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Maybe this will help you locate someone specific for a particular job you may

have; they are Google filters.

(intitle:”curriculum vitae” OR inurl:vitae OR intitle:vitae) -about -jobs

-inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit
(intitle:”resume for” OR intitle:”resume of” OR intitle:”Curriculum Vitae” OR
intitle:”’s resume”) -intitle:example -intitle:examples -intitle:sample
(intitle:”resume for” OR intitle:”resume of”) -inanchor:apply
-inanchor:submit -inanchor:sample -intitle:how -intitle:write
(intitle:resume OR intitle:”curriculum vitae”) + -jobs -apply -submit
-required -wanted -write -sample
(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume OR intitle:homepage OR inurl:homepage)
-jobs -inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit
(resume OR cv OR vitae OR homepage) -jobs -apply -submit -required
-wanted -template -wizard -free -write –sample
~resume (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:rtf OR filetype:htm OR
filetype:html) -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -write –sample
~resume -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -template -write -sample
-inurl:books -inurl:product
~cv (intitle:blog OR inurl:blog OR intitle:blogs OR blog OR blogs) (rss OR
feed OR archives OR posted OR tags OR comments OR trackback OR author)
-job -jobs -send -submit -you -inanchor:apply
~resume (Oracle EBS) (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:rtf OR
filetype:htm OR filetype:html) -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -write
-sample inurl:res inurl:resumes for (inurl:in OR inurl:pub) -intitle:directory -intitle:recently
-intitle:”company profile” inurl:members intitle:<target city> intitle:<keyword> <keyword> intitle:resume -example –sample <keyword> intitle:resume <keyword> <keyword>" -inurl:companies -inurl:jobreq
-inurl:endorsements -inurl:careerconnect 
(contract OR contractor OR contracted OR contracting OR consult OR
consultant OR consulted OR consulting OR "on assignment" OR “off
assignment” OR temp OR temporary OR “per diem” OR “hourly rate” OR
“corp to corp” OR 1099 OR “on project” OR “bill rate” OR billrate OR “pay
rate” OR payrate OR freelance OR freelancer OR freelancing OR “currently
looking” OR “looking for work” OR “looking for assignment” OR “seeking
assignment” OR “seeking work”) NOT (recruiter OR recruitment OR

(“Actively looking” OR “Actively seeking” OR Seeking OR “Seeking an” OR

“Seeking a” OR “always looking” OR Looking OR “Career Change” OR
“looking to make a career change”) AND (Opportunity OR opportunities OR
“Full time opportunities” OR “full time opportunity” OR “Full-Time
opportunity” OR full-time OR “Seeking entry level” OR “exciting
opportunities” OR Opportuinity ) position OR positions

Graduate in Computer Science 

Graduate CS student at University
Software Engineer
software developer in the field of Computer Science
Graduate Student at Rochester Institute of Technology 
Computer Science
Graduate Student Software developer/Engineer, available from july 22
in the field of Computer Science
Software Development position
New College Grad
Software Engineer/Web Developer/UI

(inurl:resume | inurl:cv | inurl:profile) (NJ OR "New Jersey" OR NY OR "New

York" OR PA OR Pennsylvania) (DNS AND DHCP AND PKI) "Directory
Services Architect" -apply -careers -example -free -submit -job -jobs

Using Google for general LI profile results: "" javascript "c#" "location * greater new york"
"people you know"
Using Google to xray LI groups: "logo * java developers" "location * greater new york"
"people you know"
Using Google to xray Google+: inurl:about keywords "lived * ny" (masters| social work| fluent Vietnamese| viet) "MSW
"location * Orange County area" "people you know

("Looking for" OR "Seeking a" OR "Entry-level" OR "Entry Level" OR Grad OR

"Computer Science") AND PHP AND MySQL

"candidate's name" -intitle:linkedin "java developer" developer|engineer ~java "in my own words"

sap and ("CRM" or "customer relationship manag*") and (support* or

build*) and (dev* OR manag*)

Enterprise Active Directory | Exchange ARchitect

(mcse OR mcp OR mcitp) AND ("active directory" OR ad) AND exchange AND
architect* AND (migrate OR migration OR migrated) AND (user OR users)

