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BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Melbourne Education Institute

RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A


BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning

Student ID: _ MEI2703 _____________________

Student Name: Mei Teng Tan____________________

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Information

The assessment tasks for BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning are included in this Student
Assessment Tasks booklet and outlined in the assessment plan below.

Assessment Plan
You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for this unit. Your assessor will provide you
with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Task About this task Due date

1. Written questions You must correctly answer all 8 questions to show that you
understand the knowledge required of this unit.

2. Development project You are required to develop a workforce plan for King Edward
VII College and meet with stakeholders to seek feedback on
the plan, as well as confirm approval.

3. Implement diversity actions You are required to implement diversity actions from the
project workforce plan.

4. Implementation project You are required to identify required competencies for an

employee and develop a career development plan as part of
implementing a succession planning program, as well as
develop a redundancy and redeployment policy and procedure
and identify strategies to be an employer of choice.

5. Review and evaluation You are required to provide a report on a review and
project evaluation of the workforce plan.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed the assessment you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Make sure you keep a copy of your work before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you
submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment Task Checklist

You will be given an assessment result record sheet and checklists for each task. Please fill it in for each task,
making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task and will write this on the checklist.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to
your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

You are to answer all the questions in this task.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and the Internet.


This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if applicable).
Your assessor will advise.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________________


Your answers to all the questions.


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will need to do
one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You need to answer all 8 questions correctly.
 You can use your computer to type your answers. Your assessor will let you know if you can email your answers
as a Word file, or if you must print and submit hard copies.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Explain workforce planning.

Workforce Planning is the process of analyzing, forecasting, and planning workforce supply and demand, assessing
gaps, and determining target talent management interventions to ensure that an organization has the right people.

Discuss two benefits of workforce planning.

Improve productivity and quality outputs is one of the benefits. The workforce planning able to Improve productivity
and quality outputs as they able to forecast the demand and provide the best quality of products.
Improve employee retention The employee will prefer stay with the organisation instead of leave the organisation
when good workforce planning is applied. Thus, it is a benefit to an organisation as they save training and
recruitment cost.

Outline two options for the scope of a workforce plan.

First option is to address the strategies that is related to the entire workforce.
Second option is limited scope focus on critical occupations relating to objectives business as well as occupations
and skills that are difficult to recruit or retain.

Explain the workforce planning process, including an outline of each step.

Firstly, have to understand the organisation’s strategic direction and its impact on the workforce. We need to know
the strategic plan of the organisation first before conduct any action.
Secondly, analyse the current and future workforce needs and competencies. To know the current and future’s needs
in order to provide the products that is fulfill customer’s satisfaction.
Thirdly, analyse the gap between the current and future needs. To know the gaps in order to make improvement on
Forth, developing strategies to address workforce gaps. Have to comes out the strategy that is able to solve the
Fifth, implementing strategies to align the workforce with future business needs. The organisation must ensure the
strategy is align the workforce with future business needs.
Sixth, evaluating the success of the workforce planning strategies in meeting objectives. To measure it is success or
need to make adjustment to the workforce planning strategies.

Outline two forecasting models that can be used to assist with identifying future workforce needs.

Network Flows Mapping. It is used to predict employment outcomes such as retirement, lateral movement and
promotion based upon their links with other employee characteristics such as salary, skill, age and gender. 
Optimization model. It is a decision tool to find the best feasible solution of the problem, in which the objective
function is maximized or minimized via the variable values subjected to some constraints.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Outline the purpose of the Labour Market Information Portal and two examples of information included in the Portal
that can assist with workforce planning.

The labour market information planning can clearly understand the number of unemployed persons and employment
conditions and the total number of employment cases in the entire geographic area and sector. They are helpful for
labour planning because it can provide the total available vacancies and the total number of employed and
unemployed persons.

Discuss the purpose of the ABS Labour Force Survey and its use for workforce planning.

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a monthly survey that collects information on the labour force status and other
characteristics of Australian civilians aged 15 years and older who usually live. Labour Force in Australia publishes
estimates of employment, unemployment, unemployment rate and labour force participation rate every month.
Labour force survey data is a key element of the labour market and other economic information provided by ABS.
The main purpose is to facilitate the analysis and monitoring of the social and economic aspects of the Australian
labour market and working-age population. This goal can be achieved by providing timely statistics on the size and
characteristics of the civilian labour force obtained from the labour force survey and related supplementary surveys.

Explain the purpose of the National Skill Needs List.

The National Skills Needs List identifies occupations considered to be national skills shortages. The National Skills
Needs List is used to determine whether you are eligible for many of the payments provided by the Australian
Trainee Incentive Program.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 2: Development project

This assessment task requires you to conduct research and develop a workforce plan for King Edward VII College.
You will also be required to communicate the rationale for, as well as objectives of the plan to the CEO and to seek
feedback into, as well as support for the plan.


