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A Seminar report on


submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of



Submitted by


ENGINEERING (Accredited by NBA)

(Affiliated to JNTU, Kakinada)

Pedatadepalli, Tadepalligudem-534101, A.P





This is to certify that the Technical Seminar Report entitled “HOME AUTOMATION
SYSTEMS" submitted by KODHUMURI ANIL KISHORE(17A81A0429) under the guidance
and supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor
of Technology in Electronic and communication Engineering Department of Sri Vasavi
Engineering College during 2020-2021.

Technical Seminar Guide Head of the Department

Dr. M. Sathish Kumar Professor
Assistant Professor

Sri.P. Sudheer Chakravarthi
Assistant Professor

I would like to thank our seminar coordinators Dr. M. SATHISH KUMAR,

AssistantProfessor, Department of ECE and Sri P. SUDHEER
CHAKRAVARTHI, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE for the
guidance and help throughout the seminar work by providing us the
required information.

I would like to thank Smt. Dr. E. KUSUMA KUMARI, Head of the

Department of ECE, Dr. G. RATNAKAR RAO, Principal of our college
extending all the facilities without which this seminar would not have seen of
the light of the day. An endeavor can only be successful by constant effort
and encouragement.I wish to take this opportunity to express my deep sense
of gratitude to all the people who have extended their cooperation in various
ways during this seminar work. I take pleasure to acknowledge the help of all
the respected elders



1. Introduction 1-3
1.1 Internet of things
1.2 Why are smart homes needed
1.3 Objectives
2. History of Home Automation 4
3. System elements requires in Home Automation. 5-10
3.1 Sensors
3.2 Controllers
3.3 Buses
3.4 Interface
4. Controls of Home Automation 11-12
4.1 Bluetooth module based home automation
4.2 Wi-Fi control based home automation
5. Activities in Home Automation 13-16
5.1 HVAC
5.2 Lightning
5.3 Audio-Visuals
5.4 Security
5.5 Intercom systems
5.6 Shading
6. Advantages and disadvantages 17
7. Conclusion

Home automation is building automation for a home, called a smart home or
smart house. A home automation system will monitor and/or control home
attributes such as lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. It may
also include home security such as access control and alarm systems. When
connected with the Internet, home devices are an important constituent of the
Internet of Things.
A home automation system typically connects controlled devices to a central hub
or "gateway". The user interface for control of the system uses wall-mounted
terminals, tablet or desktop computers, a mobile phone application, or a Web
interface that may also be accessible off-site through the Internet.
While there are many competing vendors, there are increasing efforts towards
open source systems. However, there are issues with the current state of home
automation including a lack of standardized security measures and deprecation of
older devices without backwards compatibility.
Home automation has high potential for sharing data between family members or
trusted individuals for personal security and could lead to energy saving measures
with a positive environmental impact in the future.
The home automation market was worth US$5.77 billion in 2013, predicted to
reach a market value of US$12.81 billion by the year 2020.
1.1 The Internet of Things:
In this age the gadgets that we're the utilization of are getting to be more
brilliant and littler. They are connecting relatively without issue, and they
might demonstrate to us that in almost every and everything of our regular
daily existences. This new reality this is there inside the period—is alluded to
as the net of things—it's miles about adapting to and gathering the enormous
amount of certainties that we are capable 11 picking up from these
developing network of these hardware and sensors, which strategy such
measurements, and furthermore share it with all the distinctive entomb
related issues. it's miles a modern period, anyway we are plausible of having it
with these now—found in keen sensors from our product associations, inside
the security structures and inside nature we can control structures in our
homes, and furthermore in our vehicle's capacities for self-observing. At any
rate, this is 2019. For once imagine all of the open entryways that may exist all
together, creating new devices and moreover besides for managerial in
coming future. Gartner has watched the blend of regard comprising of
(accounts in nature) from net of things which across over firms may
accomplish up to US$1.9 trillion around the world in 2020. For instance,
practically different years from nowadays, our morning calendars might be
really surprising and very well on account of the net of components
advancement. Our alert may blast off sooner than its standard time because
of the way that our local clever center point may have analyzed side interest
conditions which could advocate an unmistakably moderate power for that
day. The sensor for climate alerts nation high residue incorporate continually,
so really case of your and world's sensitivity, you would safe house picked
whether to put on a suit with sensors that would sing the character of air and
after that prepared you to reasonable record of that may likewise trigger an
1.2 Why are Smart homes needed?
• Savings- With all the connected electrical devices that are inclusive of
getting to know coolers, sprinklers which might be clever, lights which might
be wireless enabled, tracking the electricity retailers in addition to water
heating and cooling modules that will also reduce energy and water use.
• Control- Many of the today’s apparatuses in a household, from
broilers and fridge to deadbolts and cooling gadgets, might be controlled
naturally by means of projects in PCs, phones and pills. In many occurrences,
the control of every one of these gadgets works when you are out of the
house as well and can transform them, which implies you could close the
entry via the air terminal, check at the pooch from any of the nation, or affirm
that you turned off your stove from the commercial center or some other

