Disorders of Spermatogenesis: Perspectives For Novel Genetic Diagnostics After 20 Years of Unchanged Routine

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medgen 2018 · 30:12–20 Frank Tüttelmann · Christian Ruckert · Albrecht Röpke

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11825-018-0181-7 Institute of Human Genetics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Published online: 26 February 2018
© The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open
access publication.
Disorders of spermatogenesis
Perspectives for novel genetic diagnostics
after 20 years of unchanged routine

Introduction because testicular biopsies to obtain timated to affect 0.1 to 1% of all men
spermatozoa are performed there. The and 10–15% of men in infertile cou-
Infertility, which has been defined by distribution of phenotypes from semen ples [50]. In men with azoospermia, the
the WHO as inability to conceive af- analyses of men in infertile couples at- definitive (albeit still descriptive) diag-
ter 1 year of unprotected intercourse, tending the CeRA is shown in . Fig. 1a. noses can only be determined by testic-
is a common condition estimated to af- Semen analysis should be accompa- ular biopsy, which is usually performed
fect 10–15% of couples in developed and nied by measurement of serum hormone to obtain spermatozoa (testicular sperm
developing countries [56]. The clinical levels of at least the pituitary-produced extraction, TESE). These are needed for
causes are attributed in equal parts to gonadotrophins luteinising hormone intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),
the male and female partners, with about (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone one form of assisted reproductive tech-
30% of couples having reduced fertility (FSH) in addition to testosterone [48]. nology (ART), where one sperm is in-
potential in both partners. In otherwise If spermatogenesis is reduced, FSH in- jected into an oocyte. The most common
healthy men, infertility is primarily diag- creases because of the hypothalamic–pi- histological classifications are:
nosed by semen analysis comprising de- tuitary–gonadal feedback loop. Thus, in 1. “Mixed atrophy” (tubules with vary-
terminationofsperm concentration/total a large fraction of about 60% of infer- ing stages of spermatogenesis).
count, motility and morphology. Lower tile men, hypergonadotropic oligo- or 2. Various types of “spermatogenic ar-
reference ranges for these and other se- azoospermia are found. Men with this rest” (such as round spermatid or meiotic
men parameters have been determined type of severe spermatogenic failure may arrest, MA, . Fig. 2b, these stages being
in recent years from a “normal” popu- also exhibit reduced testicular volume, the most advanced that can be found).
lation of men that induced a pregnancy decreased serum testosterone and in- 3. “Sertoli cell-only syndrome” (SCOS,
within 1 year (. Table 1) and have been creased LH levels as a sign of broader in which the tubules contain no germ cells
published by the WHO [55]. testicular dysfunction, i. e. hypogo- at all, . Fig. 2c).
In most cases, male infertility is nadism. Hypergonadotropic azoosper- These can be global (present in all
clinically diagnosed if semen parame- mia can also be termed “non-obstructive tubules) or focal, with a variable percent-
ters are reduced. Descriptive diagnoses azoospermia” (NOA). In contrast, ob- age of tubules displaying various stages
are “oligozoospermia” (reduced sperm structive azoospermia (OA) is suspected of qualitatively and quantitatively limited
count), “asthenozoospermia” (reduced if FSH levels and testicular volume are spermatogenesis [5].
sperm motility), “teratozoospermia” (re- normal. OA is mainly caused by the All of the descriptive categories men-
duced percentage of sperm with normal physical blockage of the male excur- tioned help to classify the “male fac-
morphology). Combinations are com- rent ductal system. Affected men have tor” in couple infertility, but do not of-
mon; most frequently “oligoasthenoter- quantitatively and qualitatively normal fer any causal diagnoses for disturbed
atozoospermia” or “OAT syndrome” are spermatogenesis (. Fig. 2a). Obstructive spermatogenesis (or causes of obstruc-
found. The most severe clinical phe- azoospermia is most commonly caused tion) in the affected men. However, elu-
notype is “azoospermia”, i. e. no sperm by mutations in the CFTR gene, which cidating the cellular/molecular cause of
are found in the ejaculate even after lead to incomplete formation of the vas spermatogenic impairment is rather dif-
centrifugation. The frequency of these deferens and congenital bilateral ab- ficult. The testis is not only composed
phenotypes varies significantly between sence of the vas deferens (CBAVD), an of the two distinct compartments of the
primary care practice and specialised association first described 50 years ago interstitium (containing amongst others
centres. For example, a tertiary care [19]. the testosterone-producing Leydig cells)
centre such as the Centre of Reproduc- Azoospermia, which can be consid- and the seminiferous tubules (containing
tive Medicine and Andrology (CeRA), ered the clinically most severe pheno- the somatic Sertoli cells and the germ
Münster, is consulted by a significantly type of male infertility because natural cells), but spermatogenesis is one of the
higher number of azoospermic men, conception cannot occur, has been es- most complex differentiation processes

