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Love (Soul Mate) Prayer with Archangel Haniel

(To help you attract true love)

Archangel Haniel, please light my consciousness and life experience with God’s glorious divine
love. I allow the light to expand my heart’s energy to help me attract true love into my life that is a
perfect vibrational match for my soul. I willingly choose to resolve old patterns of romantic pain
that you bring to my awareness so that I can be free to give and receive love without sabotaging
interference and fear of loss. I am ready to commit to the experience of true love with peace, unity,
and sincerity.

Thank you.
It is done!

Archangel Haniel
(Grace of God)

Archangel Haniel is the divine embodiment of God’s grace, love, and joy. A beautiful rose gold
light is associated with his divine light frequency. In some researched sources, Archangel Haniel is
said to have transported the prophet Enoch into heaven before Enoch became the Archangel
Metatron. This graceful archangel is aligned to the energy frequency of the planet Venus, also
symbolically known as the planet of love, or the Star of Love. He can personally help to awaken
romantic love within us and bring harmony, joy, and romance back into relationships that are
faltering. He also helps us to harmonize our relationship with divine love and delivers God’s grace
to us through our intuitive nature. You can ask Archangel Haniel to help you develop a greater
intuitive awareness due to his remarkable sensitivity and understanding.

Divine Light Message

“Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the creative, protective force that is imbued
within all of creation and is what unifies all as One. When you pray the prayer of love, you are
asking the Divine to bring into your reality the vibrational force that matches your own in true love.
Soul-mate love can therefore be expressed as a perfect match for your consciousness. It is far
greater than only that of physical chemistry and sexual desire. It also harmonizes in spiritual unity,
emotional support, lasting friendship, and engagingmental depth—thereby creating genuine
compatibility of the mind, body, and soul. True soul-mate love is born from the pure desire to
connect on all levels with a soul in honesty and integrity, while giving them and yourself the
freedom to express the uniqueness of your light within the world. Soul-mate love is faithful, sincere,
kind, and strong, and the pure energetic effects of this union will last for all eternity, no matter how
long the physical relationship itself survived. It is therefore possible for there to be more than one
experience of finding true love in your lifetime, as time brings change and with it new paths. As
love is eternal, nothing special is ever lost from your previous soul-love connection, and all is
understood in the light of higher perception within the heaven realms. We angels are created out of
pure divine love, just as you are, and nothing makes us more joyful than witnessing the delightful
new beginnings of pure love between two soul mates coming together as one. As you pray this
prayer of love, we will help you to activate your heart’s desire to attract true soul-mate love to you.”

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