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NATURE, CONSTRUCTION, both natural and juridical persons

APPLICATION, AND SOURCES OF TAX LAWS such as corporations and
partnerships, unless otherwise
expressly provided.
Nature of internal revenue law.
(4) Where taxpayer claims exemption –
(1) Internal revenue laws are not Neither does the rule apply where
political in nature. They are deemed the taxpayer claims exemption from
to be the laws of the occupied the tax.
territory and not of the occupying
enemy. Tax exemption can only be given
(2) Tax laws are civil and not penal in effect when the grant of the law is
nature although there are penalties clear.
provided for their violation.
Tax refunds are in the nature of tax
Construction of tax laws.
exemptions and are, therefore,
(1) Legislative intention must be strictly construed against the
considered. – Tax statutes are to claimant who has the burden of
receive a reasonable construction proving the factual basis of his claim
of interpretation with a view to for refund.
carrying out their purpose and
intent. (5) Where there is conflict with other
laws. – The National Internal
A tax statute should be construed Revenue Code is a special law that
to avoid the possibilities of tax primarily governs national internal
evasion. revenue taxes.

(2) Where there is doubt. – No person It may be considered a general law

or property is subject to taxation in relation to other laws dealing
unless within the terms or plain with a particular subject matter.
import of a taxing statute.

Application of tax laws.

A tax payable by “individuals” does
not apply to “corporations.” (1) Generally prospective. – The general
rule is that tax laws or amendments
(3) Where language is plain. – The rule thereof are prospective in
of strict construction as against the operation.
government is not applicable where
the language of the tax statute is The nature and amount of the tax
plain and there is no doubt as to the could not be foreseen and
legislative intent. understood by the taxpayer at the
time the transaction which the law
The word “individual” or “person” seeks to tax was completed.
indicates that the tax applies to
(2) Exception. – While it is not favored, (1) Legal rules on taxation. – Each of
a statute may nevertheless operate the three organs of the government
retroactively provided it is expressly contributes in one way or another
declared or is clearly the legislative to the making of the legal rules on
intent. taxation.
a. Legislation or statutes,
(3) Applicability of tax treaties. – The including Presidential
application of our tax laws may be Decrees and Executive
subject to the provisions of tax Orders on taxation and tax
treaties (infra.) entered into by the ordinances;
Philippines with other countries. b. Administrative rules and
regulations and rulings or
opinions of tax officials
Mandatory and directory provisions of tax particularly the
laws. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, including opinions
The provisions of tax statutes may be either: of the Secretary of Justice;
(1) Mandatory. – Those provisions
c. Judicial decisions or
intended for the security of the
decisions of courts or
citizens (e.g., those requiring the
previous notice to taxpayer of
Only the Constitution and
public sale of his property for tax
legislation (statutes, Presidential
delinquency) or which are designed
Decrees and Executive Orders) are
to insure equality of taxation or
to be considered as independent
certainty as to the nature and
sources of tax law.
amount of each person’s tax (e.g.,
those prescribing rates of taxes); or
(2) Tax treaties with other countries. –
Tax treaties or agreements entered
(2) Directory. – those provisions
into by the Philippines with other
designed merely for the
countries are also a source of tax
information or direction of officers
or to secure methodical and
systematic modes of proceedings.
Tax treaties are entered into for the
avoidance of double taxation.
The act or proceeding to which it
relates while the omission to follow
directory provisions does not Existing tax laws.
involve such consequence.
The following are among the existing tax laws:
Sources of tax laws.
(1) National:
These sources, aside from the pertinent a. The National Internal
provisions of the Constitution, are: Revenue Code of 1997
(Pres. Decree No. 1158, as
amended particularly by government code. (see Sec.
R.A. No. 8424.), which is the 3, Art. X.) It has already
main statutory law on been enacted.
internal revenue taxes;
b. The Tariff and Customs (3) Other important laws. – Among
Code of 1978 (Pres. Decree them are:
No. 1464 as amended.); and a. Republic Act No. 1093. –
c. Special laws, such as: which punishes with
i. The Sugar deportation, tax evasion
Adjustment Act and willful refusal to pay
(C.A. No. 567, as taxes by aliens (Chap. III-I.);
amended.); b. Republic Act No. 1125, as
ii. The Narcotic Drugs amended. – an act creating
Law (R.A. No. 953.); the Court of Tax Appeals
iii. The law imposing (Chap. III-O.); and
travel tax (Pres. c. Republic Act No. 2211. – an
Decree No. 118, as act creating a Joint
amended.); Legislative-Executive Tax
iv. The law imposing a Commission, the principal
motor vehicle function of which is to
user’s charge (R.A. examine and revise the
No. 8794.); and existing tax system and tax
v. The laws imposing policy structure.
energy taxes (Pres.
Decrees No. 844 Authority of Secretary of Finance to
and 845, which promulgate rules and regulations.
amended R.A. No.
776 and 1973 [now Under Section 244 of the Tax Code, it is
Pres. Decree No. provided that the Secretary of Finance, upon
1464.], respectively; the recommendation of the Commissioner of
and B.P. Blg. 36.) Internal Revenue, shall promulgate all needful
(2) Local: rules and regulations for the effective
a. The Local Government enforcement of the provisions of the Tax Code.
Code (R.A. No. 7160.); and
The power to recommend the promulgation of
b. The respective tax
internal revenue rules and regulations by the
ordinances of provinces,
Secretary of Finance is given only to the
cities, municipalities, and
Commissioner and is not allowed by law to
barangays subject to the
delegate such power to any of his subordinates.
limitations provided in the
Local Government Code. Nature of power to make regulations.