12 medizinische genetik 1 · 2018

Table 1 The most important WHO reference ranges for semen analysis routinely performed in men with ob-
Semen parameter Reference range structive azoospermia and mutations in
Semen volume ≥1.5 ml the ADGRG2 gene have been recently
pH ≥7.2
described to cause a similar pheno-
type [8]. However, for most patients
Sperm concentration ≥15 million sperm/ml
with the common phenotypes of oligo-
Total sperm count ≥39 million sperm/ejaculate
and azoospermia, no specific genetic
Total sperm motility ≥40% motile sperm sequencing strategy exists thus far. In-
Progressive sperm motility ≥32% progressively motile sperm (former categories a + b) deed, no genetic causes relevant to the
Sperm morphology ≥4% morphologically normal sperm clinical diagnostic work-up, treatment
decisions or counselling with regard
to the reproductive health of offspring
in which cells transform from spermato- selection criteria. It has been shown have been identified in over 20 years
gonia through several stages to mature several times that the deletion frequency [11, 29, 30, 48] when AZF deletions
spermatozoa and undergo meiosis in be- in Germany seems to be rather low in were described as a common cause
tween. Accordingly, spermatogenesis is comparison to other regions [22, 40]. of spermatogenic failure [54]. This
thought to be orchestrated by a multitude In addition, a large number of genes is especially surprising because it was
of up to 2000 genes, of which 600 to 900 involved in the migration and function estimated long ago that overall about
seem to be exclusively expressed in the of GnRH neurons or their hypothalamic 30% of cases of male infertility are
male germline [7, 28, 39, 57]. Thus, the targets have been discovered that may be caused by chromosomal abnormali-
genetics of “male infertility” are difficult mutated in patients with congenital hy- ties or mutations of genes involved in
to tackle. pogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) germ cell production and function [53]
with or without anosmia (for current and familial clustering of male infer-
Current clinical diagnoses and reviews see [6, 38]). In azoospermic tility was shown in some case–control
genetic routine analyses men, the genetic diagnostic yield in- studies [16, 17, 25]. In the case of
creases to about 20% (. Table 2). All of azoospermia in particular, a genetic ori-
Male infertility can be caused by genetic these causes can be identified by well- gin can be suspected in most affected
defects that increase in prevalence when established genetic tests and form the men. Thus, there is a large gap of ge-
spermatogenesis is severely impaired. widely applied clinical routine analyses. netic diagnoses ranging from ~25% in
Currently, a specific causal diagnosis can Other genetic causes of male infertility unselected infertile men to ~70% in
be attributed to about 28% of unselected comprise disorders of androgen action, azoospermic men. This may be partially
infertile men according to our own large genetic syndromes that include infertil- explained by two important differences
dataset. Only very few comparable, ity as a symptom, and specific defects in comparison to studying other pheno-
large-scale epidemiological studies are of sperm morphology and function. types:
available that address this topic, but they Furthermore, mutations and polymor- (1) Classical linkage analysis or asso-
report frequencies in the same order of phisms of various genes have been found ciation studies are difficult in infertility
magnitude [32]. These mostly consist of to be associated with unspecific sper- because large families with infertility are
previous gonadotoxic chemo- or radio- matogenic failure/male infertility, but by nature uncommon.
therapy for the treatment of malignant none of these has been introduced into (2) The parents of an infertile man
disease (including testicular tumours; the clinical work-up of infertile males (and woman) – as the rest of the family –
~10%) and several other causes such as so far. Thus, in about 72% of men in are usually not informed of a patient’s
general/chronic diseases (e. g. diabetes) infertile couples, no causal diagnoses problem conceiving a child.
or testosterone abuse (~14%). Cur- can be established and the aetiology As described above, male infertility
rently, only about 4% of causal genetic of disturbed spermatogenesis remains should be considered a complex, mul-
diagnoses can be established (. Fig. 1b). largely unclear. tifactorial and clinically and genetically
These comprise structural and numerical heterogeneous disease. Not surprisingly,
chromosomal aberrations (e. g. Kline- Monogenic causes of single candidate gene approaches did not
felter syndrome; karyotype 47, XXY), spermatogenic failure identify novel genetic causes of infertil-
microdeletions of the aoospermia factor ity [4, 21]. At the level of single-nu-
(AZF) regions on the long arm of the In the field of male infertility, sequencing cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), our re-
Y chromosome, and mutations of the of genes in clinical setting is currently view and meta-analysis from 2007 did
CFTR gene in obstructive azoospermia performed in the very rare condition not provide any clinically significant as-
(for further reading see Tournaye et al. of CHH, in which gene panels have sociations [47]. Likewise, during the last
[45]). AZF microdeletions have been been introduced into clinical routine few years, six genome-wide association
reported in highly variable prevalence in the last few years [6, 41]. In ad- studies (GWAS) of highly variable num-
depending on geographic origin and on dition, analysis of the CFTR gene is bers of patients did not reveal an over-