.Net Developer
.Net and (VS or “Visual Studio”) and (VB or “Visual Basic” or and
(ASP or and (C# or ) and “SQL Server”
Android Developer
Android and SDK and Java and SQLite and (SVN or subversion)
Automation Tester
(“qa” or “quality assurance” or “quality analyst” or “automation tester”) and
“sql” and agile and scrum and rest and soap and “java” and (cucumber or
“jet brains” or gherkin or “cmm” or “cmmi” or “cast” or “cste” or “cmst” or
certified or certification)
Business Analyst with Business Objects Experience
(“ba” or “business analyst” or “project manager” or “project analyst”) and
“etl” and “business objects” and informatica and “sql” and (“data warehouse”
or financial or analysis or analytics or mappings or “product roadmap”)
Business Intelligence Analyst
(“Business Intelligence” or “BI”) and SQL and (SSIS or SSRS or SSAS or
“integration services” or “reporting services” or “Analysis Services”) and
(“Business Analysis” or “Business Analyst” or “System Analysis” or “System
Analyst” or “Business System Analyst”)
(cto or “chief technical officer” or “cio” or “chief information officer” or vp or
“vice president” or svp or “senior vice president”)
Database Administrator
(“database administration” or “database administrator” or “DB Admin” or
DBA) and “database design” and (SQL or “SQL Server”) and (SSIS or SSMS
or SSRS or “Management Studio” or “Integration Services” or SSAS or
“Analysis Services” or “Reporting Services”)
Developer Evangelist
enterprise and “java” and “javascript” and html and “php” and “rest” and
(“sso” or video or integration or deploy or implement or prototyp or “project
manager” or “project management”)
Digital Product Specialist
(sales or marketing or advertising or “product development” or “business
development” or “product manager” or “product specialist” or “account
manager” or “account executive”) and excel and (pixel or “api” or digital)
and (tech or analy or “online media” or “ad-tech” or “data industry” or “it” or
“information technology” or “ms office”)
Drupal Expert / Webmaster
(“web developer” or developer or programmer or engineer or “web master”
or webmaster) and drupal and “google analytics” and (“seo” or websites or
microsites or “landing pages” or “cms” or “crm” or “relational database” or
“api” or “ui” or “ux” or “social media” or paradot or requirements)
Email/Messaging System Administrator
(“systems administrator” or “systems administration” or “email systems
administrator”) and (“email delivery systems” or powermta or port25 or
“message systems” or strongmail or qmail or sendmail or ironport or postfix)
and (“mta” or “dns” or “ptr” or “mx records” or “smtp protocols” or “dkim” or
“spf” or “dmarc” or “fbl” or “feedback loop”)
Help Desk Support
(helpdesk or support or technician or “help desk” or “service desk”) and
(OSX or JDE or iSeries or virtual or virtualization or vmware) and (“AD” or
“Active Directory”) and DHCP and DNS and (network or networking) and
(switches or switching or routers or routing) and (firewalls or security)
Information Security Manager
“Information Security” and (“Project Manager” or “Project Management” or
Leadership or Manager or PMP) and (forensic* or Security+ or CISSP or
“security Standards” or “Certified Information Systems Security Professional”
or “Advanced Persistent Threats” or “asset protection”)
Java Developer
Java and SQL and (“object oriented” or object-oriented or “OO” or “OOP” o
“OOAD” or EJB or J2EE or Linux or Hibernate or Jidesoft or MySQL or
Subversion or SVN)
Linux Sys Admin / DBA
(“dba” or “database administrator” or “database administration” or “system
administrator” or “system administration” or “sysadmin”) and linux and
(mysql or “my sql” or “my-sql”) and (“ksh” or bash or perl or python) and
(nosql or “no sql” or “no-sql” or mongo or “disaster recovery” or “meta data
analysis” or “data modeling” or troubleshooting or reporting or backup)
Linux Systems Administrator
(Unix or Linux) and (RedHat or “Red Hat” or Centos or Debian) and (SMTP or
DHCP or DNS or LDAP or NFS or SMTP or HTTP or SNMP) and (“Systems
Administrator” or “System Administrator” or “Systems Administration” or
“System Administration”)
Microstrategy Consultant
(MicroStrategy or “Business Objects” or OBIEE or Cognos) and (Informatica
or “Ab Initio” or SSIS or Websphere or “SQL Server Integration Services”)
and (RDBMS or Oracle or “SQL Server” or Teradata or Netezza or DB2) and
SQL and (BI or “business intelligence” or “data warehousing” or DW)
Mobile Applications Architect
(ios or iphone or ipad or android) and (SDK or SDKs) and (Java or objective-
c or “objective c” or C++) and (optimization or “web services” or UX or user-
experience or “user experience” or “Mobile Applications” or “Mobile
Network Administrator
Server* and (AD or “Active Directory”) and Exchange and DNS and (Linux or
Unix or CentOS or RedHat) and (Lan or WAN) and (VOIP or SIP) and (“power
shell” or scripts or scripting) and (routers or routing or switches or switching
or bridges or “Network Administrator”)
Network Engineer (1 ID)
cisco rout* switch* CC*
Cisco Network Engineer Load (CCIE OR CCNP)
OBIEE Architect
(OBIEE or “Oracle Business Intelligence”) and (“DW” or “data warehouse” or
“datat warehousing”) and (IBOTS or DAC or RPD or SME or OOTM or BIAPS
or OBI or ETL or informatica)
PHP Developer
PHP and SQL and (PostgreSQL or “Pervasive SQL” or Intranet or Linux or
Apache or Javascript or HTML or CSS)
Project Manager
(“project manager” or “project management” or PMP)
Python Developer
(programmer or developer or engineer) and python and (mysql or “my sql”
or “my-sql”or postgresql) and (django or flask or pyramid or bottle) and
(virtualenv or chef or puppet or sentry or raven or “project management” or
“project manager” or implement or deploy or design)
Quality Assurance Analyst
(“Quality Assurance” or QA or SQA) and test* and software and (“test cases”
or Automated or scripting) and agile and (ruby or java or javascript or sql or
plsql or pl-sql or pl/sql or selenium)
Senior Level
(sr or snr or senior or lead or leader or mgr or manager or management or
mgmt or manage or dir or director or supervisor or supervise or principal or
master or head or ninja or expert or specialist or chief or cto or officer or
analyst or consultant)
Senior Manager, IT Programs
(“program manager” or “project manager” or “it manager” or “information
technology manager”) and (“ms certified” or “ms certification” or “microsoft
certified” or “microsoft certification”) and “ms project” and “c#” and “sql
server” and “” and “java” and (“mvc” or “big data” or scope or
deliverables or timelines or budget or “use case” or design or deploy or
supervise or manage)
Senior PHP Developer
(programmer or developer or engineer) AND “php” AND “sql” AND lamp AND
linux AND apache AND “javascript” AND (jquery OR memcache OR “apc
cache” OR nosql OR “no sql” OR “no-sql” OR analytical OR analysis)
Senior Software Architect
“c#” and “” and “sql server” and (java or j2ee or “jsp” or servlet or
“ejb” or “jms”) and html and xml and “css” and oracle and (unix or linux)
and (“app development” or “arch” or design or develop or hadoop or python
or rails or “php” or websphere or tomcat or “big data” or spring or hibernate
or eclipse or log4j or “ant” or maven or “ooad” or “uml” or mvc or “jsf” or
velocity or struts)
SharePoint Developer
(“SharePoint Designer” or “SharePoint Developer”) and (html or css or xsl or
xslt or javascript or jquery or ajax) and .net and ( or C# or
and (Silverlight or “SQL Server” or SSRS or SSAS or “reporting services” or
“analysis services”)
SQL Data Analyst
(“dba” or “data analyst” or “database administrator”) and “sql server” and
(“transact-sql” or “t-sql” or “tsql”) and (“stored procedures” or “ssis” or
“ssas” or “ssrs” or analy or “data conversion” or query or queries or “data
mining” or excel or pivot or vlookup or “v-lookup” or chart or graph or “ms
office” or audit)
SQL Data & Quality Assurance Analyst
(“dba” or “data analyst” or “database administrator” or “qa” or “quality
assurance” or “quality analyst”) and “sql server” and (“transact-sql” or “t-
sql” or “tsql”) and (“stored procedures” or “ssis” or “ssas” or “ssrs” or test or
analy or “data conversion” or queries or query or “data mining” or excel or
pivot or vlookup or “v-lookup” or chart or graph or “ms office” or audit)
Sr. Data Warehouse Architect & Developer
(architect or develop* or program* or engineer) and “sql server” and “data
warehousing” and perl and (microstrategy or profiler or “data hygiene” or
“etl” or computations or aggregations or analy* or quer* or index or design
or deploy or test)
Sr. Linux Administrator
(“dba” or “database administrator” or “linux administrator”) and linux and
apache and (redhat or fedora or centos) and vmware and (tomcat or mysql
or “my sql” or “my-sql” or postgre or zimbra or “ssh” or “nfs” or “bind” or
djbdns or qmail or openldap or openssl or “lvs” or perl or python or ruby or
bash or firewall)
Sr. Programmer – C++, Linux
(programmer or engineer or developer) and (linux or unix) and (redhat or
centos or fedora) and (“c” or “c++”) and sql and (perl or “php” or shell) and
(postgre or analy or test or design or deploy or execute)
Systems Engineer
Windows and Exchange and Cisco and switch* and rout* and IIS and (Voip
OR “Systems Engineer”) and TCP/IP and “Active Directory” and DNS
Technical Account Manager
(“account manager” or “project manager” or “program manager”) and
software and develop* and “sql server” and “data warehousing” and
technical and marketing
Telecommunications Specialist
(Telecommunications or Telecom) and (network or networking) and IP and
telephony and PBX and (voicemail or voice-mail or “voice mail”) and Cisco
and Avaya
User Experience Designer
(“User Experience” or User-Experience or UX or “Human-Computer
Interaction” or “Human Computer Interaction” or HCI) and CSS and HTML
and JavaScript and (jQuery or user-centered or “graphic design” or “visual
Web Designer
html and javascript and css and (photoshop or illustrator or adobe) and
(flash or actionscript or macromedia) and (“Java Server Pages” or JSP or
Java or “Active Server Pages” or ASP or “Google Web Toolkit” or XML or
Oracle or IIS) and SQL
Web Developer
(html or html5) and (css3 or css) and javascript and (“Web Developer” or
“Web Design” or xml or jquery or ajax)

