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BO DE THI OLYMPIC TIENG ANH LOP 4 VALOP 5 fan BO DE THI OLYMPIC TIENG ANH LOP 4 VA LOP 5 . CUON SACH GOM 2 PHAN: Phan I: DE THI OLYMPIC TIENG ANH LOP 4 (25 vong) Phin Ll: DE THI OLYMPIC TIENG ANH LOP 5 (35 vong) SHH @ HH HE Phan I: DE THI OLYMPIC TIENG ANH LOP 4 (25 vong) Vong 1: Bai I: Choose the correct answer 1, What .......his name ? ais bare this d. bye 2. May I out? a. open b.go a. say 3. What colour is this? ~It’s..... aagreen —_b. green . pencil ruler 4.0m in AA a, grade b. class c. classes . grades 5. They «........sesfiom France, ais bam cis dare 6. Where you from ? I’m from Laos. ais bare Tom from? ~ England, b. When ©. Where d. How 81s ..-school big ? a. you ». your ©. yous 4. yours 9. Tom is my 0.20.05 100 a. he b. she «. friend abe 10. Your book esta, ait bis's dare Bai 2: Fill in the blank Good mo __ ing, Peter. . Like orange jui_ e. . This __aruler. Where is Minh from is from Paris esk F_ower m b__k This is my r_ om. chi_ken latching I.Notebook — —-3.question 4. kite. pen 6. sofa T.teacher 8.window 9. house 10. orange agidovién b.cttasé —c.condiu. ~—d.quyénsich_—_e. cay biit Engdinhi —g.quyéntip —h.triicam i ghedém —_j, ctu hoi 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7. 8 eee Vong 2: Bai I: Matching Lfriend "2. violin 3. butterfly 4. plane 5.cow 6. fish 7. mother 8. ice cream 9. family 10. star Vang 3: Bai angi b. ban c.dinviéléng — d. bd ei emg ca gkem hg i bum may bay VavceesseDesssnsseteBeeeerseentbereessseSeeessseesBvsneseeenD 2 DevccenlO, Bai 2: Reoder the words to make sentences How old is she? name ‘His Long. 7 my teacher. Lien an apple Smany There are rooms in —the~—~—~shouse. your old sitter? How THow you now? are ‘8. teacher mother My 9.My Nga. name is 10. Nice to you. meet Tommy. Bai 3: Fill in the blank P'm seven years 0 . H__name is Mary. . Your scho__ is big. St__ dup, please This __ my teacher. . Howe you? Tm fine, th you. I'm se _ en years old. ). Where are you f___? . What s _bject do you like ? Choose the correct answer 1. This giftis aon . for 4. at 2. A: Tony, Where are you ? B: I'm from America aat bfrom con 3 . birthday to you! aNice b.Fine — ¢. Happy. Happily 4, Are theu students ? Yes, athey are b. they do care they dare their Bai 2: Matching Iwrite " 2.Teddybear 3. lion .chicken Shouse 7. drink & yo-yo 9. lamp 10. ice cream b.udng —c. surtir ddénbin ga gcon kin, kem i J. ngdi nha 1 3 4 5 6 7. Boe. 10 Bai 3: Fillin the blank 1numb_r 2. mornin 3.augu_t 4. Vie nam 3.M_reh 6. This is my sch __1 library. 7. Mary is hap _y because today is her bithday 8. Good bye. See you tomorr _ w. 9, Her _s my bedroom. 10, cak Vong 4: Bai 1: Choose the correct answer 1. There ..........tWo boys in my class, ais b, many ©. are isn’t 2, My brother is worker. aan’s ea da’s 3, What «2... it? It's white, a. colours b. colour c. colours d. coloum’t 4 watching TV. ais b. are eam, aren't 5. This my friend, Nea am bis ©. are d. name 6, Let's ..........hello to the teacher, ago b.say ©. know 7. How.........odesks are there in your classroom ? a. any b.many’s —¢.any’s many 8, August is the eighth ............the year. aby b.on 0) 4. from, 9. Give..........4 pen, please. amy b. me’s al 10, Look at the .......... please. a say b. tell c.board ——d, board’s Bai 2 : Fill in the blank 1. How old ___ your sister ? She is eleven years old. 2. ___are you? I'm eleven years old. 3. Thank you very much, Lan Anh You ___ welcome. 