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"Here is the patience ,of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12.

Christ the immortality of the soul, or eternal death." " In his second letter to the Corin- to death." 88 " But for those who repent not,
kuititt Pryaftt misery, was taught by any of the Christians. thians he says, " What think ye, then, that death is prepared." " " They shall purchase
he shall suffer, who does anything that is not death unto themselves." 40 " If they shall
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY BARNABAS, A. D. 71. fitting in the combat of immortality?" 18 He not repent, they shall die." 41 Again :
The first writer is Barnabas, A. D. 71. We places himself squarely against universalism, "These have utterly lost life." 42 The follow-
The Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association. or any hope of repentance in the future world. ing testimony is very plain "For before a
will lay before the reader every passage of his
ELDER JAMES WRITE, President. that relates to our subject. He says, " There " For after we shall have departed out of this man receives the name of the Son of God, he
M. J. CHAPMAN, Secretary, II. w. KW,LOGO, Treasurer are, therefore, three things ordained by the world, we shall no longer be able either to is ordained unto death; but when he receives
CCr TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or Ono Dollar a Volume Lord,-the hope of life, the beginning and confess our sins or repent in the other." " He that seal, he is freed from death, and assigned
sY 25 numbers.
the completion of it." teaches that when the wicked are once de- unto life." " Of the wicked he says, "These
Address, Review & Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. Life, then, was what they hoped for. He stroyed, it will be forever. There will be no are condemned to death." " This statement
teaches that the wicked will perish. " A restoration from it. For he says, "Nothing he repeats a large number of times, so many
THE LOVE OF GOD. man will justly perish, if, having the knowl- shall deliver us from eternal punishment if that we do not try to quote them all.
ALL things that are on earth, shall wholly pass away, edge of the way of truth, he shall neverthe- we shall disobey his commands." " This is the whole testimony of Hermas
Except the love of God, which shall live and last for less not refrain himself from the way of dark- The wicked are destroyed. This is their upon the nature of man. He sets before the
aye. ness." 3 Again : " Because ye shall all wax punishment. And as they never come to life people life and death. In all his writings,
The forms of men shall be as they had never been ; old as a garment, the moth shall eat you up." 4 again, their punishment is eternal. Thus in life is held out as the reward of obedience,
The blasted groves shall lose their fresh and tender
green ; Of Jesus he says, " They that put their trust the writings of Clement we find nothing of and death as the punishment everywhere
The birds of the thicket shall end their pleasant in him, shall live forever." He says that the immortality of the soul, nothing of pur- threatened. He gives no hint of conscious-
song, those who are wicked are "adjudged to gatory, nothing of deathless spirits, nothing ness between death and the resurrection. He
And the nightingale shall cease to chant the even- death." 6 And the wicked " are as the dust of going to Heaven at death, nothing of eter- says nothing of going to Heaven or hell at
ing long; which the wind scattereth away from the face nal torment, or anything like this. Clement death. He says nothing of eternal torment.
'The trine of the pasture shall feel the dart that kills,
And all the fair white flocks shall perish from the of the earth." " Thou shalt not cleave to teaches that immortality is a gift of God, to As to the immortality of the soul, the death-
hills. those that walk in the way of death." " The be obtained through the resurrection, and less spirit, and the like, he is totally silent.
The goat and antlered stag, the wolf and the fox, mouth is the snare of death." 7 " But the that the wicked are utterly to perish in the Hennas, then, plainly believed in the mortal-.
'The wild boar of the wood, and the chamois of the way of darkness is crooked and full of curs- second death. He exhorts us to "lay hold ity of man, the sleep of the dead, and the de-
ing ; for it is the way of eternal death, with on eternal life." And again : " Keep your struction of the wicked.
And the strong and fearless bear, in the trodden
dust shall lie; punishment, in which they that walk meet bodies pure, and your seal without spot, that
those things that destroy their own souls." ye may receive eternal life." " IGNATIUS, A. D. 107.
And the dolphin of the sea, and the mighty whale,
shall die. Here he says eternal death, not eternal mis- Ignatius was bishop of Antioch about A. D.
And realms shall be dissolved, and empires be no ery. "But he that chooses the other part shall HERMAS, A. D. 100.
107, and is the next of the apostolic fathers.
And they shall bow to death, who ruled from shore be destroyed,
together with his works. For The next in order of time is Hermas, who There are several epistles ascribed to him.
to shore; this cause there shall be both a resurrection wrote about A. D. 100. He is supposed to Epistle to the Ephesians.-In this epistle he
And the great globe itself, so the holy writings tell, and a retribution." " For the day is at hand have been a companion of Paul." He has says the Lord suffered " that he might breathe
With the rolling firmament, where the starry armies in which all things shall be destroyed, together spoken very clearly on the subject in hand. the breath of immortality unto his church."
dwell, with the wicked one. The Lord is near, and He very plainly teaches the utter destruction Evidently, then, immortality comes alone
Shall melt with fervent heat-they shall all pass
away, his reward is with him." of the sinner. " For the remembrance of through Christ. Hence he says again,
Except the love of God, which shall live and last for This is a good witness, showing the faith of evils worketh death." " Again : " Happy are " Why do we suffer ourselves foolishly to per-
aye. the church at that time. He represents that all they that do righteousness. They shall ish, not considering the gift which the Lord
-Rom the Provencal of Bernard Rastas. the wicked shall die, perish, be destroyed, be not be consumed forever." " He represents has truly sent to us 1" " Then he says,
blown away as dust, and eaten as a moth; the dead as being asleep. Of certain ones he " Forasmuch as he designed to abolish
that souls will be destroyed; and he speaks says they "are those which are fallen asleep, death." u And again in the same strain,
enfritt'uftir% of the sleep of the dead, the coming of the and have suffered for the sake of the Lord's speaking of the Lord's supper he says,
Lord, the resurrection, and retribution there- name." 25 " Which is the medicine of immortality, our
after. But, on the other hand, he does not, The second book of Hermas is called his antidote, that we should not die, but live for-
TEACHING OF THE APOSTOLIC FA- in all his writings, so much as once hint that " Commands." In that he says, " Thou shalt ever in Christ Jesus." 48
THERS CONCERNING THE man has an immortal soul. He never inti- live to God, if thou shalt keep this command- These testimonies are very plain. Death
NATURE OF MAN. mates anything about an endless hell. Dr. ment." " Again : " By so doing, thou mayest is the portion of the sinner ; immortality
Beecher admits that Barnabas, perhaps, taught attain unto life." 21 And again: " They who comes through Christ. With the New Tes-
the annihilation of the wicked. He remarks, do such things, follow the way of death." " tament, he says that the sinner " shall depart
WE now come in the history of our sub- " What he says may be understood of the an- Of the way of evil be says, " It is rugged and into 'unquenchable fire." 43 As we have
ject to inquire into the faith and teachings of nihilation of the wicked." 9 shown elsewhere, they will be burned up in a
full of thorns, and leads to destruction." "
those who in the Christian church were the He represents that there is no life out of the fire that cannot be extinguished.
immediate successors of the apostles. In the CLEMENT, A. D. 91-100. Epistle to the M agnesians.-In this epistle
Lord. Thus : " Whosoever shall fear hint,
Apocryphal New Testament we have the The next writer is Clement, A. D. 91-100, and keep his commandments, their life is he says, " Seeing, then, all things have an
writings of the "Apostolic Fathers." in his two letters to the Corinthians. He with the Lord ; but they who keep them not, end, there are these two indifferently set be-
Says Archbishop Wake, these epistles are a was a disciple of Peter's, and bishop of Rome. neither is life in them." 30 fore us, death and life," 50 Here he is in har-
full and perfect collection of " all the genuine He exhorts us to lay " aside all vanity, and
Of sin he says, " It is very horrible and mony
with the whole Bible, as we have
writings that remain to us of the apostolic contention, and envy which leads unto shown. He says that when the sinner is re-
wild ; and by its wildness consumes men.
fathers, and carry on the antiquity of the death," Simple death is the doom of the warded according to his deeds, he will cease
church from the time of the Holy Scriptures sinner, according to Clement. Again : " The And especially if a servant of God shall
of the New Testament to about a hundred transgressors shall perish from off the face of chance to fall into it, except he be very wise, to exist. "For should he have dealt with us
and fifty years after Christ. Except the it (the earth]." he is ruined by it; for it destroys those who according to our works, we had not now had
Holy Scriptures, there is nothing remaining have not the garment of a good desire, and a being." "
He attaches great importance to the resur- are engaged in the affairs of this present Epistle to the Trallians.-Of Christ he says,
'of the truly genuine Christian antiquity more rection. " Let us consider, beloved, how the " Who died for us, that so believing in his
early. They contain all that can with any Lord does continually show us, that there world, and delivers them unto death." "
Again he says that the wicked " shall die for- death, ye might escape death." " Again : " I
•certainty be depended upon of the most prim- shall be a future resurrection." " Once more : refrain myself, lest I should perish in my
itive fathers." ever." " That is, there is no resurrection
" And again, Job says, Thou shalt raise up
It is not claimed that these writings are all this flesh of mine, that has suffered all these from that death. His death is eternal. boasting." "
Again he says, God " is able to save and to
Epistle to the Romans.----He here rests all
genuine and reliable ; for it is generally things." " He teaches that the time of re- upon the resurrection. Speaking of his mar-
agreed that they are not. Some of them, no ward is at the second advent. " Let us there- destroy you." 33
trydom he says, " For it is good for me to
doubt, were written by the men whose names fore strive with all earnestness, that we may The third book of Hermas is called his set from the world, unto God, that I may rise
they bear, and at a very early date ; and all be found in the number of those that wait for " Similitudes." In this he deals largely in again unto him." "
of them were probably written sometime dur- him, that so we may receive the reward illustrations. After showing how certain dry There is no reference to this subject in his
ing the first two centuries. They simply which he has promised." " trees were cast into the fire, and utterly epistle to the Philadelphians nor in that to
show the faith of the writers at that time. He represents immortality as a gift from burned up, he says that these represent the the Stnyrnaaans.
As they are all the Christian writings that God. " How blessed and wonderful, beloved, wicked. " For the other kind of men, Epistle to Polycarp.-In this epistle he
have come down to us from the time immedi- are the gifts of God. Life in immortality !" 14 namely, the wicked, like the trees which thou says, " Be sober, as the combatant of God :
ately following that of the apostles, they are And again he says to the same effect, " By sawest dry, shall as such be found dry and the crown proposed to thee is immortality,
important. We now inquire what they him would God have us to taste the knowl- without fruit in that other world; and like and eternal life." 66 He plainly teaches the
taught upon the subject in hand. Do we edge of immortality." " It is through Jesus, dry wood shall be burned." 34 Here their ut- sleep of the dead and the destruction of the
find them all teaching the immortality of the then, that we obtain immortality. He rep- ter destruction is plainly taught. Again he wicked, thus : " Labor with one another ;
soul, the conscious state of the dead, endless resents man as mortal, made of the dust. says, " If thou shalt defile the Holy Spirit, contend together, run together, suffer to-
torment, etc.? If so, this fact should have " But what can a mortal man do ? Or what thou shalt not live." n Again : " This kind gether; sleep together, and rise together;
some weight with us. But if, on the other strength is there in him that is made out of of men are ordained unto death." 36 Sinners as the stewards, and assessors, and ministers
hand, we find them all harmonizing with the the dust1" 16 "shall bring death upon themselves." " of God." " He thus exhorts these ministers
Bible in teaching the mortality of man, the Of the punishment of the wicked he says, Once more : "They render themselves liable to suffer together in their warfare, to sleep to-
sleep of the dead, and the destruction of the " They therefore who do anything which is 16 Chap. 18: 2. COm. 3:9.
,,Cum. 4: 2. 38 Verse 38. 42 Verse 16.
wicked, then we shall have further evidence not agreeable to his will, are punished with 17 Verse 21.
38S1rn. 8:55. 40 Verse 3.
is 2 Cor. 3:12. ,^C M. 6: 4. Verse 64. Clv.r. 2:1.
that we have understood the inspired writers 10 Verse 16. ',Com. 7:6. 40
61 Chap. 3 :7.
C,m. 12:2. 41 Verse 67.
2 Chap. 1 :7. 9 Ooc. of Scrip. Ret., p. 281. o Coap. 3 8.
correctly upon this subject. 'Chap. 4 : 6. IS 1 Cor. 5 :1. 21 2 Cor, 3: 7, 18. 82 Verse 6.
42 Verse 68. 01 Chap. 1 : 5.
:152. 83 Verse 12.
Let us examine these, writings, and see if 4 Chap. 5 :1. 11 1 Cor. 11 : 16. 22 R0138118 16: 14. 33 Verse 33. 42
44 Verse 179. 64Chap. 1 : 8.
7. Chap. 7 : 7. 12 GNI!). 12:9. 23 Vision 2:23. 3I Sim. 4:4.
as late as one hundred and fifty years after 'Chap. 9:6. is chap. 17 : 6. 24 Verse 28. 8.5 Sim. 5:59. 45Ghop 4 : 4. 66 Chap. 1 : 12.

7 Chap. 14:6,17. 14 Verses 1, 2. m Vision 3:54. 26 Sim. 6:13, 46 Verse 6. "Chap. 2:13.
47 Verse 19.
1 Preface to Abp. Wake's Apos. Fathers, p. 15. I Chap. 15 :1, 8,10. 12 Verse 18. 22 Commands 1 :5. 27 Verse 44.
122 THE REVIEW AND HERALD, [VoL. 53, No. 16

gether in death, and to rise together in the so zealous ; I believe they are true Christians, ple to take their place and carry forward his of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the.
resurrection. they are so kind and accommodating; and if work on the earth. Take the history of the pride of life ; and by reading Solomon's tes-
This is the whole of Ignatius's testimony. you ask them anything about their faith, Israelites, whom he chose as his holy and timony we find that these are all vanity.
Like all the others, he is utterly silent with they always refer you to the Bible, and it peculiar people :— But if we would have eternal life, we must
regard to the immortality of the soul, or any- seema as though they know more about the Dent. 14 : 2 : " For thou art a holy pee- deny self, bear the cross, and follow Christ..
thing looking in that direction. Of the writ- Bible than any other people. I believe they ple unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord Matt. 16 : 24. We must keep ourselves un-
ings of this father Dr. Beecher says, " In make it a daily study ; for you will always hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto spotted from the world. James 1 : 27.
some cases the idea of annihilation is sug- find them with a Bible in their pocket ; or, if himself', above all the nations that are upon There must be no spots of dishonesty about
gested." " at home, the Bible is always on the table, or the earth." us. Our lives must not be conformed to this.
