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ttoB Aoultllcro LEUH. pBtp. 0F GoMptltilur HmMs)


Study Package-l
(Glass l(l)

Medical I lIT-IEE I Foundations
(oivisions of Aakash Educatjonat Seruices Ljmited)
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Edition: 2019-20

@ latastr Educational Services Limited [AESL]




1&2. Units & Measurements 01-08
3. Motion in a Straight Line 09-14
1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry . 15-20
2. Structure ofAtom 21 -28
1. Cell : The Unit of Life ., ..29 - 38
2. cettcycle and r'r;r;;......................... ......... ..39 - 44
3. "",
The Living World........ ..45 - 46

1. Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) ...47 _ 48
2. Biomo|ecules......................... ......49 - 54
3. Digestion andAbsorption............ ...........55 - 56

Physics... .....................57 - 7 4
Chemistry .....................75 _ 96
Botany.... ......97 - 108

Chopter 1&2

Units ond Meosurements

4 A function expressing the displacement (Y) as a
function of its position (x) and time (t) is given as
Objective Type Questions Y=Alog(Dx+cf)
1 ln an experiment to verify Ohm's law a graph has Which of the following expressions has dirnensions
been obtained between voltage and current as different from other?
shown below. The resistance is
(1) vc
Y(volt) (2) Ac
1.0 t
0.5 (41 bc
1.0 2.O 3.0
The dimensional formula for u'
is sarn€ as that
(1) t
(0.58 0.08X) d
(2) (0.s8 I 0.12)g, (1) Mass
(3) (0.65 r 0.08)g, (2) Density
(4) (0.58 r 0.04)Q
2 A physical quantity X depends on four measurables (3)
Dens ty
a2 b3
a, b, c and d as X = ---;-. To ensure maximum Densitv
c'd \{'
accuracy in determination of X the quantity hat Mass
should be measured wilh maximum accuracy is
(1) a (2) b o It z =
A+ B'
. and erors in determination of A and
(3) c (4) d I are respectively AA and 48, then the ftactional
3 Which of the following has dimensions different enor in calculation of z is
from remaining thres?

lnductance (1) AI
AE A/4 + AB
+ +
('/ Resistance
AiA AB (AA + AB)
(2) Resistance x capacitance (21 +T-
A A+B!
(3) nductance x capacitance
lnductance 1
T+ I
capacitance Resistance (41 Zso

Aakash Educalional Services Limited - Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 0'11-47623456
2 Units and Measurements Level-lll)

7 A heavenly body oscillates under the influence of 12. ln Sl system, unit of charge is 1 C that of length
its own gravitational pressure. The frequency of is'1 m and the unit of force is 1 N. The Coulomb's
oscillations is assumed to be a function of its kT'-q
radius R, mean density p and universal law in this system is expressed
r' '
F= ,

gravitational constant G. A possible expression for ^.

frequency can be (k is a dimensionless constant)
, where k = 9 x 10s Nm2/C2. ln c.g.s system unit of
charge is deflned as that unit charge which will
o kJGp (2)
r@ repel another similar charge by a force of 1 dyne
from a distance of 1 cm. This unit is stat coulomb.
'l coulomb = x stat coulomb, where x =
'' --Jcp
(3) A\
" -:-- Jop
(1) 3 x los 121 ]"r0'g
8 ln a vemier callipers, one main scale division is
1 mm and I main scale divisions are equal to
10 vernier scale divisions. When nothing is put
(3) 9 x 10s (4) J9o xloa
between jaws of the callipers, zero of lhe vemier 13. Consider a dimensionally consistent equatnn given
scale lies to the right side of zero of the main scale as
and the 2d division of the vemier scale coincides
with a main scale division. While measuring inner cd
P=ab+e+l -
diarneter of a hollo$/ cylinder the zero of vemier scale
lies between '1.7 cm and 1.8 cm of the main scale.
Select the conect altemative
Also, th division of the vemier scale coincides wiul
a main scale division. lnner diameter of he cylinder (1) tabl = Icdl
(2) (,) Fr=
('l ) 17.2 mm 17 .4 mm
(3) 17.6 mm (4) 17.8 mm

9. The frequency of vibration of a string is given by

p is the
o rP,4 =
u = pl2L [F/m]1i2 where number of
segments in which the string is divided, F is the (4) tbl =14te+0
tension in the string and L its length. The
dimensionalformula for m is hc€^
14 The dirnensional formula for is
(1) tMoLoltl (2) [ML-1T9 -i
(3) tMLor-rl (4) [MoLT-1] (1) lM-lL3I4Arl
10. Pitch of a screwgauge is 1 mm and its cap is
(2) [MLT-4A-"1
divided into 100 divisions. When nothing is placed
between studs of the screwgauge, zero of circular (3) tMoLarol
scale is 8 divisions above the reference line and (4) tMLT+A-'?l
zero of the main scale is not visible. Now, when a
cylindrical wire is placed between its studs the
main scale reading is 2 divisions and 15s division 15. Which of these might be the expression
of circular scale coincides with reference line. representing fine structure constant, which is a
Diameter of the wire is dimensionless constant?
(1) 2.15 mm (21 2.?3 mn e2
(3) 2.31 mm (4) 2.07 mm 0) 2eohc
'l'1. Two resistors R, = (3.0 t 0.3) A and
R, = (5.0 t 0.1)o are connected in parallel. The (2)
2eo h2c
equivalent resistance is
(1) 1.9 i 0.07 o e'
(2) 1.9 r 0.1 O 2t" h c'
(3) 1.9 r 0.2 A e
(4) 1.9 r 0.3 o (4) z%h\
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1'10005 Ph. 01147623456
(Level-lll) Units and i,,leasurements 3
16. A student performs experiment to determine 20. ln a new system of units, the fundamental
Young's modulus of a wire, oxactly 1 m long, by quantities mass, length and time are replaced by
Searle's method. ln a partiollar reading, the student acceleration 'a', density 'p' and frequency 'f'.
measures exbnsiJr in the lerEh d tte wire b be 4.m
The dimensional formula for force in this system is
mm with an uncertainty of I 0.01 mm at a load of
exactly 1 kg. The student also measures the (1) [paaf] (2) lpaatsl
radius of wire to be 1.00 mm with an uncertainty (3) [pra-af6l @) lp-la-af-\
of t 0.005 mm. The Young's modulus obtained from
21. ln an experiment to determine the inertial mass of
the reading is (Take g = 19 67sz;
an object using NeMon's second law, following
(1) (7.96 r 0.'10) x 108 N/m2 graph is obtained between net force on the ob.lect
and the acceleration produced in it. The mass of
(2) (7.96 r 0.16) x 108 N/m2 the obiect within error limits is
(3) (8.0 r 0.2) x 1ge gr2
a (nr/s'1
(4) (7.04 r 0.32) x 1ge 17rz
17. The dimensional formula for time l, in terms of
universal @nstants c, G and h is
(1) lc12h112c-1121

(21 lG2ll1ns z1 1

(3) [c5/2G12h1'2]
F (N)
(4) 0
[G12hc-1/3] 't23
18. Dimensional formula for mass, if kinetic energy (K), (1) 1.0 ks
univer6al gravitational constanl (G) and angular
momentum (L) are taken as base quantities is
(2) 1 ks
(3) (1.0 I 0.1) ks
{r) [x"'o"ur''u] (a) (1.0 i 0.2) ks
22. A physical quantity x is being calculated by
(21 lKc2Ltl
measuring yand zand using he formula x = y x z.
ln a parlicular set of values, the value of y is
@) lx''"e-''ut'u) measured witl an enor of +10%, whereas the value
(41 lK-1t2G3Ll of z is measured with an eror of -10%. For this
particular set of values, the enor in the calculation
19. lf the energy, E = @hqC, where G is universal of x will be
gravitational constant, c is the speed of light and
h is Planck's constant, then the values of p, q and (1) 0% (2) 20y.
r are respectively (3) -1olo (4) 10Yo

't1 5 23. ln an experiment to measure the focal length ofan

(1) --2',2
-and-2 equiconvex lens, following measurements were
made lul = 0.30 cm, lvl = 0.60 cm. The image
21 1.-1^16-! formed is real. The focal length of the lens within
"2',2 2 enor limits is
(1) (0.20 r 0.01) cm
131 -1. 1rn6 1
22 2 (2) (0.20 t 0.02) cm
(3) (0.20 r 0.005s) cm
"2',2 2 (4) (0.20 r 0.005) cm

Aakash Educational Servicos Limited - Regd O,?ice : Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. O114762U56
4 Units and Measurements

24. A spectrometer gives the following reading when 27. A person measures the depth of a well by
used to measure the angle of a prism. measuring the time interval between dropping a
stone and receiving the sound of impact with the
Main scale reading : 58.5 degree
bottom of the well. The error in his measurement
Vemier scale reading : 09 divisions of time is 6f = 0.01 seconds and he measures
Given that 'l division on main scale conesponds to the depth of the well to be L = 20 meters. Take the
0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vemier scale is acceleration due to gravity 9 = 10 ms and the
30 and match with 29 divisions of the main scale. velocity of sound is 300 ms-l. Then the fractional
The angle of the prism from the above data enor in the measurement, 6L/L, is closest to
(1) 58.77 degree (1) 1o/o

(2) 5%
(2) 58.65 degree
(3) 3%
(3) 59 degree
(4) 0.2o/"
(4) 58.59 degree
28. There are two Vernier calipers both of which have
25. Let [€01 denote the dimensional formula of the 1 cm divided into 10 equal divisions on the main
permittivity of vacuum. lf M = mass, L = length, scale. The Vemier scale of one of the calipers (C1)
T = time and A = electric current, then has 10 equal divisions that correspond to main I
scale divisions. The Vernier scale of the other
(1) [eJ = [M-1 L-3 T2 A]
caliper (Cr) has 10 equal divisions that conespond
(2) teJ = tMr L-3 T4 A2l to 11 main scale divisions. The readings of the two
calipers are shown in the figure. The measured
(3) tsJ = tMr L2 T-1 A-21
values (in cm) by calipers C.t and Cr, respectively,
(4) teJ = [Mr L2 T-1 A] are

26. Student l, ll and lll perform an experiment for 2 3 4

measuring the acceleration due to gravity (g) using
a simple pendulum. They use different lengths of C. I I

the pendulum and / or record time for different

number of oscillations. The observations are shown 0 5 1
in the table.
2 3 4
Least count for length = 0.1 cm
Least munt for time = 0.1 s

LerEh of Totaltime
Number of Tirne 1
t€ oscillatons
fff (n)
Pendulum oscillatiorE (1\ 2.87 and 2.87
(n) (s)
(crn) (s) (2\ 2.87 and 2.83
640 8 128.0 16.0
(3) 2.85 and 2.82
640 4 64.0 16.0
(4) 2.87 and 2.86
llr 200 4 360 90
29. The energy of a system as a function of time t is
lf Er, qr and Err are percsntage erors in g, i.e', given as E(l) = A2 exp(--co' Mpre a = 0 2 rl'
(?,i*) torsrrde,nb r, r and *rBsp€crwry, HffiffiT,f,iff,Tffii"'.:f;:ffi
pelcentage enor in the value of E(t) at t= 5 s is
(1) =OEr
(1) 4%
(2) E, is minimum el g%

(3) E = E, (3) 6%
(4) Er is minimum @l ?
(Levellll) Units and Measurements 5
30. lf velocity (y), acceleration (A) and force (F) are 35. A highly rigid cubical block A of small mass M and
taken as fundamential quantities instead of mass side L is fixed rigidly on the other cubical block of
(m), length (L) and time (I), then dimensions of same dimensions and of modulus of rigidity q such
shear modulus of elasticity would be
that the lower lace ol A completely covers the
upper face of B. The lower face of I is rigidly held
(1) FAa,F on a horizontal surface. A small force of F is
applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of A.
(2) FAar'-3
After the force is withdrawn. block A executes
(3) FA2Vr small oscillations, the time period of which is given
(4) FAar'r
31. A piece of n-type semiconductor is subjected to
(\ 2nJMi Q) znlurltL
an electric field Er. The left end of the
semiconductor is exposed to a radiation so that
Gl 2nJMLt11 @\ znJMN
elechon-hole pairs are generated continuously. Let
n be the number density of eleclrons. The eleclron ffi Prevlou8 YeaE Ou€ations
current density Je is given by J"=en[.E,+eD"
o!!. ln an experiment, mass of an obiect is measured
The dimension of electron drift mobility (pe) and by applying a known force on it, and then
electron difrrsion coeffcient (4) are respeclively measuring ib acceleration. lf, in the experiment,
the measured values of applied force and the
(1) [Mr Tr 11] and [12 TJ] t
measured acceleration are F = 10.0 0.2 N and
(2) [Ml T-2 l-1] and [M1 L2 T]] t
a = 1.00 0.01 m/s,, respectively, the mass of
the object is
(3) [M-1 P t1] and [12 Tr]
ll(vPY sA 20151
6) tM-t T, Fl and [11 T-2 lll (1) 10.0 ks
32. The cunent voltage relation of diode is given by (2) 10.0 t 0.1 kg
/ = (e1m0vr-1) mA, where the applied vottage V is
(3) 10.0 t 0.3 ks
in volt and the temperature f
is in kelvin. lf a
studenl makes an enor measuring t 0.01 V \while (4) 10.0 I 0.4 ks
measuring the cunent of 5 mA at 300 K, what will
2 Stoke's law states that the viscous drag force F
be the enor in the value of cunent in mA? experienced by a sphere of radius a, moving }vith
(1) 0.2 mA a speed y through a fluid with coetficient of
viscosity n, is given by F - &qav.
(2) 0.02 mA
lf this nuid is flowing through a cylindrical pipe of
(3) 0.5 mA radius r, length 1 and a pressure difference of P
(4) 0.05 mA across its two ends, then the volume of water y
which flows through the pipe in time I can be
33. Which of the following prcduct of e, h, p, G (where
p is the permeability) be taken so that the *,itt"n br" where k is
dimensions of the product are same as that of the "" f=t(f )", a

l speed of light? dimensionless constant. Conect values of a, b and

: c are
(11 heagld (21 tfe(iop
(3) lPdOlp @) h@ast
IKVPY SA 2017, 20151

34. Given thaty= a51nor1 + bl+ cfcos ot The unit (1) a = 1' b=-1'c=4
- of abc is same as that of e) a=-1,b=1,c=4
(11y Q\ ytt el a=2,b=-1,c=3
13\ (ytff (41 Ut)3 @l a = b = -2, c = 4

{ftlii*,!!r,",]&,...seY."'d|d.Il4,,"3r--atriritrdlff.- !
6 Units and Measurements (Level-lll)

ln an experiment on simple pendulum to determine 6 The potential energy of a point particle is given by
the acceleration due to gravity, a student the expression V(x) = -o, + Psin(x/y). A
measures the length of the thread as 63.2 cm and dimensionless combination of the constants o, p
diameter of the pendulum bob as 2.256 cm The
student should take the length of the pendulum to
and yis [(VPY SB/SX 20121
be [KVPY SA 2014 (1) o/B/ 12) a'lPy
(1) &.328 cm (2) 6,4.3 cm (3) yrqp (4) c.//9
(3) 65.456 cm (4) 65.5 cm 7 The dimensions of the area,4 of a black hole c€n

4. Four students measure the height of a tower. be written in terms of the universal gravitalional
Each student uses a different method and each constant G, its mass M and the speed of light c
measures the height many different times. The as A = G"MBoY. Here
data for each are plotted below. The measurement
(1\ a=-2,0=-2andy=4
with highest precision is


(2\ a=2,9=2andI=4
(3) o=3,0=3andt=-2
o Known 6 Known
F Height F I Heignt
(a) o=-3,8=-3andt=2
o o
3 I The distance s travelled by a particle in time t is
E E 1
l l
z z I
't0 20 30 s=ut_
Height (m)
40 10 20 30 40
Height (m)
i g?
0) (tl)
The initial velocity of the particle was measured to
Known Known
E o
be u = 1.11 t 0.01 m/s and the time interval was
F 30 I Eso t = 1.0'l r 0.1 s. The acceleration was taken to be
a g = 9.8 r 0.1 m/s'?. With these measurements,
E Ero
the student estimates the total distance travelled.
z z How should the student report the result?
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Height (m) Height (m) 201I
( t) (tv)
(1) | (2) [ (1) 1.121 t 0.1 m

(3) il (4) rv (2) 1.1 r 0.'1 m

A liquid drop placed on a horizontal plane has a (3) 1.12 t 0.07 m

near spherical shape (slightly flattened due to
gravity). Let R be the radius of its largest (4) 1.1 i 0.07 m
horizontal section. A small disturbance causes the I A massive black hole of mass m and radius R is
drop to vibrate with frequency v about its spinning with angular velocity o. The power P
equilibrium shape. By dimensional analysis the
radiated by it as gravitational waves is given by
P = Gcs rt R o', where c and G are speed of
light in free space, and the universal gravitational
be (Here o is surface tension, p is
ffi ""n constant, respectively. Then
density, g is acceleraton due to gravity, and k is
arbitrary dimensionless constant.) IKVPY SB/SX 2014

II(VPY SB/SX 20121 (1) x=-1, y--2,2=4

(1'1 kpsRlo (2) x = 1, y = 1, z = 4
(2'1 kp*lgc
(3) x=-1, y=4,2=4
(3) kptr/go
(4\ kptsc (4\ x=l,y=4,2=6
(Level-lll) Unils and Measurements 7
10. Using dimensional analysis the resistivity in terms (1) All A, A and C can be correct
of fundamental constanls h, m., c, e, eo can be
expressed as (2) Only A and B or B and C can be conect
IKVPY SB/SX 2014 (3) Only one of A, B and C can be correct
(4) C is corect since it is equal to the average of
the three observations.

eomece2 '14. A micrometer screw gauge wiur pitch of O.S mm and

h 50 divislons on circular scale ls used to measure
the diameter of a thin wire. lnitially when the gap is
(3) 2 closed the line of fourth division coincides with the
reference line. Three readings show 46h, 48h and

44h division coinciding with the reference line which
is beyond 0.5 mm of the main scale. The (best)
11 A neutron star with magnetlc moment of magnifude . measured value is INSEP 20i41
m is spinning with angular velocity o about its
(1) 0.46 mm
magnetic axis. The electromagnetic power p
radiated by it is given by p[mv a,cu , where [r0 (2) 0.94 mm
and c are the permeability and speed of light in (3) 0.92 mm
free space, respectively. Then
(4) 1.00 mm
(1) x= 1, f = 2, z = 4 and u = -3 15. The impedance of tle RL circuit given in he adjacent
(2) x=1,f =2,2= 4and u= 3 figure is expressed by the relation Z = A2 + 8.
(3) x=-1, y=2,2= 4 and u=-3 Then the dimensions of AB are

(a) x=-1, y=2,2= 4and u= 3

12. The figure of a centimeler scale below shows a
particular position of the Vernier Calipers. ln this R
position the value of x shown in the figure (figure
is not to scale) E
3 4
Main Scale
INSEP 20141
Vernier Scale
0 10 (1) [M1L2PA1
(1) 0.02 cm (2) [M2L4T-6Arl
(2) 3.65 cm
(3) [M1LrT2A1
(3) 4.15 cm
(4) 0.03 cm (4) [MrL-]r2A1l

13. Three percons n, Iand C note the time taken by 16. An expression containing cedain physical quantities
their train to cover the distance between two is (1273.43 - 51 .7052 + 745) x 21. Nter evaluation
successive stations by observing the digital clocks the conect answei is INSEP 2016]
on the platforms of two stations. The clocks display
time in hours and minutes. The three persons find
() 413o1.22M

the intervals 3,5 and 4 minutes respectively. (21 4.1 x 104

Assume the maximum discrepancy of 2 seconds
(3) 41307
in actual sta(ing and stopping of the train and the
observations by A, and C.Then, INSEP 20131 (4) 41000
I Units and Measurements (Level-lll)

17. ln a certain experiment density of the material of a (1) Water and a measuring cylinder
small metallic cylindrical tube of a given mass is (2) Water, a measuring cylinder and a micrometer
to be determined. lts length is about 3 cm, outer
screw gauge
diameter more than about 1 cm and wall thickness
about 2 mm; the flat base being a little thicker than (3) An overflow vessel, a measuring cylinder and
2 mm. Which of the following seVs of apparatus c€n waler
be used to determine the volume of the tube
accurately? (4) Only vernier callipers
[NSEP 20161

trB 0

Aakash Educational Services Limtted - Regd Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01147623456

Chopter 3

Motion i no Stroight Line

(3) A decreasing downwards force
(4) An increasing downwards force
Objective Type Questions
1. Bamboo strips are hinged to form three rhombi as
4. The velocity positjon (v-x) graph of a particle moving
along x-axis is shown in figure. y-x graph is a circle
shown in the figure. Point Ao is fixed to a rigid
of radius 2 units (Sl) and centre is at (2, 0).
support. The lengths of the sides of the rhombi are
in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. Point 43 is pulled with a speed The acceleration of particle at * = (z -.8) m is
y. Let v4 and v4 be the speeds with which points
Al and Az move. Then, the ratio v4 :v4 is v(rnls)

A1 A

(1) 2:3 (2) 3:5 L

x (m)
(3) 3:2 (a) s:3
2 A particle travels in a medium along a horizontal (11 2 rnls2
linear path. The initial velocity of the particle is yo
and the viscous force acting on it is ploportional to
(2\ O rr'tsz
its instantaneous velocity. ln the absence of any Q\ 2J, mts2
other forces, which one of the following figures
conectly represents the velocity of the particle as a
(4) 4 nr/s2
function of time? 5 A ball is allowed to tall feely from an elevated point
80 m above the ground. Calculate the approximate
time to cover last meter just before reaching the
ground (g = 10 n/s2)
(1) (2)
'l 1
(r) ,r (z) 20"
v{0 v(r)
t (+)

ao "
(3) (4) 6 A particle moves in a straight line and its speed
depends on time as y = 1Zt - 21.
3 he air. Taking
A ball is hro,tm vertically upwards into the distance t avelled of the particle then find the
into account air resistance, the forces acting on the distance of the particle from I = 0 to I = 5 s
ball while in upwards flight are,
(1) 6s m
(1) A decreasing upwards force and a constant
downwards lorce
(21 12.25 n
(2) A decreasing upwards force and a decreasing (3) 2.25 n
downwards for@ (4) 14.5 m

Aakash Educational Servic$ Limited - Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Oelhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456
Motion in a Straight Line (Level-lll)

7 A particle starts moving at t = 0 from origin along

positive x-axis. lts speed depends on the distance
travelled x as v = - . lt v = y:- and a=

then find x, v and a in terms of time (1) E

K2l K2 K2t2 Kt K2
ttl K2t2
a'z z (2\ 2R

Kt2 Ktz K2
t4t _. Kt _
Kt2 _. K
4' 2'T 4 22 2A

8. The plot between rand I is sholvn in fiSure. fS (2) Ea

represents velocity and --i reDresents R 2R
acceleration, then


t., t, l" lo r= R r=2R
(1) At time f1 and t2, velocity is equal to zero

d2r .E
(2) The value of is zero at an instant
df2 (4)
(3) Velocity is not defined at t = t3

(4) All of these

'11. The graph below shows how the speed (v) of
I A particle moves along the positive
car, travelling in a straight line, varies with time (r)

x-axis. lts position x depends on time fas

from the instant when the driver perceives an
x =at3 +btz +c+d. Let
dl reoresent instantaneous emergency. Note the reaction time of 0.20 s before
dt the brakes are applied and the total time interval of
2.2 s before the car stops.
velocity, representinstantaneousacceleration
* 10
(o) of the particle. The average acceleration of the

particle is defined as < c > = foat . Find this (ms

average acceleration in time interval

T t=0to l= 1s.
Speed )

(1) 6a + 2b (21 3a + 2b 0.0 1.0 2.0
(3) 3a + 2b + c (41 Zso Time (s)
Consider a drunken driver whose reaction time is
10. Oraw the graph of the tunction twice as long as that of the sober driver described
above. The drunk is initrally travelling twice as fast
0 0<r<R as the sober driver. Their cars are similar and the
Eo braking force is the same in both cases. The
o R<r<2R distance travelled by the car afier the emergency is
r >2R
(1) 12m (2) 48m
(3) 40 m (4) 14 m

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Ofics:Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Oelhi-1'10005 Ph.011-4762356
(Level-lll) Llotion in a Straight Line 11

12 The velocity of a particle moving on the x-axis is 18. A car breaks a traffc srgnal with a speed of40 n/s.
given by y = -f + x, where y is in m/s and x is in Aner 2 s, a policeman starts following him with a
m. lf a = dvldt and v = dxldt, find its acceleration constant acceleration of 12.5 m/s2. Taking the
in m/s2 when passing through the point x = 2 m. position of signal to be origin, Correct position
(1) 0 (2) 5 (xltime (t) graph would be
(3) 11 (4) 30
13 A particle is moving in a straight line along x-axis
where x-coordinate is given by equation cal
x = xo(-e-tt'l . what is the velocity of the

(1) & 1
2 10

T ;)
--r. (4)

r ,, T
14 The position of a particle at any instant f is given
by x = f - 7t. The average velocity of the particle Poli ieman
from f = t1 to t = t2 is zero. Here tt and t2
2 10
respectively cannot be equal to
(1) 1, 6 (2) 2,5
(3) 2.5 , 3.5 (4) 0,7
A ball is dropped from a height of 20 m and (3)
rebounds with a velocity which is 3/4 of the velocity
with which it hits the ground. What is the time
interval between the first and second bounces? t
2 10
(1) 2s (2) 3s
(3) 4s (4) 5s 250
16 Two particles start moving simultaneously from
points A and respeclively in lhe same direction (4)
(see figure). One wih uniform velocity 50 rds and
the other with uniform acceleration 10 m/s2. The
distance AB is equal to 105 m. 2 0
50 n/s 10 m/s'? 19. Three particles moves in a straight line with initial
AB velocities v1, v2 and (v1 < v2 < v3) each with
+-+ constant retardation 'a'such that motion continues
105 m for more than one second before velocity of each
After how much time the particle moving with particle becomes zero. lf s1, s2 and s3 respectively
uniform acceleration will overtake the other padde?
be the distances travelled in the last one second
(1) 3s (2) 7s before velocity becomes zero, then
(3) 5s (4) t{q,Er
17 lfthe acceleration of a particle moving on a straight (1) sr _v? v? vl
line is directy proportional to instantaneous velocity 2a' ' 2a' " 2a
and directed opposite to it, then which of the (2) s1 >s2>s3
following graphs most appropriately relates velocity (3) sl=s2=s3
(taken along y axis) with time (taken along x axis)?
: v v
(4) sr<s2<s3
20. The motion of a body falling from rest in a resisting

(1) (2\ medium is described by the equation

ff = , - or,

- where a and D are constants. The velocity at any
time f is

(3) (4)
(1) (2) abea
(3);(1-e-D') 6) a8(1-l
Arkash Educational S€rvb6 Limited - Regd O,tic€ : Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1'10005 Ph. 01147623456
12 Motion in a Straight Line (Level-lll)

21. The relation between position x and time t for a body

a (rnls')
moving atong x-axis is given uv , I
rj t 1
the body is momentarily at rest at
(3) x (m)
b 0 100
(r) t=9 (2)
a 2a
Bl ,=23
(a) t=o a (rn/s')
22. A pad.:icle starts its motion from rest and moves
with constant acceleration for time t1 and then it
(4) x (m)
retards with constant rate for time t2 until it comes 0
to rest. Then the ratio of maximum speed and 200
average speed during the complete motion will be -1
(1) 2 .1
25. A particle is moving in a straight path with an
(21 1 :2 acceleration a = bf, where D is a positive constant
(3) tl : 12 (n + -1). The relation between the velocity and the
(4\ t2: t1 position vector of the particle at time I = 'l s

23. A load ty is to be raised by a rope from rest to lAssuming particle is in rest at origin at t = 0]
rest through a height a; the greatest tension which (1) v=r (21 v=(n+2\r
the rope can safely bear is nlry. Then the least (n + 3)r (n + 1)r
time in which the ascent can be made is (3) v _ (4) v
2 2
(1) Zero 12) (r-1) 26. Acceleration of a body is given by
ff = O - rr.
The body started from rest at I = 0. Then