 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Access to King Edward VII College Strategic Plan, 2019 Workforce Information
 Workforce plan template
 Access to a meeting space and role play participant (your assessor)


This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if applicable).
Your assessor will advise.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________________


 Research brief
 Workforce Plan

Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written
feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly
or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part
of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks


King Edward VII College has been operating for 10 years. The College is based in Melbourne CBD and offers a
range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business and currently has
around has around 500 students enrolled across all of its courses. The College is very popular due to its
competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state-of-the-art facilities.
Due to its success, the College plans to establish two additional campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Sydney.
The plan is for the Sydney campus to commence operating in January 2021 and Brisbane in April 2021. Campus
locations are already in place with the process being overseen mainly by the CEO and Finance Manager. No staff
have been employed as yet but it is anticipated that each campus will require a receptionist, student services
officer and 4 trainers.
All other staff functions will be completed by existing staff at the Melbourne campus, until such time as student
numbers increase substantially. It is anticipated that maximum student numbers at the new campuses will be up to
50 students per campus.
Information about the staff including employment status, age, gender and cultural background is provided in the
workforce information document.
All staff are employed via individual contracts and there is no enterprise agreement in place.

Complete the following activities:

1. Research workforce requirements.
Review the scenario information, Strategic Plan and 2019 workforce information.
Identify sources of information that you can use to research workforce supply in the education sector as per the
scenario information and as indicated below.
Using all of the information you have about King Edward VII College and your sources of information you have
identified, make notes in relation to:
 The organisation’s requirements for a skilled and diverse workforce as reflected in its strategic objectives.
 Workforce issues as identified in the Strategic Plan and that must be reflected in workforce objectives.
 Workforce objectives that are required to meet the overall strategic objectives.
 Workforce characteristics of King Edward VII College staff, including employment status, age, gender and
 Assessment of staff turnover rate and whether rate is acceptable or not.
 Factors affecting workforce supply including government policy and legislation, economic conditions, industry
trends, skills and labour shortages, unemployment rate and competition for workers. Your analysis should be
both general, as well as specific to the education sector within which King Edward VII College operates.
 The industrial relations framework that applies to King Edward VII College workforce.
Your notes should be comprehensive as you are required to submit your research as evidence. You will also use
them to complete your workforce plan.
Note: your research brief is not required to be word processed or be submitted in any particular format but the dot
points above should be used as headings to ensure each has been addressed.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

 The organisation’s requirements for a skilled and diverse workforce as reflected in its strategic

 To be a leader in vocational education and training

 To establish and maintain high quality infrastructure supporting clients and staff
 To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable
 To develop our people and resources

 Workforce issues as identified in the Strategic Plan and that must be reflected in workforce

 Focus on business and management courses only

 Substantial investment in Sydney and Brisbane meaning large financial outlay
 Ageing workforce for senior management positions
 High staff turnover of trainers
 Difficulty in finding skilled trainers and assessors
 Lack of leadership and management skills of existing workforce
 Lack of diversity in workforce
 Human resources policies still in their infancy

 Workforce objectives that are required to meet the overall strategic objectives.

 Focus on all of the courses that are provided

 Reduce ageing workforce for senior management positions
 Reduce staff turnover of trainers
 To find the skilled trainers and assessors
 Enhance of leadership and management skills of existing workforce
 Enhance of diversity in workforce
 Improve the Human resources policies

 Workforce characteristics of King Edward VII College staff, including employment status, age,
gender and culture.

The College currently employs 24 staff members that includes the CEO, a Marketing Manager
and Marketing Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Finance Manager, Administration
Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and
approximately 14 trainers.
Information about the staff, including employment status, age, gender and cultural background is
provided in 2019 Workforce Information for King Edward VII College.

 Assessment of staff turnover rate and whether rate is acceptable or not.

Staff turnover percentage 2016 2017 2018 2019

Academic staff including trainers 50% 45% 60% 50%
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Management 15% 0 15% 15%

Administration 0% 25% 0 0

The rate is not acceptable as the turnover rate is 50%.

 Factors affecting workforce supply including government policy and legislation, economic
conditions, industry trends, skills and labour shortages, unemployment rate and competition for
workers. Your analysis should be both general, as well as specific to the education sector within
which King Edward VII College operates.

 The substitution effect of rising wages.

 Income effect of rising wages.
 Qualified number.
 It is difficult to qualify.
 Unpaid benefits for work.
 Salaries and conditions for other jobs.
 Demographic changes and immigration.

 The industrial relations framework that applies to King Edward VII College workforce.

Vocational education is not unionized. Thus, the framework applied which is Fair Work Act.

1. Develop workforce plan.

Using your research and the notes you have made, you are now required to develop your workforce plan. Your
assessor will provide you with a template for developing the workforce plan. In summary, the workforce plan you
develop must address:
 Purpose of the workforce plan
 Strategic objectives and key workforce requirements
 External environment analysis to identify external factors that impact on the company and its workforce
 Industrial relations relating to the education and training industry, as well as King Edward VII College
 Analysis of current workforce characteristics and profile using workforce information provided.
 Future workforce needs
 Gap analysis to identify the gaps between future workforce need and existing workers
 Workforce plan objectives, including strategies to address turnover, attracting and re-training skilled staff and
workforce diversity and cross-cultural management.
 Key workforce plan issues and actions.
 Communication and consultation strategy to assist with organisational changes.
 Contingency plans so as to ensure that the organization can access skilled labour in the event of unplanned

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks


The purpose of workforce planning is to ensure that the organization provides personnel with
sufficient skills, knowledge and experience in the short and long term to effectively and efficiently
achieve its strategic goals. Workforce planning is the process by which an organization analyses its
current and future labour needs based on commitments, plans and goals. It involves a system-wide
review and analysis of the size and type of labour required by the company to achieve its goals.


