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Customer Profile


The target customer is 16-25 years old. Their level of education is within the ranges of high
school and graduate level. Emphasizing independence, the high school student is determined to
have their own income, and therefore chooses to work at stores like CVS and Walgreens. On the
side, they’re building their portfolio and looking for opportunities such as building startups or
internships. Undergraduate/graduate students would most likely study graphics design,
marketing, philosophy, architecture, physics, etc. Whatever their area of study is, the important
part is that they are always eager to learn.

Prophet’s core customer lives in urban areas in economically developed countries. Some of the
most populous cities are Boston, Brooklyn, New York City (Manhattan), Tokyo, London, Seoul,
and Berlin. The core customer lives in a single-family home or apartment. According to the
HYPEBEAST and Strategy& Streetwear Impact Report, 59% of the global streetwear market is
rooted in Asia, followed by 20% European, and 14% North American.

The target customer is always hungry for more knowledge. They’re always willing to learn about
new things, pulling from a variety of subjects such as politics, entrepreneurship, the arts,
science, philosophy, and technology. They like to read books and watch informative YouTube
videos, which expand on the subject they’re interested in. To stay caught up in the political,
business, and social landscape, they regularly read the news.

The target customer is future-centric. They’re always wondering what the future has to hold, and
as such, consistently reads up on articles on upcoming huge topics like artificial intelligence,
nuclear fusion, electric vehicles, etc.

The target customer doesn’t care about what others think. They aren’t as caught up in the social
media game and focus more on self-improvement rather than social appeal. They would rather
spend their time creating themselves, building their portfolio, looking for opportunities, rather
than simply wasting it. However, they are mindful of when they need a break and will not
hesitate to recharge their batteries when they need to.

Music is a key interest of the Prophet customer. The target customer typically listens to rap and
hip-hop music, key artists being Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Kid Cudi, Travis Scott, J.Cole,
Future, and Drake. As a result, Prophet plans to 1.) collaborate with these artists at some point
in the future and 2.) Blast songs created by these artists; both intended to create a stronger
bond between the customers and the brand. However, the Prophet customer does not listen to
rap and hip-hop music exclusively. When they’re studying or working, they will put on music
which will help them concentrate. Music in this field can range from EDM and atmospheric to
classical and Lo-Fi.

The target streetwear customer is young, resourceful, and discriminating. High expectations
will be expected and their ability to see through inauthenticity will not be forgotten. Thus,
potential turn-offs for the customer are: poor presentation, cringy design, poorly executed
design, clearly low-effort design, unnecessarily high prices, lack of authenticity, avaricious
motives, inappropriate brand behavior/ inappropriate behaviour of brand members, and lack of

Factors that would breed brand loyalty and increase the number of recommendations to other
friends include: A sense of feeling special, relatability, brand activism, authenticity, and of course
superior apparel quality.

The amount of money the target customer is willing to spend on our type of product is
$100-200, or < $100. They would go out and spend money on streetwear products once a
month, but due to COVID-19, those numbers might change. (HYPEBEAST and strategy&).
Actionable Insights

According to the HYPEBEAST and strategy& global survey, the best ways to reach out to the
target customer is Instagram, Youtube, blogs, online publications, and our website. Beyond that,
to increase the number of customers, going outside to participate in activities such as giving out
free promotional gift bags at parties. Once again, COVID-19 might skew these numbers.

Tumblr, WeChat, Weibo, and Line are one of few methods which we will not use to either reach
out or promote our brand.

Types of promotions which will engage the customer are: drops, seasonal products, and
online/offline events.

Products which will interest the target customer: Accessories (lanyards, stickers, badges),
crewnecks/hoodies, t-shirts, jackets, pants, and footwear.


● Streetwear Impact Report. (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2020, from

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