4. My school is __ big. I's small. Bai 3: Matching 1. dance 2. pencil box 3. drink 4. kite 5. candle 6. soft drink 7. greet 8. sit 9. butterfly 10. eat a. chio b. nude udng 06 ga c.hépbatchi — d.nuécudng en £ khiéu vi B ngo h. con diéu i j.buem seQessesiieBriceniedeeesinnSveseeseBrvseesiTossseeeBenseeeeeDeeceene lO, Vong 5: Bai I: Matching 1. bedroom 2. garden 3. kitchen 4. bus. 5. desk 6. lion 7. greet 8. smile 9. listen 10. duck a. nghe b. chao c.phongngi di nhibép —_e. xe buyt su tir g.khuvuin bh, edi ban imimeudi—j. con vit lL. Disswcveyer Gry | Bai 2: Reoder the words to make sentences 1 you? are How old like My brother Lina. name = My 4is job? What her 6 Coppy words. down” the SSOS~™S Tam hungry mw Skit for Thats —you W.Wier Mary. is mameSSOS—S Bai 3: Leave me out l.aunswer 2. pqink = 3. numbwer —4. remembper __ 5. tosy 6. stutdent 7.candey 8. reaqd 9. broewn 10. caike Vong 6: Bai 1: Fill in the blank 1, Thang can play football___ dance. 2. Tomean ride _bieycle. 3. Reode _ the sentences 4. Would you likes milk? Bai 2: Matching I flag 2.cake 3. doctor 4, monkey 5. hand 6.washhand 7. get up 8. bow! 9. orange 10. bee a.binhnget b.thie diy ce. caité. cam e. con ong £ bie si g. rita tay h, bin tay conkhi — j. Metr 1. eeaevescly 28s 10. Bai 3: Leave me out 1. classruoom 2. liuke 3. heappy 4. sieng 5. baanana 6. calengder J.tabole 8. priymary 9. schooll 10. mornieng Vong 7: Bai 1: Matching chess 2.swim 3. pizza 4.water 5. parrot 6.eyes 7. dance 8. mouth 9. wash 10. gal Henoisy 12. tiger 13. grass 14, jump adndo b.boi c.mudeudng dnhiy econkét fmauxim gchoicd —h.conhd imta © j.migng kK. khiguvd =~ bainh pizasmcé on. mit 1 2 3 Wecsccce S aceccceeBerencce McesertiR reece seceea cal cere Bai 2: Fillin the blank 1. Thatis __ bicycle. 2. Tommy can sp__ k English, 3. This gift is for you. Thank you very m__h. 4, He was bor _ in May. 3. My father can s_ im. 6, Mary is in the cf __ now, 7. My brother can play f __ ball Is itar__nd box ? No, it is a square box. ____isit? Itis a chair, 10. H_r_ youare. Thank you. Bai 3: Choose the correct answer 1 are you from ? I’m from New Zealand a, Who b, When c. Where d. How you like some milk ? Yes, plesse. a.can b. Are cls 4. Would 3. Are these your books °? No.. athis isn’t — b.theyaren’t — c.theraren’t —d. these are 4, Can you swim? ..... a. No, I can. b. No, thanks c. Yes, ean d. Yes, ean 5. My sister is happy is her birthday. a. but b. end c.and d. because 6. Where is she today ? a, She’s at shool ¢. She's from Australia d. She’s seven years old 7.0m... a. down b.up ¢. from d.under 8. This ruler is a. book b. pen c. small d. bag, 9. can you speak English ? a, Yes, ican’t b. No, I can c. No, Fean’t d. Yes, Ido. 10, Choose the odd one out a. May b. April c. June d. Peter Vong 8: Bai I: Reoder the words to make sentences LI from England. am. 2old How is ‘your