Module: Jet Propulsion: Course Code: UME501 Course Name: Applied Thermodynamics

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Module: Jet Propulsion (L-1)

Course Code: UME501

Course Name: Applied Thermodynamics

Dr. Anu Mittal

Department of Mechanical Engineering ,
TIET Patiala 1
Topic Lecture
Historical Development
Principle of Jet Propulsion L-1
Thrust in jet engines
Turbojet engine
Turboprop engine
Turbofan engine
Ramjet engine
Performance Parameters L-3
Thermodynamic Analysis
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 2
Jet Propulsion
Jet propulsion is a practical application of Sir Isaac Newton’s third
law of motion, which states that, “for every force acting on a body
there is an opposite and equal reaction”.

Jet propulsion is the driving forward of a body by means of a jet of

gas or fluid.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 3

Historical Development : (Concept)
Hero's machine: Hero of Alexandria built
an engine called an Aeolipile. He mounted
a hollow metal globe with projecting tubes
between two pipes so it could spin. Steam
entered the globe through the pipes. As it
escaped through the bent tubes, the jets
of steam spun the globe.
Newton himself designed a jet-
propelled carriage called Newton's
Wagon. A water-filled sphere was
heated by fire, creating steam. A large
nozzle projected back from the sphere.
As the steam escaped from the nozzle,
it propelled the wagon forward.
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Examples: Newton’s Third Law

A blown-up toy balloon The recoil of a rifle Garden hose

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 5

Historical Development : (Jet Engine)
In 1930 Frank Whittle received a patent for turbojet engine
and 5 years later,
Hans Von Ohain also received a German patent for turbojet
The first turbojet engine was flown in June 1939 on the
German aircraft Heinkel He178, which developed 4900 N
Whittle’s engine was flown in England in May 1941.

Development in the jet engines to reduce the fuel

consumption and increase the efficiency continued and

Large sized turbofan engine was developed in 1967 by Pratt

and Whitney for the Boeing 747 aircraft.
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 6
Historical Development : (Jet Engine)
Some of the specific fuels used in special jet engines.

In 1950 USA made a U2 spy plane which required an engine to fly

at 22 Km and at surrounding temperature of -55⁰C with a range of
8000 Km without refuelling.

Low vapour kerosene LF-1A was developed.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 7

Principle of Jet Propulsion
Based on Newton’s Second Law and Third Law of motion.

Momentum is imparted to a mass of fluid in such manner that

reaction of imparted momentum gives propulsive force.

Achieved by expanding gas at high pressure and temperature

through the nozzle.

Reaction of gas coming out of the nozzle into atmosphere at

high velocity gives propulsive force.
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Thrust produced in jet engine
The thrust developed in a turbojet engine is the unbalanced
force caused by the difference in the momentum of the low-
velocity air entering the engine and the high-velocity exhaust
gases leaving the engine.
Determined from Newton’s second law.
Assuming pressures at the inlet and the exit of a turbojet
engine are identical (the ambient pressure); the net thrust
developed by the engine is:

Think: Commercial airplanes save fuel by flying at higher altitudes during long trips !

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Components of a turbojet engine
Atmospheric air is sucked by the engine, compressed in compressor,
mixed with fuel in combustion chamber and is burned at constant

High pressure and high-temperature combustion gases partially

expand in the turbine, producing enough power to drive the
compressor and other equipment.

Finally, the gases expand in a nozzle to the ambient pressure and

leave the engine at a high velocity.
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 10
Classification of Propulsive Engines


Non Air
Air breathing
breathing jet
jet engine
engine (Rocket)

Uses atmospheric air as main fluid

Uses its own propulsive agent (liquid/solid)
Operation is limited within earth’s crust
Capable to operate beyond earth’s atmosphere
e.g. Aircraft engines
e.g. Rocket engines

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 11

Air Breathing Jet Engines (ABE)

Air breathing
engine (ABE)

I.C. Engine Ramming effect Gas Turbine

propulsive propulsive system propulsive
system system

Ramjet Pulsejet
engine engine

Turbojet Turbojet with Turboprop Turbofan

engine afterburner engine engine

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 12

In the next lecture we would like to cover

Pressure and velocity variation in a typical jet engine

Different Variants of Jet engines and their comparison

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 13

Module: Jet Propulsion (L-2)