medizinische genetik 1 · 2018 13

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

medgen 2018 · 30:12–20 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11825-018-0181-7

© The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication.

F. Tüttelmann · C. Ruckert · A. Röpke

Disorders of spermatogenesis. Perspectives for novel genetic diagnostics after 20 years of unchanged
Infertility is a common condition estimated to obstructive azoospermia. Still, a large number the past few years, we have observed a steep
affect 10–15% of couples. The clinical causes of genes have been proposed to be associated increase in publications on novel candidate
are attributed in equal parts to the male and with male infertility by, for example, knock- genes for male infertility, especially in men
female partners. Diagnosing male infertility out mouse models. In particular, those that with azoospermia. In addition, concerted
mostly relies on semen (and hormone) are exclusively expressed in the testes are efforts to achieve progress in elucidating
analysis, which results in classification into potential candidates for further analyses. genetic causes of male infertility and to
the two major phenotypes of oligo- and However, the genome-wide analyses (a few introduce novel testing strategies into clinical
azoospermia. The clinical routine analyses array-CGH, six GWAS, and some small exome routine have been made recently. Thus, we
have not changed over the last 20 years sequencing studies) performed so far have not are confident that major breakthroughs
and comprise screening for chromosomal lead to improved clinical diagnostic testing. concerning the genetics of male infertility
aberrations and Y-chromosomal azoospermia In 2017, we started to routinely analyse the will be achieved in the near future and will
factor deletions. These tests establish three validated male infertility genes: NR5A1, translate into clinical routine to improve
a causal genetic diagnosis in about 4% of DMRT1, and TEX11. Preliminary analyses patient/couple care.
unselected men in infertile couples and 20% demonstrated highly likely pathogenic
of azoospermic men. Gene sequencing is mutations in these genes as a cause of Keywords
currently only performed in very rare cases azoospermia in 4 men, equalling 5% of the Male infertility · Oligozoospermia ·
of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and the 80 patients analysed so far, and increasing the Azoospermia
CFTR gene is routinely analysed in men with diagnostic yield in this group to 25%. Over

