Finalizing Mplementing Guidelines in The Validation of SBM Practice Do83 Enhanced 1

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January 15, 2021

No. __________, s. 2020

To: Schools Division Superintendents

SBM Coordinators



I. Rationale

Article II, Section 17 of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the

Philippine states that “The state shall give priority to education, science and
technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism,
accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and
development.” Article XIV, Section 1 also states that “The State shall protect
and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall
take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.”

The implementation of the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001

(RA 9155) provides the mandate for decentralizing the system of school
management anti recognizes the role of the Local Government Units and other
stakeholders as partners in education service delivery.

Consequently, the Department of Education launched the Schools First

Initiative (SFI) in 2015 to empower the school and its community stakeholders
to effectively address access and quality issues in basic education. To be able
to deliver to the Filipino people the quality education they need, Republic Act
9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 was signed and
enacted into law Section 2 of RA 9155 states that the policy and principle for
the governance of basic education shall be translated into programs, projects
and services developed, adapted and offered to fit local needs.

Pursuant to the above mandate, the Department of Education issued

DepEd Order No. 83, s. 2012 to further strengthen the School-Based
Management (SBM) practice and re-emphasize the centrality of the learners
and the involvement of relevant community basic education service delivery.

Corollary to this is the implementation of the Rationalization Plan that

took place last 2015, in compliance to DepEd Order No. 52 s. 2015, the Field
Technical Assistance Division (FTAD) was created to facilitate the delivery of
quality basic education and create an enabling environment for schools and
learning centers. Moreover, Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD) is also
mandated to lead, coordinate and integrate the provision of technical
assistance to Schools Division Offices. For that, Field Technical Assistance
Division (FTAD) was assigned to lead the monitoring and assessment of the
School-Based Management level of practice to all Schools Division
Offices with the support and assistance of the reorganized Regional
Field Technical Assistance Teams (RFTATs).

Hence, this Regional Policy and its implementing guidelines shall be

effective immediately upon issuance. The Schools Division Offices and School
administrators shall adhere to this Regional Policy to harmonize and unify the
SBM assessment in both public elementary and secondary schools. In fact,
both transcending framework and happy school’s advocacy of the Region aim
to level up the SBM level of practice of all schools.

Taking off with the Validation Workshops on SBM Framework And

Assessment Tool conducted by School Effectiveness Division per OM-PFO-
2018, a School-Based Management (SBM) assessment tool with contextualized
Means of Verifications (MOVs) was crafted to fully achieve the purpose. This
tool is in consonance to DepED Order No. 83 s. 2012 guided by the four
principles of ACCESs (A Child (Learner) -and Community-Centered Education
Systems). These are:

1. Principle of Collective leadership and Governance

2. Principle of Community-Based learning

3. Principle of Accountability for Performance and results

4. Principle of convergence to Harness Resources for education

ACCESs is both a product and process. As a product, it is the ultimate
outcome of the communities/barangays working together to protect the right of
every child for quality education and better life. As a process, it is an approach
to effectively decentralize and bring to reality the mainstreaming of education
as a tool for human development and total community transformation.

In any case, the SBM practice is ascertained by the existence of structured

mechanisms, processes, and practices in all indicators. A team of practitioners
and experts from the district, division, region and central office validates the
self-study/assessment before a level of SBM is established.

II. Scope

The purpose of self- assessment is to determine the school’s level of SBM

practice by school leaders themselves. An SBM assessment tool is used to
gather data, which are analyzed for evidence using the DOD (Documentary
Analysis, Observation, Discussion) process of the four (4) components such as:
Curriculum and Learning, Leadership and Governance, Accountability and
Continuous Improvement, and, Management of Resources. DOD is an acronym
of Document Analysis, Observation, and Discussion-three essential steps in
evaluating the validly of an evidence of an SBM practice. Below are the steps:

1. Conduct Document Analysis (using artifacts)

2. Conduct observations to obtain process evidence (individual or group


3. Discuss the synthesized documentary and process evidence, (consensual

decision) based from the above processes.

To further check the level of implementation of SBM in the region, the

Department of Education Regional Office 3, through the Field Technical
Assistance Division (FTAD), has contextualized the Means of
Verifications/artifacts in each criterion of the SBM Assessment tool.

