And S, 41-) 4Th Herald.: Tra Atticto

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AND S,41-) 4TH HERALD. •••••11.

"Here is the patience of the Saints: Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14:12.
"The Bulloms and Timmanus have no punishment, of any Supreme Deity or power, who professed to believe it held it only on
The Review and Herald fixed opinion respecting a future state ; for, of good and evil in a moral sense,'or of any- the principle of emanation and re absorption,
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY though they speak of future rewards and thing which can be called a religion. Asser- which virtually annihilates all individuality ;
The Seventh—Bay Adventist Publishing Association. punishments, their ideas on this head are tions to the contrary proceed from the igno- that none of the ancients could possibly be-
vague and fluctuating. They do not believe rance or poetic license of the author, or from lieve it, as they all held to a great periodical
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. that the spirits of their deceased friends re- intercourse with the tribes that have derived destruction of all things ; that the Arabs
K. J. CHAPMAN, Secretary. H. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer. turn to visit their former abodes, nor have their ideas from the missionaries." 14 were ignorant of the doctrine; that the Jews
ger TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Dollar they any word in their language to express a Yes ; many of the assertions so confidently did not believe it ; that the Hindoos and
. Volume of 25 Numbers. When paid for by Tract Societiea die in- spirit, or apparition." 6 made concerning the faith of' different bar- Buddhists, comprising fully one-third of the
alviduals for poor brethren and sisters, $1 60 per year.
Address, Review and Herald, Battle Creek, NBelf., The faith of the inland negroes is shown barous tribes and nations in the immortality human race, implicitly hold to the anni-
by the following :— of the soul, proceed, as Mr. Dall remarks, hilation of all men ; that the Chinese do not
from the ignorance or poetic license of the believe it ; that many of the Mohammedans
THE EARTH MADE NEW. "The negresses of Matiamba throw the
corpses of their husbands into the water, in
author, or from intercourse with those who believe in the sleep of the dead ; that many
order that along with the body they may have been taught by missionaries. No such of the natives of Asia, of Polynesia, of Af-
BACK to this weary, weary world
Jesus will come apin,
doctrine was held among them when first rica, and of the Western Continent have no
drown the soul, by which they would other-
With love's fair banner wide unfurled, found. Thus upon a little inquiry, we find such doctrine among them ; that it is not
King of his saints to reign ;
wise be' troubled." 6 " The Wanikas of East
Africa have neither god, nor devil, nor that there are scores'of barbarous tribes who proved that the native Indians believe it;
His presence will dispel earth's gloom, have never dreamed that the soul is immor- that there are many Christians who deny it ;
And deserts will rejoice and bloom. heaven, nor hell, nor soul, nor idol.' " 7
tal. and that, finally, there are thousands of oth-
Of the people of Madagascar, Mr. Ellis THE INDIANS. ers who have no faith in this doctrine. These
The wilderness and lonely place,
Shall for them gladdened be, says :— facts show that but a small portion of the
Instead of thorns and briers then " Still more vague and indefinite are the I know it is often asserted that the differ-
race have ever believed in the immortality of
Shall grow the myrtle tree; ideas they entertain respecting the human ent Indian tribes of America all believe the
And thirsty land and parched ground soul and its future existence. They have no soul immortal ; but I have looked in vain
In springs of water shall abound. for the proof. They have some vague ideas
knowledge of the doctrine of the soul as a
Ye who are of a timid heart, separate, immaterial, immortal principle in of a future life, but their ideas are all very THE ORDER TO BE PURSUED IN THE
Be strong and do not fear; man, nor has their language any word to ex- gross and material indeed. They expect to ADMINISTRATION OF THE
With vengeance and a recompense press such an idea. They speak of the saina, be in the next world much as they are here,—
Your God will soon appear; ORDINANCES.
but mean by this the intellectual powers. to take their dog, and knife, and arrows with
Then ears long deaf unstopped shall be, them, and use them there the same as here.
And the blind eyes be made to see. They speak also of the fanak y, the nearest BY ELD. W. U. LITTLEJOHN.
term found to express spirit, but it seems in This is far from indicating a belief in an im-
Then shall the lame leap as an hart, mortal, immaterial soul. The least hint that (Concluded.)
their use of it to imply principally the moral
And the dumb tonizue shall sing, qualities or dispositions The next they have any idea of a hereafter has been LET us advance now to an examination of
And waters in the wilderness taken as positive proof that they believe the what Matthew has said concerning the mat-
And desert, forth Shall spring; question is, What becomes of the saina, or
mind, when a person dies I To which the soul immortal. But this is an unwarranted ter which is passing in review. It will be
And death, and pain, and tears, and woe,
The earth redeemed shall never know. Malagasy replies, It is a part of the body. assumption. There are no facts to sustain it. found in the twenty-sixth chapter of his Gos-
But does it return to dust with the body in CHRISTIANS.
pel, and reads as follows
Then shall the ransionneti of the Loll# the grave l No ; the body returns to dust "Now when the even was come, he sat
Gladness an d‘jor Obtain ; • From the days of the apostles to the pres- down with the twelve. And as they did eat,
And unto Zion's holy mount and the saina becomes levona, i, e., vanished,
Return, with Christ to reign; invisible. And the ainas or life, becomes ent time, there have been more or less Chris- he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you
And 'neath Immanuel's peaceful sway rivets,—air, or wind, not retaining its indi- tians who have rejected the dogma of the shall betray me. And they were exceeding
Mourning and grief shall flee away. viduality; but absorbed and lost in mere, natural immortality of man. Of late their sorrowful, and began every one of them to
aura—a mere breeze—a breath in the gen- numbers are rapidly increasing. They are say unto him, Lord, Is it I i And he an-
There New Jerusalem appears, found in large numbers both in Europe and swered and said, He that di ppeth his hand
With walls and mansions grand;— eral mass of air floating around." 8
The home of saints through endless years, America. With a very few exceptions, the with me in the dish, the same shall betray
_TRIBES OF THE WESTERN CONTINENT. whole body of Adventists are of this faith ; me. The Son of man goeth as it is written
Within the promised land;
Blessed are they whose ransomed feet As we have seen, the Chibchas of Central so also are thousands in other churches. of him ; but woe unto that man by whom the
Tread its transparent golden street. America expect a future life through a resur- They believe the Bible implicitly, and be- Son' of man is betrayed 1 it had been good
rection. 3 The Peruvians hold the same doc- lieve in future rewards and punishments, and for that man if he had not been born. Then
Within its walls the tree of life
In vernal beauty grows, trine. " " With respect to the soul, the bar- eternal life for the saints ; but they do not Judas, which betrayed him, answered and
And forth from underneath the throne barons 0 tomies, as they tell us, believed that believe in the immortality of the soul nor in said, Master, is it I I He said unto him,
Life's deep, clear river flows; it died together with the body." 11 the conscious state of the dead. They hope Thou hest said. And as they were eating,
And flowers of tint and perfume rare for a future life through the resurrection.
With sweetest fragrance fill the air. The inhabitants of Guatemala " were per- Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake
suaded that to die by any other than a natu- Another class must be counted out, as non- it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take,
There, fairer than the fairest spot ral death was to forfeit all hope of life here- believers in man's immortality. We have eat; this is my body. And he took the cup,
This world has ever known, after ; and therefore left the bodies of the traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,
The flower-decked fields of paradise
Outspread before the throne slain to the beasts and vultures." 12 They had from Minnesota to Alabama, and preached Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of
And earth to its remotest bound no idea of the immortality of the soul; for the doctrine of the mortality of man. Wher- the new testament, which is shed for the re-
In living verdure shall be crowned. they believed that some utterly perish, and ever we go, we find a large class of persons mission of sins. But Isay unto you, Iwill
that those who do obtain a future life gain it who say that they were never satisfied about not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine,
Then let us to our trust be true, by a resurrection of the body. the immortality of the soul, and never could until that day when I drink it new with you
Still watching with the wise. really believe it. We find these persons both in my Father's kingdom. And when they
Keeping our Lord's return in view The people of Nicaraugua being asked
And pressing toward the prize; what'about the future state replied, ' We only in the churches and out of them ; yet they had sung a hymn, they went out into the
For soon with Jesus we shall rest, know that infants who die before they have are commonly counted as believers in that mount of Olives." Matt. 26 : 20--30.
Loving and loved, forever blest. tasted maize, or are weaned, will be raised dogma. Again, there are many thousands The reader will observe that Matthew
J. S. Thome of intelligent skeptics who do not believe the makes mention of four of the evdnts spoken
again, and return to their father's house ; and
their fathers will recognize and provide for soul immortal. of by John, and one in addition, of which

tra Atticto. them. Old people who die will not return
nor be raised again." Being asked where
Indians go when they die, they replied that
We confidently believe that the facts we
John does not take notice, i. e., the Lord's
have presented fully explode the oft-repeated He will also discover the fact that there is
they go beneath the earth, where " they are argument that the immortality of the soul nothing that Matthew says which will enable
THE SOUL'S IMMORTALITY. buried ; and all is over." 13 A few just and has been universally believed. Facts are us to locate the " breaking of bread" defi-
brave warriors are exceptions, as they as- against it. But if it had been generally be- nitely with reference to the relation which it
The Belief of Various Nations Concerning It.
cend, to live somewhere else. lieved, so have other monstrous errors. The sustains in point of time to the " washing Of
BY ELD. D; M. EANRIGHT. THE ESQUIMAUX OF ALASKA. oldest idea of a future life was, that it is ob- feet." Matthew simply remarks that the
tained through a resurrection. This view bread and the wine of the eucharist were par-
Some important facts with regard to these was held by the Egyptians, Persians, Arabi- taken of While they were eating, without par-
AFRICAN RACES. tribes are stated in the following quotation. ans, Mohammedans, Jews, Christians, Peru- ticularizing further. His statement must be
Mr. Dall has traveled among them exten- vians, and even some barbarous tribes of all taken as one that was not designed to be
TUE Damaras, one author says, " have no
sively, and hence is well prepared to state countries. given in chronological order ; else his account
expectation of a future state."' Another au-
their bell, £ He says : " Many Indians, *in We have shown that the doctrine of the would disagree with that of Luke; since, if
thor says, " Though the Damaras do not pro-
fact all the Tinneb that I have conversed immortality of the soul was first taught by it is given in chronological order, Matthew
fess absolutely to believe in a life hereafter,
with who have not been taught by the Eng- the Egyptians ; that there is no trace of it in places the "breaking of bread " after the iden-
they have a confused notion of a future
lish or Russian mi.,sionaries, do not believe the early history of ancient nations ; that it tification of Judas as the traitor; whereas
state." 2 The reader will see that there is no
in the immortality of man. Of those who was denied by most men in the time of Soc- Luke locates it before that event in the most
countenance for the immortal soul doctrine have a dim notion of the kind, none have
here. rates ; that the masses did not believe it in unqualified manner. Matthew evidently par-
any idea whatever of a future reward and the time of Polybius; that the contrary of ries his history forward through the passover
Mr. Moffat, speaking of the Bechuanas
says, " Man's immortality was never heard 6 WI/tell -Atom, vol. i. p. 221.
the soul's immortality was the prevailing supper, the washing of feet, the sitting doVen
of among that people." 3 The East Africans 6 Baqiian Mewooll, vol. iii. p. 878. opinion in the time of Cicero; that this dis- again of Christ at the table, and the pointing
I Descriptive Sorsa, No. 4, p 30.
have " no notion of a soul, or spirit." 1. 8 History of Madagascar, by Rev. Win. Elite, vol. 1. chap. xiv. belief was full as extensive in the first cen- out of Judas as the traitor, and then—in ac-
pp. 392. 393. tury ; that nearly all the great schools of cordance with a custom often followed by the
ipiive Sociology, No. 2, table. -
1 Galion, p. 189. le Ibid.. 1'. 45. philosophy openly denied it; that even those sacred writers—he falls back in his narrative
2 Anderson'e Ngomt, p. 222, 11 !list. of Mexico, by Clavicero, book vi. chap. i. once more in order to bring up the matter of
8 Spencer's Descriptive Scatology, No. 4, p. 29. Write Myths of the. New World, by D. G. Briaton, p.'46. 14 Alaska 1411(1 its Resources, by Woo. H. Doll, Di.ector of the
4 Ibid., table 23. 1sNicaraugua, by E. G. Squire, vol. ii. pp. 357-8. Scientific Corps of the bate W. U. Telegraph Expedition. breaking of bread (which be had previously
omitted), in the use of the words, " And as 2. The account given in the thirteenth in the days of Rome, or during the lifetime of be far more proper to say that the image
they were eating, Jesus took bread," ete. Chapter. of John, being the fullest of any fur- the apostles. smote the stone than that the stsme smote
We are now ready for the parallel passages Oished by the evangelists, and giving, as it ev- It becomes, then, a very vital matter to the image ; for these persecuting powers have
in Mark, which we give verbatim hereWith :- idently does, the events which it enumerates show that the kingdom set up " in the days constantly smitten and slain the church, and
"And in the evening he cometh with the 'in: consecutive order as it regards each other, of these kings" could not have been estab- the true church has never smitten these pow-
twelve. And as they sat anddid eat; Jesus sfUrnishes a basis for a table with which to lished in the time of Rome's supremacy ; that ers. They have put fifty-six millions of the
said, Verily I say unto you, One of you 'compare the statements found in the other the term " these kings " refers to the ten king- church to death.
which eateth with me shall betray me. And .gospels. doms, and not to the " four ; " and that the 12. In smiting the image, the stone was,
they began to be sorrowful, and to say unto 3. In such a table it is manifest that the ten toes are designed to symbolize precisely to do a work of destruction which God's
him one by one, Is it I i and another said, Is :" washing of feet " preceded the pointing the same as the " ten horns " of Dan. 7. church never has done and never could do.
it I 1 And he answered and said unto them, 'out of the traitor. It will be readily seen in an examination of To war against earthly governments has
It is one of the twelve, that dippeth with me 4. Luke mentions the Lord's supper, while the great image of Dan. 2, that there are five never been in harmony with the principles of
in the dish. The Son of man indeed goetle Jelin omits that supper, and connects it with symbolic substances brought to view,-gold, Christ's church. We are to pray for kings
as it is written of him ; but woe unto that the pointing out of the traitor; which event silver, brass, iron, and clay ; and five divi- and those in authority, pay taxes, and sup-
man by whom the Son of man is betrayed I Tis-nunabered four in the table of John. sions of earthly empire are represented by port governments. Hence, in that applica-
good were it for that man if he had never `5. Matthew's account is not given in consec- them, the last being represented by a mixture tion, there is nothing answering to the de-
been born. And as they did eat, Jesus took utive older,- and therefore does not affect the of iron and clay. It must be admitted that struction caused by the stone smiting the
bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave question. Rome in her supremacy is represented by the image.