Spermatogenesestörungen. Perspektiven für erweiterte genetische Diagnostik nach 20 Jahren

unveränderter Routine
Etwa 10–15 % aller Paare erzielen auf beiden Untersuchungen finden die tatsäch- pathogene Mutationen in diesen Genen. Dies
natürlichem Weg keine Schwangerschaft und liche Ursache der Spermatogenesestörung entspricht 5 % der 80 bislang ausgewerteten
sind nach WHO-Definition als „sub-/infertil“ bei etwa 4 % der unselektierten Männer und Männer. Die kausalen Diagnosen steigen
einzustufen. Klinische Ursachen werden bei bei etwa 20 % der Männer mit Azoospermie. bei dieser Patientengruppe somit auf etwa
diesen Paaren etwa zur Hälfte bei der Frau Gensequenzierungen werden hingegen 25 %. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden
bzw. beim Mann nachgewiesen. Die klinischen bislang ausschließlich bei Patienten mit zunehmend weitere Kandidatengene
Untersuchungen bei männlicher Infertilität hypogonadotropem Hypogonadismus, einem publiziert. Gleichzeitig laufen mehrere große
beschränken sich derzeit auf Ejakulat- und umschriebenen, sehr seltenen Krankheitsbild, Studien bei infertilen Männern. Deswegen
Hormonuntersuchungen, die dann bei einer bzw. bei obstruktiver Azoospermie (CFTR- gehen wir davon aus, dass in naher Zukunft
Vielzahl der Männer zur deskriptiven „Dia- Analytik) durchgeführt. Andererseits wurden weitere klinisch relevante Erkenntnisse
gnose“ Oligozoo- oder Azoospermie führen, bereits viele Gene publiziert, in denen gewonnen werden, die dann auch Einzug
wodurch die Ursache der Infertilität des Paares Mutationen potenziell zu einer Infertilität des in die Routinediagnostik finden und die
erklärt werden kann. Der eigentliche Grund Mannes führen können. Allerdings haben Behandlung dieser Männer bzw. des Paares
für die Spermatogenesestörung bleibt damit die bislang publizierten Daten und auch die verbessern werden.
aber unklar. Die genetische Diagnostik bei genomweiten Analysen keine Erweiterung
infertilen Männern hat sich in den letzten der klinischen Diagnostik erreicht. Seit Anfang Schlüsselwörter
20 Jahren nicht weiter entwickelt und umfasst 2017 haben wir drei Kandidatengene – Männliche Infertilität · Oligozoospermie ·
nach wie vor ausschließlich das Screening NR5A1, DMRT1 und TEX11 – bei Männern mit Azoospermie
hinsichtlich Chromosomenstörungen und Azoospermie sequenziert. Die vorläufigen
Y-chromosomaler AZF-Deletionen. Diese Auswertungen ergaben vier wahrscheinlich

lap among the highest ranking genes that 1. Genetic variants negatively affecting 3. Patient selection was too broad
were reported to be “associated with male male reproductive fitness are selected owing to poorly defined phenotypes
infertility” (. Fig. 3; [1, 2, 10, 18, 20, against during evolution and are, (“men with azoospermia”, testicular
38, 60]). Moreover, either no replica- therefore, not included in the set of histology not known).
tion studies have been performed so far common SNPs used in GWAS.
or mostly did not confirm the identi- 2. The cohorts were too small to detect Overall, genome-wide approaches with
fied candidate genes. Reasons probably genetic variants with a small effect the aim of identifying novel candidate
include: size, and/or genes have not been applied frequently

14 medizinische genetik 1 · 2018

Fig. 1 8 a Descriptive diagnoses according to semen analyses of 26,091 men in infertile couples who attended the Centre of
Reproductive Medicine and Andrology (CeRA), Münster over the last 30 years. b Clinical diagnoses in the same men. Data from
Androbase©, the clinical patient database [46]

