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The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or
service is different from and better than that of the competition.

NDPL’s USP is based on three main characteristics

Processes – simple
Billing – minimum errors
Receipt of bills – in time
Payment – friendly options

Billing redressal system

Moreover, NDPL focuses on

Consumer friendly approach
Consumer is king – we need
Basic amenities and facilities
Key consumers – preferential Consumer awareness and
services education
Consumer grievance cells

1. Technical & Process Related Initiatives

 Development of Tamper Proof Energy Meters
Digitized Meter reading
Smart card systems
Online consumer care centers
Online remote cash counters

Internet – billing & payment

Energy audit

MIS report analysis

 Payment Avenues increased from 20 Nos. (July 2002) to more than 1500
 Door delivery of new Electricity Connection
 SMS Based Complaint Management System
 Instant Camp Connections at JJ Clusters

2. Initiatives in association with Government

 Constitution of Special Court
 Assistance of Police Force / CISF during Enforcement Activities
 Relocation of JJ Clusters to a new resettlement Colony (Sawda Ghevra)
for providing better services
 Amnesty schemes for settlement of old disputed cases (DT / DAE etc)

3. Initiatives related to Society

 Life Insurance Policy for Socially / Economically Backward Consumers
 Development of local people as Franchisee
 Energy Conservation and Awareness through Energy Club (more than
31,000 Students covered)
 Woman Empowerment (Vocational Training, beautician Courses etc)
 Health Check-ups, Blood Donation etc
 Adult Literacy, Drug / alcohol de-addiction, Support to Orphanages, HIV /
AIDS awareness etc.
 Engagement with the Public Representatives

4. Identifying Components of AT & C Losses

a) Technical Loses
 Iron & Copper losses at Sub-transmission (66kV/33kV) & Distribution
(11kV & below) Network

b) Theft / Unauthorized Use:

 Direct Hooking
 Tampering / By -passing of Meter
 Misuse of Category
 Use of Multiple Connections - Misuse of Slab
 Sanctioned Load lower than actual usage

c) Metering Process Deficiencies:

 Meter (address) not traceable
 Import / Export Metering Error
 CT Ratio Errors
 Stop / Slow / Defective Meter
 CT Ratio Errors
 Meters not read
 Mismatch of Meters
d) Billing Process Deficiencies::
 Consumer not billed / under-billed
 Provisional Billing
 Bills pending for Quality Check (BQC)
 Bills pending for assessment
 Meters installed but not appearing in data base
 Un-metered connections: (Unauthorized Colonies, JJ Clusters Street
Lights Poles)

e) Collection Process Deficiencies:

 Part Payment by Consumer
 Non Delivery of Bills
 Non Payment by Consumer (Defaulters)
 Premise Disconnected with Dues

5. Other Initiatives
 Decentralization of O & M activities / function
 Centralization of Commercial activities / Processes
 Replacement of Old Electro-mechanical Meters by New Electronic Meters
 Energy Accounting
 Intensive introduction of Technology
 Loss Reduction Strategy - Technical Solutions
 Re-engineering of Commercial Processes (BPR)
 Automatic Meter Reading for all connections above 10 KW
 Automation Roadmap
 108 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant
 Solar PV Based Power Plant
 GPRS based spot Billing
 Centralized Call Centre (No current + Commercial)
 Special Consumer Group

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