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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

English Career
Class: Grammar Didactics

Teacher: Ramon Romero

Assignment: Didactic Unit

 MerlyNohemiRodas
 SwanyYolibeth Amaya
 Raul Arturo Garcia
 ZairaHibeth Bonilla

Nacaome, Valle, Monday August 22, 2016


The groups of students live in Nacaome city and the public High School is called Instituto
Técnico Departamental Terencio Sierra and it is located in the neighborhood Santa Maria.
The number of students is 28 in basisEnglish class. The students are in 7th grade with 19
girls and 9 boys. The age of students is between 12 and 14 years old. Some students studied
in public elementary school, but some other studied in private elementary school. The
students are interested to learn about the English language; some students can understand
when the teacher speaks but they cannot speak it. Other students have a little experience
with the English Language. They need to work very hard with the language. In other words
the majority of students have a little knowledge about the English language.

The expectation about the students is to know all about the English grammar and they want
to have a good pronunciation; also they want to make dialogues among them and practice
the English language. The classroom condition is not the best because there is not aids
materials only the alphabet and verb to be. The walls are in bad conditions. In the
classroom there are not enough chairs for students. Some students sit down on the floor and
some chairs are in bad conditions. The classroom does not have a good light. The high
school does not have internet connection, but it has a library.

Objective of the Study

This research is carry out an effective acquisition of English according to the material in the
methodology implemented; based on ESL students of 7th grade from the “Instituto Técnico
Deptal Terencio Sierra” in Nacaome Valle. Emphasized on the needs of the students of
acquiring English as a second language; consequently, the discover of the wants and lacks
in order to direct to them the most relevant types of teaching English for improving their

The students are in 7th grade between 12 and 14 years old. There are 19 girls and 9 boys.
When we arrived to the classroom the environment seemed to be quite, with lack of
participation; the behavior of the students was very polite and without interest in the
acquisition of English. Moreover, the students seemed to be shy only one group of students
did participate when the teacher asks, but the other students did not show interest in take
participation in the activities perform by the teacher. Finally it can be say that students want
to learn English by means of songs, play, game etc.

Research Questions

1. How important is English for the teachers who teach the English class of Instituto
Técnico Departamental Terencio Sierra?

2. Are be able the English teachers of Instituto Técnico Departamental Terencio Sierra to
offer a good English class?

3. What is the attitude that students of 7th grade of Instituto Técnico Departamental
Terencio Sierra demonstrate about the English class?

4. Do students have previous Knowledge about the English Language?

5. What are the types of teaching strategies that the teacher uses?

6. Is the classroom environment properly for the students to take the English class?

7. Does the Instituto Técnico Departamental Terencio Sierra aids material with the goal of
develop the English class?

Interviewing is a way to collect data as well as to gain knowledge from individuals. Kvale
(1996, p. 14) regarded interviews as “ … an interchange of views between two or more
people on a topic of mutual interest, sees the centrality of human interaction for knowledge
production, and emphasizes the social situations of research data.”
We chose the interview because it is a simple way in order to collect data. Moreover, there
are many reasons to use interviews for collecting data and using it as a research instrument.
Gray (2004, p. 214) has given the following reasons:
• There is a need to attain highly personalized data.
• There are opportunities required for probing.
• A good return rate is important.
• Respondents are not fluent in the native language of the country,or where they have
difficulties with written language.

Date:_____________________ Time:________________________
Place:__________________ Age:________________________

General Objective: To know the importance and the attitude that students of 7th grade of
“Instituto Tecnico Departamental Terencio Sierra” of the Nacaome city demonstrate toward
the English class.
1. Do you like the English class?

2. What do you usually learn in the English class?

3. What do you remember about the English class?

4. What would you like to learn?

5. Do you consider that the teacher gives properly the English class?
6. Would you like to have more hours in the English class?

7. If you have the opportunity to give an advice for your teacher in order to improve the
English class. What would be your advice?

8. Do you consider that the classroom environment in which the English class is performed
is appropriate? Why? Why not?

9. What kind of activities would you like to perform during the English class?

10. Do you consider important the English learning? Why?

Date:_____________________ Time:_____________________
Place :__________________ Age :________________________

General Objective: To Know the importance and the attitude that students of 7th grade of
“Instituto Técnico Departamental Terencio Sierra” of the Nacaome city demonstrate toward
the English class.