B\ I 2n" l' (4) ('l) The acceleration of the body is initially +ve but
'' L(n - l)s l
None ofthese
after some time it becomes negative
24. The v-x graph for a car in a race on a straight road (2) The body will ultimately acquire a constant
is given. ldentify the conect a-x graph velocity after a long time
(3) The body will finally come to rest
v (m/s) (4) The acceleration will finally attain a constant
non-zero value
27. A lift ascends with constant acceleration f then with
constant velocity and finally stops under constant
retardation /i lf the total distance ascended is s and
x (m)
0 100 200 total time occupied is f, then time during which the
lifl ascended with constant velocity is

a (rn/s') t t2
(1) (2)
, 4s

x (m) (3) t2 -4slt (4)

0 100 200
28. A ball is thrown from the top of a tower in verticaly
upward directoin. Velocity at a point f, meter below
a (rn/s') the point of projection is twice of the velocity at a
point h meter above the point of projection. Find
1 the maximum height reached by the ball above the
(2) top of tower.
x (m) (1) 2h (2\ 3h
0 100 200
(3) (5/3)tr (4) (4t3\h

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. O,lice:Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road. New Delhi-110005 Ph.0'1147623456
(Level-lll) Motion in a Straight Line 13
29. The deceleration experienced by a moving motor 4. Two stones of mass mr and m, (such that ml >
boat, after its engine is cut-off is given by mr) are dropped At time apart from the same
dv height towards the ground. At a later time t the
= -xv'. where k is constant. lf vo is the difference in their speed is AV and their mutual
magnitude of the velocity at cut-off, the magnitude separation is AS. While both stones are in flight.
of the velocity at a time I after the cut-off, is
IKVPY SA 20131
(21 v ('l) Ay decreases with time and AS increases
2 with time
(2) Both Ay and AS increase with lime
(3) vne-k
' (4) T:L *t (3) Ay remains constant with time and AS
'12vf,n decreases with time
30. The relation between time I and dislance x is
t = a* + px. Where o and B are constants the (4) Ay remains constant with time and AS
retardation is increases with time
(1\ 2af (2) 2pd 5. Two skaters P and Q are skating towards each
(3) 2opf (4) 2a\f other. Skater P throws a ball towards Q every 5 s
such that it always leaves her hand with speed
sEcTlol{ . B 2 msr with respect to the ground. Consider two
Prcvious Years Ouestions cases:
1. A .iuggler tosses a ball up in the air with initial IKVPY SA 20131
speed u. At the instant it reaches its maximum (l) P runs with speed 1 ms-1 towards Q while Q
height H, he tosses up a second ball with the
remains stationary.
same initial speed. The two balls will collide at a
height [KVPY SA 20lll (ll) Q runs with speed 1 ms I towards P while P
remains stationary.
" ;4
(1) (2\
"2 - Note that irrespective of speed of P, ball always
leaves Ps hand with speed 2 msr with respect to
6 the ground. lgnore gravity. Balls will be received
? r+l ,/itt bv Q.
2. A ball falls vertically downward and bounces off a (1) One every 2.5 s in case (l) and one every
horizontal floor. The speed of the ball just before 3.3 s in case (ll)
reaching the floor (u,) is equal to the speed just
after collision with the floor (ur); i.e. u, = uz. The
(2) One every 2 s in case (l) and one every 4 s
in case (ll)
corresponding magnitudes of accelerations are
denoted respectively by a1 and ar. The air (3) One every 3.3 s in case (l) and one every
resistance during motion is proportional to speed 2.5 s in case (ll)
and is not negligible. lf g is acceleration due to (4) One every 2.5 s in case (l) and one every
gravity, [KVPY SA 20121 2.5 s in case (ll)
(1) a1 < (2) a1> a2
6. ln the following displacement (x) versus time (t)
(3) a1=a2*g (4) a.,=ar=g graph, at which among the points P, Q and R is
3. The accompanying graph of position (x) versus the object's speed increasing? [KVPY SA 20141
time (l) represents the motion of a particle. lf p and
g are both positive constants, the expression that x
best describes the acceleration a of the particle is P
(0, 0) t

(1) R only
IKVPY SA 20131 (2) Ponly
(1) a=-p-qt (2) a=-p+qt (3) eand Ronly
(3) a=p+qt (4) a=p-qt (4) p,O,R
Aakash Educatioflal Services Llmitsd - Regd Offic€: Aakash Tower,8, Pusa Road, New D.elhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
14 Motion in a Straight Line (Level-lll)

7 An object at rest at the origin begins to move in

the +x direction with a uniform acceleration of 'l m/
s'?for 4 s and then it continues moving with a
uniform velocity of 4 m/s in the same direction.
The x-, graph for object's motion will be
IKVPY SA 20151
x 6
(1) E

(1) 12)

4s 4s

(3) (4)
(3) 6

4s t 4 s .f
8 A stone thrown down with a speed u take salme
,1to reach the ground. While another stone thrown .e

upward from the same point with the same speed, E

takes time t2. The maximum height the second t6
stone reaches from the ground is
IKVPY SA 20161 12. A particle starts moving along a line from zero
initial velocity and comes to rest after moving
s (\ + t2\2 distance d. During its motion it has a constant
(1) 1 n,.,. (2)
8 acceleration t ovet 213 of the distance, and
covered the rest of the distance with constant
o (t, - tr12 1ot22 retardation. The time taken to cover the distance
2' is IKVPY SA 2014
I A student performs an experiment to determine the (1) (z) zJusr
acceleration due to gravity g. The student throws 'tEt3r
a steel ball up with initial velocity u and measures (3) .lutr @ $dm
the height h travelled by it at different times t The 13. A boy is standing on top of a tower of height 85
graph the student should plot on a graph paper to
m and throws a ball in the vertically upward
readily obtain the value of g is directon with a certain speed. lf 5.25 seconds later
IKVPY SA 2014 he hears the ball hitting the ground, then the
(1) t
h versus (2) h versus I speed with which the boy threw the ball is (take

(3) i versus ,[ (4) h/tversus t 9 = 10 m/s'?, speed of sound in air = 340 m/s)
10 A person goes from point P to point Q covering
(1) 6 m/s (2) 8 m/s
1/3 of the distance with speed 10 km/hr, the next
1/3 of the distance at 20 km/hr and the last 1/3 (3) 10 m/s (4\ 12 'r,ls
of the distance at 60 km/hr. The average speed of 14. A @( moving along a straight road at a speed of
the person IKVPY SA 2017] u m/s applies brakes at t = 0 second. The ratio
(1) 30 km/hr (21 24 kmlhr of distances travelled by the car during 3d and
(3) 18 km/hr (41 12 kmlht 8h semnd is 15 : '13. The car covers a distance
of 0.25 m in the last second of its travel. Therefore,
11 A ball is dropped vertically from height h and is the acceleration a(in m/s2) and the speed u
bouncing elastjc€lly on the floor (see figure). Which (in m/s) of the car are respectively [NSEP 2016]
of the following plots best depicts the acceleration
of the ball as a function of time? 0) 16
-o.1, (2) 4.2,12
(3) -{.s,20 (4) -0.1, 16

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd O,1ice : Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-11OOO5 Ph .0114762U56

Chopter I

Some Bosic Concepts of Chemistry

SBCnOil A'
6. x1 mt solution having normalityyr is diluted to get
a solution of normality y2 what would be volume
Objective Type Questions required for ditution?
1. A 2 g sample of xenon reacts with fluorine. The
mass of compound produced is 3.158 g. The ,r, ,,lL-ll
empirical formula of the compound is ''/ \ )

(1) trz Ql wo / \
(3) Hs (4) xeF6 el ,,1't-I)
2. 1.625 g of an interhalogen compound lCl, was
subjected to electric discharge which split itinto ( v^ l
constituents and brought to STP. lt occupied (3) xrl3-1
224 ml. fhe interhalogen compound s Iy'
rcr '
(1) (. v.\
(2) rcr3 @l
(3) lcl5
7. What votume of ammonia gas at NTp will be
(4) lcl? required to be passed into 30 mL of 1 N H2SO4 to
bring down the acid normality to 0 2 N?
3. The number of rone pair of erectrons present in
2.56 g of orthorhombic sulphur will be (1) 4805mI
(1) 0.02 No (2) 0.16 No (2) 537.6 mL
(3) 0.32 No (4) 0.08 No (3) 438.4 mL
4. A 10.0 g of sample of mixture of calcium chloride (4) 556.5 mL
and sodium chloride is heated with N"r9O3. t: L A metal oxide Z2)3can be reduced by hydrogen
precipitate the calcium as calcium carbonate
to give free metit inO wafer 0.1596 gm of metal
CaCO3 is heated to convert all calcium to CaO oxi-de requires 6 mg of hydrogen for complete
linal mass of CaO is 1.62 gms. The 7o by mass reduction. The atomii weight ofihe metal is
of CaCl2 in the original mixture is
(1) 't5.2Yo (2\ 32.1o/o 0l 27 's
(2) 1se 6
(3) 2i .syo (4r .o7o/o
(3) 79'8
5. on passing 1.8 L of oxygen through ozonizer gives
1.6 L of a mixture of ozone and oxygen. What is (4) 55.8
the mole fraction of ozone in the resultant mixture? 9. A and B are two elements which form A2B3 and
(1) 0.15 AB2. lf 0 30 mole of A2B3 weighs 31 8 g- and

(2\ 025 :,:flffi::'i'Ji'^:13T,130X"1,$ff"'"'n"

(3) 0.40 (1) 18,26 (2\ 26,18
(4) 0.50 (3) e, 13 (4) 26.52
bLah Educatlon l Smdc.. Lirrft.d - Ragd. Ofica:Ark !hTow6r,8, Puse Roa4 N8lrv D.lhi-lloflXt Ph.01r{7623456
16 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Level-lll)

10. A mixture of MgCl2 and MgSO4 contains 0.6 moles

of chloride ions and 0.2 moles of sulphate ions.
(1) 5o%,-1
3'2 2'1 75'/",-)
The equivalent fraction of Mg2* present in the (3) 75%, -1 (4) None ofthese
mixture is
16. A solution of A (mol. wt. = 20) and B (mol. wt. =
(1) 0.3 (21 10), [Mol fraction xB = 0.6] having density 0.7 g/ml
13 then molarity and molality of B in this solution will
(3) 0.5 6) : (1) 30 M, 7s m (2) 75 m, 30 M
'11. Each molecule of a tear gas, lewsite, contains (3) 7.5 m,30 M (4) None ofthese
2 hydrogen atoms, 'l .78 , 10-22 gm chlorine, 17. The o/o
by volume of CoH,o in a gaseous mixture of
2 carbon atoms and 1.25 x 10-22 9m of an C4Hj0, CH4 and CO is 40. When 200 ml of the
unknown metal. lts molecular weight will be
mixture is burnt in excess of 02. Find volume
(1) 178 (21 zu (in ml) of CO, produced.
(3) 245 u2 (41
om (2) 340
12. xLot I MHCl ismixedwith2Lof2MHCl in (3) 440 (4) 560
order to prepare y L of '1.5 M HCl. The values of
18. For the reaction,
x and y are respectively
(1) 6, 4 (2) 2,4 2x+3y+42)5w
lnitially if 1 mole of x, 3 mole of y and 4 mole of z
(3) 3,4 (4) 4,2 o/o yield
is taken. lf 1.25 mole of w is obtained then
'13. 3 moles of NO and 24 g ol O, at 27'C in a closed of this reaction is
container of volume 9.0 L are allowed to react to
produce maximum quantity of NO2. What is the
(1\ 25o/o (21 50Yo

change in pressure in atmosphere? (3\ 75o/o (4) None of these

[Use R = 0.082 L atm mol-1 K-11 19. 4gof iodine and '14.2 g of chlotine are made to reacl
(1) 1.50 atm (2) 3.00 atm completely to yield a mixture of lCl and lC13.
Calculate the ratio of moles of lcl and lcl3.
(3) 0.75 atm (4) 2.05 atm
(1) 1:1 (21 1:2
14. 200 mL of 0.05 N KOH is mixed with 400 mL of
0.05 N HNO3 and the heat released X1 was noted. (3) 1:3 (4) 2:3
lf instead of 400 mL of 0.05 N HNO3, 300 mL 20. Mass of sucrose cf2P'zzor produced by mixing
0.05 M HNO3 is taken, then choose the correct 84 g of carbon, 12 g of hydrogen and 56 lit. 02 at
option for KOH, so that the heat released X2 is 1 atm & 273 K according to given reaction, is
equal to C(s) + H2(g) + 02(s)--)C12H22o1 r(s)
(1) 300 mL, 0.05 M (2) 200 mL, 0.05 M (1) 138.5 (2) 15s.5

(3) 200 m1,0.025 M (4) 300 m1,0.025 M (3) 172.s (4) 1se.s

21. One mole mixture of CH, & air (containing 80% N,

15. To 500 ml of 2 impure H2SO4 sample, NaOH
20% O, by volume) of a composition such hat when
solution 1 M was slowly added and the following
plot was obtained. The percentage punty of HrSq undervr'ent combustion gave ma{mum heat (assurne

sample and slope of the curve respectively are combustion of only CH.). Then which of the
statements are conect, regarding composition of
initial mixture. (X presents mole fraction)

I 1
(1) &H. =
11' ^r,
=i ^.,,
1 1
0 (2) =3 x^v2 8
0.5 1 1.5 (3) Xcx. =
Vol. of NaOH added *,^" =*
(L)- (4) Data insufftcient
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd Oftc€ : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi110005 Ph. 011 4762U56
(Level-lll) Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 17

22. Equal volumes of 1 00/o (vtu) of HCI is mixed wih 1 0% 28. The chemical equation representing the
(v/v) NaOH solution. lf density of pure NaOH is 1.5 decomposition of nitroglycerine, C3H5(NO3)3, is given
times that of pure HCI then the resultant solution belo\
4 CaH5(NO3)3(s) -+ 12 COr(g) + 6 N2(s)
(1) Basic
+ o2(g) + 10 H2o(g)
(2) Neutral
What is the totial volume of gas produced at 100'C
(3) Acidic and 2 atm from 454 grams of nitroglycerine?
(4) Can't be predicted 0) L
89.6 (2) 111 L
23. 10 ml of a gaseous compound containing 'N' and (3) 162 L (4) 222 L
'O' is mixed with 30 ml of H2 to produce H, (/) and
29. ln the given diagram, the paired open spheres
10 ml of N2(S). Molecular formula of compound if
represenl H2 molecules and the paired solid
both reactants reacts completely is
spheres represent N, molecules. When the
(1) NrO (2) No2 molecules in the box react to form the maximum
(3) N2O3 possible amount of ammonia (NH.) molecules,
(4) N2O5
what is the limiting reactant and how many
24. x gram of an acid furnishes 0.5 mole H3Ot in molecules of NH3 can be formed?
aqueous solution. what will be normality of acid if
y gram dissolve in 500 ml solution ?
oo @ .O
,rsoo Ql
v (4)
y> x
2xrsoo ;OOO
(1) N2 is limiting reactant, 5 molecules of NH.
25. The mass of CO2 produced from 620 g mixture of
can be formed
C2H4O2 & 02. prepared to produce maximum energy
is (2) N2 is limiting reactant, 10 molecules of NH3
can be formed
(1) 413.33 g (2) s93.04 g
(3) H2 is limiting reactant, 8 molecules of NH,
(3) zl40 g g) 320 s
can be formed
26. When a 25.00 mL volumetric flask weighing (4) H2 is limiting reactant, 12 molecules
20.340 g is filled partially with metal shot (metal
of NH3
can be formed
granules) the mass is't'19.691 g. The flask is then
filled upto the 25.00 mL mark with methanol (d = 30. A 12.0 M acid solution that contains 75.0o/o acid
0.791 gcm-3) and has a total mass of 130.410 g. by mass has a density of 1.57 g/mL. What is the
What is the density of the metal? identity of the acid?
(l) cm-3
6.9 g (2) 8.7 g cmr (1) HCI (M = 36.5)
(3) 9.3 g cmr (4) 11.7 g cm-3 (2) CH,COTH(M = 60.0)
27. A particular airship (a zeppelin or blimp) uses CuH.,u (3) HBr (M = 80.9)
as fuel
(4) H3PO4(M = 98.0)
CsHj6+ 1202+8CO2+8H2O
31. Aspirin, CrHuOo, is prepared by the acetylation of
To counter the weight loss of fuel used in the salicylic acid, CrHuO,, according to the following
operation of the airship, part of the water contained equation:
in the exhaust gases must be condensed and + (CH3CO)rO -+ CnHrO. + CH3COOH
retained. The remainder of the water and the CO2
are vented to the atmosphere. lf the mass of water lf the yield of this reactjon is 83%, what mass of
retained exactly offsets the mass of fuel bumed, salicylic acid would be required to prepare 1.0 kg
what percentage of the water is retained? of aspirin?

(1\ 78o/o (1) 0.77 ks

(21 39% (2) 0.92 ks
(3) 11% (3) 1.2 ks
(4) 610/0 (4) 1.3 ks
Aakash Educational Ssrvices Limited - Regd. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01147623456
18 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Level-lll)

32. A solution is prepared by mixing 25.0 mL of 6.0 M

HCI with 45.0 mL of 3.0 M HNO,. What is [H-] in
the resulting solution (approx.)? Previous Years Questions
(1) 1.9 M (21 2.1 M 1. The molar mass of CaCO3 is 100 9. The maximum
(3) 4.1 M (4) 4.5 M amount of carbon dioxide that can be liberated on

33. A 65.25 g sample of CUSO4.5H2O (M = 249.7) is

heating 25 g of CaCO3 is [KVPY SA 20101
dissolved in enough water to make 0.800 L of (1) 11 s (2) 5.5s
solution- What volume of this solution must be (3\ 22 s (4) ?.2 s
diluted with water to make '1.00 L of 0.100 M
CUS04? 2. When the size of a spherical nanoparticle
decreases from 30 nm to 10 nm, the ratio of
(1) 3.27 mL (2) 81.6 mL
surface arealvolume becomes
(3) 209 mL (4) 306 mL
IKVPY SB/SX 2ol ll
34. A typical polyethylene bag from a grocery store
(1) 1/3 of the original (2) 3 times the original
weighs 12.4 9. How many molecules of ethylene,
C2H4, must be polymerized to make such a bag? (3) 1/9 of the original (4) 9 times the original
(1) '1.36 x 102a (21 6.02 x 1023 3. The weight of calcium oxide formed by burning
(3) 5.33 x 1023 (4\ 2.67 x 1023 20 g of calcium in excess oxygen is

35. A 10.0 g sample of an oxide of copper forms IKVPY SA 20121

metallic copper and '1.26 g of water when heated
in a stream of hydrogen. What is the mass
(1) 36s (2) s6s
percent of copper in this oxide? (3) 28s (4\ 72s
(11 11.2v" 4. By dissolving 0.35 mole of sodium chloride in
water, 1.30 L of salt solution is obtained. The
(2) 66.6%
molarity of the resulting solution should be reported
(3) 79.9% as [KVPY SA 20121
(4) 88.8% (1) 0.3 (21 0.26s
36. What is the maximum mass of Pbl2 that can be
precipitated by mixing 25.0 mL of 0.100 M
(3) 0.27 (4) 0.26e2

Pb(NO3)2 with 35.0 mL of 0.100 M Nal? 5. The amount of metallic Zn (Atomic weight = 65.4)
required to react with aqueous sodium hydroxide

Molar mass, g.mol-1

to produce 1 g of Hl is IKVPY SA 20131

Pbt2 461
(1\ 32.7 s (2) e8.1 s
(3) 65.4 s (4) 16.3 s
(1) 0.807 s
6. The volume of oxygen at STP required to burn
(2) 1.1s s 2.4 g of carbon completely is IKVPY SA 20141
(3) 1.61 s (1) 1.12L (2) 8.e6 L
(4) 2.30 s
(3\ ?.24 t (4) 4.48 L
37. Permanganate ion oxidizes hydrogen peroxide in
7. Three successive measurements in an experiment
acidic solution according to the following equation:
gave the value 10.9, 11 .4042 and '11.42. the
2 MnO4 (aq) + 5 H2O2(aq) + 6 H.(aq) -r correct way of reporting the average value is
2 Mn2.(aq) + 5 o2(g) + I H2O(l)
[KVPY SB/SX 20141
lf 35.0 mL of an acidic 0.150 M KMnO4 solution is
requked to consume all the H2O2 in 50.0 mL of a
0 ) 11.2080 (21 11 .21

disinfectant solution, what is the concentration of (31 11.2 (4) 11

H2O2 in the disinfectant? 8. The percentage of nitrogen by mass in ammonium

0) 0.0420 M sulphate is closesl to (atomic masses H = 1,
(2) 0.105 M N = 14, O = 16, S = 32) [KVPY SA 20151

(3) 0.263 M (1\ 21% (2\ 24o/o

(4) 0.368 M (3) 36% (4) 16%

(Level-lll) Some Basic Concepts of Cnemistry 19
9. lf Avogadro's number is AD, the number of sulphur 15. 1.25 g of a metal (M) reacts with oxygen
atoms present in 200 mL of 1 N HrSO4 is completely to produce 1.68 g of metal oxide. The
empirical formula of the metal oxide is
lmolar mass of M and O are 69.7 g mol ' and
(1) Ad/s '16.0 g mol 1, respectivelyl
(2) N2 [KVPY SA 2014
(3) Ad/10 (1) M,O (2) M,O3
(4) \ (3) MO, (4) M.q
10. One mole of one of the sodium salts listed below, 16 A compound has the following composition by
having carbon content close to 14.3%, produces 1 weight; Na = 18.60%, S = 25.80%, H = 4.02oh
mole of carbon dioxide upon heating (atomic mass and O = 51.58%. Assuming that all the hydrogen
of Na = 23, H = 1, C = 12, O = 16). The salt is atoms in the compound are part of water of
crystallization. The conect molecular formula of the
KVPY SA 20161
compound is [KVPY SA 2014
(1) qH5COONa (1) NarSrO3.3HrO (2) NarSOl.sHrO
(2) NaHcq (3) NarSO4.1oHrO (4) NarSrO3.sHrO
(3) HC@Na 17 Chlodne has two naturally occuning isotopes, $Cl
and 37C1. lf the atomic mass of CI is 35.45, the
ralio of natural abundance of 35Cl and 37Cl is
11. LiOH reacls with CO, to form LirCO, (atomic mass closest to [KVPY SB/SX 2014
of Li = 7). The amount of CO, (in g) consumed by
'l g of L|OH is closest to (1) 3.s:1 (21 2:.1
[KVPY SA 20161
(3) 2.5:1 (4) 4:1
0) 0.e16 (2) 1.832
18 When 22.4 L of CoH, at STP is burnt complelely,
(3) 0.s44 (4) 1.088 89.6 L of CO, gas at STP and 72 g of water are
produced. The volume of the oxygen gas at STP
12. A 1.85 g sample ofan arsenic-containing pesticide
consumed in the reaction is closest to
was chemically conveded to AsOl (atomic mass
IKVPY SA 20151
of As = 74.9) and titrated with Pb'?- to form
(1) 89.6 L (2) 112L
Pb3(AsO.)r. lf 20 mL of 0.1 M Pb" is required to
reach fie equivalence point, the mass per@ntage (3) 134.4 L (41 22.4 L
of arsenic in the pesticide sample is closest to 19 The mode of expression in which the concentration
remains independenl of temperature is
0ryPY SA 20161
(1) 8.1 (2) 2.3 lNsEc

(3) s.4 (4) 3.6

(1) Molarity (2) Normality
(3) Formality (4) Molality
13. The weight percent of sucrose (Formula weight =
20 In the reaction, 2KC|O. -r 2KCl + 3O2
342 g moll) in an aqueous solution is 3.42. The
density of the solution is 1 g mLr , the concentration When 36.75 9 of KCIO, is heated, the volume of
of sucrose in the solution of mol Li is oxygen evolved at N.T.P will be
INSEC 20131

IKVPY SA 20131 (1) 9.74 dm3 (2) 8.92 dm3

(1) 0.01 (2) 0.1 (3) lO.O8 dm3 (4'1 22.4 dm3

(3) 1.0 (4) 10 21 ln a nitration experiment, 10.0 g of benzene gave

13.2 g of nitrobenzene. The percentage yield is
14. X g of Ca latomic mass = 40] dissolves lNsEc 20131
completely in concentrated HCI solution to
produce 5.04 L of H, gas at STP The value of X (1) 83.5ol"
is closest to IKVPY SA m14 e) 627%
(1) 4.5 (2) 8.1 (3) 88.9%
(3) e.0 (4) 16.2 (41 26.7Yo

tQ Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Level-lll)

22. A 500 g toothpaste sample has 0.4 g fluoride 27. Lithium oxide (LirO; molar mass = 30 g mol-') is
concentration. The fluoride concentration in terms used in space shuttles to remove water vapour
of ppm will be [NSEC 20,131 according to the following reaction [NSEC 2018]
(1) 200 Li,O(.) + HrO(g)r 2LiOH(.)
(2) 400 lf 60 kg ofwater and 45 kg of LirO are present in a
(3) 500
(4) 800 l. Water will be removed completely

23. The maximum amount of CH3CI that can be

ll. LirO will be the limiting reagent
prepared from 20 g of CH4 and 10 g of Cl2 by the lll. 100 kg of LirO will be required to completely
following reaction, is remove lhe water present

CHo + c1, - 911,61 + Hcl, (presume that no other lV 27 kg of water will remain in the shuttle atthe
reaction is taking place) [NSEC 20131
end of the reaction only.