POLYCARP, A. D. 166. where they can put their hand on it at any Deut. 7 :7 : " The Lord did not set his world, but must be transformed by the power
time. love upon you, nor choose you, because ye of God's Spirit. Rem. 12 : 2. We must be
The last of the apostolic fathers is Poly- All this, and much more, we hear, as in were more in number than any people; for
carp, who wrote about A. D. 166. We have sanctified through the truth, the word of
traveling from place to place we happen to ye were the fewest of all people." Ex. 33 : God ; for we are not of this world. John.
his letter to the Philippians. He plainly stop where a family of live Seventh-day Ad- 16 : " For wherein shall it be known here 17 : 16, 17.
teaches the resurrection of the dead. " But ventists have settled ; and it makes us feel that I and thy people have found grace in Now just one word to those Sabbath-keep-
he that raised up Christ from the dead, shall that a family of God's peculiar people live in thy sight is it not in that thou goest with
also raise up us in like manner." 58 Again: ers who are moving West. Some, when they
that community,—a family that read our us ? So shall we be separated, I and thy come here, act as though they were ashamed
"And whosoever perverts the oracles of the publications, and let their light shine, and are people, from all the people that are upon the of the truth ; and if they ever were children
Lord to his own lusts, and says there shall not afraid of being called peculiar either. face of the earth." In verse 14 he says, of God, they cover up their light so that no
neither be any resurrection nor Judgment, May the blessing of God rest on all such Ad- " My presence shall go with thee, and I will
he is the first-born of Satan."" Again : one can see it. Christ says, in Matt. 5 : 13-
ventists, is the feeling of our heart as we re- give thee rest." 16, " Ye are the light of the world." Then
"Charity delivereth from death." so tire to rest. We learn from these texts, first, that God if you cover up your light, there is darkness
This venerable father, who had been a Oh that we might hear the same in every chose Israel to be his peculiar people ; sec- around you. " Ye are the salt of the earth ; "
companion of the apostle John, suffered mar- place we go, but we find it very different in ondly, that at the time of his choosing them
trydom A. D. 169. His prayer at the stake, but what if your salt have lost its savor?-
some places. Something like the following they were few in number ; thirdly, that he " It is thenceforth good for nothing." Now if
as given by Eusebius, shows what his faith greets our ears : Those Adventists that moved separated them from all other people on the you have lost your savor, are covering your
was. He says, " I bless thee that thou hast h. re last year, and that made such a great earth ; and fourthly, that the Lord went
thought me worthy of the present day and light, I fear the Lord will cast you out, and
fuss about the Sabbath and the second com- with them as long as they remained a sepa- you will be like those described in 2 Pet. 2
hour, to have a share in the number of the ing of Christ, and pretended to be so very re- rate and peculiar people. And we find by 21-22.
martyrs and in the cup of Christ, unto the ligious, are no different from the rest of the their history that they were a peculiar people Do not try to live like the world, but live
resurrection of eternal life, EMI OF THE SOUL professors, as I can see. They are all about as long as they obeyed God, close to the Saviour, that you may bear much
AND BODY, in the incorruptible felicity of the alike, and those that make no profession are They were separated from the world by fruit. John 15 : 1-6. Do not try to dress
Holy Spirit."6' Polycarp hoped for eternal as good as any of them. They go to all the their dress. Num. 15 38 : " Speak unto the like the world, but follow the instructions
life through the resurrection of both soul and celebrations, picnics, festivals, and pleasure children of Israel, and bid them that they given in God's holy word. Dear brother,
body. parties, just as much as the worldlings do, make them fringes in the borders of their dear sister, let your light shine wherever you.
Thus we have the teachings of all the apos- and take part in all the foolish plays and garments throughout their generations, and are. Do not try to live out of the church,
tolic fathers, reaching down to the middle games. that they put upon the fringe of the borders but unite with the one nearest you at the first.
of the second century. Reader, on which And then the way they dress ! They have a ribbon of blue." opportunity. Identify yourself' with the tract
side is their testimony 1 They are totally feathers and flowers on their hats, rings in their They were not to unite in marriage with society, and work with zeal for the salvation
silent about the immortal soul, endless hell, ears and on their fingers, and wear dresses other nations around them. Deut. 7 3 : of those around you. Be sure not to let your
eternal torment, deathless spirit, or any such ruffled and flounced from top to bottom. I " Neither shalt thou make marriages with papers stop, if you are taking them, and if you
terms. On the contrary, they all along hold defy any one to tell them from worldlings. them ; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto are not taking them, subscribe at once. Stop,
out immortality as a thing to be sought for The men chew tobacco, and watch for a his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take using tea, coffee, tobacco, or any other harm-
and to be gained only in Christ and at the chance to make a good trade, and even tell unto thy son." ful luxury that you may be using, but do not
resurrection. The dead are said to be asleep. things that I know are not really true ; and They were also instructed of the Lord in stop reading our periodicals. Stop wearing
They constantly affirm that the wicked shall they take the advantage of a neighbor who is regard to their diet. Deut. 14 : 3-21. By jewelry and useless ornaments, but do not.
die, perish, be consumed, destroyed, burned, in straitened circumstances whenever they reading Num. 11-14, we learn that some dis- stop your papers. Stop trying to be like the.
blown away, etc. So we are safe in saying can. They hardly ever attend prayer-meet- obeyed the Lord. They complained because world, but do not stop being one of God's pe-
that to their time the doctrine of the immor- ing, and always visit or chore around on Sat- they could not live like the world. They culiar people. Be separate from the world,
tality of the soul and eternal torment, had urday (heir Sabbath) just as Sunday-keepers lusted after such food as they had been accus- but united to God and to his people. Be
not found its way into the church of Christ. do on Sunday. tomed to eat in Egypt. They continued to faithful in all things, be Christlike every day,
0 Scrip. Rot., p. 283. I confess I cannot see the difference be- murmur until finally the Lord's protecting at home or abroad, and do not be afraid of be-
OS Chap. 1 : 8. tween them and those who make no profes- care was withdrawn, and they wandered in
'°Chap. 3:2. ing called peculiar, and the Lord will bless,
CU Chap. 3 : 11. sion. If there is any difference, the latter the wilderness until all but Caleb and Joshua you in your new home. J. N, AYERS.
"E use I) Eccl. Hist., book iv. chap. xv. p. 148.
class are the most accommodating, and can and the children had perished. They never Garnett, Kansas.
be trusted the farthest. To tell the truth, entered the promised land, although they had
A PECULIAR PEOPLE. I do not believe they have any religion about started from Egypt, and the Lord had been
them ; if they had, they would show it in with them, and had wrought many miracles SACRIFICING.
" Fon the Lord bath chosen Jacob unto
some way. But they think that because for them. "Give and spend, and God will send."
himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure."
they pretend to keep the seventh day, they What is all this written for? 1 Cor. 10 : To warn the world of the Judgment day
Ps. 135 : 4.
are sure of Heaven anyway. I have seen 6 : " Now these things were our examples, is a great undertaking, but with God's help,
" For the grace of' God that bringeth salva-
enough of such hypocritical professors; and to the intent we should not lust after evil it can be accomplished. It is an honor to
tion hath appeared to all men, teaching us
if I ever try to live a religious life, I shall things, as they also lusted." Verses 10,11 : have any part in this work, even at the cost
that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts,
look for a different people from them ; for I be- " Neither murmur ye, as some of them also of great sacrifice. When God calls us to his,
we should live soberly, righteously, and
lieve that God's people are a separate people, murmured, and were destroyed of the de- work, our energies, talents, and means are to
godly in this present world ; looking for that
and we can tell them anywhere. stroyer. Now all these things happened be brought into requisition in the roost ad-
blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of
This, and much more, we are sometimes unto them for ensamples ; and they are writ- vantageous manner. The gospel minister
the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ,
compelled to hear ; and we feel like calling ten for our admonition, upon whom the ends knows what it is to listen to urgent excuses,
who gave himself for us, that he might re-
for our room and shutting ourselves up alone of the world are come." Then let us take whenever he calls for means to advance the
deem us from all iniquity, and purify unto
to keep from hearing any more, and then heed to what is written, that we may possess cause of God, and what he obtains is often
himself a peculiar people, zealous of good
like leaving as soon as possible in the morn- the goodly land, knowing that if we are God's mere pittance to what could be given with-
works." Titus 2 : 11-14.
ing, to hunt a more congenial clime. And all people we shall be few, separate, and peculiar. out inconvenience. If men would show
What a peculiar people those Seventh-day
Adventists are ! They are not like any one this because there is a family of pretended We might also refer to the history of God's as much financial ability in raising money
else; they keep Saturday for the Sabbath, Seventh-day Adventists in the community people under Luther, Wesley, and other re- to forward God's work as they do in their-
and say it is the seventh day of the fourth that are a reproach to the cause, are spirit- formers. At the first, God was with them ; own interest, there would be no lack. With
commandment, referring you to Exodus 20 : ually dead, are not reading our publications, they were few and peculiar. But as they the energetic, the future is filled with well-
10 : "But the seventh day is the Sabbath of and are living like the world around them grew in numbers, they began to be more like laid plans for obtaining money to either add to.
the Lord thy God," etc. Then they are so for fear of being called peculiar, and so have the world, till God raised up others to carry their wealth or supply comforts that could be
peculiar about what they eat and wear. grieved the Spirit of God away from them. forward his work. We believe that we profitably sacrificed to nobler objects pertain-
They eat no pork and use no lard. They Generally such families claim to be too poor are in the Laodicean state of the church. ing to their eternal welfare. If such are pros-
claim that it is wrong to drink tea, coffee, or to take any of our publications ; but they can (Read the message to that church in Rev. 3 : pered above their calculations, they feel will-
whisky ; that these are all stimulants, and a take a political paper and a story paper for 15-22.) Then should we not arouse, and ing to give a portion, but if they come short,
person that drinks them is more or less in- their children. You ask for the Bible, and get out of this lukewarm condition ? We they are inclined to withhold. This is not
toxicated, according to the amount taken. there is a great commotion in the house, run- are losing our zeal, are becoming more and sacrificing. Men will venture on worldly
And they will not allow any one that uses ning from room to room to find the lost book, more like the world, and the Lord is calling prospects, give their notes, mortgage their
tobacco to join their church. They declare and when at last it is found, it is covered with upon us to be zealous and repent. If we pay property, strain every nerve to succeed,.
that tobacco is filthy and defiling as well as dust, showing that it is seldom used. In the no heed, he will reject us as he did the Jews, while they would be regarded as fanatical, if
intoxicating, and that God's people must be evening the children (some nearly grown) drop and others that have once been his peculiar peo- not crazy, were they to make a similar effort
clean. 2 Cor. 7 :1 " Having therefore off to bed one by one, and finally you are ple, and have become lukewarm in his serv- to advance their eternal interests.
these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse shown to your room. In the morning all ice. The few honest, zealous ones will go We often hear men of the world talk of .
ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and is confusion until breakfast is ready, and through; but oh„ how few their number com- hard times, but I have never heard them
spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of after having hurriedly partaken of the morn- pared with those that make a profession, and urged, discussed, and pressed as at a. business,
God." 1 Cor. 3 : 17 : " If any man defile ing eal, the members of the family scatter in have lost their zeal, and will lose eternal life ! Meeting of a religious character, by those
the temple of God, him shall God destroy ; various directions to their work. No time to I sometimes think it will be with us as it was asked to give money for religious purposes.
for the temple of God is holy, which temple read a chapter in the Bible, no time to en- with ancient Israel, all that started years ago At a meeting of this kind held recently,.
ye are." gage in a season of prayer, no time to thank will be lost, except a few like Caleb and a motion was offered that hard times should
The women do not believe it is right to the Lord for the many blessings he is be- Joshua, and that the children represent those not be mentioned during the session. It had
wear ornaments on their dress, or ear-rings, stowing upon them, and ask for a continua- who come in at the eleventh hour, and do an excellent effect, and quite a large sum was.
finger rings, or any kind of jewelry about tion of the same during the day ; and so it not allow their zeal to cool off. raised. With many, this complaint of hard
their person; but though their dress is goes from day to day, from week to week. We must not expect to have the friendship times becomes chronic, and they will resist
plain, they always look clean and neat, and What is the cause of all this? The answer of the world. James says, chap. 4 : 4, " The all effort to arouse their generosity. I called
declare it is according to God's word. 1 is, They have become like the world around friendship of the world is enmity with God, on a brother to assist in the missionary work,..
Tim. 2 : 9, 10 : " In like manner also, that them, and are serving mammon instead of Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the and received in reply unanswerable hard
women adorn themselves in modest apparel, God. They are afraid of being called pecul- world is the enemy of God." And John cau- times as a reason why he could do nothing in
with shame-facedness and sobriety; not with iar; and we leave them, feeling that it would tions us : " Love not the world, neither the this direction. I had previously heard his-
broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly ar- have been far better for the community in things that are in the world. If any man wife remark that she would have accepted an
ray; but (which becometh women professing which they live if they had never made a love the world, the love of the Father is not invitation to visit a relative had she received
godliness) with good works." 1 Pet. 3 : 3 : profession. in him. For all that is in the world, the lust it in due time. The journey would have-
" Whose adorning let it not be that outward God's people ever hi've been and always of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the cost about three dollars and a half. " Hard
adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing will be peculiar, separate from the world. pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the times" was no obstruction to the visit !
of gold, or of putting on of apparel.." And when a people (although chosen of God) world." 1 John 2 : 15,16. So if we should A brother was solicited to aid in support-
I really do not know what to think of become like the world, God's Spirit eventually succeed in gaining the whole world, we ing the ministry. He gave ten dollars, all
them, they are so peculiar, and then they are leaves them ; and he raises up another peo- should have only these three things,—the lust he thought he could spare. Ged blessed him.
with a bountiful harvest of corn, but heavy was shed and all the land was in mourning heart to check it, was but the beginning of dresses instead of a modest heart, a clean
rains raised the streams, and nearly all his and tears ! Christ's immortal kingdom, while insubordination to parental control, or to mind, and a God-fearing soul. The moral
.crop was swept away. He afterward told me famine, war, disease, pestilence, and death in trespasses and infringements on the comfort training which such mothers neglect is sup-
that had he been asked for the value of that all its terrible forms, continue to ravage the of others, and will fast become intolerable, even plied by hot-pressed sensational juvenile lit-
corn, he would have thought he could not earth, sweeping off countless victims in their in the partial eyes of the parents. Now let erature, and the reports of foul scandals in
spare it, but he only wished the cause had awful desolations ! No ; it is not the king- them attempt to tighten the reins or exercise the daily newspapers."
it. I reflected : This is the way many will dom of our Lord. The world, physical, po- proper authority. Will it prove an easy
feel in the day of destruction, when their litical, religious, groaning and travailing, task Will they succeed in straightening
property is swept away, and their lives are lost tells us it is not. God's word tells us it is the " twig " which their own folly or neglect SELF-DENIAL AN ORNAMENT. °
with it. Another brother, "too poor to help not. has permitted to " bend " so far beyond their "I AM not satisfied with my spring hat,
any," lost a horse, and he procured another But the kingdom is near. Our Saviour reach / for there is no self-denial on it."
and went on farming as usual. If our houses tells his disciples that after the fulfillment of Where lies the blame? The mother, who These words fell from the lips of a young
burn, if we lose our stock or crops, or have certain signs in the heavens and earth, we suffered herself to be conquered by an infant's lady, as she held up her new hat to my view.
-expense of sickness, we rally and recover. "shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud puny resistance, must answer. The parents, It certainly was plain, guiltless of plume,
Why not devote our energies and make our with power and great glory ; " that " our re- who, later, saw without rebuke or prevention, flower, or buckle; but the abundant rich
plans while in prosperity to lay up a few hun- demption draweth nigh," and that "the king- the small child abuse or tear choice books, de- trimmings made it still lacking in self denial.
dred dollars, perhaps thousands, in Heaven, dom of God is nigh at hand." And then stroy valuable articles of furniture, or strike Now, my dear sisters, let us not have this
in " bags that wax not old," where our treas- adds, " Heaven and earth shall pass away ; the nurse, or torture menials, without one res- cause for an unsatisfied conscience; but let
ure will not fail? E. B. LANE. but my words shall not pass away." Luke olute effort to subdue or teach it better, must us strive this spring to have, not only our
21 : 25-33. Those signs have passed. What appeal to their own consciences to decide this hats, but all our apparel, so adorned with
next I—The kingdom. question. They who winked at the child's self-denial that we shall be able to have just
'Tis the hour of twilight, and the setting sun, It comes with the second advent of our youthful misdeeds, proud of its " smartness," one more mite to put into the precious cause
With its deep'ning shadows, speaks of labor done. Lord. Paul places them together ; 2 Tim. will suffer the most for this wicked indulgence of God at this time when so much means is
4 : 1; 1 These. 4 : 15-17; and John, Rev. when they see what the little one, so loved and needed. May the Lord help us to make a
Soft and mellow gleamings tinge the far-off sky, 14 :14 with 15 : 2, 3. The faithful shall in- indulged, is fast becoming—ungovernable, in- covenant with him by sacrifice, that we may
Like a gate of glory opening on high. herit it. Gal. 3:7, 29. We enter it "through subordinate, impertinent, yielding to no au- be among the saints gathered unto him in
'Crimson hues of sunlight, fading soon away, much tribulation." Acts 14 : 22 ; 2 Tim. 2 • thority that is not brought to bear on it the great day. A SISTER.