Convenience- Having the majority of your lounge and room lightings
interchanged as you achieve your property remotely, the home theater and
TV machine consequently betting your favored melody and the front entry
opens naturally when you approach it with hands total of acquiring stuff, is
maybe the end rich highlights of the astute and home. in any case, solace and
harmony isn't about sumptuous and simple life, shrewd locks can likewise give
you a chance to allow with the privilege of section of the particular people at
exact examples and not generally, so you don't must remain at home as well
as supply out a key. so also, a sensor lets you know while your fridge vacant or
out of stock encourages you to "arrangement" your entrance or leave
entryway from wherever inside this world.
• Security- They are so clear, connected responses for wellbeing for
the sharp home that are sensibly estimated choices for each checking security
verified frameworks. Remote empowered CC TV cameras, associated
development sensors notwithstanding astute smoke cautions might be
observed from interior or outside a local utilizing a video live, electronic mail
and ready writings.
• Safety- Sensors that are verified that can discover spillage of water,
phase of stickiness, carbon dioxide, development, warmness and each
ecological issue that could be envisioned assistance keep occurrence from
transforming into catastrophes as they could speak with proprietor
legitimately, on each event you're, wherever you need. Senior autonomy
Automate sound update notwithstanding voice actuated ready frameworks
are just a group of the elements of local mechanization that help seniors' have
free existence for a greater drawn out timespan. Moreover, cameras
connected to the Wi-Fi with - way report may furthermore help friends and
family hold a watch on the senior inhabitants when they can't go and real
beware of them.

1. To assembling a remote home robotization structure constrained by gadget

associated with the web. 2. Integrate the contraption to the controller: The
overwhelming need that must be recollected when developing a Smart Home is

that it must be savvy. The contraption controller must be humbly organized with
the machines in the house with a basic foundation.

3. Test the set up and analyze the data: After the system is set-up, with the help
of a mobile phone and a controller, tests are driven while data is recorded and
Chapter -2

Early home automation began with labor-saving machines. Self-contained electric
or gas powered home appliances became viable in the 1900s with the
introduction of electric power distribution and led to the introduction of washing
machines (1904), water heaters (1889), refrigerators (1913), sewing machines,
dishwashers, and clothes dryers.
In 1975, the first general purpose home automation network technology, X10,
was developed. It is a communication protocol for electronic devices. It primarily
uses electric power transmission wiring for signaling and control, where the
signals involve brief radio frequency bursts of digital data, and remains the most
widely available. By 1978, X10 products included a 16 channel command console,
a lamp module, and an appliance module. Soon after came the wall switch
module and the first X10 timer.
By 2012, in the United States, according to ABI Research, 1.5 million home
automation systems were installed. Per research firm Statista more than 45
million smart home devices will be installed in U.S. homes by the end of the year
James Sutherland worked as an engineer for the American company
Westinghouse Electric, designing fossil and nuclear power plant control systems.
In 1959 the company built a computer called PRODAC IV (he was the designer of
the arithmetic logic unit), using destructive-readout core memory and NOR logic.
When PRODAC IV was replaced by a UNIVAC design, some of the Westinghouse
controller hardware was declared surplus in 1965. Sutherland took up surplus
boards and memory to build a home computer, ECHO IV (the "IV" in ECHO IV
came from the PRODAC IV). It was made public for the first time in 1966.
The computer was working in the Sutherland's house until 1976, and was donated
to the Computer Museum in Boston in 1984.