(1) 3.625 mole The conect statement is/are

(2) 0.141 mole (1) llonly (2) lland lV

(3) 1.41 mole (3) llland lV (4) ll,lll
(4) 0.365 mole 28. Which one of the following statements is not conect
aboutglucose? INSEC 2018]
24. Approxlmate number of moles of hydrogen atoms
(molar mass of glucose = 180 g mol 1)
in 1.006 x 1023 molecules of diethyl ether are
(1) An aqueous 0.25 M solution of glucose is
lNsEc 20151
prepared by dissolving 45 g ofglucose in water
0) 0.16 to give 1000 cm3 of solution)
(2) 6 (2) 1.00 m mol glucose has a mass of '180 mg
(3) 1.67 (3) 90.0 g glucose contain 1.8 x 1022 atoms of
(4) 3 c€rbon

25. The specific Aravity of a HNO3 solution is 1.42 and

(4) 100 cm3 of a0.l0Msolutioncontainsl.Sgof
it is 70% w/w. The molar concentration of HNO3 is
29. The vapour density of gas A is four times that of B.
INSEC 201q
lf the molecular mass of B is M then molecular
(1) 15.8 mass of A is INSEC 2013]
(2) 31.6 (1) M (2) 4M
(3) 11 .1 (3) M/4 (4) 2M
(4) 14.2 30. At constant T and e 5.0 L of SO2 are reacted with
26. A bottle of H3POa solution contains 70% (wtu) acid. 3.0 L of 02 according to the following equation
lf the density of the solution is '1.54 g cm-3, the 2So2 (s) + 02 (o) -+ 2So, (91

volume of the H3POa solution required to prepare The volume of the reaction mixture at the
1 L of 1 N solution is [NSEC 20161 completion of the reaction is [NSEC 20181
(1) 90 mL (2) 45 mL (1) 0.5 L (2) 8.0 L
(3) 30 mL (4) 23 mL (3) 5.5 L (4) 5 L

D D tr

Aakash EducatlonalServic$ Limiled - Regd Orfce:Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-11OOO5 Ph. O 1147623456

Chopter 2

Structure of Atom
rffiffi ObJec{ve Type Quodons
5. A certain transition in H-spectrum from an excited
state to ground state in one or more steps gives
rise to a total of ten lines. How many of these
1 ln which of follofling case would the probability of belong to visible speclrum?
finding an electon rcsiJirE in a dry orb al be zero?
(1) ry ad yzdane
(1) 3 (2\ 4
(3) 5 (4) 6
(2) ry and z planes
(3) u and ,z phnes
6. 4000 A photon is used to break lhe 12 motecule,
then calculate the percentage of energy converted
(4) ziirection, Jz and .E planes to the KE of atoms if bond dissociation energy of
2. According to Boh/s atomic theory which of the l, molecule is 246.5 kJ/mol.
following relalion is incon€cl? (1) 12o/o (2) 9yo
(1) Frequency of revoluton of the eleclrron in an
(31 26% (4) 17o
olbit* +n" 7. A photon with initial frequency 1011 Hz scatters
off an electron at rest. lts final frequency is
(2) Coulombic force of attraction on he elec-tron 0.9 x 1011 Hz. The speed of scattered electron is
23 close to
n4 (1) 3 x 6s-r
102 (2) 3.8 x 103 ms-t
(3) 2 x 106 msr (4) 30 msr
(3) Kinetic energy of electron * i72 8. The number of d-€lectrons in Fe2* is not equal to
that of the
(4) The product of velocity of electron and the
principal quanlum number * (1) p-elecbons in Ne (2) s-electrons in Mg
3 lf we plot a graph of fcquency of radiation against (3) d-electrons in Fe (4) pelectrons in CF
the stopping potential of pholoelectron, its slope L Hydrogen atoms in a particular excited state 'n'
would be equal to when all retum to ground state six different photons
(1) 6.625 x 1O-g (2) 3.656 x '1012 are emitted. Which of the following is conect?
(31 2.414 x 1014 (4) 6.529 x 1018
(1) Total number of angular nodes in all the
orbitals in (n -1)h shell is 23
4 The angular momenfum of an electron of H€tom is
proportional to (2) Total number of radial nodes in all the orbitals
of nh shell is 24
(1) f
(3) lf highest energy photon emitted from the
(2\ t above sample is incident on metal plate having
r work function I eV and KE of liberated
photoelectron may be equal to or less than
(3) .t, 4.75 eV
1 (4) Out of 6 different photons only two photons
T have speed equal to that of visible light

Aakash Educational Services Limit6d - Regd. Ofice :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456
22 Structure of Atom (Level-lll)

'10. The ratio o'f arca ot orbit of first excited state of 16. The wavelength of a certain line in a series is
electron to the area of orbit of ground level for observed to be 4341 A for hydrogen atom.
hydrogen atom will be Electronic transition may be
(1) 4: 1 (21 8:1 (1) 3-+2
(3) 16 : 1 (41 2:1 (21 4 --> I
11. ln the transition of electron in an atom, its kinetic (3) s-+2
(4) 5-+3
energy changes from y to {.
4 The ctrange
- in 17. ln electronic transition kinetic energy ofe- changes
,"""tn "."*, ", O" from x to
the change in potential energy will be
; ,

(1) -:v
@lv nx, where n is

0) 1

(21 3
P) ]v 6t;v (3) 4
12. Calculate the wavelength of spectral line obtained (4) s
in spectrum of Li*2 when the transition takes place
18. Spin multiplicity of Ca ('l d2d2p6g*3p64d) in
between two levels whose sum is 4 and difference
ground state is
is 2.
(1) l only (21 Zonly
(1) 1'1.4 x 104 cm (2) 1.14 t 104 cm
(3) Either 3 or 1 (4) 3 only
(3) 0.114 x 10{ cm (4) 1.14 x 10r cm
19. The total number of electron present in Cu which
13: Of the following transition in hydrogen atom the
have zero value of magnetic quantum number in
one which gives an absorption line of lowest ground state
frequency is
(1) 13 (2) 7
(11 n=1lon=2 (2) n=3ton=8
(3) 8 (4) 15
(3) n=2ton=1 (4) n=8tor,=3
14. The charge on $e eleclron and proton are reduced
20. According to Bohr's theory the electronic energy
of hydrogen atom in the Boh/s orbit is given by
to ;rd of their original values. Let the present - 21.76 x 10-1s
J. Ca lculate the largest
value of Rydberg constant of H-atom be R. What
will be the new value of Rydberg mnstant? wavelength that will be needed to remove an
electron from the third orbit of He' ion
(1) (1) 3050 A
T (2) 2050 A
(2) e
(3) 2s00 A
(4) 3500 A
n 21. Plob for 2s orbital are

(4) 81
I I 1
15. The second ionization potential of Be is 17.98 eV. X Y z
lf the outermost electron in Be* is assumed to
move in a spherical orbit with a central field of
effective nuclear charge (Zen) consisting of nucleus
and other electrons, by how many units of charge Ttte Z, X and Y respedively are
is the nucleus shielded by olher electrons?
(1) R2, R & 4nfR2
[Energy of electron in the first orbit of
H-atom = -13.6 eVl (2) R, R2 & 4nr2R2
(1) 2.0 unit (2) 0.5 unit (3) 4nr2R2, R & R2
(3) 1.0 unit (4) 1.7 unit (4) 4zPR2, R2 &R

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Ofice :Aakash Tower, 8. Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01147623456
(Level-lll Structure of Atom 23
22. The radial wave equalion for hydrogen atom is Then select the inconect option
- / -
\'^ ('l) Energy of the atom in n = 1 is -17.5 eV
v = +l
16.i4 |
' /l' [{, -.,11r, - 8x
+ 12)]e z
(2) The energy of atom in n = 2 is - 4.38 eV
(3) lf the electron jumps from n = 4 to n = 3, the
where x =:-
and a" = radius ot frst Bohr orbit. wavelength of the light emitted is 278.5 nm
(4) The energy of atom in n = 3 is -1.95 eV
The minimum and maximum position of radial
nodes from nudeus are 25. Which of the following d+Broglie wavelength is not
possible for an elecfon in a Bohis orbit of hydrwen
(1) ao,3% 12) 73ao
(1) 33.34 (2) 4.s8A
a^ () e,
(3) 99.8A (4) 19.924
?,ao 7.4^o
26. The conect statement from the following
23. Which of the bllowing statements is conecl?
(i) A node is a point in space where lhe wave
l. Heisenberg uncertainty equation Ax.ap > I function (y) has zero value
(ii) The number of peak in radial distribution is
where Ap and Ax are uncertainty in momentum
and positlon respectively
(iii) Radial probability density P,,(r) = 4rrrR2n,(r) or
ll. According to Bohr, binding energy of an
4nf dr y?
electron rotating in an orbit = nho, where
n = No. of orbit (rv) Pictorial representation of y2 represents
h = Planck's constant atomic orbital

o frequency (1) (i) & (ii) only (2) (i), (ii) & (iv)
= Angular
lll. When spectrum is examined under high (3) (i) & (iv) (4) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
resolution microscope, the spectrum is found 27. On the basis of Bohfs theory
to be more complicated. This is anomalous
Zeeman efied
(i) Velocity of electron * 1
lV Order of energy level for hydrogen atom is
(1) Only lV is conect (ii) Frequency of revolution *1
(2) I, ll and lll are conect
(iii) Radius of ofiit * n2Z
(3) ll and lll are conecl
(4) I and lll are @nect (v) Force on eleclron * 1
24. ln a hypothetical one electron atom, the
wavelength of he photons emitted fom lransitions (1) (i) & (ii) are conect
ending in ground state are given below. lt takes (2) (i), (ii), (iii) are conect
17.50 eV to ionise this atom
(3) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) are conect
Given, )'., = 73.63 nm
(4) (0, 0i) & (iv) are mnect
Iz = 73'86 nm
28. The ratio 4 : 1 is possible for
\ = 79'76 nm
(l ) Ratio of time ped(rs of electron revolving in first
\ = nm and [hc = 1240 evnm]
orbits of H and He'
n=5 (2) Ratio of velocities of electron in first orbit of
n=4 He' and first orbit of Li2*
n=3 (3) Ratio of energies of electron in third orbit of
l1 L n=2 Li2' and first orbit of He'
(4) Ratio of radii of eleclron moving in first orbit of
n=1 Be3* and second orbit of Het

Aakach Educalional
24 Structure of Atom (Level-lll)

29. lf energy of subshell depends only on 'n' instead of 35. Let the energy of the 2s level in a hydrogen atom
'n + l' each orbital can accommodate maximum be -E. What is the energy of the 3s level?
upto one electron, then for an element having ) 4_
alomic number is 33, incorrect statement is (1) -;E (2) -oE
(1) Group number is 5 and period number is 4
(2) Period number is 5 (3) '
-;E (t - 9e
(3) Last shell has only 1 electron 36. Which gas phase ion in its ground state has the
(4) Last electron is in 4th shell maximum number of unpaired electrons?
30. lf Io be the threshold wavelenglh for photoelectric (1) cP. (2) Mn$
emission, ). be the wavelength of the light falling on
(3) Fes. (4) Co3-
the surface of a metal and m be the mass of the
electron, then the velocity of the ejected elechon 37. A sulfur atom in its ground state has the electron
is given by configuration 1 * 2* 2p6 3* 3d.
How many orbitals are occupied by at least one
1,1 f?!1^"-^11"'
Lm - I 1zy f?!91i..-i11"'
Lm I
(1) 3 (21 5
(3) I (4) e
,., fznc3,, .r.11"' 6) l?!l:_]ll"' 38. For which of the following transitions would a
Lm[ ^o^ /.] Lml^o ^/l hydrogen atom absorb a photon with longest
31. The ratio of slopes of K,", - v and V0 - v curves waveleng[h?
in the photoelectric effect gives (v = frequency, (1) n=l ton=2
Kma, = maximum kinetic energy, V0 = stopping
potential) (2) n=3ton=2
(1) Charge of electron (3) n=5ton=6
(2) Planck's constant (4) n=7ton=6
(3) Work function of emitter 39. An orbital has the radial wave function shown
below. What orbital is it?
(4) The ratio of Planck's constant toelectronic
32. Two different photons of energies, 1 eV and 2.5 eV,
fall on two identical metal plates having work
function 0.5 eV, then the ratio of maximum KE of
the electrons emitted from the two surface is
(1) 1 :2 (2'1 I :4
(3) 2:1 (41 4:1
33. The shortest wavelength of He. in Balmer series is Distance from nucleus
x, then longest wavelength in the Paschen series (1) 1s (21 2s
of Li.2 is
(3) 3s (4) 4s

16x 40. ln a ground-state phosphorous atom in the gas
5 7 phase, how many electrons have quanfum numbers
n=3, l= 1,m,=-|t
9x 5x
(1) 0 (2) 1

(31 2 (4) 3
34. The ratio of difference in wavelength of 1{ and 2d
lines of Lyman series in H-like atom to difference 4'1. Which characteristic of an atomic orbital is most
in wavelength for 2nd and 3d lines of same series closely associated with the magnetic quantum
is: number (mr)?

(1) 2.5 : 1 (2) 3.5 : I (1) Size (2) Shape

(3) a.5: 1 (4) 5.5:1 (3) Occupancy (4) Orientation

Aakash Educational Servicss Limitod - Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01'147623456
(Level-lll) Sructure of Atom 25
42. The energies of the 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals in a 46. Consider the electuonic confguration of the following
multielecton atom increase in that order. To which elements:
faclo(s) can his order be afiibuted? A: 1f 2d 2p6 3s1
l. The relative penebatons of these orbitals near
B : 1d 2* 2p6 3d 3p5
the nuclsus.
ll. All electron in an atom have equal force of
attrac-tion from nucleus. D:1*2*2ps
(1) lonly (2) ll only The element having maximum difference between
(3) Both I and ll (4) Neiher I nor ll the first and semnd ionisation energy is
43. ln a subshell, number of radial nodes is two times of (1) A (21 c
number of angular nodes then minimum possible (3) B (4) D
value of prindpalquantum number(n) is
47. The fiequency of particle wave possessing the kinetic
langular nodes are non-zerol energy of 4.37 x 10-'?7 J is
(1) 1 (2) 2 x't0?s1
(1) 1.32 (2) 4.32 x 10-7 sl
(3) 3 (4) 4
(3) 1.32 x 1fr? s 1 (4) 4.32 x '105s 1

44. The maximum number of electrons that can be

present in an atom with principle quantum number SECTION . B
(n) = 3 as its highest energy shell
(1) 3 (2) s Pr€vlo$ Ycars Oue3tlon3
(3) 18 (4) 36 1. The corec-t electonic configuration for the ground
state of silicon (atomic number 14) is
45. Which of the given graphs depicts the conect
relation between kinetic energy of photoelectrons IKVPY Sl2010l
and fr€quency of incident light (v)? 1s2*2f3d3l
(1') \21 1s,2i2/a*W
Q) 1$2*2fV (4) 1d2s2d36'3d
'd5 2. Th€ energy of photon of wavelengffi I = 1 meter is
(1) (Planck's constant = 6.626 x 10s Js, sp€ed of
Pi rn/s)
light = 3x1tr [ryPY SBrSX 20101
Freque.rc, of
(1) 1.988 x 1O5J (2) r.988,. 1FJ
lisht (v) ---+ (3) 1.988 x 1OBJ (4) 1.988 x 10{J

3. the set of principal (n), azimuthal (,) and magnetic
t (m) quantum numbers that is not allowed for the
vc = Theshold elecfon in H-atom is tKlrPY SA mlll
12) u9 teqrrency
(1) n=3,t=1,q=-1
(21 n=3,t=0,q=0
Fequenc, o{
laght (v) ------) (3) n=2,t=1,q=0
(al n=2,t=2,q=-1
1' 4. The number of eledrons plus neufons in flK* is
(3) Et F(VPY SA 2014
FrequerEy ot
(1) 38 (2) se
q light (v) ---> (3) 3s (4) 40
5. The eledron in hydrogen atom is in the first Bohr
1 t orbit (n = 1). The ratio of transition energies,
E(n = 1-+ n = 3)to E(n = 1-+ n = 2), is
[KI/PY SB,SX 20111

Freq[Ency of
o 32rz el 1an7
fisht (v) ---. (3) 328 (4) 8,9

Aak$h Educatlonal Se.yice3 Limitad - Regd. Orrc€:Aakash Tower,8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-l10005 Ph. 01147623/56
Structure of Atom (Level-lll)

6 For a one-electron atom, the set of allowed

quantum numbers is P(VPY SB,SX 2014
Jel +t _2p
(1) n=1,1=0,m, = 0,m.= +Y,
*t z.
(2) n = 1,l= '1, mr = 0,m"=+Y2
(3) n=1,f =0,m, = -1,m.=-%
o, 'l -{t- 1.
(4) n=1,1=0,mr = 1,m"=-Y
7 A metal is irradiated with light of wavelength
660 nm. Given that the work function of the metal
is 1.0 eV, the drBroglie wavelength of the eiected
t t f zp
electron is close [KVPY SB,SX 20121 (4)
-4- 2s
(1) 6.6 x l0-? m (2) 1.3 x 10+m +t 1"
(3) 8.9 x 10-1' m (4) 6.6 x 10-13 m
8 The pair of atoms having the same number of 13. The graph that depicts Einstein's photoelectric
neutrons is [KVPY SA 20131 effect for a monochromatic source of frequency
above the threshold frequency is [KVPY SA 20161
(i\ 'Zc,1lus e) 11Na,13F

(3) 1iNa,?iMe (4) ?1Na, i3K o

o Natural abundances of 12c and 13C isotopes of oh
carbon are 99o/o and 1ok, respec;tively. Assuming 6E
\., !lo la
they only contribute to the mol. wt. of C,F., the
percentage of CrFl having a molecular mass of (L
101 is [KVPY SA 20131 lntensity of radiation
(1) 1.98 (2) S
(3) 0.1e8 (4) S o
10. lf the radius of the hydrogen atom is 53 pm, the o=
radius of the He' ion is closest to TE
IKVPY SA 20141 oo
(1) 108 pm (2) 81 pm
lntensity of radiation
(3) 27 pm (4) 13 pm
11 Maximum number of electrons that can be
accommodated in the subshell with azimuthal
quantum number I = 4, is [KVPY SA 2015] ob
(1) 10 (2) I (3
(3) 16 (4) 18 -€
12 The electronic confguration which obeys Hund's lntensity of radiation
rule for the ground slate of carbon atom is
[KVPY SA 2016] o

t t _2e (4)
C -*t- z. E
(1) trr
1. lntensity of radialion
+t '14. A 20 g object is moving wi$ velocity lm ms-1. The
de-Broglie wavelength (in m) of the obiect is

t _ +2e IKVPY SAml4
c +F2s [Planck's constant h = 6.626 x 10s Js!
(2) trr

+f- 1s (1) 10s

3.313 x (2) 6.626 x 1F
(3) 3.313 x 1fr31 (4) 6.626 x 10-i1

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456
(Level-lll) Structure of Atom 27
'15. The maximum number of electrons thal can be 22. lf the radius of the first Bohr orbit is t then the de
filled in he shell wih the principal quanfum number Broglie wavelength in the third Bohr orbit is
n = 3 is IKVPY SA 2014 INSEC 20131
(1) 18 (2) 9
(11 zt (2) s
(3) 8 (4) 2
(3) r/3 (4) 6,u
16. The photoelec'tric behaviour of K, Li, Mg and A9
metals is shown in the plot belolv. lf light of 23. The quantum numbers for the 19h electron of cr
wavelength 400 nm is incident on each ol these (z= 24]ra.e INSEC 2013]
metals then which of them will emit (1) n=3, 1=0,m=0,s=+Y,
photoelectons? [l$rPY SA 201I
(2\ n=4, l=0, m = 0,s=+Y,
[Planck's constant t = 6.626 x 'lF Js; velocity
of tightc=3 x l08 ms 1; 1 eV = 1.6 x 101'gJl (3) n = 3, I -- 2, m = 2,s = +Y,
A8 (4) n=4, l=2, m=2,s=+Y,
24. An isotone of .rGe76 is [NSEC 2014]
('t ) .r&, (2) ,.As77
5 (3) ,Se77 (4) 3sBfro
Itrcid€rt pboloo !trlrgy (.V)
25. The elecfonic level which allows the hydrogen atom
(1) K only (2) K and Li only to absorb, but not emit a photon is [NSEC 2014]
(3) K, Li and Mg only (4) K, Li, Mg and Ag
(1) 1s (2) 2s
17. The maximum number of electrons that can be
(31 2p (4) 3s
filled in the shell with principal quantum number
n=4 is pwPY SA 2014 26. 4s orbital has lesser energy than 3d orbital because
(1) 64 (21 6 it has INSEC 2014]

(3) 18 (41 v (1) Greater value of n

18. C6o emerging from a source at a lpeed (v) has a (2) Lesser value of /
dtBroglie wavelength of 11.0 A. The value of (3) Lesser value of (n + /)
v (in ms-1) is closest to [(vPY SA 2014
(a) r= 0
lPlanck's constant h = 6.626 x 10s Js]
(1) 0.s (2) 2.5
27. Helium can be singly ionized by losing one electron
to become the Het cation. Which of the following
(3) 5.0 (4) 30 statements is true conceming this helium cation?
19. The allowed set of quantum numbers for an INSEC 20151
elecfon in a hydrogen atom is
('l) The line spectrum of this helium cation will
[uPY SB,SX 2014 resemble the line spectrum of a hydrogen atom
(1) n=4, l=2,mr=0,m"=9 (2) The line spectrum of this helium cation will
(2) n=3, I= 1, mr = -3, m. = -12 resemble the line spectrum of a lithium cation
(3) n = 3, | = 3, m/=-1 m!= 12 (3) The line spectrum of this helium cation will
remain the same as for unionized helium
(4) n=2, I=1,mr=-1 m,=112
9 (4) The line spectrum of this helium cation will
20. For a 4p orbital, the number of radial and angular
resemble the line spectrum of a hydrogen ion
nodes respeclively are [I(VPY SBrSX 2014
(1) 3,2 (2) 1,2 28. The set of quantum numbers that cannot be allotted
to an electron in an atom is INSEC 20151
q (31 2,4 (41 2, 1
2 (1) n = 3, I = 2, mr = +2, ms= -112
I 21. The widest rang€ 0\16r whicfi electonlc excitatons
in organic compounds occrrr, is
[{SEC 20131 l2l n=2, l= 0, mr = +1, ms = +1/2
(1) 200 nm - 780 nm (2) 220nm-500nm (3) n = I, I = 0, mr = 0, ms = +1/2
(3) 250 nm - 700 nm (4) 29Onm-1000nm (4) n = 4, I = 3, mr = 0, m.= -'i12
28 Structure of Atom (Level-lll)

29. lf the energy of an eleclron in the 1$ and 2d energy (1) Visible (2) W
levels of an H atom are -13.6 eV and -3.4 eV (3) R (4) X+ay
respectively, the energy required in eV to excite an
electron from the 1st to the 2d energy level is 36. The kinetic energy of an electron that has a
wavelength of 10 nm INSEC 2014
lNsEc 201q
(1) 17.0 (2) -',t7.o
(11 2.4,10 ,1
J (2\ 4.8 x 10 21 J
(3) 10.2 (41 -10.2 (3) 2.4 x 10-4 J (4) 4.8 x loa J
30. lf i! I
and are the threshold wavelength and the 37. When a certain metal was irradiated with light of
wavelength of the incident light respec'tively on a frequency 3.2 x
'1016 Hz, the photo€lectrons emitted

metal surface, the velocity of the photoelechon had twice the kinetic energy as did the
ejected from the metal surface is (me = mass of photoelectrons emitted when the same metal was
electron, h = Planck's constant, c = speed of light) inadiated with light of frequency 2.0 r 10'6 Hz. The
vo ofthe metal is [NSEC2014
(11 2.4 x 1016 Hz (2) 8.0 x 1016 Hz

{.1 (,)\m 38.
(3) 8.0 x 101s Hz (41 7.2 x 1016 Hz
An electron beam can undergo diffi"ction by crystals

2hcrro-l) zn( 1-t./1l which proves the wave nature of electrons. The
potential required for a beam of elsctrons to be
(3) p', ]
r'" l. i" accelerated so that its wavelength becomes equal
31. The de Broglie wavelength of an object of mass 33 is
to 0.154 nm [NSEC 2014
g moving wilh a velocity of 200 msr is of the order (1) 63.5v (2) 31.75 v
d tNsEc 2016I (3) 635v (4) 127 v
(1) m
1fr31 (2) 10-s m
(3) 10.37m (4) 1041 m 39. The ratio of the energy of the electron in ground
stat€ of hydrogen atom to that of the electron in the
32. lmagine that in any atom about 50% of the space first excited state of Be3' is [NSEC 2014
is occupied by the atomic nucleus. lf a silver foil is
bombarded with o-particles, majority of the d-
(1) 1 :4 (2) :8
particles would [NSEC 20161 (3) 1 : 16 (41 4:1
(l) Be scattered 40. The electrons identitied by quantum number n and
(2) Be absorbed by the nuclei l, (i) n = 4, l=1, (ii) n = 4, l=0, (iii) n = 3, l=2, (iv) n

(3) Pass through the foil undeflected = 3, I = 1 can be placed in order ofincreasing energy

(4) Get converted into photons

from lowest to highest as INSEC 2014
(1) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (2) (ii) < (iv) < (i)< (iii)
33. For an electron whose x-positional uncertainty is
1.0 x '10-10 m, the uncertainty in the x-component (3) (i) < (iii)< (ii) < (iv) (4) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)
of the velocity in ms-r will be of the order of 41. The energy of an elec-Eon in Boh/s orbit of hydrogen
lilsEc 20161 atom is -13.6 eV The total electronic energy of a
(1) 1d (2) 1d hypothetical' He atom in whidr there are no elecfon-
electron repulsion is INSEC 20181
(3) 1012 (4) 1015
34. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit
(1) 27 .2 ev l2l -27 .2 eV
is -13.6 eV. The energy of Be3* in the first excited (3) -108.8 eV (4) 108eV
state is INSEC 20161 42. The energy of an electron in the ground state of H
(1) -30.6 eV (2) -40.8 eV atom is -13. 6eV The negative sign indicates that
(3) -9.4 eV (4) ++0.0 eV F{SEC20r8l
35. The ionization energy of a certain element is (1) Electrons are negatively charged.
412 kJ mol1. When the atoms of this element are
(2) H atom is more stable than a free electron.
in the first excited slate, however, the ionization
energy is only 126 kJ mol1. The region of the (3) Energy of the electron in the H atom is lower
electromagnelic spectrum in which the wavelength than that of a free electlon.
of light emitted in a transition from the first excited (4) Work must be done to make a H atom from a
state to the ground state is INSEC 20171 free electron and proton.

Dtr tr
Chopter I

Cell : The Unit of Life

I- Obtscffw IYp. Ou€ldon

3 Plant cells differ from animal cells in that, plant
cells have
(1) An endoplasmic reticulum
I Wh€n adar cell is stain€d wih a pertanbr die, (2) A cent'al vacuole
only parts of nucleus, mitochondria and (3) Golgi apparatus
dloroplasb were app€arcd to b€ stained. What
nd€orls is h€ stain rnost lildy b be adhedng b? (4) Vesicles
(1) Probh (2) Celbloso 4 ln a lipid bilayer the lipids have their
(3) DriA (4) Rr.rA (1) Water repelling polar heads facing inward
2. Below is a diagram of tlo soct€bry pehway from (2) Water repelling tails facing inward
the endodasmic rethlum (ER), tuough tl€ C'olgi (3) Hydrogen bond forming heads facing inward
apparilts, b fle membrane.
(4) Hydrogen bond forming tails facing inward
5. Select the conecl statement from the following.
Sacrioay (1) Vacuoles are membrane-bound organelles
whicfi are only found in plant cells.
(2) Plant cells and fungal cells both possess cell
F walls.
(3) Chloroplasts are essential to the synthesis of
\ Golgi
sugars in cells, and so are found in all living
(4) The Golgi comdex is only found in secretory

Which of the following diagrams correctly 6' Proteins are @mponents of all of the following
represents the orientations of proteins A and B oxcopt
upon reaching the secretory vesicle and the (1) DNA (2) Plasma membrane
plasma membrane?
(3) Chromosorne (4) Ribosorne
7 Which of the following features w.r.t. plasma
membrane is inconect?

o o er iG (1) Polar head of lipids in membrane facing

towards the outer side
(2) The ends of lipids in rnembrane whidr face he
inner side are hydrophilic in nature
(3) ln Ure rnembrane of human RBC, percenEge of

\a{ (4) l
protein is more than the percentage of lipids
(4) The tunnel proteins run throughout the lipid

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Offce :Aakash Toh/er, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456
30 Cell : The Unit of Life (Levellll)

8. Which of the following may present in bacteria but 14. Which of th€ following observations most strongly
not in eukaryotic cells? support the view that the mitodlondria have el6c-
(1) 70S ribo6orTre ton transport system?
(2) Dt.lA packaging protein (1 ) Mitocfpndria have a frclded inner .nembrane ,.