Outline objectives included in the Strategic Plan regarding the workforce, as well as future workforce
needs as per the scenario information.

 To be a leader in vocational education and training

 To establish and maintain high quality infrastructure supporting clients and staff
 To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable
 To develop our people and resources

Outline issues identified in the Strategic Plan and resulting objectives for workforce planning.

 Focus on business and management courses only

 Substantial investment in Sydney and Brisbane meaning large financial outlay
 Ageing workforce for senior management positions
 High staff turnover of trainers
 Difficulty in finding skilled trainers and assessors
 Lack of leadership and management skills of existing workforce
 Lack of diversity in workforce
 Human resources policies still in their infancy


External environment

PEST analysis

Political: The use of a large amount of paper is considered environmentally unfriendly, and
governments usually have environmental plans that they must follow. That could mean higher taxes
on the paper industry, so the government wants us to focus on being greener such as printed slip
considered as not necessary.

Economic: The higher the inflation rate will impact the industry as the price of the product will
increase and consumer might not will to pay.

Social: Most customers have a phone, computer, or tablet. These technology tools make it easy

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Technology: In terms of social factors, new rapid technologies and a wide variety of information on
the Internet have indeed more convenient. The media world has changed and new communication
technologies should not be underestimated.

Industrial relations relating to the education and training industry

Industrial relation is the multidisciplinary academic field that studies the employment relationship. It is
good and healthy relations between the two partners which are King Edward VII College and

Internal environment

 Over the duration of this plan, it is projected that student enrolments will increase at least 10%
per annum. It is anticipated that the increase in enrolments will be accommodated by employing
extra human resources. Appropriately qualified and experienced training and assessment as well
as support and administration staff will be appointed.
 Enrolments will be monitored on an ongoing basis and a formal review of this plan will be
undertaken every six months. During review the management will decide if the levels of human
resources are appropriate for the level of enrolments.
 Trainers and assessors as well as administrative and support staff will be employed part time on
casual contracts initially. However, as it has been difficult to find appropriately skilled trainers
and assessors, it is hoped to offer at least two full-time contracts in the near future.

Future workforce needs

Tomorrow's human workers will need to be creative in order to fully realize the benefits of all new
things such as new products, work methods and technologies in future. Currently, robots cannot
compete with humans in creativity. The workplace of the future will require new ways of thinking, and
human creativity is the key.

Gap analysis

We still need to find new ways of thinking in order to grab the first chances to attract student enrol to
our branches.

Workforce plan objectives

To attract and retain skilled staff and workforce diversity and cross-cultural management is applied.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Identified workforce plan actions

Issue/Need Actions Outcomes Resources Timelines

Recognize Update Employee Human End 2021
retention starts recruitment, Satisfaction Resources
with recruiting selection and
induction policy
and procedure
to provide fair
treatment to
retain employee
Offer the right Benefits and Employee Human End 2021
benefits perks play a Satisfaction Resources
large role in
happy, engaged
and healthy.
Lack of diversity Conduct team Good relationship Human End 2021
culture building and of employee Resources
Lack of skilled Conduct Good skills of Human End 2021
trainer training monthly employee Resources,
training class. Trainer, Training

Ageing workforce Plan to ensure The Human End 2021

the key roles organisational Resources
are identified capacity to fill the
and internal vacancies
candidate can
fill the suitable

Communication and consultation strategy for workforce plan

Outline the consultation and communication strategy for the workforce plan using the attached table.
The strategy should focus on from the outset of development to finalisation of the plan.

Audience Key message Delivery Date/duration of Location

method session (if

Board of Establish and Face to face 3 hours meeting Meeting room

Directors maintain
Executive Team Closely monitor Face to face 2 hours meeting Office

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Consumers Revenue Advertising Update monthly Social Media

Contingency plans – Workforce planning

Outline contingency plans to deal with unplanned events using the table below. Outline at least four
possible unplanned/extreme event and contingency actions that can be taken
Unplanned/extreme event Contingency Action

Credit risk All document in printed copy with acknowledgment.

Injury risk Provide the safety environment to the employee and give the
compensation to the employee who are injury during working
Competitor’s research and Innovative and fast introduce to the market.
Cash flow risk Consult professional to control cash flow.

2. Agree on workforce plan

This part of the assessment requires you to meet with the CEO (role-played by your assessor) to discuss the
workforce plan you have developed and to seek input, as well as endorsement of your plan.
Your assessor will advise you of the meeting time and place.
a) Submit a copy of your plan to the CEO (your assessor) prior to the meeting in the agreed format, requesting
a meeting to discuss your proposed plan and hopeful agreement.
b) During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm information
c) The CEO (your assessor) will provide feedback on your plan, which you should incorporate into your plan
and send to your assessor following the meeting.

3. After the meeting, update your plan and submit it to your assessor, confirming support for the workforce plan.
You must also attach a copy of the briefing report.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks



The purpose of workforce planning is to ensure that the organization provides personnel with
sufficient skills, knowledge and experience in the short and long term to effectively and efficiently
achieve its strategic goals. Workforce planning is the process by which an organization analyses its
current and future labour needs based on commitments, plans, and goals. It involves a system-wide
review and analysis of the size and type of labour required by the company to achieve its goals.