1. How many hours do you have for the Teaching English for your students of 7th grade?

2. What text book do you use in order to teach the English class?

3. What kind of activities do you implement inside of the class? Why?

4. Do you use previous activities in the teaching English?

5. What kind of methodology and learning strategies do you use for the English class?

6. Do you have previous preparation in order to teach the English language?

7. Do you use aid materials in order to teach the English class?

8. How do you describe the attitude of your students in the English class?

9. Do you consider implement new strategies in the process of teaching- learning in your

10. Do you consider that the classroom environment in which the English class is perform
is appropriate?

11. What correction techniques do you use when your students make a mistake?
12. Do you consider important the learning of a second language as English? Why?

Note: There search instrument is based on the interview, because it is one of the most
effective way in order to collect specific information about specific subjects.
Important Findings

Need Lack Want

 Didactic material  Workroom  Dynamics activities
 Workbook  Internet - Song
 Communicative  Listening activities - Plays
activities  Ventilation  Vocabulary
 More classes hours  Didactic Material
 Speakers
 CDs
 Computer
 Data show
 Videos
 Motivation
Multi-dimensional Syllabus

Unit Grammar Vocabulary Function Skill

1. Speaking Nouns Days of the Spelling Speaking
English week Cunting (espectatio
Months n)

2. Nicetomeet Theverb “To Be” -Greeting -Greetings Reading

you! -Affirmative -Country and -Asking Writing
-Negative Nationalities someone Speaking
-Questions where
she/he is
3. This is my Demonstrativepronoun: Classroomobje Asking and Reading
classroom This/That ct answering Writing
WhatisThis/That? about the Speaking
4. These are Demonstrativepronouns Thefamily Asking and Reading
my parents : answering Writing
These/Those about the
Plural Nouns family
5. My House Thereis Parts of Talking Reading
There are thehouse about rooms Writing
6. Do you like Simple Food Asking and Reading
Honduran PresentAffirmative/Neg answering Writing
food ative about food. Speaking
7. What are Presentcontinuousaffir Dailyactivities Describingy Reading
you doing mative/negative ourdailyacti Writing
vities Speaking
Describing Materials

 Pictures: the pictures are important because the students can visualize the meaning
of the words. Moreover, this can help students to raise their motivation in the

 Games (puzzle, bingo etc.): the games plays an important role in the learning of
students, because through this the students can learn in a funny and participative

 Worksheet: The worksheets are important to implement in class because using it

the students can put in practice what they learn in the class. Finally, the teacher can
know the knowledge of the students.


Thornbury (1999) explains that “A deductive approach (rule-driven) starts with the
presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied” (par. 7).

Thornbury (1999) argue “An inductive approach (rule-discovery) starts with some
examples from which a rule is inferred” (par. 7).

We decided to use both approach, because using the inductive approach the students can
learn the grammar within the context, it is important because the students learn in a funny
way through games and dynamic activities. On the other hand in the deductive approach the
students learn the grammar rules through the explanation of the teacher and then using

Unit Plan
Lesson Plans
Merly Rodas
Diagnostic Test 7th grade

Indication: In a clear way answer the following questions

1. What are the nouns? Give 5 examples

2. Write the personal pronouns and it respective conjugation of the verb “To Be”?

3. Describe your classroom

4. Mention some parts of your house

5. What is your favorite food?

6. What do you do in your free time?

Lesson Plan
Performance Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the verb to
be in a communicative way using greeting.
Level: _7 grade
Topic: verb to be
Teachers: Merly Nohemi Rodas Montalvan
Segment What and How? Describe Activities Materials Skill Time

1.Warm up -The teacher throws the ball to one 5 min.

student and the student have to tell a
greeting, then the students throw the speaking
ball to another student until that all ball
students participate in the game.
3. presentation -The students chain drill introducing speaking 15 min.
themselves e.g. self-introduce to the
peer that is next or back to them.
-using pictures the students identify
the time and said greeting according
with the picture.
- The teacher explain the topic using
the same picture.

4. Practice -using a piece of paper students read a peace of reading 15 min

dialogue and in pair they practice the paper
same conversation.
-students complete a worksheet using writing
-teacher and student discus the
5. Production -In pairs students write a conversation 10 min
using greeting.
-students pass in front in order to
make the conversation.
6.Homework -The students write a paragraph on their notebooks using greeting.

Lesson Plan
Performance Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to express and use
the verb to be through the topic country and nationality.
Level: _7 grade
Segment What and How? Describe Activities Materials Skill Time

1.Warm up -Each corner is a country, Honduras, 5 min.

Japan, U.S, and Spain and the students
are divided in four groups, Hondurans, listening
Americans, Japanese’s and Spanish’s.
Them the teacher commands e.g . The
American run to U.S .Hondurans visit
to Spanish. The Japanese greeting to
the Spanish, etc.
3. presentation - using picture the teacher explains the pictures speaking 15 min.
topic writing affirmative and negative
sentences and questions too.
- using the same pictures the teacher
ask question to the students.