System elements consists of components like sensors, controllers, actuators,
buses, interface etc. we can see about each component below in detail.

3.1 Sensors:
A device which detects or measures a physical property and records,
indicates, or otherwise responds to it.

1. Fire/CO detection:
Fire is far and away the number one cause of property damage. For years the
humble fire detector has been beeping away at the first sign of smoke in the
home, but there are several types of pollutants that can threaten our home
environment and air quality, all which could lead to property damage and harm to
the people inside. A carbon monoxide detector measures levels of CO in the air
and will warn people if levels are dangerous. Since CO is odorless and
undetectable without assistance, a detector can be a life saver, especially when it
is connected to an emergency monitoring service.
Some new sensors not only detect both smoke and CO, but also can monitor the
overall air quality in your home and watch for pollutants like dust, soot, pollen,
temperature, humidity, air staleness, pollution, and particulates. Even more
attractive are the discounts that insurance companies offer when you use these
2. Leak/moisture detection:
Water and freezing damage is the 2nd leading cause of home insurance claims. No
one wants to get the dreaded call informing you that your house has water
pouring out of it and water is leaking into the unit just below you. A water line to

your ice-maker broke and water has been running non-stop for 24 hours. This is
an expensive accident.
A moisture detection sensor can give you a heads up if your home is at risk due to
freezing pipes, or even a broken waterline. These sensors alert you to leaks in
your home so can fix the problem immediately and not after the damage has
been done. The sensor can be placed around water heaters, dishwashers,
refrigerators, sinks, sump pumps and anything at risk for water leakage. If the
sensor detects unwanted water a notification is sent to you, so you can hurry
home to check out the problem. 3. Window & door open and close:
Door and window sensors let you know when people are entering and leaving
your house and can even turn lights on and off as doors are opened and closed.
Door and window sensors are your first line of defense for home break-ins; some
sensors even detect when a window is broken by an intruder. These sensors alert
you to potential intruders, not to mention a deviant teenager. Once again, the
wireless technology allows you to receive notifications straight to your phone or
tablet and allows you to quickly call for help if needed.
4. Video doorbell:
The video doorbell is also a theft deterrent sensor. This cool device allows you to
see who is at your door from your smart phone. Whether you are inside alone
and want to screen who is at the door, or if you are at work and someone is at
your house. You will know. Couple this with the door open/close sensor and
thieves will avoid your house and stay away from the trouble of breaking in! Ring
is one of the original video doorbells on the market, but there are several good
options now. 5. Smart thermostat:
The smart thermostat gives you control over the heating and cooling in your
home – from any location. Not only are smart thermostats cool, but they’ll also
help you save money by monitoring the temperature and humidity inside and
outside of your home. When you are in and out of your house, the temperature of
your house also changes and a smart thermostat can adjust the temperature
based on your behavior and room usage. The best thermostats adjust the
temperature on a room by room basis allowing you to maintain your ideal
temperature when you are in the room and can default to an energy saving mode
when no one is in the room. Applying cognitive technology to these sensors is
paving way for a home that thinks and knows you and your temperature
preferences. 6. Motion sensors:

A motion sensor does what you think it does – it detects motion and movement in
an area. These sensors stand guard when you are not home; they can alert you if
there is movement within your home, or if your doors or windows have been
opened or closed. Motion sensors become an extra pair of eyes for you, alerting
you to unwanted activity in your home such as a teen sneaking out (or in), or if a
child enters a restricted area in the home such as a medicine cabinet. Motion
sensors are also great for helping to save energy. These sensors can be connected
to lighting or the thermostat to help control the energy usage in a room based on
the occupancy of the room e.g. it will turn the lights out if no one is in the room or
adjust to an energy efficient temperature when the room is unoccupied.
Motion sensors can also be connected to video, so not only do you get a
notification that a sensor has been tripped, but the sensor can activate video
recording to capture footage of the intrusion.
A multi-sensor combines several sensors into one device. Some of the combined
capabilities include motion, temperature, light, humidity, vibration, and UV.
Not all motion sensor are created equal.
Different types of motion sensors you can use:
• Passive Infrared (PIR): Detects body heat (infrared energy). These are the
most widely used sensors for home security. They detect heat and
movement creating a protective grid if a moving object blocks multiple grid
zones and the infrared energy levels change, the sensors are tripped.
• Micro Wave (MW): The sensor sends out microwave pulses to measure the
reflection off moving objects. MW sensor covers more area than the
infrared sensors, yet they are expensive and vulnerable to electrical
• Dual Technology Motion Sensors: Dual technology motion sensors use
multiple technologies, such as passive infrared (PIR) plus Microwave (MW)
– an active sensor, to monitor an area. Both sensors must be tripped in
order to trigger the alarm helping to reduce the instances of false alarms.
• Area Reflective Type: Emits infrared rays from an LED. Using the reflection
of those rays, the sensor measures the distance to the person or object and
detects if the object is within the designated area.
• Ultrasonic: Sends out pulses of ultrasonic waves and measures the
reflection off a moving object.
• Vibration: Detects vibration. There are two main sensor types in this
category – the accelerometer and the Piezo electric device.