Fleecy clouds of beauty, mark the closing day. 12. The overcomers shall inherit all these through punishment or force. The " twig,"
things (Rev. 21 : 7) ; for " He is faithful that twisted and bent by over-indulgence or neg-
Hill, and vale, and woodland glow with golden light, promised." Oh ! glorious kingdom ! lect, has become a branch or limb, distorted, ABSOLUTION.
Soon to lose their splendor in the coming night. glorious King ! " Thy kingdom come. Thy unsymmetrical, a disfigurement, not a thing IN the " Compendium of the History of
Toils of day are over, weary limbs find rest, will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven." of beauty that should have been a joy forever. the Catholic Church," by Noethen (revised
Symbol of the refuge that awaits the blest. " Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesus." A child indulged in every caprice, whose edition), I find these words : "The form of
MILTON C. WILCOX. wrong-doings are a source of merriment, and the sacrament of penance, in which princi-
Angel hands are writing in the books above openly repeated as something wonderfully pally consists its virtue and efficacy, is con-
Many an act of kindness, many a deed of love. brilliant in the presence of the culprit, must
" AS THE TWIG IS BENT, THE TREE tained in the words of absolution pronounced
Unseen forms are present at this holy hour, be but little lower than the angels if it does by the priest ; the dispositions of the pen-
And the soul is softened by a gentle power. INCLINES." not in a few years bring its parents to grief, itent, which are contrition, confession, and
PARENTS often blight or destroy the young and become the torment of the whole house- satisfaction, being the substance of the sacra-
Loving anthems ringing, sounding in the ear, lives committed to their care, either by inju- hold and a nuisance to the neighborhood. ment; and the reconciliation of the sinner
Echo and re-echo, floating far and near. We have only space to speak of the great
dicious indulgence or a selfish reluctance to with God is the effect."— Pages 444, 445.
Mind and heart are lifted to the "King of kings;" accept the trouble, the restraints, and the wrong done children by over-fondness and According to the above, there is no efficacy
Sounds of nature mingle, like the rush of' wings. cares which inevitably come with helpless unregulated indulgence; but quite as much in repentance, as Protestants pretend.
infancy. Often, through excessive fondness, harm, of which we have not now time to I also learn from the same book that the
Soon dark shades will gather o'er the aching head; they yield implicitly to the unreasonable speak, springs from the heartless neglect of United States was placed under the special
Soon fair forms will molder with the ghastly dead;
exactions of beings too young to understand those parents, and particularly the mothers, protection of the " Mother of God " by a " sol-
Soon heart-strings will quiver, weary spirits fail, what they need. If, in such cases, wiser who, for the pleasures of fashionable life, and emn decree of the council held in 1846."—
Eyes grow dim with weeping, wild, sad voices wail. friends remonstrate with the parents, in the their own selfish enjoyments, leave their chil- Pages 548, 549. M. S. S.
vain attempt to show them the folly of their dren to the unsafe guidance and imperfect
In the great Hereafter, earthly things will seem judgment of hirelings, while they look only
indulgence, they are thought unkind or hard-
Like a shadow spectral, or a troubled dream.
hearted. to their own ease and pleasure. Such moth-
ers ignore any responsibility, every duty, un-
@nit 6 adult.
Twilight is the gleaming of a land afar, " Such a darling ! How can its mother
Glory ever beaming like a radiant star. deny it anything ?" til at last they are roused to the knowledge "A little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrihs nuts
and almonds." Gen,
But by such an extravagant indulgence you that their neglected children are now utterly
Morning cometh quickly, day of jubilee, ungovernable and vicious, going in ways that
When the earth-bound prisoners will be ever free. are injuring the child you profess to love so
tenderly. You are laying the foundation for have every promise of bringing their parents' RETURN good for evil.
Shout for joy, ye ransomed; Christ will ope the a most selfish and disagreeable character, gray hairs in sorrow to the grave.—Mrs. H. A USELESS life is a life-long death.
grave, which, sooner than you imagine, will outgrow W. Beecher, in Christian, Union.
He alone has power fallen man to save. TIME enough always proves little enough.
ELIZA H. MORTON. your control and become your tyrant, causing
Allen's Corner, Me. years of trouble and unhappiness. OIL YOURSELF A LITTLE. WRITE injuries in dust, benefits in marble.
" Why, this is but a baby ! and I think ONCE upon a time there lived an old gen- SHUN bad gains ; they are losses in disguise.
our little ones should have all the liberty and tleman in a large house. He had servants
CHRIST'S KINGDOM. enjoyment possible. It will be time enough HE that will not be counseled cannot be
and everything he wanted; and yet he was helped.
WE agree with all Christian denominations to tighten the reins and exercise authority not happy, and when things did not go as he
-that the kingdom spoken of in Dan. 2 : 34, when the child is old enough to discern good wished, he was very cross. At last his serv- WHAT is serving God ?—'Tis doing good to
35, 44, 45, and 7 :14, 27, is the kingdom of and evil." ants left him. Quite out of temper, he went man.
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We do Ah ! that time comes much earlier than to a neighbor with the story of his distresses. LET not thy tongue say what thy heart de-
not agree with those who assert that this parents are willing to believe. It requires " It seems to me," said the neighbor, saga- nies.
kingdom was set up at the first advent or on but a few weeks for a baby, tiny and unde- ciously, " 'twould be well for you. to oil your- IT is a mercy to have that taken from us
the day of Pentecost. Acts 2 : 1, etc. veloped as it appears to the doting parents, self a little." which leads us from God.- -fenning.
We could not agree with them for the fol- to understand that by persistent crying and " To oil myself ? "
lowing reasons :- violent demonstrations of anger, it will re- " Yes ; and I will explain. Sometime ago, THE church that does most for the child
1. " Flesh and blood cannot inherit the ceive all the care and immediate attention it one of the doors in my house creaked. No- will have most influence with the family.—
kingdom of God ; neither cloth corruption in- was demanding by these natural signs. Hav- Joseph Cook.
body, therefore, liked to go in or out of it.
herit incorruption." 1 Cor. 15 : 50. We ing conquered, the infant becomes sweet and One day I oiled its hinges, and it has been IT is easier to get salvation from Christ
learn from this text, (1) that the kingdom of quiet, and soon falls asleep. How long will constantly used by everybody ever since." than presents from our friends, love they ever
God is an immortal or incorruptible king- it be before that little babe will learn that " Then you think I am like a creaking so dearly.
dom ; and (2) that mortal men have no place passionate crying will compel the mother to door," cried the old gentleman. "How do
in that kingdom. That mortal men have rock it to sleep regularly ? That will soon IF men would but hate themselves as they
you want me to oil myself ? "
lived with and without Christ since the become too monotonous, perhaps, and the " That's an easy matter," said the neigh-do their neighbors, it would be one step toward
time of the first advent, of course none will incipient tyrant decides that to be walked bor. " Go home and engage a servant, and loving their neighbors as they do themselves.
deny. with is preferable to rocking. A good cry, when he does right, praise him. If, on the —M. Laurin.
2. The kingdom of Christ will destroy, with kicking and struggling plentifully inter- contrary, lie does something amiss, do not beIT is not the height to which men are ad-
break in pieces, and utterly consume all the spersed, will soon bring the mother to her cross • oil your voice and your words with vanced that makes them giddy; it is the
kingdoms of this world, that no place will feet, or the nurse will be called upon to take the oil of love." looking down with contempt upon those be-
'be found for them. Dan, 2 : 35, 44. up the line of march. It will require but The old gentleman went home, and no neath,
3. Christ's kingdom is not of this world two or three' such victories before walking harsh or ugly words were ever heard in the
<John 18 : 36), or, of this world in its pres- will be the only way to coax the child to No matter how pious men are, the moment
house afterward. Everybody should have a they place policy before principle they be-
ent state, Compare with 2 Pot. 3 :5-7, 13 ; sleep or into a good-humored condition. If supply of this precious oil, for every family come incapable of doing right, and are trans-
Isa. 65 :17 ; 66 : 22 ; Rev. 21 : 1, 5. sleep comes at last to relieve the wearied is liable to have a creaking hinge in the shape formed into the- most odious tools of despot-
4. Peace, joy, love, and unalloyed happi- nurse, how softly she creeps to the crib, of a fretful disposition, a cross temper, a ism.
ness are to exist in the kingdom of Christ; how stealthily she manages to put the child harsh tone, or a fault finding spirit,—,Sel.
while sorrow, strife, and all sin, and its ef- from her arms on to the well-warmed pillow ! 21,
BIBLE STUDENT'S AID.--The introduction
fects, will be banished thence. Rev. 21 : 3, 4, That " twig " is rapidly bending in the wrong of points, or stops, to mark the sense, is a
FASHION FOLLY. gradual improvement, commenced by Jerome
; 22 : 5 ; 2 Pet. 3 :13 ; Isa. 35. direction.
Yet in the face of all this evidence, which As the babe grows out of the nurse's arms, THE New York Tribune speaks thus, than in the fourth century, and continued and im-
is not a tithe of what might be adduced, its will, which has never been wisely con- which we can say nothing better or more proved by succeeding critics.—Horne's Intro-,
many ministers and professors of theology trolled, is manifested in almost every act; but pointed :— duction, p, 81.
would have us believe that we are living in its little dainty, imperious ways are pro- " Style,' that most vulgar of words and GOD GIVE us MEN.
-Christ's kingdom. Pitiful theology Christ's nounced "So charming! too `cunning' for things, has done as much to corrupt the Gon give us men. A time like this demands
kingdom, when heathen Rome was slaying women of America as liquor has. Not only Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready
anything !" And doubtless they are so, if
nations, and wading in the blood of human one looks only to the present, with no fore- is it the cause of financial downfall, but mod- hands;
sacrifice ! Christ's glorious kingdom, during shadowing of whereunto these " cunning " esty, honesty, decency, are sacrificed to it. Men whom the lust of office does not kill ;
the " ten persecutions"! Messiah's everlast- ways may lead in after-life. It may be laugh- Fashion now publishes even the rules for Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy ;
first communion dresses,' and sets forth the Men who possess opinions and a will ;
ing kingdom, when the saints, " the children able, just for once, to see this small specimen Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
of the kingdom," were well-nigh destroyed by of humanity stamp with its small foot, or pipings and coiffures in which an innocent
Men who can stand before a demagogue,
Papal Rome during the 1260 years of Papal strike with its pretty, dimpled hand, when girl may properly approach her God. There
And scorn his treacherous flatteries without wink-
supremacy ! Christ's peaceful kingdom, dur- denied some article of food, or deprived of is nothing so holy that it is not made subser- ing;
something unsafe for it to handle. vient to it. It is not the wealthy mother Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
ing the dismemberment of the Roman em-
pire, that deluged the earth in blood; dur- alone who vitiates her child's mind by this In
In a few months the little child enters an-
public duty and in private thinking:
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
ing the revolution of 1848';. which shook the other stage of child-life. That which at worship of folly, but the mechanic's wife, the Their large professions, and their little deeds,
world to the very center ; during our own twelve months or two years was " so cute !" poor seamstress whose aim is to push her Mingle in selfish strife, lo ! Freedom weeps,
civil war, in which the blood of thousands "so smart !" that the mother had not the daughter on in society,' to give her stylish Wrong rules the land, and waiting Justice sleeps.
1-24 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [VOL. 53, No. 16.

Ales. We do not understand the parable to It is when probation ends.that these startling changes know how marvelous is the light. I
P,alit:. end with the midnight cry, as the above question
supposes. There is, after this cry, the going in
revelations are to be made. It is then that the write to tell you these things because I cannot
" King comes in to see the guests," Matt. 22 : keep still. My friends are already scoffing at
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth." of some into the marriage, the shutting of the 11, and they who are found without the wedding me, but I care not. I fear the wrath of an
door, and the coming of the foolish virgins, garment are cast out speechless ; then it is that offended God more than that of mortal man.
seeking an entrance. The parable undoubtedly the Master rises up and shuts to the door, Luke " GEORGE F. Wool)."
J.N.. ANDREWS, t Corresponding Editors. illustrates the experience of that people to whom 13 : 25 ; then unfaithful professors are awakened
- - Resident Editor. the general term Adventist will apply, in con- to the fact that they have not secured that
nection with the agitation of the question of which their false hopes led them to expect, and
BAGS WITH HOLES. Christ's second coming. The points we make to they begin to knock, as they stand without, A FRIEND has just placed in my hand a small'
which the illustration applies are as follows :- and say, " Lord, Lord, open unto us." These pamphlet entitled, "The Sabbath Question,'
SOME people are afraid to invest their means
1. The virgins are introduced as understand- are the foolish virgins who have neglected all written by F. Walden, and has called my atten-
in the enterprises connected with the work of
ing the fact that the bridegroom is about to the means of grace during the day of grace, re- tion to the reference made by this writer on
the Lord in the earth, as they seem to think
come, and going forth to meet him. So Ad- jecting truth and letting opportunities pass, pages 41-43 to my History of the Sabbath. Mr.
there is a safer place of deposit. But they for-
ventists, in the great movement of 1840 to 1843, who now come too late for admittance. This Walden undertakes to show that I have falsified
get the experience of all the past and much of
arose to make preparation for the immediate will be a sad and solemn time. Heart-rending the testimony of Neander. He does not give
the present, and the probabilities of the future,
coming of Christ. If this part of their experi- scenes will then be witnessed. Let us not de- the words which I quote from Neander, nor
that earthly bags are all exceedingly liable to be
ence did not fulfill the opening of the parable, ceive ourselves by thinking we are not so far does he even fairly state their purport. But
filled with holes, and some, perhaps, to contain
it would seem impossible for anything to fulfill it. along in this parable as we are. The next thing his charge of dishonesty could hardly have been
the most which are supposed to be even water- made by a candid man. He says that he has
tight. 2. The bridegroom tarried. This denotes the before us is not a midnight cry to arouse us,
passing of the time at which the bridegroom was but the coming in of the King to see the guests, Neander's Church History in five volumes (this,
The Bank of Glasgow was supposed to be a
expected. There could be no tarrying without and the shutting of the door against all those is Torrey's translation>, and he does not find,
very safe bag in which to preserve this world's
this. This was the experience of Adventists who are unworthy. the words as I quote them. Also he has Nean-
treasures, so also were supposed to be Archbishop
when the year 1843, at or before the close of der's " Planting and Training of the Christian
Purcell of Cincinnati, and the Savings Banks of 12. JEPHTHAH'S DAUGHTER.