(3) Plasmid (2) Mitochondria have a property to concentsate in

cells which form locomotory structures
(4) Micotlbule
(3) Disruption of mitochondia yields membrane
9. Which is a tunc-tion of SER?
ftagments which are able to synthesize ATP
('l ) Synthesis of steroidal hormone
(4) A protein capable of utilizing ATP is obtained
(2) Formatjon of lysosomal proteins from mitochondria
(3) Packaging of transport of materials 15. Microsomes are related to
(4) Formation of glycoprotsins (1) Endoplasmicreticulum
10. The structure which provides gummy or sticky (2) $herosofires
characler and virulent property to the baclerid cell
is- (3) Lysosomos

(1) Middle layer of cell envelope (4) Plasmalemma

(2) Made of polysaccharides only 16. Besides giving out secretory vesicles, Golgi appa-
ratus is also concemed with formation of
(3) Made of amino sugar and amino acid
(1) Grana of cfiloroplasts
(4) Polysaccharides and D-glutamic acids
(2) Plastids
11. Ripened fruit becomes soft due to
(3) Cell plates during cells dMsion in plants
(1) Dissolution of peclate of middle larn€lla
(2) Conversion ofstarch into sugar (4) lntracellulardigestion

(3) Jelly formation at acidic pH in cell wall 17. Which types of lysosomes confibute lo the ageing
(4) lncorporation of pectin in middle lamella
(1) Primary lysosornes
12. Plasma membrane is asymmetric be@use
(2) Secondary lysosomes
(a) Lipids present in the outer and inner side of
the bilayer are different (3) Autophagicvacuoles
(b) Extrinsic proteins are more abundant on the (4) Residualbodies
inner surfac€ than on the outer surface 18. Ergasomes are fonned by
(c) Oligosaccharides are attached only to the ex- (l) 5 ribosornes only
ternal surface of lipids and proteins of a
(2) Many ribosomes attached to ER

(1) (a)and (b)only (3) Many ribosomes attached to a mRl{A

(2) (b) and (c) only

(4) Golgi bodies
(3) (a) and (c)only 19. Adenosinetriphophate (ATP)powerthe movement
ofcilia and flagella, adenosine triphosphatase activ-
(4) All (a), (b)and (c) ity is present in
13. Fret channels are chaGc{erislics of ('l ) N6xin protein (2) Dynein protein
(1) Mitodondria (3) Massule (4) Keratjn protein
(2) Diclyosomes 20. Protein tubulin does not occur in

(3) ER (1) FlagElla (2) Plasma rnembrane

(4) Chloroplast (3) Cilia (4) Microtubule

Alkash Educetional Sorvlces Limiled - Regd. O,ltce:Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, NewDelhi-110005 Ph.01147623y',fi
(Level-lll) Cell : The Unit of Life 31

21. ln cilia microtubular fibrils are ofdoublet nature and (4) One region of an embryo direc.ts the develop-
are tilted by 10'angle so that subfibril a is close to m6nt of a neighbouring region of an embryo
centre. ln centriole, microtublar fibrils are triplet na- through movement of cells
ture and are ti[ed by
28. Which component of cell membrane function to
(1) 10' (2) 30" rsduce \rvater permeability?
(3) 40" (4) 45. (1) Sphingolipid
2. From endosperm of germinating castor bean (2) Glycerol
extruded cell organelle(s) iyare (3) Cholesterol
(1) Peroxisomes (2) Glyoxisomes (4) Transmembrane proteins
(3) Chromophst (4) Both (1 ) and (2) 29. You have developed a stain that colours alpha and
23. Vacuolarcellsap in planb generally has beb tubulin a bright orange colour. When the stain
is applied to non-dividing leaf cells, which area ol
(1) Alkaline pH and is hypotonic he cell would you expec{ to be orange when viewed
(2) NeutralpH and is isotonic with a light microscope?

(3) Acidic pH and is hypertonic (1) The nucleus

(4) pH equalto cytoplasm and is isotonic (2) The cell wall adiacent to the surface of the
plasma rnembrane
24. A primary constriclion on the chromosornes is called
(3) The cytoskeleton
(1) Cenfornere (2) Cenfosorne
(4) Flagella
(3) Cenfiob (4) Chorno.neres
30. You want lhe following set of organelles to divids
25. Nucleolus in produced from and grow in culture media. Which of the following
(1) set you select to grow and divide independently?
Primary constiction
(1) Cell, lysosome, and mitochondria
(2) Nudeolar organising region of certain chromo.
somes (2) Cell, ER, and lysosomes
(3) Nudearenvelope (3) Cell, mitochondria and chloroplast
(4) RER (4) Cell, ER, chloroplast and mitochondira
26. A high surface areatovolume ratio in cells is impor- 31. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to have
tant b€cause it formed from bacteria taken in by a host cell. lf this
is true, which of the following would a cytologist
(1) Enables eficient transfer of wastes, nutrients expect to find?
and gases across the cell membrane
(1) A cyanobacterium with mitochondria in a host
(2) Prevents oveprcduclion of cell proteins dus to cell
st uctural limitations
(2) A choloroplasts only in an eukaryotic cell
(3) Allows many antigens on the surface for iden-
(3) funoebae hat take in cyanobacteria when food
tification of setf and non self
is scarce and use them as chloroplast
(4) Povides better structural supportto the cellto
(4) A green alga with chloroplasts but no
cope with extemal physical pressure
a mitochondria
27. Which statement best descdbes he process of en-
& docytosis? SECTION - B
i ('l) A vesicle within a cell fuses lvith the plasma Prevlous Years Qrrostlons
rnembrane and rgleases its contents to the
1 Which one of the following organelles can
e oubide synthesize some of its own proteins?
(2) Solid particles or liquids are tiaken up by a cell
IKVPY SA 20121
t through invagination oflhe plasma membrane
(1) Lysozome (2) Golgi apparatus
(3) lnvestment in one cytosis reduces the ability
d of the parent to assist another cytosis (3) Vacuole (4) Mitochondrion
Aakash Educatlonal So.vlce Limit d - Regd- Offca :Aakash Towsr, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 0f i 47623456
32 Cell : The Unit of Life (Level-lll)

2. Animal cells after removal of nuclei still contained (3) Nucleus, chloroplast, cytoplasm and
DNA. The source of this DNA is [KVPY SA 20131 peroxisome

(1) Nucleosomes (2) Mitochondria (4) Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, Golgi

(3) Peroxisomes (4) LYsosome
3. Which of the following organelles contain circular
9. The peptidoglycans of bacteria consist of


(1) Peroxisomes and Mitochondria (1) Sugars, D-amino acids and L-amino acids
(2) Mitochondria and Golgi complex (2) Sugars and only D-amino acids
. (3) Chloroplasts and Lysosomes (3) Sugars and only L-amino acids
(4) Mitochondria and ChloroPlast
(4) Sugars and glycine
4. ln which of the following cellular compartment(s)
do respiratory reactions occur? 10. ln a mixed culture of slow and fast growing bacteria,
penicillin will [KVPY SB/SX 20151
IKVPY SA 20141
(1) Cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum ('1) Killthe fast growing bacteria more than the slow
(2) Mitochondria and Golgi complex
(2) Kill slow growing bacteria more than the fast
(3) Mitochondria and cytoplasm
(4) Mitochondria only
(3) Kill both the fast and slow growing bacteria
5. Which of the following organelles contain circular equally
(4) Will not kill bacterja at all
(1) Peroxisomes and Mitochondria
1'1. Which of the following statements is lncorrect
(2) Mitochondria and Golgi complex regarding biological membrane?
(3) Chloroplasts and Lysosomes
(4) Mitochondria and Chloroplast (1) lt is composed of lipids and proteins
6. A line is drawn from the exterior of an animal cell (2) Peripheral proteins are loosely associated
to the centre of the nucleus, crossing through one with the membrane
milochondrion. What is the minimum number of
membrane bilayers that the line will cross?
(3) lntegral proteins span the lipid bilayer

IKVPY SA 20151 (4) Lipids and membrane proteins do not provide

structural and functional asymmetry
(1) 4 (21 3
12. Match the following organelles in Column-l with the
(3) I (4) 6
struclures in Column-ll. Choose the correct
7. Chromosomes are classified based on the position combination. [KVPY SB,SX 20161
of centromere. A chromosome having a terminal
called Column{ Column-ll
centromere is [KVPY SA 2017]
(1) Metacentric (2) Telocentric
a. Mitochondrion (i) Cistemae
(3) Sub-meiacentric (4)Acrocentric b. Golgi (ii) Cristae

8. lf you fractionate all the organelles from the c. Chloroplast (iii) Thylakoids
cytoplasm of a plant cell, in which one of the d. Centrosome (iv) Radial spokes
following sets of fractions will you find nucleic
(1) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
acids? [KVPY SB/SX 20111
(2) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
(1) Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, cytoplasm
(2) N ucleu s, mitochondria, chloroplast, (3) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii)
glyoxysome (4) a(iv), b(ii), c(i), d(iii)

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(Level-lll) Cell : The Unit of Life 33
'13. Cholesterol serves the role of 'temperature buffer' 19. Macrophages are white blood cells that phagocytose
in biological membrane because INSEB 20131 any foreign body while plasma cells are effector B
cells that produce antibodies. When these two cell
(1) lt resists change of pH of membrane core at
types are activated, the predominant organelle at
any temperature.
work will be respectively: [NSEB 2013]
(2) lt resists fluidity changes of membrane at low
(1) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Snrooth
Endoplasmic Reticulum.
(3) lt resists movement of phospholipids at all (2) Golgi bodies and lysosomes
(3) Lysosomes and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
(4) lt promotes close packing of phospholipids and
increases temperature required for membrane (4) Peroxisomes and lysosomes
to solidify. 20. To a culture medium containing cells in the phase
14. Protein molecules giving individuality to cells have of differentiation, a marker molecule capable of
to be membrane proteins of this category binding to the newly synthesizing cellulose
molecules was added. The marker will appear in
INSEB 20131
INsEB 20131
(1) Peripheral or Extrinsic
(1) Middle lamella
(2) lntegral proteins on cytoplasmic lamina
(2) Primary wall layer
(3) lntegral proteins on extracytoplasmic lamina
(3) Secondary wall layer
(4) Lipoproteins
(4) Both (2)and (3)
15. Which of the following is NOT a function of 21. The hypothesis that chloroplasls are the
mitochondria? [NSEB 20131 descendants of bluegreen bacteria is evident from
(1) Synthesis of high energy compounds like the trct that (Choose the most appmpriate answer )
INSEB 2014.I
(2) Storage of divalent cations like Ca2t and Mg2* (1) Both are green in colour
(3) lnfluencing extranuclear h6reditary characters (2) Blue{reen bacleria were the first organisms to
(4) Storage of reseNed food materials, particularly contain chloroplasts
in ova (3) The blue-green bacteria cell is similar to a

16. Which of the following is NOT a part of human chloroplast and is approximately the same size
chromosomes? [NSEB 20131 (4) Blue green bacteria were the first organisms to
(1) centiole (2) Histone contain chlorophyll

(3) Nucleosome (4) Cenfornere 22. Which of fie following statements about cholesterol
in animal cell membrane are correct?
17. lf bacterial genome and plasmid are allowed to
replicate in the same mannerlhen [NSEB 2013] (i) lt reduces membrane fluidity at moderate
(1) Bacterial genome replicates faster.
(ii) lt prevents rnembrane gelling at low temperature
(2) Plasmid genome replicates faster. by disrupting close pac*ing of phospholipids.
(3) Both will take equal time for replication. (iii) lt prevents kinking of unsaturated hydrocarborl
l (4) Speed of replication is dependent on AT/ GC at all temperatures.
! ratio. (iv) lt promotes kinking of unsalurated tails of
18. Which of the following requires energy? phospholipids at low temperature.

INSEB 20131 INSEB 20141

(1) Diffusion (1) (i), (ii) and (iv)
6 (2) osmosis (2) (i), (iii) and (iv)
i (3) Facilitated Diffusion (3) (i), (ii) and (iii)
j (4) None of these (4) (i) and (ii) only

Aakash Educational Servic6 Limiied - Regd. Offc€ : Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1'10005 Ph. 011-47623456
3{ Cell : The Unit of Life (Level-lll)

23. ln a given diagram of cell membrane, which latter 27. When a culture medium is supplemanted with
represents a molecule of cholesterol? radio-labeled cysteine, the label appears in
INSEB 20f41 succession in the following cell organelles

a INSEB 201s1
(1) Golgi body -J RER r Nuclear Envelope
,l drr (2) RER + Nuclear Envelope J Vesicle
(3) RER --) Golgi Body r Vesicle

s (4) SER --r RER + Golgi Body

[NSEB 20151
(3) R (4) S
24. A rew major discoveries in ce, biorosy are risted
"' S;jlliljff; Illiil,ll'l'i;,ll'"""11;lXlll
l. Schleiden and Schwann proposed the cell reticulum
theory' (2) cytoptasm, mitochondria, rough endoptasmic
ll. Leewenhoeck discovered bacteria. reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum
lll. Golgi stained cells with silver nitrate, discovered (3) Cytoplasm, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic
golgi apparatus. reticulum
lV First transmission electron microscope was (4) Cytoplasm, nucleus, rough endoplasmic
developed. reticulum
The correct chronological order of these events 29. Facilitated diffusion of a solute across the plasma
starting with the earliest event is INSEB 20141 rnembrane INSEB 20r5t
(1) I, ll, lll, lV (l) ls also known as active transport
(2) ll, lll, I, lV (2) Does not require concentEtion gradient across
(3) ll, l, lll, lV the membrane

(4) ll, l, lv, lll. (3) Requires energy in the form of ATP

25. Which of the following processes is catalysed by (4) Occurs through solute specfic channel proteins
ribozyme? [NSEB 20141 30. ldentify the example/s of plants in which
(1) Delinking of larger and smaller subunits of chloroplasts transforms into chromoplasts.
ribosomes NSEB 20iq
(2) Linking of amino acids into potypeptide chain (1) Tomato
in a ribosome
(2) Beet root
(3) Making complementary copies of short pieces
ofRNA (3) LadY linger

(4) Making complementary DNA from pieces of (4) cotton

RNA 31. Which of the following structures facilitate the
26. protein,
To study the ability to secrete a specific transport of materials between two cells?
cells were homogenized mechanically and TNSEB 201q
organelles were separated by centrifuoation. Which
iivestigation? l' Desmosome ll right iunction
organe e should be used for further
INSEB 20141 lll. Gap junction tV. Ptasmodesmata
(1) Microsome (2) Peroxisome (1) Onty I & tt (2) Onty & tV
(3) Lysosome (4) Ribosome (3) Only t, lll, lV (4) Onty t, &
A.k rh Educadon.l Services Llmlted - Regd. Onica : Aakash Toier, 8, puss Road, Now D.[ri-11m05 ph.o1l{}eIga
(Level-lll) Cell : The Unit of Life 35
32. Which of the following is an example of 36. Cell inclusions like calcium carbonate or oxalats
endosymbiosis? INSEB 20161 crystals found in plant cells occur in

INSEB 20161
(1) Mitochondria
(2) chloroplasts
(3) Golgi bodies
Food Genetic
material (4) Vacuoles
37. Which of the following organelles are involved in
fatty acid catabolism? INSEB 20161
i. Mitochondria
ii. Peroxisomes
iii. Granular endoplasmic reticulum
(1) Amoeba M Lysosomes

(2) Bactena (1) ii and iii (2) iand ii

(3) Macrophage (3) i only (4) All the four

(4) Eukaryotic cell 38. A few cells and associated enlities are listed.
Which of them represents the conect ascending
33. Which of the following will not be affected by
order of the size relative to each other?
RNAse? [NSEB 20'16l
INSEB 20171
('l) Smaller subunit of ribosome
(1) Mitochondrion < Paramecium < Human
(2) Larger subunit of ribosome < Erythrocyte < E coli
(3) Amino acyl IRNA transferase (2) Protein < Virus < Mitochondrion < Paramecium
(4) Nucleolus in interphase (3) Chloroplast < Protein < Human sperm < Frog
34. Allof the follol/ving oQanelles are sunounded by one
or more membranes, ex@pt Ii{SEB 20161 (4) Nucleus < Protein < Paramecium <
(l) Peroxisomes (2) Vacuoles
(3) Ribosomes (4) Mitochondria 39. Which of the following structure is not found in a
prokaryotic cell? [NSEB 20171
35. Which of the following desctiptions conecuy apply
to the amino acid distribution in a typical
a. Plasma membrane

transmembrane protein? INSEB 20161 b. Ribosomes

(1) Hydrophobic amino acids towards the outer c. Endoplasmicreticulum

sides of bilayer while hydrophilic amino acids d. Golgi bodies
in the interior of the bilayer.
(1) a andb (2) OnlY b
(2) Hydrophilic amino acids towards the outer
(3) Only c (4) c and d
sides of bilayer while hydrophobic amino acids
in the interior of the bilayer. 40. Which of the cellular organelles mentioned below
(3) Hydrophilic amino acids towards the have to import all the proteins they contains?
INsEB 20171
extracellular and interior of bilay6r whereas
hydrophobic amino acids in the cytoplasmic (1) Nucieus
(2) LYsosoines
(4) Hydrophilic amino acids towards cytoplasmic
(3) ChloroPlast
side of bilayer whil6 extracellular side has
hydrophobic amino acids. (4) Mitochondria
36 Cell : The Unit of Life (Level-lll)

41. lf a fluorescing protein is attached to many free 45. Which one of the following is inconect statement
ribosomes in a cell and the cell is photographed about 'Cell surface to volume ratio concepf?
after a time interval, the colour will appear
INSEB 20181
INSEB 2014
(1) Greater the cell volume, more will be the
(1) ln cytoplasm. only
cytoplasmic content.
(2) ln cytoplasm and along rough endoplasmic
(2) Greater the surface area, rapid will be the
exchange of substiances
(3) ln cytoplasm, along rough endoplasmic
(3) Greater the cell volume, lesser will be the
reticulum and along wall of nucleus
amount of wastes produced
(4) ln cytoplasm, along rough endoplasmic
(4) As the cell increases in size, volume
reticulum, along wall of nucleus and in the
increases more rapidly than its surface area.
matrix of mitochondria.
46. For various cellular processes, foliowing molecules
42. Which of the following cytoskeletal structures have
need to be transported from the site of synthesis
maximum diversity of the component proteins?
to the site of activity. INSEB 20181
INSEB 2018I i. Nucleotides
(1) Microtubules ii. IRNA
(2) Microfilaments iii. Histones
(3) lntermediate filaments iv Deoxyribose sugar
(4) Microfibrils Which molecules from the above are transported
43. Which process of cell ingestion is shown in from cytoplasm to nucleus?
diagram below? [NSEB 20181 (1) iand ii (2) i and iii
(3) ii and iv (4) i and iv
Rece rS
\clathrin @ 47. Which of the following processes requires energy?

(1) Movement of calcium into a cell.

INSEB 20181

\, (2) Secretion of mucus by a cell.
Actin & (3) Entry of oxygen into a cell.
Myosin Clathrin 1i1 Water absorption by a cett.

(1) Exocytosis
48. Which of the following statements about plasmids
is true? INSEB 20181
(2) Pinocytosis
(1) Plasmids are genetically indispensable for host
(3) Phagocytosis cells in the absence of a selection pressure.
(4) Macrophage engulfing an infectious agent (2) Some plasmids have the ability to transfer
zg. Conect anangement of the following in increasing themselves physically ftom one cell to another.
size is [NSEB Z0l8l (3) Plasmids are naked DNA molecules capable
i. Widlh of biological membrane. of survival outside a living cell'.

ii. Diameter of E. coli DNA.

(4) Plasmids do not depend on host enzymatic
machinery for their replicatjon.
iii. Human ribosome.
49. Which of the follo\/ing functions are carried out in
iu Length of E. colt DNA. :he sfi t.)ctrr err.lfi Diasmic nti.uluil't ;INBO-2014
v Diameter ol human liver cell. l. A,ldi{on of carbohydrates lc proteins
(1) i, iii. ii. iv. v (2) ii. i, iii, v, i\ il. Synthesis of membrane chospholipids
(3) i, iii. v, ii, iv (4) ii. iii, i, iv. v lll Addition ol caiSohTdrates to lipids
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(Level-lll) Cell : The Unit of Life 37

lV Synthesis of cholesterol 53. Which of the following statements is false?

V. Detoxification of drugs (A) Plasmid do possess protein coats

(1) r, r, rv (B) Plasmid are circular double stranded DllA
(2) il, ilr, rv
(C) Plasmid can be incorporated into host cell's
(3) il, rv v
(4) t, lv v
(D) Plasmid genes are required for bacterial
50. Which of the following contains a polar head and survival and/or reproduction
non-polar tail? [INBO'2017]
(E) Plasmid are generally beneficial to their host
(1) Triglycerides cells [INBO-2017j
(2) Neuhal lipids
(3) Wax
(4) Phospholipids B

51. ln the living cells there are C

't . Rrbosomes 5. Exon D

2. ATP synthesis 6. DNA Polymerase E

3. Cell membrane 7. Photosynthesis

4. Nudear envelope 8. Mesosomes 54. Which of the following is/are true about telomeresl

Which of them exist both in prokaryotic and A. Telomeres are present in all DNA in eukaryotio
eukaryotic cells? [INBO-20,|4 cells
(1\ 1,2, 3, 6, 7 B. Telomeres are present in bacterial plasmids
(21 1, 2. 3, 5, 6,7 c. Telomeres are required for replication fcrk
(3\ 1,2,3,4,7 formation

(4) 1, 3, 5, 6 D. Telomeres are specific sequences present in

eukaryotic chromosomes
52. Phospholipids are a class of lipids that are a major
component of all cell membranes as hey can form E. Telomeres are required for maintaining
lipid bilayers. chromosomal length [NBO'2014

lndicate true statements with tick (r') and false (1) A, C and E,

statements with a cross (x). (2) C, D and E

(A) The hydrophobic tails are oriented towards the (3) D and E
outer surfa@ of all membrane
(4) B
(B) The fatty acids presents in membrane do not
have double bonds 55. Where are most proteins ot respiratory chain that
carry out the oxidative metabolism in the
(C) Once phospholipids are incorporated they mitochondrial structure, are located? [NBO-201n
remain in the cell membrane permanently
(1) ln the cytoplasm on the outer surface of the
(D) The bilayers are randomly interspersed with mitochondria.
proteins [INBO-20171
(2) ln t:]e spa@ between lhe two membran3s
(l) ()iiirle surface and embedded within the oL:it:r
B melr'rbrane.

C (4) On the surface and embedded within lhr; t'r'ret'

t) membrane

*ir|r'e', ? Road NewDelhrl10005Ph rlil 'ii

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38 Cell : The Unit of Life (Level-lll)

56. Flagella are common among eukaryotic 9. Prokaryotic flagella can rotate only in the one
organisms. Some prokaryotic organisms (bacteria) direc,tion
also possess flagella. Consider the following 10. Each eukaryotic llagellum has its own basal
statements. My
1. Bacterial flagella are covered with two Which of these statements are true/fase?
rnemblanes 0NBO2014
2. Eukaryotic flagella undulate when driving cell Staternent True False

3. Both bacterial and eukaryotic flagella use

proton gradients as direct energy sources 2

4. Prokaryotic flagella are formed from actin; II

eukaryotic flagella are formed from tubulin

Prokaryotic flagella are proteinac€ous spiral


filaments attached to multi-protein rotors

6. All prokaryotic
cells have at least one 6

All eukaryotic flagella are covered with an
extension of the plasma membrane

All functional eukaryotic flagella contain


molecular motor-proteins (dyneins) 10 II
tr D o

Aakash Educatlonal S€wlcos Llmltod - Regd. Otrlce :Aakash 8, Pusa Road. New Delhi-110005 Ph. 0ii-47623456
Chopter 2

Cell Cyc e ond Cell Division

SECIPN.A 7. Anastral mitosis is found in

Objective Type Questions

(1) Angiosperms

A human cell has 46 chromosomes. This cell

(2) Animals

replicates its DNA and undergoes cell division to (3) All living cells
form four unidentical daughter cells. What is this (4) Prokaryotes
process called and how many chromosomes are
found in each daughter cell?
8. The number of chromatids in a chromosome at
metaphas€ is
(1) Mitosis, 23 (2) Meiosis, 23 ('l) Two in mitosis and one in meiosis
(3) Mitosis, 46 (4) Meiosis, 46 (2) One in mitosis and two in meiosis
2 Which statement best explains why red blood cells (3) Two in mitosis and lwo in meiosis
are incapable of carrying out mitosis?
(4) Two in mitosis and four in meiosis
(1) They don't contain DNA
9. For studying meiosis whidl is rnost suitable material
(2) They possess nucleus at full maturity
(1) Root lipYshoot tips
(3) They do not need to replicate
(2) Mature anthers
(4) They are bimncave
(3) Young floralbuds
3 ln which stage of cell cycle, cenlromeres split and
(4) Young anthers/festes of Grasshopper
chromatids move to opposite poles?
(1) Anaphase (2) Anaphasel
10. lnfanuclear mitosis is also called

(3) Metraphase
(1) Amitosis
(4) Telophase-l
(2) Endomitosis
4 Longest phase of cell cycle is
(3) Karyochorisis
(1) G, Phase (2) S - Phase
(4) Eumitosis
(3) G2 Phase (4) M - phase
11. ln pachytene
5 Duplication of centrioles in the cytoplasm of animal
cell occurs in (1) Chromatids are visible
(1) Phase
Go (2) S - Phase (2) Chromomeres are dearly visible
(3) G, Phase (4) Gr - Phase (3) Chromosomes are dearly visible
o The plane of cell wall formation and spindle (4) Chromatin condenses more
formation is determined by 12. ln meiosis, how many times nucleus divides?

(1) Microtubules (1) Once
(2) Microfilaments (2) Twice

(3) Vesicles of Golgi bodies (3) Does notdMde

(4) ER (4) Four times

Aakash Educalional Services Limited - Regd Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-'110005 Ph. O11-47623456
{$ Cell Cycle and Cell Division (Level-lll)

13. ln metaphase I, from each cenlromere of a 1 9. All the follo /ing evenb happen in pophase I of rneG
chromosomes, how many chromosomal fibres sis ercept
(tracticle fibres) arise towards poles?
(1) Terminalization of chiasma
(11 ? (2) 4
(2) Chiasma formation
(3) 1 (4) 3
(3) Segregationofchromatids
14. A ribonucleo-protein structure called synaptonemal
mmplex is reported by Moses 1956. lt is visible (4) Synapsis of homologus chromosomes
20. ln meiosis fourdaughter cells are formed thatdifier
(1) Zygotene to pachytene
from each olher due to
(2) Leptotene to diplotene
(1) Crossing overonly
(3) Pachytene to diplotene
(2) Difference in chromosome numb€r
(4) Diplotene to metaphase
(3) Crossing over and independent assortment
15. Colchicine inhibits celldivision and bring polyploidy
by (4) lndependent assortment only
(1) lnhibiting splitting of centromere at anaphase 21. lf the haploid number of chromosomes for a spe-
(2) lnhibiting spindle formation at premetaphase cies is three each dividing diploid cell during mito-
sis will have how many chromatids at anaphase?
(3) lnhibiting splitting of chromosomes at
metaphase 0) 3
(4) Not allowing disappearance of nuclear mem- (2) 6
(3) 6
16. To observe chiasmab & its terminalization the most
appropriate stages of meiosis would be
(41 12

(1) Zygotene,diplotene 22. Which of thefollowing description describes the cell

shown in figure?
(2) Leptotene,pachytene

(3) Diplotene,diakinesis
(4) Pachytene,zygotene
'17. The spindle microtubules are polar, their orientation

(1) '+'and '-' both end towards the equators

(2) '+'end towards the poles ('l) 8 chromosomes,4 homologous pair

(3) '+' and '-' both ends towards the poles (2) 8 chromosomes, I homologous pair
(4) '-'end towards the pole (3) 4 chromosome pair,8 homologous pair
18. An organism has 20 pairs of chromosomes. How (4) I chromosomes' 8 chromatids
many chromosomes will be at the end of meiosis I 23. Centrioles
and in daughter cells at the end of meiosis ll?
(1) Hold sister chromatids together during
(1) 10, 20 metaphase in higher plants

(2) 20,20 (2) Are duplicated before celldivision

(3) 10, 5 (3) Are only present during cell division
(4) 10, 10 (4) Consist ofDNA and histones
Aak .h Educrtoml Servic.3 Limlt d - Rogd. O,fc? : Askash Toirver, 8, Puss Road, NBw DslhFllooos Pt. 0tl-l?!"3456
(Level-lll) Cell Cycle and Cell Division 4l
24. A scientist examined a slide of rice (Oryza) rcol- 2. Desert temperature often varies between 0 to
tip cells from a plant native to her country. She 50'C. The DNA polymerase isolated from a c€mel
noticed that in some cases a celldivision produced living in the deserl will be able to synthesize DNA
a cell wilh two nuclei instead of'two cells with most efficiently at [KVPY SA 20121
nucteus each. Which of the foltowing woutd explain
(1) 0"C (2\ 37"C
her observation?