• You can read more than you ever wanted to know about vibration
technology on the sensor wiki.
7. Smart garage door:
The Wi-Fi connected smart garage door gives you some extra piece of mind. The
concept is simple, but can be powerful – never wonder if you left the garage door
open. You can open and shut your garage door from your phone, from any
8. Intercom/hub:
You have installed sensors to create your smart home, and now you need to
manage everything from one location. The smart home hub and intercom system
allows you access to all of your smart home sensors, a communication system
across the home and allows you to call for services – emergency or repair – at the
tap of a button. With an intercom system you can see through the walls and have
video and voice conversation between rooms in the house. You can also use your
smart phone to call a room in the house while you are away at work – this could
be handy for checking in on an aging parent while you are away.
A home automation controller (and/or software, and/or interface) is
essential for remote access and control of your home automation devices (or
peripherals) from a computer, smartphone or tablet. This remote access isn't
limited to control from inside your home, it usually allows you access to devices
from anywhere in the world so long as you have access to the Internet. That
means you can control almost anything remotely - turn lights or appliances on
and off, open door locks, shut the garage, monitor energy use, check
temperature and humidity sensors or even have motion detectors notify you
instantly if movement is detected on your property.

Selecting the right home automation controller can be a slightly daunting task,
as there are several controllers to choose from - each of which has several
features to consider, Technology, Devices and Function. After reviewing the
information in the tabs on these features below, you can then select the
Controllers tab to choose the right controller for your application in a
connected home automation environment.
When choosing a controller, an important consideration is the technology that is
available and what you feel best suits your needs. Generally speaking, when we
speak of technology, we are referring to the type of communication and/or
protocol that is being used to allow different devices to "talk" to each other.
Some controllers use hardwired communication over your home power lines such
as X10 and UPB; some use Radio Frequency (RF) or Wi-Fi to wirelessly
communicate such as Z-Wave, ZIGBEE, WeMo, SKYLINEHOME and LEYNET RF;
while INSTEON uses both power line and radio frequency to ensure greater
reliability. Some controllers are specific to a certain type of technology while
other controllers support various technologies, so take a look at a combination of
the technology you like and devices you will be using to find the controller.

3.2 Buses

Smart-BUS is technically more or less the only complete Home Automation

System in the world at present. The system is designed entirely from the
experience of an installer whom has faced every integration issues and
difficulties over the past decade.

The Smart-Bus uniquely solve Several Installer Problems Today:

1 – Smart-BUS Works on Normal Cat5 Wires widely available in any market
2 - Flexible Operation Voltage that Range between 8VDC-32VDC to overcome
Long Distance wires or Bad quality conductors 3 – Smart-Bus have Multiple
Lines of Protection:

a. Overload Protection
b. Over Heat Protection
c. Reverse Polarity Protection
d. Short Circuit Protection
e. Surge Protection

4 – Smart-BUS Cancel big cabinet requirement by saving Space due to small

modular Sizes
5 - Easy Expandability Due to SMARTBUS / Smart-MESH Flexible Topology

1. Daisy Chain Applicable

b. Open or Closed Loop acceptable
c. Start Topology workable
d. Grid Topology Possible.