Chicago ; but through the holes in these three which Christ was expected, passed away, and he Church," and he does not find my quotation in
Was Jephthah's daughter sacrificed as a burnt-offer.
did not appear. ing ? that book. Thereupon, he charges me with dis-
bags alone, some twenty-five millions of dollars
3. They all slumbered and slept. So the faith honesty.
have slipped forever from the possession of the Ales. We think not. In the record of Jeph-
poor people who had confidence in them. of Adventists was greatly shaken, and the in- thah's vow, Judges 11 : 30, 31, the margin reads, But the quotation from Neander on page 230-
terest of many in the work waned. Spiritual " Or I will offer it up for a burnt-offering." of my History of the Sabbath is expressly said to
Says David Swing, in the Alliance of March
slumber came over them. be taken from Neander's Church History, trans-
15, 1879: " Within the last twelve months, it is The idea of the vow seems to be that if that
safe to say that the simplicity of the poor peo- 4. At midnight the cry, " Behold the bride- which came forth to meet him was an object lated by H. J. Rose. This translator is a clergy-
ple that have lived among the Calvinists at groom cometh," sounded forth. So midway be- which could properly be offered as a burnt- man of the Church of England, and his translation-
tween the passing of the specified time when offering, he would offer it thus ; if not, he is by no means a rare book. Mr. Walden cannot •
Glasgow, and among the Catholics of Cincinnati,
and among the enlightened Pagans of Chicago, Christ was expected, and the point when he was would devote it to the Lord in such way as excuse himself for overlooking the fact that his
has cost them at least twenty-five millions of to come in the sense of the parable, a most pow- would be proper. His only daughter came translation by Torrey is not the translation from.
erful cry, in these very terms, broke forth simul- forth to meet him returning in victory. He which I quoted, because I did on that very page
dollars ($25.000.000). This a large sum to have
taneously in different parts of the land, in the could not offer her as a burnt-offering, for hu- referred to quote from both translations. I
been taken from fathers and mothers and chil-
dren who needed every cent of it along with ranks of Adventists, and swept everything be- man sacrifices were not lawful ; but she was de- will not say that the gentleman did not honestly
fore it. What was this? If it was not that voted to the Lord by being put under the vow blunder in this gross manner, but certainly he
lawful interest."
which answered to the cry in the parable, what of perpetual virginity, according to the custom must, as a Christian, retract his bitter words
We do not say that to any of these people the
opening remark of this article would apply ; was it I There was not a feature lacking to in such cases. This idea is supported by verses when they are shown to be without foundation.
but there are multitudes to whom it is applica- make it a fulfillment. And if this was not a ful- 37-40. The great affliction involved in this in in fact.
fillment, what would constitute one ? On this the case of Jephthah, was that the hope was cut The gentleman takes on trust the usual quo--
ble, and here is an instructive picture for them to
supposition a false fulfillment was suffered to off that the Messiah might appear in the line of tations from the Fathers in behalf of Sunday.
contemplate. There is a way in which money can
be invested so that there will be no defalcation, no take place before the true, and yet possessing his posterity. Thus on page 47 he quotes a testimony of this
embezzlement, no breaking of banks, no shrink- every feature which the true will possess when kind from Theophilus, bishop of Antioch A. D.
age of value, and no loss of interest ; and that it does come. Then who can decide between 162. and yet not one word of his quotation can
In what sense did Adam die in the day he ate the
is to spend it in the support of those agencies them ? God does not suffer his work to be thus forbidden fruit? and how could Moses appear on the be found in Theophilus !
through which divine light and truth are being confused. And there were two classes devel- mount of transfiguration? P. P. I will not charge him with dishonesty, as he,
oped by this movement, as distinct from each Ales. The infliction of the penalty commenced has charged me, but I will say that he can only
disseminated in the earth, and people are being
turned into ways of morality and religion. To other as Judas and John, Ananias and Peter. in the very day of the transgression. See this be excused from that charge in this case by the
most people, such an investment looks the least One class lacked the evident gifts and graces of subject, and the resurrection of Moses, fully charitable supposition that he has never seen
likely of any to pay, but it will be found at last the other, and their appeals for help were an- explained in " Man's Nature and Destiny." the author whom he thus quotes.
swered by the admonition, Seek God for an ex- J. N. ANDREWS.
to pay the best. 14. SUPPLIED WORDS.
—4.1•W perience for yourselves. In the Bible are a great many words in italic. which
5. The bridegroom came. As applied to we are told are supplied words. Can such words be ENGLISH DENOMINATIONS.
Christ, the coming which this part of the para- omitted?
10. ARE THEY GENUINE ? ble illustrates, is that brought to view in Dan. Arts. The words not expressed in the original THE IRVINGITES.
Are John 8 :3-11 and Mark 16:17, 18, found in the 7 : 13, 14. It is his coming to the marriage, not are printed in italic in the English version. it becomes necessary for the master--
most ancient manuscripts, or are they spurious?
w. C. his coming to the earth. To this the parable it- Sometimes they can be omitted with great help builder to carefully examine his material, so a
Aers. There does not seem to be any sufficient self confines us. But Dan. 7 : 13, 14, can be to the sense ; in other cases they are necessary minister of the gospel of Christ who wishes•
ground to question the genuineness of these fulfilled only by Christ's going into the most to carry out the sense of the original. to act his part in constructing the spiritual tem-
readings, according to Adam Clarke, whom we holy place of the sanctuary on high to finish his ple on the foundation, Christ, must have some
consider as good authority as can be consulted in work as mediator, and then receive his kingdom. knowledge of the sentiments, habits, and cus-
such matters. He does not raise any question There is no other time, place, or occasion for toms of those among whom he labors. With
A NEW and enthusiastic recruit to the ranks this object in view, I am seeking to learn the-
on the passage referred to in Mark. On the this movement on the part of Christ.
of Sabbath- keepers, writing from Onondaga Co., doctrines and practices of the different denom-
quotation from John he introduces an explana- 6. They that were ready went in with him to
tory note from Bishop Pearce, which we deem it N. Y., thus expresses his joy over the marvel- inations in England.
the marriage. Here is where we think our
worth while to transcribe here friends are misled in the application of the para-
ous light of present truth :— Firmly believing in the near coming of our-
"It would have been strange if Jesus, when ble. It is assumed that the going in to the " It is with inexpressible pleasure that I now blessed Lord and Saviour, and having a desire to
he was not a magistrate, and had not the wit- marriage and the shutting of the door is an al- open correspondence with you. The object of know how the doctrine is regarded here, and to,
nesses before him to examine them, and when my present epistle is to tell you, so far as words know also the sentiments connected with it, I:
she [the woman taken in adultery] had not been most instantaneous event ; whereas we think
this occupies quite a long space of time, like the are able to express it, of the wonderful change have ascertained the following facts.
tried and condemned by the law and legal
judges, should have taken upon him to condemn other features of the parable. How long a time? that has taken place in my heart. For the past it,
Both in the established church and out of
her. This being the case, it appears why Jesus From the going in until the consummation of the eight years I have been a strong, unflinching the doctrine of the near coming of Christ is•
avoided giving an answer to the question of the marriage. The Bridegroom went in to the mar- defender of the orthodox belief in the im- much more generally entertained here than in
scribes and Pharisees, and also how little reason
riage when he was brought before the Ancient of mortality of the soul and keeping Sunday as the America. There is but little prejudice against
there is to conclude from hence that Christ seems
in this case not enough to have discouraged adul- Days to receive a kingdom and dominion (Dan. Sabbath, but I never fully believed in the eter- it, and the people are especially interested to
tery, though he called it a sin. And yet this 7 :13); in other words, when he wentinto the most nal misery of the wicked in hell-fire and brim- hear and read concerning the subject. It is
opinion took place so early among the Christians holy place of the sanctuary preparatory to the re- stone. Bro. Horace Bowen, who is no doubt true that some of the et cts look for the world's.
that the reading of this story was industriously known to you, labored with me incessantly, conversion and a temporal millennium. before
avoided in the lessons recited out of the gospel ception of his office as king. The marriage is con-
in the public service of the churches ; as if Jesus' summated when he takes his kingdom. Then his when opportunity offered, and always referred the return of Christ ; but their numbers are.
saying, I do not condemn thee, had given too work as priest is done, and probation ends. Up me to the Scriptures. Last November I be- less, proportionately, than in the United Sates.
much countenance to women guilty of that to this time all have the opportunity of going in gan studying for the ministry, but when I came Knowing that the late Edward Irving's in-
crime. In consequence of this,' as it was never to the question in the M. E. Discipline, How fluence contributed quite largely to the intro-
read in the churches, and is not now to be found with him to the marriage. The parable, regard-
in any of the Evangelistaria, and as it was prob- ing the scene as all past, from that standpoint can you prove that the wicked will not be anni- duction of the subject of the literal coming ands
ably marked in the MSS. as a portion not to be simply says, " And they that were ready went hilated I ' I said to myself, I cannot prove it.' reign of Christ into England, I had some little.
read there, this whole story from verse 1 to verse „in with him to the marriage." The seed that Bro. Bowen had sown was not interest to acquaint myself with his followers.
11, inclusive came, in length of time, to be left wasted on stony or thorny ground, and the I accordingly, on March 16, went to a meeting-
out in some MSS., though in the greater part it As we view it, we are now in this portion of
is still remaining." the parable. The guests are still going in, and more I investigated the word, the more fully of the Irvingites in Bedford Place, Southamp-
Dr. Clarke adds respecting his own opinion will do so till probation ends. Our correspond-
convinced was 1 of my error. ton. I would here state that this Me. Irving
"The first of March I spent the evening with was he who translated into English the Span-
that the evidence in its favor, after weighing he ent asks, " Have not the foolish virgins had am-
all, does not appear striking ; though he says he ple time to buy and return ?" This question
Bro. and Sr. Bowen, and the conviction sank ish work treating on the subject of the coming,
would by no means have it expunged, as all the anticipates ; for it is not yet determined who are still deeper into my heart. I agreed to come of Christ, and wrote extensively upon the doc-
and stay over night with him on the evening of trine, creating a great stir in this kingdom from
doubt and uncertainty concerning it may be ac- wise and who are foolish ; that is, the final and
the 2d of April. According to promise I came, about the years 1830 to 1844. The book he ob-
counted for on the ground above suggested by absolute decision is not reached, nor can it be
Bishop Pearce. till probation ends. We see some, to be sure, and spent the evening in reading Eld. Can- tained and translated was written by an anon-•
who are now acting very foolishly, and who, un- right's essay on Platonic immortal-soul theories. ymous author styling himself " Ben Ezra. "
11. THE TEN VIRGINS. For the first time I saw what a base and super- The meeting alluded to was the,r usual Sun-
less they change their course, will certainly have
Does the parable of the t -n virgins (Matt. 25), end- error I had inculcated and believed all day communion service, and lasted from 10 A.
ing with the midnight cry, properly belong in the past? their portion among the foolish virgins at last. stitious
or is the announceimmt. '` Behold the Bridegroom coo But it is in their power now to change their my life. I closed my eyes upon it, and turned M. to 12:30 P. H. To give some little idea of
eth " to be proclaimed in counection with the immedi-
ate coming of th? Bridegroom Christ)? If in the past, course and their destiny ; fer no cases are yet to the law and the testimony. Last evening, as the almost endless form and ceremony of the oc-
have not the Wish virgins had ainole ftme to buy. and decided. And, on the other hand, some whom we knelt around the family altar, the light of casion, it would be safe to say that not five min-
return, and stand ready to go in, while ilf)me of the utes passed during the whole two and a half'
wise virgins have wasted all their oil, and their lamps we may all along have thought to be wise, will divine truth shone wonderfully about us.
are gone out ?, A. M. II. be found at last among the foolish. " Only those who have passed through like hours without some change in the service, either -
in chanting, singing, praying, or offering incense, angel and the elders, and consists of short medi- DUTY TO SUPPORT THE LORD'S The apostle asks this question, "If we have
etc., of which the service principally consisted. tations on the subject supplied by the angel in sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great
Through the kindness of a friend, I was per- MINISTERS.
the morning ; this act is antitypical to that of, thing that we reap your carnal things ? " Here
mitted to read a set of their standard tracts, Aaron in lighting the lamps, and is symbolized ONE of the most sacred duties of a Christian, is a minister who comes into a place, enters
twelve in number, in which are briefly set forth in the church by the sevenfold lamp, burning as enjoined in the word of. God, is that of aid- your church, and labors there perhaps from a
their history and principles. They call them- before the altar, which is lighted by the deacon ing in the support of the Lord's faithful serv- week to a month. He goes from house to
selves the "Catholic Apostolic Church," and as soon as the introductory part of the service ants who go out in the name of Christ to preach house, reading, praying, and exhorting. In the
claim that their church is a restored state of the is over." the truth to an unbelieving world. The Lord church he labors day and night to build up the
church as it existed in and soon after Christ's There were more than a score of robed persons has been very explicit upon this point. Thus cause of Christ, and give you light, and instruct
time. In stating their sentiments, I can do no engaged in the service which I witnessed. The Jesus says, "The laborer is worthy of his hire." you in the things of God, to save your own
better than to quote from their own writings. robes were of various forms and colors. To Luke 10 :7. And the apostle, arguing to the souls. Now, says the apostle, "If we have
In their introductory tract they say :— those who seek a " splendid ritual," this was, in same effect, quotes this text thus : " And the sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great
some respects, an imposing sight. laborer is worthy of his reward." 1 Tim. 5: thing if we shall reap your carnal things ?
"God has restored apostles to his church, to
I quote from another tract of theirs concern- 18. Some seem to think it is ; that after the minister
bring back to the ways of holiness, and to the
realities of holy worship, all who will hear his ing it :— The Lord, if he chose, could have his truth of Christ has toiled, and studied, and spent anx-
voice through them, and to anoint them with " Its worship strikes the imagination of the promulgated by heavenly angels, without the ious days and weeks to benefit them, he has,
the Holy Ghost, that so they may escape the educated beholder as the very worship cele- assistance of men ; but he has not so ordained. no right to ask anything in return. If they
judgments that are impending over apostate brated by Tertullian or by Hippolytus. That Be has committed this sacred work to the hands keep him all night, give him a meal of victuals,
Christianity, and may stand before the Son of venerable presbyter, those ardent young evan- of mortal men. To be successful, they must hand him a dollar, or make a donation of a few
man. He inspires prophets also, who, speak- gelists, those black-vested deacons, that ancient give it their whole attention ; arid in the major- simple garments, or something of this kind, they
ing in his name, proclaim the speedy coming of anthem, and still more ancient incense-burning ; ity of cases their work requires them to leave seem to think that this is all gratis, and that
the Lurd." the homily, the hymn, the utterance, the eucha- their homes, their families, and all the comforts the minister should humbly accept it with pro-
In Tract No. 2 they state, " The ordinary rist, transport us in sacred fancy to an antiquity and conveniences of life, and spend most, if not found gratitude, as though it was all a free do-
means of regeneration, then, is the sacrament of beyond the reach of Romish or other rites. all, of their time among strangers and in new nation without any obligation on the part of the
baptism." I suppose, however, that their bap- And yet how fitting is it to all the wants of to- fields. giver.
tism is sprinkling, as the baptismal font in day. That unique 'confession to the sin of Now, these men have to eat, and drink, and But the Lord does not so teach. He says
their church was not much larger than a Ro- schism, that prayerful remembrance of the dead, wear clothing, as other men. Besides, their positively that the laborer is worthy of his hire,
man Catholic font of holy water, too small that earnest recognition of a PRESENT- CHRIST, wives and children must be supported, the and the apostle says that just as no man goes to
to admit of immersion. That they' recognize that all-pervading devotion without doctrine,— same as those of other men. But how shall war at his own charges, and as no one tills the
sprinkling as baptism is also apparent from does it not give shape and language to the as- this be done ? They cannot be at home to look vineyard and eats not of its fruit, nor tends the
what they state in Tract No. 4 : " Christian men pirations of the soul alienated from all churches, after their own affairs, and manage some kind flock without drinking the milk,—just so it is
may call themselves members of the Greek, Ro- yet quite unable to do without them It may of business. You ask that farmer, that me- proper and right that the minister who labors.
man, Anglican, or any other communion, but well be so ; for this ritual is the product of many chanic or tradesman, how much it costs him to in spiritual things should be supported with the
God regards them all as members of the one minds, trained in diverse schools, united in their live, and support his family, and most of them temporal things of the people for whom he min-
church and of the body of his Son." belief of a divine mission, and searching, under will tell you that they have a hard time to get isters, and God requires them to pay him.