This assessment tool with contextualized Means of Verifications

(MOVs)/artifacts as reference was based on the collective efforts of both the
region and divisions. A Focal Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted between
and among the FTAD, QAD representative, SBM Coordinators, SGOD Chiefs,
and selected school administrators to gather inputs, insights and appropriate
Means of Verifications (MOVs)/artifacts of the schools.

Furthermore, FTAD endorsed the assessment tool to all the Regional

Division Chiefs to further check and integrate other inputs/MOVs/artifacts.
Finally, the contextualized Means of Verifications (MOVs)/artifacts of the SBM
assessment tool was submitted to Quality Assurance Division (QAD) to quality
assure and integrate the inclusion of the Document Analysis, Observation,
Discussion (DOD) process to the tool prior the approval of Assistant Regional
Director and Regional Director.

Related researches are in support to the SBM Assessment Tool like that of
Datu1 (2016) who states that SBM generate public confidence. She also states
that the wide knowledge and skills of administrators, perseverance of
teachers and pupils, cooperation of parents and community coupled with
strong networking and linkages are ingredients to a successful SBM program.
This also affirms the study of Bucud (2016), which states that community
participation plays a vital role in the implementation of SBM.

The SBM Assessment Tool aims to determine the SBM level of the schools of
the twenty (20) schools division offices which shall be used by the following:

a. School Heads- for self-assessment on the SBM level of their respective level
of practice.

b. Division Field Technical Assistance Teams (DFTATs) – for monitoring the

schools on the implementation of SBM.

c. Regional Field Technical Assistance Teams (RFTATs)- for validating the SBM
level of practice of the schools.

With the reorganization of the DFTATs, the Regional Office and Schools
Division Offices are hereby directed to reorganize the DFTAT as SBM Task
Forces in each division. The teams shall now be called the Regional SBM
Coordinating Teams/Regional Field Technical Assistance Teams (RFTATs) and
Division SBM Coordinating Team/Division Field Technical Assistance Teams

III. Definition of Terms and Acronyms

SBM – School-Based Management

ACCESS – (A Child (Learner) – and Community-Centered Education Systems)

BHROD – Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development SED-

School Effectiveness Division
RFTATs – Regional Field Technical Assistance Teams

DFTATs – Division Field Technical Assistance Teams

MOVs – Means of Verifications

WinS -Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools.

DOD – Document Analysis, Observation, Discussion.

 is an exciting growth experience. Analysis of documents, artifacts, and

processes unfold the progress made, objectives achieved, new techniques
developed, best practices mainstreamed, prices won-despite limited
resources and physical, social and political constraints.

Advanced (Accredited Level) – School-Based Management level of practice

-level 3.

 Ensuring the production of intended outputs I outcomes and meeting all

standards of a system fully integrated in the local community and is self-
renewing and self-sustaining. Assessment – refers to the wide variety of
methods or tools that educators use To evaluate, measure, and
document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or
educational needs of students.

Artifacts – are things used by the school community to achieve educational

goals, e.g. Daily Lesson Log (DLL), ESIP.

Contextualize – refers to the educational process of relating the curriculum to

a particular setting, situation or area of application to make the competencies
relevant, meaningful and useful to the learners.

Developing – School-Based Management level of practice – level 1.

 Developing structures and mechanisms with acceptable level and extent

of community participation and impact on the learning outcomes.
Genderized Comfort room -is a public toilet that all people, regardless of
gender identity or expression, can use.

Indigenize – to adapt (beliefs, customs, etc.) to local ways.

Indigenous Education – specifically focuses on teaching indigenous

knowledge, models, methods, and content within formal or non-formal
educational systems.

Maturing – School-Based Management level of practice – level 2.

 Introducing and sustaining continuous improvement process that
integrates wider community participation and improve significantly
performance and learning outcomes.

Stakeholder – refers to anyone who is invested in the welfare and success of a

school and its students, including administrators, teachers, staff members,
students, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and
elected officials such as school board members, city councillors, and state

 may also be collective entities, such as local businesses, organizations,

advocacy groups, committees, media outlets, and cultural institutions, in
addition to organizations that represent specific groups, such as teachers
unions, parent-teacher organizations, and associations representing
superintendents, principals, school boards, or teachers in specific
academic disciplines.

Transcending school – school goes beyond the limits, overstep or surpass the
highest SBM level of practice leading to a happy, quality, accessible, relevant
and liberating education.