.NET - Developer
* ".net" and (program* or develop*)

Application Development 
* application and (develop* or program*)
* "asp" and "c#" and ".net" and (portal or web) and (develop* or program*)
* application and (develop* or program*) and ("sql" or "system query
language") and unix
* "j2ee" and (develop* or program*)
* java and "HTML" and (develop* or program*)
* java and (develop* or program*)
* java and "c++" and ("pl/sql" or "pl-sql" or "plsql" or "pl sql") and
(develop* or program*)
* "SQL" and ("pl/sql" or "pl-sql" or "plsql" or "pl sql") and "Power Builder"
and Java and "XML" and ("Visual Basic" or "VB")
* ".net" and (develop* or program*)
* ("SQL" or "system query language") and (Supervis* or lead or manag*)
* ("ETL" or "Extra Transform Load") and Perl and Unix and Oracle and
("PLSQL" or "pl/sql" or "pl sql" or "pl-sql") and AutoSys
* java and unix
* ("SQL" or "system query language") and ("PLSQL" or "pl/sql" or "pl sql" or
"pl-sql") and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office" or excel or access)
* java or j2ee and (develop* or program*)
* application and oracle and (develop* or program*)
* (develop* or support*) and information and ("" or "VB.NET") and
(supervis* or lead* or manag*)
* (Maximo or "MRO" or "MXES" or "maximo enterprise suite training")
* (JAVA or "J2EE") and ("SQL" or "system query language") and Application
and (program* or Develop*) and (Lead* or led* or supervis* or manag*)
* develop* and integrat* and "project manag*" and (java or j2ee) and
"SQL" and ("life cycle" or "SDLC" or (develop* and design* and implement*
and test* and analy*))
* (“Team Lead” or “application development lead” or “application manager”)
and (Java or "J2EE")