Of the church, they say it is established on the the impression of a divine command, up and through the year, and make the two ends meet ; Even stronger he says, " Even so hath he or-
fourfold ministry of Christ. We read in Tract down Christendom for the scattered vessels of and these men have the six working days to dained that they which preach the gospel shall
No. 5 : "The fourfold ministry was inherent in the sanctuary, to find and to rebuild. And the themselves, to labor and plan, and save, and live by the gospel." Yes, this is an ordinance
Christ, and manifest by him. So his church be- priesthood !—consisting of men of various sects manage their own affairs. Yet they say it is of God.
ing an outgrowth of himself, apostles, prophets, and vocations, not all of them separated from about all they can do to keep their heads above The Lord has ordained that the minister
evangelists, pastors, and teachers are in his those vocations—it may not exceed the priest- water. Well, my brethren, how do you sup- should obtain his living by the gospel which he
church." That Christ filled these four offices hood of other churches in devotion to prescribed pose those are to live who have families as preaches. The lawyer expects his living from
they prove by Heb. 3 :.1 ; Acts 7 : 37 ; Luke 4 : duty ; but its functions certainly appear at once large as your own, yet have no means of sup- those who are benefited by his labor. The phy-
18 ; John 10 :11. more comprehensive and more precise, every porting them except the charities of the people ? sician looks to the sick, to whom he has ren-
In Tract No. 6, theystate respecting the church : man having a special work, and the entire work They cannot plant crops and raise them ; they dered aid, for his pay. The farmer looks to
" The apostles are the nucleus of the church. including ministration to every want or circum- cannot earn money with their hands nor prose- his fields for his reward ; but the minister nei-
Th,ey set over the church deacons, appoint eld- stance of humanity ; the daily service of the cute a trade ; neither can they be at home to ther pleads law, nor doctors the sick, nor plows
ers (presbyters, or priests) in every city. Bish- altar and the pulpit, the visitation of the save in various ways, as you can; yet their the field, and hence cannot expect his living
ops, or angels, are set over the church by the sick, the relief of the distressed, and the abso- families must live. From what source is this from any of these sources. Where must he ob-
apostles. Deacons are chosen by the people, but lution of the burdened." living to come ? God has settled this matter. tain it ? God has settled this question. It is.
elders, or bishops, were called by word of proph- Of their history I quote from Tract No. 5 of He has made it the sacred duty of his people to to come from those to whom he has ministered
ecy. Elders, bishops, and deacons are ordained their series of twelve : " In 1830 a young man look after the necessary wants of his devoted in spiritual things.
by the apostles." in the west of Scotland spoke with tongues. servants, and to faithfully supply them. If Dear brethren and sisters, I fear that many
In Tract No. 9 they say of the Mosaic priest- Power came upon two brothers and their sisters they neglect to do their duty in this direction, of you do not realize your duty in this matter
hood : "The sprinkling of the blood, the daily of another family living a few miles off. All of it is a positive sin against God. as God has set it forth in his word ; hence we
meat and drink offerings and incense, the trim- these persons were of noted godliness and sobri- The Holy Spirit thus argues this question in wish to call your attention to your sacred obli-
ming and lighting of the lamps, and the contin- ety of character. 1Cor. 9 : " Who goeth a warfare at any time at gation. Look at our ministers ! Who labors.
ual service of the tabernacle, all showed forth " Rev. Edward Irving, minister of the Scotch his own charges ? " This is a pointed question. harder than they? Who practices more self-de-
spiritual and eternal worship and service, which Church, Regent Square, accepted the doctrine During the Rebellion, many of you went into nial? Do they not love their wives, and their
the church should offer, in the Holy Ghost, day and work, and was shortly after ejected from the army. Did Uncle Sam require you to fur- children, and their homes, and the conveniences
by day, before the Lord." his church." nish your own clothing, your own arms and and comforts of life as well as you do? and yet most
" But the church offers no sacrifice for the tak- They state that " utterances were made by ammunition, and pay for this yourself ? No, in- of these they have to forego. It is only occasion-
ing away of sin. She does on earth what Christ these persons, calling attention to the symbols deed. The government justly met all these ex- ally, and then for short periods of time, that they
is doing in Heaven. There he presents himself of the Old Testament, especially those of the penses, and paid you good wages with which to can be with their wives and families. They are
to the Father as the Lamb that had been slain. tabernacle. These were explained in the light support your families at home. out constantly, going from town to town and
Here in the holy eucharist she also brings before of prophetic words as shadowing forth the true Again he says, " Who planteth a vineyard, from house to house, sleeping in one bed one
the Father the memorial of that body and blood spiritual worship to be observed by the church and eateth not of the fruit thereof " This is night and in another the next night, putting up
once offered upon the cross, once for all, a full, evermore." another forcible illustration. Who would not with whatever is set before them, and taking
perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and sat- It seems they decided that while these things be grieved, if, after he had toiled with care for things as they come. They are always expected
isfaction for the sins of the whole world.' " signified Christ's work, they also meant his min- years in planting an orchard, in pruning it, in to be cheerful and pleasant, willing to labor un-
As proof that it is right to have a literal altar isters on earth ; so they have taken the same caring for it, he should then be refused the der any and all circumstances, and to take what
on which to make an offering of the eucharist to position as the Mormons, although they have a privilege of eating of its fruits ? Or if, when he they get without complaint. If they say any-
God, as the priests offered the blood of beasts different mode of carrying it out, namely, that does eat of it, he is obliged to eat as though it thing to their brethren about supporting them,
while the smoke of literal incense arose before both the Aaronic and the Melchisedec priest- were grudged him ? it is called begging. I believe that it is a.
the altar, they quote Heb. 13 : 10 and Malachi hood are now carried out in the ministry of the The Lord takes another illustration : " Who burning shame for our brethren to feel and talk
1 : 11. church on earth. feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of in that manner. Place yourselves in their cir-
In Tract No. 11 they say, " In the eucharist It is due, perhaps, that I should say of this the flock ? " Would it not be mean to refuse a cumstances, and see if you would not feel some
is found a summary of all the types which ex- people, that, with all their forms and ceremo- cup of milk to the servant who has given all interest, about your temporal support, and the
hibit the atonement and sacrifice of Christ." nies, the greatest degree of reverence, dignity, his time to milking the cows, and caring for the care of your families. I think you would.
" The principal parts of the eucharistic service and devotion, is manifest, and that they are herd ? So the Lord says in the case of his There is one reason why our people take less
are transacted within the sanctuary, a part of still earnest Bdvocates of the immediate personal servants who go out and labor wholly in the care and less responsibility in providing for
the church answering to the holiest of all in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. vineyard of the Lord. And shall they not have their ministers than any other class of religious
tabernacle." " The twelve loaves of shew bread, It will be apparent, I think, to all our brethren, their food of it ? people. Most all other churches have their
the type of Christ, the bread of life, which re- when this people, who had so much light on the Once more he illustrates : "For it is written ministers located in their midst, where all the,
mained on the table of proposition in the holy doctrine of Christ's coming, fell into formalism. in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the church can plainly see their circumstances, and!
place for seven days, were consumed on the If these were genuine movings of God's Spirit mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. become familiar with their wants. If the fam-
eighth day." among them, he designed to show them his Both God take care for oxen ? " Verse 9. An- ily is in poor circumstances, everybody knows.
By the same analogy they claim that the eu- sanctuary, that they might be prepared to un- ciently grain was threshed by laying it upon the it. If they have but little in their house,
charist, that remains from the consecration on derstand Christ's present position, and the true threshing-floor, and driving oxen over it. This everybody sees it. The minister is there every-
one first-day is consumed on the next first-day. event to take place at the end of the twenty- I have done frequently in former years. It is a week to remind them, by his presence and his
These people hold a service early in the morn- three hundred days, and so stand, as the Sev- very wearisome day's work for a horse or ox to words, of their duty in this respect. This be-
ing and in the evening every day in the week, enth-day Adventists have, the shock of the pass. tread all day long over the light straw, to shell ing the case, the churches look after these min-
of which they say, in Tract No. 12, "The otter ing of the time in 1844. But, alas ! the leaders out the grain. Now, some men are so mean and isters and their wants. They go to the parson-
of the morning and evening prayer, and exhort- in the movement here were believers, to a great stingy toward these animals that they will put a age with little gifts and donations. Once or
ation by the evangelist, and in the evening by extent, in many forms and ceremonies, and mis- muzzle upon their mouth, so that they cannot twice a year they get up a donation party, and
the pastor, corresponds to the whole action of took the voice that called attention to the great eat a mouthful of grain all day. God, from carry in various articles for the use of the min-
slaying the lamb and placing it upon the altar." and closing work of Christ as our High Priest, Heaven, said that the ox that treads out the ister's family, and in other ways constantly
In this service, "during the same, the angel for a call to establish new rites and ceremonies, grain shall not be muzzled. It is but just and look after his wants.
(bishop) takes from the tabernacle the symbols and their ritualism now exceeds, in its many va- right that he should have what he wishes to But it is not so with our ministers. Not one
of the body and blood of Christ, and proposes or riations and changes, that of the churches either eat ; for he works hard all day. Now the Lord church in ten has one of our ministers living in
places them on the altar, in sight of all ; signify- of England or of Rome. applies this to the case of ministers. He says their midst. " Out of sight out of mind," is an
ing that it is only as pleading the sacrifice of T. N. LOI7GHBOROUGII. that just so those who labor in gathering in old proverb, and thoroughly true in this case.
Christ that we can preset to God any act of souls, are workers in the Lord's harvest field, Only two or three times eyear do most of our
worship." WHEREVER God has a church, the devil builds should have their living from the labor which people see,,a)ninister, and it is but for a day or
" In the evening the ministry is given by the a temple by the side of it.—Ifenry. they perform. (Concluded on last page )
126 THE 'EVIEW AND HERALD. [VOL. 53, No. 16.

LIFE'S WORK. forty copies of the Instructor weekly from Bat- ILLINOIS. sion of fifteen minutes, we met, and followed
Is along life's weary journey tle Creek. They do not pay forty pennies the instructions of our blessed Master as re-
You have soothed an aching head, (eighty cents) for these, but eight pence (sixteen Report of Meetings.—Feb. 23 to March 9 corded in John 13 : 5, 14, 15 ; Luke 22 : 19, 20.
If you've watched beside the dying, cents). I held meetings in the Texas church. Some This was the most solemn meeting we ever
if you've wept above the dead, Last week we concluded a bargain for a can- promised to keep the Sabbath, and two or three attended. New vows were made by nearly all
If from out one bleeding bosom vass tent, ten-ounce duck, sixty feet in diameter, await baptism. The truth is working here like present to live nearer the Lord. May the Lord
You have soothed away the pain, nine foot walls, with side poles, center pole, and leaven. help us to keep our vows.
Yon shall find reward in Heaven, flag-staff, poles ironed off with ring for hook of March 25, I visited Marvel, and held one B. F. RICHARDS,
And your work is not in vain. upper tackle block, a fifteen-foot bunten English meeting. All are holding on here.
flag, guys, ground stakes, and all complete for March 26 to April 1, I was at Woodburn.
All around are weary travelers erection, £85 ($425.00). The tent is to be com- The brethren have just finished repairing their MAINE.
Walking through life's passing years, pleted April 21. We hope to have weather suit- church. It presents a very neat appearance.
Gathering thorns instead of roses, West Sumner, Oxford Co., April 7.—
Sowing pain and reaping tears; able for tent-meetings by the month of May. The brethren here all seem to be doing well, March 15, 16, I held meetings at East Fryeburg,
If you find a fallen brother, The weather here at present is quite cold, al- except in finances. Hope they may improve in and organized a church. Our meetings were
And you lift him up again, though we have had a few days of fine weather. this. Remember, brethren, God blesses the very well attended, and strict attention was paid
You shall find reward in Heaven, While we are waiting for the tent season be- liberal soul. Only a part voted to adopt the to the word spoken. We expect to see additions
And your work is not in vain. fore making a thorough effort in public, we are tithing system in full. to their numbers, if all that have signed the cov-
not idle by any means. With other matters I I am now at home, sick. C. H. BLiss. enant are faithful. Our brethren here are very
Many pallid lips are parching am taking occasion to learn the ways and doc- much scattered, yet they sustain their Sabbath
For the water you might bring; trines of the different sects of Great Britain, so meetings.
Many now who moan in sorrow as to know how to adapt our teaching of the St. Anne, April 6.—With Bro. R. F. The 22d and 23d I met with the church at
You might teach with joy to sing; truth to the circumstances and conditions of the Andrews to push forward the work among the Milton, and ordained an elder and a deacon.
Many seeds that you could scatter people. I give an article this week containing Americans at Pittwood and in the vicinity, I The church raised $4.00 to buy a church library.
Would produce a glorious grain; some interesting points concerning one of these have been enabled to successfully close up my Bro. Robins, who has been reading the Signs for
You would find reward in Heaven, sects, and will speak of others hereafter. work in this section for the present. I have nearly two years, came to this meeting, and re-
And you would not work in vain. Pray for us, that in all our efforts to reach the visited and held meetings at eight different quested me to hold a meeting -in his place, five
L. D. SANTEE. people we may be guided by heavenly wisdom. points. Twenty-seven persons have been bap- miles from Milton. We held our first meeting
Chanute, Kan. J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH. tized, eighteen of whom are French. Seven- March 24, and have now given fifteen discourses.
March 25, 1879. teen French members have been added to the Bro. R. and his family, together with others,
St. Anne church. Thirty-five persons, at least, making fifteen or more, have decided to keep
:PraBm i:iTI ezumt. OHIO.
have embraced the Sabbath, besides some who
have decided to obey under Bro. Andrews's suc-
the Sabbath, and the interest is still increasing.
Last evening about twenty requested prayers.
cessful efforts near. Pittwood. Were it not that I remain here over another Sunday. Pray for
at that goeth forth and woopeth, hearing precious seed, shall 50t h Dunkirk and Belluille.—April 2-9 I spent five families are moving away, we should have us. J. B. GOODRICH.
~eme aging with rojoioieg, bringing his ehoarea with him." Ft. 120:6. in Ohio. Held a meeting at Dunkirk, and quite a large company to meet together- on the
found this company growing in numbers and in Sabbath. But we expect that some, at least,
faith in the message. Their number has nearly of those who leave will help in raising up be- Aroostook Co.—Met with the church at
SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND. IkP doubled since they were first raised up. This Linneus at the time of their quarterly meeting,
lievers where they go.
THE last week marks still further progress in is because they have been visited regularly at One week ago yesterday, Sabbath, we cele- Sabbath, April 5. It was one of the best sea-
our work here. Since my last report a family least once a month, instead of being left to brated the ordinances with many of the new eons we have ever enjoyed with them. Old dif-
consisting of the parents and two daughters have themselves, as has often been the case. No converts, and an elder was ordained for the ferences have been put away, and perfect union
fully taken their stand with us. These addi- young church can prosper if left to itself. Hence St. Anne church. Yesterday, after an interest- seems to prevail among them, for which we feel
tions greatly encourage the little company here, every minister in Ohio is specially directed not ing baptism, I had an important interview with to praise the Lord. A. K. HERSH AL.
and are a great help in our Sabbath meetings. to leave any company he has raised up longer the leading French brethren, organized sys-
In our Sunday afternoon Bible-class, after than one month without visiting them. Bro. tematic labor and arranged to have other Roman
tracing the testimony of both the Old and. the Rupert has done this, and the fruit is what we Catholic fields entered at once. If the St. IOWA.
New Testament on the Sabbath question, we might expect. Anne church labor patiently as they have done
have been examining secular history as to how, Spent Sabbath and Sunday at Bellville with Denison, April 10. I came here two weeks
in the past, they certainly will gain souls to ago, and found about a dozen Swedish families.
when, and by whom the Sabbath was changed Brn. Burrill and Mann. They have an excel- the truth.
from Saturday to 'Sunday.. Thus far the ses- I visited from house to house among them, and
lent interest. Their little house was crowded I have also made special efforts to furnish also visited some German families and distrib-
sions have been very interesting, and have re- to overflowing. About half a dozen had al- names to vigilant societies for our French paper.
sulted in establishing all present in the fact that ready taken a stand for the truth. We confi- uted a few hundred pages of tracts among them.
