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Time :- 1 hrs
Group –A
Answer all questions 1 x 10= 10

1. Parsec is the unit of which physical quantity

a. Time
b. Distance
c. Heat
d. Current
2. The dimension of energy is
a. [M1L2T-2]
b. [M0L2T-2]
c. [M2L2T-2]
d. None of thes
3. For an isochoric thermodynamic process
a. T = constant
b. V = constant
c. P = constant
d. H = constant
4. The correct relation between kinetic energy and momentum of a body is given by
a. p = √2𝑚𝐸
b. p = √𝑚𝐸
c. p = √4𝑚𝐸
d. E = p2/2m
5. Find a2+b2 given that 𝑎⃗ = 𝚤̂ -2 𝚥̂ -3 𝑘 and 𝑎⃗ =2 𝚤̂ - 𝚥̂ - 𝑘
a. 20 unit
b. 15 unit
c. 36 unit
d. 21 unit
6. A body is projected with speed u at an angle θ to the horizontal to have maximum range .
what is the velocity at the highest point ?
a. √2u
b. 𝑢/√2
c. 2√2𝑢
d. u/√3
7. which one is the correct relation between µk and µs ?
a. µs > µk
b. µs ≥ µk
c. µs < µk
d. µs = µk = 0
8. a body is moving in circular path under centripetal force the work done by centripetal force
is ______________ .
9. a body is moving unidirectionally under the influence of a source of constant power . its
displacement in time t is proportional to _____________ .
10. write the value of universal gravitational constant G.
Time :- 1 hrs

group – b
Answer any five 3 x 5 = 12

a. check by the method of dimensions weather the equation is correct or not .

V= 𝑝/𝜆
Where v= velocity of bond
λ = density of medium
p = presence
b. a bullet travelling with a velocity of 16 m/s penetrates a rice tank and comes to rest in 0.4m.
find the time taken by the retordation .
c. state newtons 2nd law of motion also express it in component form .
d. state 1st law of thermodynamics when a gas is suddenly compressed it gets heated up then
write down the 1st law of thermodynamics in this case .
e. if 𝑎⃗ + 𝑏⃗ = 𝑐⃗ and a2 +b2 = c2 then prove that 𝐴⃗ and 𝐵⃗ are perpendicular to each other .
f. find the torque of a free 7 𝚤̂ -3 𝚥̂ -5 𝑘 about the origin acts on a particle whose position vector
is 𝚤̂ + 𝚥̂ - 𝑘.

Group – c
Each question carry 5 marks 2 x 5 = 10

1. why are circular roads banked deduce an expression for the angle of banking .
2. state porallelogran law of vecter addition and find the magnitude and direction of the
resultant of two vectors landed at an angle with each other .
3. derive the three kinematics equation for uniformly accelerated motion graphically
andcalculus method .

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