Outline objectives included in the Strategic Plan regarding the workforce, as well as future workforce
needs as per the scenario information.

 To be a leader in vocational education and training

 To establish and maintain high quality infrastructure supporting clients and staff
 To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable
 To develop our people and resources

Outline issues identified in the Strategic Plan and resulting objectives for workforce planning.

 Focus on business and management courses only

 Substantial investment in Sydney and Brisbane meaning large financial outlay
 Ageing workforce for senior management positions
 High staff turnover of trainers
 Difficulty in finding skilled trainers and assessors
 Lack of leadership and management skills of existing workforce
 Lack of diversity in workforce
 Human resources policies still in their infancy


External environment

PEST analysis

Political: The use of a large amount of paper is considered environmentally unfriendly, and
governments usually have environmental plans that they must follow. That could mean higher taxes
on the paper industry, so the government wants us to focus on being greener. Printed slip
considered as not necessary.

Economic: The higher the inflation rate will impact the industry as the price of the product will
increase and consumer might not will to pay.

Social: Most customers have a phone, computer, or tablet. These technology tools make it easy
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Technology: In terms of social factors, new rapid technologies and a wide variety of information on
the Internet have indeed more convenient. The media world has changed and new communication
technologies should not be underestimated.

Industrial relations relating to the education and training industry

Industrial relation is the multidisciplinary academic field that studies the employment relationship. It is
good and healthy relations between the two partners which are King Edward VII College and

Internal environment

 Over the duration of this plan, it is projected that student enrolments will increase at least 10%
per annum. It is anticipated that the increase in enrolments will be accommodated by employing
extra human resources. Appropriately qualified and experienced training and assessment as well
as support and administration staff will be appointed.
 Enrolments will be monitored on an ongoing basis and a formal review of this plan will be
undertaken every six months. During review the management will decide if the levels of human
resources are appropriate for the level of enrolments.
 Trainers and assessors as well as administrative and support staff will be employed part time on
casual contracts initially. However, as it has been difficult to find appropriately skilled trainers
and assessors, it is hoped to offer at least two full-time contracts in the near future.

Future workforce needs

Tomorrow's human workers will need to be creative in order to fully realize the benefits of all new
things such as new products, work methods and technologies in future. Currently, robots cannot
compete with humans in creativity. The workplace of the future will require new ways of thinking, and
human creativity is the key.

Gap analysis

We still need to find new ways of thinking in order to grab the first chances to attract student enrol to
our branches.

Workforce plan objectives

To attract and retain skilled staff and workforce diversity and cross-cultural management is applied.

Identified workforce plan actions

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Issue/Need Actions Outcomes Resources Timelines

Developing skill Use in placing Employee Human End 2021
transferability adults in jobs, Satisfaction Resources,
rapid response Trainer, Training
to layoffs, and materials
Offer the right Benefits and Employee Human End 2021
benefits perks play a Satisfaction Resources
large role in
happy, engaged
and healthy.
Lack of diversity Conduct team Good relationship Human End 2021
culture building and of employee Resources
Lack of skilled Conduct Good skills of Human End 2021
trainer training monthly employee Resources,
training class. Trainer, Training

Ageing workforce Plan to ensure The Human End 2021

the key roles organisational Resources
are identified capacity to fill the
and internal vacancies
candidate can
fill the suitable

Communication and consultation strategy for workforce plan

Outline the consultation and communication strategy for the workforce plan using the attached table.
The strategy should focus on from the outset of development to finalisation of the plan.

Audience Key message Delivery Date/duration of Location

method session (if

Board of Establish and Face to face 3 hours meeting Meeting room

Directors maintain
Executive Team Closely monitor Face to face 2 hours meeting Office
Consumers Revenue Advertising Update monthly Social Media

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Contingency plans – Workforce planning

Outline contingency plans to deal with unplanned events using the table below. Outline at least four
possible unplanned/extreme event and contingency actions that can be taken
Unplanned/extreme event Contingency Action

Credit risk All document in printed copy with acknowledgment

Injury risk Provide the safety environment to the employee and give the
compensation to the employee who are injury during working
Competitor’s research and Innovative and fast introduce to the market
Cash flow risk Consult professional to control cash flow

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 3: Implement diversity actions project

In this assessment task you are required to review initiatives in the Workforce Plan for King Edward VII College
relating to recruitment and diversity, as well as assisting in being recognised as an employer of choice and implement
the required actions.


 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if
applicable). Your assessor will advise.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________________


 Updated recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure
 Diversity Calendar
 Strategies of implementation

Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written
feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly
or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part
of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Read the case study below and then complete the activities that follow.

Issue/need Action Outcomes Resources Timelines
Attract and retain a Update recruitment, Organisational Human resources End 2021
diverse workforce/be selection and capacity to fill
known as an induction vacancies
employer of choice procedures to
regarding diversity increase diversity of
Acknowledging and Develop a calendar Various important Human resources End 2021
celebrating calendar of events dates and cultural
days that relate to events are
workplace diversity advertised and
celebrated across
the agency

1. Update the recruitment, selection and induction policy to increase diversity.

Review the case study information above and the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure for
King Edward VII College.
Research best practice procedures for increasing diversity through improved recruitment and selection practices.
Update the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure to reflect best practice procedures for
increasing diversity in recruitment and selection.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Updated Recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure

Policy Statement
King Edward VII College is committed to recruiting and selecting quality staff and inducting staff to
ensure they understand their job role and can follow all required procedures.