Various IT strings
* "project manag*" and config* and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office" or
Excel or "MS Excel")
* (site OR "site project" OR "site/project" OR construction OR building OR
package OR Build) AND (manager OR agent OR mgr OR coordinator OR "co
ordinator" OR "co-ordinator" OR manger)
* ("IT" or "Information Technology") and "outsourc* manag*"
* ("MS office" or "Microsoft office" or word or excel or access or "power
point" or "powerpoint") and metric
* ("business object" or "BO") and (develop* or program*)
* peoplesoft and upgrad*
* Architect* and "Component Design*" and (Program* or Develop*) and
Implement* and web* and Learn*
* ("Microsoft Visio" or "MS Visio" or visio)
* "release manag*"
* "Service Manag*" and ("Service Part" or "Inventory Manag*" or "Returns
Proces*" or "Dealer Network Manag*")
* ("IT" or "Information Technology") and operat* and (Windows or Unix)
* configur* and (application or "convert* data")
* unix and admin* and (HP or AIX)
* cognos and "essbase"
* "software licens*" and procur* and manag*
* test* and design* and analys* and ("PC" or "LAN" or "unix")
* (security or authenticat* or authoriz*) and ("LDAP" or "Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol")
* ("OPF" or "Official Personnel Folder" or "eOPF" or "Electronic Official
Personnel Folder" or "EFFS" or "Employee File Folder Systems") and "data
entry" and scan* and record* and document* and (federal or govern*)
* architect* and design* and program* and implement* and develop* and
* database and architect* and "data model"
* implement* and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office") and "mercury ITG"
* utiliz* and ("data manag*") and tech* and ("Congnos" or "Informatica" or
"Brio" or "Microstrategy Business Objects" or "MBO" or "AB Initio" or "MS
SQL" or "2000 DTS" or "ETI" or "Hyperion Essbase")
* (java or "c" or "c++" or "oops" or "object oriented program skills")
* "requirement analys*" and application and test*
* (firewall or "anti-virus") and security and switch* and ("lan" or "local area
network" or "wan" or "wide area network")
* Infrastruct* and Outsourc* and "Tech* Support" and "Desktop Manag*"
and "Asset Manag*"
* sap and ("CRM" or "customer relationship manag*") and (support* or
build*) and (sales or service or market*)

* (Winrunner or "QTP" or "quick test pro" or "Test director" or Loadrunner)
* ("software test*" or "application Test*" or "Quality Assurance" or "QA")
* "lean manufacturing" and "six sigma"
* ("Quality Assurance" or "QA") and Test* and ("performance test*" or
"application test*" or "product test*" or "regression test*" or "system test*")
and ("automat* test*" or winrunner or "QTP" or "Quick Test Pro" or mercury
or "Test Director" or Rational)
* test* and manag*

(admin or administrator or administration)

(app or apps or application)
(“ba” or “business analyst” or “business analysis”)
Worked ---> (requirement* AND business)
(“bi” or “business intelligence”)
(“business analyst” or “business analysis” or “bus analyst” or ba or ccba or
cbap or bi or “business intelligence” or bo or “business objects” or bsa or
“business systems analyst”)
(“developer” or engineer or engineering or architect or architecture or
“programmer” or “programming”)
(ecommerce or “e commerce” or “online retail” or sem or “search engine
(LAMP OR linux) AND PHP AND apache AND mysql AND (perl OR python)
(linux or unxi or centos or redhat or ubuntu)
(mobile or android or droid or iphone or ios or blackberry)
(network or system or os or nos or “operating systems”)
(network or networking or system or systems or “operating systems” or
“information systems”)
(“oo” or “object oriented” or object-oriented or “OOP”)
(test or qa or qc or quality or troubleshooting or debug or tuning or solving
or solutions)
(“project manager” or “project management” or PMP)
(“ui” or user-interface or “user interface”)
(“ux” or user-experience or “user experience”)
(warehouse or warehousing or san or nas or storage)
(web or internet or portal or portlet or microsite or website or “web site” or

Cisco Certified Network Engineer with exp building MPLS in a telco:

(network OR networks OR infrastructure OR data OR infrastructures OR cisco
OR ethernet OR wan OR wlan OR lan OR can OR "ipv6" OR ethernet OR vpls
OR mpls OR carrier OR "r&s" OR routing OR switching OR solution OR
solutions OR ccie)
(architect OR designer OR design OR architecture OR "designing" OR
architecting OR engineer OR engineering OR engineered OR creator OR build
OR builder OR creation OR creating OR ccie OR consultant OR expert OR
ninja OR guru OR specialist OR contractor OR master OR sme)
(ccie OR "cisco certified internetwork expert")
(design OR designing OR designs OR designed OR created OR creates OR
designer OR designers OR designing OR building OR build OR builder OR
built OR implementing OR implemented OR deploy OR deployed OR
implement OR implements)
(mpls OR "Multiprotocol Label" OR "frame relay" OR packet OR packets OR
(telecoms OR telecom OR telco OR telecommunications OR mobile OR
telecommunication OR "fixed line" OR broadband OR wireless OR vodafone
OR bt OR "02" OR eircom OR magnet OR "convergant data" OR "triple play"
OR "quad play" OR meteor OR upc OR ntl OR "virgin media" OR digicel OR
orange OR tmobile OR "t mobile" OR telefonica OR sky OR ericsson OR
"everything everywhere" OR emobile)

LinkedIn (but usable in most ATS and Job Board Resume searches) for a
Cisco Certified Network Engineer with exp building MPLS in a telco:
(network OR networks OR infrastructure OR data OR infrastructures OR cisco
OR ethernet OR wan OR wlan OR lan OR can OR "ipv6" OR ethernet OR vpls
OR mpls OR carrier OR "r&s" OR routing OR switching OR solution OR
solutions OR ccie)
(architect OR designer OR design OR architecture OR "designing" OR
architecting OR engineer OR engineering OR engineered OR creator OR build
OR builder OR creation OR creating OR ccie OR consultant OR expert OR
ninja OR guru OR specialist OR contractor OR master OR sme)
(ccie OR "cisco certified internetwork expert")
(design OR designing OR designs OR designed OR created OR creates OR
designer OR designers OR designing OR building OR build OR builder OR
built OR implementing OR implemented OR deploy OR deployed OR
implement OR implements)
(mpls OR "Multiprotocol Label" OR "frame relay" OR packet OR packets OR
(telecoms OR telecom OR telco OR telecommunications OR mobile OR
telecommunication OR "fixed line" OR broadband OR wireless OR vodafone
OR bt OR "02" OR eircom OR magnet OR "convergant data" OR "triple play"
OR "quad play" OR meteor OR upc OR ntl OR "virgin media" OR digicel OR
orange OR tmobile OR "t mobile" OR telefonica OR sky OR ericsson OR
"everything everywhere" OR emobile) (inurl:in OR inurl:pub) ("Mobile Advertising" | NFC |

