Grade 5 - SST - Chapter - 6 - Notes - Greenland

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Session: (2020-21)


Class: V Chapter: 6
Subject: Social Studies Greenland

Instructions: Write the notes in your class work note book (200pages single line note book)

I. Define:
1. Igloo- The natives of Greenland known as Eskimos or Inuit live in temporary houses
made of blocks of ice. These ice houses are called Igloos.
2. Kayaks- Kayaks are boats used for fishing in the sea.
3. Tundra region- The region which lies in the Frigid Zone close to the Arctic Circle is
called Tundra region.

II. Answer the following:

1. What type of climate does Greenland have?

Answer: Greenland lies in the Frigid Zone in the Northern Hemisphere, thus the region
has a very cold climate.
2. Describe the wildlife of Greenland.
Answer: Animals that can withstand the extreme cold are found in Greenland like Polar
Bear, Reindeer, Musk ox, Arctic fox and Seal. Several varieties of fishes and sea birds
are also found here.
3. What is the main occupation of the Inuit?
Answer: The original inhabitants of Greenland were Eskimos or Inuit.
They were mainly hunters, and lived by fishing and hunting animals found in the region.
4. What kind of clothes do most people in Greenland wear?
• Most people in Greenland wear clothes made up of the skin and fur of animals
in order to keep themselves warm.
• They wear jackets with thick, fur lined hoods.
• Their legs are covered with long boots made up of seal skin.
5. Name the first European who visited Greenland?
Answer: The first European who visited Greenland was an explorer named Eric, the Red.
He gave the Island its name.
6. What is the present capital of Greenland and by what name was it known earlier?
Answer: Nuuk is the present capital of Greenland. It was earlier known as Godthab.
7. How have modern facilities changed the lives of the Inuit?
• Modern facilities such as electricity, permanent house, schools and hospitals have
changed the lives of Inuit.
• They now lead a settled life.
• They live in towns and practice agriculture along with sheep rearing.
• Earlier they used sledges pulled by dogs for transport and kayaks for fishing in the
• Now they use motorized sledges for transport and motor boats for fishing.


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