Selection decisions will always be made on merit so as to avoid discrimination and unfairness.

This policy and procedure apply to all staff who undertake recruitment, selection, induction and
termination. This policy and procedure are supported by, and linked to the company’s Strategic
Plan, and Staff Code of Conduct.


Recruitment, selection and appointment.

The following procedures will be followed for recruitment.

 Prior to the recruitment process commencing, HR to develop a position description or

access an existing position description. Ensure all information in the position description
is accurate and identifies the key responsibilities, key selection criteria and desirable
skills and attributes.

 HR will advertise the position using the organisation’s preferred medium(s) and Ad
templates. Ads will clearly specify the purpose of the role, key selection criteria,
mandatory qualifications and a contact name and number,

 Following receipt of applications, HR and the responsible manager will develop a

shortlist of applicants based on the applications provided and their suitability to the role.
Ensure that all shortlisted applicants have mandatory qualifications required of the
position or the ability to obtain them.

 Interview of shortlisted candidates will be completed with HR and the responsible

manager at the interview. Standard questions will be used and accurate notes will be

 Following the interview, HR and the responsible manager will agree on the selected
applicant and referee checks will occur using the Reference Check form.

 Letter of offer to be sent out to successful candidate/s and rejection letters to

unsuccessful candidates using standard letters.

 Letter of offer is developed using standard template.

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 HR creates a staff file for the new staff member and all documents relating to the
recruitment process are stored.
 Staff member completes all required documentation for employment, including
contracts, staff details forms and TFN notice.
 Ensure signed contract is on file.
 Induction plan is created and initial induction completed.
 Inductions as per plan are conducted during the first three months, which is also the
probationary period.
 At least 2 days prior to the probationary period lapsing, HR will hold a review and
support session with the employee. This session is to be used as a feedback and
review from both parties on the probationary period.
 A forward plan for development and training needs is to be developed during this
session and agreed to by the employee.
 If the employee’s performance is not satisfactory, the termination procedure must be
followed as outlined below.

Supporting documents
 Position description template
 Advertisement templates
 Letter of offer
 Award
 Employment Contract template
 Unsuccessful candidate template
 Induction plan
 Induction checklist
 Reward package
 Benefits plan

2. Email the updated recruitment, selection and induction policy to all staff (your assessor). You should outline the
importance of diversity in recruitment and selection and key changes made to the policy and procedure.

3. Develop a diversity calendar for 2021.

Review the case study information above and research important dates for diversity and cultural events occurring
in 2021 in Melbourne. Identify at least six important dates and develop a calendar of events. For each event, you
need to identify how the College will celebrate that day or event. Be as innovative and creative as you can be!
Your calendar may be developed in any format and software application, as long as it addresses the above
content requirements and looks professional.

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Dates Event How the College will celebrate that day

or event
21-28 March 2021 Cultural Diversity Week Sharing culture through food, music and
26 March 2021 Victorian Refugee Recognise people, businesses and
Awards organisations who have excelled through study,
work, entrepreneurial or volunteer efforts
29 March 2021 Victoria’s Multicultural Half day off to join the festival.
20 June 2021 Multicultural Film Watching creative, original and non-formulaic
short films about cultural diversity and
Festival 2021

29 August 2021 Feels Like Home Provide multicultural art, food, dance, music and
Festival fun for all.

17 September 2021 Eden Farm Multicultural Half day off to join the festival.
Festival 2021

4. Develop at least two specific strategies that would assist the workforce to deal with the implementation of the
diversity calendar. Email your completed calendar to the CEO (your assessor) and outline your strategies.


Subject: Strategies to assist the workforce

Dear CEO,

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Good day.

I would like to suggest specific strategies that would assist the workforce to deal with the implementation of
the diversity calendar. Firstly, you may post the memo on the bulletin board at each classroom so that the
student able to see it easily. Secondly, send the details to students so that they able to see the details of the

Please refer attached calendar to this email.

Thank you.

Mei Teng Tan

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BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 4: Implementation

In this assessment task you are required to implement a number of actions from the Workforce Plan for King Edward
VII College to assist in meeting agreed objectives for training, redeployment and redundancy, as well as succession
planning and being an employer of choice.


 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Role competencies and candidate assessment
 Career development plan template


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if
applicable). Your assessor will advise.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________________


 Career development plan
 Redundancy and redeployment policy and procedure
 Employer of choice report

Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written
feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly
or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part
of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the

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Issue/need Action Outcomes Resources Timelines
Ageing workforce, Succession planning to Organisational Human End 2021
general attrition ensure that key roles capacity to fill resources
are identified, as well vacancies as they
as internal candidate arise
who can fill the roles
and development of a
training plan for
identified individuals.
No formal policies Develop a retirement Formal processes in Human End 2021
and procedures in and redeployment place for retirement resources
place for retirement policy and redeployment
and redeployment.
King Edward VII Develop and Environment where Human End 2021
College wants to be implement strategies people want to work resources
identified as an that attract and retain and have long
employer of choice employees who align lasting careers
with our values

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop and implement a succession planning program.