IV. Implementation Arrangements

A. Guides and Instructions

The School Heads/DFTATs/RFTATs shall strictly adhere to the prescribed

guides and scoring instructions in the SBM validation process.

A.1 Pre-validation Guides

1. Essential in the validation process is the presence of an accomplished

self-assessment made by the school. Since the validation is designed to
appreciate the different types of innovation employed by the schools to
solve their diverse challenges in the teaching-learning process, all
schools shall conduct self-assessment (see attached Appendix A). This
shall be strictly checked and monitored by the DFTATs/Division
Coordinating Team in coordination with the FTAD-RO. The self-
assessment is an analysis by the school stakeholders on the school’s
educational effectiveness in relation to its purpose and objectives.
2. The DFTATs/Division Coordinating Team shall strictly monitor the self-
assessment of all public elementary and secondary schools and provide
the necessary technical assistance in preparation for the RFTATs’ and
Central Office validation.
3. Effective and efficient implementation of SBM is being determined
through validation of means of verification (MOVs). This process aims to
avoid bean-counting and collecting of documents for the sake of
compliance, hence, the school heads are given the freedom to reflect and
identify their own respective innovative outputs, effective practices or
MOVs per components utilizing the SBM assessment tool as a reference.
They are not obliged to come up with all the listed requirements,
however, the results and impact of innovations to stakeholders
particularly for the learners are given high points for appreciation.
4. The impact of the PPAs conducted shall be given premium in the
validation so that innovations shall be properly appreciated and
recognized particularly in the aspect of Curriculum and Learning which
was given a heavier weight.
5. The SBM validators shall likewise look into the alignment of these
implemented PPAs to the SIP, AIP and WFPs which has evident impact
upon the learning outcomes of the learners.
6. To be consistent with responding to schools according to their context,
this tool requires the name of the school, type, location, data established,
last SBM level/rating and name of the School Head to be filled out.
7. The committees per principle such as the Chairman, Secretary, and all
the members are required to list down pertinent informationin this tool.
Introduction or brief background of the school is also necessary to
8. The school is expected to convene with the different stakeholders in
accomplishing the tool because aside from determining the current level
of practice per standard, the school should identify the means of
verifications (MOVs) or the evidences to justify the indicated rating. Every
end of each principle, the school needs to compute the total rating to get
the weighted mean following the percentage of each principle.
9. The accomplished SBM Self-Assessment Tool must be noted by the PSDS
in-charge before submitting it to the Division SBM Coordinator.
10. Submission is a month before the date of the validation to give the
DFTAT members enough time to read and assess its content in
preparation for the actual school validation.
11. The RFTATs/Regional SBM Coordinating Team shall strictly check and
validate the assessment of the DFTATs also providing technical
assistance to guide the schools in the process.
A. 2. Actual Validation Guides
1. During the validation, a brief program is suggested:
 Invocation
 Welcome Remarks of School Head
 Short Presentation of School Profile, Innovations, and Best
 Introduction of DFTAT members by the DFTAT leader
 Brief Overview of the D-O-D Process by the DFTAT leader
2. The validation process will follow a triangulation method by analyzing the
documents, conduct of interview with the teachers, learners, and
external stakeholders.
3. After the validation, DFTAT members will conduct wrap-up session and
report writing.
4. A discussion and provision of the validation findings, recommendations,
and best features are expected before the end of the validation process.
5. The school shall disseminate the recommendations given by the
validating team to the school’s stakeholders. An action plan to address
and implement the recommendations shall be prepared. The PSDSs are
expected to monitor and provide technical assistance in the
implementation of the action plan.
6. In the absence of the SBM PASBE, all schools assessed as LEVEL 3 after
the thorough validation will receive Certificate of Recognition from the
Regional Office led by the Field Technical Assistance Division.
7. The Central Office -BHROD-School Effectiveness Division (SED) may
monitor and assess the SBM level of practice of any schools in the
region, which is in consistent with the mandate of School Effectiveness
Division for Central Office policy enhancement or creation of new policy
along SBM.
In the event that self-assessment results do not coincide with the
evaluation of the RFTAT, the level shall not be lowered down but shall be
retained or deferred until such time that school can be able to comply
with the needed requirements being asked for by the validators.