Course Code: UME501

Course Name: Applied Thermodynamics

Dr. Anu Mittal

Department of Mechanical Engineering
TIET Patiala
Topic Lecture
Historical Development
Principle of Jet Propulsion L-1 (Covered)
Thrust in jet engines
Turbojet engine
Turboprop engine
Turbofan engine L-2
Ramjet engine
Pulsejet engine
Performance Parameters L-3
Thermodynamic Analysis
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Air Breathing Jet Engines (ABE)

Air breathing
engine (ABE)

I.C. Engine Gas Turbine

propulsive Ramming effect propulsive
system propulsive system system

Ramjet Pulsejet
engine engine

Ramjet Ramjet with Turboprop Turbofan

engine afterburner engine engine

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbojet Engine
The most basic form of a jet engine is a turbojet engine.

a-1: Air from far upstream is brought to the

air intake diffuser
1-2: Air is decelerated as is passes through
the diffuser
2-3: Air is compressed in a compressor (axial
or centrifugal)
3-4: The air is heated using a combustion
4-5: The air is expanded in a turbine to obtain
power to drive the compressor
5-6: The air may or may not be further heated
in an afterburner by adding further fuel
6-7: The air is accelerated and exhausted
through the nozzle.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbojet Engine
Air Intake

The tube attached to the front of a turbojet engine. Its role is to direct air into the
blades of the compressor. The air intake can help slow the flow of air when the
aircraft is flying at high speed

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbojet Engine with afterburner
 Afterburning: used when the aircraft needs a substantial increment in thrust.
For e.g. to accelerate to and cruise at supersonic speeds.

 Afterburners produce markedly enhanced thrust as well as a visible flame at

the back of the engine.

 Turbojets typically generate thrust by accelerating a relatively small amount of

air to very high supersonic speeds.

 Turbojets can be highly efficient for supersonic aircraft.

 One of the last applications for a turbojet engine was Concorde which used
the Olympus 593 engine

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbojet Engine : Pressure Variation


Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbojet Engine : Velocity Variation


Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbojet Engine : Temperature Variation


Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbofan Engine
 Powered by gas turbine

 Combination of thrust produced from fan and exhaust from

the core

 Fat cowling covering the large fan

 Dramatically increases the amount of air pulled in the intake

 Large volume of slower moving air produces more thrust than

a small volume of fast-moving air.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turbofan Engine
 Small percentage passed through the engine and rest is by-passed

 Part of thrust through hot exhaust gases and part through cold by-
passed air
By-Pass Ratio: The ratio
of air that goes around
engine to that goes
through the core is
known as by-pass ratio.

High by-pass ratio are

most commonly used in
larger commercial
aircraft. Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Turbofan Engine
 Turbofans accelerate a larger amount of air to
lower transonic speeds.

 At medium speeds, where the propeller is no longer efficient,

turboprops have been replaced by turbofans.

 The turbofan is quieter (due to cooler exhaust) and has better

range-specific fuel consumption than the turbojet.

 Increasing the bypass ratio of a turbofan engine increases thrust.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turboprop Engine

 If cowl is removed from the fan result is propjet/turboprop engine

 Thrust is generated by the propeller as well as from the nozzle


Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turboprop Engine

 In turboprop engines a conventional aircraft propeller is usually

mounted in front of the jet engine

 There are two main parts to a turboprop propulsion system, the

core engine and propeller.

 At the exit of the main turbine the hot exhaust gas is passed
through an additional turbine, before entering the nozzle.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turboprop Engine
 The turbine is attached to an
additional drive shaft which
passes through the core shaft
and is connected to a gear box.

 The gear box is then connected

to a propeller that produces most
of the thrust.

 The exhaust velocity of the core is low and contributes little

thrust because most of the energy of the core exhaust has gone
into turning the drive shaft.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Turboprop Engine
 Turboprop engines are fuel-efficient and rotate at a low-range

 Turbojets have been replaced in slower aircraft

by turboprops because they have better specific fuel

 Propellers are more efficient than jet engines, but they are
limited to low-speed and low-altitude operation since their
efficiency decreases at high speeds and altitudes.
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Comparing Turbojet/Turboprop and Turbofan Engine

Turbojet engine

Turboprop engine

Turbofan engine
Dr. Anu Mittal (TIET Patiala)
Ramjet engines
 For the engine at high flight speeds, air is partially compressed by
the ram effect.

 If the speed is high enough, this compression can be sufficient to

operate an engine with neither a compressor nor a turbine.