My P. 0. address, for the coining week, will Some are interested in these tracts, and two
it was a human and not a divine power that -un- dently expect several more. Four united with be Sheridan, La Salle Co , Ill.
dertook to change the Sabbath, while in God's have ordered the " Way of Life." Had we a--
the church, and two were baptized. We cele- D. T. BOITRDEAU. German paper, I think several would subscribe.
word the seventh day, as ever, is still recog- brated the ordinances, and transacted all the
nized as the holy Sabbath of the Lord. business of the quarterly meeting. Sunday the Last Sabbath, I attended the quarterly meet-
New ones are attending our meetings, and be- ing at Dow City, where I met the brethren from
friends raised about $30 for the Sabbath-school Kankakee, April 7.—By invitation, I came Denison and Dunlap. The ordinances were ad-
coming interested in the truth. We are sending and a set of Sister White's works. This sup- to Kankakee, April 4. We had good Sabbath
many papers and letters to different parts of the ministered. Addressed the people four times.
plies them with all they need for the Sabbath- meetings, and a business meeting on Sunday. I found one family much interested. By invita-
kingdom, and are receiving favorable letters in school, and leaves several dollars over. This is Two who had given up the Sabbath were dis-
return. The papers are being read with inter- right. It had been feared that this little church tion, I spent six hours in explaining the Script-
fellowshipped, and one was received into the ures to one who is confined to a sick bed.
est, and more are wanted. Last week a lady would go down, but now we hope to see it church. At five o'clock P. M. we met to cele-
who had received from us the Signs through the I have held two meetings at Denison. Have
stronger than ever.. brate the ordinances. This was a good season. obtained twenty-four subscribers for our various
post, came several miles to talk with us. She Visited Cleveland and Bowling Green on busi- The Spirit of the Lord was present, and every
thanked us for the papers, and requested me to ness. Received over $1300 on various branches periodicals, and have orders for publications to
one gave a good testimony. We all renewed the amount of $10.00. Soon expect to go to
come and visit them, and converse with them on of the cause. Last year the whole amount of our covenant with the Lord, and promised to
the truth. I am to visit them to-day. This Kiron. JAMES SAWYER.
s. n. received was a little over $1400. Only serve him more faithfully.
lady said that she and her husband were deeply tivo quarters of this year have passed, and we To-day I go to Kempton, to see those who
interested in the paper. have received over $1300. This is because the have lately embraced the truth there. I ask Lamoille, April 10.—The interest here is
In a letter just received from Norfolk county, brethren are adopting the tithing system. the prayers of the children of God. still good. There has been quite an interest on
a gentleman says, " I have 'received three differ- have not found a man in Ohio who opposes it, LEWIS JOHNSON. the Sabbath question ; but I suppose not more
ent papers called the Signs of the Times, which and why should they ? as it is the Bible plan. than six have commenced to keep the true day,
I have read with great interest. I am much We now have six good tents ready to run, and although on Monday evening sixteen responded
pleased with the papers, but would be much are expecting a glorious campaign this summer. McCord, Martinville, and Greenup.—At to a call for all who believe these truths, and
more so to know who it is that so much cares D. M. CANRIGHT. McCord we found prejudice, but had a fair feel that they ought to obey them, to arise.
for my soul's welfare. If it would not be too hearing until the roads became almost impass- We have had three Sabbath meetings, and the •
much trouble, would you please send me your able. A failure in crops for several years has good Spirit was present, especially in two of
creed, etc. I would like much to correspond Wakeman.—Our meetings in Wakeman brought many to destitution. It is reported them. Our meetings must soon close for the
with you. If you can ascertain by any means have closed for the present. Most of those who that forty families in this township have ap- present ; but I shall still meet with these friends.
my friend to whom I am indebted for the paper, have embraced the truth live in the country. plied to the county for aid. The work here is In all, there are now eleven keeping the Sabbath.
I would like to thank him." We held several meetings in two different school- not finished. Four promise to keep the Sab- G. V. KILGORE.
Of course, all to whom we send papers do not houses in the vicinity. About twelve dollars' bath. The field being a new one, it has proven .
thus accept them ; yet it seems that there are worth of books were sold. We think that up- to be, truly, a "battle ground." Our current
some who wish to aid us in our work, even wards Oftfteen have accepted the present truth expenses, above donations, will not exceed one Schonberg, April 4.—Since my last re-
though they decline to accept the truth them- as theeresult of these meetings. In a few weeks dollar. Bro. Strader and wife have assisted port, I have visited the brethren at Adel, Wood-
selves. The following extract from a letter just *0 hope to organize a church of twenty-five or much. burn, and Afton. At two of the above-named
received from a gentleman in Oxfordshire will thirty members in Wakeman. I met Bro. Colcord at Martinville. Spoke places they have had no labor for two years. I
illustrate this : "I have received several copies twice. Was encouraged to see the interest man- remained at Adel over two Sabbaths, holding
Bro. J. C. Bartlett, of Oberlin, who once be- ifested ; some came thirty miles through mud meetings in the day time from house to house
of the Signs of the Times from you, but as they lieved and obeyed the truth, but gave it up dur-
are not according to my views, I decline to con- and storm. The church here is a model of for the brethren, and at night in the court-
ing the war, has returned heartily to the path neatness. house. Had some good, spiritual meetings, and
tinue them. I pass them about, and inclose of obedience since the Wakeman meeting. He
twelve penny postage stamps for those I have I aided Bro. C. at Greenup. The brethren some outside interest. The brethren were en-
is now with me, and is good help. I hope he and friends, by their zeal in coming to meeting, coura,ged, some backsliders were reclaimed, and
had." may become an efficient workman. His family
Our friends in America are taking hold well, are with him in the truth. They move to Milan showed that their s ouls were hungry for the one took his stand for the truth.
both in furnishing us clubs of the Signs, and in word of life. The Lord blessed, and 1 trust all I also staid over two Sabbaths at Woodburn,
this week. were fed. I met with this church in their and from there I went to Afton, also to Platt
mailing papers and corresponding with individ- I am at East Norwalk now for two or three
uals. With the large additions made last week evenings. One more has commenced to obey quarterly meeting, April 4-6. We enjoyed the township, where we had some very good meet-
to our club of Signs, we now have about all we since we were here before. presence of the Spirit from the first, and were ings. I left sonic omens of good in all these
can manage with our present force. We have made to "rejoice with joy unspeakable and full places. They all adopted the tithing system.
April 7. H. A. ST. JOHN. of glory." It was all of the Lord. I remain J. H. MORRISON.
sent 382 names to the V. M. societies in Ameri-
ca. We extend our sincere thanks to these so- here for a few days, as there is some interest.
cieties for the aid they are rendering us, and we Van Wert and Hanzler.—T was at Van This being my first year in the field, I have State Center, April 6.---I held fifteen meet-
daily pray the Lord to give them wisdom and Wert, March 29, 30. Bro. Rupert was with had much to learn. I have heeded, and intend ings in a school-house seven miles from Nevada.
success in their efforts. us. We had interesting meetings, and a fair in the future to heed, Jas. 1 : 5. My courage is Two are keeping the Sabbath, and will join the
Papers that are sent here should he wrapped outside attendance. good. I trust I have a connection with the church at Nevada
in tough paper, and not in common writing- April 4-6, I held meetings at Hauler. Four true Vine. Pray for me. A. A. JOHN. I spent about four weeks at a place five miles
paper. If the bundles are large they should be were received into the church, three by bap- south of Ames. Seven are keeping the Sabbath,
tied with a string. This suggestion is not intend- tism, and one front the "Church of God." Six and others are interested. I visited fifteen fami-
ed for the offices of publication, for their papers others are keeping the Sabbath here. About MICHIGAN. lies, and obtained seven subscribers for our peri-
cone safely ; but for individuals. This morning $350 was raised toward building a meeting- odicals. Two families are about to move West ;
the postman handed us a wrap which was made house ; as much more can be raised without
Spring Arbor.—The quarterly meeting of
this will leave the others rather lonely, but
of writing-paper. It was plainly addressed to much trouble. A. A. BIGELOW. the church at this place, April 5 and 6, was an the Lord will be their helper. J. S. HART.
us here, and stamped, " Potterville, Mich., occasion of much interest, the attendance, both
March 11." It was also stamped in print with of our own people and others, being quite large.
the following : " Found in N. P. B. with- Emerald Station.—Commenced meetings The church is comparatively young in the truth, Shelby Co., April 10.—I have now closed
out contents." It probably contained something at Emerald Station on the Wabash railroad, and there is considerable interest in the COM- my meetings in this county at the places spoken
good when it started, and trough the contents seven miles from Paulding Center, March 13. OlUllity to hear ; and as the meetings were held of in my last reports. I cannot give any defi-
stopped on the way, we will hope that they may Many said we had the truth, and some who had over Sabbath and first-day, I spoke twice each nite statement as to success, but I am thankful
thus fall into the hands of some one who may not read the Bible for years, and had become day to large and attentive congregations. A for the privilege I have had of presenting pres-
be benefited thereby. skeptical, took down their dusty Bibles and com- goodly proportion of the church participated in ent truth to so many in the county where I am
As the postal treaty is construed by the au- menced to read, and still others who had no the celebration of the ordinances. living.
thorities here, it is not necessary, in paying Bibles procured them. I closed my meetings W. C. GAGE. Our quarterly meeting at Elk Horn was a good
•) one, especially on Sabbath, when forty-one feel-
postage on papers to Great Britain, to pay one on account of bad roads.
penny (two cents) for each paper in a bundle, I am now at home, and have held a few meet- COnViS.—A ceordinfy, to appointment, we ing testimonies were borne. We have a good
though the postage on a single paper pot ex- ings, having a good attendance. I rejoice in God met with this church, Sabbath, April 5. Spoke Sabbath-school here. They voted to take ten
ceeding four ounces is one penny. In case there for his plain truth. I want to humble myself, from Matt. 24. copies of the Instructor besides those already
are a number of papers in the package, of less, and so live that the Lord can use me to his Immediately after the morning service, the taken. The T. and M. work also received at-
weight than four ounces each; the package is glory. Brethren, pray that I may be success- names of all the members were called, and tention, and the s. B. and one third were paid.
weighed and mailed at the rate of one penny for ful in the work of the Lord. those present responded by telling what the Next week I intend to go to fill calls in other
every four ounces. To illustrate : we receive April 3. A. L. Hnssire. Lord had done for them. After an intermis- places. JOHN F. HANSON.
APRIL 17, 1879.] THE REVIEW AND HER4_41_,D, 127
pleased with it. An elder and deacon were selves, large crowds would be seen running to West Coast of Africa, does not express a high opin-
DAKOTA. ion of the usual style of intelligence sent home from
ordained. The Spirit of the Lord was present it." Appeals are wade to the various French that what is given to
Sunny Side and Elk Point.-The meeting all through the day. Protestant societies to organize a comprehensive heathen missions. He
the public is too decidedly rose-colored and is se-
at Sunny Side, March 31, was a good one. On In the evening after the Sabbath, the house plan of action."-Harper's Weekly. lected with a view of keeping up the spirits of con-
Sabbath twenty came forward for prayer, a was crowded with attentive hearers, who listened tributors. Perhaps his judgment is too sweeping,
good portion of whom were starting for the first to a discourse from Mal. 3 :7-11, showing that but he certainly sets an example of candor in de-
time, and all expressed their determination to
serve the Lord. Five were taken into the
the professed people of God had gone away from
his ordinances. of the Sabbath, of tithing, of bap-
ul scribing his own mission, as for example: " I have
found that much which appears pious is simply cant,
church, two by letter, two by vote, and one by tism, and of feet-washing; and that now, in a mere language learned in the mission schools, with-
baptism. obedience to the invitation in the text, they -Au insect is at work destroying the orange out any character to back it up. There is a pitiable
A load were over from Lincoln, where Bro. are returninu to these ordinances. We then groves of Louisiana. want of sincerity long after there is an astonishing
Olsen has been holding meetings, and were celebrated the b ordinances of the Lord's house. pretense of piety." While speaking thus bluntly,
greatly encouraged and strengthened. The It was a triumphant meeting. - Tun pope has declined to accept Archbishop the bishop works like a hero.
members of this church have done well finan- The strong prejudice that I found against the Purcell's resignation.
cially, considering their circumstances, having truth when I came here is fast passing away. -12,000 looms at Blackburn, England, have
raised $38 00 on the tent, and pledged $22.00
on the Danish mission. Two joined the tract
We have entirely broken down the spirit of com-
bative contention about the truth, and have ex-
stopped, and 6,000 weavers are idle.
-THERE is a good understanding between the
Ottiluaq 1?tirta.
society. The Sabbath-school interest is also horted the people to be kind and to respect the Vatican and the German empire.
good. feelings of all, and this course is having a most "'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from heric.o.
The meeting at Elk Point, April 7, was also excellent effect on the public mind. I have not -VAsv beds of superior magnetic iron ore have forth." Rev 14:x3.
been discovered in Lehigh county, Pa. Os
good. One was baptized and united with the had one word of controversy with any person
church, and one joined the tract society. The since I have been in the State, though I have -A coeossee bronze statue of Livingstone, 8 feet OLSEN.-Died of tumor in the stomach, in Oak-
tract-society meeting was especially interesting. preached and talked to a great many people. 6 inches high, has lately been uuvailed in Glasgow. land, Jefferson Co,, Wis., March 26, 1879, our dear
In the morning it was very rainy, and it looked Prejudice, in all who hear, melts away. mother, Bertha Olsen, aged 55 years, 4 months, and
-A FIRE in Miragoane, Hayti, April 4, rendered
for a while as though our meeting was to be a On first-day morning we had an excellent bus- 3 clays. Mother was born in Norway, and with our
5,000 or 6,000 persons homeless. The loss is about Either came to this country in 1850. They first
failure ; but the friends were persevering, and iness meeting. After reading the reports of the $1,000,000.
we enjoyed the blessing of God in a good de- missionary work, the importance of raising a connected themselves with the Methodist church, but
gree. A small sum was raised on the tent. tract fund to obtain tracts for me to use in my - Duman- 1878, 471 persons were saved from in 1857 they embraced the Sabliathand shortly after
As there was no suitable place for baptism labors, was considered, and $25.50 was pledged wrecks or from vessels in distress by the lifeboats on' received the light of the third angel's message.
within reach, the pastor of the Baptist church and a considerable of it paid, the rest to be paid the coast of Great Britain. They were the first among the Scandinavian people
to embrace present truth. During the many years
kindly offered us the use of their house and at the next quarterly meeting. I then circu- - QUEEN VICTORIA, who is traveling on the conti-
baptistery, which we gladly accepted, and the lated the tithing pledge, and 1 think all but one nent, has received an autograph letter from the pope, mother was-connected with the church, her life was
marked with true devotion, and an unselfish inter-
occasion was a solemn and interesting one. signed it, and fbelieve she will yet do so. Sev- welcoming her to Italy. est for her finally and the cause of truth. She had
S. B. WHITNEY. eral who are not yet members signed this pledge. - THE famine in Upper Egypt, which was caused twelve children, and the nine now living are all
The Sabbath-school and Bible-class are prosper- by overtaxation, has ceased, but has bit disastrous trying to follow her example, and are members of
ing. consequences. 10,000 persons died by starvation the church. Three of her sons arc now engaged in
MINNESOTA. Such a spirit of earnestness characterized all alone. the work of the ministry, and a fourth contemplates
Maple Plain, March 30.-Our little com- the meetings as can only be developed by the soon entering it.
power of the Spirit of God through obedience to -Tun Senate has passed a bill for the construction Through her sickness not a cloud disturbed her
pany of ten, all but one heads of families, are of a refrigerating vessel, to be used for the disinfec- peace of mind. She felt. that her work was finished,
standing firm, and growing in grace, and in the the third angel's message. The brethren and tion of ships and cargoes coming from yellow-fever and said
sisters are all much encouraged to be more faith- she had nothing to say to her children
knowledge and love of the truth, which has made ports. only, " Be faithful." She was very desirous 'that
them free. We have organized a Sabbath-school, ful to the Lord, and I never was of better cour-
age in my life than at present. May the Lord -Hon. ANDREW D. WHITE, President of Cornell they should all be present at her funeral, but did
and appointed a leader among them. All the University, has been nominated by the President not wish them called from their places of duty till
features of our work have been presented. help us all to be humble and prayerful. and confirmed by the Senate as Minister to Germany, the time of her death By the providence of God,
They are taking hold of the health reform, and I. SANBORN. to succeed the late Bayard Taylor. this wish was granted, and they were all present.
the tithing system, and temperance, and will --A Jewisu ex-rabbi, near Berlin, has celebrated After following her remains to their last resting-
engage in the T. and M. work as they are able. QUEBEC. '3‘` his iron wedding on the seventieth anniversary of place, the family united in prayer in their father's
They are all in limited circumstances, but are his marriage. He is in his 93d year, and 69 of his house, and soon after separated, probably never to
willing to do what they can. The five families Sutton, etc.-There are ten Sabbath-keep- 145 descendants attended the festival. all meet again this side of eternity. May God
have subscribed for the REVIEW and the In- ing families here. Some of them meet in the grant that we may all meet then. Words fail to ex-
structor, and have bought a partial supply of S. D. A. meeting-house just over the Canada -DURING a heavy thunder storm at three o'clock press our loss, but the blessed hope cheers and sus-
books. We shall close our work here for the line, in East Richford, Vt. Sabbath, Feb. on the morning of March 24, the Roman Catholic tains in our great bereavement. We would ask the
Convent in Cairo, Dl , was struck by lightning and prayers of God's people, especially for our father,
present, to-night, hoping, if the Lord please, to 1, for certain reasons, I met with them there. burned to the ground. No one was injured.
return and organize them fully, before Confer- The Lord blessed. Two Canadians made a start that he may be sustained and cheered during his
ence. in the service of God. In a business meeting -Tun Tremont House at Claremont, N. H., was declining years by the blessing of God.