Assume that it has been identified that the Human Resources Manager role is a critical position within the
College. This means that if this position is vacant, it would have a significant impact on the organisation. While it
has been identified that there is no shortage of Human Resources professionals, it is considered that the
specialised nature of human resources within the College means it would be preferable to develop the talent from
Assume that a current employee, Jackie Smith, has been identified as an employee with potential for the role.
Jackie has recently returned to the workforce and is working in an administration role. However, prior to leaving
the workforce to bring up her children, Jackie was working in a human resources officer role. Jackie applied for
the administration position as she only wanted to work part-time. However, Jackie has indicated that she would
like to move back into a HR role and eventually back into full-time employment. It has been identified that Jackie
has the potential to perform well in this role in the future.
Jackie has recently completed a self-assessment against a role competencies statement in order to identify
areas that she would need to develop in.

Review the case studies above and Jackie's role competencies statement provided to you.
Your task is to develop a career development plan for Jackie using the career development plan template
provided to you.
The opportunities that you identify for Jackie should include a range of opportunities including job assignments
that develop a candidate’s competencies, coaching and mentoring and formal training. The career development
plan you develop should include at least six opportunities to be completed over the upcoming 12 months.
Submit your career development plan to your CEO (your assessor).

Career Development Plan Template

Complete the plan below based on the candidate assessment.

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Start Completion Skill, experience, How will this be gained? Provider

date date knowledge to be (e.g. on the job experience, (e.g. workplace
gained formal/informal educator,
seminars/courses, university,
coaching/mentoring etc) coach/mentor
1/7/2021 1/8/2021 Skill based training Workplace
Practice skills that educator
I learned
2/7/2021 2/8/2021 Job assignments Workplace
Learning by doing

3/7/2021 3/8/2021 Outsider trainer

conferences and
workshops Participation in professional
sponsored by organizations

4/7/2021 4/9/2021 Practice skills that Skill based training Workplace

I learned educator
5/7/2021 5/9/2021 Job assignments Workplace
Learning by doing educator

6/7/2021 6/9/2021 Management skill Online training class Outsider trainer

2. Develop a redundancy and redeployment procedure.

Assume that it has been identified that there is no formal process in place within King Edward VII College for
redundancy and redeployment. While at present, redundancies or redeployments have not been identified as
issues in the workforce plan, it is considered that a formal process is required. Develop a redundancy and
redeployment procedure, as a minimum your policy should include:
 Introduction
 Aim of policy
 Key principles
 Definitions of redeployment and redundancy
 Redeployment procedure
 Redundancy procedure, including entitlements as per the Fair Work Act
Submit your redundancy and redeployment procedure to your CEO (your assessor).

Redundancy And Redeployment Procedure

 Introduction

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This procedure is used to ensure the employee are work under a fair workplace.

 Aim of policy
King Edward VII College is committed to recruiting and selecting quality staff. It is also
committed to inducting staff to ensure that they understand their job role and can follow all
required procedures.

 Key principles
Due to changes in circumstances, King Edward VII College employees may be deemed to have
exceeded the requirements and have been notified accordingly. If the affected staff do not
choose to voluntarily leave their jobs early, they can choose to transfer them to suitable
alternative jobs. If the redeployment is unsuccessful, the employee's job in King Edward VII
College can be terminated, and any layoff benefits that the employee deserves will be obtained
in accordance with the relevant enterprise agreement.
The process and rights of redeployment and layoffs are outlined in every corporate agreement of
the university.

 Definitions of redeployment and redundancy

Redeployment is the process of moving employees to a different job or sending them to work in a
different place.
Redundancy is when an employer reduces their workforce because a job or jobs are no longer

 Redeployment procedure
Step 1: Written notification about the redeployment process
If the position may be declared redundant and you choose to consider redeployment, we will
notify the redeployment process in writing. The notice will include the date of the designated
redeployment period and the name and contact details of our placement coordinator.
You are responsible for contacting the placement coordinator through King Edward VII College.

Step 2: Interview a consultant and develop a personal career plan

The placement coordinator will meet with you and can organize an interview with an external
career transition consultant. The placement coordinator and/or external career transition
consultant will help you prepare a written statement to identify your career aspirations,
experience, knowledge, skill level and training needs ("Personal Career Plan").
You will provide the employment coordinator with the final personal career plan and resume.

Step 3: Identify vacant positions

During the redeployment period, the placement coordinator will directly notify you in writing of all
vacancies that will be published in your substantive positions or below.
If you are interested in applying for a position (emailed to the placement coordinator), the
position will not be advertised within a reasonable time to allow step 4.
If the position is not a suitable replacement position, it will continue to advertise. The placement
coordinator will continue to notify you of the vacancy.

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Step 4: The vacant position determined by the interview

The team will interview you to determine whether the position is suitable for you. The group will
• Chairman of the Selection Committee for the position,
• Another representative of the college/department; and
• Placement Coordinator
If you do not allow yourself to interview within a reasonable time, the selection team can make a
decision based on the available materials.
If there is no suitable replacement position, your position will be declared redundant. You will
receive any redundant benefits that you are entitled to under the relevant enterprise agreement.