(3) 50"c (4\ 25"c
(1) The spindte faited to assembte
(2) rhe centromeres did not sprit t l:,lffi"t:fi: i1Jffi"fr
(3) The spindre microtubures did not separate the (1) Gap 1 (c1) (2) Mitotic (M)
(3) synthetic (s) (4) Gap 2 (G,)
(4) The cell plate did not form during cytokinesis
25. A cefl has a nucreus with a chromosome number 4 Meiosis I and Meiosis ll are characterised by the
separation of IKVPY sA 2013]
of 2n = 16. After meiosis ot in" + o"rgt'1"r
cells will have """n (1) Homologous chromosomes; sister chromatids
(1) 4 chromosomes and I chromatids (2) Sister chromatids; homologous chromosomes
(2) 16 chromosomes and 32 chromatids (3) Centromere; telomere
(3) 32 chromosomes and 32 chromatids (4) Telomere; cenuomere
(4) I chromosomes and I chromatids 5. Sister chromatids of a chromosome have
26. A mutant Petunia is discovered in which the leaf IKVPY sA 20131
cells have small number of chloroplasts and (1) Different genes at the same locus
mitochondria An examination th.:
1 than ""llin"l:1" (2) Different a etes of the same gene at the
shows that it is 10 percent shorler non-
same locus
mutant perunia. A cytologist .rs;".i"l ,i"i ii"
mutation had eliminated a phase of the cell cycle. (3) Same alleles of the same gene at the same
Which one is it? locus

(1) Gj phase (2) S phase (4) Same alleles at different loci

(3) Prophase (4) c2 phase 6. Of the following combinations of cell biological
processes which one is associated with
27. ln order to start divisions and to enter the cellcvcle
a cell is stimulateo tro, ort ,o". wh;i il; ; embryogenesis? [KvPYsB/sx20101
molecule provides this stimulation? (1) Mitosis and Meiosis
(1) Cyclins (2) Mitosis and Differentiation
(2) Cyclin-dependent kinases (3) Meiosis and Differentiation
(3) Cytokinines and growth factors (4) Differentiation and Reprogramming
(4) Tyrosine kinases 7. ln which phase of the cell cycle are sister
chromatids available as template for repair?
SECflON . B 1Kvpy sB/sx 20111
Previous Years Questions (1) Gl phas€ (2) G, phase
E 1. During meiosis there is [KVPY SA 201'l] (3) S phase (4) M phase
(1) One round of DNA replication and one division 8. At which stage of Meiosis I does crossing over
(2) Two rounds of DNA replication and one occuI? IKVPY sB/sx 20111
dMsion (1) Lepoptene
(3) Two rounds of DNA replication and two (2) Zygotene
division (3) Pachytene
(4) One round of DNA replicatipn and two division (4) Diplotene

A.l113h Educatton.l S.rvl6. Lhrfi.d - Regd. Ottce;Aakash Towsr, 8, Pusa Road, N€w Delhi-110005 Ph. 0'1147623455
42 Cell Cycle and Cell Division (Level-lll)

9. Human chromosomes undergo structural changes ('l) 2C and 2N for S phase; 2C and 2N for M
during the cell cycle. Chromosomal structure can phase
be best visualized if a chromosome is isolated (21 2C and N for S phase; 2C and N for M phase
from a cell [KVPY SB/SX 20't2l (3) 2C and 2N For S phase; C and 2N for M
(1) G1 phase (2) S phase phase

(3) G2 phase (4) M phase (4) C and N for S phase; C and 2N for M phase

10. Genetic content of a cell reduces to half after

14. Chrornosomes are classified based on the position
of centromere. A chromosome having a terminal
IKVPY SB/SX 20131 cenlromere is called IKVPY SB/SX 2014
('1) Meiotic prophase I (1) Metacentric (2) Telocentric
(2) Mitotic prophase (3) SuFmetacentric (4)Acrocentric
(3) Meiotic prophase ll
15. The nucleus of a diploid organism contains 3 ng
of DNA in G, phase. Which ONE of the following
(4) Meiotic telophase statemenls describes the state of the cell at the
'11. Following the cell cycle scheme given b€loq what end of S phase? IKVPY SB/SX 2014
is the probability that a cell would be in M-phase (1) The nucleus divides into two, and each
at any given time? [KVPY SB/SX 20141 nucleus contains 3 ng of DNA.
(2) The nucleus does not divide, and it contains
3 ng of DNA.
l/-p hase (4) The nucleus divides into two, and each
4h . nucleus contains 1.5 ng of DNA
2 hrs
(4) The nucleus does not divide, and it contains
G;phase 6 6 ng of DNA.
12 hrs
16. Which ONE of the following statements about
S-phase mitosis is CORRECT? [KVPY SB/SX 201I
('l) One nucleus gives rise to 4 nuclei.
(1) 1t24 12) 1t12 (2) Homologous chromosomes synapse during
(3) 1/6 (41 12 anaphase.
(3) The centromeres separate at the onset of
12. Aller meiosis-ll, daughter cells differ from the
parent cells and each other in their genotypes.
This can occur because of which of the following (4) Non-sister chromatids recombine.
mechanism(s)? IKVPY SB/SX 20141 17. Sequence that conectly describes the cell cycle is
(1) Only synaptic crossing over INSEB 20131
(1) G, --r G, -+ S ---r mitosis + cytokinesis
(2) Only crossing over and independent
assortment of chromosomes
(2) S + G, , mitosis J cytokinesis -+ Gl
(3) G, '--r S -) G, =r cytokinesis -+ mitosis
(3) Only crossing over and chromosomal
(4) Cytokinesis -r mitosis -r G., -+ S --.> G,
(4) Crossing over, independent assortment and 18. All of the following statements are true for the
typical eukaryotic cell cycle, except
segregation of chromosomes
13. Which of the following best describes the DNA (1) The S phase is far removed from cell division
content and the number of chromosomes al lhe
(2) G1 occurs after the S phase
end of S and M phases of the cell cycle in
mitosis, if the DNA content of the cell in the (3) The shortest phase in terms of time is usually
beginning of cell cycle (cr phase) is considered M phase
as C and the number of chromosomes 2N? (4) Many of the enzymes necessary for DNA
replication are typically produced during G1
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd Offlce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-'ll OOOS Ph. 0114762U56
(Level-lll) Cell Cycle and Cell Division 43
19. A researcher treats cells with a chemical that 23. Study the given illustration of a cell division. tn
blocks DNA synthesis. This keatment would anest which organ of the human body would this process
the cells in which phase of the cell cycle? take place? INSEB 20171
INSEB 201q
(1) phase
G1 (2) S phase
,f,etaphaso I Tryo daughter cells

(3) Metaphase (4) Anaphase

20. The amount of Dl{A present per cell during a nudear
division is represented as a bar diagram belo\w.
What phases are represented by X and y? CentonEres
do not tcgefierduring does not
divide anaphase horno- replicab
4C logs separale
{.) (1) Liver
o 2C
(2) Sple€n
z c
o (3) Bone mano\,v
WXYZ (4) Gonad
INSEB 201q 24. The following schematic shows a stage of cell
(l) X - Prophas€ l, Y - S phase divisbn for an eukanptic diploid cell
(2) X - Prophase l, Y - Prophase ll

(3) X - Metaphase ll, Y - Prophase tl

(4) X-Anaphase l, Y - Telophase I

21. A germinal cell has l0 chromosomes when it

enters the gamete formation phase. What will be A-
the number of chromosomes and chromatids in it \
dudng Metaphase,ll of rneiosis? INSEB 20lq

(1) 20 and 20 7
(2) 10 and 20

(3) 10 and 10
lndicate each of the following statements is true or
(4) 5 and 10 not. IINBO-20r4
22. Which of the following figures correctly depicts (A) The schematic may represent a stage of
Anaphase - l? INSEB 20161 mitosis

(B) The schematic represenl a stage of meiosis-ll

1;, (C) The cell would have failed to reach this stage
(1) h.-.\ 12)
if misotubular motor proteins are inhibited

\Y-*,/ (D) Transcription of histone genes peaks during

\i this stage

/a\ I
A;\ B
(4) ^ c
Aakash Educational Sorvlcss Limited - Regd. Offca: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, N6w Delhi-110005 Ph. 01147623456
44 Cell Cycle and Cell Division (Level-lll)

25. Cytokinesis is the process that divides the 27. The diagram below represents a eukaryotic cell
cytoplasm of a parent animal cell into two daughter cycle divided into 5 phases.
cells. From the following list of proteins, which
are involved in cytokinesis steps?
Tubulin, Fibronectin, Histone, Actin, Myosin,
Collagen, Albumin [NBO.201I
(1) Tubulin, Fibronectin, Albumin, Actin
(2) Myosin, Collagen, Histone, Tubulin

(3) Actin, Histone, Collagen

(4) Tubulin, Myosin, Actin Match phases A-E on the diagram with the cell
cycle stages shown in the table and match the
26. Which of the following are not true about
processes F-J with the appropriate cell cycle
checkpoints in the cell cycle?
slage shown in the table. (1 point)
A. lf a cell in the G1 phase does not receive a
F. Cytokinesis
signal at the G1 checkpoint, the cell usually
goes into the Go phase. G. Main groMh period of the cell

B. A cell must receive a signal at the G2 H. Duplication of ONA

checkpoint to go into mitosis. l. Ouiescent cells

C. A cell must receive a signal at the M J. Last stage of interphase [N8G2014

checkpoint to go into mrtosis.
Cellcycle Ph6e Funclion
D. The protein factors that control checkpoints stage lA,B,C,D,El lF,G,H,r,Jl
in cell cycle are mostly present in nuclei.
1 G2
E. The cell cycle in unicellular organisms does 2
checkpoints. [INBO-20171
not have
3 G1
('l) A and B (2) A and C 4 S
(3) C, D and E (4) B, C and O 5 Go

D D tr

Aakash Educationsl Ssrvices Limited - Regd Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01'147623456
Chopter 3

The Living World

sEcrloft -A 7. ln binomial nomenclature proposed by Linnaeus,
every organism has
Obiective Type Questions
(1) Two names, one latin and other common
Which of the following is not a property of life?
(2) Two names, one scientific and other vemacular
(1) Absence of adaptation and resilience
(3) One scientific name given by two scientists
(2) Regulating materials that enter and leave the
system (4) One scientific or biological name with two
words-a genus and a species
(3) Responding to stimuli
(4) Reproducing, passing hereditary material to the
8. Classes of plants with a few similar characters are
assinged to a higher category called
next generation
(1) Family
2 Taxon refers lo
(2) DMsion
(1) A short term for taxonomy
(3) Phylum
(2) A group of species
(4) Order
(3) A taxonomic unit of any rank
(4) A compendium of international rules of
9. A convenient way for easy identilication of an
organism by applying diagnostic contrasting
characters is called
3 Category is
(1) Systematics (2) Key
('l) A rank in hierarchy
(3) Classification (4) Non of these
(2) Any group of living objects.
10. Of the following taxonomic categories which is the
(3) A term used interchangeably with taxon rnost inclusive (i.e., is the highest in the hierarchy)?
(4) A taxonomic Aroup (1) frer
4 Mark the odd one out. (2) SuFspecies
(1) Family (2) Oder (3) Class
(3) Taxon (4) Species (4) Genus
5 Which taxonomic category contains organisms 11. Which of these taxonomic catagories is
belonging to same class but not to same family? characlerised on the basis of both vegetative and
(1) Species (2) Genus reproduclive features?

(3) Order (4) Population (1) Order

6 Mule, Tigon, Liger and Hinny are (2) Class
(1) Species (2) Subspecies (3) Family
(3) Hybrids (4) Categories (4) Cienus

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd Offce :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. O11-47623456
46 The Living World (Level-lll)

12. Two organisms with different correlated 2. Match the five (A-E) group of orgainsms with their
morphological characters belongs to conect laxonomic rank (i-v) given below:
(1) One biological species [NBO-mr4
(2) One taxonomic species Group Taxonomic
(3) Two biological species A. Crustacae (i) Ord€r
(4) Same species and genus B. Hominidae (ii) Domain
13. What is the correct order in decreasing size in C. Dennaptera (iii) Class
taxonomic hierarchy?
D. CtenophoE (iv) Phylum
(1) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus
and species
E. Archaea (v) Family
(1) A (iii), B (i), C (v), D (iv), E (ii)
(2) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, species
and genus (2) A (i), B (ii), c (iii), D (iv), E (v)
(3) Kingdom, phylum, class, speceis, order, family (3) A (iv), B (iii), C (ii), D (i), E (v)
and genus (4) A (iii), B (v), C (i), D (iv), E (ii)
(4) Kingdom, species, phylum, class, order, family
3. The unit of classification containing concrete
and genus
biological entities is plPilER 20121
14. The idea of binomial nomenclature was first (1) Taxon
introduced by
(2) Species
(1) Casper Bauhin (2) Linnaeus
(3) Category
(3) John Ray (4) Caesalpino
(4) Order
15. Sometimes different authors give different names to
one and the same species. ln such a situation, law 4. Which of the following is not true for a species?
of priority is used in which. pTPMER 20101
(1) Name under which the species was first (1) Members ofa species can interbreed
described is valid (legitimate) name and all
other names bacome synonyms
(2) Variations may occur among members of a
(2) Latest name under which species was
described becomes valid and acceptable (3) Each species is reproductively isolated from
every other species
(3) Scientists are at liberty to use any of the
names (4) Gene flow does not occur between the
population of a species
(4) All known names are discarded and a new
name is given to the species 5. cenus comes under PIPMER 2009I
('l) Family
sEcnoil -B
(2) Order
Previous Years Questlons
(3) Division
1. ln Linnaeus system, each animal species is placed
in a taxonomic hierarchy with seven levels. The level (4) Species
in the middle (4th) is order. lt contains 6. IUCN stands for [AllMS,2012; JIPIUER 2015l
INsEB 20141 ('l) lndian Union for conservatino of nalure
(1) A single species. (2) lnternational Union for conservation of Nature
(2) All the-genera of a family. and Natural Resources
(3) Only certain families. (3) lndian Union for chemical nomenclature
(4) All the classes of a phylum (4) lntemational Union for conservatlon of nutrients

Aakash Educational Sorvices Limitad - Regd Offce:Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

Chopter 1

Structurol Orgonisotion in Animols

(Animol Tissues)
7. Hyaline cartilage is found in
(1) Eustachian tube, epiglottis and pinna
ObJectlve Type Questons
(2) Larynx, nasal septum, lracheal rings and ribs
1. Simple spithelium is not effective in surfaces
(3) Joints between vertebrae
associated with
(4) Between rows of chondrocytes in lacunae
(1) Nurrition
8. The bone matrix consists approximately of
(2) Excretion
(l) 65% inorganic matter and 35% organic matter
(3) Secretidr (2) 30% inorganic matter and 70% organic matter
(4) Proteciing the underlying tissues (3) 60% inorganic matter and 40% organic matter
2. The simple squamous epithelium lining the blood (4) 40% inorganic mafter and 600/0 organic matter
vessels is best called
9. Long refractory period and presence of intercalated
(1) Mesothelium (2) Endofielium discs is a feature of
(3) Pavernent epithelium (4) T€sselabd efihelium (l) Smooth muscles (2) Cardiac muscles

3. Ciliated columnar epithelium called ependyma is (3) Skeletal muscles (4) Visceral muscles
prosent in the lining of 10. Blood brain banier is formed by
(1) Fallopian tubes (1) Astrocytes (2) Oligodendrocytes
(2) Venticles of brain (3) Schwann cells (4) Microglial cells
(3) Nasal passage 11. Mycobacteium /eprae first attacks
(1) Blood brain banier (2) Oligodendrocytes
(4) Bronchioles
(3) Schwann cells (4) Perikaryon
4. All the statements about stereocilia are correct
12. Bmwn fat differs from white fat because
(1) lt provides buoyancy and heat to aquatic
(1) They are noGmotile mammals
(2) ltrcse are fu.nd in epididymis and vas debens (2) lt is more widely distributed than white fat in
(3) lt has $2 ultrasfucture adults

(4) The basal granule is absent (3) lt has more mitochondria than white fat
(4) lt has less locules and cytoplasm than white
5. The adjacent epihelial colls are held together by
nr€ans of
(1) Uposomes (2) Hemidesmosomes
(3) Desmosonres (4) Misosomes
Previous Years Questions
6. Which of the following cells are specialised for
Stratified squamous epithelium is found in the lining
sensory functions, example cells of taste bud?
of INSEB 2017]
(1) Myoepithelial (2) Neuroepihelial (1) Nasal passage (2) Urethra
(3) Cukidal (4) Cornifi€d (3) Oesophagus (4) Blood vessels

Aakash Educational Servicos Limited - Regd. Oftice: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01'1-47623456
48 Structural Orq anisation in Anrmals (Anrmal Tissues) (Leve!lll)

2. Which of the following is not a structural protein? 8. Which of the following statements is TRUE about
glandular epithelium in salivary gland?
INSEB 201q
(1) Fibrin (2) Albumin IKVPY SB,SX 2010I

(3) Collagen (4) Keratin (1) lt consists of isolated single cells

3. Which of the following structures facilitate the (2) lt consists of multicellular cluster of cells
transport of materials between two cells? (3) lts secretions are endocrine
INSEB 201q (4) lt consists of squamous epithelial cells
i. Desmosome ii. Tight junction 9. ln which of the following types of glands is the
iii. Gap junction iv. Plasmodesmata secretion collected inside the cell and discharged
by disintegration of the entire gland?
(1) i & ii only (2) ii & iv onlY
[l(vPY SB'SX 20141
(3) iii & iv only (4) i, ii & iii only
(1) Apocrine (2) Merocrine
4. ln the sickle cell anemia which of the following is
afiected? INSEB 20131
(3) Holocrine (4) Epicrine
i. Primary structure of haemoglobin 10. Which of the following muscle types cannot be

ii. Secondary structure of haemoglobin used voluntarily? IKVPY SA 20141

(1) Both striated and smooth
iii. Tertiary structure of haemoglobin
(2) Both cardiac and striated
iv Quatemary structure of haemoglobin
(1) Only iii & iv (2) Only i & ii
(3) Both smooth and cardiac

(3) Only i, ii & iii (4) All the four (4) Cardiac, striated and smooth

5. Which of these intercellular junctions in mucosal 11. Part of epidermis that keeps out unwanted
cells of internal lining of intestine allows direct particles is called I]ryPY SB,SX 20131
passage of solute from one cell to another? ('1) Columnar epithelium
INSEB 20131 (2) Squamousepithelium
(1) Gap junction (2) Plasmodesmata (3) Ciliated epithelium
(3) Desmosomes (4) Tight junclions (4) Cuboidal epithelium
6. Neuroglial cells contain large amount of lipids. 12. Brown fat is a specialised adipose tissue with
Choose the correct functions of the cells from abundant mitochondria and rich blood supply.
those given below INSEB 2013] fat
Brown [KVPY SB/SX 20131
i. Electric insulation (1) lnsulates animals that are acclimatised to
ii. Thermal insulation cold
iii. Mechanicalcushioning (2) ls the major source of heat production in
iu Effective synapsing birds

v Effective blood brain banier (3) Provides energy lo muscles

('l) v
i, ii and (2) ii, iii and iv (4) Produces heat without producing ATP
(3) ii, iv and v (4) i, ii and iii 13. Myeloid tissue is a type of
7. Which of the following is expected to have a lining [KVPY SA 20121
of stratified epithelium? [NSEB 2014 (1) Haematopoietic tissue(2) Cartilage tissue
i. alveoli in lungs ii. oesophagus (3) Muscular tissue (4)Areolar tissue
iii. duodenum iv urinary bladder 14. Mammalian liver cells will swell when kept in
v major arteries IKVPY SA 20111
(1) ii, iv and v (2\ i, ii, iii and v (1) Hypertonic solution (2) Hypotonic solution
(3) Only ii and v (4) Only ii (3) lsotonic solution (4) lsothermal solution

l tr f,
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Offce :Aakash Tower,8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 01147623456
Chopter 2


T- Objectve Typ6 Queston3

5. Choose the odd one out
(1) Keratan phosphate (2) Hyaluronic acid
(3) Chondroitin sulphate (4) Chitin
All the macromolecules are the result of the
process of polymerisation, a process in which 6. Cellulose forms a major portion of food of grazing
caftles. lt is
rep€ating subunits termed monomeB are bound
into chains of difrer€nt lengths 6xc6pt in (1) Digested by the gut bacteria

('l ) Nudeic acids (2) Digested by the animal itsetf

(2) Cartohydrat6 (3) Digested partly by animals and partly by the
(3) Lipids
(4) Passed out undigested
(4) Protoins
7. A bond which is formed between aldehyde or
2 Why sucrose and not glucos€ is us€d to proserve ketone group of monosaccharide and alcoholic
fruit produc'b? group of another organic compound is known as
(1) Glucose is reactive as it has CHO group (l) Peptide bond
(2) Suc1os€ is more common in nafure (2) Glycosidic bond
(3) Sucrose is easily available and has both (3) Phosphodiesterbond
glucose and fruclose
(4) Ester bond
(4) Sucrose is more readive 8. Lysine is an essential amino acid because
3 Storing carbohydrates in the form of (1) lt is very rare
po[rsacchark es has bllorving advantage(s)
(2) lt has a high nufitive value
(1) During their formation many molecules of
(3) lt is an important constituent of all proteins
water are removed from monosaccharides
(dehydraton synhesis) condensing fle bulk to (4) lt is not formed in the body and has to be
provided through diet
be stored

(2) When necessary polysaccharides can be 9. Gvalue is

broken down by enzymes for tho release of (1) Circular DNA value of diploid nucleus
eneqy (2) Amount of DNA in picograms in a haploid
(3) Unlike small carbohydrates polysaccharides nucleus
are relatively easy to store (3) Constitutive DNA of diploid nucleus
(4) All of thss€ (4) Constitutive enzyme of haploid nucleus
4 Whict of the follofling yields pulgative ? 10. The low meltjng area of DNA is
(1) HiDiscus oscurenlus (2) Hafiago ovata pairs
(1) A-T base (2) A-U base pairs
(3\ Aloe barbadensis (4) Boh (2) & (3) (3) G{ base pairs (4) Both (1)& (2)
New Delhi-110005 Ph 01147623456
Aakash Educational services Limited - Regd. of,?ce :Aakash Tower, 8. Pusa Road.
5{, Biomolecules (Level-l )

'll ldentify statement

the corect 17. Which of the following statements are incorrecl
('l) Enzymes are not proteinaceous about Ki?

(2) All enzymes participate in metabolic reactions (1) lt is the dissociation constant of enzyme
inhibitor complex, applicable to competitive
(3) All enzymes are exhausted in chemical inhibition
(2) Low ( is essenlial for enzyme activity
(4) They are non specific in their function
(3) HighKr decreases enzyme activity
.rz. ,tumover
The numbei ofan enzvrne deoends uDon
' (4) tt is the dissociation constant applicable to
('l) Size of enzymemolecule non-competitjve inhibition
(2) Active sites of enzyme molecule 1g. Which elements are found in amino acids before
(3) Concentration of subskate molecule they are assembled into prolein chains in humans?

(4) Molecular weight of enzyme (1) Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and
13. The relationship between 'Turnover number' &
Km is (2) Hydrogen, carbon, sulphur and nitrogen,
(1) Direct (2) lnverse

Linear tt' oxvgen' sulphur' phosphorous and

(3) (4) None of these uf;T''
14. A[ except
are exampres of feedback inhibiton (4) Oxygen, phosphorous, nitrogen and hydrogen.
('l) lnhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by 19. ln a lipid bilayer, the lipids have their
('l) water repelling polar heads facing inwards
(2) lnhibition of hexokinase by gtucose-6-
phosphate (2) Water repelling tails facing inwards
(3) lnhibition of phosphofructokinase by ATp (3) Hydrogen bond forming heads facing inwards
(4) lnhibition of threonine deaminase by isoleucine (4) Hydrogen bond forming tails facing inwards
20. The universal energy currency of all cells is
'15. ln the enzyme pepsin
0) ATp (2) NAD_
(1) The whole surface of enzyme is active (3) ADp @) Oz
(2) Two third of amino acids are working actively
2j. Km of enzyme denotes
as enzyme
(1) Affinity of enzyme for inhibitors
(3) one third of amino acids are working activery
as enzymes (2) Substrate concentration at which enzyme
attains half of its maximum velocity
(4) only two aspartate residues are aclive and
of the amino acids are relalively inactive. (3) Enzyme concentration at which enzyme attains
'16. The best evidence for template theory of enzym" velocity
action is (4) Activation energy of substrate
('1) Enzymes speed up reactions by definite 22. Match column lwith column ll
amounls column I column ll
(2) Enzymes determine the direction of reaclion
a. Glycosidic bond (i) Haemoglobin
(3) compounds similar in structure to the
substrate inhibit the reaction
b. peptide bond (ii) sugar and phosphate
c Backbone of DNA (iii) Base and sugar acid
(4) compounds dissimilar in structure to the
substrate jnhibit the reaction d. Nucleoside (iv) Carbohydrates
Arka3h Educ.dor.r sorvlco3 Llmlbd - Regd. ofioe : Aakffh rowtsr, E, Rlsa Road, N€lf, Dolhl-l looo5, ph0t,l4?sl3E6
(Level-lll) Biomolecules 51
Select the coirec{ option. .
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
Previous Yoars Questlons
(3) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii) (4) a(iv), b(ii), c{i), d(iii) 1. The Km value of an enzyme substrate reaction is a
23. Which of the following sugars is laevorotatory? measure of affnity of the enzyme for its substrate.
ln presence of a competitive inhibitor which of the
(1) Fructose (2) Glucose following is true? INSEB 2014
(3) Maltose (4) Galactose (1) The K. and Vftar will increase
24. The proportion of thymine bases in a sample of (2) The K. will increase but Vmar will remain
DNA was found to be 14ol0. Which of the following unaltered
statements is true?
(3) The Km will remain same but Vmar increase
(1) Uracil bases in the sample is 28%
(4) The Km will remain same but Vd,ax will decrease
(2) UEcil bases in the sample is 72% 2. A researcher working with nucleic acids found out
(3) Cytosine bases in the sample is 14% that the cytosine content in a mRNA molecule was
30%. What will be the content of Adenine?
(4) Guanine bases in the sampla is 36%
INSEB 2014
25. The mineral elements which are lhe conslifuents of
(11 20yo
nucleic acids are

(1) Orygen and phosphorus el no/o

(3) ,r0%
(2) Calcium and sulphur
(4) Cant be deduced
(3) Calclum and phosphorus
3. The graph below explains the correlation between
(4) Nitrogen and potassium fie rate of reaction and concentration can be seen
26. A phospholipid is ahflays made up of that enzyme catalyses the reaction to significant
extent but after certain increase in substrate
(1) Only an uns{lturated fatty acid esterified to a concentration, rate of reaclion remains constant.
glycerol molecule to which a phosphate group This is because
is also attached

(2) Saturated or unsaturated fatty acids esterified Reaction with enzyrne prcsent
to a glycerol molecule to which a phosphate .s
group is also attacfied (.,
(3) A saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified o
to a phosphate group which is also attached a o)
Readion without enzyrne
glycerol molecule (
(4) Onty a seturated fatty acid €sterifu to a glycerot
molecule to which a phosphate grcup is also
Concentration of subsHe
INSEB 2014
27. Which statement about the structure of DNA and (1) At high substrate concentation, enzyme
RNA is Comrct? activity gets suppressed
(1) DNA nucleotides contain phosphate groups and (2) Enzyme activity is directiy proportionate to the
RNA nucleotides do not concenlralion of substrate
(3) There are not enough enzyme molecules to
(2) DNA contains cytosine nuclsotides but RNA
bind to substrate for catalyzing the reaction at
does not
higher concentration
(3) DllAcontains nitogen abmswhile RNAdoes not (4) Higher concentration of subsfate can degrade
(4) DNA contains a difierent sugar group than RNA the enzyme.

