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Name: HADJI NABEL, Mohammad Nadhif R.

ID Number: 201955549
Subject & Section: FPE101, Sec. Bb6
Year level & Course: 2nd Year, AB Islamic Studies major in Shari’ah

1. Discuss briefly in a whole, the meaning of violence.

- Violence understood as a process means that there is a society. This also means that
violence involves different practices, at different but coexisting and interdependent
levels. Beyond physical violence, there is no consensus on what violence involves or
when, if at all, it is justified.

2. Discuss briefly the meaning of violent extremism.

- There is no internationally agreed-upon definition of violent extremism. The most

common understanding of the term – is that it refers to the beliefs and actions of people
who support or use violence to achieve ideological, religious or political goals. This
includes terrorism and other forms of politically motivated and sectarian violence.
Typically, “violent extremism” also identifies an enemy, or enemies, who are the object
of hatred and violence.
Name: HADJI NABEL, Mohammad Nadhif R.
ID Number: 201955549
Subject & Section: FPE101, Sec. Bb6
Year level & Course: 2nd Year, AB Islamic Studies major in Shari’ah


1. Understand the content of the fundamental teaching of Islam.

- Islam is deen or a religion. This was derived from the two arabic term “Salaam” which
means peace, and “Silm” which means “total submission”. This makes up the definition
of Islam is the total and complete submission of one’s self to Allah (S.W.T) that there is
no other god that needs to be worshipped but Him. “Innad Deena ‘Indallahil Islam”, this
is a verse from the Glorious Qur-an which means, “Indeed, the only religion in the sight
of Allah is Islam”. There are five pillars of Islam that need to be considered by every
muslim in order for him to be a true muslim, namely;

1. Testifying that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.
2. Praying the five obligatory prayers
3. Giving charity to the poor
4. Fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan
5. Pilgrimage at Makkah

- Another one is Iman, which means “to know” or “to believe”. Mostly, it is rendered as
faith in english. There are six articles of faith, namely; Belief in Allah, Belief in His
Angels, Belief in His Scriptures, Belief in His messengers, Belief in Hereafter, and lastly,
Belief in the Pre-destination whether good or bad are from Allah.

2. Belief in the oneness of god.

- The most fundamental and the most important teaching of Prophet Muhammad is faith in
the Oneness of Allah. It means that Allah is one, that there is none like Him. He has no
partner; He neither begets nor He begotten, he is indivisible in Person. He has neither
beginning nor end. He is the Almighty, the All-knowing, the All-just; the Peace (As-
Salaam); the Merciful and the Compassionate. Allah is the creator of the heavens and
earth and all that is between them, and the creator of all things. This belief, in order to be
effective, requires complete trust and hope in God, submission to his Will and reliance on
is aid. It secures man’s dignity and saves him from fear and despair, from guilt and

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