8. In the absence of the SBM PASBE, all schools assessed as LEVEL 3 after
the thorough validation will receive Certificate of Recognition from the
Regional Office led by the Field Technical Assistance Division.
9. Level 3 schools are required to submit self-assessment documentation to
the E-portal of the FTAD-SBM validation for advanced consolidation and
in preparation for RFTAT validation.

10. Only RFTAT-validated SBM- Level 3 shall be considered as a valid

requirement for promotion purposes.

11. The Central Office -BHROD-School Effectiveness Division (SED) may

monitor and assess the SBM level of practice of any schools in the
region, which is in consistent with the mandate of School Effectiveness
Division for Central Office policy enhancement or creation of new policy
along SBM.

A.4. Scoring Guides

1. The four (4) principles were assigned percentage weights on the basis of
their relative importance to the aim of school (improved learning
outcomes and school operations);

Leadership and Governance 30%

Curriculum and Learning 30%

Accountability and Continuous Improvement 25%

Management of Resources 15%

2. Each principle has several indicators. Based on the results of the D-O-D
(Document Analysis, Observation, Discussion), summarize the evidences, and
arrive at a consensus on the rating that will be given to each indicator;

3. Rate the items by ticking the appropriate circles. These are the points earned
by the school for the specific criteria. The rating scale is:

0 – No Means of Verifications (MOVs)

SBM Level 1 – MOVs indicate early or preliminary stages of implementation.

SBM Level 2 – MOVs indicate planned practices and procedures are fully

SBM Level 3 – MOVs indicate practices and procedure satisfy quality

Description of SBM Levels of Practice

LEVEL I: DEVELOPING – Developing structures and mechanisms with

acceptable level and extent of community participation and impact on the
learning outcomes.

LEVEL II: MATURING – Introducing and sustaining continuous improvement

process that integrates wider community participation and improve
significantly performance and learning outcomes.

LEVEL III: ADVANCED (ACCREDITED LEVEL) – Ensuring the production of

intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully
integrated in the local community and is self-renewing and self-sustaining.

4. Count the number of check marks in each criterion and record in the
appropriate circle in the summary table (sub-total) for the area/standard rated;

5. Multiply the number of check marks in each column by the points (1-3);

6. Get the average rating for the principle by dividing the total score by the
number of indicators of the principle;

7. Record the average ratings for the principle in the Summary Table for the
computation of the General Average;

8. Multiply the rating for each principle by its percentage weight to get the
weighted average rating;

Sample Computation:

Compute the scores by principle following the formula below: Total

Score/Points x weighted percentage allotted to each principle

Principle 1: Leadership and Governance

Total Score: 9

No. of Indicators: 5

Weighted Percentage 30%

9/5 x .30 =.54 points earned for Leadership and Governance

9. To get the total rating for the four principles, get the sum of all
weighted ratings. The value derived is the school rating based on

10. The level of practice will be computed based on the criteria below:

 30% based on improvement of learning outcomes

(in the absence NAT, the results of the reading test in Filipino & English and
numeracy test shall be considered.) – with reference to the policy standards set
by CLMD.)

The percentage weight for the learning outcomes shall be:

10% - Filipino Reading Test

10% - English Reading Test

10% - Numeracy Test

To determine the improvement of learning outcomes, the rating standard below

shall be followed:

% of Decrease Rating
76-100% or 0 non- 3
51-75% 2
26-50% 1
25 and below 0

Filipino + English + Numeracy / 3 = Learning Outcomes Performance

 70% according to the validated practices in the DOD following the
rating scale below:

Numerical Description
Rating Scale
0 No evidence
1 Evidence indicates developing structures and
mechanisms are in place to demonstrate ACCESs
2 Evidence indicates planned practices and
procedures are fully implemented and aligned to
3 Evidence indicates practices and procedures
satisfy quality standards

11. Below is the sample computation of final rating:

Weigh Computatio Numeric Descriptiv

t n al Rating e Rating
A. SBM 70% 2.65 X 0.70 1.86 Maturing
Score (DOD)
B. Performanc 30% 1.67 X 0.30 0.50 Developing
TOTAL 100% 2.36 Maturing

Numerical Rating Scale Description

0.50 – 1.49 Developing
1.50 – 2.49 Maturing
2.50 – 3.0 Advanced
12. The final scoring criteria as described in item 10 will be used after the
operational try out.