We have been reminded here of the state- held this side of the line, it was decided that totally destroyed by fire on the 29th of March, 0. A. OLSEN.
ment in Luke 23: 12. Before our coming, the the s. B. raised by friends living in this Province and five persons were burned to death. There were
different sects were no more united than • in should hereafter be used in the Province, under forty persons in the house at the time, some of whom PARKER.-Died of lung fever at Pittwood,
other places, but since we have stirred them up the management and advice of the General Con- were injured in jumping from the windows of the April 6, 1879, Walter Ray, infant son of John and
by presenting the law and Sabbath and kindred ference, the Executive Committee of the Ver- burning building. Sena L Parker, aged seven months and twenty days.
truths, the Methodists have held a quarterly mont Conference assenting. Four persons paid - A CONTRACTOR of Marseilles has just obtained a Words of comfort from Jer. 31: 15-17. R. F. ANDREWS.
meeting at a station a mile from here, and at that $33 on s. B. for the year 1878,-about one-half concession for the extraction of chlorate of potash
meeting they held a union communion service, of what was pledged. It is hoped that all will from the Dead Sea. The process of producing it
in which, we are told, Adventists, Baptists, Con- adopt the plan of s. B. will, besides, furnish other valuable chemical sub- BELLOWS.-Died in Eaton, Eaton Co., Mich.,
gregationalists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Meth- There are fifteen Sabbath-keeping families in stances, such as the bromide and iodide of potas- March 25, 1879. Sister Mary A. Bellows, aged 23
odists, and Presbyterians joined, being served Stukely and three adjacent townships. The sium. years She leaves evidence of a hope of everlasting
jointly by the Methodist and Adventist minis- present winter has been so severe that meetings life. Iler mother, three brothers, and many friends
-GENERAL GARIBALDI has gone to Rome. It is and neighbors, mourn her loss. Discourse by the
ters. I wonder if such think this is the union have been interrupted ; yet my meeting in said his visit has no political significance, but that writer to a large congregation, in the United Brethren
for which Christ prayed, John 17 : 20, 21? Have South Stukely was well attended. The Lord the veteran general has probably gone there to die. meeting-house, from Luke 8: 52.
we not come to the fulfillment of Isa. 60 :2 : met with us by his Spirit. On Sunday we Sick, and worn out with his journey, he was borne to J. B. FB.ISBIE.
" For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, organized a tract society for the counties of the house of his son on a mattress, followed by a
and gross darkness the people; but the Lord Shefford and Brome. We also organized a Sab- multitude of silent but admiring friends.
shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen bath-school, and arranged s. B. for the present HUNTLEY.-Bro. E. S. [-lunacy, for many years a
upon thee"? Let that glory shine, be our daily year. Obtained twelve subscribers for our peri- - Tan Chinese are about to build large cotton and resident of Battle Creek, Mich., died at DeWitt, Ill.,
prayer. D. P. CURTIS. odicals. The times are very hard for the poor woolen factories, the former at Shanghai, and the Feb. 4, 1879, after a short illness. He was a mem-
laboring classes. Many are glad if they can latter at Tientsin, where sheep are numerous, and ber of the Battle Creek church of S. D. Adventists
their fleeces can be had for the gathering. The at tue time of his death. It. C.
get boarded for their work. By accepting pro-
Oronoco, April 8.-After attending Eld. visions and other articles in several, instances
herald says these factories " will hurt America more
Haskell's good meeting at Hutchinson, I re- than our 15-man travesty of legislation could hurt SIMMONS.-Died of diphtheria, March 11, 1879,
in payment of s. B. pledges, about two-thirds of China."
turned to the New Haven church, which I had the pledge for the year 1878 has been paid. Georgie 0., little son of A and M. E. Simmons,
recently organized, to finish the work there. Twelve families are keeping the Sabbath in -Ax English writer, reviewing the facts of the aged 3 years, 1 month, and 27 days.
Since returning, I have baptized sixteen. war in South Africa, concludes that if the money LIZZIE L. RHODES.
the vicinity of Barford. They have a prosper-
March 20, in compliance with an earnest re- ous Sabbath-school. Nearly all the s. B. for which has already been spent in conquering the Zu-
quest, I commenced meetings in Oronoco. the past year is paid. We completed the organ- lus had been applied to their improvement, it would PIXLEY.-Our dear mother, Mrs. A, G. Pixley,
The attendance add interest have been good ization of the tract society of the Province of have civilized tens of thousands of them, and made died on the 16th of March, at Amboy, ill., of
from the first. The most unpopular points of them a source of wealth to the colonies and to Eng- acute pneumonia. Her death was sudden, but she
Quebec, Sabbath-school officers were elected, and land also.
our faith have been presented without the least s. B. was pledged for the present year. They died trusting in our Lord Jesus. She loved the RE-
abatement in interest, but rather an increase. pay for seven copies of the monthly Instructor -THE greatest consternation has been caused in VIEW next to the Bible. She will receive her re-
Some have taken a stand, and many are in the and for ten of the weekly, besides taking some the town of Reading, Mass., by the discovery that ward. II. W. PIXLEY.
"valley of decision." Bro. Battin has joined other papers. To the joy of God's people, two Nathan P. Pratt, treasurer of a savings bank in that
me, and has rendered some assistance. We ask promising youths have decided to obey the truth. town, is a defaulter to the amount of $90,000, and WHEELOCK.-Died at Delhi Center, Mich., March
the prayers of God's people in behalf of the I held three Sabbath meetings with that church, that while enjoying the fullest confidence of the 21, 1879, Willie, infant son of Dr. J. S. and Z R.
work here. GEO. M. DIMMIOK. and visited from house to house ; also held an community he has for years been engaged in a sys- Wheelock, aged 5 months and 9 days. Funeral
interesting meeting near Bro. Hoes in Comp- tematic robbery of the bank. services at the Presbyterian church. Discourse by
ton. -FRANCE is experimenting with an electric au- Eld. Bryant (pastor) from Matt. 18: 10.
VIRGINIA. March 1 and 2, I held meetings in Westbury, tomatic flood-warner, which is designed to repro- " Three little treasures we mourn departed
Soliloquy.-Our quarterly meeting was and then visited scattered friends of the cause duce from a higher point to a lower one a river's From our fond hold,
held according to appointment. It was a cold, in Eaton. There are about ten Sabbath-keep- variations in level. It is so constructed that when Leaving us desolate, stricken-hearted,
disagreeable time, yet all the brethren and sis- ing families in, those parts, yet there are only the rise of water forebodes danger, bells are rung in With griefs untold.
ters were present except those living at a dis- seven church members. Our visit there was the houses, thus warning the inhabitants and giv- We cannot fathom the why nor wherefore
tance. We were sorry they did not think to timely, and much appreciated. One asked to ing them time to escape. Of joys or woes,
report by letter. The church record gave a be prayed for, and said that he would obey the -A MISSIONARY, after thirty years of service in But the dear Lord does ever right, and therefore
very brief account of the organization of a truth. Two friends promised to read our works, India in building school-houses. largely with his My Jesus knows." M. D. A.
church over two years ago, and not the mark of and to examine the Sabbath question. own hands, complains that, on returning to America
a pen had been made since that time. And as It is impracticable for me now to go in a new he finds churches in large cities which cost $200,000 EASTERLING.-Died in New London, Ind., March
the legality of that organization was thus lost, field. Two weeks ago I started out; but our and $500,000, and a secretary of his own Foreign 20, 1879, Sister Emma Easterling, aged 19 years.
a resolution to disband was carried. The church faithful horse was disabled in trying to extricate Board receiving a salary of $5,000 a year, when the Sister Easterling embraced the truth about eight
was then re-organized, adopting the following himself from a deep hole in the snow. To-day, oldest mission in India " is really dying out for lack years ago under the labors of Eld. E E. Lane.
covenant :- April 1, we are having a heavy fall of snow, of men and means." She leaves a husband, a brother, an uncle and aunt
" We, the undersigned, do hereby associate with blustering wind, in addition to the large -WE have the strange news front India that Col- who have been a father and mother to her from
ourselves together as a church, taking the name °amount we had before. But my courage is onel Olcott, who went with others from this city last childhood, and many other friends, to mourn their
of Seventh-day Adventists, and covenanting to good. A. C. BOURDEAU. December to further relations between the Theosoph- loss. The funeral was held in the Friends' church,
keep the commandments of God and the faith ical Society and the Arya Simla), has been offered by as her husband belonged to that denomination.
of Jesus. And we also promise that we will not wealthy natives in Bombay a tabernacle in which he Words of comfort were spoken by Eld. Wm. Covert
use tobacco any more in any form, nor opium PROTESTANTS IN FRANCE. might conduct a revival of Buddhism If this offer and the writer and some of the Friends. We trust
in any of its forms ; and that we will abstain THE evangelical Protestants of France con- is accepted, it will be a sad sight-an American cit- she sleeps in Jesus. J. M. REES.
from the use of all kinds of intoxicating liquors, tinue to express in the strongest terms 'their be- izen preaching heathenism in one of the great cities
because we believe them to be defiling to Chris- lief that the French people are riper for the re- of India! MILLER.-Died in California, Mich., March 9,
tians. And we further promise that we will let ception of Protestantism than they have been at - AT the beginning of this century the Jews in Leo Ray, also the 11th, Leon Jay, infant children of
our light shine according to the Scriptures, and any time since the earliest period of the Refor- Jerusalem did not exceed 300, but in the past ten H. IV. and Sabina It. Miller. The funeral services
thus help spread the third angel's message mation. Since the victory at Versailles over years, owing to the removal of restrictions, the in- of both were held March 12, and were attended by
throughout the world; that we will not speak evil Conservatism, the French peasant puts on more flux has been great. Nearly all the old houses, as a large circle of sympathizing friends and neighbors.
of our brethren or sisters, nor of our neighbors ; independence. He pays less heed to the warn- they became vacant, have been bought by them, and Sermon by Bid. Preston. H. W. MILLER.
and that we will, by our presence and labors, do ings of the priests, and welcomes the Protestant a great many new ones have been built in all parts of
all we can to sustain and keep up our Sabbath colporteur and missionary. The Evangeliste, the the town. Schools, hospitals, and religious associa- PHINISEY.-Fell asleep March 31, 1879, in Wood-
school and Bible-class, and our prayer and social organ of the French Wesleyans, says : " Could tions have been started, and the population has in- land, Barry Co. Mich., our baby, Claudia Lee,
meetings." creased to over 13,000. aged 9 months and ' 26 days. Words of consolation
the flag of evangelical Protestantism be unfurled
Nineteen have signed this covenant, and oth- wherever the spirits of men are set loose from -BISHOP PENICK, who is doing brave pioneer by Eld. Roberts, M. E. minister, from 2 Sam. 12 : 23.
ers say they will soon. All the neighbors seem Rome, not knowing whither to betake them- work in the Protestant Episcopal mission on the THEO. W. AND P. F. PHINISEY.
128 THE REVIEW AND HERALD, [Vol. 53, No. 16.

(Concluded from page 125.) two or three weeks and follow up the interest which
Apicitt Ptralb. so at a time. They know but little of the wants
and conditions of his family, or of his own finan-
now seems to exist in this place. C. G. HUNT. STANDARD BOOKS
Eld. E. R. Jones will meet with the church at Issued by the S. D. A. Publishing Association,
Birmingham on this occasion. and for Sale at this Office.
Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, April 17, 1879 cial circumstances. Their own wants and neces-
sities are ever before them, and consequently CONF. COMMMEn.
these servants of God are entirely forgotten. History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week
SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL TOE quarterly meeting of the New England T. and for the period of 6,000 years. By Elder J. N.
Their clothing, their food, their household M. Society will be held April 26, 27,-at Amherst, N. Andrews. 528 pp.
CONFERENCE. 11. Hope to see a good representation of our breth-
affairs, their debts,—these are what they think The Sanctuary and the 2300 Days of Dan, 8: 14.
THE General Conference will hold a special of, while the faithful servant of Christ is for- ren and sisters at this meeting. By Elder U. Smith. This question has developed
session in Battle Creek, commencing April D. A. ROBINSON: Vice-president. the people known as the Seventh-day Adventists,
gotten and uncared for. If he takes occasion
17, at 10:30 A. M. At this meeting arrange- and is the pivotal doctrine upon which their applica-
to preach one sermon touching their duty to give TILE annual meeting of the Kansas Sabbath-school tions of prophecy largely depend. 352 pp. $1.00.
ments will be made for the coming campaign to the minister, they hang their heads, scowl Association of Seventh-day Adventists will be held Thoughts en Daniel, critical and practical. By
throughout the home and foreign fields. All their faces, and go home wishing that he would near Emporia, Lyon Co., Kansas, in connection with Elder U. Smith. An exposition of the book of.
lovers of the cause have an interest in this meet- preach on something else. the camp-meeting. Daniel, verse by verse. 384 pp. $1.00.
ing, as the progress of the work in the imme- The time of this meeting will be hereafter an- Timughts on Revelation. By Elder U. Smith.
My brethren, have you done your duty to nounced. This work presents every verse in the book of Reve-
diate future will be largely affected by its delib- " Each Sabbath-school of fifteen members is enti- lation with such remarks as serve to illustrate or ex-
these ambassadors for Christ ? Christ once said,
erations. Let the fervent, effectual prayers of tled to one delegate, and one additional delegate for plain the meaning of the text. 352 pp. $1.00.
" Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of each additional fifteen members."
the righteous, which avail much, ascend to Life of Wm. Miller, with portrait. This book gives
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Will each superintendent please see that his school
Heaven that wisdom may be given to rightly
This will be true wherever we have neglected is represented by properly appointed delegates? interesting sketches of the Christian life and public
plan at this interesting stage in the progress of This is important. labors of this pioneer in the Advent movement in
the humblest child of God. But how much this country. 416 pp. $1.00.
our work. W. E. DAwsoN, President Kansas S. S. A.
more true will it be where we have neglected The Biblical Institute. Containing a synopsis of
The tabernacle will be dedicated Sunday, the
the ambassadors of the Lord Jesus himself, and the lectures given at the Institute held at Oakland,
20th. A general invitation is extended. GREEN RIDGE, Pettis Co., Mo., April 19 and 20. Cal., in April, 1877. These cover the main points
the very ones who are devoted to his sacred Union Point, St. Clair Co., " " 26 " 27. of our faith, giving facts and dates. 352 pp. $1.00.
service ! But say our people, " We pay sys- Let all who can, come front other churches.