brother ? ‘This is. family. — 4, Oxford Primary School John a student at you a Would ‘candy ? ‘very 1 ‘much. and I dance can 8. for ‘you are Here flowers some —_ O.Happy to —srbirthday,~—syou! 10. fly. A bid can — Bai 2: Matching 1. sad 2. penguin 3. glass 4. heart 5. gift 7. policeman 8. sick 9. cheese 10, map buon. canh sit c. bénh d. pho mat —¢. trai ti fkhiduva — g cai ly h. ban dd ichimcénheut — j. qua Perera Mecccive Mi asnarenGvsrrcieeld Weare lh Choose the correct answer 1. Would you like milk ? No, thanks. aa ban cc. the d. some 2. This banana is, Tim. a.on b. for cin dvunder 3, Where is she today ? a, She’s at school b, She’s fom Australia —_¢, She’s nine years old, She’s fine 4.Is this a notebook ? No, a. it isn't b. itis ¢.it does dit doesn't 3. What's ? He's Tommy. a. her b. his . she dhe Vong 9: Bai I: Matching bag 2. pony 3. domormingexercises. 4. candle_5. baby 6. play the piano 8. orage juice. 9. number 10. zero a. em bé b. cai cip c. nuée ép cam d. con sé e.nén Ekyst — g.choidinpiano —h. tap thé duc budising is60 j.ngua VovsesoDeecereeee BreccteenAevesnsee ee Grvvvenee Tove BoccccceeedOs sven Bai 2: Fillin the blank 1 My brother lik _s toys very much. 2. am__ om England, 3. Twas nin April 4. Can she p__ y football ? No, she can’t 5. John is ten y___ sold. 6. Tommy is happy bec __ se today is he birthday. 7. ___ you swim? No, [can’t 8. Mybooks are 0 _ the table. 9. Myb _ droom is small. 10, What abt an apple? No, thanks Bai 3: Choose the correct answer 1. Tean a tree. a. fly b. write . read d.climb 2. Where’s she today ? a She's at school _b. Yes, she from America ¢. She’snine —_d. She can swim 3. Can you swim, Mary ? Yes, I a are ©. can can’t 4, What can do ? I ean dance and al b.he c. you Vong 10: Bai 1: Choose the correct answer 1. How old Peter ? He’s twelve years old. ais bare c. isn’t dam 2. How books on your bookshelf? There are ten books. a. when b. very ©. many d.old 3. P'm thirsty. Pd like ... a.abanana b. ahamburger_c.apacket ofmilk da bread 4, Sam cat o..ssoeee-0t HOWE. a. ride b. play ©. stay drink 5, Choose the odd one out a. father b. mother —_c. teacher 4. sister 6, What's ..........,.name ? She's Mary. a her b. his ©. this d. the 7. Choose the odd one out aon cin dread 8, My books are ............uthe table, a. at under don 9, Maty oossssoesulike to sing ado b.can ©. don’t d.can't 10, Would you like ............iee eream ? Yes, please. aa ban ©. some d.any Bai 2: Matching L.flag 2. wash hands 3.spoon 4. shirt. 5. nose 6.sick 7. play chess yo-yo 9. drink 10. butter b.climudng c.dosomi = ede. edi mi gchoics ~~ hconlin —ibo —judng 1 3 A 5 6 7 8 Boose Bai 3: Fill in the blank 1._ ngland 2.frie_d 3.themap ison the wa__. 4, Peter ha_many dolls. Vong 11: Bai 1: Leave me out L.pictugure 2. windowq 3. sherep 4 robogt—_S. fehet 6.mothger 7. shxip 8. stagnd 9. ruoler 10. cahke Bai 2: Reoder the words to make sentences I.Mary Oxford Primary School is a student at 2. books My are _ bookshelf. on the brown box. Mytoys the are 4acar. can My drive —_father - — 5, Would you ike milk ? some 6your is When birthday? 