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Manage Meetings

Email Template

From: Learner email address

+ To: Marilena, Sam, Kay

Sandy Cohen
Send Cc:

Invite Meeting Attendees


Date: 3/6/2021

• Purpose of the meeting; the first committee meeting to discuss venue, budget, date of
event and time
• Date of the meeting; Monday 7/6/2021

• Start and finish times of the meeting; 10:00am-: 11:00am

• Preparations needed for the meeting; your contribution of how to fix the problems.

Meeting Minutes
Date: 8/6 Location: Level 2
Time: 10 am – 11am

Meeting called Annual Christmas Party

Facilitator Sy An TRAN

Notetaker Marilen

Timekeeper Sam


(Names and Marilena, Sam, Kay


Agenda Item 1: budget

Discussion Not over 5000$

Quality Training Solutions V2

BSBADM502 Manage Meetings

Agenda Item 2: venue

2 possible venue are the Strand and Swan
Discussion Brewery

Action Items

Action Items Person Assigned Deadline Status/Comment

Food and drinks Bob 10/6 In process

services John 10/6 In process

date Tom 10/6 In process

Quality Training Solutions V2

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