"mobile technologies" | "Mobile commerce" | mportal | "Mobile Product" |
"Mobile device") -intitle:directory -inurl:dir -inurl:jobs india “Location * San
Francisco bay area”
"SEO" AND "SEM" AND "landing pages" AND "customer acquisition" AND "
analysis" "strategy" AND/OR "buying process" AND/OR " product positioning"
AND/OR " profitability" "strategy" 
Cost Estimating, w/Electrical Engineer background (estimator OR "cost estimating") AND "electrical
engineer" AND (P6 OR accubid) (inurl:com/pub OR inurl:com/in)
(intitle:portfolio OR intitle:resume OR intitle:CV OR intitle:vitae OR
filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:docx) <city> *HTML* "CSS"
javascript design* -job -apply -submit

ERP: Peoplesoft 
* (Peoplesoft or “People soft”)
* (Peoplesoft or “People soft”) and (developer or “technical consultant”)
* (Peoplesoft or “People soft”) and “functional Consultant”
* (Peoplesoft or “People soft”) and (HR OR HCM OR HRIS OR HRMS) and
* (“Peoplesoft HCM Developer” or “Peoplesoft HCM Technical Consultant”)
* (Peoplesoft or “People soft”) and (“Financials” or “AR” OR AP OR GL OR FA
OR “Accounts Receivable” Or “Accounts Payable” OR “General Ledger” or
“Fixed Assets”)
* Peoplesoft and HCM and “Commitment Accounting”
* “Peoplesoft Financials” and “Functional Consultant”
* “Peoplesoft” and administrat*
* “Peoplesoft” and (administrator or administration) and (“Installation” or
* “Peoplesoft DBA”
* “Peoplesoft” and (“SCM” or “Supply Chain Management”) and (Consultant
or Manage* or Lead*)
* “Peoplesoft” and Security and (Consultant or Specialist or Manager or
* “Peoplesoft Security Consultant”
* “Peoplesoft Security Specialist”
* “Peoplesoft Testing”
* Peoplesoft and (“Testing” or “tester”)
* (Peoplesoft or “People soft”) and (HR OR HCM OR HRIS OR HRMS or SCM
or “Supply Chain Management” or Financial or Security) and (“technical” or
“functional” or “developer” or “consultant” or lead or manager or
administrator or tester)
* Peoplesoft and (financ* or "GL" or "General Ledger" or "p/l" or
"profit&loss"or "A/P" or "Accounts Payable" or "A/R" or "Accounts
Receivable") and implement*
* Oracle and ("Server 9i" or "Oracle Application Server 9i")
* "Oracle Financials" and "Oracle Reports" and "Oracle Forms"
* Oracle and ("DBA" or "Database Administr*") and (Tune* or Cluster* or
"RAC" or Clone* or "Data Guard*")

* (JDE or “JD Edwards” or “JDedwards”) and (“Programmer” or “developer”
or “Technical Consultant”)
* (JDE or “JD Edwards” or “JDedwards”) and (“administration” or
* (JDE or “JD Edwards” or “JDedwards”) and “functional Consultant”
* (JDE or “JD Edwards” or “JDedwards”) and (“Business Analyst” or “BA”)

SAP - Various Modules:

* SAP and (“FICO” or “FI/CO” or “FI CO”) and (Consultant or Manager or
* SAP and ABAP and (“Developer” or “Lead” or “Technical Consultant”)
* SAP and (SD or “Sales & Distribution”) and (Consultant or Manage*)
* SAP and (MM or “Material Management”) and (Consultant or Manage*)
* SAP and Basis and (administration or administrator)
* “SAP Basis Administrator”
* Sap and Basis and Security and (administration or administrator)
* Sap and Netweaver and administrat* "age * 25..40" (Ruby OR "ROR" OR Rails)

"location * Indiana" "age * 25..40" (Ruby OR "ROR" OR Rails)

"location * New Jersey" "age * 25..40" (Ruby OR "ROR" OR Rails)

"location * NJ"
site: "Profile updated" PHP (NJ OR "New
Jersey") (PHP) "location * New Jersey" (LAMP) "location * New Jersey"

Non-Technical Search

Contract Manager 
* "contract manag*" and negotiat* and draft* and (pre or post) and sales
* contract* and manag* and draft* and (pre or post) and sales
* contract* and manag* and negotiat* and draft*
* Google Specific - contract management negotiation draft (pre OR post)
sales ~cv (filetype:doc OR filetype:pdf OR filetype:html) -jobs -reply -submit
-send -your -eoe

* (tpm OR “total productive maintenance”)

* (tpm OR “total productive maintenance” OR “continuous improvement”)
Business Analysts
* "Business Analysts" and ("Requirement gather*" or "clear case" or "clear
quest" or "performance tuning" or "business re-engineering")


* ("Business Intelligence" or "BI") and (develop* or program*)

* ("Business objects" or "BO" or "BOJ" or Universe*)
* informatica and (develop* or program*)
* ("ETL" or "extract transform load") and (develop* or program*)
* "crystal reports" and (develop* or program*)
* cognos and (develop* or program*)

Supply Chain
* ("supply chain" or "SCM" or "supply chain management")
* (logistics or procur* or purhas* or buy* or sourc* or "startegic sourcing")

