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República Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio Popular Para

la Educación Universitaria Universidad

Politécnica Territorial José Antonio Anzoátegui
El Tigre- Estado Anzoátegui
PNF: Administración, Trayecto: I

Docente: Bachilleres: C.I.

Yolimar Yaguare Aaron Pulbe V-27.213.992

Asignatura: Maria Higuera (repitiente) V-26.620.909

Idioma Yarnosmaira Yancel V-30.483.780

Sección: 07

Viernes, 11 de junio de 2021

1. ¿Qué son los conectores?- hacer una lista mínimo 10 conectores y
formar oraciones. (Valor 10%)
Los conectores en inglés son las herramientas que tiene la lengua para vincular
ideas. Gracias a ellos se pueden formar oraciones complejas, rítmicas y que
permitan explorar conceptos, narraciones o descripciones que requieren de un nivel
más avanzado de dominio del idioma. Los conectores o enlazadores pueden
ayudarlo a unir dos o más ideas (oraciones), lo que le permite tener una entrega
más estructurada y armoniosa. En lugar de usar oraciones individuales, puede
conectarlas de una manera lógica. A continuación 10 de los conectores más usados
en inglés.
1. Although (Contraste)
2. Since (Causa)
3. Therefore (Efecto)
4. So that (Propósito)
5. Moreover (Adición)
6. For Example (Ejemplificación)
7. And (Copulativo)
8. In order to (Propósito)
9. As a result of (Efecto)
10. Due to (Causa)

1. Although the rain persisted, Mary decided to drive home.
2. Larry has been tired since he got his new job.
Martin was the employee of the month; therefore, he got the promotion.
3. You must submit your CV so that you can eventually get a job.
You must finish your homework by tomorrow; moreover, you have to study
for the final exam.
4. I can play a few musical instruments, for example, the piano, the violin, and
the guitar.
5. This mask will protect you from any virus and it will block any bacteria from
the environment.
6. I will study math in order to improve my career.
The company took out too many loans and as a result of that, they went
7. Sandra has got a nice body due to regular exercise.

2) ¿Cuál es la importancia del inglés en tu carrera? Ensayo 2 cuartillas (valor

Essay: Why English is important for your career?
English is sometimes known as a career language, since many employers demand
the ability to understand English from their future employees properly. It is a main
language in many business transactions and communications and it is compulsory
at university level.
The use of English language will help me share my opinions and obtain knowledge
in any of the subjects at university. Without English, there will be no foundation for
higher studies, particularly at the UPTJAA, where I study in the National Formation
Program of Administration or Management.
For that, the English language is necessary in my career. It may be possible to get
a job, but to get promoted, English is required. It is important for my administrative
studies because, most of the information that is available on the internet is in this
language. In fact, an estimated 80% of the total data available on the internet is
exclusively in English. It is easy to understand and comprehend. The important
books in Administration are written in English and it is much better to get to the
original source of information to avoid misinterpretations or bad translations to
For me, learning to communicate in English effectively is crucial in our day to day
lives, because this language is used in most of the industries, like teaching,
journalism, business, and the like.. To succeed in the field of administration, It is
essential to know this language.
3) En la siguiente lectura Identificar 5 verbos regulares, 5 verbos irregulares
y conectores (valor 5%)

Verbos Regulares,
Verbos Irregulares

What Is Business Administration?

Business administration is a common degree among college students, and it is the
study of how a business is managed. There are quite a lot of people who will study
business as they enter the private sector, and it is important they understand all the
things they will learn once they enter school for the first time. This article covers the
business degree, how it may be used and where it is most-useful in the private
What is the important of administration?
The main job responsibility of an administrator is to ensure the efficient
performance of all departments in an organization. They act as a connecting link
between the senior management and the employees. They provide motivation to the
work force and make them realize the goals of the organization.

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