes socal status and wealth nto account? 6 [Describe what a peasant’ life was like in the second half ofthe Id century. You may include Information about Wat Tyler and the Peasants’ Revolt | 6 cHOosE anessy fom exercise Sand wite tn no more than 300 words,

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