Under the new The power to make regulations is not the power
Constitution, Congress is to legislate in the true sense, it may be
directed to enact a local
legitimately exercised only for the purpose of specified in the rule in cases of
implementing the law or putting it into effect. imminent danger to public health,
safety and welfare, the existence of
The statute which is being administered may which must be expressed in a
not be altered or added to by the exercise of a statement accompanying the rule.”
power to make regulations thereunder.
Force and effect of regulations.
Necessity and function of regulations.
The general purposes and objects of the law
Regulations are deemed necessary and have the force and effect of law, and so they
intended to clarify or explain the law and carry must be applied and enforced.
into effect its general provisions by providing
the details of administration and procedure. In case of conflict with the law or the
Constitution, administrative rules and
Validity and effectivity of regulations. regulations are null and void. However, courts
will declare a rule or regulation or provision
(1) Requisites. – They are: thereof invalid only when the conflict with the
a. They are necessary to the law is clear and unequivocal.
proper enforcement of the
law; Administrative interpretations and opinions.
b. They must not be contrary
to law and the Constitution The power to interpret the provisions of the Tax
(Art. 7, Civil Code.); and Code and other tax laws is under the exclusive
c. They must be published in and original jurisdiction of the Commissioner of
the Official Gazette. (Secs. Internal Revenue subject to review by the
79-B and 551, Rev. Adm. Secretary of Finance.
Code; see Olsen & Co. vs.
Herstein and Rafferty, 32 (1) Revenue regulations. – As
Phil. 520 [1915]; Lim vs previously mentioned, revenue
Central Bank, 104 Phil. 573 regulations are the formal
[1958].) interpretation of the provisions of
(2) Effectivity. – it is provided in the the Tax Code and other laws by the
Administrative Code of 1987 that Secretary of Finance upon the
“Every agency [of the government] recommendation of the
shall file with the University of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Philippines Law Center three (3) (2) Rulings. – The less general
certified copies of every rule interpretations of tax laws at the
adopted by it x x x” and that “in administrative level are called
addition to other rule-making “rulings.”
requirements provided by law not a. They are usually rendered
inconsistent with this Book, each by the Commissioner of
rule adopted shall become effective Internal Revenue on
fifteen (15) days from the date of request of taxpayers to
filing as above-provided unless a clarify certain provisions of
different date is fixed by law, or a tax law. However, it may
be revoked by the Secretary binding’ on their successors if thereafter the
of Finance if the latter finds latter becomes satisfied that a different
them not in accordance construction should be given.
with law.
b. The Commissioner has the Non-retroactivity of repeal of regulations or
sole authority to issue rulings.
rulings but he also has the
power to delegate said Any revocation, modification, or reversal of any
authority to his of the rules and regulations or any of the rulings
subordinates. or circulars promulgated by the Commissioner
(3) Opinions given by the Secretary of of Internal Revenue can not be given retroactive
Justice. – Rulings in the form of application when such revocation, modification
“opinions” on tax questions are also or reversal will be prejudicial to the taxpayer.
given by the Secretary of Justice
It shall be retroactive in the following cases:
who is the chief legal officer of the
government. (1) Where the taxpayer deliberately
(4) Circular or memorandum. – When misstates or omits material facts
an administrative agency, like the from his return or in any document
BIR charged with the required of him by the Bureau of
implementation of a law, renders Internal Revenue;
an opinion by means of circular or (2) Where the facts subsequently
memorandum, it merely interprets gathered by the Bureau of Internal
a pre-existing law. Revenue are materially different
from the facts on which the ruling is
Weight given to administrative interpretation.
based; and
It is a principle widely accepted that the (3) Where the taxpayer acted in bad
contemporaneous construction placed upon the faith.
statute by the executive officers whose duty is
Decisions of the Supreme Court and Court of
to enforce it is entitled to great respect by the
Tax Appeals.
In other cases, the Supreme Court is the
Nevertheless, such interpretation is not
tribunal of last resort or final appeal. The
conclusive and will be ignored if judicially found
importance of this statement lies in the fact
to be erroneous.
that the decisions of the Supreme Court
Power of Secretary of Finance to revoke rulings applying or interpreting existing tax laws are
of his predecessor. binding on all subordinate courts and have the
force and effect of law.
The Secretary of Finance has the power to
revoke, repeal or abrogate the acts or previous
rulings of his predecessors in office.

The reason for this is that the construction of

the statute by those administering it is not

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