Oral Histology Lecture 1

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‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬

First of all the way in which the subjects will be written is

announced as following:
• Oral physiology and head & neck anatomy will be written
by our Malaysian colleagues.
• Dental anatomy and microbiology will be written by
Arabian females.
• The rest of the subjects will be written by our other

Then our C.R announced that you can find our writing
lectures on www.mytoothy.com and a day after they will be in

After dr.ashraf welcomed us he said that he will not be happy

when the students keep talking during the lecture, and our dr.
will be ready to answer our head & neck anatomy questions.

Oral histology course is 3 credit hours ; 2 credit hours for the

theoretical material and 1 credit hour for the practical
material, that means 65% of our exam Qs will be theoretical
Qs and 35% for slide Qs.
In contrast to med courses, the dent courses have midterm
and final exams with 40%, 60% respectively.
There is 10% out of 40% of midterm exam related to the
blank book and online quizzes by using e-learning.

The course lectures or theoretical parts cover the whole field

of oral and maxillofacial histology and embryology and these
include the different stages of odontogenesis which the
process that include how the teeth and their parts are formed.
The other topics which this theoritical part will cover are on
the syllabus on e-learning.
Regarding the practical part of this course, it will be in the
form of slides, so instead of going to labs, the Dr. will view
the whole slides in the same hall, and it isn't necessary to
view slides in each lecture.
By B.K.B . Bercoritz ,G.R.holland and B.JMoxham.
Its edition is three, but actually students could have also the
fourth edition.
If you are hesitative to buy this book, you are not forced to
,but the book strengthen your knowledge and you can use it
as a reference.
BUT there will be 5% of the Qs directly from the material that
out Dr. will not mention which is found in the book.
Unfortunately, the student can't easily score high mark in this
course because of its long topics, but it isn't impossible if we
make suitable effort, and the Dr. will be sympathetic by
adding extra marks.
BUT the case in other courses are not as same as oral
histology case because you can easily score high mark
Most of the lectures will be found in the book, and the others
will be from the lecture notes only to avoid disturbance.
Remember try not to exceed the absence limit ( the absence
limit is two lectures),otherwise you will not be allowed to enter
the following exams.
There is DVD which will be published soon has the needed
microscopic slides which will be viewed as you proximately
see them under microscope, because you are in need to
sketch, identify the land marks at cellular levels and other Qs.

Again and again please don't contact with the Dr. by his
private phone number, you can do so by his own e-mail or at
his office hours.
Unfortunately, this lecture isn't presented in our text book
because it is written by referring to more than one reference.
You are responsible about extra notes which are mentioned
in the lecture.
Then our doctor asked us if we studied any topic related to
embryology and we voted NO.
Although this course name is oral histology, it is not proper to
call it oral histology instead of that we call it oral histology and
We know that HISTOLOGY means the knowledge that
related to the structure of cells, tissues and organs.

Oral histology: the science that deals with the structure of

oral cavity and it also includes oral embryology because this
science includes both of structure and development.

Oral embryology: the science that related to development of

different cells and tissues that related to teeth and other oral

Dr.ashraf started the lecture by skipping more than one slide

or in other words leaving them to our self-reading because
the Dr. assumed that we learnt a lot about these topics in
general histology.
So the Dr. quickly recovered human body, cell structure and
function (each cellular organelle has its own function ,for
example; endoplasmic reticulum is responsible about protein
synthesis and ribosomes are responsible about enzyme
synthesis),intra cellular material, cell division, genetic
material, cell cycle in all its kinds and phases and finally the
comparison between mitosis and meiosis , these all out lines
cover slides (2-18)
Actually the lecture begins at slide # 19 which talks about
general embryology.

Slide # 20
There are three intra-uterine stages:
• Pre embryonic stage (proliferative period).
• Embryonic stage.
• Fetal stage.

These stages are described as following:

- Pre embryonic stage.
» this stage starts by the moment that the egg fuses with
the sperm and the zygote is formed (first stage of
» the zygote gets implanted in the lining of the uterus
(implantation process)
» finally, the bilaminar embryonic disc is formed.
So this stage starts by fertilization until two weeks, and it
hasn't been named as an embryo yet.