to them, and said, Take, eat ; this is my body. 6. Mark's account also is not given in con- legs of iron with no clay ingredient whatever. 13. The process of smiting is evidently a
And he took the cup, and when he had secutive order; and, therefore, it does not af- If so, then the feet of iron and clay, before sudden and rapid one, for the stone utterly
given thanks, he gave it to them; and they fect the question. the development of the toes, would naturally subverts and demolishes all earthly kingdoms;
all drank of it. And he said unto them, 7. We are left, consequently, to the accounts represent Rome after she had become weak, hence, in nothing does it resemble the estab-
This-is my blood of the new testament, which of John and Luke for the settlement of the and when she was upon the point of being di- lishment of Christ's church. How could the
is shed for many. Verily I say unto you, I whole matter; and as Luke connects the vided into the ten kingdoms represented by church utterly destroy Babylon, Medo-Persia,
will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, Lord's supper with the designation of Judas the toes. That such a state of weakness ex- Grecia, and Rome I It,would be contrary to
until that day when I drink it new in the as the traitor, it must be joined with that isted, history plainly attests. The iron and the whole genius of the Christian church.
kingdom of God. And when they had sung :event, i. e., the one numbered four in the clay-iron periods are certainly distinct from 14. This kingdom was not to be left to
a hymn, they went out into the Mount of table Of John. each other, and so that which is represented " other people ; ' but the church is left to
Olives." Mark 14 :17-26. 8. Uniting the Lord's supper with No. 4 by them must be distinct, as much as the gold, generation after generation, as they come al-
What has been remarked of Matthew is sta found in John's table, we ascertain that the silver, brass, and iron states are distinct one ternately upon the stage of action. Hence
equally true of Mark. '.Lord's supper must have followed the feet- from another. In each enumeration of these this kingdom cannot be the church, and hence
He also omits the Lord's supper in his gen- washing ; since " feet-washing " is, in the substances, the clay element is mentioned as it could not have been set up in the time of
eral account, and then falls back in order to same table, numbered two. distinct. See verses 35, 41, 42 and 45. If the the apostles.
mention it in the use of a similar expression Having now, as we believe, removed all the legs represent Rome in her supremacy, then 15. This kingdom could not have been
to that which Matthew employs; i. e., " And difficulties which lie in the way of our theory the clay iron period must represent something fully set up while those other kingdoms ex-
as they did eat, Jesus took bread," etc. that the feet-washing preceded the Lord's else, viz., that which succeeded the Roman isted ; for in the process of its being set up,
As already remarked, any other interprets= slipper, and having established that theory by Empire, a state of division. Verse 41. The it was to destroy them and succeed them. As
tion would inevitably lead to inextricable line of argument which is both natural and legs of iron alone represent a kingdom which Medo-Persia succeeded Babylon, Grecia suc-
confusion; for, as suggested above, it would easy, and which cannot be successfully con- is a unit. The clay-iron toes represent sev- ceeded Medo-Persia, and Rome succeeded
leave Matthew and Mark in conflict with troverted, we leave the subject with the eral kingdoms existing cotemporaneously, Grecia, so this kingdom of God destroys,
Luke ; since Luke certainly represents the reader, trusting that what has been said will hence a divided state. Such a state did not them all and reigns in their stead. But the
breaking of bread as having transpired before tcommend itself to his judgment. exist till hundreds of years after Christ, and church exists during the very time that these
Christ pointed out Judas as the betrayer. this state or condition of the Roman empire kingdoms exist ; hence the church could not
The only objection which could with any is symbolized by the ten horns of chap. 7, and be the kingdom in question.
show of reason be raised to the interpreta- DO THE TEN TOES OF THE IMAGE by the ten toes of chap. 2. 16. That the ten toes of the image repre-
tion which we have offered, will be found in (DAN. 2 ; 42-44) SYMBOLIZE THE I introduced substantially the following sent the ten kingdoms, seems evident from
the suggestion that Matthew and Mark speak TEN KINGDOMS? analogy. There are five symbolic representa-
conclusions, as positively settling this matter
of the breaking of bread as having occurred of the time of the setting up of the kingdom tions which commentators generally agree
" as they sat and did eat." This objection, Isr my recent debate with Eld. Padget at of God :- represent Rome and the ten kingdoms aris-
however, we do not regard as valid. It may Half Rock, Mo., I saw the importance of the 1. The stone smote the image on the feet ing from the division of the Roman, empire,
be met in one of two ways. 1, It is not im- above query as I had never before realized it. of iron and clay, and not on the legs of iron. unless this in Dan. 2 is an exception. These
possible that the idea which the evangelists I had always held the view usually accepted As the legs of iron represent Rome in her su- are the fourth beast of Dan. 7, the great red
meant to convey was simply that the break- among our people, that the ten toes represent premacy, God's kingdom could not have been dragon of Rev. 12, the leopard beast, of Rev.
ing of bread took place while yet they were the same fact that is symbolized by the ten set up during this supremacy, which would 13, the scarlet beast of Rev. 17, and the
at the table of the passover supper. .2, It is horns of chapter seven. This seemed to me bring us hundreds of years this side of Pente- fourth division of the great image. In four,
not incredible, or even improbable, that after Most reasonable, and more harmonious with cost. of these there is no question but that the ten
the Lord arose and washed the feet of the other texts than any other view. But I did 2. The stone broke the feet in pieces. This horns refer to the ten kingdoms; for the facts
apostles and sat down a second ',Me to the not realize that it was so vital a point till could not have been done before they existed. do not exist which would make it possible to-
table, they might have resumed their eat- after the debate. 3. The mixed or clay-iron state did not ex- fully apply these symbols till the ten king-
ing which had been prematurely broken off Among others we debated this proposition : doms are developed, and there is nothing else•
ist for four or five hundred years after Christ,
by the mysterious action of Christ in the Po the Holy Scriptures teach that the king- hence the Roman power at this stage of its for them to symbolize. In Dan. 7, the " lit-
washing of their feet. dom of.God, mentioned in Dan. 2 : 44 and tle horn " rises among the ten, and they exist•
history could not have been destroyed by the
Either of these hypotheses is preferable to parallel texts, was set up on the day of Pen- stone during the lifetime of the apostles. cotemporaneously. The dragon of Rev. 12,
a view which would make Matthew and Mark tecost or during the lifetime of the apostles I" has the same ten horns, and it does its work
flatly contradict Luke, and at the same time He affirmed, I denied. I had never heard 4. No such result has been seen as that of persecution several hundreds of years after
this question debated ; hence the ground was which the prophet states will occur when the the day of Pentecost. The leopard beast,
put them out of harmony with John. . stone smites the image; viz., the breaking and
Should any person still insist that we somewhat new to me ; but, if possible, he utter disintegration of the whole substance of
with its ten horns, exists and persecutes dur-
have erred in reasoning that the accounts of failed more completely on this proposition ing the forty-two prophetic months. The
Matthew and Mark do not give in consecutive :than on any other. Our position on the the image. Hence the smiting of the image scarlet beast of Rev. 17 carries the church,
order the events to which they Make reference, -,"kingdom of grace " spoiled all the proof- cannot be in the past. the symbolic woman, who persecutes by means
then we reply : Should we, grant the ob- tots from which he could make any argument 5. The smiting of the image by the stone, of the civil power. All these exist and per-
jector's desire and concede that they speak of worthy of the name, while those texts refers- preparatory to the setting up of the kingdom, secute the people of God long after Christ's
the transactions just as they occurred, and ,* to the "kingdom of glory" he could not is a violent process utterly inconsistent with ascension. How unreasonable and contrary
that their account should be taken instead of meet. He most strenuously contended that the peaceful establishment of Christ's church to all analogy to suppose the ten toes of the
that of Luke, such a concession would not -the term " these kings " in the expression " in and kingdom of grace. fourth division of the image of Dan. 2, which
alter the conclusion reached materially; for ,the days of these kings shall the God of 6. "In the days of these kings" cannot division all must admit refers to the same
mean Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, and
by reading what they say with the tinder- heaven set up a kingdom," must refer to the Rome; for the kingdom was not set up dur-
Roman power, symbolize nothing.
standing that it is connected history, they four kings or kingdoms ; viz., Babylon, Medo- ing the time of Babylon, nor of Medo-Persia, Four symbols of Rome have ten horns to
will be made to teach that the -Lord's supper Yersia, Grecia, and Rome; that no other represent the ten kingdoms which rose out of
nor of Grecia. Hence it should read, to sus-
followed what the Lord said to Judas about " kings," are mentioned in the chapter, and tain that theory : " In the days of one of these Rome. Another symbol representing the
betraying him ; this being so, then it must hence as Rome has long since passed away kings." The language plainly implies by the same power has the same tenfold division,
also have followed the feet-washing; since this kingdom of God is already set up and so WI° of the term "these kings," those ruling but these mean nothing ! Who cannot see
John shows that the washing of feet occurred cannot be future ; that it was positively set that to deny a truth so obvious is a desperate
before they sat down to the table the second up as Iste as the time of Rome's supremacy. cotemporaneously, viz , the ten kings.
attempt to save a sinking theory 4 The ten
time, that event being numbered two in his lie made the strongest effort on this point 7. The term "the kingdom shall be di- toes of the image are a mere excrescence, and
table, while the declaration of Christ to Judas, that he made in the course of the whole de- vided " clearly shows that the prophet spoke mean nothing, represent nothing, unless it be
in the same table, is numbered four. bate, even contending that the ten kingdoms of the divided state of the Roman empire in the ten kingdoms. Yet the prophecy repre-
Thus it has been made to appear that- were not mentioned in this chapter, while he the clay-iron period, and did not confine him- sents the kingdom as being divided at the
take whichever horn of the, dilemma may 'admitted that they were mentioned in the self to the four kingdoms. very time the ten kingdoms are developed.
please him-the objector will be compelled seventh chapter. 8. He speaks of 'this divided state as "the They are placed at the very same point in
to admit that feet-washing must have pre- He quoted Dan. 7 : 13 : " I saw in the toes of the feet," which were " part of iron this prophecy that the ten horns of chapter 7
ceded the breaking of bread on the memor- night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of and part of clay," showing that some of stand. If the horns represent the ten king-
able evening on which our Lord partook of -man came with the clouds of heaven, and these kingdoms would be strong and some doms, the ten toes clearly must, and thus the
his last passover supper. came to the Ancient of Days, and they weak. prophecy is perfectly harmonious with the
Reconstructing, now, our table of the order `brought him near before him. And there 9. And he says these should " mingle them- facts, with itself, and with other prophecies
of events based upon the account of John, was given him dominion, and glory, and a selves with the seed of men," and should not covering the same ground.
and inserting therein in its ptoper place-as kingdom." He then quoted Acts 1 :9, where " cleave one to another," showing that there GEO. I. BUTLER.
determined by the record of Luke-the cele= it,is said that at Christ's ascension a " cloud would be changes among them, and unions • -•1111.1.

bration of the Lord's supper, the reader will received him out of their sight, and claimed would be formed which would not be lasting.
be enabled to obtain a consecutive view of `that thus our Saviour was borne into the pres- Such a state of things requires several cotem- THE POWER OF THE ENEMY.
the principal occurrences of the evening : 1. ence of his Father at his ascension, and re- poraneous kingdoms, and could not exist if
Passover supper ; 2. feet-waahing ; 3. Sat calved the kingdom. He contended that in there were but one kingdom. This state pre- Oen Lord bids us watch and pray, lest we
down the second time to the table ; 4. Lord's `Mark 8 :1, where it is stated that some there cedes the setting up of God's kingdom. enter into temptation. How essential that we
supper (Luke 22 : 19-21); designated the present should not taste of death till they 10. The prophet then says, " In the days heed these words. We cannot lay our armor
one who should betray him; 5. Said ,to Ju- 'should "see the kingdom of God -come with of these kings [or as the literal Chaldaic mar- by and think there is no more danger; for
das, " That thou doest, do quickly ; " 6.' Judas pewter," the setting up of the kingdom of God ginal reading puts it, in their days,] shall the Satan is watching to see if there is not some
went out to betray him ; 7. Discourse to his was indicated. But on no point did he labor so God of Heaven set up a kingdom." This unguarded spot where he can enter. Let us
disciples ; 8. Went out to the Mount of Olivei. 'hard as on Dan. 2 : 44 : " In the days of these must positively refer to the ten toes, or the remember with what a wily foe we have to-
A brief summary of some Of the principal kings shall the God of Heaven set up a king- kings represented by them, and it fixes the contend.
points which have been made in the preSerit dom." This he was sure must mean the four time of the setting up of God's everlasting Have you not in watching the spider seen
article would run as follows :4, kings, for no ten kings, or kingdoms, were kingdom to the time of the ten kingdoms, how he overcomes his prey I When first
1. The supper mentioned in the thirteenth Mentioned there; and hence the prophet pre- and not to that of the four. caught in his web, the fly struggles hard and
chapter of John was the passover supper. dicted that Christ's kingdom should be set up 11. If the stone means the church, it would long to free itself. The spider watches him
with great anxiety. Soon, seemingly ex,; ory advanced to cover up this sin far more —It. W. McCAtt, who has done so much iu estala-
hausted, the fly ceases his efforts. Had he absurd than the theories advanced by the ene- fishing evangelical missions for the workingmen f
struggled but a moment longer, he would have Paris, has commenced similar efforts in Lyons. Etift
Lot the dawn is nearing, mies of Copernicus and Galileo.
opening meeting, on Nov. 17, was crowded. Lyons,
been free. Unlucky moment ! for now his Morning bright ; JOSEPH CLARKE.
See the signs appearing, with its 350,000 inhabitants, is not only the headquar-
enemy darts toward him, and throws his Web ters of ultra-Romanism, but is as well a hotbed of
Cheering sight.
around him, The efforts of the victim spore Long dark night skepticism and atheism.
to be more feeble, but still he struggles on fer THE MODERN LIE.
Almost gone ; —The plague has appeared among the CossaekS of
a little time. Again he stops, and again the This is now the Christian's song. THE modern lie, says Prof. David Swing Astrakhan, Russia. During three days from Jan: 1-3,
web is drawn around hini. At last the in the Alliance, glides from the tongue with 143 persons died out of 195 attacked by it. The plague
der has him in his power, and he binds hitt Hark I the cry is sounding the lightness and gracefulness of a joke. It has now increased to a panic in Astrakhan and Sara-
stronger and stronger until there is no hope, O'er the land, tow. The people die like flies and lie unburied in the
Jesus soon is coming ; is said that an eminent clergyman, having
Does not Satan work in a similar manner? Near at hand, taken refuge in bankruptcy, and having in a street. General anxiety prevails throughout Russia.