4. Practice -students complete a worksheet. worksheet reading 15 min

- Teacher and students discus the
-using pictures students pass in front
and write question, affirmative and
negative sentences on the board.

5. Production -students make a conversation using 10 min

country and nationality.

6.Homework -The students write a dialogue between 3 people, using the verb to be: country
and nationality.
First Lesson


Scarlet: hi!

David: Hello.

Scarlet: I am Scarleth Lopez. What is your name?

David: David Diaz.

Scarleth: Nice to meet you, David.

David: Nice to meet you, too… oh hi is my friend.

Scarleth: Oh… well, see you, David!

David: bye, Scarleth.


Fill in the blanks with Hi, Good morning, See you, Good afternoon,
or Nice to meet you, too.

1. A: Good morning.

2. A: Hello.
B:________________ .

3. A: Nice to meet you.

B:_________________ .

4. A: Bye.

5. A: Good afternoon.
Lesson Plan
Fill in the blanks with, Honduran, Japanese, American or Spanish.

This is Hiro. He is from Japan. He is

Japanese .

She is Selma. She is from the United


She is_______________________

I am ______. I am from Honduras. I am


They are David and Michael. They are

from Spain.

They are_____________________.
Evaluation rubric for conversation
Lesson Plans
Raúl García
Performance objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to formulate
questions and answers about classroom objects in a fluently way making use of the singular
demonstrative pronouns.
7th grade Teacher:Raúl Arturo GarcíaLazo
Segment Activities Materials Skills Time
1.Warn up The students make a circle the teacher will be in Teacher Listening.
the middle with a ball, then the teacher will say
“chain words” Students Speaking. 5 min
a letter and will throw the ball to any student, so
the students catch the ball will say a word that
start with that letter and throw the ball to the
teacher and so on.
2.Introduction Students are asked to make a list about all the Notebook. Listening
objects inside the classroom whit the article comprehension
Pencil. 10
“the” before each object, e.g. “the chair”, “the .
whiteboard”, etc.
Students are asked to make a sentence using the
list they have done, e.g. “the chair is color
brown”, etc. After finish the sentences they read
them out loud.

3.Presentation The teacher shows a picture of a classroom, Pictures Listening

then ask to the students what they observe on
Whiteboard Reading 8 min
the picture? After that, the teacher writes
sentences on the board talking about the objects Markers
in the picture and emphasizing if the object are
close or far, e.g. “that door is too far”, “this
computer is close to me”, and so on. The
teacher includes questions and answers,
affirmative and negative sentences.
4.Pracice The teacher provides a copy with some useful Copy
Language “Chunks”.
Pencil Writing.
Then students are asked to write a paragraph
notebook 12
using the presented chunks words.
5.Evaluation Students develop a conversation in front of the Students
class where they ask questions about the objects
Speaking. 5 min
in the classroom.
Use full language

 To highlight something you are going to say:

This is the most important bit …

This is what I mean to say…

 To add emphasis to a reason.

I do it because I enjoy it. That’s why.

 To explain something more clearly

This grammar is quite straightforward. That is, it’s not very difficult.

 To agree with someone, or say you understand

That’s right.

 To say that you’re happy with something:

That’s okay/fine.

Performance objective: By the end of the lesson students should be able to speak fluently
introducing their family members by means of a short presentation.

7th grade Teacher: Raúl Arturo García Lazo

Segment Activities Materials Skills Time

1.Warn up The students pass a ball while the teacher Teacher. Listening.
knocks the board, and the students that have the
“the bomb” Students. Speaking. 5 min
ball when the sound nock stops he or she is
going to introduce himself/herself, e.g. “name, Ball.
age, where they live, and something they like”.
2.Introduction the teacher presents a hand-made poster with Hand-made Listening.
refers to near and far objects, making emphasize poster.
in the proximity and amount of the objects, e.g.
“this red car is mine, while that blue car is not Speaking.

mine” now “these four books are yours, but

those pencils on the chair are mine” and so on.
After, the teacher makes questions to the
students using the plural and singular
demonstrative pronouns, e.g. “is that your chair?
Are those your books?” and so on.
3.Presentation The teacher shows a picture of a family tree and Poster of the Listening
ask the students: what they observe on the family tree.
8 min
picture? Then, the teacher makes and
introducing exercise using the picture and
making use of the demonstrative pronouns.
4.Pracice Students are asked to draw a family tree and to Pencil
write a paragraph where they talk about the
notebook Writing.
members of their family.
5.Evaluation Students past in front and present the drawing of Students.
their family tree and make an introduction of the
Speaking. 5 min
family members they have in their family tree.