7. student. primary am years she ten old 9. sing She and dance. Can) T0.Is classrooom the small? Bai 3: Matching scissors 2. kangaroos 3. numbers 4.umbrella 5. three glasses 6.three pens 7. grapes 8.twowindows 9.elephant 10. three telephones a.nho b. 3 cay bat c.ctikéo — d.cons6 ©. cay di g.con voi h. 3 cai dign thoai jth ti 2, Bevinasssadh 5. 3 Bai 1: Fill in the blank 1.Do you h___ Maths today ? 2.Wh__ do you have Maths ? I have it on Monday. 3. Do you have toys ? Yes, I adoll 4, During M___ s lessons, I learn about numbers. Bai 2: Leave me out l.snoywy 2. swimn. 3. rahin 4. cpold 5. dwraw 6.Septemxber 7.anigmal 8. danlce__ 9. subjecsct 10. clogek Bai 3: Matching I.sheep 2. foureggs 3. hands.——4. four computers. 5. sunglasses 6.cheese 7.climbatree 8. pizza 9. paper 10. three glasses a.4caitrimg —b. 4 méy vi tinh c.gidy — d. banh piza . ban tay £. pho mat g. leo cay h. con cttw i kinh deo mit j.3 edi ly 1 2, 3 4. 5, 6. 7; 8. 9, 10. Vong 13: Bai 1: Choose the correct answer 1. Come and badminton, George! ado b. play ©. make d. take 2. Mary and Kate .............coming to class today. a. isn’t b. don't . aren't d. doesn’t 3. Children play football in the street. a. can’t b. have to c.don’thave d, are to 4. Mrs and Mr. Pike dinner at the moment. a. is having b.are having c.b &care correct. are eating 5, Rebeca is English but she isn’t.......England, She comes to Vietnam ........Thailand, a.from— in b. from~ for c.for— from —— d. from — from 6. Choose a word which has different part of pronunciation: a. want b. game c. same d. name 7. It's usually the winter. cool b.cold ©. hot d. snow 8. I’m cleaning the floor. Can you help . a al b. me omy d. you 9, Everyone in the class. these exercise: a. have to dob, has to do . has to das do 10, Where usually .........the the evening ? ado-go — b.are~go c.are~ going —— going Bai 2: Leave me out l.vises 2. yestierday 3. yarod. = 4. hould 5. paper 6.pantient 7. matach 8. rospe 9.homme — 10. conke Bai 3: Reoder the words to make sentences Labusy after lam very tired working week. 2aholiday for -goingon three weeks. ‘I'm vare waiting outside the door. —‘Theirchildren them for 4.Which after Petter comes have to adog. I'd the boy Who that photo ? “please ? 9.Did — theparty? they invite to ‘ tonight. inthe sky ‘There are Vong 14: Bai 1: Put the words in right order Lyou milk? Would like 2. There are two——smy house. 3. beautiful kites These Thave in you stars some bedrooms 4. during What do you do Sto play ‘very much. Tom ‘game likes 6. the most? like subject do you What 7. today. The ‘weather hot is ~~ 8. are notebooks My green. 9. tree, climb I can a 10.1 on ‘the map wall. The a Bai 2: Choose the correct answer i 1, What colour is this ? a. There are two b. No, it isn’t c. It’s pink d. Yes, they are 2. Hi, oe. -are you from ? I'm from Canada. a Who b. How c, Where d. When 3. How...... robots are there ? There are three robots, a. many b. much cany very 4, What ..... ...4:d0 you go to school ? I go to school at 7 o'clock. a. name ». time . subjects d. many Bai 3: Matching 1. Three round boxes 2. green gift 3. four spiders 4. sunglasses 5. sick 6. Three bears 7. bookshelf 8. six blue ballons 9. three cows 10. five rabbits a, kg sich, £3 con gi b.3 cdi hép tron g.4con nhén A, Bien * 4. . Vang 15: Bai 1: Choose the correct answer Choose a word which has c.3conbd cai d.Sconthd — ©, mén qua xanh la h.6caibong bing —i.bénh —_j. kinh deo mat TorvessnBeveinDereeeelO, ifferent part of pronunciation a. seat b. head —d. meat 2. What color is this ? 