He does not bind his cords around us all The angel band. few months been seen again with his former --Tim regular annual sale of pews took place in
at once, but works so artfully that before we Home, Heaven, carriage and span, explained that he indeed Beecher's church, Jan. 7. H. B. Claffin, as usual, bid
are aware we are in his pewer. Like the spi- Blessed rest, will then be given. in the first choice pew for $620. The total premiums
ELIZA H. MoweoN.
went through bankruptcy, but that his wife
der, he eagerly watches for a favorable mo- amounted to $27,978, which, added to the fixed rentals
Alten's Corner, Ale. drove the carriage around. The falsehood of
ment, that he may bind about us, one by one, of $12,743, makes the total of the sales $40,721, an ex-
to-day is so sugar-coated with laughter that cess of $3,817 over the sales of last year.
the cords of sin. He is well pleased with his even a presbytery or a council cannot do
success, and smilingly notes the effect on his PREJUDICE. —TRH Chicago and Northwestern Railroad is negoti-
1.1 otherwise than hear the dear brother and ating with the Chief of the Signal Service at Washing-
victim. And so time after time he throws then take a laugh all around. The Quakers
around us his web of deceit; till at lasV, like THIS term is usually used to express a set- exclude a Christian who would deceive a ton for a supply of the midnight weather indications,
or predictions. These will be reproduced in manifold,
the poor fly, we cease to struggle. Satan has tled dislike to certain persons, objects, or opin- creditor, but this comes from the fact that
and sent along the line to the various stations, though
triumphed. Ah, how sad to contemplate! ions, which, from impressions that have influ- the Quakers have never cultivated laughter, in advance of this the news will be telegraphed.
Had we struggled on a little longer, we might enced us and given a previous bias to our and hence they are unable to see the humor-
—Thu war between England and Afghanistan is -
have come off conqueror; but now nothing minds, we hold as unworthy of our support ous side of such things as the Myers bank or
probably over. England has the situation completely
but the infinite mercy of God will enable ns and confidence. Prejudice, then, is a mirror the State savings institution; but we know in her hands. General Roberts has formally an-
to burst the bands that bind us. in which we see reflected early education, and of no other sect or society which treats what nounced to the Afghans that the authority of the
Let us buckle on the armor of faith. More all that is calculated to influence the mind is called falsehood with such undue solemnity. Ameer has forever passed away, and that they are
firmly, and heed the voice of our Great Coni- against that which is good, or against those It is well known that there is a society in henceforth to be subjects of the Empress of India.
man der. who are worthy. A well-balanced and prop- New York in whose sessions no member is The Amour has lied.
We cannot stop by, the way, for there is erly educated mind will not fall in with prej- permitted to tell the truth, but on the con- —LouisvmLe, Ky., is to have a library. The city
danger. We may be sorely tempted and udice, however common, wide-spread, and pop- trary each member must tell one large un- concluded to raise the necessary funds by lottery. The
tried ; but let us remember the trials. Of ular it may become; but will wait for authen- fact or non-fact or anti-fact at each meeting. enterprise was widely advertised and extensively pat-
Christ,—that he was tempted in all points 4 tic and reliable evidence before coming to a If such a society has been formed, they may ronized, and resulted in the receipt of $6,250,000,—no
we are,—and his grace will be sufficient. for definite conclusion on any subject which may just as well consider all other societies in the mean sum. But half of this money is to be distributed
us. He says, " Lo, I min with you alWay, present itself to the mind. in prizes, $424,396 is to be appropriated to the library,
land and all corporations as branch associa- and the question to be settled is, Who has the remain-
even unto the end of the world," Let Us There is a vast field spread out before the tions. The body need not solicit members
struggle on a little longer. Soon we shall candid inquirer after truth ; and after a life- —the living generations were born into it. der?
—PROFESSOR NORDENSKJOLD, an adventurous Swede,
hear the voice of our Redeemer, and the:vic- time of study, careful research, and deep
has succeeded in making a voyage from Hammerfest,
tory will be won. C. N. STUTTLE. thought, many subjects will come before the near the North Cape of Europe, through the Kara Sea
mind, concerning which an impartial conclu- AUGUSTUS SCHULTZ'S FAITH.
Air around the North Cape of Asia to the Lena River, a
THE "HALF-WAY COVENANT," OR sion cannot be reached without waiting for feat never accomplished before, although daring ex-
additional evidence. There is no moral law A PASTOR named Augustus Schultz, resid- plorers have attempted it from the early days of ex-
MEMBEiRS. or principle which can urge any intelligent ing near Berlin, had a small salary. But tended voyages. This establishes the fact of a north-
person to form a conclusion in the absence of when occasion offered to give to the poor, he ern passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
THE curse of the church in all ages has evidence. This is the virtue and privilege of gave liberally, and seemed to be rich. Some —A RELIGIOUS drama—nay, more, a strictly,lbiblical
been unconverted meiubers. The " mixed superior and intelligent minds, to wait for ev- said that he was extravagant in his charities. one—has been played in Music Hall, Boston. "The
multitude among the Israelites soon began to idence before making decisions; while weak Perhaps there was some foundation for this title of the play is ' Saul,' and the subject is that por-
and ignorant minds often rush to a decision reproach ; but if he gave too much, he acted tion of the Hebrew king's life following his first inter.
murmur and then to rebel. These half-
from love to God, and God did not forsake view with David." We agree with the Christian Union's
hearted and worldly meMbers have been ' a without regard to evidence or right reason.
Boston correspondent that "it is certainly a sign of
hindrance and a Weight to the church's When an opinion is formed from proper him. It happened one day—and this was the times that such a play should be presented at all;"
power and progress. In our anxiety for mini- evidence, in accordance with sound reason, not the first time—that there was not a mor- but we, are not hopeful of " the reformation of the stage
hers we have not been sufficiently guarded as we do not say that this is the result of preju- sel of bread in the house, nor money to buy from within."
to quality, and the church is full of unregen- dice ; but it is the result of investigation, any. Schultz asked his wife to set the table —THE Supreme Court of the United States has de-
erated persons, who have more affinity for thought, and enlightened judgment. Persons as usual. cided that polygamy is a crime against the laws of the
worldliness than for Christ, cilia& Whose relig- Who are intelligent, industrious, studious, "But, my dear," said his wife to him, United States; and that the law prohibiting bigamy,
ious duties are a bondage. Every revival 'of and candid in their investigations and delib- " you forget that we have nothing to eat." or polygamy, is Constitutional. Mr. Cannon, Mormons
religion reveals this fact. When the chnrch erate in their conclusions, are not liable to " Be easy," answered the faithful servant of delegate from Utah, thinks his people will accept this
is alive and holy, then souls are saved. And mistakes, misfortunes, and losses in the af- God, " the Lord is able to give us what decision as final ; but he hopes that those who had con-
the great work of reform must always begin fairs of this life or those of the next ; but we need." The table was then set out, tracted polygamous marriages before this decision was
in the church. Such members are hard to their path is approved of God, who orders and the cloth spread, but there was nothing given will be allowed to continue these relations undis-
turbed, as to break up these marriages would destroy
manage. They demand Sunday entertain- the steps of the righteous. upon it. The pastor and his wife prayed.
homes and leave women and children helpless and
ments, lose a relish for 'Bible truths, absent It is true that evils may befall good men. During the prayer a loaded wagon stopped without protection.
themselves from the house of God, oppose Even the man Job, who was a perfect and before the door of their house. It was filled --Tim interior of Greenland is an unknown territory.
spiritual Christianity, and, like dead' branches upright man, suffered misfortunes, yet his with bread and other food which some Chris- Three Danish scientific gentlemen who were exploring
on a tree, hinder the vitality and growth ,of path soon led into bright and calm light. tian friends had sent the good pastor, whose the coast, undertook, the past summer, to penetrate
the whole body. His misfortunes were not the result of his beneficence they knew. The servants of the mystery, and to ascend a mountain 45 miles from
Joseph Cook, in one of his Monday lectures, sins ; but were to prove that man may not Christ then realized that the Lord never for- the coast. They started July 14 on their toilsome
ascribed the origin and wide prevalence of rashly judge his fellow when the chastening gets those who really trust in his goodness. journey of twenty-three days over the ice, encounter-
loose religious opinions in New England to hand of God is upon him, and to prove to ing fogs and snowstorms on the way. The weather
this fact of the admission of unconverted, per- Satan that good men are not, like the fallen cleared July 31, when they ascended the mountain,
sons to membership in the churches. Ie
gives the following description of the trials
angels, subject to passion when troubles arise.
Prejudice has its strongest hold on the
mores OP NE W
Ws. which was 5,000 feet high. As far as the eye could
reach, only ice-sheets and glaciers could be seen, and
not the smallest speck of land free of ice.
'of Jonathan Edwards in his endeavor to es- minds of the ignorant and wayward, who de-
—THERE is a prospect of war between France and. --DURING the first week in January, a heavy fall of
tablish the rule that evidence of conversion cide without the labor of patient study, or snow obstructed trains in some of the Middle and
should be an indispensable pre-requisite to the calm process of impartial judgment. Western States. Business on all trains centering at
—The Presbyterian Board of Relief for Disabled
church membership:— Such people often unite great authority of Ministers has distributed during the last 26 years over Buffalo was completely suspended. The westher was
" I know where, in Massachusetts, I can manner and a wide range of opinion ; and $1,000,000. intensely cold, in some places the coldest known for
put my hand on little, irregular scraps, of you cannot offend them more than to doubt 14 years. Some were frozen. There was almost con-
—Am Jonesborough, Ark., Professor Henry Dierk,
brown paper, stitched together as notebooks, their decisions, upset their theories, or cor- in attempting a balloon-ascension recently, fell a dis- temporaneously a similar snow-fall in Europe. In
and closely covered all- over with Jonathan rect their modes of reasoning. They are tance of 1000 feet. Scotland the trains were generally stopped; in some
Edwards' handwriting. Why did he usesuch teachers, and as such they are determined to places the drifts are reported to have been 12 ft. deep,
—IN New York City there are 1,739 rum holes less In Switzerland and parts of France and Germany the
coarse material in his studies? Why was, he be regarded. than there were a year ago. This speaks well for the storm was almost equally severe ; the heaviest snow-
within sight of starvation? Because he had But prejudice exists in various forms and excise laws of that city.
fall for 30 years.
opposed the half-way covenant. Why degrees in many minds where we would not —The four western counties of Massachusetts suf- —HERZEGOVINA and Bosnia having been given over
that man need to accept from Scotland funds expect to find it. Sometimes it happens that fered damage to the extent of over $850,000 by the ter-
politically to Austria are about to be handed over relig-
with which to maintain his family? Because those who are well-informed and candid on rible storm in the second week of December.
iously to the -Vatican. The inhabitants are of course
he opposed the half-way covenant. Why did subjects in general are bigoted on religious —Tee Duke of Edinburgh has been nominated by generally of the Greek Church; but all Greeks, are
his wife and daughters make fans and sell natters. Even wise men, who would give a the Czar to the princedom of Bulgaria. The object is pagans to the Vatican, which is accordingly arranging
them to buy bread Because he opposed the just decision in the courts, and in all worldly the peaceful solution of the Eastern Question. a Catholic hierarchy for the religious edification' of
half-way covenant. Bacause he defended vdth affairs would not think of deciding until they —TEE recent storms have seriously affected France. those countries. Curiously, its interests make it at
vigor, as Whitefield did, the idea that' a man could get at the facts in the case, seem to The Seine is rising and several towns are partially the same time in Italy an advocate of universal suf-
should not be a. minister unless converted, or lose all patience and candor when religious flooded. The Loire is also rising, and great alarm is frage. The recent cabinet crisis in Italy depended on
a church member unless converted, and seset matters are discussed, and are prepared to felt along its banks. the question whether the suffrage should be given to
himself against the whole trend of this Inge, decide without the least regard to evidence —JAN. 8 and 9 mail matter delayed by the recent every citizen who can read and write. So far as we
turbid, hungry, haughty wave of seculariza- such' as they would consider necessary in storm arrived at the Chicago post-office in a perfect can judge, the present cabinet is a temporary one,
without policy on this issue, therefore certain to be
tion that had been rising since 1631, Of cases of a scientific, commercial, or legal rush,--7 carloads Wednesday and 2 on Thursday.
The bulk weighed not less than 80 tons. without permanent existence.
course, he was abandoned by the fashionable. nature.
—nee South-western Advocate says that "500 Cath- --A Faazou engineer has made a report on the
'Of course, his life was in some sense a Mar- It was prejudice which caused the opposi-
project of a railroad across the Desert of Sahara. The
tyrdom. His note-books were made from the tion to Galileo, when he asserted that the olic ecclesiastical teachers and 2000 sisters of charity projected line would run from Algiers to Timbuctoo, a
refuse of brown paper left from the fans. earth revolves around the sun. It was prej- are at work among the colored people of the South, distance of some 1,300 miles, and would rest mainly
There is nothing Massaclaiisetts so little likes udice which caused Copernicus to be despised visiting from cabin to cabin." on layers of sand, and toward the end on primitive
to be fanned with as those fans Jonathan and ridiculed for asserting the true position :7—A HARTFORD librarian asserts that as a rule our volcanic rock, granite, etc. No mountainous obstruc-
Edwards' wife and daughters made and sold of the sun amid the lesser lights. Modern boys and girls read too much. He says that in 6 tions would have to be encountered, and the average
heat does not exceed 75° Fahrenheit. The proposed
months one boy drew 102 story-books from the library,
for bread. Yes, you starved him; but' SCot- teachers admit the discoveries of Copernicus and a girl 111 novels. During the quarter ending Dec. tunnel between Spain and Africa is still be-fore the
land fed him, thank God. When Edwards and Galileo; but the same obtuseness of the 1, 71 per cent of the books drawn by Young America public. This tunnel, according to the plan at present
contemplated,. is to extend from within a short dis-
was dismissed, it was proposed that there be human mind may yet sway the modern schools, were fiction. tance of Algiciras, on the Spanish side; to between
a council of ten pastors, and he, of course, and the gravest errors may be indorsed and —IN Brazil the ravages of small-pox are terrible. It
Tangier and Ceuta, on the African side. The length
claimed the right of choosing five; but he of the submarine tunnel will be nine miles, with an
upheld by those who in most respects are can- is said that in Ceara it is impossible to make coffins to inclination of one foot per hundred. The greatest
was obliged to go beyoitd the broad bounds of did and well-informed. In this connection supply the demand, and the people dig ditches and of the sea is 3,000 feet and as it is intended
old Hampshire county in' order to find five we would ask the reader if there is not a sin, tumble into them the unshrouded corpses, 8 or 10 at a to have a thickness of some 300 feet of rock left be.
tween the roof of the tunnel and the sea bottom; the
who agreed with him in opposing the half- a great sin against God, which is covered up time. As many as 500 or 600 die daily in the city of greatest depth of the tunnel will thus be 8,800 feet be-
way covenant."—Selected. by the popular theology of the day, and a the- Ceara alone. low the level of the sea.—Mristian Union.
20 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [VoL. 53, No. 3.

