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Transitions: Often has issues leaving one activity for another and will get very

upset and we are unable to redirect his attention. We have tried to use reminders
and timers to prepare him but it is still a struggle. Often lasts for 10-15 minutes after
until a teacher can be one on one with him and distract him with one of his favorite
activities or toys.

Group time: Unable to sit still and be a part of group. Often leaves to go to library by
himself or puts his body on the children sitting next to him. He will roll around and
put his body in the middle of the circle. He will sit and participate if there is a
teacher sitting behind him for group time. He loves movement and music so he will
often come and join back into group when we are doing movement!

Work time: Seems as though he cannot control his impulses and will run around as
if on a motor. He will spend time working on an activity however if a friend or
another children comes to join him he gets very upset and screams at them (“Go
away!”) We are working on getting him to say that it is his activity or to tell them to
stay out of his space. However he will touch friends and go into their space without
asking. He does not seem to pick up on social cues or frustration/annoyance from
friends. He will often laugh at children’s frustration and seems to not understand
that they are upset at him.

Rest time: Connor has a hard time staying on his bed during rest time, while we are
helping the other children who need to sleep. He will run in between the other beds
or make loud noises until a teacher comes over and sits with him. If he is really tired
he will rest his body and fall asleep on his own. We do give him his special book
however he will get bored with it. We have tried moving his bed into another area
near the fish tank to see if that helps. We have a light weighted blanket that he
enjoys using with some deep “squishes.” Rest-time is very important for C to have
some quiet time for his brain!

C is a lot of fun and super funny! We try to use humor with him and he seems to
respond! We use short sentences to give direction ex: “first bathroom, then outside
time!” this seems to work better than using longer sentences. Cunderstands
concepts and I do not have any concerns with his learning ability, it is mostly his

He seems to responds to visuals over verbal reminders. Pictures symbols and even
simple sign language/hand movements is great for C. Verbal reminders seem to
become “background noise” if he is not ready to receive the message or distracted
by others.

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