* ("Human Resource" or "HR")
* ("HRMS" or "human resource management system")
* ("HRIS" or "Human resource information system")
* ("Time & Benifits" or Compensation)
* ("workers compensation" or "welfare manag*")
* ("HRA" or "human resource administration")
* (Payroll or "PY")
* ("Personnel Administration" or "PA")
* ("Personnel Development" or "PD")
* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and "customer service"
* (compensation or salary) and survey and plan*
* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and payroll and "customer service" and
(supervis* or manag* or lead)
* Quality and Monitor* and ("HR" or "Human Resource") and (track* or
"data entry" or resolv* or execut*)
* ("HR Generalist" or "Human Resource Generalist") and ("employee
relation" or performance or compensation)
* ("Stock Option" or "ESSP" or share) and Compensat*
* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and payroll and proces* and (federal or
* payroll and proces* and (federal or government)
* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and (federal or government or "OPM" or
"HHS" or "DoD" or "HUD" or "FAA" or "FCC" or "Department of Commerce"
or "DoT" or "Department of Treasury" or "CIA" or "DIA" or "NSA") and
(Manager or "HR Specialist" or "Human Capital manag*")
* (GS-15 or GS 15 or "SES" or "Senior Executive Service") and ("HR" or
"Human Resource") and (federal or government) and (supervis* or manag*
or lead*)
* ("HR" or "Human Resource") and proces* and ("HR supervisor" or "HR
manager" or "HR director")
* ("HR Generalist" or "Human Resource Generalist") and ("employee
relation" or performance or compensation)
* compensat* and analys* and survey and plan*
* recruit* and sourc* and screen*
* payroll and (proces* or admin*) and (suprevis* or lead* or led* or
* (recruiter or "corporate recruiter" or "technical recruiter" or "staffing
manager*" or "Hiring manager*" or "sourcing manager*" or "recruiting
director*") and recruit*
* (federal or government or military or navy or "air force" or "armed force")
and Payroll and ("FPPS" or "Federal Payroll Processing System" or "EPIC" or
"EPIC HCUP" or "WebTA" or "OPF" or "Official Personnel Folder" or "Human
Capital Management System")
Change Management 
* change and manag* and consult*
* "change management" and chang* and consult*
* "change manager" and chang* and consult*
* "change management" and consult*
* ("change management" or "change manager") and ("human performance"
or "performance management")
* "Change management" and "train*"
* "Change management"
* "Change Manag*"
* ("Change Management" or "Human performance") and (health* or
pharma* or "health and life science") and consult* and ("organization
design*" or "organization strategy*") - For health industry
* ("change management") and (ERP or sap or oracle or peoplesoft)
* "Change Management" AND (SAP OR Peoplesoft OR "Oracle financ*") AND
("Organization* Design" OR Train*)
* (“change manag*” OR “change consult*”) AND (consult*OR lead OR
principal OR associate)

Talent Management
* Talent and manag*
* "Talent management"
* ("instructional design*" or "knowledge management" or "content
management" or "portals" or "collaboration" or "LMS" or "Learning
Management system" or "learning transformation")
* Talent and manag* and ("instructional design*" or "knowledge
management" or "content management" or "portals" or "collaboration" or
"LMS" or "Learning Management system" or "learning transformation")
* (learning OR “knowledge manag*” OR training OR “instructional design*”
OR “human performance”) AND (consult* OR analyst OR associate OR coach
OR designer) and LMS
* HR and design* and ("shared service" or payroll or benefits or
"performance management" or EDM or "Employee data management" or
* (learn* or train*) and (develop* or program*)
* "Instructional design*"and (develop* or program*)
* train* and "instructional design*" and ("adult education" or "business
writ*" or "learning management system" or "LMS")
Organizational Development
* Organi* and effect* and consult* and ("leadership alignment" OR
"leadership development" OR "culture" OR "strategy" OR "journey
Management" OR "Human capital")
* "organi* effect*" and consult* and ("leadership alignment" OR "leadership
development" OR "culture" OR "strategy" OR "journey Management" OR
"Human capital")

Contact Center
* design* and deliver* and ("CTI" or "Computer telephony integration") and
("IPCC" or "Internet Protocol Contact Center")
* Telephony IP and "TCP/IP" and "QoS" and "OSPF" and "EIGRP" and "VOIP"
and "MS Server"
* telecom* and ("IPT" or "Cisco Call Manager" or "VoIP")
* ("call center" and "customer service")
* infrastruct* and "voice network*" and (telecom* or telephon*)

Customer Service
* bill* and telecom* and "customer service"
* meet* and schedul* and facilitat* and "customer service" and
* "customer service" and "data entry" and ("HR" or "Human Resource") and
(federal or government)
* ("customer service" or "call center" or "contact center") and ("HR" or
"Human Resource" or benefits or insurance) and Bilingual

Executive Assistant
* ("executive support*" or "admin* assist*" or "executive assistant") and
("MS Office" or "Microsoft office")
* ("executive support" or "executive assistant" ot "administrative assistant")
and service and ("MS office" or "Microsoft office")
* ("Administrative assistant" or "executive assistant" or "EA") and servic*
and ("MS Office" or "Microsoft office")
* admin* and ("LOA" or "leave of Absence" or "FMLA" or "Family and Medical
Leave Act" or disab* or "worker compensat*" or "military leave" or "adoption
leave" or "Short-term disability" or "Long-term disability*" or "Americans
with Disability Act" or "ADA")
* transact* and (contract* or allianc*) and ("JD" or "juris doctor")