Arksh Educatlora: S.rvlc6 Llnh.d - Rogd. O,?ic€ : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, N€w Delhi-11
$l Biomolecules (Level-lll)

4 Fats and oils are the most prefered reserve foods. 9. Optical activity of DNA is due to its
Choose the correct combination of statements [ryPY SB/SX 2014
given below to support this
(1) Bases (2) Sugars
[NSEB 2014
(3) Phosphate (4) Hydrogen bonds
a. They have density lower than most other
10. Which of the following is NOT an enzyme?
molecules in a cell.
b. Their complete oxidation releases energy IKVPY SA 20161
greater than other organic polymers. (1) Lipase (2) Amylase
c. Being hydrophobic they get cluslered and use (3) Trypsin (4) Bilirubin
lesser space for storage. 1l. What is the length of human DNA containing
d. Being heteropolymeric they are the most 6.6 , 10s bp?
convenient storage foods. IKVPY SA 20161
(1)b&c (2) a&b (11 22 nm (21 0.22 mm
(3) a&d (4) c&d (31 2.2 m (4) 22 n
5 The secondary structure of protein mainly due to 12. lf a dsDNA has 20% adenine. what would be its
the amino acids that have cytosine content?
('l) Sullhydryl group (2) Aromatic grouP (11 ZO"/" (Zl 30%
(3) Atkatine side chain (4) Acidic side chain (3) 40% (4) 80%
6. Curling or straightening hair using various physical 13. Which one of the following pairs of molecules
and chemical processes is common for reshaping never forms a hydrogen bond between them?
the hair which of the folowing is true?
[KVpy sB/sx 2016]
INSEB 2014 (i) water and water (2) water and glucose
(1) curling the straight hair is.Jequired to form
(3) water and ethanol (4) water and octane
new SH bonds in hair keratin.
(2) skaightened hair has fewer sH bonds than 1o 1l of the following pairs contains both
[KVPY sA 2015]
their natural munterpart.
('l) cellulose and glymgen
(3) Both curling and straightening requires
breaking and making of SH bonds. (2) Starch and glucose
(4) Hydrogen peroxide treatment on hair helps in (3) cellulose and fructose
breaking and making of SH bonds. (4) Ribose and sucrose
7. Hydrophobic interaction influences protein structure 15. What is the advantage of storing glucose as
at which of the following level/s? INSEB glycogen in animals instead of as monomeric
a. Primary structure b. Secondary structure glucose? [KVPY SA 2015]

c. Tertiary structure d. Ouaternary structure (1) Energy obtained from glycogen is more than
(1)a&b(2)b&cthatfromthecorrespondingglucose monomers
(3) c & d (4) b & d
(2) Gtucose present as monomers within the cell
8. Which one of the following biomolecules is exerts more osmotic pressure than a single
synthesized in smooth endoplasmic reticulum? glycogen molecule, resulting in loss of water
IKVPY SA 2014 from the cells.
(1) Proteins (3) Glucose present as monomers within the cell
(2)Lipidsexertsmoreosmoticpressurethanasingle water
resultins in excess
(3) carbohydrates *fi:fi[T:[*"'
(4) Nucleotides (4) Glycogen gives more rigidity to the celts.

Artash Educ{lonsl $rvics3 Limlhd - Ragd Ofico : A.kash, 8, Pusa 8oad, Nev, Ddhi-110005, Ph.01147623456
(Level-lll) Biomolecules 53
'16. Excess salt inhibits baclerial growth in pickles by 22. Phospholipids are formed by the esterification of
IKVPY SA 201s1
(1) Endosmosis
(1) Three ethanol molecules with three fatty acid
(2) Exosmosis molecules
(3) Oxidation (2) One glycerol and two fatty acid molecules
(4) Denaturation (3) One glycerol and three fatty acid molecules
17. The peptidoglycans of bacteria consist of (4) One ethylene glycol and two fatty acids
IKVPY SB/SX 20151 molecules
(1) Sugars, D-amino acids and L-amino acids 23. Which one of the following can be used to detect
(2) Sugars and only D-amino acids
amino acids? [KVPY SB/SX 2015]

(3) Sugars and only L-amino acids

(1) lodine vapour (2) Ninhydrin

(4) Sugars and glycine (3) Ethidium bromide (4) Bromophenol blue

18. Which one of the tollowing has phosphoric acid 24. Co-enzymes are componenls of an enzyme
anhydride bonds? [KVPY SB/SX 2015]
complex which are necessary for its function.
Which of these is a known co-enzyme?
(1) Deoxy ribonucleic acid
(2) IKVPY SB/SX 20151
Ribonucleic acid
(1) znc
(3) dNTPs
(2) Vitamin 8,,
(4) Phospholipids
19. (3) Chlorophyll
Given the fact that histone binds to DNA, it should
be rich in [KVPY SB/SX 20151 (4) Herne

(1) Arginine, lysine 25. Enzyme X extracted from the digestive system
(2) Cysteine, methionine hydrolyses peptide bonds. Which of the following
are probable candidates to be enzyme X?
(3) Glutamate, aspartate
IKVPY SA 20151
(4) lsoleucine, leucine
(1) Amylase
20. Melting temperature for double stranded DNA is
the temperature at which 50% of the double (2) Lipase
slranded molecules are converted into single (3) Trypsin
stranded molecules. Which one of the following
DNA will have the highest melting temperature? (4) Maltase


26. Which one of the following combinalions are found

(1) ONA with 15% guanine

in DNA? [Kvpy sA 20131

(2) (1) cuanine and guanidine

DNA with 30% cytosine
(3) DNA with 40olo thymine
(2) Guanidine and cytosine
i (4) DNA with 50% adenine
(3) Guanine and cytosine
21. lf a double stranded DNA has 15% cytosine, what (4) Adenine and guanidine

B is the % of adenine in the DNA? 27. ln vertebrates 'glycogen' is stored chiefly in


(1) 15% (1) Heart and blood
(2) 70o/o (2) Spleen and stomach
? (3) 35% (3) Bones and lymph
(4\ 30% (4) Liver and muscles

54 Biomolecules Gev4!!!)

28. Watson and Crick model of DNA is a 34. A water molecule can form a maximum of ........ -.
hydrogen bonds
(1) Bjorm DNA with a spiral length of 34 A and IKVPY SB/SX 20111
a diameter of 20 A (1) 1 (21 2
(2) A-form DNA with a spiral length of 15 A and (3) 3 (41 4
a diameter of 20 A
35. According to the original model of DNA, as
(3) Z-form DNA with a spiral length of 34 A and proposed by Watson & Crick in 1953, DNA is a
a diameter of 20 A
(4) B-form DNA with a spiral length of 28 A and IKVPY SB,SX 20111
a diameter of 14 A ('l) Lefi handed helix
29. Maltose is a polymer of IKVPY SA 20121 (2) Helix that makes a full turn every 70 nm
(1) One glucose and one fructose molecule (3) Helix where one tum of DNA conbins 20 base
(2) One glucose and one galactos€ molecule pairs

(3) Two glucose molecules (4) Two stranded helix where each strand has
(4) Two fruc-tose molecules opposite polarity

30. Desert temperature ofren vades betwEen 0 to 50"C. 36. Ribonucleic Acids (RNA) that catalyze enzymatic
The DNA polymerase isolated from a camel living reactions are called ribozymes. Which one of the
in the desert will be able to synthesize DNA most following acts as a ribozyme?
efficiently at lt0PY SA 2014 IKVPY SB/SX 20101
(1) 0'c (21 37"c (1) Ribosome (2) Amylase
(3) so'c (41 25'c
(3) IRNA (4) Riboflavin
31. Which one of the following is t.ue about enzyme
37. Two students are given two ditferent double
catalysis? [](VPY SBrSX 2014
stranded DNA molecules of equal length. They are
(1) The enzyme changes at the end of the asked to denature the DNA molecules by heating.
reacilion The DNA given to student A has the following
(2) The activation banier of a process is lower in composition of bases (A:GrT:C:35:15:35:15) while
the presence of an enzyme that given to student B is (A:G:T:C::12:38:12:38).
(3) The rate of the reaction is retarded in the Which of the following statements is true?
presence of an enzyme IKVPY SB,SX 20101

(4) The rate of the reaction is independent of (1) Both the DNA molecules would denature at
substrate concentration the same rate

32. Transfer RNA (IRNA) FryPY SBrSx 2014 (2) The information given is insufncient to draw
any conclusion
(1) ls present in the ribosomes and provides
structural integnty (3) DNA molecule given to student B would
denature faster than that of student A
(2) Usually has a clover leaflike structure
(3) Carries genetic information from DNA to (4) DNA molecule given to student A would
ribosomes denature faster than that given to student B

(4) Codes for proteins 38. Restriction endonucleases are enzymes that
cleave DNA molecules into smaller fragments.
33. The presence of nutrients in the food can be
Which type of bond do they act on ?
tested. Benedicts test is used to detect
IKVPY SA 20111
(l) Sucrose (2) Glucose (1)Nalycosidic bond (2) Hydrogen bond

(3) Fatty acid (4) Vitamin (3) Phosphodiester bond (4) Disuhde bond

Aakash Educational Servicos Limitad - Rsgd Ofice : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Oelhi-110005, Ph.01147623456
Chopter 3

Digestion ond Absorption

sEcfloN -A I Which of the following statements are lncorrect
with regard to deglutition?
Ob,iective Type Questions (1) The first buccal phase of deglutition is
Type of nutrition, where the whole plant or their \olunbry
parts are traken either in solid or liquid form ttlrough (2) Larynx rises
mouth is called
(3) Epiglottis closes ofi the trachea
(1) Saprozoic (2) Holophytic
(4) Another term for this is detaecation ref,sx
(3) Holozoic (4) Autotrophic 9. Which of the following digestive enzyme
2 Lower molars in human dentition have coagulates blood by hydmlysing fibrinogen to fbrin
(1) Four roots (2) Three roots in predatory animals?

(3) Two roots (4) Single root (1) Pepsin (2) Trypsin

3 Enamel part of tooth is secreted by

(3) Thombin (4) Carboxypeptidase
10' ln acute constipation, purgatives that are @mmon
(1) odontoblast, mesodermal to stimulate intestinal p€ristalsis and evacuation of
(2) Ameloblast, mesodermal fluid faeces contain salts of
(3) Odontoblast,ectodermal (1) Sodium (2) Magnesium
(4) Ameloblast, ectodermal (3) Potassium (4) Calcium
4 Which of the following can be taken as true 11' ln sodium dependent glucose transport i.e.,
stomach in ruminants? symport or cebansport

(1) Rurnen (2) Reticulum \ (1) Na. is transported passively from the lumen
jnto the gut, glucose is transported againsl
(3) Omasum (4) Abomasum . concentratbngradient
Which of the following papilla are without taste bud (2) . Na* and glucose boh are bansported actively
in human tongue? into the gut from lumen
(1) Vallate (2) Fungiform (3) Nat and glucase boh are bansporbd passively
(3) Fusiform (4) Filiform (4) Na' is fansported adively and glucose passively
6 Which of the following is present in the saliva of all p. Tonics made out of the liver are very efieclive in
mammals? cr.rring haemopoietic disotders because
(1) They conbin proteins
(1) Mucin (2) Salivary amylase
(2) They contain RBCs
(3) Diastase (4) Amylopsin
(3) They contain bile .iuice
7 Tonsils are enlargements of
6i They contain vitamin Bi2
(1) Lymphoid tissue 13 Persons who eat excess of maize in their diet
(2) Adrenal tissue suffer fiom
(3) Larynx (1) Pellagra (2) Rickets
(4) Su lingual gland (3) Bed{eri (4) Pemicious anaemia

Aakash Educational services Limited - Regd. office:Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005
Ph 01147623456

56 Digestion and Absorption (Level-lll)

14. A man is said to be starving when (3) Uptake of cholesterol by cells

(1) Food that he eats does not meet the loss of (4) Secretion of mucus by cells
energy 3. Which one of the following is incapable of curing
(2) Food that he eats meets the loss of energy Pellagra? IKVPY SA 20161
(3) He begins to store reserve food (1) Niacin (2) Nicotine
(4) His body starts process of gluconeogenesis (3) Nicotinamide (4) Tryptophan
15. Black tongue disease is associated with the 4. Lactase hydrolyses lactose into
deficiency of
IK\,PY SB,SX 20161
(1) Menadione (2) Niacin (l) Glucose + glucos€
(3) Retinol (4) Calciferol (2) Glumse + galactose
'16. Which of the following can be taken as the
(3) Galactose + galactose
(4) Galactos€ + fructose
(1) Ergosterol (2) Carotene
(3) Calcfferol (a) Both (1)& (2)
5. Which of the following anions neutralize the acidic
pH of the chyme that enters into the duodenum
17. Which of the following are synonyms for vitamin K? stomach?
from the [KVPY SB/SX 20161
(1) Thiamine and phylloquinone
0) HrPO; (2) HSO;
(2) Calciferol and Niacin
(3) HCO; (4) CH3COG
(3) Phylloquinone and Menadione
(4) Relinol and Riboflavin 6. Which of the following amino acids is not involved
ingluconeogenesis? [KVPY SA 20161
18. People recovering from long illness are often (l) Alanine (2) Lysine
advised to include the algae Spirulina in their diet
(3) Glutamate (4) Arginine
because it
7. Deficiency of which one of the following vitamins
(1) Makes the food easy to digest can cause impaired blood clotting?
(2) ls rich in protein and vitamin B12 IKVPY SA 201q
(3) Has antibiotic properties (1) Vitamin B (2) Vitamin C
(4) Restores the intestinal flora
(3) Vitamin D (4) Vitamin K
8. ln the digestive system, the pH of the stomach
sEcTloil - B and the intestine, respectively are
Previous Years Questions IKVPY SA 20131
1. lf blood of healthy human is tested after high \ ,('l) acidic (2) Acidic; atkatine
protein meal, which of the following will no, be (3) Acidic; neukal (4) Acidic; acidic
observed? INSEB 20181 9. The gall bladder is involved in p(vPY SA m11l
(1) Considerable increase in plasma glucose ('l ) Synthesizing bile
(2) Storing and releasing bile
(2) Raised insulin level.
(3) Degrading bile
(3) High plasma glucagon tevet.
(4) Prcducing insulin
(4) lncreased amino acids level.
10. ln the'l6th century, sailors who travelled long
2. A few examples of transport across cell distances had diseases related to malnulrition,
membrane are listed below. Which of them occur because they were not able to eat fresh
by direct passive diffusion? [NSEB 201I vegetrables and fruits for months at a time. Scurvy
(1) Movement of oxygen molecules into cells is a result of deficiency of [KVpy SA 20l1l
(2) Movement of sodium ion against its (1) Carbohydrates (2) proteins
concenhation gradient (3) Vitamin C (4) Vitamin D

o tr tr
Aakash Educalional Services Limited - Regd. Ofice :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-l1OO0S ph.
BI|IANY E Zlllll.llGY
(Level -IID

Chapter 1&2 : Units and MeasuremenG

Objective Type Questions
1. Answer (1)

Now AV= (1.4 - 0.3) = 1.'l volt t 0.1 vott
A, = (2.3 - 0.4) = 1.9 volt t 0. 1 volt

n=1-1=osen.4E=I 0.1 0.1

1,9 'R L -+-
1.1 1.9

- o^ = o,urlo "3'ol
[ 1.1x 1.9 ]
- 0.08 c)

2 Ansrtter (3)
The percentage enor of c will be magnified 5 times (notice that x * c{) in the determination of x
3 Answer (4)
All other terms have the dimensions of time.
4 Answer (4)

of'.:""""""' dishnce
Dc has dimsnsion - time x distance' - time
. Rest other havs dimensions of

5 Answer (3)
cv2 Enerov
= E*tgyn/"=lr," =volume
Mass Mass
Density = Volume
6 Answer (2)
Taking log, lnz = lnA + ln8 - ln(A + B)

dz dA dB dA+dB
- A,B
. .\z _ lA r-\B_(r,4+rB)
z A B A'B
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58 Units and Measurements Solutions (Level-lll)

Note:- Do not convert negative sign to positive sign as 4,4 in both the exressions
7 and ;;, must have

the same sign

7 Ansrrver (1)

f= kcappRc

I\,roLorr = [Mr L3T-2la [ML-3lb [L]c

= -a+b=O ..(i)

3a-3b+c=0 ...(ii)

and, -2a = -1 ...(iii)

- a=b= -,C=0
8 Answer (3)

LC = 0.1 mm

Zerc ercot = +2 x 0.1 = + 0.2 mm

Truevalue=17+8x0.1 -2 x 0.1 = 17.6 mm

I Answer (2)

n IF
y=-L,l-)m=!:--: o2F
2L\ m 4L'v.

10. Answer (2)
L.C = 0.01 mm, zero enor = - 0.08 mm
Final reading = 2 mm + l5 x 0.01 + 0.08 = 2.23 mm
11. Answer (2)

1 1-1 ^ 15
R= &*& =R= -C,=1.875O
1 1
AI so ----; dR dR't + dRz
R' R

6p = (1.07s\2
0.3 0.1
= 0.13 = 1.1 c)
12. Ans,wer (1)

Letl C = x statcoulomb
" ; =9x'10ux105
= x=3x10e
13. Answer (2)

tel = tfl

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Solutions (Level-lll) Units and Measurements 59

l- ca 1 f cJl
Arso [aol= =
L,*'] L;l
lcd I
= t"l= L"Dl
14. Answer (3)

Potential enerov =
a= Energy x distance
= to

*^^ hcd€o - energy x distance

Now Energy = f,-+EnergYxi'=hc
or Energy x distance = hc

= € is dimensionless.

15. Answer (1)

Check dimensionally as fine structure constant is dimensionless
16. Answer (1)

F I = Fl 10x'l
* #"=-rloifu =7 e6x1oE

LY z\r , Ll
= AY=7.eox1os(rffi-ffi)
= 0.0995 x 108 N/r#
= 0.10 N/m2
17. Ans €r (3)

time, I = ce 6$ tc
tMtoTrl = [LTrl, [M-iL3T? [ML2Tj]c
0=-b+ c+b=c
q' 0=a+5b ..(i)
1=-a-3c ...(ii)

Adding (i) and (ii)

1=2b=O=c= z

= a= -;
8, Pusa Road' New Delhi-'l1 0005 Ph. 011-47623456
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60 Units and Measurements Solutions (Level-lll)

18. Answer (3)

Assume M = ,$ Gs Ll
M = [ML2T-2]a [M-113T-210 [ML2T-t1r
1^ 2 2
d =;,
b55P=-;, 1==
1 9. Ans.t,ver (1 )

lEl = ML2Tr = (MrL3TrF(ML2T-1)q(LT-rf

Equating powers

) -p+q='l .(i)
3P + 2q + 7=2 ...(ii)

-lp-q-r=-2 ...(iii)

Solve and get,

-1 O=-_
20. Answer (2)
r_et F = [pl"[ap [fI

= MLT-2 = [MLJF [LT-2lp [rrl

+ 0=1,0=4,y=-6
_ 7= lpdtal
21. Answer (3)


Lm AF La 0.1 0.1 0.2

m F a 2.0 2.0 2.0

am=t.Ox02 o.t
- 2.0

+ ,? = (1.0 r 0..1) ks

22. Ansrver (3)

( 1ov\( 102
X =['.ffi]| z--100
y' = (l .1x0 .9)fz I
+ x'= 0.99x
... &xxr1oo = 099'-'x100=-{.0.rx100=-1%
23. Answer (1)
For real image 6

7=i*, (" u=-x'v=+Y)
Solutions (Level-lll) Units and Measurements 6'l
f 0.30 0.60
:+ f= 0.20 cm


ar =-)a,
x' 2

= * =rrllL.!L1
lr' v')
* df
0.01 .'(0.60r
= (0.20)2

df = 0.0055

= 0.01 m (... f has tno places afrer decimal)

24. Answer (2)

25. Answer (2)

eo = 8.85 x 10-12 C2N-1m-2

t%l = IL-2A2I2 (MLT-2f11

= [Lr A+2 Mr T1 = [M-1L-3T.A2I

26. Ansrrver (2)

+ = ,+-+ Forstudent t,T= 128J,Ar= 0.1 s. This has rhe teastenor

27. Answer (1)

', 1sti
L L t,

T= t1 +t2

= {7*V
- or=
11 +- 1

= o.o1=( AL
Ji'- zr^ffi 300

o.o1=( 20
= -+- 300

(15 + 1l
= o.o1 = :oo-o.
Alkash E(tucatlonal Towe( 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.01147623456
62 Unils and Measurements Solutions (Level-lll)

{ Ar=-0.01x 300

... 4!xlOO = --3 -x1OO = 1%

28. Answer (2)

For vemier callipe l :




=l10yss= l01 ,,
Reading = MSR + number of line coinciding [L.CI

=2.87 mm

For vemier calliper 2 :

10 VSD = 11 MSD
1 VSD = 1.1 MSD

Reading = MSR + SMSD - TVSD

= 2.8 +
gxl't0 - 7x1.1 = 2.83 mm
29. Answer (1)
E= A2e-1't


Taking log and differentjating, we get

AE -rAA\l-ctat
-E \A)
AEx1oo M
= 2x 1100 -crltx100
=2x 1.25 + (0.2X1.5) x 5
= 2.50 + 1.5

30. Answer (3)

31. Answer (3)
32. Answer (1)
33. Answer (1)
34. Answer (4)
35. Answer (4)

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Solutions (Level-lll) Units and Measurements frl

I Previous Years Questions

Answer (3)
a = 1.00 r 0.01 m/s2

7 = p6 2rn=F-


m = 10.0 kg

laF aal
Mn I0.2 o.oll
m ho.0 1.001

Lm = -:- tn

am= 3 x10 ko

Am = 0.3 kg

massm=(10.0r0.3) kg

2 Answer ('l )

' 6trav

=x [i)'r0."

r,] = (u, rr" r*" ;' (ut rb r-b)1"

t L3 Ti t=tMa+b L-2a-b+c f-2a-b l

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64 Unils and Measurements Solutions (Level-lll)

3. Answer (2)

t = t+9
= 9.3 cms
4. Answer (1 )

Precession mean

every time reading is coming nearly same.

Answer (1 )

i" dimensionless
kpgR2 I c is also dimensionless

6. Answer (4)

lcrl = MLT-2

lpl = ML2r'
hl =t-
7 Answer (2)

A = caMECI

[MoL2Tol = [MiL{-z1c tM]e tLTrlY

on solving

8. Answer (2)
Using significant fgure.
I Answer (4)
p = Gls nt Rt w,:

Fv , C-5 m'RYwz

lMLTrl [LT-11 = [MLT-2] tMr-rl tL-' 11t,-"1

[ML2 T-3] = [Mr-1 Ly_2 T]zI
x-1 =1 )x=2
y-2 =2) y =4
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Solutions ( Level-lll) Units and Measurements 65

'10. Answer (3)

o=lT] R=PL


lpt-+ [ML3 Tr. A'l

also dimensional forll],ula ol macT

is same as [MLt-3A-21 Hence (3) is conect option

11. Answer (1)
p =1$ n{ w' c"

tPl = tMLr-l tLr-1l

trrol -a tML T-z n-21, [mt -+ [AL2]

lrol -+ [r-11, [c] -, [LTrl

on solving we get

12. Answer (4)
_ 3xm6
I 3-
cm =1oo cm = o.o3 cm
x = 0.3 cm

13. Answer ('1 )

14. Answer (3)
15. Answer (2)
16. Answer (2)
Refer to the usualrules regarding significant figures.
17 . Answer (2,3,4)

tr D tr

66 Motion in a Straight Line Solutions (Level-lll)

Chapter 3 : Motion in a Straight Line

Objective Typ€ Ouestlons

1. Answer (2)

y = 41126e561= -rzsino!9
dt dt

,^ = = -rosineff
vo =$[ocoso] =+sne4

'q =1
v4 5
2. Answer (4)
3. Answer (3)
Resislance force depends on velocity.
4. Answer (2)
Equation of circle (x - 2F + f =4

... Atx= 2-4, v=J2 mts

= a= Jl nts2
5. Answer (4)

H= 1or2
H -1=1o0
2- - ttl2
6. Answer (4)

also represents the area enclosed by the graph with time axis
5 3t2 5

l,x = ["a +
0 0

3t2 5 3 m/s
- !,, 3 Yt +
ttzt -
0 312

= lr
3re * 1,!, z
=S,*S, 3 t
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Solutions (Level-lll) Motion in a Straight Line 67
7. Answer (1)

(1) civen, v
=kJl = dt " 2Ji dt
k k
2.1 x ,fr ,k.f, =+

12) Again, y -11,!x

dx .-

='!# =;Y + zri = K


r,lo* v = 4

8 Answer (4)
('l )A - veloclty

And at and L = sloPe =

.. Velocity is equal tozero

(2) From t = 0 to t = l, the velocity is initially increasing and finally becomes zero
d2r - for d2r ^
For increasing velo"ity decreasing velocity " <u
atr, ,

ie. -t changes its sign from (+ve)to (-ve). Obviously it will be through zero.
(3) At t = tr tangent to the graph does not exist. Hence is not d efined.
9 Answer (2)
Given,x= at3+bf +ct+d

9! = 3at2 +zbt +c

=$r, *zol
= d=(6at+20)

16a +2bt|

't$"t ,zb\dt


Aakash Educationat Servicas Lim:ted - Regd Offce:Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 0'11'47623456
68 Motion in a Straight Line Solutions (Level-lll)

3a !,,2b
= = 13a + zo)
'10. Answer (2)


when E* rthe graph will be straight line for E * ] the graph will be hyperbolic.
'11. Answer (2)
Total time = reactive time + breaking time
Drunk's reaction time = 0.4 s
Orunk's breaking time = change in velocity componenuacceleration @mponent
= (0 msr - 20 ms-1)/(-5.0 ms-2) = 4.0 s
Total time = 4.4 s
Distance travelled = 20 ms-1 x 0.4s+ 112 x(4.0 s) x(20ms-t1 =49 6
12. Answer (4)

dv dv dx
a=-=-x-=- vdv
dt dx dt dx
!!=2x +t
a= (* + x) (2x + 1\ = 6 x 5 = 30 ms-2
13. Answer (2)

dx x^

14. Answer (3)
Since, a = uniform

So, if average velocity from li to t2 is zero then the velocity of the particle at t, I l, must be ,ero
fory=0. l=3.5=t,*t,
15. Answer (2)
Time will also become 3/4 times.
Time to fall 20 m is 2s
So f =3/a(2+2) =3s

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Solutions (Level-lll) Motion in a Slraight Line 69
16. Answer (2)

P -10t+21 =0
(,-3) ('-7)= 0
At, l=7sEwill ove aketheA.
17. Answer (4)

+ v= uea
18. Answer (1)

For car, x = 40t (straight line)


For policeman x = ! x12.5(t - 212 (parabola)

At , = 10 s, they will meet

19. Answer (3)

Distance travelled in last second

s = sr - sr.-r =r.llzt-t)
.. s=U+--a u
2 a a

So distance travelled does not depend on initial velocity' hence sl = s2 = s3
20. Answer (3)

_=a_ bv

d, =dt or tln (a_-_bv)16

a-bv Idr
[t-e "]
21. Answer (2)

When velocity = 0

dx^ l't
I __
zt1 I
dt La ol 2a

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Motion in a Straiqht Line Solutions (Level-lll)

22. Answer (1)

* Ioerl? t
22 v,*
Average speed =
= 2

vmar .,
t, t, t
23. Answer (3)
Maximum acceleration a1= @ - 1)g
Maximum retardation a2 = g

s=1f "o )r,

1 (n-1)gxg
a= -X t2
2 (n-1)9+g
. I 2r" 1t'
24 Answer (3)

e= v-dv
v=0.1 x
a = 0.1 (0.1x) = 0.01x
25. Ans /er (2)
a= bf (n * -11
_dv = Dt,.
v= (assumino that initial velocity is zero)
n +1

dx- btn+l
dt (n +11

r= (assuming that initially, position vector is zero)
A +1Wt +2i
u _(n+21
Atl= 1s ! =6 +2)

ot v=4n+Z)
26. Answer (2)
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Solutions (Level-ll Motion in a Slraight Line I
-zv 0
- v=2(1 - {2\
+ a =9! = 4"-zt =aMays+ve

Finally, Y/= 2 m/s

27. Ansver (3)
The velocity-tlme graph is shown.

S= xfi6 +(r-2fo)fi. +;h xno

lxt6 ff"

l', 4s
S = l?lo - fr02 . This gives lo =
r-{' - 7 + t -zto +

t- f, 4"

The time for constant velocity is

Ans,ver (3)
2to =
1' r

29. Ans,ver (4)

30. Ans,r/er (1)

PrcYlouB Yoars Questons
1. Answer (3)
H-h=7 sf 1
2 H-h

....( 2) _l
-1 h

'=2, tto, and
(1) (2))

... h = ux-- x-
29 -o
2- 4gz
_3u2 _3H
2 Answer (1)
Dorvnurard rnotion Upirad rnc[bn

F" E
m m
Llmlbd - R6gd. O,rice:Aakash Towe( 8, Pusa Rood, Natv Dolhi'110005 Ph.0114762$fi
72 Motion in a Straioht Line Solutions (Level-lll)

Downward a1 =9- m
Upward a2 =g+--A
dz' dt
3. Answer (4)

At t = 0, x = \ (positive) and v =4=


x=0 X=Xo
As velocity decreases to zero, therefore at t = 0, a = +ve.
As a changes its direction, therefore best option is (4).
4. Answor (4)
6y = g(At) = constant
Also S=rgt'^ andS+AS= ]of{t+at)'?