the leopard beast of Rev. 13 : 1-10 is not the pa- the churches complying, and will they comply, point. It is an extract from Bishop Simpson's
ght ftviiew anal Ttvald. pacy ; and the dragon of chapter 12 is not Rome with these conditions ? Then what is there to "Yale Lectures on Preaching," published in
pagan ; and the third angel's message was given hope for? It seems to us that the Christian the N. Y. Independent of Jan. 9, 1879 :—
"Sanctify them through Thy Troth: Thy Word is TrUth"
ages ago ; and the claim that we are giving this Weekly presents but a sorry showing in its ef- " For some cause, literary men do not always
BATTLE' CRE K, MICH., JASHARY 16, l87e. message now is a fallacy and a fraud. forts to balance the discouraging side with the draw the masses. Their language is too learned,
JAMES WHITE, 1 Corresponding Editors.' Thus should we be left, knowing not what hopeful. On the one hand, we have spiritual or their sympathy is not apparent. It not un-
anything means nor having any indications of death and wickedness, accomplished realities, frequently happens that some man of the com-
U. SMITH, Resident Editor.
where we are. The system of present truth is appalling facts. On the other we have nothing mon people, some day-laborer, perhaps, will
complete in itself, harmonious, inseparable, in- that is, but something that may be, if — gather around him an audience of attentive lis-
THE RELIGIOUS AMENDMENT, vulnerable. People can claim that Masonry is The truth is, the ignorance of Christendom teners where a scholarly orator will utterly fail.
the image of the beast if they choose ; but let God has long winked at ; but now he commands The reason is that his audience understand him.
IT appears from the Christian Statesman of them understand that if they do, they must all men, church and world alike, to repent of His language is the language of their lives ; he
Jan. 2, 1879, that the Religious Amendment, surrender the third angel's message and all its their sin of Sabbath-breaking ; of ignoring his knows their habits of thought ; he seems to
movement has made substantial progress the; associated truths, in Coto. For this, to the sympathize with them, and draw their souls to
institution, in deference to one which the hands
past year. Ten Methodist Conferences have, praise of God's providence be it spoken, cannot of men have endeavored to erect in the temple him.
unanimously and heartily indorsed this move- be linked to any other creed, and will not mix of his truth. He has waited from generation to "I call your attention to this, though I may
ment within the period specified.
nor mingle with any other system. generation for men to read the simplest decla- have occasion to refer to it again, because the,
One powerful agency which has contributed
to this result has been the distribution of copies rations of his word aright. But they still in- times require that true ministers should not
CRIME IN THE CHURCH. terpret that word in the light of the Dark Ages. only be in sympathy with the masses, but that
of the Statesman for one month, to five thousand
(Pardon the contradiction.) Now he calls upon the masses should feel that sympathy. We can-
two hundred clergymen. They propose, accord THE Boston Herald of Dec. 16, 1878, pub- them to take their feet off from his ancient and
ingly, to send this paper for one month, and not shut our eyes to the fact that the wall of
lishes a discourse by one of Boston's ministers, holy Sabbath, to restore the seal to his law, to partition is rising higher and higher between
. other documents expressly prepared for the pur- Henry Morgan, giving an exposure of the terri- lift up the fallen claims of his immutable com-
pose, to twelve thousand clergymen of different the educated and the uneducated, between the
ble iniquity of Boston in the line of gambling. mandments, and to let the demands of that law, capitalist and the laborer; and there are no
denominations the coming year. A special fun& Five acres of gambling hells, it seems, are spread- laid upon the naked conscience, convict a man
of $1500.00 is called for for this purpose, nearly men who can stand in the tract, none who can
ing their ruin and devouring their victims in of sin before he claims to be converted. He serve as agents of union, but the ministers of
$300 of which is already raised. that city. In graphic language he pictures the calls upon all in thunder tones, by the fulfillments
The corresponding secretary reports that in the gospel, and on them in this country, now
victims of the gaming table driven to delirium, of his word and by the messengers he is sending and for years to come, rests and will rest a fear-
no previous year has so much been done in the theft, murder, suicide ; breaking the hearts and to the world, thus to prepare for the soon-com-
way of disseminating printed matter issued by ful responsibility. No other class, I repeat, can
blasting the prospects of parents, companions, ing of his Son from Heaven. This is God's stand between the rich and the poor, the learned
the National Reform Association, and advocate children and friends ; and turning happy homes message to the world to-day ; and we are firmly
ing their cause. and the ignorant, the virtuous and the vicious.
into haunts of darkness and despair. Then persuaded that outside of this message no per- They must follow the example of the Lord Je-
Another item showing the spirit of this work. in scathing language he charges upon the pro- manent religious reform can be effected.
is the suggestion of a State Convention of thei sus and stoop to the lowest depths of degrada-
fessed church the sin of abetting and fostering tion, and yet keep themselves unspotted from,
friends of Sunday in Harrisburg while the legts-- this terrible iniquity. "It is sad," he says, "to
lature is in session in that city, and the bill for THE UNSEEN DANGER. the world. The minister must ever give a help-
see men throwing dice for the garments of the ing hand to his brothers, and, while he looks
a more stringent Sunday law is pending: Son of God, but not sadder than to see under
The friends of the Sunday have prepared 4, THE Berlin correspondent of the Christian with affection upon the wretched outcast, he
the altars of Christ's sanctuary church lotteries Union gives in the issue of that paper dated also looks heavenward, whither he draws his
bill to be presented to the legislature in behalf
and raffling. Is money wanted for a church ? Jan. 1, 1879, a significant article entitled, " Ber- erring brother ; and while he struggles to save
of that day, which has doubtless before this-
Fancy articles are set up for shares, raffles, risks, lin in Joy and in Fear." It is a description of him from destruction, the Saviour's hand holds
been presented. The first section is, a supplee
and lotteries, from a bed-quilt to a minister's the celebration in honor of the recovery of the him and draws him nearer to himself. It is
ment to existing Sunday laws, giving them a
surplice and slippers. To sell them, interesting Emperor from the wounds inflicted by a would- safe to reach with one hand to rescue the fallen
wider application. The second affixes a penalty
damsels, book in hand, greet you at every step : be assassin some months ago, and of his return sinner from the verge of hell if with the other
Of not less than twenty-five nor more than one.
Take a share, sir ? Good cause, sir ; for the to resume the duties of his office as the head of he can grasp the hand of omnipotent and bound-
thousand dollars, with or without imprisonment,
church, orphan children, and the sewing circle.' the nation. less love. The office of the true minister is to
for twenty days, at the discretion of • the court;•
Like Beauty and the Beast,' the beast is caught But just as this season of joy was at its height, stand between God and sinful man ; to listen to
together with forfeiture of license, and of the
by the beauty." Berlin was startled by the proclamation that the the whispers of divine love and repeat them in
charter of any incorporated- body so offending.:
He adds : " Let the church be pure. Let city was in a state of siege, a martial measure to the ears of the erring, holding the cords of love
It then extends the penalties of this act to all_ gambling be done away with."
existing Sunday laws, and empowers the courts guard against impending danger. Under this and letting them fall deeper and deeper and
This sin on the part of the church has in Wis- measure all persons not included in certain spec- deeper, to reach the vilest outcast of earth,
to enforce its provisions by ininncOon. consin been taken in hand by the law of the ified classes are forbidden to carry arms, and any
"If this law can be passed and maintained," while he himself is bound by the cords of adop-
State, and has been denounced from the plat- person deemed dangerous to the public safety tion to the Father's throne. How deep he may
says the Statesman, " it will place the Saliba" form and by both the religious and the secular may be summarily ejected from the district thus
{Sunday] on a secure legal basis in Pennsylva- go, who can tell ? He may go so low that the
press. But what has been the effect ? When
nia." But it is probably thought "that the fliensy put under control, or fined and imprisoned. The astonished angels shall exclaim : Oh ! the
was there ever more of this thing than to-day ? gay capital is thus put at the mercy of the de-
backbones of some of the senators and reprec, depth of the riches both of the wisdom and
And what must be the condition of a church
sentatives may need a little stiffening to se,, mon of suspicion ; for if the police for any cause knowledge of God ! How unsearchable are his
which, under these circumstances, will not re-
cure the passage of the act. Hence the State suspect any one, it dooms him to imprisonment judgments, and his ways past finding out ! '
nounce and restrain a practice over which so
Convention in behalf of Sunday during the pens,, or exile without redress. " I shall never forget a certain exhibition I
many are stumbling to ruin. Verily, those
dency of this measure, is suggested. The reason for this is that the government has once attended. Shortly after schools for the
prophecies which shadow forth a great religious
What the Sunday would be in Pennsylvania& found traces of secret societies which are con- imbecile were commenced in Europe, a young
declension in the last days are'only too accu-
if placed on this basis, Bro. Waldo, the S. D.' spiring against the State. This writer says : man, moved with benevolence, crossed the
rately fulfilled.
Baptist, full well knows, and any one may with " There is in Europe a widespread secret con- ocean to examine their mode of operation and
out difficulty understand. Such they would spiracy, and all governments and peoples are success. Assured of their utility, he returned
have it become throughout the length an& alike interested in putting it down. Here, in to this country and commenced a similar insti-
breadth of the Union. Germany, every day witnesses the suppression of tution. He advertised for the most idiotic and
'derma this heading, the Illustrated Christian
journals, pamphlets, meetings for the advance- helpless children that could be found. Among
4•111. Weekly presents the following gloomy picture of
ment of socialism, and the arrest of individuals those brought him was a little boy five years of
THE IMAGE OF THE,.BEAST. the state of religion in this country at the pres-
obnoxious to the penalties of the new laws." age, who had never made an intentional act,
ent time :--
The efficacy of this method of suppression is had never spoken a word, and had never, given
A suorrien sends us a long communication on "In one view of the case the outlook is dis-
doubted by many. It is having one effect at any look of recognition to a friend. He lay on
this subject, designed to refute the idea that' couraging. The year that is past was not least,—that of scattering some of these fire-
Free Masonry is the image of the beast seioken marked, as its predecessors, by any considerable brands over our own country ; and they will be the floor, a mass of flesh, without even ability
of in Rev. 13. The occasion of his writing, be ingathering. Ae a rule, the reports of our sev- no better here than there ; for it is the opinion to turn himself over. Such was the student
says, is the fact that some of our brethren have eral denominations on the state of religion, have of this careful observer of socialism in its native brought to this school. The teacher made ef-
taken up this idea from some publication advos not revealed any aggressive movement of marked haunts, that " no measure of liberty satisfies fort after effort to get the slightest recognition
eating that view, and are laboring with people, success, while benevolence has fallen off, and these wretches, and no measure of repression can from his eye or to produce the slightest volun-
from house tto house, to induce others to receive many of our great mission societies and agencies restrain them." "It is now believed," he adds, tary movement ; but in vain. Unwilling, how-
it. are struggling with curtailment and debt. ever, to yield, he had the boy brodght to his
"that secret clubs like those of the Nihilists of room, and he lay down beside him every day
We do not publish the communication, as it " On the other hand, wickedness abounds. Russia are spreading like a network over the
does not seem to be necessary. It is simply ass It is a time of depressed moral standards, of whole country." for half an hour, hoping that some favorable in-
tonishing that any one who professes to be a abounding public iniquity, of widespread doubt dication might occur. To improve the time, he
Thus with all the people of the world there read aloud from some author. One day, at the
believer in the third angel's message as held by and worldliness. There is a well-nigh universal lurks danger in every shadow, intangible, unde-
S. D. Adventists, should be deluded into such lack of confidence in and even distrust of our fined, and hence all the more fear-inspiring. end of six months of unavailing effort,' he was
views concerning the image. We can account fellows. The revelations of defalcations and Men look for the assassin's dagger, the torch of unusually weary and did not read. He soon
for it only on the ground that some people de breaches of sabred trusts show a deplorable state midnight arson, ehe upheaval of the social fab- discovered that the child was uneasy and was
not seem to be capable of comprehending the of public honesty. Even in our churches there ric by communism, they know not when, nor trying to move itself a little. The thought
relation which some subjects bear to other subs seems to be a chafing in the harness of creeds how, nor where. flashed across his mind : It misses the sound
jects, or which the different parts of a subject and confessions, a disposition to ignore or to of my voice.' He brought his mouth near the
The people of God have occasion to pray that child's hands, and, after repeated efforts, the lit-
bear to one another. question the ancient verities, and a strong incli- these threatening winds of strife may be re-
Look a moment at a few points : The image nation to waste the precious time and strength strained, that peace and quiet may continue, till tle one succeeded in placing his fingers on the
appears among the last acts of the two-horned of the church, which is needed for the evangel- they have finished the work which is given them teacher's lips, as if to say : Make that sound_
beast, who himself appears after the leopard ization of the world, in debating questions which to do. again.' The teacher felt that from that moment
beast of Rev. 13 :1 has received its deadly can only disturb the peace and harmony of be- his success was assured, and, by careful manipu-
wound, or has been led into captivity. Verse lievers." THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. lation of his muscles, he soon taught the child
10. The third angel's message appears as a But it claims that there is one view which is to walk ; and when I saw him, at the end of five
warning before the image is made and its wore not so discouraging, and sets to work to array THE success we here speak of is success in years, he stood on the platform, recited the
ship enforced. before us the redeeming features of the pros- reaching the hearts of those to whom we would names of the presidents of the United States,
But when did Masonry become a powerful se, pect. And what are they ? Simply these : that do good, and winning men to Christ. One of and answered a number of questions correctly.
cret organization ? Masons claim that the flys+ " God has power " to bless the church ; that the great secrets of success in this work is to I looked on with astonishment, and said to my-
tern dates as far back as the building of Selo:7 "serious moral defection and great wickedness" come near to your hearers, put yourself in sym- self Was there ever such patience and such
mon's temple. It can certainly be traced back such as we now see need not hinder it ; 'that pathy with them, make them feel that you have devotion ? Hove strong should be the love of
into the Dark Ages. Now if this is the image " Omnipotence finds no barrier in anything interests in common with them, and that you that little boy for his teacher ! Was there ever
which the two-horned beast makes, the two- which it makes the objects of its power." are laboring unselfishly for their good. Our an instance of one stooping so low and waiting
horned beast existed before this. Then this Yes ; but does not God suspend his interposi- readers will thank us for giving them the fol- so long ?' Then 1 said : Yes ; there was one
beast is not a symbol of the United States ; and tions in behalf of men upon conditions ?, and are lowing profoundly impressive article on this instance. The Son of God came down from
JAN. 16, 187.9.] THE REVIEW ND .i1L11. zl
Heaven ; laid himself down.beside me, his great receipts for the past year were only $165. Out If the warning in Rev. 22 :18, 19 means that disfellowshipped. We mean to have a clean rec-
heart by my heart ; watched me with perpetual of this he has paid the tithe, the one-third, do- in carrying forward the cause of God we are to ord and a working church, and by the help ot the:
care ; infused into me his own life ; and waited nations to State and General T. M. Society, use only Bible language (and this must be the Lord and the co-operation of all the brethren it
for nearly twenty years before I reached my fin- and for clubs of SIGNS and COLLEGE RECORD, meaning of that warning, if our opponents are will be done. D. M. CANRIGHT.
ger to his lips and said : "Speak, Lord, for thy amounting in all to $63.56. correct), then there is no room for preaching 41111.

