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558 Reports EFFL 6|2018


Introducing a new Danish Think Tank Against Food Waste

Gundula Kjaer*

I. An Initiative Launched by the Danish The collaboration will be based on the framework
Food Industry and concept carried out under the private manage-
ment within the Danish industry, and from here ex-
In October 2018, the Danish Ministry of Environment pand the project with a national plan of action and
and Food joined forces with the initiators behind the by bringing in even more organisations.
project “Denmark Against Food Waste”. The project Besides the already established concept, the think
was originally created by 15 companies within Dan- tank will give rise to a number of new projects. This
ish retail and food production, including Salling will include a voluntary agreement on a common re-
Group A/S and Arla amba, as well as the NGOs Stop duction target for the entire food chain from the stage
Waste of Food and The Foodbank. of production to the end-user. Other projects will be
The companies and organisations joined together established to support efforts and to achieve the ob-
earlier this year in an ambitious partnership in the jectives of the voluntary agreement.
fight against food waste. With the collaboration each The think tank secretariat is to set out and quali-
party has committed to make an effort towards re- fy intermediate aims, specific efforts, data collection
ducing food waste and to collect data and publish its and reporting as well as assist with communication.
progress. The initiative is based on the UN’s World
Sustainable Development Goal and was launched in
August 2018 with the aim of a 50% reduction in food III. One of many Initiatives Against
waste in Denmark by 2030. Food Waste
Almost simultaneously, the Danish Ministry of En-
vironment and Food launched a new Danish think “Denmark Against Food Waste” is one of many pri-
tank. The purpose of the think tank is to ensure a vate initiatives that has been launched over the past
broad foundation of work to prevent food waste and couple of years. The organisation “Stop waste of food”
loss and to ensure professionally supported efforts. is one of the country’s largest consumerist lobby
As such, it is part of the concept that the think tank groups against food waste and the creator of various
is to be based on a cooperative effort throughout the initiatives, including a national educational cam-
entire Danish food chain. paign in Danish schools as well as the certification
The parties are now joining the projects in order scheme “Refood” targeted at companies and organi-
to achieve their common goals to improve climate ac- sations in the food and services industry. The con-
tion through less CO2 emission and to ensure better cept behind the certification scheme is to raise the
use of the Earth’s resources. profile of restaurants’, hotels’ and other food produc-
ers’ efforts to reduce the waste of food.
The voluntary organisation “The Foodbank” was
II. Close Partnership between Public founded in 2008 and was, according to the Foodbank,
and Private Stakeholders the first Nordic initiative to systematically address
food waste in the industry. The vision of the organi-
The joint partnership between the Danish Ministry
of Environment and Food and the creators of “Den-
mark Against Food Waste” is one of many examples
of the Danish public authorities collaborating with * Regulatory affairs manager at the Bech-Bruun law firm, Copen-
industry stakeholders on essential societal topics. hagen.
EFFL 6|2018 Reports 559

sation is to distribute surplus foods from producers In January 2016, the app “Too good to go” was
of food and wholesales to the socially deprived part launched in Denmark and is currently active in eight
of the population. countries within Europe. Through the app, restau-
rants, hotels and food stores, among others, can reach
the user with offers on surplus food at a favourable
As a result of these many initiatives, food waste
1 According to the organization “Stop Waste of Food”: <http://www> (referring to data from the has been reduced by 8% per Danish citizen over the
Ministry of Environment and Food and the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency, the report ”Kortlægning af sammensætningen af
last six years,1 and it will be interesting to follow the
dagrenovation og kildesorteret organisk affald fra husholdninger”). work in the think tank.
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