 Has only fuel nozzles in the middle.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Ramjet engines
 Ramjet must have a properly shaped inlet diffuser that produces
low-velocity, high-pressure air at the combustion section.

 It must also have a properly shaped exhaust nozzle to increase the

speed of flow.

 The ramjet performs best in aircraft flying above Mach 2 or 3 (two

or three times the speed of sound).

 Rockets or other similar devices are needed to produce the initial

speed at which a ramjet can begin to operate.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Ramjet engines

 Simple construction, less maintenance and greater thrust per unit

engine weight

 At high speed and high altitude specific fuel consumption is less

but at moderate speeds fuel consumption is very high

 It cannot be started on its own, it has to be accelerated to certain

flight velocity using some launching device.

 Combustion chamber requires flame holder to stabilize the

combustion (due to high air velocity)
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
Pulsejet engines
 Pulse jet employs a non-
return type mechanical valve
of V-type for preventing flow
of hot gases through diffuser
 Maintains intermittent flow
of compressed air.
 There occur the processes of
suction, combustion and
exhaust one after the other.

Pulsejet have disadvantages of noise, maintenance in view of mechanical

operation of valves and vibration etc.
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala
In the next lecture we would like to cover

Thermodynamic analysis of jet engines

Performance parameters of jet engines

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala


Module: Jet Propulsion (L-3)

Course Code: UME501

Course Name: Applied Thermodynamics

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical

Engineering , TIET Patiala


Topic Lecture
Historical Development
Principle of Jet Propulsion L-1 (Covered)
Thrust in jet engines
Turbojet engine
Turboprop engine L-2(Covered)
Turbofan engine
Ramjet engine
Performance Parameters L-3
Thermodynamic Analysis
Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala

Thermodynamic Cycle

Air Standard Brayton cycle

Turbojet engine

Turbojet with afterburner

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 3


Performance of Jet Propulsion Engines

1. Thrust Power
2. Propulsive Power
3. Propulsive Efficiency
4. Thermal Efficiency
5. Overall Efficiency

Thrust Power: Thrust power indicates the actual power available for propulsion.
It refers to the work done per unit time by the engine. This thrust power can be
expressed by the product of thrust and velocity with which engine moves (flight

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 4


Performance of Jet Propulsion Engines

Let us consider turbojet engine moving with velocity through air as Ca. Thus the velocity
of air entering engine would be Ca (approach velocity) if the atmospheric air is at rest.

Thrust obtained per kg of air (N/kg of air/s) flowing can be given as :

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 5


Performance of Jet Propulsion Engines

Propulsive power (PP): Propulsive power indicates the total energy available for
propulsion. It can be estimated by the difference between the rate of kinetic energy
entering with air and leaving with jet of exit gases.

Neglecting fuel mass addition, propulsive power can be given by :

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 6


Performance of Jet Propulsion Engines

Propulsive efficiency (ηProp): Propulsive efficiency is measure of effectiveness by
which propulsive power is transformed into thrust power. It can be given by ratio of
thrust power (TP) to propulsive power (PP).

Neglecting fuel mass addition, propulsive efficiency can be given by:

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 7


Performance of Jet Propulsion Engines

Thermal efficiency (ηth): Thermal efficiency can be given by the ratio of kinetic
energy available and total heat supplied.

Overall efficiency (ηoverall): Overall efficiency can be given by the ratio of useful
work done to the energy supplied.

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 8


Thermodynamic Analysis
Considering the states shown on T–s
diagram to be static states the
mathematical equations for different
sections can be given as under.

In diffuser section (a – 1): the energy equation


Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 9


Thermodynamic Analysis
In compressor section (1 – 2): the energy equation yields;

Neglecting change in kinetic energy and potential energy

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 10


Thermodynamic Analysis

In combustion chamber section (2 to3):

Actual heat supplied can be given as:

Neglecting mass of fuel added, heat supplied per keg of air can be given

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 11


Thermodynamic Analysis
In turbine section (3 – 4): the energy equation yields;

Considering expansion in turbine to be adiabatic ; q3-4 = 0

Neglecting change in kinetic energy across turbine:

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 12


Thermodynamic Analysis
In nozzle section (4 – 5): the energy equation yields;

For actual expansion in exit nozzle;

Dr. Anu Mittal Department of Mechanical Engineering , TIET Patiala 13

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