servant heareth."' What condescension ! What It is not necessary that all should give nor fer writing works on Bible subjects, and we /NORWAY AND DENMARK.
love to fallen man ! Christ stooping so low au- a like proportion of their income ; but it is bet- cannot appeal to history, to geography, nor to
ter to make some free-will offerings besides, than any science whatever, in support of the truths of THE truth is working on many minds, and
thorizes us to stoop and wait on and wait ever.
Some of these wretched ones around us have to fall short of the tenth. The work of God in the Bible ; for in doing this we would have to souls are led to seek the Lord and prepare for
saving men is closing. No one will regret that add to the Bible in the sense that our opponents his coming. The law and the Sabbath have not
been suffering for more than eight and thirty
he had a part, a liberal part, in this work. The attach to Rev. 22: 18, 19. This theory would been presented yet, but the mark of the beast
years ; have been lying at the edge of the peel,
waiting for us to come and help them into the time of reward is coming. It is right to covet a repudiate all the important discoveries that are and the seal of God have been mentioned and
full share in that reward. Now the just shall being made by the British Exploration Society explained in the lectures on the prophecies.
troubled waters."
live by faith. It is time to have faith and in Palestine, and in other eastern countries, Last Sabbath forenoon we held our first Sab-
FAMILY READING. 1 prove it by works. Those who have faith in God relative to and in confirmation of Bible facts bath meeting. Forty-five persons were present.
and the truth will not fear the consequence of and scenes. More than thirty expressed their determination
Ix the REVIEW of Jan. 2, Bro. White rec- to keep the Sabbath. Several of these have
ommends that every family of Seventh-day Ad- venturing upon God's promises. He says, The fact is, the Bible clearly teaches that the
"Prove me now herewith." It is his will to gifts of the Holy Spirit were to remain till been Baptists. The leading man among the
ventists begin this month to spend an hour or Baptists is in full union with us.
so each evening reading aloud, each reading in: give us a large blessing and an abundant en- " that which is perfect is come " ; and the book
trance into his kingdom. And in closing up of Revelation, that contains the very warning I am now to commence on the life and death
turn while all listen. This is an excellent plan. question. There is no lack of opposition from
the great controversy, he will have an example which is the subject of this article, teaches that
Its results will be of priceless value to all who, many quarters,—bitter and unreasonable oppo-
will adopt it. set before the world such as has not been seen the remnant of God's people will have the testi-
since the apostasy from the zeal and purity of mony of Jesus, or the spirit of prophecy. Rev. sition,—but the interest to hear has not dimin-
1. This is the best way to become a good: ished. About seven hundred listened last night
reader. 2. It will secure to the family a great: the primitive church. Then, when all can see 12 : 7 ; 19: 10. And those who have the spirit
that the war of the wicked is against truth, of prophecy will have the gift of prophecy in with marked attention to a discourse on the
amount of information that they would other- signs of the times. We have sold books for
wise never get. 3. It will be a cheerful and: righteousness, and unfeigned love, God will de- exercise among them.
liver his people and cut off his enemies. Who Is there not with some a tendency to be so more than 60 Kroner the last three weeks, and
pleasant way to spend the„evening, and will obtained a great many subscribers for the Tx-
furnish subjects upon which all can converse: shall live when God shall do this ? My brother, fearful in regard to adding to the Scriptures,
my sister, we may share in this triumph. that they will overlook what the Scriptures DENDE.
understandingly afterward. The Lord is good. He is giving us a large
Many among our people, not only the older R. F. COTTRELL. teach, repudiate the very work predicted and
approved by them, and thereby behome guilty of field here, and we know that he will be mindful
persons, but young men and women, are poot, of us, and that our brethren also will remember
readers. A large number of them have little ADDING TO AND TAKING FROM THE taking away from the word of God?
Rev. 22:18, 19 is preceded by, "Behold, I us.
opportunity to learn to read by going to school; BOOK OF REVELATION. Bro. K. Bronson is working diligently in Jyl-
I have learned from observation that the very' come quickly Blessed are they that
do his commandments " (verses 12, 14), and is land, Denmark. He has obtained some sub-
best and shortest way to become a good reader scribers for the paper, and is trying to keep up
THERE are fearful denunciations pronounced immediately followed by the words, " He which
is to read aloud a great deal. I know of several the interest in many places.
against those who add to or take from the words testifieth these things [ and he had just been
persons who have thus become fine readers Witha JOHN G. MATTESON.
of this book. God shall add unto them the warning against adding to and taking .from]
out the aid of a teacher. They have done if Osterhausgaden 12, Christiana, Norway, Dec. 16.
plagues that are written in the Revelation, and saith, " Surely, I come quickly." Verse 20.
simply by constant reading. Where there are
several in the family, those who are listening shall take away their part out of the book of Does not this imply that there would be especial
life, and out of the holy city, and from all the danger of adding to and taking from the book A FAITH THAT WORKS.
can aid the reader by correcting him when they
know that he does not read accurately. things that are here written for the encourage- of Revelation just before Christ's second com- WHAT is demanded at the present time is a
As I am constantly traveling among our breth- ment of the children of God. Rev. 22 :18, 19. ing, when great light was to shine from this faith that works. As a people we are not doing
ren, I observe that a vast amount of time: It is therefore a matter of no minor importance book ? Some may do this in all honesty, but is what we ought to do. Our publications are the
is utterly thrown away by most families in to know what is meant by adding to and taking it not best to be prudent ? " If this counsel or
from the book of Revelation and the Bible in most efficient agents to spread the truth every-
idle conversation. Hours, long evenings, and this work be of men, it will come to naught : where. Hence all may be efficient laborers in the
sometimes whole days, are allowed to run=gs general ; for what applies to one book of the but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it ;
Ilible in this respect, applies equally to the cause. All things have been made ready, in the
waste. Now, if Bro. White's suggestion 90014 lest haply ye be found even to fight against
whole Bible. That is to say, if God will punish providence of God, so that all may be laborers
only be carried out, the %tellies of our brEith-;, God." Acts 5 : 38, 39. that will. All can do something in the work of
ren might become intelligent in all points' of those who add to or take from one part of the D. T. BOURDEAU.
Bible, he will punish those who add to or take spreading the truth and saving men. Do you
present truth. realize it ? Or do you think it of no use to try
Brethren,and sisters, let us take ,hold of thia, from other parts of the Bible. BOWLING GREEN, OHIO.
As the fearful denunciations in question re- Are you discouraged because your past efforts
and commence immediately:; 'The volumeE; sug- are fruitless Are your friends and neighbors
gested are excellent to begin with,: not, oily late directly to the book of Revelation, all AFTER an absence of seven weeks, I returned
must readily see the importance that God at- to Bowling Green Jan. 2, where I have spent callous to all your endeavors to do them good ?
for the reason mentioned by Bro. White, but Extend your efforts to a wider circle. In due
also from another fact, namely, that the words taches to that book. Indeed, it is "the Reve- one week. I am very much' encouraged by the
condition in which I now find things here. time you shall reap, if you faint not.
and style are simple and easy. lation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto
With one exception, all who made a start at our The SIGNS OF THE TIMES should be sent in
D. M. CA.3.YRIGHT. him," and which was sent to our earth by one
previous meetings are doing well. Prayer meet- every direction. All can share in this work.
of the heavenly host, so that if we respect
A REVIVAL NECESSARY. ' ings, the Sabbath-school, and all the meetings, Some can help pay for them that cannot do
Jesus Christ, God, and the angels, we shall, for
have been much more largely attended and have much more. Others can take the labor of scat-
their sakes, respect this book. But if we treat tering them, and finding interested readers,
As a people, we need a revival; and we-must greater interest than before. The Sabbath-
this book with disrespect, as though it were of such as may be benefited. And frequently the
have it ; and the truly faithfid, those who are school has adopted the penny contribution upon
secondary importance, it is the same as though bow that is drawn at a venture will hit the
so consecrated to the cause and work of God as the Sabbath, and hence already has on hand
we despised the eternal Father, Qhrist, and the mark, though it may not be the mark that we
to make it the first object of their lives, will funds for various purposes. The school will
heavenly host. aimed at. Well-directed efforts will not fail to
soon share in a revival, a refreshing from the now be supplied with maps, blank books, bell,
It must be evident to all that the denuncia- accomplish good. Our labor is not in vain in
presence of the Lord. The fulfillment of proph- and other conveniences.
tions of Rev. 22 :18, 19, were designed to guard the Lord.
ecy in our progress and preient position in The tract society has done good work. A
the purity of the book of Revelation, and that Then let us press on and know no halting till
this work, indicates that the Lord is about to large number of reports were, brought in, show-
pour us out a blessing that there will not be they are a solemn warning against any attempt the work is done, till the last sheaf is gathered
of copyists and translators to add words to, or ing much accomplished the last quarter; and with in. Then what joy to the faithful worker when
room enough to receive it.
suppress any part of, that sacred book, and only one or two exceptions each report showed angels join with men in the shout of the "har-
It may be asked, What sign indicates the 'ap
make it teach sentiments and doctrines that, it a donation of from five cents to one dollar. This vest home."
preach of , this promised blessing ? It is :the
does not teach. is as it should be. Over three hundred dollars Shall we not consecrate ourselves to the
bringing in of all the tithes and offerings. The
true system of tithe,s and offerings hat been These denunciations were not simply designed s. B. has been paid in during the last quarter, blessed work of saving souls? Let no one be
reached ; and the true-hearted will respond to as a caution to copyists and translators ; they which is considerably more than was received contented to let these precious opportunities
it ; and when all do this, the promise will be ful- were also to serve as a warning to those who during the whole of the previous year. The pass unimproved. Think, 0 think, that in a
would be inclined to teach orally, or through brethren and sisters here are all adopting the little while it will be too late,—the harvest past,
There has been backsliding with us in many their writings, that the Bible says thus and so tithing system. It is doing them good, and redemption's work all done, and the fiat gone
respects. Selfishness is the chief cause. Covet- when it does not ; that the Lord has spoken bringing into the treasury far more than we pre- forth, " He that is filthy, let him be filthy still.
ousness is the greatest danger to the church. when he has not spoken. Such virtually add viously had. And, behold, I come quickly, to give to every
Self-caring, self-gratification, is the natural to or take from the word of God. In this church we have the Conference treas- man according as his work shall be."
fruit of depraved human nature. It is the great The denunciations in question are also a ter- urer, the State T. and M. secretary and treas- R. F. COTTRELL.
object of the gospel to overcome and extirpate rible warning to those who would make light of, urer, the district secretary, church clerk, church
this selfish covetousness, and to form a char- and repudiate as trivial or dangerous, important librarian, s. B. treasurer, Sabbath-school secre- FASHIONABLE milliner : " You'll have the
acter like that of Him who sought not his own, but duties enjoined by the Scriptures. Such take tary, and some other officers. I have spent flower on the left side of the bonnet, of course,
" gave himself for us." Nothing can help us in from the Bible, as also do those who teach that' large share of my time in trying to straighten madam ? " Fashionable lady : " Well—er—no!
this work more than to render God his own, the prophecies are not for us ; that they cannot out their records, and get them started in good The fact is, there's a pillar on the left side of
that which he has reserved to himself, and no be understood, etc. If the prophecies are not shape. All are now provided with blank books my pew in church, so that only the right side of
longer rob him in tithes and offerings. Nothing to be understood, they have no place among properly arranged, and I feel pleased to know my head is seen by the congregation. Of course
can more recommend us to the favor of Heaven those Scriptures which are profitable,—among that the books are in pretty good shape. Not a I could change my pew." Fashionable lady's
than driving out selfishness by labor for the sal- those things which God has revealed, and which word nor a figure has been made in any of these husband : " Ya-as. Or even the church, you
vation of souls for whom Christ died. belong to us and to our children forever. Dent. books which I have not gone over Personally sev- know, if necessary." Fashionable milliner con-
The faithful and true will now bring in their 29 : 29 ; 2 Tim. 3 :16. eral times. With this instruction, 1 hope the siders the point.
tithes and offerings, and the blessing will follOW. Rev. 22:18, 19 cannot mean that God would records will be better kept than they have been eate
When the door is opened, the faithful and true give no further instructions to his people after before. Best of all, the brethren seem to be in No man can safely go abroad that does not
Witness will come in and sup with us, and we communicating to John the book of Revelation ; good courage and are in harmony with one an- love to stay at home ; no man can safely speak
with him. Let all prepare for the refreshing, for it is a well-known fact that the Gospel of other. that does not hold his tongue ; no man can safely
having our vessels ready to receive the blessing. John was written by inspiration at a later date We had an excellent meeting on the fast day. govern that would not cheerfully become a sub-
Let each individual consecrate himself to God than the book of Revelation. The Gospel of About seventy-five responded to their names ject ; no man can safely command that has not
with all that he has, giving to God not only the John was not an addition to Revelation in the with cheering testimonies. Then we celebrated learned to. obey ; and no man can safely rejoice
means which have been selfishly kept back, but sense of Rev. 22 : 18, 19 ; nor are the testimo- the ordinances. Four were disfellowshipped. but he that has the testimony of a good con-
his energies, his whole being, and the promise nies to us through the gift of prophecy an ad- These are cases of long standing, which we have science.
will be fulfilled. dition to the Bible in the sense of that script- not been able to help. If there is not a refor-
Those who have faith in God and the present ure. They do not contradict the Bible, but en- mation on the part of several others by the time BEAUTY is no longer amiable than while virtue
truth will act. I know a minister whose total force Bible teachings ; they lead to the Bible. of the next quarterly meeting, they will also be adorns it, and virtue itself is true beauty.

a number had already paid in something on They have labored earnestly and faithfully Ward, Wilson Co., Dec. 30.
this plan. In the evening I preached in in a hard field to help build up the cause in I HAVE held meetings in Ward nearly
" Cone unto me," with loving voice at morn Woodruff's hall on the end .of the wicked. our State. May Heaven's blessing rest upon three weeks, and the interest is great. Peo-
I heard the Shepherd call ; After the sermon, I spent some time talking them as they enter another field. ple gather an hour before meeting time, and
But narrow seemed the fold, and fair the fields to the brethren and sisters about their duty Jan. 1. A. S. HUTCHINS. by the hour for service all the standing room
Beyond the frowning wall. to God, to each other, and to the work. is filled. Last week I preached ten times
Again, at mid-day, came the gentle voice; They raised $4.00 for a set of Sister and filled up the days with visiting. Thus
But far my feet had strayed, PENNSYLVANIA. far, this is one of the most interesting meet-
White's works, which will be placed in this
And, weary with the heat, I only longed young church. This is just what should be ings I have ever held.