 Redundancy procedure, including entitlements as per the Fair Work Act

According to the relevant enterprise agreement, the salary paid to professional staff will be
calculated based on the average proportion of the last 5 years of employment or the proportion
on the day of departure, whichever is the greater of the number of employed persons.

3. Develop and implement strategies to ensure King Edward VII College is an employer of choice.
Assume that it has been determined by the data collected that King Edward VII College is not an employer of
choice, however the management team have determined that the workforce plan does contain some strategies
that make the College an employer of choice. You have been asked to research the trends of what makes an
employer of choice and to identify where the College could improve.
Research other companies to determine what strategies make an employer one of choice. Document your
findings in a brief report that also includes the strategies that have already been implemented (throughout the
assessment tasks for this unit of competency, for example, career development and promoting from within are
considered to be valued strategies for an employer of choice to offer) and a recommendation of other strategies
that could be implemented. Ensure you provide your valid sources of information.
Submit your report to the CEO (your assessor).

Employer of Choice Report

Strategies already implemented by King Edward VII College:

- Provide proper training

- Conduct team building activities
- Provide seminar or conferences
- Provide workshop for employee

King Edward VII College can improve in follow areas:

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- Offer employee a better employment plan

- Offer employee flexible working hour arrangement
- Offer employee with better workplace environment

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Assessment Task 5: Review and evaluation project

This assessment task requires you in the role of Human Resources Manager for King Edward VII College to review
the workforce plan, as well as evaluate workforce trends. You will be required to develop a briefing report on your
review and evaluation.


 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Workforce plan review and evaluation report template
 Focus group question results
 Exit interview results
 2019 and 2020 Workforce Information


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if
applicable). Your assessor will advise.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________________


 Organisational climate survey
 Completed workforce plan review and evaluation report

Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written
feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly
or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part
of this task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the

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Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
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Issue/need Action Outcomes Resources Timelines
High staff turnover Develop a strong orientation Turnover reduced by at Human End 2021
within the first six and induction program that least 10% in the first resources
months of supports and develops new year.
employment staff
Appoint mentors to support
new staff
Building internal Identify professional Turnover reduced by at Human End 2021
capacity through a development needs of each least 10% in the first resources
strong learning staff member and implement a year.
program formal program of professional Employee satisfaction
development. with professional
Increase diversity Identify diverse media Increase the number of Human End July
within the workforce networks where positions can females in the resources 2021
be advertised organisation by 20%.
Explore options for flexible
working arrangements

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a survey.
Assume that as part of the workforce plan's monitoring strategies that have been implemented as indicated in the
case study you are required to develop an organisational climate survey. While the organisational climate survey
is designed to seek feedback in relation to the new initiatives outlined in the workforce plan, the intention is also
to gain feedback on overall employee satisfaction for input into future workforce planning initiatives.
Design a survey that includes:
 At least 12 questions about general satisfaction with the workplace.
 At least 8 questions about satisfaction with new initiatives.
 Allows employees to provide an answer based on a five point scale
Notes: You may use the following links to assist you in designing your questionnaire:

Survey Form
Please circle your answer.
1. I am satisfied with my opportunities for professional growth.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

2. I am pleased with the career advancement opportunities available to me.

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 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

3. My organization is dedicated to my professional development.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

4. I am satisfied with the job-related training my organization offers.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

5. I am satisfied that I have the opportunities to apply my talents and expertise.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

6. I am satisfied with the investment my organization makes in training and education.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

7. I am inspired to meet my goals at work.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

8. I feel completely involved in my work.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

9. I get excited about going to work.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

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10. I am often so involved in my work that the day goes by very quickly.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

11. I am determined to give my best effort at work each day.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

12. When at work, I am completely focused on my job duties.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

13. In my organization, employees adapt quickly to difficult situations.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

14. Employees here always keep going when the going gets tough.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

15. Employees proactively identify future challenges and opportunities.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

16. Employees in my organization take the initiative to help other employees when the need arises.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

17. Employees here are willing to take on new tasks as needed.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree

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 Agree
 Strongly Agree

18. I am able to make decisions affecting my work.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

19. Management within my organization recognizes strong job performance.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

20. I am satisfied with the retirement plan offered by my organization.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

21. I am satisfied with the workplace flexibility offered by my organization.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

22. My organization has a safe work environment.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

23. I am satisfied with my overall job security.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

24. My organization's work positively impacts people's lives.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

25. My organization operates in a socially responsible manner.

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 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree

2. When you have completed your survey, send the survey to all staff (this will be your assessor) outlining the
purpose of the survey, as well as an appropriate deadline for completing the survey.