3.3 Interface:

Automation occurs when the state of a device, product or system changes

without any human interaction. It happens when your home environment is able
to adapt to your needs all by itself—no tap of a button or a flip of a switch is
required. While home automation systems are perfectly capable of running a
household in this hands-off fashion, many homeowners feel more comfortable
being able to actively operate the various products and systems under the
backing of an automation system. Rather than relying completely on a system to
tell the lights, thermostats, A/V equipment and other devices how and when to
adjust, they like having the power to make these changes, too, and the tool they
use to do so is what the industry refers to as a “user interface.” A user interface is
basically a device that enables a person to easily monitor the status of the every
product that has been tied to a home automation system and to control these
products on the fly.

Dedicated Touch Screens

In addition to downloadable apps, most manufacturers of home automation
systems offer user interfaces in the form of dedicated touch screens. Available in
a variety of sizes and price ranges, from small, wireless, portable units that can
rest on a coffee table or nightstand to super-size models meant to be mounted
permanently to the wall, touch screens are highly customizable and can suit a
variety of control applications.

Keypads and Handheld Remotes

Employing hard buttons instead of screen-based graphics to zip commands to

electronic systems and products, wall-mounted keypads and handheld remotes
may not have the sizzle of mobile apps and touch screens, yet they are still widely
used in automated homes.


Home automation control is of different types as mentioned below:

• Bluetooth module
• Wi-Fi control
• SMS control
• Internet control

4.1 Bluetooth module

Smartphones are the new craze and they have made life easier than
ever. They are portable and always in the pockets. This portability of
smartphones have led the marketers and the designers to develop services
and solutions around the mobile domain. There are apps to shop online, do
banking, trade stocks and uncountable day to day tasks. Then how can home
automation systems remain isolated from the mobile technology! An
app named “Bluetooth Terminal” is used on the smart phone which is capable
of sending text strings to a paired device. Another app named “BT Voice
Control for Android” can also be used on the smart phone. The Arduino
board receives the user commands in the form of numbers from the smart
phone through Bluetooth interface. These numbers are assigned to the home
appliances and the appliances are toggled either ON or OFF on receiving the
numeric command. The Arduino sketch looks for the numeric commands
from the Bluetooth module and operates relays to switch appliances.
Block diagram of Bluetooth module in home automation:

4.2 Wi-Fi control:
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a wireless networking technology used for
exchanging the information between two or more devices without using cables or
wires. There are various Wi-Fi technologies like Wi-Fi 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g
and 802.11n. Here, in this project Wi-Fi module is used to receive commands from
the internet and activate loads through TRIAC & OPTOCOUPLER by executing a
program written within the Wi-Fi module. Hence, no microcontroller is used in
this project to drive loads.

Block diagram of Wi-Fi module controlled home Automation:

4.3 SMS control:

The GSM Based Home Automation system is used to control home appliances by sending SMS from your
Phone. This project is consists of Arduino, GSM SIM900 Module, 16×2 LCD module, and Relay Module.
GSM Module is used to wireless communication with the phone, for controlling home appliances. The
16×2 LCD module is used to display the status (turn ON or turn OFF) of the home appliances.
Block diagram of SMS control of Home Automation:


• Lightning
• Audio-visual
• Shading
• Security
• Intercoms

5.1 Residential heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC)

Smart, smaller, more powerful and energy-efficient: Today’s room air
conditioning units must fulfill a growing list of demands. Because they are used in
private homes, quiet air condition systems are highly sought after.

In addition, it must be possible to integrate them easily and securely with a home
automation network to support remote control and condition monitoring.
Designing room air conditioning units that boast such capabilities requires
everything from low vibration components and a low acoustic noise compressor
through reliable fan control to sensor less field-oriented control. The enabling
semiconductor solutions must also be energy-efficient and reflect new form
factors. System solution proposals offer proven integration, comprehensive
features, and robust protection while reducing time-to-market. Last but not least,
an excellent price-performance ratio is a key, as are new features supporting
emerging smart appliance designs.

Layout of HVAC system in home automation

5.2 Lightning:

In areas where you would prefer not to cut open walls for cable running, wireless
dimmers, switches, and keypads make for an ideal control interface.


Perfect for homes that are in the new-buildings or homes undergoing a

remodel project, lighting wires are run to a centralized location-such as utility
closet – eliminating the need for banks of switches.