Fig. 2 8 Histological images (CeRA) of human testicular tissue sections from patients with (a) obstructive azoospermia and
quantitatively and qualitatively normal spermatogenesis, b meiotic arrest, and c Sertoli cell-only syndrome. Most advanced
germ cell types (a elongated spermatids, b spermatocytes) are indicated by whitearrows

in male infertility. Still, and as in other vances in genetic diagnostics have been tive azoospermia and ADGRG2 [8] in
genetic disorders, the power of such observed in the last few years because of obstructive azoospermia.
approaches has been demonstrated by the recent technological developments
genome-wide array-comparative ge- of large scale sequencing approaches Towards a gene panel for male
nomic hybridisation (array-CGH) in made available through next-generation infertility
groups of clinically well-characterised sequencing (NGS). Consequently, the
oligo- and azoospermic men. We were genetic diagnostic yield has increased To date and to our knowledge, only three
the first to report an excess of copy to about 30% even in polygenic mul- genes have been identified that fulfil the
number variations (CNVs) especially on tifactorial diseases such as intellectual following criteria:
the sex-chromosomes [49], which has disability, which is in stark contrast to 1. Biological evidence for the putative
been confirmed by others [15, 27]. How- male infertility (. Fig. 4). Taking this association with male infertility (e. g.
ever, aside from DMRT1 (see above) and into account, large-scale whole-exome knock-out mouse model shows male
TEX11 (see below) no deletions in genes sequencing (WES) studies are currently infertility).
have yet been confirmed in independent lacking in male infertility and only 2. Replicated in an independent study.
studies. very few novel candidate genes have 3. Functional evidence that identified
In other heterogeneous diseases, such been described, mostly in small stud- variants are pathogenic.
as RASopathies and primary ciliary ies, sometimes in single consanguineous
dyskinesia (PCD), and multifactorial families. Current examples are TEX15
diseases, such as hearing loss, large ad- [31] and NPAS2 [33] in non-obstruc-