- Embryonic stage:
» this stage starts from the end of the 2nd week until the end
of the 8th week
» the embryonic is named so at this stage
» the development of different types of tissues and the
formation or development of organ systems occur at this

-fetal stage:
» this stage starts from the end of 8th week until the birth
»there is increasing in fetus body weight and size.
note that in the embryonic stage there is formation and
development in organ systems but in the fetal stage the
systems already have been formed , so the general process is
increasing in the weight and size without formation , so
doctors ask pregnant ladies not to expose to x-ray especially at
the first three months (embryonic stage), so after this
proximate period pregnant ladies don't have to be much hazard
.from the exposure to x-ray
As a rule……pregnant ladies must not expose to x-ray during
. pregnant period

Slide # 21 summarizes what

After the fertilization of
unfertilized ovum the sperm
could be seen inside it, then the
zygote is formed.
After that, the zygote starts to
divide until reaching the lining of
the uterus.

The zygote is already formed by many dividing cells to be

implanted in the lining of the uterus,,,, this is general
description of the whole process and the details as following:

The zygote is the same size as the unfertilized ovum that

means; fertilization process (fusing the sperm with the ovum)
doesn't increase the unfertilized ovum size so this process
keeps its size 0.1-0.2 mm.
at the end of fertilization, the cleavage or mitotic division
starts by two cells (each reproduced daughter cell is called
blastomere) then four cells, etc………….
-the whole zygote will be called morula when the division
reaches to 12-16 cells and that keeps the zygote as it is(0.1-
0.2 mm)
Each blastomere becomes smaller and smaller with each
subsequent division without exceeding the original size.
By forming blastocyst the cleavage stops.
Before the implantation takes place, the blastocyst is formed
(cyst means; cavity and blast means; an embryonic stage of
development) that means there's a form of cavity in the
blastocyst, so the blastocyst is named so because it has cyst.

? What do we mean by blastocoel?

The blastocoel is the cyst itself.
Cyst = blastocoel = cavity
Blastocyst is composed of 100-150 cells and also it has the
same size as the zygote!
Then the blastocyst starts to be surrounded by a membrane
called zona pellucida.

?? What is the difference between inner cell mass and outer

cell mass?
location Future
Inner cell mass Inside the Making up the
(embryo proper) blastocyst whole embryo
Outer cell mass Outer boundary Responsible about
(*future the embryo
trophoblast) attachment

Future trophoblast: cells that form the attachment.

So the actual cells that form the embryo are inner cell mass,
and the outer cell mass is related to implantation and

Finally the implantation takes place.

In slides # 22 and 23, which talk about fertilization there is
unneeded information you just need what does the Dr. say.

" this is just description of fertilization, you don't need more

than the information that I provided, you will find some details
here that are not needed, the details of fertilization are for
your own reading, just the details which I talked about are
Then Dr. read the title of each slide

-pre-embryonic period: slide# 29

In this period the bilaminar embryo is formed.

The zygote is already implanted in the lining of the uterus, and
remember that there is a group of cells are divided into inner cell
mass which is responsible about making the whole embryo and
outer cell mass is responsible about the formation of attachment.
This is the general description and the details as following :
- Inner cell mass will be arranged in two-layered disc
( bilaminar embryo)
- This two-layered disc is composed of two layers; top
layer (embryonic epiblast) and bottom layer (embryonic
hypoblast) they are the future ectoderm and endoderm
(embryonic hypoblast is yellow layer at the bottom as you
can see in slide# 29)
-this following table demonstrates the differences between
embryonic epiblast and embryonic hypoblast:

Cell type Opposite cells Future

Embryonic Columnar cytotrophoblat Future
epiblast cells ectoderm
Embryonic Flattened blastocoel Future
hyoblast cells endoderm
There is a word that I am not sure about describes
embryonic hypoblast !!!

The embryo is formed by three layers:

• Ectoderm.
• Mesoderm.
• Endoderm.

These three layers are not formed at the same time, for
example; mesoderm layer couldn't be seen at this
We conclude that mesoderm and ectoderm layers are
formed firstly, and the third layer (mesoderm) becomes
later on.