15 vss ——_b. wine purple dread 3. Choose the odd one out a. tired b sad c. cold d. snow 4, Tim is good all sports, a. at bin . into with 5. Choose the odd one out a. bird b, frog ©. dog fan 6. Whose watch is it? It’s s . a. sister. sisters c. sister's d. sister watch 7. What does your brother do? Hi . a. cooker b. shoppkeeper _. play 4. office 8, Do teacher said * Don’t...........n calss” a.speak —_b. talk c.tell d.say Bai 2: Fill in the blank Lse_tion 2.cor_ect 3.ti_k — 4.pre_ty — S.ne_k 6.p_esent 7.era_er 8.natio_ality 9 au_ust 10. cof_ce Bai 3: Matching Idancer — 3. glasses. 4. hotdogs 5. play with a yo-yo 6.doll — T.anicecream 8. sick 9. drink fruit j 10. paint the wall akem — b.vieéng bia d.choivéicon lin —_e, benh f.bapbé — g.ctily ih. son turing i. banh j. wéng nude trai cay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Vong 16: Bai I: Leave me out l.yolung 2. chopesticks 3. easay 4. wellcome 5. mouthn 6.foosd 7. werong 8. clefan 9. floweber 10. morninng Bai 2: Fill in the blank 1. Are you having an English lesson ? No, I'm ___. 2. Idon’thave___ money. 3. Ip _ football yesterday. 4. ___~ you bor in January ? 5. Can Tack and Brain play the piano? Yes,____can Bai 3: Reoder the words to make sentences I.wehave uniforms Do on Monday? to wear 2. the post offi next the supermarket Isto 3. May 16"? little brother's birthday Ts your on awakes Thomas inthe moming early up. jerested in playing everyday. += They ~—are_~—_—cbaseball of flowers Whatkinds you want to buy? Rverymuch. ‘like new your bicycle Q.atnight? let yourchildren Why goout —_ do you 0. What language speak? they do Vong 17: Bai 1: Choose the correct ans rer 1. Lan... : a, has a round black eyes b. has eyes brown black «. has round black eyes d. is round black eyes: 2. Who is that ? — I's a. book b. Mr. John emer dT 3. When is your birthday, Emily ? 1s on a. the September 25 b. September 25 th c. September of 25 d. 25 of September 4, Suri’s house is not near her school, so she goes to school... abyabike b.onbus —c.bybike —— d.on foot 5, How often do you visit your grandparents ? a.Onceaweek b. Twoaweck —c. Onea week _~—d, Twice week 6. sssessee 80 t0 Datlat this weekend ? a. Let’s b, Why don’t we © What about d. How about 7. Tom and .........are going to the birhtday party together. al b. me my him 8. Choose a word which has different part of pronunciation: a. candle . famous: c. wake 4. paper 9. Do you play soccer everyday ? a. Yes,Ido— b. Yes. I play c. No, Ido d. I play soccer 10. How you brush your teetl a. many b. often cold time Bai 2: Fill in the blank l.pe_son 2. min_te 3.cou_ try 4.0 ange 5.clas_ mate G.cross_ ord 7.bet_er 8. gue_s 9.sho_Id 10.8 _issor Bai 3: Matching 1. umbrella 2. tissue box 3. toystore 4.HaLong bay — 5. time 6. round T.pine tree —-&. take aphoto 9. bone. —_‘10. puzzles, a. hinh tron, b. cay dit c. ghép hinh d.vinh Hg Longe. thai gian f. cy canh g. hép h. chyp anh i. quay ban 6 choi j. xuong 1. . Bins: Bn re Drees, Vong 18: Bai 1: Fill in the blank 1. How _ do you go cycling to the countryside ? ~ Once a week. 2. There _ months in a year. 3. How many meals ___ their baby have a day ? 