Health Care
* (consult* or health or "care manag*")
* (Use or Usage or Support*) and (Clinic* or "packaged application" or
"packaged hospital application")
* pharma* and application and (develop* or program*)
* RxClaim pharmacy PBM (Integration OR Implementation OR sdlc)("Claims
OR Benefits OR Eligibility OR “Medicare Part-D”)
* "RxClaim*" and "PBM"
* "RxClaim*" and implement*
* "CVS Caremark" and ("RxClaim" or "Rx Claim" or "Rx-Claim")
* ICD-10 implementation ("health plan" OR payor)(Claims OR "Customer
Service" OR "Network Management" OR "System Configuration")(Medicare
OR Medicaid OR "Medicare Advantage claims") coding
* ("ICD10" or "ICD-10") and health plan Operations (Claims OR "Customer
Service" OR "Network Management" OR "System Configuration")(Medicare
OR Medicaid OR "Medicare Advantage claims" OR "edit regulations")(provider
contracting OR reimbursement OR "funding methodologies")
* ("ICD10" or "ICD-10") and ("Health plan" or "payor") and (Integrat* or
implement*) and (Claim* or benifit* or eligibility) and (Medicare OR
Medicaid OR "Medicare Advantage claims" OR "edit regulations")
* "ICD 10" or "ICD-10" health plan Operations (Claims OR "Customer
Service" OR "Network Management" OR "System Configuration")(Medicare
OR Medicaid OR "Medicare Advantage claims" OR "edit regulations")(provider
contracting OR reimbursement OR "funding methodologies") coding
* (Implement* or integrat*) and ""Clinical Systems"" and ("Provider" or
"Claim*") and ("Quovadx" or "QDX Integrator" or "fka" or "Cloverleaf" or
"Rhapsody" or "Ensemble" or "EMPI" or "Medicity" or "Intersystems" or
"Axototl" or "HL7" or "HIE")
* HIE or "Health Information Exchange" and Clinic System and payer or
claims and Cloverleaf or Rhapsody or Ensemble or EMPI
* "HIE" and ("Cloverleaf" or "Rhapsody" or "Ensemble" or "eGate")
* HIE or Health Information Exchange and Implement* and ""Clinical
Systems"" and (Provider or Claims and Quovadx or QDX Integrator (fka
Cloverleaf) or RhapsodyEnsemble or EMPI or Medicity or Intersystems or
Axototl or HL7)
* "HIE" and ("Cloverleaf" or "Rhapsody" or "Ensemble" or "eGate")
* ("HIE" or "Health Information Exchange") and ("Cloverleaf" or "Rhapsody"
or "Ensemble" or "EMPI")
* Lawson Develop* and MF COBOL and Crystal Report* and Unix
* Lawson and develop* or implement* and COBOL and Unix and health
* "Lawson" and "MF COBOL"
* "Lawson" and "Main Focus COBOL"
* Lawson and MF COBOL
* ("Health plan consult*" or "Healthcare consult*" or "health care consult*")
and consult* and system
* ("Health plan" or "Healthcare" or "health care") and consult* and system
* Testing AND quality AND Assurance AND Allscripts AND Health
* CIS OR Clinical information system AND Testing AND quality AND
Assurance AND Health AND Test Lead
* ("Allscripts" or "Eclipsis") CIS OR Clinical information system AND Testing
AND quality AND Assurance AND Health
* "Strategy" AND "Business Transformation" AND ("Health*" or "Pharma*"
or "Biotech*")
* MLMs and Health and SCM and implementation
* Sunrise and MLM and Custom and Develop*
* "Soarian" AND "Consult*" AND Lead
* Soarian
* "Soarian Financ*" AND Implement*
* Health Plan Consultant
* "Health Plan Consultant"
* "Health Plan" AND "Consult*"
* Health care AND Consult* AND "Health Plan"
* "Public Health"
* Healthcare and Integration
* ("PM" OR "Project Manage*" OR "Program Manage*") AND ("CIS" or
"Clinical Information System") AND "Health*" AND ("EPIC" OR "McKesson")
* "Health*" AND ("EMR" OR Electronic Medical Record) AND Program
Manage* OR Project Manage* OR Director AND "EPIC" OR "McKesson"
* "Health Plan" AND "Consult*" AND "SDLC"
* "Health" AND "EMR" AND Executive OR President AND Budget
* "Soarian" and ("Revenue cycle" OR "Financ*" OR "Schedul*")
* "Soarian Financ*" and ("EPIC" OR "McKesson") and ("Revenue cycle" OR
Financ* OR Schedul*)
* "Soarian Financ*" and revenue* and implement*
* Medicaid MMIS
* Business Analyst AND ("Medicaid" OR "MMIS")
* Medicaid,MMIS,Business Analyst
* (Medicaid or "Medicaid Management Information System" or MMIS or
"Medicaid Managed Care")
* Health and state and agency and consult
* Health AND Agency AND COnsult* AND Public Health
* Consult* AND ("Product Development" OR Membership OR Claims OR
"Customer Service" OR "Network Management" OR "Medical Management")
* ("health plan" or healthplan) AND Consult* AND Claim
* (PBM or "pharmacy benefit manag*" or "pharmacy benefits manag*") AND
* Medicaid Business Anlayst
* Healthcare AND "BUsiness Analyst" AND (Medicaid or Medicare)
* business analyst Medicaid Medicare or private health insurance payer
Medical Claim Payer
* (Cagen or "CA Gen" or "CA:GEN") AND Health AND (Payment or Claim)
* Allfusion,healthcare,billing
* CA Gen,medical,payment

Supply chain/ Procurement

* procur* and (hardware or software) and servic*
* (Buy* or sourc* or negotiat*)
* buy* and (vendor or suppl*) and manag*
* "supply chain" and service and manag*


(SFDC OR salesforce OR AND admin*
(SFDC OR salesforce OR AND ADM*
(SFDC OR salesforce OR AND (“ADM 201” OR “ADM 301” OR
“ADM 401”)
(SFDC OR salesforce OR AND (201 OR 301 OR 401)

Water Purification boolean

(water OR freshwater OR wastewater OR groundwater) AND (uv OR "u.v."
OR ultraviolet OR "ultra violet" OR "ultra-violet" OR photodecomposition OR
photodecomposing OR treatmeant OR disinfection OR disinfecting OR
purification OR purifying OR deionization OR deionizing OR ultrafiltration OR
ultrafiltering OR filtration OR filtering OR softening OR decontamination OR
decontaminating OR remediation OR electrodeionization OR electrodionizing
OR ect OR "e.c.t." OR "infection control" OR reclamation OR reclaiming OR