V. Monitoring and Evaluation

The Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD), in close collaboration

with Quality Assurance Division (QAD) and with the coordination with
the RFTAT, shall conduct annual review of the effectiveness and
efficiency of the implementation of the policy in achieving its objectives.
It shall conduct periodic consultations from the field to further enhance
the mechanisms and processes for effective provision of technical
assistance. Feedback from the M & E shall be reported during the
Division Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment (DMEA).
Immediate dissemination and compliance with this Memorandum is
hereby directed.
Director III
Officer –in –Charge
Office of the Regional Director

Encls: As stated



DepEd Order 83, Series 2012

RA 9155



Name of School: ________________________________________________________________

School Type: ___________________________________________________________________
Location: _______________________________________________________________________
Date Established: ________________________________________________________________
Last SBM Level/Rating: ____________________________________________________________
Name of School Head: _____________________________________________________________

The Committees (list down the names)

Chairman: ____________________
Secretary: ____________________
Members: ____________________


Chairman: ____________________
Secretary: ____________________
Members: ____________________
Chairman: ____________________
Secretary: ____________________
Members: ____________________


Chairman: ____________________
Secretary: ____________________
Members: ____________________

Introduction (Brief background of the school)



I. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to
achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse

1. In place is a LEVEL LEVEL I LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
Development Plan 0 Not Indicator The Indicator The Indicator
(e.g. SIP) developed Evident development development The
collaboratively by the
plan guided by plan is evolved development
stakeholders of the
school and the school’s through the plan is
community. vision, mission shared enhanced with
and goal (VMG) leadership of the community
is developed the school and performing the
through the the community leadership roles
leadership of stakeholders and the school
the school and providing
the participation technical
of some invited support.


development 0 Not Indicator The Indicator The Indicator The
plan (e.g. SIP) Evident school leads the school and community
is regularly
regular review community stakeholders
reviewed by
the school and stakeholders lead the regular
community to improvement of working as full review and
keep it up the partners, lead improvement
responsive development the continual process; the
and relevant plan. review and school
to emerging improvement of stakeholders
the facilitate the
and development process.
3. The school is LEVEL LEVEL I LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
organized by a clear 0 Not Indicator The Indicator The Indicator
structure and work Evident school defines school and Guided by an
arrangements that the community agreed
promote shared organizational collaboratively organizational
leadership and structure, and define the structure, the
governance and define the roles and structure and community
the roles and responsibilities the roles and stakeholders
responsibilities of the of stakeholders. responsibilities lead in defining
stakeholders. of stakeholders. the
structure and
the roles and
school provides
technical and

4. A leadership LEVEL LEVEL I LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3

network facilitates 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator The
communication Evident A network has The network network allows
between and among been actively easy exchange
school and community collaboratively provides and access to
leaders for informed established and stakeholders information
decision-making and is continuously information for sources beyond
solving of school- improved by the making the school
community wide- school decisions and community.
learning problems community. solving learning

5. A long term LEVEL LEVEL I LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3

program is in 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator
operation that Evident Developing Leaders Leaders
addresses the training
structures are in undertake assume
and development
needs of school and place and training modes responsibility for
community leaders. analysis of the that are their own
competency convenient to training and
and them (on-line, development.
development off-line, School
needs of modular, group, community
leaders is or home-based) leaders working
conducted; and which do individually or in
result is used to not disrupt their groups, coach
develop a long regular and mentor one
term training functions. another to
and Leaders monitor achieve their
development and evaluate VMG.
program. their own
process. .

Total ____
Weighted Mean ____
Weighted Percentage 30%

Findings: Recommendations:

Best Features:

= Total Score
5 Reviewed By: Conformed by:
_____________________ ____________________
= PSDS School Head
II. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and
learner’s contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
1. The LEVEL Level 1 Indicator Level 2 Indicator Level 3 Indicator
curriculum 0 Not All types of Programs are The educational
provides for the Evident learners of the fully implemented needs of all types
school community and closely of learners are
needs of all
types of are identified, monitored to being met as
learners in the their learning address shown by
school curves assessed; performance continuous
community appropriate discrepancies, improvement on
programs with its benchmark best learning
support materials practices, coach outcomes and
for each type of low performers, products of
learner is mentor potential learning.
developed. leaders, reward Teachers’ as well
high as students’
achievement, and performance is
maintain motivated by
environment that intrinsic rather
makes learning than extrinsic
meaningful and rewards. The
enjoyable. schools’
programs are
benchmarked by
other schools.