medizinische genetik 1 · 2018 15


Table 2 Genetic causes identified by current routine analyses (patients of the Centre of Repro- four rare, putative pathogenic missense
ductive Medicine and Andrology [CeRA] Münster) mutations in six patients (3.5%), two
Genetic diagnosis Unselected Azoospermic of which, however, were also found in
patients patients controls (men with normal spermatogen-
(N = 26,091) (N = 3252)
esis). Those two mutations not detected
(%) (%)
in controls were exclusively found in
Chromosomal aberrations 2.8 15.0
men with azoospermia (~1%). Another
Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) 2.6 13.7 study screened azoospermic men for
XX-Male (46, XX) 0.1 0.6 DMRT1 exonic insertions and deletions
Translocations 0.1 0.3 (by MLPA, n = 68) and point mutations
Others <0.1 0.4 (by Sanger sequencing, n = 155) and
Isolated congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens or 0.5 3.1 found only non-coding or synonymous
cystic fibrosis substitutions. However, these were over-
Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 0.7 0.9 represented in patients when compared
including Kallmann syndrome with almost 400 controls [26]. To date,
Y-chromosomal azoospermia factor deletions 0.3 1.6 it remains to be clearly demonstrated
Total 4.3 20.6 whether heterozygous mutations or dele-
tions in DMRT1 are sufficient to cause
gonadal dysgenesis or spermatogenic
NR5A1 confirmed NR5A1 mutations as a cause failure. Although the same problem of
of severe spermatogenic failure [12]. mostly identifying missense mutations,
The gene NR5A1 (nuclear receptor sub- Of note, clearly detrimental NR5A1 which are more difficult to interpret per
family 5, group A, member 1, OMIM (nonsense) mutations or deletions are not se (see above), DMRT1 remains one of
184757) encodes the steroidogenic fac- expected in this group of infertile but oth- the highest ranking candidate genes for
tor 1 (SF1) protein. Mutations in NR5A1 erwise healthy men because such muta- both conditions.
are well known to cause autosomal- tions would cause the more severe phe-
dominant primary adrenal insufficiency notypes mentioned above. Functional TEX11
and 46, XY disorders of sexual devel- evidence that missense mutations actu-
opment, and later also in men with ally impair SF1 transcriptional activity In a collaborative study involving our
hypospadias, bilateral anorchia and mi- on target genes compared with wildtype colleagues from the Magee-Womens Re-
cropenis in addition to women with SF1 has been provided in at least two search Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (led
primary ovarian insufficiency [13]. In independent studies [3, 12]. by Alexander Yatsenko), the CeRA and
2010, heterozygous missense mutations ourselves, mutations in the X-linked gene
were found in 4% of French infertile DMRT1 TEX11 (testis-expressed gene 11, OMIM
men with unexplained reduced sperm 300311) were identified to be a cause
counts, but all mutation carriers were The gene DMRT1 (doublesex- and of meiotic arrest and azoospermia [59].
of non-Caucasian ancestry [3]. There- MAB3-related transcription factor 1, In the first step of this study, high-res-
fore, we performed a comprehensive OMIM 602424) encodes another tran- olution array-CGH was used to screen
NR5A1 sequence analysis in almost 500 scription factor that plays a key role in men with non-obstructive azoospermia,
well-characterised and predominantly testis differentiation and is expressed revealing a recurring deletion of three
Caucasian patients with azoospermia or mainly in the testes. Deletions of the exons of TEX11 in two patients. Because
severe oligozoospermia [37]. Along with short arm of chromosome 9 encom- TEX11 protein was previously shown to
several synonymous variants of unclear passing DMRT1 are well-known to be be required for completing meiosis in
pathogenicity, three rare heterozygous associated with 9p deletion syndrome a knock-out mouse model, it immedi-
missense mutations were identified that and XY gonadal dysgenesis [23, 52]. ately became an interesting candidate for
were affecting conserved amino acids Consecutively, in 2013, smaller dele- further analysis. By sequencing TEX11 in
and predicted to be damaging to SF1 tions in DMRT1 were identified in five a larger group of almost 300 azoospermic
protein function. The semen phenotype infertile men with azoospermia but no men, more clearly pathogenic (truncat-
of mutation carriers seems variable, but symptoms of gonadal dysgenesis [27]. ing and splice) mutations were detected,
all three men had azoospermia or severe At the same time, we hypothesised whereas no mutations were found in con-
oligozoospermia (sperm concentration DMRT1 to be an interesting candidate trols. Overall, mutations in TEX11 were
below 1 million/ml). Overall, the muta- gene for male spermatogenic failure identified in more than 2% of azoosper-
tion frequency in our patient group was and sequenced this gene in around 300 mic men and in as many as 15% of pa-
about 1%, depending on the subgroups infertile patients with azoo- or crypto- tients with meiotic arrest. This break-
analysed. Another study in Italian men zoospermia (sperm concentration below through relied on the combination of
0.1 mill/ml) [43]. In total, we detected genetics and phenotyping by testicular