Block diagram of lightning using home automation:


With a telephone system controller and modern handsets you can
Have all the convenience and features of your office phone system, at home.
Place calls on hold, transfer calls between rooms, call from one room to another,
answer the doorbell from any phone in the house, or forward calls to your cell
Better yet, we’ll connect your phones into your home theatre automation system
so you won’t be disturbed during a romantic movie or exciting sporting event
unless it’s important. Through a variety of telephone styles, from desktop units
with LCD screens to portable models you can take outdoors, you can easily
manage multiple lines and decide what calls get through.


5.4 Security
Security is an essential protection against anything that could pose a threat to a
system. One of the biggest challenges with Open HAB perhaps is the
nonreinforcement of an access control mechanism for its users, thereby making the
security of the system dependent on the strength of the wireless network.
Block diagram of security-system of Home automation:

5.5 Intercom systems in Home Automation:

Wired and wireless home intercom systems have been a staple in home
security and communication, from whole intercom systems to increasingly

popular wireless video intercoms. Whether you want to broadcast messages or
audio throughout the home, or you need to answer a call from your video
doorbell, wired and wireless smart home intercom products you need to turn that
idea into reality.

5.6 Shading:
Automated lighting and shades add elegance, convenience and energy efficiency
to your home. Raise or dim any light in any room or brighten the entire house
with a single touch. Automate your shades to lower when the sun begins to peek
through the windows each day. Set your home on a “wake up” and “goodnight”
schedule, so lightning and shades do what you need when you need it.



6.1 Home Automation Advantages

6.1.1 Energy-saving
Home automation manages control elements that contribute to saving
water, electricity, and gas. That is, we can program all the devices to turn on
or off at the necessary time. Home automation control of lighting and air
conditioning controls the management of 70% of energy consumption. Most
air conditioners suffer from the same issues causing them to use up
additional units. The automation can keep that in check.

6.1.2 Security
Another of its important advantages is being able to detect fires,
intruders, gas leaks or a water leak. You can see everything that happens
from anywhere through cameras and simulate presence by turning lights on
and off remotely.

6.1.3 Communication
It is essential nowadays to establish correct communication between
people and housing. New technologies and the Internet are a natural part of
home automation and become intuitive and practical tools. Even the
recognition of voice or body movements can become a channel of
communication with our home. With all these elements, the house can
interact with people through the home automation elements of the
installation, text messages, emails, and voice calls.

6.1.4 Comfort
The tasks to be carried out in our homes are much easier, and you can
do many actions comfortably from a screen.


While wearing down this endeavor we have grabbed a lot of finding out
about various modules being used in this errand. We are glad we can

16 | P a g e
participate as a gathering in this endeavor and set up new musings. We believe
the assignment completes as needed and the data grabbed in the midst of this
period will be used in our future corporate life. Additionally, we might want to
include that home computerization is the fate of places of new world.


The going with stage for home Robot advertise will happen subject to a
couple of key overhauls in the progression open in Automation, for example,
improvement in Wireless Automation blueprints and moreover bringing down
of regard appears as the market starts perceive Home mechanization use in
more noteworthy volumes. A couple of examples that we foresee for this time
of the business are

• Big associations like Philips, Siemens and Schneider will as time goes on
bring out truly mass market mechanization things with interfacing with UI in
any case at lower esteem point as contrast with today, and more people will
be able to bear the cost of the things.

• Solution commitments will bit by bit move to an all the more

straightforward structure, where next to two or three key parts, customers will
have the ability to buy and use the Automation things themselves without the
guide of any specific ace

• Some remote players will have claim to fame in awesome motorization

and focus on the prevalent market.


8.0 References
• S. Das and D. J. Cook, Smart Home Environments: A Paradigm Based on
Learning and Prediction, Wireless Mobile and Sensor Networks, Wiley, 2004.

• "Best Home Automation System – Consumer

Reports" Recovered 2016-02-14.

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• “D. J. Cook and M. Youngblood, Smart Homes, Encyclopedia of

HumanComputer Interaction”, 2004.

• S.Praveen,"IOT and its Signifance ", 2015,Online.

• S.Prasad , P. Mahalakshmi "Shrewd Surveillance Monitoring System Using

Arduino and PIR ensor ,International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Technologies, pp 45-65 ,Vol. 5 ,issue 1,2014.

• Pyarie, R. Tyarize,"Bluetooth based home computerization framework

utilizing Iot", International Journal Of Computer Science and Information
Technologies, pp 103-130,Vol 2 ,issue1,2013.

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