Abundance Prayer With Archangel Raphael

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Abundance Prayer with Archangel Raphael

(To help you realign with unlimited divine abundance)

Archangel Raphael,
please light up my consciousness
with God’s emerald green divine light frequency of His perfect abundance.
I allow the light to help me release
all conflict and untruth in my consciousness that interferes with my perception
of abundance and of my rightful divine supply.
I willingly accept and trust in God’s continuous divine support
and gracious abundance for my life in all my ways.
I now declare God’s abundance in my life with ease and grace.

Thank you.
It is done.

Archangel Raphael
(God heals)

Archangel Raphael is typically known as God’s divine healing angel who delivers God’s all-
powerful healing light to all who call on him for spiritual assistance. Another interpretation of his
name is “God has healed,” which suggests that health is already a firm reality within the mind and
sight of God, and we consistently maintain this reality of perfect health within our true divine
origin. Archangel Raphael’s powerful divine light is therefore administered to help us to realign
with our already-healed and healthy divine self. His beautiful divine light frequency also embodies
thecelestial qualities of divine abundance and spiritual protection during travel. He holds the
complete wisdom of divine healing science within his consciousness and is therefore able to help
anyone to develop and tap into their own internal divine healer, should they desire to understand the
deeper truths of healing.

Divine Light Message

“The divine light of abundance is illuminating your consciousness to help you shift your inaccurate
perceptions of fear, lack, and limitation back into greater harmony and flow with God’s unlimited
abundance. An abundance of divine light manifests upon the earth as an abundance of nature,
beauty, provision, and blessings of all kinds, and is therefore not to be confused with only that of
financial abundance of which most souls desire. You will soon begin to notice a greater clarity of
mind as you allow celestial help to guide you in taking positive new steps in thought, faith, and
action. Do not give in to the illusionary fear that life is a constant struggle as this specific physical
manifestation is only a temporary blip in the grand scheme of your life. Allow us angels to enlighten
your mind through the power of prayer. We will help to uplift and inspire you, and if required, to
also nudge you in the direction of those who can best help you. God’s light and power works
through many people to bring about their deepest needs and desires. New opportunities will be
presented to you that will lead you toward the abundance that is always readily available for you.
You will soon be free of struggle and will overcome many energetic and material life hurdles. The
quality of your consciousness is the divine key that enables you to switch on a clear channel to
perceive and receive unlimited abundance in all of your ways.”

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