16 medizinische genetik 1 · 2018

unexplained azoospermia presented at
the CeRA for the first time. Initially, the
routine chromosomal and AZF analyses
were performed. Overall, 46 patients
(~14%) were identified with numer-
ical (almost exclusively 47, XXY) or
structural aberrations (46, XX; aberrant
Y chromosomes; translocations; inver-
sions). AZF deletions were found in
almost 2% (6 out of 310).
In a second step, sequence analysis
of three genes, NR5A1, DMRT1, and
TEX11, was offered and carried out in
consenting men with apparently normal
karyotypes and without AZF deletions.
Up to December 2017, over 150 men
agreed to participate about 80 of whom
have been analysed thus far. All non-
polymorphic variants (i. e. rare, below
Fig. 3 8 Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in male infertility show no overlap between iden- 1% minor allele frequency in public and
tified candidate genes so far (number of cases/controls analysed in brackets). oligo oligozoospermia, our in-house databases) were strictly
azoo azoospermia, TDS testicular dysgenesis syndrome classified under clinical conditions ac-
cording to the American College of
Medical Genetics and Genomics guide-
lines for the interpretation of sequence
variants [36]. Potentially pathogenic
variants were identified in the DMRT1
and TEX11 genes (one each) and two
different mutations in the NR5A1 gene
(in one man each).
In conclusion, the basic genetic
analyses in men with non-obstruc-
tive azoospermia using conventional
cytogenetic analysis and AZF screen-
ing revealed the expected number of
aberrations. Sequencing of these three
genes, which have been confirmed to be
responsible for spermatogenetic failure,
a highly likely cause of azoospermia,
Fig. 4 8 Detection rates of molecular diagnostic tests (%; adapted from Rehm [35])
could be demonstrated in 4 patients,
equalling 5% of the patients analysed so
histology. TEX11 mutations were al- First results of a small gene far and increasing the diagnostic yield
ready confirmed to be a common cause panel of NR5A1, DMRT1, and in this patient group to 25%.
of azoospermia in an independent study TEX11
by Yang et al. [58]. The authors also Outlook:
provided evidence that TEX11 protein In preparation for the recently estab- clinical relevance, recent
levels modulate genome-wide recombi- lished Clinical Research Unit “Male progress, concerted actions
nation rates in both sexes. Thus, hem- Germ Cells: from Genes to Function”
izygous mutations in the TEX11 are to (German Research Foundation, DFG To date, genes that have been found
date the first X-chromosomal and major CRU326), we expanded our analyses of to be mutated in infertile men in one
single gene defect in azoospermia. clinically well-characterized men with study have mostly not been validated in
unexplained azoospermia who attended an independent study. Several potential
the CeRA. Patients with known causes of drawbacks may serve as explanation:
male infertility, such as chemo- or radio- patient selection was too broad because
therapy, were excluded in advance. Since of poorly defined phenotypes (e. g. “men
January 2017, a total of 323 men with with azoospermia”, but testicular histol-

