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: Causes and Effects of

Flooding on the Bay Road

Name of Candidate: Shadane Shaw

School: Petersfield High School
Year: 2011
Territory: Jamaica
Aim of


Method of Data

Presentation and Interpretation of





The study was conducted in Bay Road, Westmoreland. In order to

collect data for the research,. Questionnaires and observation method

was used.

20 questionnaires were distributed to residents in the community

of Bay Road on the 18 of August 2010 at 2; 00 Pm and were collected

on the first of September at 2:45 Pm. But not all questionnaires were

collected. In addition adequate information was obtained by using

textbook relating to the topic.



A total of ten questionnaires were distributed to residents of Bay

Road; all questionnaires were returned. In relation to who received

questionnaires, 75% were female and 25% were male. It was being

shown that 65% of the residents have being living in the area for over

ten years, 30% between 6 to 10 years old and 5% between 1 to 5

years. In most cases when flooding occurs in Bay Road community the

length of time in which flood waters takes to recede usually takes

months, weeks, days and hours.

Fig( ): Showing how long residents
have being affected by flooding

70% 65%
50% 1-10 years
40% 30% 11-21 years
30% over 21 years
10% 5%
The chart is showing that 5% of residents 1-10 years have being

affected by flooding in the area, and 11-21 years which is 30% are

being affected by flooding. While over 10 years is 65%. Majority of the

residents have being living in this community for the pass 21 years and

this make them acknowledgeable of the causes and effects flooding on

the Bay Road community.

Fig 2 showing damage caused by

floods to household

40% Lost of House
Lost of Clothes

Lost of Personal
Fig 2. A pie chart showing the damages caused by the flood to

household. According to the pie chart 40% lost house materials, 30%

lost of clothing and 30% lost of personal documents. This means that

majority of house materials was lost in the community.

Table 01: Shows how long water takes to recede.

Individual Percentage%
Months 10%
Weeks 25%
Days 50%
Hours 15%

Table one shows the length of time on which flood waters takes to

recede. In most cases when flooding occurs in the Bay Road

community, water takes days to recede. This was stated by 50% of the

residents. Majority of the time when the water settles in the community

for a long time, mosquitoes and rats starts to be seen often causing

illnesses as water become infected and so does the residents of the


Table 2: Showing what residents do when there is flood warning

Options Percentage%

Move out immediately 50%

Move out after flooding 35%
Stay until flooding is over 15%

Table 2 shows what is being done by residents when there is a flood

warning. When there is a flood it seems that 50% of the residents have
to move out of the community of Bay Road immediately. This occurs

several times as drains are not cleaned and there are a few water from

floods are unable to recede quickly enough, which results in water

raising to the level where is washes through residents’ homes. 35%

move out after flooding starts and 15% stays until flooding is over.

Majority of the residents have being living in this community for the

past 10 years and this makes them knowledgeable of the cases and

effects flooding has on the community of Bay Road.

Table 3: Showing the causes of Flooding.

Drainage Problem 50%

The Level of the Land 20%
Dump Land 30%

Table 3 shows the cause of flooding. Damage problems which is 50%,

the level of the land which is 20% and dump land which is 30%.

Majority of the community is faced by damage problems

Table 4: Showing the least of survival.

Children 10%
Adult 30%
Elderly 60%

Table 4 shows the percentage of persons surviving the flooding period,

children 10%, adults 30% and the elderly 60%. Elderly persons are

most likely of not surviving the flooding because elderly persons cannot

move around easy.


I have conducted a research on the causes and effects of flooding

in the community of Bay Road. the research has shown that more than

half of the residents of Bay Road community are being affected by

flooding waters. As a results of problems of the majority of resident,

most of whom are living in the lower part of the community leaves
when there is a flash flood warning. Io have resided there for over 10

years and I have noticed that the floods mostly affects the females and

the elderly persons rather than the males and persons in there teens.

Not saying that the females and the elderly persons live in the lower

part, they don’t, but they are mostly affected because they find it more

difficult than the males and the younger persons to move around in the

waters. The majorities of females in the community have high standard

jobs and have to dress a certain way during the flooding they find it

extremely difficult to go to work. While the water may not affect the

males, it may give a female infections or rashes because female’s skins

are more sensitive to dirty water.

• Rahil Vohn 2002: New Caribbean Geography:

Caribbean Educational Publishers Trinidad

• Longman Caribbean School Atlas, 2000 England:

Pearsons Education Limited.

• Wilson, Mark Caribbean Environment, 2005 Oxford,

University Press, Oxford 2005


1. Sex: Male Female

2. How long have you being residing in your community.

1-10 yrs 11-21 yrs over 21 yrs

3. What are the main causes of flooding in the community?

Drainage Problem the Level of the Community

Dump Land

4. If there is a flood warning, what do you do?

Move before flooding starts Move during flooding

Stay until it’s over

5. What are some of the damages that flooding has caused to your


Lost of House Materials Lost of Clothing Lost of

Personal Documents

6. Do flood waters cause health problems?

Yes No Others

7. Who does it affects?

Males Females Others

8. If there is a flood warning where do you go?

Move to Church Move to School Others

9. Who has the least chance of survival?

Children Adult Elderly

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