Evaluation rubric for conversation

Lesson Plans
Swany Amaya

Lesson Plan
Performance Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will be able to express
communicatively the Honduran food that they like to eat.
By the end of this lesson students will be able to write a paragraph about the Honduran
Segment Activities Materials Skills Time
Warm up Game: The teacher divides the class in Message Speaking 5 minutes
Pass the passage two lines. The teacher says to the Listening
last student one affirmative
sentence in simple present, the
students should pass the message
and the first student of each line
will say the sentence. The line
that passed the correct sentence
will be the winner.
Introduction The teacher presents the topic Reading 10 minutes
Honduran food Honduran food. The students Pictures
pass in front and choose one
picture then they have to find the
name of food and put in the
board with the picture that
correspond and finally, they read
the food.
Presentation The teacher says the food that he Pictures Listening 15 minutes
Brainstorming or she likes to eat using pictures. Speaking
The teacher asks to students
Explanation some questions using the
The teacher explains about the
simple present and makes some
affirmative sentences using
Practice In pairs the teacher gives them a Reading 10 minutes
Group work list of questions. The students Notebook Writing
should write their answers. Then Listening
Complete a they compare their answers and
conversation finally, they share with the 5 minutes
whole class.
The teacher gives to students a
short conversation and the
students complete it. Finally they
read their answer
Evaluation Students write a paragraph Notebook Writing 4 minutes
Write a talking about the Honduran food Pencil Reading
paragraph that they like to eat using the
simple present and finally, they
share it with the whole class.
Homework: Write ten affirmative sentences using the simple present.
Lesson Plan
Performance Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will be able to express
communicatively the Honduran food that they do not like to eat.
By the end of this lesson students will be able to write and make a conversation talking
about the food that they do not like using the simple present.
Segment Activities Materials Skills Time
Warm up Game: The teacher collocates on the Pictures Reading 5 minutes
Find pairs board some pairs of pictures and
the students should find the
pairs and say the food.
Introduction The teacher puts on the board a Reading 10 minutes
Honduran food list of jumbled words and the Poster Writing
students should unscramble the Market
letters and finally, they write a Board
sentence using do not or does
not with the word that they
Presentation The teacher says the food that Pictures Listening 10 minutes
Brainstorming he or she does not like to eat Board Speaking
using the pictures. The teacher Market
Explanation explains about negative form of
simple present using the
Practice The students complete the Reading 10 minutes
Puzzle crossword then they pass in Crosswor Writing
front in order to make a negative d
Complete a sentence using the words that Paper
conversation they found. 10 minutes
The teacher gives to the students
Say the food a short conversation and the
students have to complete it. 5 minutes
Finally, in pairs they read the
The students say the food that
they do not like to eat.
Evaluation The students write a paragraph Notebook Writing 10 minutes
Write a talking about the food that they Pencil Speaking
paragraph do not like to eat. Finally, in
Write a pairs they make a conversation
paragraph about the food that they do not
like to eat.
Homework: Write ten negative sentences using the simple present.
First Lesson

The message: Robert likes to eat Pizza.

Elisa likes to eat Fish.
Group work:
1. What food do you like?
2. What foreign food do you like?
3. What food do you want to try?
4. What food do you cook?
5. Do you like the Honduran food? Why?
6. Do you like spicy food?
Complete the conversation.
A Do _______ you ______ like fish?
B Yes, I do.
A _______ your mother _______ salad?
B Yes, she ______
A ______ your sister _____ pizza?
B Yes, ________________
A _______ Cesar _______ French fries?
B Yes, _____________
A Do _____ like Honduran food?
B Yes, I ________
A ____ you eat Cheese?
B Yes, ________
A _____ your parents _______ Chicken?
B Yes, _____________
A _____ you love ice cream?
B Yes, ______
A Cesar _____ pizza_____ salad.
A _____ you ______ chicken?
B What Kind of food _____ you _____?
Second Lesson
Warm up:
Unscramble words
1. BRAGHURME _______________________
2. ZAPIZ______________________________
3. WASDINCH_________________________
4. GODOTH___________________________
5. TORACR___________________________
6. TMAE______________________________
7. RCIE_______________________________
8. DASAL_____________________________
9. GEGS_____________________________
10. ISFH______________________________
11. PUSO____________________________
12. CIHEKNC_________________________
13. AUSSAGE________________________
14. EBEF____________________________
15. APSAT___________________________