4. sports does she play, badminton or soccer ? Badminton. Bai 2: Reoder the words to make sentences 1. atthe clothing store Lee bought clothes yesterday. a lotof his mouth. Thedentist toopen _ told him 3. because I'm to Hue very tired. I don’t want to travel 4. Jimmy the matter What was yesterday ? with She came aweek. back home afier Finally, 6 tobe hy you wi don’ 7. the best player. he was Brucewas ‘because happy ‘8. together the children an hour. played 9. hold lastmonth? —-yourschool_—asong festival ‘Did 10. hear lam sorry to that. a Bai 3: Matching 1. cow 2. go to the restaurant 3. moon 4, swimming 5. class 6. fifteen 7. cough 8.cassette 9. talkinclass —_10. play the guitar aho — b.bingghiam —c.ndi trong lip d. choidin ghita —_e. lap hoc fin nha hing g.bdcéi hb. mattring i, boi js 15 1 6. : sl Obssceen Vong 19: Bai 1: Reoder the words to make sentenc: 3.the I in evening, 4chave at 1 six o°elock. 5-Tessons? do What you the classroom do English ? Bivorie is my on books the desk. Would like Bai 2. Matching 1. two horses 6.brown car 7.can 8, green umbrella a.hop thie b, chim cénh cut f.xehoimauxanh — g. dit miu xanb la eDirrcrriaaBiccreeatreee Aer tcctc Bes Choose the correct answer 1. Her birthday is . ea-May. ato b. from c. 2. Choose the odd one out a. sing b. song 3. What is it? I's 7 o'clock. a. name b. colour Mowers are for you. a. This b. That Vong 20: Bai 1: Fill in the blank 1.Th_ve anew pen 2. Myfath _ ris an engineer. 3. My father can s_ im. 4.1'd like __ orange 3. Can you swim ?— No, I can” 6. Please, give me some m 7. The map is on the wa 8. Would you_____ some milk ? 9. Tho _ “are our schoolbags. 10. This doll is _ 11. There are tw 12. His sister is t_ il. He’s Shot. Bai 2: Matching 1. chopsticks 6. gloves a. banh cia Y fra tay g.diia 1 2 3 4 Bai 3: Choose the correct answer 1. Heis years old. a. fine b- five 2. penguin h 6, in e.sit . time 4 cA No, thanks, in my class 7. wash hands ». bao tay 4. 8, sink ¢. con vet h. chau i 6 3. parrot 5 watch ice cream ? 3. yellow bieycle c. xe dap mau vang Ww "Breakfast English do during in She Why iday Are an 4. yellow scissors 5. rainbow gi 10. yellow sofa d.2conngua — e. cdu ving ighés6pha j. qui Gessccusd OL . keo mau vang ca rsurcc dion dd. stand, 4. day d. These garden 5. square box 9.ery 10, pizza d.khu vine. chay i. h6p vudng 8 9 khde 7. 10. d. kite 2. Choose the odd one out: a. Vietnam, England ©. America d. Vietnamese 3 -s--s+eeeotebOoks are there in your class ? There are 3 notebooks a. How old —b. What subjects” © c. How many d, Who. 4. My name. Long. am bois ©. are and 0 picture ? b, look c.on when do ? —I can dance and sing, bebe ©. you a round ball. alsit bits ‘c. What is 4d. They are 8, Choose the odd one out a. May b. April c. June . Peter 9. Do you want some milk a Yes,do —_b. Yes, Idon’t ©. No, Ido 4. Yes, Lean 10. .are you