To find the forest shade. Russellsburg, Dec. 31.
done in every new church. Four have• em- A Baptist brother asked me to appoint a
THE brethren at Russellsburg are growing meeting for last Sabbath. I did so, and about
Once more it came, but cool the shadows lay braced the Sabbath since we were here a in the truth. 'We have been holding meetings
Across the grassy wold, month ago, and new ones have been added to thirty attended, most of whom took part in
And resting there, content with present ease, on Quaker Hill, six miles south. The roads our social meeting. Yesterday (Sunday) I
the Sabbath-school. Nearly every family became so badly drifted that we were com-
I scorned the sheltering fold. took up the claims of God's Sabbath. After
has the REVIEW now, and they have a club
pelled to close. Three noble souls took their service several told me they believed every
Soon fell the night, with neither silver star of twenty-four subscribers for the weekly IN-
stand upon the truth ; others will, we think. word of the sermon. To-night we investi-
Nor song of happy bird. STRUCTOR, to be used for the Sabbath-school.
And through the gloom no more, with pleadings Places are opening all around for the truth to gate the claims of Sunday. We expect oppo-
They have established the penny contribu- be preached. Last Thursday evening meet-
sweet, tion every Sabbath. sition from a Disciple minister. I am hoarse
The Shepherd's voice I heard. ings were commenced at Fairbanks school- from incessant speaking, but my courage and
Bro. Rupert has an appointment here house, where Bro. Foy now is. There is a
Affrighted then I turned, and blindly sought every four weeks. We think it is very im- hope are strong.
To cross the pathless lea, good interest. God has been with us to help. Rave sold some publications. An encour-
portant that young churches should be F. PEABODY.
Till faint with fear, in sorest need, I cried, aging feature here is, that hardly any one
" 0 Shepherd, come to me I" looked after and nourished, until they be-
come strong and are settled in the truth. uses tobacco, and several who knew nothing
No answering voice the sullen silence cleft, Such labor is very profitable, even though it NEBRASKA. of our faith are living out the health reform.
But lo, beside me stood Christ said to his ministers, " Lo, I am with
does not bring in an additional soul. One Waco.
One who with sorrowing brow had followed close, person thoroughly converted to God, and es- you," and that promise has been fulfilled to
Unseen, through wold and wood; THE last four days of the old year I spent me. L. D. SANTEE.
tablished in all points of the faith, is worth a with the church at Waco, Bro. Shultz was
Then all the night grew light, and soft and sweet dozen half converted. Brethren, let us fol- with me the last day. One united with the
The stars shone overhead, low up our work, and do it better. church by baptism. His attention was first VIRGINIA. 31)
While homeward by the Shepherd's tender hand D. M. CANRIGHT.
The wandering sheep was led. arrested in meetings held at Fremont four I LEFT North Scituate, R. I., Jan. 1, and
—Miss M. B. Sleight. years ago. Let the seed be sown " beside all reached Mt. Jackson, Va., at 3 P. M. on Fri-
East Norwalk. waters," trusting God to give the increase, day. I was kindly received at the home of
"Pro resz cl the se. Ur to the present we have spoken twelve
times in East Norwalk. The extreme cold
even if it be after " many days."

Seward, Jan. 8.
Bro. R. T. Fultz, and was made to realize the
truthfulness of our Saviour's promise, as given
"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed; shall doilb$i weather has broken up our meeting twice, in Mark 10 : 29, 30.
less come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him," as our house is poor and could not be made The weather was very cold here, with
comfortable. Bro. Wm. Beebe had held six Albion, Boone Co., Dec. 31. about two inches of snow. This prevented
MINNESOTA. meetings here before I came, with a fair inter- MANY in Albion are interested, and are people from a distance attending our quar-
est. He assists me much by way of opening reading. We have invitations to hold meet- terly meeting, and there were only fourteen
Mansfield, Jan. 8. meetings, visiting, etc. Three worthy per- ings in private houses within three miles, Sabbath-keepers present on the Sabbath. I
I CAME to Mansfield Dec. 9. Two weeks sons have decided to obey the truth. We both east and west of town. These we shall can learn of only twenty-five or thirty active
afterward I was joined by Bro. Ells, whose hope for others who are already convinced. accept, Bro. Nettleton filling one appoint- and reliable workers in the State.
timely help for a few days was appreciated We look to the Lord, who only can send con- ment and myself the other, thus turning our They have .a comfortably good house of
by all. A few here were trying to live out viction and give the increase. one meeting into two meetings. worship here in Soliloquy. The Sabbath-
the truth ; now eighteen good souls have cove- H. A. ST. JOHN. Nine are now keeping the Sabbath, some school is small, as is also the company of Sab-
nanted to obey God. I am now laboring in Norwalk, Jan. 8, 1879. of whom are already trying to win others. bath-keepers, but we hope soon to see addi-
a school-house about six miles from Mansfield. it Have sold books and tracts to the amount of tions. The tent that is here is badly dam-
A. H. VANKIRK. Appleton, Jan. 6. $4.43, obtained two subscribers for the aged, but perhaps we can make it last another
OUR meetings at Springfield closed favora- YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR (weekly), one for the year.
MICHIGAN. bly yesterday, after continuing nearly a week. SIGNS or THE TIMES, and eight for GOOD Our meetings continue here over another
About eleven years ago this church was HEALTH. We have also received in dona- Sabbath and first-day. We shall then com-
WE closed our labors at Douglas, Dec. 17. raised up by Elds. Lawrence and Van Horn. tions a little more than enough to cover all mence a series of meetings at Mt. Zion, Page
These brethren are of good courage. Less As long as the elder remained it was in a our expenses. county, fourteen miles south of this place,
than three years ago, the church was organ- healthy condition; but for about two years GEO. B. STARR. where there is an unorganized company-of
ized with eleven members ;- they now number, they have had no meetings. The elders of thirteen Sabbath-keepers. We hope to see
thirty-five. Through the labors of Brn. Jones our churches should have the best of evidence Polk Co., Jan. 5. good done and souls converted, and trust we
and Daniels the past summer, quite a num- that God has released them from their trust I MET with the friends at Syracuse, Dec. shall have the prayers of all God's people.
ber have united with them ; these new friends before they !leave the flock to be scattered 25. Union and harmony prevail. ugh ho My address, until further notice, will be,
are zealous for the truth. All readily prom- and to apostatize. Had the elder of this church the brethren meet with much opposition, yet Mt. Jackson, Shenandoah county, Va.
ised to pay the tithe and to help carry for- remained, I believe there would now be a their courage is good. The churches are all I. SANBORN.
ward the missionary work. One was re- strong church here. closed against them, and the school-house can
ceived into the church at this meeting. At these meetings all appeared to see their only be had by paying five dollars an evening. MISSOURI.
H. M. KENYON. wrongs, and hearty confessions were made. Organized s. B. to the amount of $51.
Dec, 31. M. S. BURNHAM. Three took a public stand to obey the truth. Green Ridge and Rockville.
Dec. 28, I was at Palmyra. Here, as at DEC. 28, 29, we were at Green Ridge,
They will have regular Sabbath meetings and Syracuse, all the churches are closed against
OHIO. 0 Sabbath-school. All voted to lay by the where we held a tent-meeting last fall. One
us. It seems as though Isa. 24 : 10 was had given up the Sabbath; the rest seemed to
tithe for 1879. I see no reason why this is about fulfilled. We bad good meetings in
Newark—We have just closed a three not a good place for tent-labor. be growing stronger in the truth. They were
private houses, and the sweet Spirit of the encouraged by our visit. Each family takes
weeks' meeting at Newark. The brethren had- A. 0. BURRILL. Master was in our midst. The brethren
completed a meeting-house, 28x46, eighteen- the REVIEW, and all greatly prize its valua-
took a club of twelve SIGNS. They also
foot posts. As they are few and mostly poor, it . Uniopolis. ble instruction. The weather was so cold
pledged s. B. to the amount of $23. that some living at a distance could not at-
required a great effort; however, they have I CAME to Uniopolis the first week in De- New Year's I met with the church in Stroms-
a good little meeting-house. There was sa cember, and found four families observing the tend our last meeting, so we did not instruct
burg. Our new meeting-house is small, but
debt on it of about $600 ; subscriptions were.' Sabbath, but needing instruction in all other them on s. B., as we had intended. However,,
will be quite comfortable when we get it fully
raised to the amount of about ow. Our parts of the message. I have given in all a card from there dated Jan. 1, says that
seated. Jan. 4 Bro. G. S. Reichard spoke they observed the fast and pledged $27 on
wealthy brethren near this church should! eighteen discourses in the Disciple church, from Matt. 5 : 5, after which two were re-
help them some upon it. s. B. May the Lord bless them in well do-
of which they kindly gave me the use. Sold ceived into the church. We then celebrated
The outside interest was not what we ho,' eight or ten dollars' worth of books. The ing.
the ordinances of the Lord's house. We all On New Year's day we met at Rockville.
hoped it would be. Only a few attended our attendance has been good. Twelve have felt that it was good for us to be there.
meetings; however, five or six embraced the:. signed the tithing pledge, and all subscribed Some made a commendable effort to attend this
Blessed be the name of the Lord. May he meeting, and we trust they were benefited by it.
Sabbath. Several of the children made la; for the REVIEW. They have discarded the ever help us to walk in the light.
start in the Christian life. Seven adult per!, use of pork, and erected the family altar. Others living near made no effort to attend, but
sons united with the church. We obtained They have regular Sabbath meetings and Sab- we hear of them at the house of mirth and
quite a number of subscribers for our period- bath-school, and are rejoicing in the third feasting. We advise all such to read and care-
icals, and sold some books. KANSAS. fully consider Eccl. 7: 2-4; James 4 : 5-10.
angel's message.
The church paid me $4.00 for a set of Sis- May we all !humble ourselves in the sight of
I fill my regular appointment at Dunkirk Elivon.
ter White's books, which will now be put Jan. 4, then return the 7th to follow up the the Lord, and be of one heart and one mind,
into their library. I CLOSED Op my labors at Elivon last night, serving the Lord. J.' G. WooD.
interest. G. G. RUPERT.
We found petty difficulties among several just four weeks after reaching the place. A
of the members. These all grew out of very church of twenty-two members was organized, PACIFIC COAST.
small things, but they hindered our work a VERMONT. and an elder was ordained. Two others were
great deal. At our last meeting we endeav- received as candidates for baptism. Prayer [Abridged from the SIGNS OF TAR TIMES.1
Jamaica. and Sabbath meetings and a Sabbath-school Lemoore and Fairview, Cal.
ored to settle up these matters, and think we
were quite successful. The last day we spent IN company with Bro. I. Sanborn, we held were established, and systematic benevolence
THE recent labors of Brn. Morton and
here was very encouraging indeed, and We meetings at this place, Dec. 20-23. Five was organized, several of those who adopted
Wood with the church at Fairview were at-
parted with our brethren feeling much en-, sermons were preached, several social meet- the plan cheerfully pledging one-tenth of their
tended with the blessing of God. A few dis-
couraged and' strongly in hopes that better ings held, and different branches of the work income to the Lord.
orderly members were disfellowshipped, and
days are before this little church. for the State and the more general interests Last Sabbath was a good day. Notwith-
of the cause were considered. Brethren and to all appearance brighter days are in store
standing the unusually cold weather, seven
Springfield,—Monday evening, Dec. 30, sisters and children took important advance for this church,
were baptized by Bro. Cook. Bro. Cook re-
we met the little church at Springfield in their steps, while three expressed their resolution Bro. Wood visited the young church at
marked, "Just nine years ago yesterday oc-
new hall. About thirty were out. We had to identify themselves with this people by Lemoore on the 7th of December. Though
curred the first baptism in Kansas by Sev-
a very pleasant meeting, and three united henceforward hallowing the Sabbath of the they have been left alone most of the time
enth-day Adventists." Hundreds have since
with the church. All were in harmony, and Lsrd. since the tent left last July, yet they are do-
been baptized in this noble field.
we expect to see a strong church here. Tues-u It was indeed gratifying to hear the testi- ing well and are in good spirits.
Bro. Enoch remains to teach some to read
day we came to monies and prayers of several brethren and sis- the Bible in French. He expects one of the
Dunkirk.—I spoke to a few in a private ters who have embraced the Sabbath under new converts will soon help him in another Santa Rosa, Healdsburg, Petaluma, Cal.
house in the evening. On New Year's day the labors of Bro. Sanborn. This society field. Two of the French brethren purpose ON the 15th, 18th, and 21st of December,
most of our brethren assembled, and spoke has been much aided by the efforts of Sr. San- spending one year at our college, to prepare Bro. M. C. Israel visited these churches.
to them on the tithing system. Every one born. Immediately following this meeting, for the ministry. Others should follow their With the assistance of Eld. Healey a V. M.
heartily indorsed it, and all pledged them- Bro. and Sr. S. were to leave for their new example. D. T. BOURDEAU. society of eleven members was organized at
selves to carry it out duringthe year. Quite field of labor in Virginia. Jain. 7. Santa Rosa. This society subscribed for
twenty-seven copies of the Stoics, in addition edge the truth. We are glad to know that we should stand like minute men, ready to act capable of making use of him for a time, to
to those taken by the church. The church at the REVIEW is read and appreciated, and hope in the fear and counsel of God. Although the further her own interests, only at the last to
Healdsburg took twenty-five copies of the the seed sown may bear abundant fruit. part assigned us may at times seem humble and leave hint in the lurch. When this state of
SIGNS, and that at Petaliima twenty-three, in A correspondent from Mackinaw, Ill., small, yet we may fill it to divine acceptance. mind "had been sedulously cultivated and
addition to those previously taken. sends us a report of the following excellent We should remember that it is a condescen- carefully made chronic, Great Britain changed
remarks made by a sister at their meeting on sion on the part of God, and an exalted priv- her rules and therewith her methods, aban-
Temperance Colony, Cal. New Year's day :— ilege to us, that we are permitted to bear any doned the laissez-faire policy, and coolly re-
UNDER the labors of Bro. M. J. Church, a " In looking over Old and New Testament part in the work of God, quested Shere Ali to give her absolute con-
church has been organized here, called the history, I find that the advantages and bene- Truly I had rather be a door-keeper trol of his foreign policy. He declined.