Complete the conversation

Ana: _______ you want to eat something?
Carlos: Yes _______.
Ana: Do youlike pizza?
Carlos: No, _________
Ana: Do you _________ soup?
Carlos: Yes __________. I love soup.
Ana: Do you know a good restaurant here?
Carlos: Yes, I _____
Ana: Let´s go
Carlos: Great idea!
Ana: Carlos I like the fish, but I ______________ like vegetables.
Carlos: Really! Why not?
Ana: because vegetables _________ have taste.
Carlos: I like vegetables.
Ana: My mother ________ the vegetables, but my father _________ like it. I
consider the vegetables ____________ have taste.
Carlos: ________ worry Ana this is a good restaurant and they offer the most
delicious vegetables in the soup.
Ana: Really!
Carlos: Yes.
Ana: I ________ the vegetables now. This is a good restaurant.
Carlos: See you tomorrow Ana.
Ana: See you tomorrow Carlos.
Evaluation rubric for conversation
Lesson Plans
Zaira Bonilla
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective: at the end of the class the students will be able to perform and
describe actions using the present continuous affirmative in daily activities.
Topic: Present Continuous
Teacher: Zaira Hibeth Bonilla Villalobos Level: 7 grades
Segment What and How? Describe Materials SkillsDevelope Time
Activities d
1. Warm up -in two groups the students flashcards Teacher 15 min.
choose a coordinator, then the Student
coordinator has to use mimic
descripting the verb and the
rest of the group guess the
correct verb. The groups that
finish first will be the win.
2. Presentation -Teacher explains about the Poster speaking 10 min.
grammar point.
-Teacher presents a picture,
and then the students say
what is doing the person in
the picture.
3. Practice - In pair the students write a speaking 15 min
paragraph about the home
activities where they have to
include the present
continuous. Finally they
present the paragraph singing.
4. Production - Students make a paragraph Notebook 25 min
using the present continuous
affirmative. Finally they pass
in front in order to read their
- The students throwing the
ball one bay one and they
have to create a sentence
using present continuous

Lesson Plan
Performance Objective: at the end of the class the students will be able to perform and
describe actions using the present continuous negative in daily activities.
Topic: Present Continuous
Teacher: Zaira Hibeth Bonilla Villalobos Level: 7 grades
Segment What and How? Describe Activities Materials SkillsDevelope Time

1. Warm up -Squirrels change cage: in group of Teacher 15 min.

three people, two person take his
hand with one person in the middle;
the person who is in the middle has to
change cage the person who does not
get a cage has to say the order, and
also he/she could say “Squirrels are
not changing cage”
2. Presentation - Teacher explains about the Realia speaking 10 min.
-Teacher asks some question
What is he doing?
What are they doing?
What are not you doing?
3. Practice - Students play What am I doing? speaking 15 min
Student A stands at the back of the listening
classroom (or another location) and
pantomimes an action. Without
looking at the students A, the student
B asks questions to determine he/she
is doing.
The student A answer in complete
sentences. For example, are you
talking on the phone? No I am
4. Production - In pair the students make a Bingo speaking 20 min
conversation about
-Students play a bingo where there
are picture and teacher says a Pencil
sentence in present continuous, then
students relate each sentence with a
picture in order to win the game.

*Homework: the students create a short story including the present continuous
First Lesson Plan

Flash cards




Second Lesson


Evaluation rubric for conversation
Reproduced (August 19-2016) pictures.Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) pictures.Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) pictures.Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) pictures. Retrievedfrom: 2012/fotos/0,,OI214457-EI19605,00-

Reproduced (August 19-2016) pictures. Retrieved from:

Raul Garcia
Reproduced (August 19-2016) Family members. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Classroom.Retieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Dibujo de Pizza de pepperoni. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Triangle Sandwich clip art. Retrieved from:
Reproduced (August 19-2016)Mcdonald's Hamburger. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) French Fries. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Easy Sesame Beef Noodles. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Armenian Garden Salad Recipe. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Chicken Soup – Food for Body & Soul. Retrieved from:!Chicken-Soup-%E2%80%93-Food-for-Body-

Reproduced (August 19-2016) English Language Teaching Resource. Retrieved from:
Reproduced (August 19-2016) Food Crossword Puzzle. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) Outdoor Grilling Guide. Retrieved from:

Zaira Bonilla
Reproduced (August 19-2016) poster present continuous negative. Retrieved from:

Reproduced (August 19-2016) pictures of action verbs.Retrieved from:
Reproduced (August 23-2016) Rubric Table for Speaking. Retrieved from: https//

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