+ as =
AS increases with time.
5. Answer (1)

t=0 l rds
P----r...- Q (Rest)
Ba -->2 fils

..... (i)

.'. a!=t,-(=ts

= t 0 1rn/s
(ii) P (Rest).-------------.- q
. -
l- =5+-
Ltr=tr- 1,

- 5 10
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Solutions (Level-lll) Motion in a Straight Line 73

6 Answer (1)
Magnitude of slope is increasing at point R. Magnitude of slope of displacement-time graph represents spoed

7 Answer (2)

u=0 +xd

x=1ar2 parabolic for t = o to 4 s

t= 4 s, = trl (4)2 = 8 ml
[at ]'
then afler (v = 4 m/s)

= ltot

x = 4t - 8(staight line)
8. Answer (2)

,- t.+t"
.'. H =
1 (t,+tr\2
= -2'ox 4
9. Answer (4)

u=ut_ i s€
10. Answer (3) a
10 knvh 29 kri/h 60 kn/h
35 J

Total Distance
ang Total time

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74 Motion in a Slraight Line Solutions (Leval-lll)

30 60 180

= 18 krn/h
11. Ansrver (2)
During collision fnom ground ac@leration of particle is very high and it is in vertically upward direclion.
12. Amlv€r (3)

$€ ha\,t
,=(l)r,,r', .... (1 )

n* (J) r,,r o, = ?6

,, -( cd\ t, t,t
=,, -[7./ (21

from equations (1) and (2) we have

h Yr
13. Answer (2)

Time taken to roach sound afier hit ts =

,- (i1)= o r.
" = \ 3401 " E
For ball time of flight ll)
4 @
Ir+I"=5.25. I
For ball

vot -)ct' = -H - vorri,-;10(5)2 = -Bs

Svo = 49

14. Answer (3)
Use the relation for the distanc€ travelled in the ns second to get the answers. Ons gets a relation
u=40 a.

otr D

ArLrh Educruonsl Sol.lc3. Llmftod . Reod. Olica : Astash Tolrer, 8, Pusa Road. N€w O6lhi- fi0005 Ph. 011-47623456
(Level -III)

Chapter 1 : Some Basic Goncepts of Chemistry

1. Answer (2)
Obrociive Typo Quertlon3

xe + ---------+ XeF,
1 mole 1 mole

131 gm ('131 + 19x) gm

.. 2 gm G#!? smof xeFx

2(19x) = 13'l x 1.158

+ x=4
.'. Formula of xenon fluorile is XeFl
2 Answer (1)

2rcr,---+ 4, lo"
moles of Cl^ = = 5x l0-3

moles of lclx =

moles orcr,= f( 127 + 35.5x = 5x l0-3

1.625x = 10 x 127 r 10{ + 10 (35.5 l0l x)

x (1.625 - 0.355) = 1.27

*= H=,
Arksh Educati,onal Sdyic.s LlmlM - Regrd Oritce : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1100o5 Ph. 011-47623456
76 Some Basic Concepts of Chemislry Solutions (Level-lll)

3. Answer (2)
weight 2.56
Number of moles = molec,lla, t 'e'ght = 256
Number of moles = 10-2
Number of molecules = 10-2 No
'.' one molecule contain '16 lone pair electrons
.'. 10-2 No molecule will mntain = 10-2 No x 16

= 0.i6 No

4. Answer (2)

1 .62
Moles of CaO =
56 = moles of CaClz

1 .62 x
Mass of CaCl2 =
1'11 = 3.21 gm

"/,=# xloo=32.1o/o

5. Answer (2)

3o2(g) -----i 2o3(g)

Vol. (L) 1.8 0

1.8 - x -x

Volume of the r;r1rr" = 16-r*?r=1.6

.'. x = 0.6

Volume of 03 = o.o = o.l r-


Mole fraction or o, = = o.zs

6. Answer (1)
xr ml solution having normality y1

milli eq. of solution =

= x1y1

On dilution normality becomes y2

volume afler dilution v = lL


votume required for ditution =

7 Answer (2)
meq of H2SO4 (initial) = 30 x 't

meq of H2SOa affer passing NH3 = 30 x 0.2 = 6

Solutions (Level-lll) Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry T7

meq of H2SO4 reacted = meq of NH3

x 't 000 = 24; WxH. = 0.408 g

VNH, at STP = |r9ra *zz.n

= 0.5376 L
= 537.6 mL
8. Answer (4)
ZrO, + 3H2----+ 22 + 3H2O
(2x + 48) gm 6 gm
'. (2x + 48) gm metal oxide requires = 6 gm H2 gas

.'. 0.1596 metal oxide require" = x 0.1596 gm H2 gas.


x = 55.8
9. An$,6r (2)
Let the atomic weights of A and B be 'a' and 'b resp€ctively.
Molecular wsight of ArB. = 26 + l5
Molec{lar weight of ABr= 6 + 26

Molecular weioht = :-:--------=:-
Number of mole

Molecularwoight of A2Bs= 2a. rO =

Molecular weight of AB2 = a + ,O = ffi
Solving these tlvo,
10. Answer (3)
Moles of Mg2' = 0.3 + 0.2 = 0.5
Number of gram oquivalent = 0.5 x 2 = 1

Moles of SOi- = 0.2

Equivalent of =0'2, 2=0-4

Equivalent of Cl-=0.6 r 1=0.6

Total equivalent = 1+0.4+0.6=2

.. Equivalent frac-tion of Mg2* =|=OU

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78 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solutions (Level-lll)

11. Amn er (2)

Mol€cular woight of la sib

_ 2*r* 1.78x10-? *2112* 1.25x10-?.

1.66x10-z' 1.66x 10-"

= 208.53 amu.
12. Ans,t€r (2)
xx1+2x2= 1.5(2 + \l
= x+4=3+1.5x
+ 0.5x = 1

= x=2
= Y=4
13. Ansu8r (4)
2NO + 02 -----r 2NO,
Moles 3 0.75
3- 1.50 0 1.50
= 1.50
lnital rnoles = 3 + 0.75 = 3.75
Final mobs = 1.50 + 1.50 = 3.00
Change in gessurc = 1:--
= I = 2o5 atm

14. Ans$/€r (3)

15. Answer (3)
16. An$Yor (1)
17. Ansu/€r (3)

18. Anslver (2)

19. Ansrver (1)
20. Answer (2)
21. Ans'^rer (1)
2. Ansr rer (1)

23. Ans,'/er (3)

24. An$it er (2)
The weight of acid which fumishes 'l rnole H3Ot is callod eq. wt
Eq. wt. of acid = 2x

N _ wt of solute (g)
'' - Eq *tr volume of solution (L)

., _ yx1000 _ y
2xx500 x

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Solutions (Level-lll) Some Basac Concepts of Chemistry 7g
25. Ans'tver (3)
26. Answer (2)
Mass of methanol = (130.410 - 119.691)g

Volume of methanol =
I o.zgr )

r 130.4'10 - 1 19.69 \
Volume of metal 5661 =
I o.zgr )
Mass of metal sheet = 119.691 - 20.340
Density of metal sheet

(1i9.69i - 20.s34o)
25- - 0791

99 351
=11.448799 = a.oz olcc

27. Answer ('l )

28. Answer (4)
29. Answer (3)
Nz + 3Hz -'i 2NHs
30. Answer (4)

= - t, - =ta
75x l0 x 1.57
Mol. mass

31. Answer (2)

Moles of CsHsO4 = teo = S.56
Moles of salicylic acid used = 5.56
Mass of salicylic acid for (100% yield)

= 5.56 x 138 = 765.6

But yield is 83% only, mass = 923.6 gm
32. Answer (3)

N-25x6+45x3- 4.07 = 4.iM

33. Answer (4)

M=-n = 65'25x 1 =0.326M

Yn" 249.7 0.8
M,V, = M,V,
0.326 x V1 ='1 x 0.1

V = 0.306 litres

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80 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solulions (Level-lll)

34. Answer (4)

Moles of C2H4 requted = 0.442

Molecules of C2H1= 0.,142 x N = 2.67 t 1CJ23

35. Ans,wer (4)

CurO, + x11, ----- zgu + 2H2O

10 g 1.26 g

x.10 1.26
(127 + 16x') 'l I

= x=1
Formula of copper oxide = CurO.

36. An$ver (1)

mequiv Pb*2 before mixing = 25 x 0.'l = 2.5
mequiv of l- = 35 x 0.1 = 3.5
l- ions are limiting reagent
mequiv of Pbl2 fonn€d = 1.75
37. Answer (3)

Previous Years Questions
1. Answer (1)

25 s caco3
= # =; mob of caco3
CaCO3 -J CaO + CO2

... 1 mole CaCO3 poduce 1 mole CO,

't 'l
... 4 mole CaCO3 produce f mole CO,

and weight of CO, =|x44g of CO, = 11 g

2. Answer (2)

Surface area nd2 1

Volume nl3 d

d1 =30nm d,= 10 nm
Surface area 1

Volume d.d,30^
Surlace area) ', dz 1o
Volume ,/, q
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Solutions (LeYellll Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 81

3. Answer (3)

2' -
ca * cao

- 20

4. Answer (2)
Moles of solute 0 35
'- =
Vol.of Solution 1.3
= 0.26g

5. Answer (1)
zn + 2oH- + 2H:.O --+ lZn (OH)J'- + H,
2 gm (1 mole) H, is given by 65.4 gm of Zn

'l gm is given by gm of Zn
6. Answer (4)

C+ O, -.r CO,

=0.2 moleof carbon

... 0.2 mole of C need 0.2 mole of q

So volume. of 0.2 mole O, at STP = 0.2 | 22.4

= 4.48 L
7. Answer (3)
The correct way of reporting the average value should have exactly the same number of digit after
which has least digit and decimal among the data given.

8. Answer (1)


% N=?q xloo

= 21 .21o/o

9. Answer (3)
Itlrrso. = 0.5

Vqso. = 0 2

n4so. = 0 1

no . of mole of 'S' atom = 0.1

... no . of 'S'atom = 0.1 \ = *

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&2 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solutions (Level-lll)

10. Answer (2)

(r)% ot C=$xr00=37.5%

12)"h d c=fix100=14.3%

(3) "/" of C =Sxloo = 17.6%

(tl % ot C = = 29.2o/o

11. Anwer (1)

2UOH + Cq -J L|2CO3 + HrO

no. of motes of L|OH =*

2 moles of L|OH mnsume 'l mote of CO,

,! motes of L|OH *n.r." f mote of CO,

weight of CO, consumed =-x44
= 0.9.16 9
12. Answer (3)

2AsO,3 + 3Pb" --r Pb, (AsOo ),

gram equivalent of Pb., = gram equivalent of AsO.3'

wL of As reacted
20 x o.'l x 2 x 1gr = 3r,
Weight of As = 0.0998 S

% mass of Arsenic = 5.4%

13. Answer (2)
3.42 gm sucrose in 't00 gm solution t
_ mass
volume I
volume of solution =
100 I
= 100 mt I
l\ilo larity = lx1 000 I

Motarity =
#ft' xlooo = 0.1

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Solutions (Level-lll) Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 83

14. Answer (3)

Ca + 2 HCI -----, H. + CaCl,
moles of H2 = mole of Ca used

5.04 x
22A 40
15. Answer (2)

2M + I o, -----+ M,o,

moles of MrO, = 1 moles of M


1.68 I 1.25
69.7 x2 + 16x 2 69.7
Formula of metal oxide = MrO"
16. Answer (4)
17. Answer (1)

35x1 + 37x2
35.45 =
Xr +Xz

'18. Answer (3)
c.H.(g) + 60r(9) J 4cor(g) + 4H,o(9)

89.6 L 72 gm

='l mole =4 mole = 4 mole

no, consumed = 6

:. Vo, =6x22.4 = 134.4 L

19. Answer (4)

20 Answer (3)
2 KCI O. 2KCl + 30,
Number of moles of KClo. = ffi'ot
2 moles of KCIO3 Produces 3 moles O,

mobs o,
1 moles of Kclo3 oroduces
0.3 moles of KCIO. Produces 3 moles O.
3 -^
Volume of O, evolv 26 = : x0 3x22 4 = 10 08 L
84 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solutions (Level-lll)

21. Answer (l)

C 6H6 C6H5NO,

No. of moles of benzene = 7g

= No. of molos of nitobenzene prcduced

weight of nitobenzene =:x123

= 15.71 s

Percaniage vield = = 93.6"6

22. Answer (4)

F- concentration = = 800 ppm

23. Answer (2)

CH1 + Cl, -+ CHrCI+ HCI

lnitiat motes ?9

Cl, is limiting reagent

No. of moles of CH3C| formed =

= 0.141
24. Ans\ er (3)
Diethyl ether is CrHrOCrHu

1 mole of diethyl ethor contains

= 10 mole of H atom

1.006x104 10x 1.006x.to4

6!tloa- motes contains of H-atoms
= 1.67 moles of H€tom
25. Ans\ rer (1)

moles of H No.
Molarity = x 1000
Vo[ of sotution (in mL)

x1000 = 15.77 M
1 00
1 42

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Solutions (Level-lll) Soms Basic Concspts of Chemist y I
26. Answer (3)

U. _
70 x 10 x'1.54 _.,r,
N1 =M1 xv.f
N, = 't'l :< 3 t . vf. of H3PO1 = 3)
Norv, NrVi = N2V2
11 x3xVl=1x 1

.. v.' = looo ,nt

- 11x3

V, = 30 ml'
27. Anwver (4)

Li,o(,) + Ftqs) -, 2L|OH(")

45x103 6o x 103
30 18

= 1.5 x 103 mol = 3.33 x 103 mol

after reaclion (3.33-1.5)x103
= 1.83 x 103 mol
28. Answer (3)
(1) W*,"-" = 0.25 x 10 x 180 = 45 g
(2) W0.,"* = 'l m mole x 180 = 180 mg
(3) $='l$ x lQa
No. of C-atoms = fr '*^x
(4) Wo.- = 100 x 0.1 x 1013 x 180 = 1'8 g
29. Anwtrer (2)
Molecular mass ( g/mol)
VaPour densitY =

Vapour densitY of B = U

Vapour density of e = tf;=zu

30. Answer (3)
2SO,(g) + o,(g) --) 2SO,(O)

lnitial volume 5L 3L 0

Volume after 0 (3 - 2.s) 5 = 5.5 1

reaction = 0.5
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86 Structure of Atom Solutions (Ler/el-lll)

Chapter 2 : Structure of Atom

Objective Type Questions
1. Answer (3)
Y. and yz planes are nodal planes.
2. Answer (4)
3. Answer (3)

sbpe =f,

4. Answer (3)

Aruular rpmentum ,ur = ,*

Angular morn€nfum * n

Angular momentr.rm * ,[
5. Answ€r (1).

n(n -1) _ r^

n = Str shell for visible spectrum Eansition must b€

6. &l$Er(4)
Energy of I mol€ photon in 1 mole.

s = 6oz6x-J9-1-;gxto8 x6.022x1023 1

= 297 Nlmole
Percentage of energy con\€rted to KE

297 -_2!6.s
= xrco

= 17%
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Solutions (Level-lll) Structure of Atom 87
7. Answer (2)

lnitial energy of photon = Energy of photon afler scattering + KE of scattered eleclron,


hv hv 2 + mv2

] mv'z = tr1v, - v)

^ 2h(v. - v,)

2 x6.63 x1o-s(1011-0.9 x 10111

4571428 - 3 8x1 o3 ms-1
8. Answer (4)
Fe2t 1*, 2*, 2p6, 3d, 3p6, 3d
- 1d,2*,2f ,3e,3f
ln Fe2', o electrons are 6 while in cl-, p electrons are'12
9. An$r/er (3)
10. An$rer (3)

For first excited state,


n, _n1, _rc 4x
r= o.5zg A
n( nf 1 z

11. Answer (2)

chanse in PE = -zx\-t-zv\=
-]*zY = lt
12. Answer (2)
n, +nr=4andnr-n, =2
hence n1 = 1, n2 = 3


/1 1\
I [,'-oJ
tr=1.14x10-6 cm
13. Answer (2)
in the Paschen series'
oi(O anO (2), (2) will have lowest fi€quency as this falls,PuSaRoad,NewDelhi.,l10005Ph.01,1.47623456
88 Structure of Atom Solulions (Level-lll)

14 Answer (4)

The Rydberg constant of H-atom is given by * - 2fl|'?e'

lf the charge on electron and proton are reducsd to s116.;, original values, the new value of Rydberg

constant (R') is given by -.

Ii'=2#mK, f 2e l' _
ht 3 I ./ 8t

15 Answer (4)
Electronic configuration of Be- : 1*2s1

The energy of outermost electron of Be' is given by -17.98 = -f f O$ = -f S O

- Ii z9g '4
Lei=l-=z.r ^ ^

Extent of shielding by inner electrons = 4 - 2.3 = 1.7.

16. Answer (3)

1=q r1_1)
I lz' n')
'l 11
n24 lxR - 4 4341 x 10-8 x 109678

= 0.04
n2=25 ..n=5
So, electronic transition may be 5 + 2
17 Answer ('1)

Potential energy changes from -Zx to -x

There value of n = 1

18. Answer (1)

'19. Answer (1)
Total number of e- which have zero value of magnetic quantum number is 13

1s, 2s, 2p" 3s,

il il It t+ il ti
3p' 3Jo 4s'

il il t1 il I il 1i 1l t
One orbital out of three p have value of m = 0

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Solutions (Level-lll Structure of Alom 89

20. Answer (2)

-Ln - -21.76x10-1e
For He.

., ==t+4x4 = -e.6Bx1o-reJ


. AE=-
1. = 2050 A
21. Answer (1)

22. Anslver (2)

At radial node, v=0
... x - 1 = O or x2 - 8x + 12 = 0
When x-1=0
x= 1

. L=,t-r=9v
ItEn (x - 6) (x - e1 = g


No/v if x-2=0

i.e., r = ao

gq, r=]lminimum)

or 3ao (maximum)
23. Ans$rer (4)
< 2p < 3s'
Order of energy level for hydrogen atom is 1s 2s =

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90 Structure of Atom Solutions (Level-lll)

24. Answer (3)

25. Answer. (2)

From Bohr's theory

ITtVIn =

Znrn = n)''
Radius of Boh/s orbit rn = nz x 9.53 I

= 2rfr,,
n\ =

= )'= 2fi1, n
= ), = 3.3284 n
For (ii) choice,
n = 1.5 ) which is not an integer.
26. Answer (4)
27. Anslt er (4)

28. Answer (1)

r.( nl z2
E, z1 n2 1.
II z1 E2 z2
I( n1

Y z, .- n, t, (n z2
V, z. n.,r I n2
I,( z1 '
2S Answer (2)

33M = tr2s12p33s13 p33d5 4s14p3 4d5 4f7 sslsp2

.. Period = s
30. Answer (3)
3'1. Answer (1)
32. Answer (2)
33. Answer (2)
34. Answer (2)
35. Answer (2)
36. Answer (3)
37. Answer (4)

1' ru
Answer (3)
It lt, lt u 1t I 1

Minimum energy is absorbed in (3).

Solutions (Level-lll) Structure of Atom 91

39. Answer (3)

40. Answer (2)
41. Answer (1)
42. Answer (3)
43. Answer (4)
Radial node (n - l- t1= 2111
I * 0, so minimum value of I = 1

So, n = 4, I = 1, 4f that is possible, so n = 4
44. Answer (3)
45. Answer (2)
46. Answer (1)
A is sodium and se@nd ionisation energy will be very high as the electron has to be removed from completely
Illled 2p subshell.
47. Answer ('l )

K .E = -mvz (i)
-h ...(ii)


.'.'= h ormv2=hv .(iv)

From equation (i) and (iv)

6.6 x 10" xv=2t 4.37 x 10-27

u __2x4.37 = 1.32x107 s-l
6.6x 10's

Previous Years Questions
'l . Answer (1)
Electronic configuration for Si is 1*2*2f3*3t
2. Answer (1)

- hc 6.62x10-s x3x108

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92 Structure of Atom Solutions (Level-lll)

3. Answer (4)

n is always greater than /

and m = -l ........ 0.........+l

lf n = 2, then l=0,1
and mr = 0,{-1,0,+4

4. Answer (3)

f!K* Neutrons = 21, Electron = 18,

21 + 18=39
5. Answer (1)

For H-atom, AE
(t r) eV/atom;
= 13.0
l^? ^i)
AE. " g2
AE- =12
12 22

6. Answer (1)
7. Answer (2)

hC 6.6x 10-s x3 x108
7, 660 x 10-e

= 3 x 10-1eJ

K.E. = 3 x 1tr1e- 1.6 x 10je = 1.4 x .l0-1e
For wavelength of emitted elec.tron

^ h 6.6 x '1 0-3a

V2mKE J2^9.1y1O-31r1.4x.10 1s

=ffi=', rx1o-s meter

I Answer (3)
No. of Neutrons = Mass No. - Atomic No. I
9 Answer ('l )
Percentage of C,Fa of Motar mass rOO = = 98.0i%
Percentage of C2Fa of Molar mass 102 =*x1x100=0.01% I
Percentage of CrFo of Molar mass j01 = 1OO - (0.01 + 9g.0.1) = 1.98% ri

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Solutions (Level-lll) Structure of Atom 93

10. Answer (3)

rHeo = rH xzn

r""' = ss x] = zo s pm. lt is closest to 27 pm

11. Answer (4)

I=4 -r 'g' subshell

... no . of e- = 2(21 + 1)
12. Answer (1)

1s' 2s' 2p'

Configuration of C is
N ru m
13. Answer (3)
Photoelectric cunent linearly increases with increase in intensity of radiation
'14. Answer ('l )

h 6.626 x'10-s
I mv 20 x10-3 x 100
= 3.313 x 10-34 m

15. Answer (1)

n = 3, has three subshells 3s, 3P and 3d
16. Answer (2)
Energy of incident radiation = 3.1eV
'17. Answer (4)
4s, 4p, 4d and 4f.

18. Answer (1)


6.626x 10
= 0.5 m/s
60x12:< 1.67 x 10-27 x 11x1 o-10
19. Answer (4)
l:1,m=-1,0,+1,ms= t,
20. Answer (4)
Number of radial nodes = n-l- 1= 2

Number of angular node = I = 1

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Structure of Atom Solutions (Level-lll)

21. Answer (1)

It lies in UV and visible region.
.. Wavelength range = 200 - 780 nm.
22. Answer (4)

Radius of 3d orbit. r- = r-- = 9r
According to de Broglie equation,

n), = Znr"

23. Answer (2)

24Cr = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s, 3p6 4s1 3d5

19h electron is present in 4s

n=4, 1=0, m=0

24. Answer (2)
Number of neutrons = Mass Number - Atomic Number
25. Answer (1)
26. Answer (3)
Energy of orbital is decided by (n + t) value
27. Answer (1)
28. Answer (2)
I = 0 to (n - 1)

29. Answer (3)
Energy required t"
"'"'t" "
= _ti.o i_r r.u,
= 10.2 ey
30. Answer (3)

I Io'2
n.Irf, r]=],",,
\^^o) z
2hc tro -l ts

m- ,!i.o
31 Answer (2)
. 663. 1O-" 663.101
0.033.200 66
.. v'u'm

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Solutions (Level-lll) Structure of Atom 95

32. Answer (1)

33. Answer (1)

ax.mav > I
, 6.64x10-sr
io-10 x g 1x i o{1x 6,
Av ) 0.05 x 107

> 0.5 x 108

34. Answer (3)

E.".a = -'13.6x16 = -217.6

... Energy of ld excited state of Be.3

-217 6
- -s4.4 ev

35. Answer (1)

lonizaticn energy = 412 kJ mol-1

E- n

E, -126 KJ/rnol.
E, I 412 KJlnr,l'

E,-E = -t26I412
AE = 286x'l03JmoF1

47 69x1-0-1e
Enerov in gy = = 2.98 ev
-' 1.6x10-'" x10

12400 eV A

= r,(A)=l?199=4161.0A

Jb. Ansrver (1)


37. Ans\ rer (3)

hx3.2x't016=fiyo+K.E, .(i)

hx2r1016=hvo+K.Ez .(ii)


96 Structure of Atom Solutions (Level-lll)

38. Answer (1)

)' = 1.54 A

. 12.27


39. Answer (1)
Energy of ground state of hydrogen atom

=-13.6 x 1eV
Energy of electron in first excited state of
+ ratio=1:4
40. Answer (1)
(n + t) rule
41. Answer (3)
Electronic energy per electron = -13.6 x 4 eV
Total Electronic energy = -1 3.6 \ 4 t 2 = 108.8 eV
42. Answer (3)
The negative sign in energy of an electron indicates that energy of th6
electron in the H-atom is lower than
that of a ffee electron.

tr tr D

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ooos ph. o.l14t62us6
(Leve1 -III)

Chapter 1 : Cell : The Unit of Life

't; $f$iffif&
Oblective Type Quesdons
Answer (3)

Nucl€us, mitodDndrion and chlorophst have DNA.

2 Ansrner (2)

During tsansport, 3symmeEy of membrane is preserued. Luminal side of transport vesids remains in luminal
side and fnally becomes Part of extra cellular surhce
3 An$,ver (2)

ln planb vaoDles are laEe in size and his hlgp cenu'al sap vaorcles pushes the nudeus to pedpheral po6ition
in cytoplasm. But in animals, generally centrally locat€d nucleus and few small sized vacuoles are
4 Ansrer (2)
The hydrophillic heads of each phospholipid molecule faces toyards outer side and hydrophobic tail faces
towards inside.
5 Answor (2)
a. Vacuoles are also found in animal cells like food vacuoles and contractile vaoJoles.
plant sugars are
c. chloroplast is only found in green part of the plants. ln other part of living cells of
transportsd hlough Phloom.

d. Golgi compl€x is found in all eukaryotic c€lls excapt matJre spem, rod blood cells
of animals, certain
fungi, sperm cells of brlophytes and siovB tubo collE in plants'
6 An$ver (1)
DNA consists of nitogenous bases' d€oxyribose sugar and phoophaE
7 Ansu/er (2)

Non-polar tails of lipids in nrembrane is hydrophobic in natuIe'

8 Ans,\€r (3)
I Answer (1)
RER prorides p]e@rsor of lysosorne.
10 Answer (4)
D-glutamic acids'
Capsule (glycocalyx) is made up of polysaccharides and

98 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions (Level-lll)

11. Answer (1) i

12. Answer(4) l
13. Answer (4)
Space enclosed between two membranes of thylakoid or lumen ofthylakoid I
14. Answer(3)
15. Answer(1) I
Fragments of ER associated with ribosomes.
'16. Answer(3) l
17. Answer(4) t
18. Answer (3) It
Polyribosome is also called ergasome.
19. Ansl er (2)

Dynein protein of cilia is associated with ATp.