from, Jean ? — I'm from Canada. a. What b. How ©. Where 4. When Vang 21: Bai I: Matching Lcow 2. elephants 3, waste basket gift 5. pig 6.redbed 7, mouse 8. yellow car 9. kangaroos 10. blue spoon aconchudt —b.quamauxanh lic. xe 6 té miu ving d.bdcai_ econ lon f cdi ging miu do g.thi ti bh. sot ric icon voi j. mudng mau xanh nude bién LevsisseinDovesrecinBeovireces isl Besreince vivre Bivins Dassen Dana Bai 2: Fill in the blank 1 How is the weath ___ today ? ~ It’s sunny today. 2. How many doll _“are there? 3. It’sra__ y today. 4, Where __ you from? — I'm from Vietnam. 5, ‘The _¢ crayons are for you. 6. Mycrayons a__ on the table. 7, __ you like Arts ?- Yes, I do. 8, There -ven days in a week 9, __ose are my crayons. 10, Do youh ___ Maths today. Bai 3: Choose the correct answer: Le ceeceees-eyour friend's name ? a. What's ». How's c. When's d. Who"s 2. What's that ?— That's __ eraser. a. the bean d. this Bi CAEAHE GREY 2.~ vsvesvesesvansesvnvesseoss a. No, itean b. No, it does ©. No. it can’t 4d. No, it doesn’t 4. Can you speak Engli can. a. you He she 5. This gitt is .. a. for cin d.under Vang 22: Bai I: Choose the correct answer 1. Can she drive a car? ©. Yes, she does, Yes, she do © she dhe 3. Goodbye, Sam. - . settee a. Good moming b. Good night. See youagain —_d. Hi, I'm John 4, Choose the odd one out a. you b. mother ¢. father 4. sister b. sing draw plays 6. May b, April ¢. June Peter 7, My name. care d.and 8, Mysister can .. a. bye di rides 9. The map are the wall. a. under boon 4. for 10. Choose the odd one out a. balloon b. yo-yo c. doll . schoo! Bai 2: Matching I. three Teddy bears 2. four computers 3. watch TV 4. orange juice 5. cook 6. play tabletennis 7. umbrella 8. two cats 9. two bears 10. red bed a. 4 cai miy vitinh —b. cay dit c2conméo — d.cai giueng dee. da bép f. xem tivi g.3 con giu h. 2 con giu i. nurée cam j. choi tanic se Bceesneeeathecs nnn Secceee 6 1 Beeccci Decceeeel. ‘ill in the blank 1. Where are you from, Peter ? —I’'m ...........-England. 2. He _eyoware. Thank you. 3. Welike Aris bec___e we like to draw pictures 4. Pmsorry. P'mla_e. Vong 23: Bai I: Leave me out l.tragin 2. bananja 3. swimn ~— 4. orangoe.—S. dkog 6. classromom 7. cyat 8. waljl 9. flowker 10. cahke sai 2: Reoder the words to make sentnces old How you? is friend. new my name Nea. My Gean dane. = simg and Sa cal Tom has @My teacher mother == sa 7 football Would you like play to now? Ba have pen. so mew OE O.Where is ‘fiom? she 10.1 That my new friend | Bai 3: Matching Lmilk 2. girl 3. curtain 4. violin 5. bread 7. bicycle Bcassette 9. rabbit 10. play the piano acégii b.conthd —e. bani d.danvid linge. sta fman g.choidinpiand —h.xedap i cudn bing —j. chay Vong 24: Bai 1: Leave me out 3, sins 6... ie Divevciei MO beces L.pictgure 2. bawby 3. pensguin 4. mirwror _S. viohlin 6.daknce 7. batzhroom 8. umsbrella 9. chasir 10. musquic Bai 2: Matching I.redcassette 2. shirt 3. clock 4.marker 5. garden 6. red house T.tea 8. ears 9. mouth 10. bread a. tra b. ding hé treo tuéng ©. migng, d. cudn bang dé ce. khu vuon Ltai gut long bh. do so mi i.binh mij. ngdinha miu do bvcseveeDinas a Beccvie Gosssin i MecsscesselOsossvve Bai 3: Fill in the blank 1, My father cans _im. 2. Teanr_nwith my legs. 3. He was bor _ in May. 4, These are ele _ en students in her classroom 5. My father is a f_rmer. Vong 25: Bai 1: Fill in the blank 1. Don't make ame _ s. 2. It’s a brown cha _‘r. 3. W__ is that ? That’s Tommy. He's my friend, 4, Is that your eraser ? No, it is 5. ___t’s your name ? - My name"s Tommy. 