Temperance Colony church. fits derived from the observance of fasting in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the Russia, or to speak more accurately, eome
and prayer are not imaginary, but genuine tents of wickedness; and though in the past Russians, were considering a scheme for
St. Clair, Nevada. and true. Its inmost meaning signifies a I have sometimes grieved the tender Spirit of threatening England's Indian border, at the
God, and brought upon myself barrenness of time when war between Russia and England
THE church here, as reported by Bro. B. A. mighty calling unto God, deep and earnest soul, I can to-day truthfully say that to make was imminent ; a scheme the execution of
Stephens, has subscribed for fifty copies of the contrition, and a new consecration of all we a success of the great work in which we are which was certainly never attempted, and
SIGNS. A tract society has been organized, have and are to the service of God, How engaged is my highest ambition. I cannot which was probably "found to be altogether be-
also a Sabbath-school. needful, then, for our spiritual advancement,
and for the furtherance of the last testing find words to express the love I feel in my yond Russia's resources" Whereupon, by way
message of truth which God designs to give heart for Jesus, our blessed Redeemer, and of quieting Shere Ali's extraordinary suspi-
NEW YEAR'S DAY IN EDEN, VT. to the children of men, that this day of fast- the truths of the third angel's message. Do cions, and convincing other Indian princes of
ing and prayer, proclaimed by those whom we not all feel to praise the Lord for the the general justice and equity of her rule, Great:
NEW YEAR'S day was observed by the God has seen fit to make the heralds of his good and timely instruction given us by his Britain commenced this invasion, which even
church at Johnson and Eden as per appoint truth, be observed with the spirit and the servants at out late Conference And are we Gen. Rawlinson concedes was without justi-
ment of the General Conference Committee, understanding. How much at this present not fully determined to put in practice the fication " according to the international law
though several members were not present at time we need a wonderful manifestation of things we profess to believe, and to seek to of the West." Not even Mr. Gladstone's
the meeting. The sum of $21.92 cents was the power of God ; how much we need the be baptized with that spirit of consecration eloquent but fruitless appeal presents so
pledged for the relief of the Oakland church, presence of his guiding and directing hand in which will enable us to walk as God shall strong an indictment against Great Britain's
of which $11.47 was paid ; and $3.70 was all the affairs of life. Then let us pray that lead the way, and to co-operate with those treatment of the neighbor whose only crime
pledged and paid for the Dime Tabernacle. the gifts of his Spirit may not be diminished,, who are led by the Spirit of God was her unfortunate proximity to a Christian
C. W. STONE. but increased ; and while we are truly thank- Dear brethren and sisters, let us draw close empire as this extraordinary defense. Ahab
ful for the gift of prophecy which he has to God and acquaint ourselves with him, and has taken Naboth's vineyard because he im-
graciously besto wed upon us, let us earnestly show to those around us by our words and agined that Jehoshaphat across the border had
KENTUCKY. acts that we are sincere in our profession of an evil eye on it.—Christian Union, Jain. 1'.
pray that we may not be btful, ou but be-
THE fast was kept by the Elizabethtown lieving; and that we despise not prophesying, love and obedience. •

church. We were much cheered by the pres- or the words of admonition which fall from Mits. WM. H. BROWN. Dying, yet giving life; nailed to the cross,
ence and labors of Bro. R. P. Pickens, re- the lips of those invested with this charge. Adanns Center, N. Y. yet holding the key of death and Heaven;
cently from Battle. Creek. " God is unchangeable and without shadow covered with every badge of contumely and
LI -11`
I think we as a people have had much to of turning ; then let us, with the confidence A REPROOF. scorn, yet crowning others with immortal di-
encourage us the past year as the result of of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, the reliance of adems ; robbed of all things, yet giving all
tract and missionay work. Although.we do Ezra, the trust of Queen Esther, and the ear- ONE of our brethren, while holding meet- his native right. No event of moral grand-
not see a great number of souls converted to nestness of Daniel, remember the great cause ings lately at a place where there had just eur like this can ever be imagined. Truly
the truth as the fruits of this labor, yet I for which we are convened together. Oh, been a little church raised up, found, on visit- Christ was the Wonderful, joining in his own
have faith to believe that our efforts in this may his houses not be left desolate May the ing them at their homes, that about all they person the strangest contrasts, the most inex-
direction are paving the way for a great and hearts of believers be roused from their lake- seemed to want to talk about was one an- plicable mysteries.
good work yet to be accomplished in our warmness, and may God in the beginning of other's failings. He hardly knew what to do
Conference, if all remain faithful to duty. this new year baptize us with the spirit of to break up this habit, which he knew would It ought to be the great care of every one
I3ETTIE COOMBS. labor and of sacrifice, and may we as a peo- be likely to increase, and would perhaps be the of us to follow the Lord fully. We must fol-
Notin, Ky. ple be blessed and prospered according to our ruin of them all. low him universally, without dividing; up-
consecration to God." At last he hit upon a plan that he thought rightly, without dissembling; cheerfully,
At the business meeting held the same day might perhaps help the matter ; so when they without disputing ; constantly, without de-
DISTRICT NO. 3, NEW YORK. the BIM of $20.20 was pledged to the houses met for worship on the Sabbath, he told them clining; and this is following him fully.
of worship at Oakland, Cal., and Battle that there were some persons in the church
BRO. WM. H. BROWN, director of Dist. so.) Creek, Mich.,—$15.20 to the Oakland house who were doing wrong, and he was going to
3 New York T. and M. Society, makes an: and $5.00 to the Tabernacle at Battle Creek.
appeal to all the members of the district, Two little boys, sons of Bro. and Sr. Wordel,
read what the Bible said about it, and per-
haps before he got through he should mention
which, for lack of space, we take the liherty: gave their Christmas presents, ten cents each, the names of the persons who had done "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hencefort,h."
to condense into the following art4Psils to the Oakland house. wrong. He then took up the subject of tat-
1. Such facilities are now preVided that A note from Bro. Jesse Dorcas states that tling and fault-finding, and read many script-
no one has any excuse for 'net doing sonic- in a debate recently held at Olin, Iowa, " Bro. DIED in Dunkirk, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1878, in her sixty-
ures condemning it. While he was talking fourth year, Sister C. Jane Hough, wife of Alfred
thing. Morrison handled his opponent admirably, on the subject, there was the closest atten- Hough. Her disease was an affection of the lungs.
2. Much more can be done in the district: and 'the word of God was ably vindicated. tion, and it seems each one was momentarily We were with Sr. Hough in her last illness, and con-
than has ever yet been done. All the lovers of truth have reason to thank expecting to hear his name called. versed with her a few hours before death. She was
3. There are 93 members, and there ought God and take courage." calm and hopeful in God, saying that she had made
After the meeting, most of the church went her preparation for death while she was well. It was
to be 93 reports. Librarians should send immediately home, instead of staying to the through her entreaty that Brn. Rupert and Under-
each member a blank. Bro. J. L. Cupit, in a report which is too
lengthy for publication, gives some interest- Sabbath-school, as usual. The brother hardly wood, came to Dunkirk to present the truth. The
4. All should awake to the great responsi- knew what to think about it ; he did not godly life of herself and husband had a good influ-
bilities upon us. ing particulars of the little class at West- ence for the truth here. She lived just long enough
phalia, Mich. This company was brought know but he had destroyed the church alto- to see a little church raised up in answer to her
into the truth by the labors of Brn. Frisbie gether ; but he thought he would visit the prayers, and then died in peace.
THE TITHING SYSTEM.. and Lewis. They have encountered much brethren at their homes, and see what was At the age of sixteen she became a Christian.
opposition, and have fought many determined the matter. About seventeen years ago. in the State of Illinois,
I READ the plan suggested by the Gerieral battles with the Roman Catholics on one He first called at the house of the leader. she, with her husband, embraced the present truth
Conference Committee for the support of the,, hand and the world on the other; yet, by by reading. Bro. Hough is now left lonely, but he
After a little conversation, the leader said he is consoled by the blessed hope. The funeral'was at-
ministry, as given in the article entitled,.' the grace of God, they have been enabled to thought if he wanted to reprove him, he tended by a large number of friends. Discourse by
" Systematic Benevolence," in REVIEW of Dec.' " hold the fort." They recently listened to ought to have come to him alone, and not the writer from Rev. 14: 13. A. 0 Bonater.
12. As I read, I indorsed it; and as I did an opposition sermon by an eloquent and take him before a whole congregation to do
this joy filled my heart. I have told our` highly educated minister from Delta. He it ; he did not bear his name called, but then DIED near Clarence, Iowa, Nov. 29, 1878, Robert
Danish brethren that if they gave a tenth of failed, and his failure was a great victory for he described what he had been doing so every Greenlaw, in the eighty-ninth year of his age, The
their increase to the Lord, it was not neces- this little company. one knew just who was meant. After assur- deceased was born in Scotland, and emigrated to
sary to give it all for the support of the min- Canada nearly thirty years ago. About six years ago
ing the brother that he had no more special he came to this place, to spend his last days with
istry, but that it might be used in the Lord's' reference to hint than to others, he visited a nephew. For over four years he had been a con-
cause as they thought beet. Now, as one CONSECRATION. another brother. This brother and his wife stant reader of the REVIEW, and he heartily embraced
'whom the General Conference has given the both thought the remarks had been meant as the truths it advocates. Although so far advanced in
oversight of the Scandinavian churches in " I love thee, I love thee, I love thee, my Lord , a personal reproof to them ; and so it was at life, his perception of divine truth was clear and his
Iowa, Nebraska, and Dakota, I would rewrite' I love thee, my Saviour ; I love thee, my God : love for it most -ardent. On account of age and in-
almost every place he went, they thought he firmities he was shut in from the world, but his
mend the plan of the General Conference' I love thee, I love thee, and that thou dost know,
But how much I love thee my actions will show." had done them injustice by specifying their prayers--who can estimate their worth? The U. P.
Committee, to take effect in all our DaniShS faults so particularly in public. But when minister chose for his text Ps. 12: 1. His remarks
and Swedish churches from Jan. 1,,1879. How comprehensive and full of meaning they found that all the rest thought the re- were very appropriate and impressive
Brethren, let us walk in the light, .lest' are these words. They were sung at our an- A. BOSWORTH..
proof had been meant especially for them,
darkness come upon us. nual meeting at Rome, N. Y., a short time they began to feel different, and we hope
JOHN F. HANSON. ago, and they left a deep impression upon my DIED of consumption, in Fort Scott, Kansas, Dec.
they have learned a good lesson. Instead of 18, 1878, Bro. Amasa Edwards, in the sixty-eighth
mind. In God's word we are commanded to thinking and talking of our brethren and sis- year of his age. The deceased embraced the truth
love the Lord our God with all our heart. ters' faults, let us heed the injunction of the two years ago at Monmouth, Crawford county, Kan-'
WHAT THEY SAY. God requires the heart's supreme affection, apostle in Phil. 4 : 8 : " If there be any vir- sas, under the labors of the writer. His health was
and when we give it to him unreservedly, he tue, and if there be any praise, think on
such that he was much of his time kept away from
THE secretary of the little company at Gar- will accept and bless our labors. If we are meetings ; yet he stood firmly for the truth, and re-
den Grove, Iowa, sends a report of their the Lord's and desire to please him in all our these things." T. P. B. joiced in its light. He died in the blessed hope.
meetings on each of the four Sabbaths in. ways, we shall at once lay aside everything a Funeral services by the writer. J. H. Coox.
December. On Dec. 7, 1878, this company: that hinders our communion with the Holy THE ANGLO-AFGHAN WAR.
met for the first time for the purpose Spirit, our advancement in the divine life. If DIED of consumption, near Ligonier, Noble county,
Ind., Dec. 31, 1878, Bro. Henry May, aged 67 years.
of celebrating the Sabbath of the Lord. It, self is the obstacle, we shall lay it at the foot Is there anysiustification in morals for this Bro. May has been a faithful member of the Ligonier
is pleasant to read the record of a company of the cross ; if we have idols, we shall lay Afghanistan war ? In the current number of church for about two years. He was ever willing to
thus newly born into the faith. They report them aside, and worship only the true and the " Nineteenth Century," Sir Henry C. bear his testimony on the Lord's side. Words of
good meetings, and we believe the power of. living God. If our ways or plans conflict in comfort by Eld. J. S. Shrook from 1 Thess. 4: 14-18.
Rawlinson, who very justly characterizes him- E. D. STUTZMAN.
God is with them. They tell us that several any way with the spirit of this work, we self as an " old so-called Russo-phobist," has
of them take the REVIEW, and like it very shall at once lay them on the altar, and re- an article on the war, which, next to Lord DIED of typhoid fever in Calhoun, Richland county,
much. We hope it may aid them in the di- tain in their place the sacrifice of God,— Beaconsfield's frankly cynical speech in Par- Ill., Dec.• 7, 1878, Ina May Bolinger, daughter of'
vine life. " A broken and a contrite spirit," which will liament, affords the best defense which its ad- Henry and Naomi Bolinger, aged 11 years, 4 months,
Renewing her subscription on the REVIEW, not be despised. vocates can furnish. The story is briefly that and 17 days. She was a gentle and obedient child,
Sister Eliza Poling says : " I like the paper and is the first of the family to be laid away to sleep
The leading question Of our minds should the Ameer of Afghanistan for years endeav- till Jesus comes. E. J. CONNET.
very much. I cannot do without it. We- be, " Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ? " ored to cement a friendly alliance with Great
read it, lend 'it to two or three families, and and if we are living as it is the privilege of Britain ; his overtures were treated some- DIED of croup, near Noblesville, Ind., Dec. 30,
then send it away to song lane." She has every true child of God to live, we can pre- times with decorous refusal, more often with 1878, Edward A., infant son of Absalom and Mary
first-day Adventist neighbors, who read' the: vail with hint in prayer, and know his will con- contemptuous neglect, which finally succeeded Shafer, aged 9 months and 18 days
papers and like them, but will not acknowl- cerning us. And when duty is made known, in convincing him that Great Britain was fully W. W. SHARP,

What next? Any way to raise funds except both ways. But I have observed that those cultivated, while the refined, the tasteful, and
Zitt prim and tvatd• the way which the word of God prescribes, who study it simply by subjects soon drop off the critical are left, like frost-work, brilliant and
namely, as an act of religion, a direct gift and even that, and do not read it at all. System beautiful, but cold and dead.
Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, Jan. 16, 1879. sacrifice to the Lord. Such acts only as these and order are good in anything. They are
last named will he accept. All else he will re-
.Rate- A friend has sent us a copy of The Dia- ject with infinite loathing.
good in studying the word of God.
mond News, of Nov. 14, 1878, published at As iniquity practiced in the name of religion "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
Kimberly, South Africa Diamond Fields. It always goes hand in hand with bigotry and in- Sensible.
contains a letter from "The Rev. W. Impey " tolerance, it may be pertinent to add that Penn- IF nothing in the providence of God prevents, I
to the Wesleyan Conference, declaring his re- Sylvania is the State where observers of the sev- A WRITER who anticipates great atmospherical will meet with the friends at Afton, Iowa, Feb. 1
nunciation of the doctrine of eternal torment, to 3, and at State Center, Feb. 8 to 10. At these
enth-day as the Sabbath, are persecuted to fine disturbances and terrible epidemics as the re- meetings we hope to see a general turnout of our
as contrary to revelation and dishonoring to the ofnd imprisonment for disregarding the tradi- suit of the simultaneous perihelion of the four friends. S. •N. HASKELL.