Capital Markets/Financial Services

* "Financial Services" and financ* and "process improvement" and "capital
markets" and consult*
General Keywords
Scripting languages:
* PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, Python, Tcl, Shell script, ASP
System Programming Languages:
* PL/1, Pascal, C, C++, and Java, sql, ruby
* Oracle, SQL, Sybase, posgres, MS Access, DB2, MySQL, SQL server, Ariba,
Web Applications:
* Java, J2ee, .net, c#, OOPS
* J2ee Technologies: Hibernate, Struts, Spring, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, JSF,
EJB, Ibatis, Junit
* Manual Testing:- test cases, test plans, test Development, Analyse
Results, Test Execution
* Automated Testing: QTP, TestPartner and QARun, Robot and Odin AXE,
WinRunner LoadRunner Test Director, performance test
* data center, ITIL, SLA, SOA, Active directory, Disaster revovery, business
* Firewalls, Cisco, Routers, LAN, WAN, Antivirus, TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS.
System admin/Help desk:
* Configure, Install, troubleshoot, support, maintain, monitoring, analyzing,
administering, migrate
maiframes, Legacy
Operating systems:
* Windows, unix, linux, solaris
* DELL server and HP laptops, desktops, SAN hardware, IDE hard drive
Devices, CISCO catalyst switch, routers, firewalls, NORTEL Bay stack
switches, Printer, Plotter, Scanner
* Peoplesoft, sap, oracle, jd edwards
SAP technical modules:
* ABAP, Netweaver, R/3, Basis, Portal
SAP Functional modules:
* HR, FICO, supplychain, SD, MM, WM, Logistics
* HRMS, HRIS, Time & Benifits, Compensation, HRA, Payroll, Personnel
Administration (PA), Payroll (PY), Personnel Development (PD),
Organizational Management (OM), Time Management (TM), Compensation
Management and Benefits (BN) modules, Talent Strategy, Talent Sourcing,
Taleo, Recruitment process design, Recognition program design, HR
Transformation, HR Consultant, HR Strategy, HR Outsourcing.

Human Capital & Organizational Effectiveness

* Workforce development, Workforce planning, Workforce scheduling,
Workforce Management, Contact center workforce, Finance workforce
transmission, IT workforce transmission, IT organizational structures,
Operational workforce optimization, Field service talent management, Sales
talent management, Supply chain talent management, Culture
Transformation, Leadership development, Operating model architecture and
design, Org design and architecture, Oragnizational effectiveness,
Organization strategy, Organization Governance, Organization Development.

Learning & Collaboration

* Learning Diagnostics, Learning Management SYstems (LMS), Learning
solution planning, Learning Strategy

Change Management
* Change Strategy, Change Management, Change capability development,
Change measurement, Change strategy and solutions, Change tracking,
Business readiness, Communications planning, Journey Management,
Learning content development & Delivery skills, Organization change
enablement, Siebel/PS/SAP CM

* GL, P&L, Balance Sheet, A/R, A/P, (BRS) Bank Reconciliation Statement,
Journal entries, GAAP, O2C, P2P, R2R, Bills of Material (BOM), Bills of Lading
(BOL), Order Management, FI-GL, FI-AR, FI-AP, FI-AA, FI-BL, CO-OM-CEL,

Financial Services - Capital Markets:

* Derivatives, Fixed Income, Equities, Commodities, or Currencies
* Trading Systems and Front Office trading functions (including retail
* Operations (Reference Data, Securities Processing, Client On-boarding and
KYC, Custody, Portfolio Management)
* Risk & Regulatory (including market and credit risk)
* Finance & Accounting (related to securities processing, investment banking
or asset management)
* Exchanges & Market Infrastructure

Supply chain:
* Logistics, Procurement, e-procurement, i-procurement, Purchasing,
Buying, Ariba

Business Analysts:
* Requirement gather, clear case, clear quest, performance tuning; business

* Business Intelligence, Business objects, informatica, ETL, crystal reports,
cognos, Ab Initio

CRM tools:
* Siebel, SaaS,, BMC, BMC Remedy, BMC Patrol, BMC
Atrium, BMC Opalis, BMC BEM, BMC Blade Logic

Storage Devices
* SAN, NAS, Veritas, Netapps, Tivoli, EMC, Clarion 


(B.S. OR B.A. OR BS OR BA) AND intern* NOT 198* NOT 199*

(May 201* OR Aug* 201* OR Dec* 201* OR Jan* 201*) AND (B.S. OR
Bachelor OR B.A)

Intern* AND (B.S. OR Bachelor OR B.A)

(B.S. OR B.A. OR BS OR BA) NEAR (Communications OR Business OR

“Business Administration”)
bachelor* AND claim* AND vendor* AND intern*

(intern* OR Associat*) AND Vendor* OR Order* OR Suppl*

(Claim* OR Warrant*)

inurl:edu (intitle:resume | inurl:resume| intitle:cv | inurl:cv |

intitle:”curriculum vitae” | inurl:”curriculum vitae”) -submit -apply -free
-sample -samples -job –jobs)(2012 OR 2013) AND (MS OR OR Masters OR
Phd OR p.h.d OR Doctorate) AND...then add specific skill set.

don't use "inurl:edu"..

try to use cv|"curriculum vitae"|resume OR you may try to use it in url., you
may specify the location you target to see CVs from, also in url.
try not to use intitle..

How to go about getting into a search

Here are some synonyms or alternative names for how resumes or candidate
profiles can be found.
About Me
Curriculum Vitae
You can further refine your search of that elusive resume or candidate profile
by adding qualifiers that are generally found within the body of these pages.
Summary of Qualifications
Work Experience
Work History
Eliminate all those JOBS with some choice words or phrases.
email resume
email to
looking for
to resume


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