6. Let’sd__wapicture, children. 7. Isthisaruier?-__, it isn’t 8. Thatis Jack.-__ is my new friend 9, My sister is pre__y. 10. Pick u_ your peneils, children, Bai 2: Reoder the words to make sentences Imy friend. Mike too is ~My — nine years. — old. Zyour Alan ruler pink ~~ ‘Take out 4. the desk ? cats are there How many on Zare beautiful flowers These The in the bottle Fish 7. What pencil? colour that is 8.four in rooms my house. There are oa primary ‘student is My brother ‘10. pink. ‘two Those are ‘telephones Bai 3: Choose the correct answer 1. When is your birthday ? a.It'son October —b. It’s for October c. It's in October __d. It’s to October 2. Where is he from ? a. He’s from American b. He’s from English c. He’s from America _d. Vietnamese 3. Choose the odd one out: ais b. am care de 4.a, America b, England c. Vietnamese 4. Singapore 3. sssesseeesyOU want some milk ? — No, thanks a, Do b. Don’t ©. Does d, Doesn't 6.1 d like , please. aa ban «. those 4. these 7. Can you play with a yo-yo ? a. No, I can b.No, can't ¢.No,’mnot —d. Yes, can’t 8, Happy birthday to you, Mary ! a. Bye. See you later b. Fine, thanks ¢, Thank you very much — d, You're welcome 9. Would you like an ice cream ? a. Yes,Ido —b. Yes, I don’t ©. Yes, pleased. Yes, I like 10. Oh, I want pizza, milk. candy, band . for Vong 26: Bai I: Choose the correct answer 1. What’s that ? -That’s cream, a. the bean ca . this 2. My sister is nine. old a. years . year ©. year’s d.ayear 3, Mary....csessesacto school at 8.00. a. g0 b. goes ©. to go d. go's 4. Is that a pencil ? No, a. it isn’t b. itis «it does d. it do. 5, Look! I a new book. a. have's b has . haves d.ahave 6. Goodbye, Sam. - a.Goodmoming _b. Good night —¢. See youagain. = d. Hi, 'm Tom 7. Do you like orange juice ? ~ Yes, 1 am bis cdo dike a — They're my friends. a. Who b. What ©. Which d, Where 9. Choose the odd one out a, bathroom —_b. bedroom ¢.livingroom — d. eshool 10, What's name? — He’s Peter. a. her b. hers, c. his 4. your Bai 2: Fill in the blank ‘This giftis for you. — Thank you very m__h 1. 2. Br__ hyour teeth, please. 3. Would you like an apple ?____, please. 4. She's my fr___d, too. 5. What's herj She's a teacher. 6. Th__emany pencils in my pencil case. 7. ____is your birthday ? — It’s in April. 8. Came p___y football ?— Yes, he can, 9. C__ cle the answer, please. 10. That's my fa__er. Bai 3: Matching I.bear 2, school bus 3. blue skirt 4. five flowers 5. three pigs 6. green sneakers 7. five apples 9. three ice c a.Scdihoa b. xe buyttruimg hoe ¢. 5 triitio 4 e6 gi ms 10, four girls ©. d6i giay xanh la f3ciykem g.congiu —-h.3conlon i khiéu va —_j. cai vay xanh nude bién eo Beecseeessersnthen Goeseseons Toon co Desceeseee loses

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