God of justice, love, and mercy. Thus the- tional Sunday, and where the legislature is now great planets in the near future, advises all to
light of truth is making its way in the distant at work trying to give to existing Sunday laws a use all sanitary precautions in view of the dan- THE State quarterly meeting of the Iowa T. and
parts of the earth. broader application, and to affix to them all more ger, and to live in strict accordance with the M. society will be held in connection with the In-
stitute at Sigourney, Jan 25, 26. Officers of the
stringent penalties. laws of hygiene. society will please send their reports to the State
RAT' This is rather hard on those helpless ,tit , This is indeed sensible. Those who walk by secretary, Lizzie Hornby, Sigourney, Keokuk county,
creatures who are obliged to read their ser- Baptized for the Dead. the light of nature only, can see the propriety of Iowa Let there be full reports and a general at-
tendance. L. McCoy, Pres.
mons, but probably contains too much truth :— this. How much more should those who have
" A late minister of Biggar, who was a reader A CORRESPONDENT asks us to explain 1 Cor. superior light, having been warned by the spirit THE Vermont State T. and M. quarterly meeting

in the pulpit, closed his discourse with the 15 : 29 : " Else what shall they do which are of prophecy of the dangers that are coming in will be held at Wolcott, Jan. 25- 27, 1879. As the
words, ' I add no more." Because ye canna ! ' baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at the great time of trouble which, according to the number of brethren in this church is small, we hope
Scriptures, is just about to come, who have been all will come prepared with bedding and provision,
exclaimed an old woman from her pew." all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?" as far as convenient, to care for themselves. And
Paul's subject is the resurrection of the dead ; truly warned of the dangers of wrong habits of further, don't fail to come. See appointment for
and baptism is referred to as an act by which physical life, see to it that they are preparing a State S. S. meeting in this paper.
Aor- The following humorous item from Josh themselves, by living out the principles of health A. S. HUTCHINS, Free.
Billings contains a point too good to be lost, we show our faith in the resurrection. But if
the dead rise not at all, why do we perform this reform in general, and in every particular, ac-
It is a man's own cultivated capabilities and A MEETING of the Vermont S. S. Association will
act? Why are we then baptized in hope of the cording to the light given. be held in connection with the State quarterly meet-
noble achievements which place upon him the
stamp of nobility, not the distinction which may resurrection of the dead, or to show our faith in Those who use only worldly wisdom can see ing of the tract society at Wolcott, Jan. 25-27.
such an event 7 the propriety of abstaining from pork, if they Superintendents, secretaries, and singers are ur-
be derived from birth or ancestry :— gently invited to attend. The singers will perhaps
Dr. Clarke says on this verse : "But as they would avoid disease and death ; and the fact of remain over Jan. 28. H. PEEBLES, Pres.
" I don't insist upon pedigree for man or
receive baptism as an emblem of death in volun- the trichina disease has convinced some of the
horse. If a horse kan trot fast the pedigree is
tarily going under the water, so they receive it truth of those testimonies which have warned T. AND M. meetings with the church at Holly,
all right : if he kant, I wouldn't give a shilling
as an emblem of the resurrection unto eternal against its use. Well, the warnings against Mich. Jan. 18 and 19, commencing at 10:30 A. M.,
a yard for his pedigree." each day. The meetings will be held in Fenton-
life, in coming up out of the water ; thus they are other articles of diet will prove equally true. vine, Mich. Mr. Potter has kindly tendered us the
baptized for the dead, in perfect faith of the res- The danger of disease from food from diseased use of the Central House for the occasion. Come,
urrection. The three following verses seem to animals has been pointed out. Those who heed brethren and sisters, determined to do your part,
these admonitions will know, in the sequel, that and we cannot fail toS.have
a profitable meeting.
To save room for other matter, it has been confirm this sense." WOODHULL, SEN., Director.
decided not to acknowledge in the paper, here- Macknight considers the passage as elliptical, they acted the wisest part. When God speaks
after, receipts for the Ravrnw, nor for books and reads it, "Baptized for [the resurrection of] it is wise to hear. No PROVIDENCE preventing, I will hold meetings
sent out by mail. The change of figures on the the dead." " In Rob. Wahl the passage is thus When we start upon a right course, it is un- at Patricksburg, Owen county, Ind., Sabbath and
address label will, in every case, be a sufficient paraphrased : If the dead do not rise, of what wise to go back. Those who, instead of advanc- first -day, Feb. 1, 2, 1879. Expect to hold meetings
acknowledgment of the receipt of money lfor avail is it to expose ourselves to so many dan- as long as the interest may demand. First-day,
ing, retrograde in the practice of health reform, Feb. 2, the new meeting-house will be dedicated.
the paper. And books sent by mail almost in- gers in hope of a future reward."—Bagster. are not wise. They will know this sometime. Hope to see a general turnout. S. II. LANE.
variably reach their destination, and thus report Jenks says : " Thus the sense will be : bap- Our motto should be, Onward. Never go back.
for themselves, before the, acknowledgment ap- tised in the confidence and expectation of a res- By the help of God, this shall be the principle MEETINGS will be held in Wisconsin as follows:—
pears in the paper. Hence it is thought we can urrection from the dead.' . . . Chrysostom es- upon which I act. H. F. COTTRELL. Sand Prairie, Richland county, Jan. 21-23.
appropriate the space to better uses. Mount Hope, " 25, 26.
tablishes this interpretation beyond all doubt." Waterloo, Jan. 28 to Feb. 2.
Bloomfield says : " Now this [the true in- Passing the North Pole. H. W. DECKER.
Sabbath-School Lessons. terpretation], if I mistake not, n ill apply to an
THESE will no longer appear in the %vow. =.Mterpretation
most early adopted, namely, that A FALSE theory, if sustained by an illustra- t
The weekly INSTRUCTOR and the monthly Les-
of Chrysostom and the Greek commentators, tion, is always bound to lean upon a faulty one. fablisitetO pparbnytt
and the generality of expositors in modern Deacon Smith said to me that he once heard a
son Sheets now cover all the ground. If any minister say to an audience, that it did not mat- " Not Slothful in Business." Rom. so: tr.
times, including some very eminent names, as
are taking the REVIEW solely for the lessons, ter so very much what people believed ; that all
Hamm., Burkitt, Wets., and Pyle, who explain :
we will, upon notice, send them the Lesson SISTER P. Du IMAM, 63 Pleasant street, G' ancl Rapids,
What will they be doing, i. e., what will they people would finally reach Heaven, though by Mich., would like to find a good Seventh-day Advent-
Sheets in addition, to the end of their present
benefit themselves, who are baptized for the far different routes. This was at North Hyde- ist family who will adopt a boy 12 years of age. Ad-
subscription. Park. There were present some people from dress as above.
sake of, i. e., in hope of, the resurrection of the
dead. They will be no better for it, either in Hyde Park, a village six miles south. To illus- GEO E. Herrolv, of Valley Springs, D. T., a good
The Church in Her House. blacksmith, would like to find a situation at this bust.
this world or the next.' " trate his doctrine he said, You that live at Less among Sabbath keepers.
IN the epistles of Paul we find frequent ref- Hyde Park would just as certainly reach home THE permanent P. 0. address of Eld. W. H. Little.
erence to family churches. Col. 4 :15: "Salute To Correspondents. by-traveling in an opposite direction, though you john, is Allegan, Mich. Letters directed to that point
will be forwarded.
the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nytn- would be longer about it, and would nearly cir- Books Sent by Empress.
phas, and the church which is in his house." See N it right to have Christmas trees and festivals? cumnavigate the globe. Said the deacon, I Ira J Hankins $20.68, A E Shepherd 10 00, J F Car. :
also Rom. 16 : 5 ; 1 Cor. 16 :19 ; Philem. 2. Is there any authority in the Bible for so doing ?
E. Si. W. thought of the well-provided fleets of Dr. Kane man 5 20, Robert Reid 2.50, J 8 Green 3.00, B B
But this, it seems, is not to be confined to apos- and others, and of the difficulties they experi- Francis 4.00, G. B. Mason 2.70.
An.s. We do not see any necessary connec- Books Sent by _Freight.
tolic times. A sister writes us from Missouri tion between Christmas trees and festivals. A enced in searching for an open polar sea, and
"My aged mother, myself, and my two chil- church festival, in its common acceptation, is an of their failure to penetrate nearer than within S B Whitney part of $171.67.
dren, are Seventh-day Adventists. We love the: abomination. We can have a Christmas tree about five hundred miles of the north pole ; and Cash on Account.
truths of the third angel's message, and are try- without that. Such trees as were provided in I thought that these Hyde-Parkers would cer- From H M Hendee per Alex Carpenter, Instructor
sub VT 50, MoT&M Society James M Lewis 1.00, J S
ing to live them out. We are the only S. D. Battle Creek and Oakland, and we trust in tainly be entitled to my pity if they should set Shrock 6.90, H W Woodruff 2.80, Lizzie Hornby LBO,
Adventists in our immediate neighborhood, many other of our churches, last Christmas, to out northward expecting to reach home by pass- Wm Beebe 1.10.
hence have to constitute a little church of our bear our gifts to some important enterprises in ing directly through, not only the north pole, _European Mission.
own. We have family worship, and a regular? the Lord's cause, we believe are all right. Is but the south pole also. Catharine Wilson $2 00, Bro & Sr M Brown per Alex
Carpenter Italian 10.00, Bro & Sr M Brown per Alex
weekly prayer-meeting which is a precious sea- there anything in the Bible against so doing ? It will be found by every one who attempts to Carpenter Egypt 10,00, Sr H SI Hendee Egypt
son." reach Heaven by any other than the narrow 10.00, E Lamphear 1.00, Geo Leighton & wire 80,00,
M. B. PARRETT : Job 14 : 12 is explained on Rufus Baker 5.00 S J Merrill 5.00, Betsey Horr 5 00,
the ground that the heavens do pass away at the path of truth that impassable icebergs lie in the Cornelia Chapman 6.00, K K McCune ,2.00, Lillie J Mc.
Playing Chess for the Church. Cone 1.t0, Mary E McCune 1.00, Luella Baker 25c, I E
second coming of Christ. See Rev. 6 :14. way. C. W. STONE. Baker 10e, Rose Chapman 25c, C H Allen Egypt 5.00. •
PENNSYLVANIA seems to take the lead in de-' Jan. 4, 1879. _English Mission.
vising ways that are novel and wicked for raise Bro & Sr M Brown per Alex Carpenter $10.00, Mrs '$
Reading the Bible for 1879. H S S Davis 2,50, John Johnson 5.00, E S Walker &
ing funds for church purposes. It was in Pitts- Lorenzo Dow's Definition of Prejudice. with 10.00.
Swedish Mission.
burg, where at a church fair last year, ladies,: Wno will read the Bible through during the
O CURSED hard prejudice I what bast thou C J A Peterson 36c.
completely enveloped in eheets, were, auctioned year 1879 ? I will for one ; who will for an-
done to benight the understanding and prevent S. D. A. B. Society.
off to the highest bidder, and then -unveiled.: other? If we read three chapters on each work-
it from judging aright. It is the devil's tele- David Alexander $5.00, Mrs D Alexander 2.50.
They were to be the partners for the rest of the ing day and five on the Sabbath, we shall read
scope, and will magnify and deceive according Shares in S. D. A. P. Association.
evening of the ones who paid the highest price. the entire Bible in fifty-two weeks. It takes Francis A Shepard 10.00.
Young fellows,' it is reported, -kept up a lively only' a few minutes to read three ordinary chap- as you look through it.
Mich. Conf. Fund.
competition, and the bidding sometimes ran tria ters. Brethren and sisters, let us adopt this
GENTLENESS—Oh I beautiful, wonderful word— Newton per A T Oxley $5.00, Holly per S Wilson
to astonishing figures. This was the first plan at once. 18.67, Gowen per Niels bars m 17.85, Dryden per M F
stance of so disgraceful a proceeding to .raise, A great many times I have taken a vote in an almost more a flower than a fruit of Christian Mullen 11.90, Armada per M F Mullen 1.28, Potterville
life, in its grace and beauty adorning the rough R Sawyer 6.37, Battle Creek Church 150.00, Carson
money for the church. ordinary congregation to ascertain how many City per .1 E Bennett 18.99, Blendon 3.00, Dryden per
And now a report comes to us through an ext had read the Bible through, and, incredible as places of the road, leading little children, lift- M F Mullen 2.00, Vassar per E J Smith 32.00, Eaton
ing sad hearts, wiping away tears, and winning Rapids per J Ferris 7 00, Allegan 615, Ravenna per
change, that a game of chess was lately played; it may seem, at least nine out of ten, on the John Wright 49.13, Sheridan per M M Tryon 10.00.
at Sewickly„Pa,, the figure:] ;being actual lade average, have never read the entire Bible, and wayward souls. Paul, with all his great and Danish Mission.
and gentlemen, and the object being to raise these, too, are church members and our own elc-quent words, never melts the heart so truly John Lorntz $8.75.
funds to buy a new carpet for-the church. " The brethren at that. Now this is a shame ; nay, as when he says, with an irresistible appeal, Gen. T..& M. Society.
squares were made of red and white cloth, and more, it is a sin against God. Here are the "I Paul beseech you by the gentleness of T & M Institute $60.77, E Lamphear 1.00, Mrs B
were two feet square. The figures were dresited- precious, golden words of our Heavenly Father Christ."—Olive 11. Wadsworth. Ensile Thank Offering 1.25, M A Green Thank Offering
in appropriate costumes, and bore spears, shields: and his holy apostles and prophets, and we do Gen. Conf. Fund.
flags, etc. The game was played by two gentle4, not care enough about them to even look at Byron E Tefft s B $2.53.
DEW falls but • little upon the smooth and
men on a raised platform on opposite isides; of them May the Lord pity us in our indif- Mich. 2'..& M. Society.
brilliant surface of polished steel or burnished Dist 11 per Alex Carpenter $1.35, Dist 13 M F Mul-
the hall, each with a chess board before, hin ference and laziness. gold, while coarser and less costly objects are len 6.98, Dist 15 per L G Moore 9.88, Dist 14 per T K
Other assistants called outlhe moves .and SAW But should not the Bible be studied by sub- freely wet. The gentle dew of the heavenly Henry 5.16, Diet 4 per Alex Carpenter 17.77, Dist 7
that they were correctly maths." 66 25, Dist 3 Convis per S Sellers added jt 2.50, Dist
jects instead of by course ? It should be studied grace often takes effect upon the rude and un_ 11 per C N Stuttle 18.00.

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