3. Develop a workforce plan review and evaluation briefing report

For this part of the assessment task you are required to develop a workforce plan review and evaluation report.
Your assessor will provide you with a template to use.
Your report should be written in clear and concise English and address the following components.
 An analysis of workforce information data
 A review of the workforce information for King Edward VII 2020 provided to you and compare it to the 2019
data to identify:
 Current staff turnover rate
 Workforce characteristics, including age, gender and cultural background.
 Comparison with 2019 data to identify changes and to assess performance against 2019 data.
 A review of external trends
 Using the Labour Market Information Portal, review current employment projections for Australia, as well
as for the education and training sector.
 Based on your review of the data, identify labour supply trends and areas of under supply or over supply
relevant to the College and the likely impact of these trends on the demand for labour in relation to the
College’s workforce.
 A review of government policy
 Identify at least two government policy initiatives that affect labour demand and supply. Outline each of
the policy initiatives that you have identified and how it affects labour demand and supply.
 An analysis of focus group results.
– Assume that in addition to the survey you developed, you have already conducted a focus group to
determine employee’s satisfaction. Review all of the comments from the focus group and comment on
overall employee satisfaction, as well as areas of need that should be considered as part of an ongoing
review of workforce planning objectives.
 Analysis of exit interviews.
 Review all of the comments from the exit interviews and comment on reasons for leaving that should be
considered as part of an ongoing review of workforce planning objectives.
 Effectiveness of the workforce plan
 Based on your analysis above, evaluate the effectiveness of the workforce plan in terms of the
objectives specified in the scenario information.
 Identify changes required to objectives and document at least two new objectives and actions for the
upcoming year.

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Workforce plan evaluation and review briefing report


The purpose of this report is to ensure that the organization provides personnel with sufficient skills,
knowledge and experience in the short and long term to effectively and efficiently achieve its strategic goals.
Workforce planning is the process by which an organization analyses its current and future labour needs
based on commitments, plans, and goals. It involves a system-wide review and analysis of the size and type
of labour required by the company to achieve its goals.


Staff turnover percentage 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Academic staff including 50% 45% 60% 50% 30%
Management 15% 0 15% 15% 10%
Administration 0% 25% 0 0 0

Current staff turnover rate
The current staff turnover rate in 2020 is reduced when compare with last few years.


The Workforce characteristics, including age from 23- 62 but mainly are 30-55 years old, gender and cultural
background. Gender is male more than female and most of the employee comes from Australia.



Review the workforce information for King Edward VII 2019 and compare it to the 2020 data, the current staff
turnover rate of academic staff including trainers is decrease from 50% to 30%, management is 15% to 10%,
and administration remain 0%.


Education and training employ approximately 1,033,200 people (ABS trend data), accounting for 8.5% of the
total labour force. In the past five years, employment in this industry has increased by 11.7%. The average
age of workers in this industry is 42 years old, and the average weekly income is about $1,200.
Employment data for the May 2020 quarter are shown in seasonally adjusted terms rather than trends. The
seasonally adjusted data may be more volatile than the trend, but it is easier to show the significant impact of
COVID-19 on the Australian labour market. In addition, because the pandemic has caused greater damage
in different economic sectors, employment data in certain industries may exhibit high volatility. Please use
the employment data for May 2020 with caution.

Employment Characteristics Data

Employment Level - May 2020 ('000) 1,033.2
Employment Growth - Five years to May 2020 ('000) 107.8
Employment Growth - Five Years to May 2020 (%) 11.7
Male Share of Employment - Year to May 2020 (%) 28.2

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Female Share of Employment - Year to May 2020 (%) 71.8

Full Time Share of Employment - Year to May 2020 (%) 64.7
Average Full Time Hours - May 2020 38
Median Weekly Earnings in Main Job - August 2019 ($) 1,200
Projected Employment Growth - Five Years to May 2024 ('000) 129.3
Projected Employment Growth - Five Years to May 2024 (%) 12.2


 General contact with the United Nations

The Ministry works with other Australian government agencies to ensure that Australia meets its international
reporting obligations to the United Nations. An important milestone in 2017 was Australia's membership
of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The department supports the entry of Australian
representatives into the board of directors on matters related to our portfolio responsibilities.

 International delegation
The reception of international delegations allows the Ministry to engage in policy dialogues with other
countries. The department received requests for visits from governments and non-governmental
organizations that are interested in Australia’s public employment system and workplace relations. In
2017-18, through contacts with international counterparts, the department was able to use the
opportunity to discuss comparable challenges and international best practices to provide information on
domestic policy developments.


The improvement we still need to focus is to provide training, performance review, acknowledge employee
as well as recognise contribution. Moreover, provide proper procedures and be encouraged to take notes for
future reference. This will also allow the manager to see the employees’ progress and goals. Besides that,
better communication and cooperation is needed as well.


The main reason is they get their better job opportunity like, more pay, and no requirement to work after 6
pm. The improvement we can be made in our organisation is increase pay for academic staff because we
will get better staff. Next, implement strategies so that employees more likely to stay with company.


We need to make correct judgments about employees. As a leader, there are many ways to ensure that a
fair environment is created for employees. First, clearly state our expectations to all employees. Once they
fully understand the expectation, they will perform better to our organisation. We have to ensure every
employee has the opportunity to achieve these personal and organizational goals on their own terms. In
addition, employees also need to feel value beyond team members. It is essential to meet their unique
working environment with understanding and respect. Holding yourself accountable is another way to ensure
that employees are treated fairly. Changing mind or attitude every day will not help increase trust with
employees. Of course, equality, diversity and inclusiveness should still be the key focus when moving
towards a fairer treatment of employees. Equality and fair treatment can bring happier, more engaged and
more productive employees.

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Student Assessment Tasks

BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Melbourne Education Institute
Version July 2020 RTO Number: 45054 CRICOS Number: 03673A

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