20. Answer(2) t
21. Answer (3) {
2. N\swet (21
Glyoxisomes carry out gluconeogenesis.
23. Answer (3)
24. Ans\ rer (1)
25. Answer (2)
26. Answer (1)
27. Answer (2)
28. Answer (3)
29. Answer (3)
Micmtubules have 0, F tubulin.
30. Answer (3)
31. Answer (1)

Prsvious years Ou€tions

1. Answer (4)
Mitochondria and chroroprast are semi-autonomous organere capabre
of serf duprication.
They have their own 70S ribosome which synthesize their own protein.
2. Answer (2)

Mitochondria have their own circurar DNA, 70s ribosome

and different type of RNAS (,RNA, IRNA, rRNA).
3. Answer (4)

Mitochondria and chloroplast are semiautonomous organelle

that contain circular DNA.
4. Answer (3)

Glycolysis takes place in cytoplasm and Krebs,cycle

and ETS occur in mitochondria.
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Solutions (Level-lll) Cell : The Unit of Life

5. Answer (4)

Mitochondria and chloroplast are semiautonomous organelle contain circular DNA.

6. Answer (2)
Minimum 3 membrane bilayers will be crossed to reach the centre of the nucleus. ie., cell membrane, ouler
mitochondrial membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane.

7 Answer (2)

ln telocentric chlomosome the centromere is present at the terminal end of the chromosome and thus
chromosome appears to have a single arm. They appear l-shaped during anaphase.

8. Answer (1)

Nucleic acid are ONA and RNA and they are present in nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, cytoPlasm.

9 Answer (1)

10 Answer (1)

Penicillin inhibit the cell wall formation in bacleda thus it kills rapidly growing bacteria more than the slow
growing bacteria.

11 Answer (4)

Plasma membrans is asymmetric.

12 Ansrver (1)

13 Answer (2)
cholesterol in plasma membEnes resisb f,uidity changes of membrane by hindering solidification.
14. Answer (3)
'15. Answer ('l)
16. Answer (1)
17. Answer (2)
Plasmids are much smaller in size than genomic DNA and they eplicate independent of
geromic Dl'lA' Faster
replication of plasmid occurs du€ to their small size.
18 Answer (4)
Difiusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion do not require any ensrgy.
19. Answer (3)

and protein.
20. Answer (3)
During difierentiation formation of secondary cell wall takes place'
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100 Cell : The Unit of Life Solutions (Level-lll)

21. Answer (3)

22. Answer (4)

Cholesterol is a temperature bufier that reduces membrane fluidity and prevents membrane gelling/ solidification
at low temperatures.

23. Answer (3)

24. Answer (3)

[ - 1683
t- 1839

u - 1900
tv - 1931

25. Answer (3)

Ribozymes act as part of the large subunit ribosomal RNA to link amino acid within the ribosome during

26. Answer (1)

After homogenization and centrifugation ER breaks into fragments called microsome, involve in protein

27. Answer (3)

28. Answer (3)

29. Answer (4)

Faciliiated diffusion does not need ATP and c€lled as passive transport. This requires concentration gradient
across the membrane.

30. Answer (1)

31. Answer (3)

Tightjunction prevents leakage ofsubstance from tissue.

32. Answer (4)

Mitochondria in eukaryotic cell was evolved as endosymbiotic bacteria.

33. Answer (3)

Amino acyl IRNA transferase is a protein enzyme.

34. Answer (3)

Ribosome is membrane less cell organelle.

35. Answer (2)

ln transmembrane protein hydrophilic amino acid are present towards extracellular

surface and cytoptasmic
surface while hydrophobic amino acid are present in region of hydrophobic tail.

36. Answer (4)

Cell inclusions are present in vacuole.

37. Answer (2)

Fatty acid oxidation or g oxidalion occurs in mitochondria and peroxisome.

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Solutions (Level-lll) Cell : The Unit of Life 101

38 Answer (2)
Proteins are biomolecules.
Viruses are formed of organic macromolecules. Mitochondrion is a cell organelle.
Paramecium is a unicellular organism.

39 Answer (4)

Prokaryotic cells do not contain membrane bound cell organelle like endoPlasmic reticulum and Golgibody.
40 Answer (2)
Nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast have DNA and ribosomes.

4'l Answer (3)

Ribosomes are attached to the surface of RER and nuclear membrane.

42 Answer (3)

Microlilaments are made up of actin and myosin proleins. Microtubules are submicroscopic tubules of tubulin
protein. lntermediate filaments are made up of various types of proteins like keratin, desmin, peripherin,
synemin, elc. Protein present in microfibril is fibrillin.
43 Answer (3)
Phagocytosis occurs after the foreign body has bound to molecules called receptors that are on the surface
of the phagocyte.

44 Answer (2)

Width of biological membrane is 7.5-10 nm. Diameter of E. coli DNA is 2 nm. Size of human ribosome is
25-30 nm. Length of E. coti DNA is '1.36 mm. Diameter of human liver cell is 20-30 pm.
45 Answer (3)

Greater the cell volume, more will be the cytoplasmic content and greater the surface area.

More cytoplasmic content, more the biochemical activities results more wastes produce'

46 Answer (2)

Histones and nucleotides are synthesized in cytoplasm.

47 Answer (2)
Secretion of mucus by a cell is an exocytosis process. ln this process the plasma membrane, releasing
contents of the vesicle to the cell exterior through the expenditure of energy'

48 Answer (4)
for their
Plasmids are not capable of surviving oubide the living cells and do not depends on host machinery
replication. They are autonomously roplicating material.

49 Answer (3)

50 Answer (4)

Answer (2)
t Answer

(. F


102 Cell ; The Unit of Lile Solutions (Level-lll)

53. Answer

54. Answer (2)
55. Answer (4)
56. Answer
Statement True False

1 F

? T

4 F

5 T

6 F

7 T


9 F

10 T

D tr tr

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Solutions (Level-lll) Cell Cycle and Cell Division 103

Chapter 2 : Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Objective Type Questions

1. Answer (2)
ln meiosis, daughter cells are not identical to their parent cell and there will be reduction in the number of
2. Answer (1)
i/ature red blood cells are incapable of carrying out mitosis because they do not have nucleus.
3. Answer (1)
4. Answer (1)
5. Answer (2)
Duplication of DNA occurs in nucleus in animal cell and centrioles duplicate in cytoplasm'
6. Answer (1)
7. Answer ('l )

Asters are absent in higher plants.

8. Answer (3)

9. Answer (4)
10. Answer (3)
Karyochorisis is found in fungi
11. Answer (4)
12. Answer (2)
Karyokinesis takes place two times.
13. Answer (3)
ln metaphase l, each chromosome attaches to spindle fibre from one side only'
14. Answer (1)
15. Answer (2)
Synaptonemal complex dissolve in diplotene.
16. Answer (3)
17. Answer (4)
(-) end = pole
(+)end = equator
18. Answer (2)
Chromosome number reduces to half at meiosis l'
19. Answer (3)
I Chromosome or chromatids separate in anaphase'

20. Answer (3)

21. Answer (4)
1 chromosome = 2 chromatids

104 Cell Cycle and Cell Division Solutions (Level-lll)

22. Answer (1)

23. Answer (2)
24. Answer (4)
lf cell plate would not form, the cytokinesis will be absent.
25. Answer (4)
26. Answer (4)
G, phase = mitochondria, chloroplast duplicate in G, phase.
27. Answer (3)
External groMh regulators promote cell divison.

Previous Years Questions

1. Answer (4)
During meiosis, replication occur once during S phase of cell cycle, and two divisions as meiosis I and
meiosis ll
Meiosis I (Reductional division)
Meiosis ll (Equational division)
2. Answer (2)
The optimum temperalure for DNA polymerase is 37 degree celsius.
3. Answer (3)
oNA polymerase is polymerisation enzyme \/hich carry out replication or synthesis of DNA during S phase
of cell cycle.
4. Answer (1)
Anaphase I of meiosis I is characterised by separation of homologous chromosomes and Anaphase ll
meiosis ll is characterised by separation of sister chromatids.
5. Answer (3)
(Same allele of the same gene present at same locus)

Sister chromattds

6. Answer (2)
7. Answer (3)
sister chromatid formation occur during s phase of cell cycle where chromatid are available as
template for

8. Anwer (3)
Crossing over occur during pachytene of prophase l.
Solutiqns (Level-lll Cell Cycle and Cell Division 105

L Answer (4)

Chromosome stfucture is best seen at metaphase which is a sub stage of M-phase of the cell cycle.
10. Answer (4)
11. Answer (2)
Total time for cell c1de = 24 hrs
Time for M-phase = 2 hrs

So, probability of cell in M-phase at any given time is fi


12. Answer (4)

After meiosis-ll, daughter cells differ from the parent cells and each other in their genotypes due to crossing
over, independenl assorfnent and segregalion of chromosomes.
13. Answer (3)
DNA content increases during S phase but chromosome number remains same'
14. Answer (2)
ln telocenrric chromosome the centromere is present at the terminal end of the chromosome and

chromosome appears to have a single arm.

15. Ans\ rer (4)
ln S phase, the amount of DNA doubles but the number of chromosomes remains the same.
'16. Answer (3)
ln anaphase the centromere which holds the two chromatids together splits'
17. Answer (2)
G, -+ S -+ G, -+ Mitosis + Cytokinesis

18. Answer (2)

G1 occurs botore the S Phase.

19. Answer (1)

lf DNA synthesis is blocked, then the cells get anested in the G1 phase itself'

20. Answer (2)

Meiosis l- Reduclional division
Meiosis ll - Equational division

2C + S phase ; 4c + Meiosis I ; 2C + Prophase ll ;C+Telophasell'

21. Answer (4)
Germinal cell (2n) = 10 chromosomes
Meiosis I -, 10 chromosome and 20 chromatid
End J 5 chromosomes and 10 chromatid
Metaphsae ll -+ 5 chromosomes and 10 chromatid
Meiosis ll end r 5 chromosome and 5 chromatid
Cell Cycle and Cell Division Solutions (Level-lll)

22. Answer (1)

Only figure (1) depicb the true crossing over. Other figure does not show crossing over.
23. Answer (4)
Meosis occur in gonads.
24. Answer
Histone proteins synlhesise in S shape
c T

25. Answer (4)

26. Answer (3)
Proteins of these checkpoints are received from cytoplasm
27. Answer

Cellcycle Phase Fun ction

stage lA,B,C,D,EI lF.G,H,t,Jl

I G2 c J
2 M D F

3 G1 G
4 S B H
5 Go E I

e c tr

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Solutions (Level-lll) The Living World 107

Chapter 3 : The Living World

Obiective Type Questlons

1. Answer (1)

Living organisms sho./ adaptation.

2. Answer (3)

3. Answer (1)

4. Answer (3)

Family, order and species are taxonomic categories.

5. Answer (3)

An order includes members of many families.

6. Answer (3)

7. Answer (4)

8. Answer (2)

Oivison includes classes with similar features.

I 9. Answer (2)

10. Answer (3)

11. Answer (3)

Family is characlerised on the basis of vegehtive and reproduclive characteB.

12. Answer (3)

13. Answer (l )

Kingdom - highest taxonomic category

14. Answer (1)

15. Answer (1)

Previous Years Questions

1. Answer (3)

Order includes families wilh similarities

2. Answer (4)

Archaea - Domain

Hominidae - Family

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108 The Living World Solutions (Level-lll)

3. Answer (2)

Species is unit of classification.

4. Answer (4)

Gene flow occur between the population of a species.

5. Answer (1)

6. Answer (2)




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(Level -III)

Chapter 1 : Structural Organisation in

Animals (Animal Tissues)

Objective Type Questions
1. Ans,wer (4)
Compound epithelium is responsible for protsction to the undorlying tissues against mechanical, chemical,
thermal or osmotic stresses.
2. Answer (2)
simple squarnous epithelium is also known as pavement epithelium and tesselated epithelium.
Endothelium is th6 simple squamous opithelium which specifically lines the wall of blood vessel.
3. Answer (2)
Eplendyma, is th€ thin neuroepithelial lining of the ventricular system of the brain and the central canal of the
spinal cord.
4. Answsr (3)
Stereocilia are non-motil€, lack 9 + 2 organisation and arc found in epididymis and vas deferens in human.
5. Anslver (3)
o Desmosomes (macuh adherens) perform cementing to keeP the neighbouring cells together.
. Hemidesmosomes ioin epithelial cells to basal lamina.
6. Answer (2)
Sensory functions are associated witt neuro€Pihelial cells in taste buds.
7. Ansvr,er (2)
. Elastic cartilage forms eustachian tube, epiglottis and pinna of ear'
. Vtlhite fibro cartilags in humans is present at ioints bet e€n vertsbrae'

8. Anstiver (1)

Bone is made up of apgoximaEly 65% inorganic rnauer and 35% organic matter''
9. Ans\rcr (2)
lntercalated disc is pres€nt only in cardiac musd€s.
10. Ans\,ver (1)

Star shaped glial cells called asfocytes form blood brain banier'
1 'l . Ansrner (3)
llycobaciedum leprae attacks on myelin sheath of PNS, which is formed by schwann
Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions (Level-lll)

12. Ans'\,\ter (3)

Brown fat is thermogenic and produces heat instead of ATP through UCP (uncoupling protein). Brown colour
is due to cytochromes (Fe-Cu centre present in mitochondria).

Previous Y6ars Qu$tions

1. Answer (3)
Blood vessels-simple iquamous epithelium; Urethra- Pseudo stralified columnar epithelium; nasal passage-
Pseudo stratified ciliated mlumnar, cuboidal, nondliated brush border columnar
2. Answer (2)
AJbumin is a globular protein.
3. Answer (3)
GaP junctions are @mmunication channels found in animals cells. Plasmodesmata help maintain cytoplasmic
continuity between plant cells.
4. Answer (4)
A single amino acid change in primary structure of hemoglobin affects all the levels of structural organisation.
5. Answer (1)
Connexons in gap junctions allow passage of some solutes.
6. Answer (4)
Astrocytes form blood brain barrier but not myelin sheath which is constituted by lipids.
7. Answer (4)
Alveoli - Simple squamous epithelium
Duodenum - Simple columnar.
8. Answer (2)
Salivary glands are exocrine (glands with ducts) glands comprising of cluster of cells. GobleUNeck cells are
isolated cells that secrete mucus.
9. Answer (3)
Holocrine glands disintegrate to release their secretions. Example include sebaceous glands and ceruminous

10. Answer (3)

Both smooth muscle (unstriated visceral muscles) and cardiac muscles are functionally involuntary.
11. Answer (2)
Keratinised squamous stratified epithelium forms outermost layer of epidermis.
12. Answer (4)
Brown fat is rich in uncoupring protein which prevents formation of heat. rt is thermogenic.
13. Answer ('l )
Myeloid tissue is a biologic tissue with the ability to perform hematopiesis. lt is mainly found in t!
the red bone
manow of bone.
14. Answer (2)
Any animal tissue or cell will swell when placed in hypotonic solution. Water moves from
a region of low
solute to high solute concentralion.

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Solutions (Level-ll r) Biomolecules 111

Chapter 2 : Biomolecules

I ObJecllve Typ€ Questlons

1. Answer (3)

Lipids are not polymers, but they are aggregates of smaller vesicles. Lipids consist of simple fatty acids or

2. Answer (1)

Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar. lts aldehyde group of glucose and kelone group of fructos€ participate in
formation of glycosidic bond, while glucose is a reducing sugar which possesses free aldehyde or ketone
groups. Less reactive sugars are used as preservatives.

3. Answer (4)

Polysaccharide are relatively easy to store because of the following advantages:

(i) They are stored in bulk

(ii) They are chemically non-reactive
(iii) They are osirstically inactive.

4. Answer (4)

Purgatives are mucilaginous substances that can be used to AeaU counler constipation. Hiblscus does not
yield purgative substances.

5. Answer (4)

Chitin is a homopolymer of N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) while other options given are mucopoly saccharides.

6. Answer (1)

Cellulose digesting enzyme i.e cellulase is predominanlly found in gut of ruminants. Rumlnococcus is one
such cellulose digesting bacteria.

7. Answer (2)

Glycosidic bonds are found in sugars and nucleic acids. Peptide bonds are formed between amino group and
carboxyl group of amino acids Phosphodiester bonds occur in DNA & RNA.

8. Answer (4)

Essential amino acid can't be synthesised by humans' so, it has be obtained from diet'

For eg: Lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, valine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine'

9. Answer (2)
gamete) or one half
c-value is the amount in picograms of DNA contained within a haploid nucleus (e.g a
the amount in a diploid somatic cell of a eukaryotic organism.

10. Answer (1)

A = T, 2 hydrogen bonds while C = G 3 hydrogen bonds.

As adenine and thymine interac.t with each other through two hydrogen bonds, so it is the
low melting area
w.r.t. guanine & cytosine.
1 12 Biomolecules Solutions (Level-lll)

1 1. Answer (2)
Enzymes can be proteins and nucleic acids in nature and are highly specific.
12. Answer (2)
The term turnover number refers to rate of producl formation per unit time. Tumover number is directly
proportional to the number of active sites in an enzyme
13. Answer (2)
Enzymes with low Km value are prefened as they have high affnity for their substrate. Also snzymes vyilh
high afiinity for substrate have high tumover number.
14. Answer (1)
lnhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by malonate is an example of competitive inhibition
15. Answer (4)
Pepsin belongs to family of aspartate proteases. lts catalytic site is formed by tlvo aspartate residues Asp
32 and Asp 215, one of which has to be protonated and the other deprotonated for optimal activity.
16. Answer (3)
Template lheory is another name for lock and key theory of enzyme action where enzyme forms a three
dimensional conformation for substrate attachment at active site. Enzyme is the lock and substracts is the
17. Answer (4)
There is no significant impact of ( in non-competitive enzymatic reactions.
'18. Answer (1)

Phosphorus is absent in the structure of amino acids found in humans.

Amino acids mainly consist of C, H, O, N, S.
19. Answer (2)
Cell membrane is composed of phospholipids that are ananged in a bilayer Also, the lipids are arranged within
the membrane with the polar head towards the outerside and hydrophobic trils towards the inner part.
20. Answer (1)
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotkle, called universal energy canier as well as energy curency of
cell. lt is made up of an adenine, a ribose sugar and three phosphates attached to ribose.
21. Answer (2)
K,n (Michaelis constant) is a constant which indicates the substrate concentration at which the chemical
reaction catalysed by enzyme attains half ib maximum velocity.
22. Answer (3)
Formation of glycosidic bonds and peptide bonds requires loss of water molecules. They are called
condensatjon/dohydration reactions.
23. Answer (1)
Fruclose can rotate plane of polarised light to left side, hence is called laevorotatory sugar.
Glucose is a
dexlrorotatory sugar.
24. Answer (4)
According to Chargaffs rule,

t4 = m, .'. rt lll = 14o1o then 14 = 14o70

tcl =tcl =36%

Uracil is absent in DNA.
Solulions (Level-lll) Biomolecules 113

25. Answer (1)

Nucleic acids are organic compounds that contain C, H, O & N & P
Sulphur, potassium and calcium are lacking in then.
26. Answer (2)
A phospholipid comprises of two fatty acids either saturated or unsaturated that are esterified to a glycerol
molecule. A phosphate group is also attached to the glycerol molecule.
27. Answer (4)
DNA contains deoxyribose while RNA contains ribose sugar. Both DNA & RNA contain phosphate groups,
cytosine as nitrogenous base and nitrogen atoms in their heterocyclic bases.

D a
Previous Years Quostlons

l. Answer (2)
ln competitive inhibition, insease in lq for a given substrate means that in presen@ of competitive inhibitor

more substrate is needed to achieve 1V.",.

2. Answer (4)
Chargafs rule is not applicable on RNAs i.e., ss nucleic acid.
3. Answer (3)
Once reaction reaches Vnor, there is no further increase in the velocity of reaction because at this stage the
enzyme molecules become iully saturated and no active site is left free to bind additional substrate molecules.
4. Answer ('l )
Fats release I kcal/gm of energy upon oxidation in living system while carbohydrates release
4 kcaugm.
5. Answer (1)
for their
Hydrogen bonding and sulftydryl groups in the primary structure of some Proteins are responsible
secondary structures.
6. Answer (3)
During curling, first the hydrogen bond broaks to uncoil the o-helical structure followed by breaking
of the
cross-linkage exerts twist
disulfide bonds, the hair fibres now curl in desired fashion because new disulfide
on the bundles of o-helical coils in the hair fibres.
7. Answer (3)
tertiary and quaternary
Neutral side chains of amino acids are responsible for hydrophobic interactions at the
structure of protein.
8. Answer (2)
9. Answer (2)
Sugars are responsible for the optical activity of DNA'
10. Answer (4)
Bilirubin is a Pigment in bile ,uice.
11. Answer (3)
Height of one bp in DNA molecule is 0.34 nm'
0.34 x 6.6 x 10'g bP = 2.2 m,S,PusaRoad.NewDelhi.l10005Ph'01.147623456
1 14 Biomolecules Solutions (Level-lll)

12. Answer (2)

Chargaffs rule is followed by ds DNA.
tAl =m=20%
lcl =[G] =30%
13. Answer (4)
Octane is nonpolar in nature.
14. Answer (1)
Cellulose -? Homopolysaccharide of g glucose
Glycogen , Homopolysaccharide of a glucose
15. Answer (3)
Glucose is a monosaccharide and osmotically active molecule which increases osmotic pressure in cell so
water enters in cell while glymgen is osmotically inert molecule that does not change the osmotic pressure.
16. Answer (2)
Excessive salt in pickle inhibits the bacterial growth by exosmosis because external medium becomes
17. Answer ('l )
Peptidoglycan such as murein forms part of bacterial cell wall. They conlain L-alanine and D{lutamic acid
along with NAG and NAM sugars.
18. Answer (3)


Struclure of nucleoside triphosphate (dNTp)

19. Answer (1)
Histones are basic proteins and are rich in basic amino acid, lysine and arginine.
20. Answer (2)
Melting temperature of DNA * GC content as number of hydrogen bonds will be more.
21. Answer (3)
Cytosine = 15%
AccDrding to Chargatrs principle
Thus A will be 35%
22. Ansuret (2)
Phosphoripid: Two fatty acids and one phosphoryrated nitrogenous
organic compound attached to gryceror
cH,-O- t-
I Fatty acid
cH-o- E- R,
o ,cH,
cH,-o- P- o-cH,-CH,-No 1"r.

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Solutions (Level-lll) Biomolecules 115
23. Answer (2)

Ninhydrin is used to detect primary or secondary amino acids and ammonia.

24. Answer (2)

Co-enzymes are the organic compound which are necessary for func'tion of enzyme.

Vitamin 81, is involved in cellular metabolism as methylcobalamin and deoxyadenosylcobalamin in amino

acid metabolism and stimulates eMhropoeisis.
25. Answer (3)
Enzyme 'X' hydrolyses peptide bond so it is a proteolytic enzyme

r Amylase + Starch digesting enzyme

= Lipase -r Fat digesting enzyme

- Trypsin -r Protein digesting enzyme

= Maltase J Maltose digesting enzyme (Disaccharides)

26. Answer (3)

Guanine and cytosine are nitrogenous bases.

27. Answer (4)

Muscle and livsr are maior storage depob of energy source glycogen.

28. Answer (1)

The pitch of the helix of B-DNA is 34A. Each tum of helix has 10 bp and rise per bp is 3'4A
29. Answer (3)
Maltose also known as malt sugar, is a disaccharide formed of 2 units of glucose joined with an d(l+4)
glycosidic bond

30. Answer (2)

The optimum temperature for DNA polymerase is 37 degree Celsius and camel is a homeotherm.
31. Answer (2)

Enzymes lower the activation energy banier of a reaction.

32. Answer (2)

33. Answer (2)

34. Answer (4)

.p" " HOH

35. Answer (4)

The two stands in a DNA molecule are anliparallel to each other'

36. Answer (3)

Tetrahymena pre-rRNA splicing occurs by a
phosphoester transferase mechanism
Biomolecules Solutions (Level-lll)

37. Answer (4)

GC content is higher than AT content in DNA given to student B. GC rich DNA melts at higher temperature
due to greater stability as 'G' interacts with C' through 3 hydrogen bonds.

38. Answer (3)

Restriction enzymes break sugar phosphate bond in DNA ie. phosphodiester bond.

! o D

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Solutions (Levellll) Digestion and Absorption 117

Chapter 3 : Digestion and Absorption

Objectlve Type Ouestlons

1. Answer (3)
Holozoic is a mode of nutrition which involves ingestion of liquid or solid organic material, digestion, absorption,
assimilation and egestion.
2. Answer (3)
- lncisors - Have one root
Canines - Have one root
Premolars - ln upper premolars 2 roots are persent while lower premolar has one root.
Molars - ln upper molar, 3 roots are present lower molars have two roob.
3. Answer (4)
Enamel is the hardest substan@ of the human body, secreted by ameloblast cells which are ectodermal in
Dentine of tooth is secreted by odontoblast cells, which is mesodermal in origin.
4. Answer (4)
Abomasum is the true stomach, which secretes gastric juices.
5. Answer (4)
ln human, filiform papillae are smallest, most abundant and have no taste buds.
6. Answer ('l)
.Salivary amylase is absent from the saliva of many mammals like cows and buffaloes; and predatory camivores
like lions and tigers
7. Answer (1)
Lymphoid tissue of pharynx is called tonsils. lt includes:
(i) Pharyngeal tonsils
(ii) Palatine tonsils
(iii) Lingual tonsils
(iv) Tubal tonsils
8. Answer (4)
Defecation reflex conttols egestion, not{eglutition or swallorving of food'
9. Answer (2)
ln predatory animats, trypsin can hydrolyse fibrinogen of blood into nbrin leading to blood coagulation.
'10. Answer (2)
Magnesium salts increase the water content in lumen of small intestine and provide relief from constipation.
11. Answer (1)
NaiK- ATPase maintains low Na+ concentration inside the cell'
12. Answer (4)
they contain vitamin
Tonics made out of the liver are very effective in curing haemopoietic disorder because
812, which helps in RBC Production.
13. Answer (1)
com/maize is deficient in amino acids lysine and tryptophan and vitiamin 83 ie. niacin. Deficiency of niacin
can result in Pellagra.
118 Diqestion and Absorption Solutions (Level-lll)

'14. Answer (1)

Starvation is observed when supply of nutients/energy does not match or is lower than the needs of the body.
Order of utilisation of biomolecules for providing energy is carbohydrates, lipids and lastly proteins.
15. Answer (2)
Black tongue, occurs where diet consisted entirely of com and was perhaps the most acule vitamin deficiency
known in United states. This amiction caused dianhea, metal confusion, loss of weight & strength. The affected
tissue would darken become thicker & scaly.
16. Answer (4)
Provitamins are the compounds which are changed into vitamins in our body.
For eg:
(1) Ergosterol, present in food is changed in the skin into vitamin D (calciferol), in the presence of sunlight.
(2) Carotene, a pigment present in canot is changed in liver and in small intestine into vitamin A.
17. Answer (3)
Phylloquinone (K,), Menaquinone (t!) and Menadione (&) are derivatives of vitamin K.
'18. Answer (2)

The quality of protein in Spirurna (blue green algae) is considered excellent. lt provides all the essential amino
acids. lt is called ultimate green Superfood as it is rich vitamins, proteins, calcium and iron.

Previous Yea6 Questions

1. Answer (3)
After high protein meal, insulin levels, amino acids or glucose levels are high but not glucagon levels.
2. Answer (1)
Movement of oxygen molecule into cells are examples of direct passive diffusion, without any expenditure of
3. Answer (2)
Nicotine is an active ingredient found in tobacco based cigareftes. lts effects mimic those produced upon
activation of sympathetic branch of nervous system.
4. Answer (2)
Lactose is milk sugar that is linked by p(l -+ 4) glycosidic bond between galactose and glucose.
5. Answer (3)
Pancreatic duct delivers HCO3 ions to the duodenum that provides alkaline conditions in intestine.
6. Answer (2)
Ketogenic amino acid such as lysine and leucine are converted into ketone bodies which are
not useful for
7. Answer (4)
Vitamin K helps in synthesis of blood clotting factor in liver.
8. Answer (2)
pH of human stomach is nearty 1.g (acidic) while that of intestine is 7.8 (alkaline).
9. Ans\rrer (2)
Liver synlhesizes bile which is stored in gall bladder.
10. Answer (3)
Vitamin C is ascorbic acid \ryhich is required during collagen synthesis.

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