-these following structures are identified as following:

• Amniotic cavity: a cavity which lies between
embryonic epiblast and cytotrophoblast, which is filled
by amniotic fluid, this fluid surrounds the embryo and
fetus later on.
• Exocoelomic membrane: membrane that lines the
blastocoel, it's continuous with endoderm or hypoblast.
• Primitive yolk sac (exocoelomic cavity): the
development of blastocoel.
Imagine that all of these changes occur, while the
bilaminar embryo has the same as the ovum!!

Now you could note in slide# 30 these parts obviously:

From the top layer to the bottom one:
Ectoderm-amniotic cavity- primary yolk sac which
started to divide to become secondary yolk sac-
exocelomic membrane- endoderm.
"this formation isn’t important"
- Extra embryonic mesoderm from cytotrophoblast and
forms secondary york sac and connecting stalks, and this
actually established the placental circulation.

Extra embryonic mesoderm isn’t included; it is for your


The following topics are important slides# 31,32:

First of all the terms in embryology are different from what

anatomy has, for example: superior and inferior used in anatomy
but cephalic and caudal in embryology.

embryonic period:
Here, the embryo's age is two weeks and more.
So what happen in this period?
Look at this slide carefully, if we make a cut in the amniotic cavity
and then we look superiorly we see something like what we see
in pictures A,C,E in slide# 31.
(we know that the amniotic cavity lies above ectoderm so when
we make a cut you could see ectoderm layer )
So what is the layer that we could see here?
It is the ectoderm.
The cavity which we could note is the amniotic cavity which we
make cut in.
Could you notice that swelling in the cephalic end?
This swelling is called prochordal plate and this swelling is
important in the formation of the mouth.
If you note again, the embryo has two ends; the cephalic end
which lies near the future head and leads to the formation of the
head and the caudal end which leads to the formation of another
end of embryo.
This swelling id due to slight thickening in underlying endoderm,
so the thickening doesn't occur in ectoderm it occurs in
This plate produces a bulgy in ectoderm to indicate the head end
and this plate becomes buccopharyngeal membrane.

So……what do we mean by buccopharyngeal membrane?

Firstly, we learnt in anatomy that oral cavity ends at the beginning

of pharynx and there is a boundary between pharynx and oral
cavity then there is esophagus.
Buccopharyngeal membrane (oropharyngeal membrane) is a
membrane that develops from prochodal plate and it separates
the mouth from esophagus, when it erupts after 21 days it
establishes the continuity between mouth and first GIT tract
So before the buccopharyngeal membrane is named so, its old
name is prochordal plate.
There is another membrane which is called cloacal membrane at
the caudal end but it isn’t important for us now.
Let us talk about the intra- embryonic mesoderm : mesoderm
layer appears from ectoderm after 17 days, so the ectoderm layer
is the origin of mesoderm cells, and here it's called intra-
embryonic mesoderm because this layer appears between
ectoderm and endoderm that means , this layer separates the
ectoderm from endoderm .
If you return back to the last slide (31) you will find that if you
make cross section you will see B,D,F pictures.
As you see there is thickening in ectoderm extends to the midline
and once they reach the midline they round up then they go
So thickening in ectoderm is due to division and building up of
cells until reaching the midline then they go down and spread
between ectoderm and endoderm, by this process mesoderm is
*mesoderm separates ectoderm and endoderm except
- Prochordal plate.
- Notochord.
- Cloacal membrane.

To memorize these three region that the mesoderm

are not presented in, you can collect the first letter of
these three words in this short sentence " pay cash
now "
I think that it's an interesting way to memorize later.
Again, because of the formation and division of cells then
rounding up then going down so they make depression at
the midline so specific structures are formed.
As you see in slide# 32 primitive node is presented at the
cephalic end of primitive streak which is the midline, and
the depression in the midline is called notochord …
"Don't worry about it , it's just for your own reading"

At the end we conclude that germs have three layers;

ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.

Finally, Why doesn't mesoderm layer separate ectoderm

and endoderm in notochord??
Notochordal process is a blind-ended tube that started
from primitive node, notochord actually is a depression in
which a tube has been formed to reach prochordal plate,
so it separates the ectoderm and endoderm,, so there is
no mesoderm at this region.
And this notochordal process is the progenitor of
backbone and vertebral column.
Then Dr. gave us short rest then the topic was completed.

Thanks to Nada Nammas.

Done by: Mays Jaradat.

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