medizinische genetik 1 · 2018 17


ogy was not known) and/or the number strategies, and, in comparison with ear- prove ourunderstanding ofthe molecular
of patients analysed was too small to lier times, better characterised patient biology of spermatogenic failure. Clini-
detect rare genetic variants. The latter groups. Examples comprise the already cally most important, novel genetic di-
seems especially important as it be- mentioned TEX15, NPAS2, and AD- agnostic procedures, initially most likely
comes increasingly clear that aside from GRG2 genes. However, regarding all comprehensive gene sequencing, will be
X-chromosomal causes (e. g. TEX11) other previously proposed candidate introduced into diagnostic routine. This
[59] and consanguineous families with genes, such as SOHLH1 [9], USP26 [42], will allow for more precise risk estimates,
probably very rare autosomal-recessive MEIOB, TEX14, and DNAH6 [14], vali- better counselling of couples, and ev-
causes (e. g. TEX15) [31], autosomal- dation in another (ideally larger) study idence-based treatment decisions. Ulti-
dominant causes may constitute the ma- is urgently warranted. mately, elucidating the causes underlying
jority in male infertility. Thus, rare de Fortunately, concerted efforts to male infertility and corresponding phe-
novo mutations with dominant effects achieve progress in elucidating genetic notypes will pave the way for novel, per-
may well explain a large fraction of non- causes of male infertility and introduce sonalised treatment regimens improving
obstructive azoospermia and potentially novel testing strategies into clinical rou- patient/couple care and offspring health.
also milder forms of male infertility tine have been recently established. Don
such as oligozoospermia. This would Conrad (Washington University School Practical conclusion
be comparable with many other com- of Medicine, St. Louis, MI, USA) and Ki
mon, genetically highly heterogeneous Aston (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Screening for chromosomal aberrations
diseases such as intellectual disability UT, USA) lead the NIH-funded “Genet- and/or Y-chromosomal azoospermia
[24, 34, 51]. ics of Male Infertility Initiative” (GEM- factor deletions are currently still at
All of the currently established genetic INI, http://gemini.wustl.edu), we have the forefront of genetic diagnostics for
diagnoses in infertile males have direct recently been granted the DFG-funded infertile men with disorders of sper-
prognostic value for the patients and for Clinical Research Unit “Male Germ Cells: matogenesis, i.e. oligo- or azoospermia.
the health of the offspring [44, 45]. Men from Genes to Function” (CRU326, However, preliminary data from our
with CBAVD carrying CFTR mutations http://male-germ-cells.de), and Joris screening study on three candidate
have very high chances of successful tes- Veltman (Newcastle University, Newcas- genes have already shown that using
ticular sperm extraction (TESE), but also tle upon Tyne, UK and Radboud Uni- specific gene analyses, the aetiological
significantly increased risks for cystic fi- versity Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The clarification of disturbed spermatoge-
brosis (CF) in their children, depending Netherlands) has very recently received nesis can be significantly improved.
on the CFTR carrier status of their part- the Wellcome Trust grant “Unravelling Furthermore, clinically relevant results
ner. Men with Klinefelter syndrome, pre- genetic causes and risk factors for severe are expected from the studies currently
viously thought to have no chance of fa- male infertility”. The same investigators, underway, which could then be intro-
thering children, now have an estimated together with Moira O’Bryan (Monash duced into routine diagnostics within
chance of around 50% of successfully ob- University, Melbourne, Australia) and the framework of a gene panel analy-
taining spermatozoa by (microsurgical) Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts (Copenhagen sis, thus improving the guidance and
TESE. Depending on the type of deletion, University Hospital [Rigshospitalet], treatment given to men/couples.
azoospermic mencarrying AZF deletions Copenhagen, Denmark), also recently
have virtually zero (AZFa/b) to up to founded the “International Male Infer- Corresponding address
50% (AZFc) chance of TESE and their tility Genomics Consortium” (IMIGC,
Prof. Dr. med. F. Tüttelmann, MD
sons will inherit the deletion and likely http://infertilegenome.org), which is Institute of Human Genetics, University of
also be infertile [22]. Thus, even though aimed at the mutual exchange of clinical Münster
the detection of a genetic alteration does and genetic information to speed up Vesaliusweg 12–14, 48149 Münster, Germany
not substantially change the treatment in the identification and interpretation of frank.tuettelmann@ukmuenster.de
most cases, the clinical value lies in: clinically relevant gene mutations. Such
1. Establishing a definitive causal di- consortia have been established for sev- Acknowledgements. The authors are indebted to
agnosis. eral genetic diseases (such as intellectual Yvonne Stratis (PhD), Margot Wyrwoll (MD), Corinna
Friedrich (PhD), Matthias Vockel (PhD), Nils van
2. The prognostic value comprising disability) in the past and have without der Bijl (cand. med.) who are integral parts of the
chances of testicular sperm extraction doubt demonstrated their benefits. author’s working group on “Reproductive Genetics”
and pregnancy. In summary, we are confident that ma- and without whose continuous efforts the presented
and cited data would not be available. We are very
3. Assessing the risks for the offspring jor breakthroughs will be achieved in the grateful for the constant support of Peter Wieacker
in the case of successful treatment. near future concerning the genetic causes (MD, Director of the Institute of Human Genetics)
During the last few years, we observed of male infertility. Initially, this will cer- who approved and supported the development of
this group within his institute.
a steep increase in publications on novel tainly cover azoospermia, but in the mid-
candidate genes for male infertility, es- dle term will be broadened to multifacto- All work was carried out in close collaboration
pecially in men with azoospermia. This rial conditions such as oligozoospermia. with the colleagues at the Centre of Reproductive
Medicine and Andrology (CeRA), Münster, who, ini-
is mostly due to application of NGS First of all, this will greatly help to im-

18 medizinische genetik 1 · 2018

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