Meetings to commence with the Sabbath. Will Bro. The Nature and Be4lny of Man, By Elder U.
tematic benevolence The ministers are paid Holland, or sonic one else, meet me at Shell City the Smith. This work treats on the great questions of
THE DEAD LINE.—The Christian Woman (in from that, and hence it is not expected that the condition of man in death, and his destiny be-
25th, on the arrival of the train about 10 A. BL?
the number dated April, 1879) says :— J. G. Wool). yond the resurrection. 356 pp. $1,00.
we shall look after them further." Yes, if this
" The desecration of the Sabbath day [Sun- The Spirit of Prepbecy : or the Great Controversy
were only true ; but there are many of you who
day] is the dead line of this nation, and the As Bro. Haskell recommends the T. and M. So- between Christ and his angels, and Satan and his
do not even do this. You run along quarter cieties to meet on April 26, 27, and as our'brethren angels, in four volumes. By Mrs. E. G. White.
sooner we secure the proper observance of this after quarter, and some of you year after year, are so scattered as to require but one meeting, we These volumes cover the time from the fall of Satan
day the better." without paying one cent to aid the ministers of will hold our quarterly meeting the 26th and 27th, to the destruction of sin and sinners at the close of
at Bro. J. B. Forrest's, in Metcalfe county. the one thousand years of Rev. 20. Each 400 pp.
Christ. You have lived, but you have used up Vol. I. Old Testament Facts to Christ. $1.00,
A S. S. Convention will be held in connection
THIS GENERATION. all your means for yourself. You have phys- Vol. II. Life and Ministry of Christ. $1.00,
with our State quarterly meeting. The lessons for
Vol. HI. The Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
IT is not strange that the words of Christ, ical strength, but you devote it all to your selfish adults will be Nos. 19, 20, Supplement to Youth's
" This generation shall not pass, till all these wants. You have farms, and shops, and vari- Instructor for April, their synopses, and for the chil- of Christ, with the Lives of His Apostles. $1.00.
dren, Lesson 14, for the first week in April. We Vol. IV. (In preparation). $1.00.
things be fulfilled," should arrest the attention ous ways of earning means ; but you use all hope there will be a general attendance of S. S. The Caustitotfrnal Amendment: A discussion be-
this for your own wants, and leave the servants children. S. OSBORN, Pies. tween Elder W. II. Littlejohn and the editor of the
of students of prophecy ; but it has seemed to $1.00.
of Christ unprovided for, so far as you are con- Christian Statesman, on the Sabbath.
us strange that any one should adopt, by way of The 111ch'e front Heaven. By Elder D. M. Can-
explanation, the long-drawn-out and illimita- cerned. You give nothing in donations, noth- right. An argument to show that the Bible is not
ble idea that the generation means the genera- ing in freewill gifts, little in any manner. Will Puarlituittf. the work of men, but is in deed mid in truth the
word of God. 300 pp. 80 ets,
tion, or race, of the Jews. not God hold you guilty for this course'! Are
"Not slothful in business." Rom. 12:55. Revised edition tin preparation). $1,00.
That portion of the Saviour's discourse in not many of you suffering spiritual death on
this very account now? The United States in the Light of Pi OpliCCy t. or, an
which this statement occurs, consists of a series exposition of Rev. 13: 11-17. By Elder U. Smith.
Many of our brethren live alone, where they A WOMAN (a Sabbath-keeper) who is willing to take Dealing with our own land and applying to our time,
of propositions designed to lead the mind to the some responsibility of caring fora family, and knows this is a portion of prophecy which should possess
great fact of his second coming, and to show do not see a minister once a year, and very now to do housework, can, if suited, find employment surpassing interest for every American reader. 200
especially the proximity of that event. The sun often these brethren do nothing at all, or at by the year, month, or week by writing to me at once.
A middle-aged woman preferred. Address Mrs. Clara PP. 49 ets.
and moon were to be darkened, the stars to fall, least very little, in aiding the Lord's servants Holiday, St. Charles, Mich. Paper covers, 20 Ms.
the powers of heaven to be shaken, the tribes of in their work. Because they do not see these I wom.o like to correspord with some Sabbath- Thoughts en Baptism. By Elder J. II. Waggoner.
the earth to mourn, and the Son of man to men, they do not appreciate what they are do- keeper who has a farm he would like to rent, either this A careful examination of the subject of Christian
ing. Most of our ministers spend all their time spring or next fall, or that he would like to have Baptism in the light of history and the Bible. It
appear in heaven. Now when ye see these worked on shares, for a term of years. Address, presents strong arguments against the notion of Trine
things (not the coming of Christ itself, but in wholly new fields, away from any of the peo- Wm. H. Mills, Battle Creek, Mich. Immersion. 186 pp. Bound in flexible cloth, 35 ets.
ple of God. They expect no support where Paper covers, 25 cts.
these things named before, which were to con-
they labor, neither do they get any. Now if NOTICE.--A blue cross opposite this note indicates that your
stitute signs of that coming), know that subscription will expire in two weeks. Please renew at once,
our own brethren do not take hold of this, who as we shall be obliged to stop the paper unless we hear from BOOKS IN PAPER COVERS.
his coming is very near. flow near ? Why, you in that time.
will do it ? We call your attention to this sub-
this generation is not to pass till all is fulfilled.
ject, hoping that the Lord will send it home to NOTICE.—The change of figures on the address labels will be The Nature anti Tendency of Modern Spiritualism.
Thus this statement becomes the climax of those in all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper, By Elder J. H. Waggoner. 184 pp. 20 ets.
your hearts, and help you to wake up, and do If these changes do, not in due time appear, and if books or-
declarations which are to show the nearness of dered by mail are not received, notice should be given. All The Atonement. By Elder J. II. Waggoner. An
your duty as men of God. other business is acknowledged below.
Christ's coming. examination of a remedial system in the light of
But let us attach to it this idea that it refers Nature and Revelation. 168 pp. 20 eta.
Books Sent by Express.
to the race of the Jews, and what does it be- The Ministration of Angels, and the Origin, History,
Mrs Annie Miller $2.43, James Sawyer 8.83, I G Col- By Elder D. M. Canright.
come ? Let us see. When certain things come IN time we transact business for eternity ; cord 5 60, Mary II Lewis 3.31', C C Doren 3.00, Nettie and Destiny of Satan,
Grant 77.25, J G liolroyd 21.45, Miss Mary Myers 4.00. 144 pp. 20 ets.
to pass, know that Christ is near. How near? whatever, therefore, we do now should be well
Books Sent by Ereight. Our Faith and Hope, Sermons on the coming
Why so near that the Jews as a race will not done. and kingdom of Christ. By Elder James White.
Clinton Owens $14.89, Isaac Sanborn 18.28. 20 eta.
have ceased to exist before he comes. But how 182 pp.
Cash Redd on Account.
The Spirit of God, its gifts and manifestations
long have they existed already ? About thirty-
four hundred years. May they exist as much
,781itptiittfinttb. Ind Tent Fund per Dr W Hill $72.00, N Y T &
Society Mrs L W Jones 5.10, Va T & 111 Society to the end of the Christians Age. By Elder J. H.
14.74, C W Stone per A S Hutchins 15.00, James Saw- Waggoner. 144 pp. 15 eta.
longer ? Yes, for aught that appears in their "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is yer 11.00. The Three Messages of Revelation 1-1: 6-12. Par-
own history to the contrary. Then where is the at hand." Matt. no; 7. S. D. A. E. Society. ticularly the third angel's message and the two-
Elbridge Green $10.00, Mrs L W Jones 5.00. horned beast. By J. N. Andrews. 144 pp. 15 eta,
force of this statement as showing the nearness
Gen. Conf. _Fund. The Two Laws, as set forth in the Scriptulre5setosf.
of his coming ? It is worse than lost. Our OHIO STATE QUARTERLY MEETING. J P Hunt $4.00, B E Tefft (s n) 3 90, Wm R Evans the Old and New Testament.s By Elder D. M.
Lord was not such a reasoner. This looks to us 23 25. Calverton Md 27.88, Mrs L W Jones (s s) 1.55, Canright. 104 pp.
THE Lord willing, this important meeting will be Wm H Wild 10.00, J I Abbott (s n) 1.00.
about as it would be for a man to try to tell an- held at Clyde, May 24. All who design to labor Matthew Twenty-Four. A clear and forcible ex-
other concerning his approach to Chicago, and publicly in any manner in the State this summer Danish Mission. position of our Lord's discourse upon the Mount of
are requested to be there. All who wish labor in Laura Jensen $1.00, 0 Larsen 1.00, J W Calvert 1.- Olives. By Elder James White. 64 pp. 10 ets.
after giving him the last station, he tells him he 00, John Linstrom 2.00, Hannah Jacobsen 2.00, Cecelia
their towns should be there, as all the laborers will Malberg 1.00, Lars Widmark 50c, Hans Jacobson 50c, The Sunday Seventh-Day Examined. A refutation
is then about entering Chicago. How near? says be assigned their fields at this meeting. We wish L Jacobson 50c, P C Adamson 3.00, P Anderson 5.00, of the teachings of Mode, Jennings, Akers, and Ful-
the man. Oh ! replies the first, this railroad, as large an attendance of all the lay brethren and Ole Olson 1.50, Mrs C M Barentzen 4.75, A friend 25c, ler. By Elder J. N. Andrews. 88 pp.
which extends from Boston to San Francisco, sisters as can be had. Provifion will be made for .1 11 Morton 5' c, Susan Howe 4.00, Mrs Grace 1.00, The Seven Trumpets. An exposition of the sub-
all who come. None should calculate to leave till Mrs Barker 1.00, Wm Inge 10.00, Jane L logs 10.00, H ject, as set forth in the eighth and ninth chapters
will not have ended before you reach. Chicago ! Tuesday. We expect a careful report from every Anderson 10.00, Church of Raymond Wis 7.35, Abra-
ham Simonson 2.00, Guethe Hanson 25c, John Lorntz of the Revelation. 9 6 pp. 10 ets.
Ho w easy, consistent, and forcible to come down district in the T. and M. work. 2.00, Mrs Fannie Glascock 4.00, Hans Larsen 50.00, The Truth Found. The nature and obligation of
with the discourse to the time when the signs D. M. CANRIGHT. John H Rasmussen 10.00, Rasmus Broderson 10.00, A the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. By
appear, to the generation before whom they are C Christotfort-on 1.00, Lucy Smith 3.00, J I Abbott Elder J. H. Waggoner. 64 pp.
1.00, A friend 50c.
eiet forth as signs, which is the present genera- VERMONT STATE T. AND M. QUAR- Mich. T. ,e M. society. Vindication of the True Sabbath. By Elder10 3. tW:
tion, and understand this to be the generation TERLY MEETING. Dist 8 St Charles added R; 7.00, Dist 3 Burlingtan Morton, formerly missionary of the Reformed Pres-
meant ; then the declaration falls upon our ears per Hickman Miller 10.72, Dist 9 per David Malin 30.- byterian Church, to Hayti. 68 pp. 10 ets.
Tilts meeting will be held at Jericho, May 10, 11. 00, Dist 2 per L A Branahall 100.00. Sermon On the Two Covenants. By Elder J. N.
with startling emphasis, This generation shall P. 0. West Bolton. We hope to meet the secretary Andrews. 48 pp. 10
and directors, and to have a general turnout of Mich. Conf. :Fund.
not pass away till all these things be fulfilled. Napoleon per 11 B Miller $3.00, Blendon per A Smith Hope of the Gospel. By ElderJ. N. Loughborough.
brethren and sisters on this occasion. 3.00, Partello per Robert Crawford 9.77, Burlington 80 pp.
With the great depth of snow now in the State, I per it Miller 20.18, Jackson per L A Bramhall 18.08,
dare not appoint earlier. Allegan per James M. Baker 28.00, Greenville per G B Refutation of tire Age to Come. By Elder2.IT.10 e
ILLINOIS, READ. A. S. Iltieelluss, Pres. Maynard 76 00, Greenville & Duplain per E A Sevy Waggoner. This is a most decisive refutation of
ALL who desire tent-meetings in certain lo- 18.25, Orange per N Outwater 11.15, St Charles per J the view that men may rind forgiveness of sins after
M. Wilkinson 25 00, Charlotte per M. S Merriam 70.00, the Saviour has closed his work in the Sanctuary
calities during the summer of 1879, please send MICHIGAN State T. and M. quarterly meeting at Leslie per G G Dunham 9 25, Hazelton per C E Rath- above. 168 pp. 20 cts.
Iii your requests. Describe fields, nationality, Battle Creek, April 20, 1879. There are several bun 14.00, Memphis per J C Wade 47.85, Birmingham
reasons why all the T. and M. directors, and as per A S Perrin 17.52, Holly per S Wilson 20.00, Rock- The Morality of the Sabbath. By Elder D. M.
=religion, spirituality, etc. We cannot supply wood per G H Miller 8.20, Almont per C Morey 9 00, Canright. 96 pp. 15 ets.
many of our leading brethren as possibly can,
all ; but we promise to put forth an endeavor to Potterville pet' J F Carman 20.00, Vergennes per J S Christ and the Sabbath; or, Christ in the Old
should attend this meeting. It will be held in con- Van Deusen 15 00, Hart per J Leland 14.50, Gowen Testament and the Sabbath in the New. By Elder
save souls. nection with the session of the General Conference per N Larsen 21.94, Matherton per L Kellogg 12.78 James White. 56 pp.
and the dedication of the Tabernacle. Eld. Haskell West Plains per J Banks 19.16. Dimondale per S 10 eta.
All who wish to labor for the Conference, Redeemer and itstieemed. By Elder James White.
either as ministers, tent-masters, or canvassers, will be present; and important matters pertaining Houghtaling 7.45, Douglas per M A Dietrich 7.00, Ra-
to the missionary work will be considered, and plans venna per John Wight 36.51, Eaton Rapids per J F This work sets forth the plan of Redemption in if
during the coming tent-season, apply. Tent- Ferris S2.00, Cedar Springs per Mrs 1. S McClure 22.- three stages. 40 pp. 10 et•
masters and canvassers, definitely state your will be laid for the summer labor in Michigan.
Therefore we earnestly desire your presence and 00, Adrian per B Hibbard 6.00, Hazelton 25.00, Vas- Systematic Benevolence. Setting forth the Bible
derms. Send now to G. W. COLCORD. counsel. J. FARGO. sar per E J Smith 19.33, Alma 36.57, Newton per plan of giving for the support of the ministry. 64
Serena, Di. James Stiles 22.87, Sheridan per Mrs e D Jones 18.00,
Hastings per E W Farnsworth 9.29, Orleans per S pp. 10 eta.
Tus house of worship at Birmingham, Mich., is King 54.00. The State of the Dead. By John Milton, author
APART from the woes that are dead and gone, nearly finished, and will be ready to dedicate on English Mission. of "Paradise Lost." This work shows that Milton
And the shadow of futuuse care, Sunday, April 27. At this time we expect to see Wm Tugs $100.00, W II Hall & wife 100.00, Holly was a decided believer in, and an able defender of,
'The heaviest yoke of the present hour many friends from surrounding churches, and re- church per S H Crosby 5.00, Richard Baker 5.00. the doctrine that in death man is unconscious. 32
Is easy enough to bear. spectfully request the Conference Committee to send Europeans, pp.
—Alice Cary. us a minister for the occasion; one who can remain S R Twist, Egypt $2.15. Address, REVIEW & HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich. 5tcs

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