implemented 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator
curriculum is Evident Local beliefs, The localized Best practices in
localized to
norms, values, curriculum is localizing the
make it more
meaningful to traditions, implemented and curriculum are
the learners folklores, current monitored closely mainstreamed
and applicable events, and to ensure that it and benchmarked
to life in the existing makes learning by other schools.
community technologies are more meaningful There is marked
documented and and pleasurable, increase in
used to develop a produces desired number of
lasting learning projects that uses
curriculum. outcomes, and the community as
Localization directly improves learning
guidelines are community life. laboratory, and
agreed to by Ineffective the school as an
school community approaches are agent of change
and teachers are replaced and for improvement
properly oriented. innovative ones of the community.
are developed.

3. A LEVEL Level 1 Indicator Level 2 indicator Level 3 Indicator

representative 0 Not A representative Learning Materials and
group of school Evident team of school materials and approaches are
and community
and community approaches to being used in
develop the stakeholders reinforce school, in the
methods and assess content strengths and family and in
materials for and methods address community to
developing used in teaching deficiencies are develop critical,
creative creative, critical developed and creative thinking
thinking & thinking and tested for and problem
problem solving
problem solving. applicability on solving
Assessment school, family and community of
results are used community. learners and are
as guide to producing desired
develop results.

4. The LEVEL Level 1 Indicator Level 2 indicator Level 3 Indicator

learning 0 Not A school- based The school- The monitoring
systems are Evident monitoring and based monitoring system is
regularly and
learning system is and learning accepted and
monitored by conducted systems generate regularly used for
the community regularly and feedback that is collective
using cooperatively; used for making decision making.
appropriate and feedback is decisions that The monitoring
tools to ensure shared with enhance the total tool has been
the holistic stakeholders. development of improved to
growth and
The system uses learners. provide both
of the learners a tool that A committee take quantitative and
and the monitors the care of the qualitative data.
community. holistic continuous
development of improvement of
learners. the tool.

5. Appropriate LEVEL Level 1 Indicator Level 2 indicator Level 3 Indicator

assessment 0 Not The assessment The assessment School
tools for Evident tools are tools are assessment
teaching and
reviewed by the reviewed by the results are used
learning are
continuously school and school community to develop
reviewed and assessment and results are learning
improved, and results are shared shared with programs that are
assessment with school’s community suited to
results are stakeholders. stakeholders. community, and
contextualized customized to
to the learner
each learner’s
and local
situation and context, results of
the attainment which are used
of relevant life for collaborative
skills. decision-making.

6. Learning LEVEL Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

managers and 0 Not Indicators. indicators. Indicators
facilitators Evident Stakeholders are Stakeholders Learning
aware of child/ begin to practice environments
and community learner- centered, child/ learner- methods and
members) rights- based, and centered resources are
nurture values inclusive principles of community
and principles of education in the driven, inclusive
environments education. design of and adherent to
that are Learning support to child’s rights and
protective of all
managers and education. protection
children and
demonstrate facilitators Learning requirements.
behaviors conduct activities managers and Learning
consistent to aimed to increase facilitators apply managers and
the stakeholders the principles in facilitators
organization’s awareness and designing observe
vision, mission commitment to learning learners’ rights
and goals.
fundamental materials. from designing
rights of children the curriculum to
and the basic structuring the
principle of whole learning
educating them. environment.
7. Methods LEVEL Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
and 0 Not Indicators. indicators. Indicators. There
resources are Evident Practices, tools Practices, tools is continuous
learner and
and materials for and materials for exchange of
friendly, developing self- developing self- information,
enjoyable, directed learners directed learners sharing of
safe, are highly are beginning to expertise and
inclusive, observable in emerge in the materials among
accessible school, but not in homes and in the schools,
and aimed at the home or in the the community. home and
community. The program is community for
self- directed
learners. Learning collaboratively the development
Learners are programs are implemented of self-directed
equipped with designed and and monitored learners.
essential developed to by teachers and The program is
knowledge, produce learners parents to mainstreamed
skills, and who are ensure that it but continuously
values to
responsible and produces improved to
responsibility accountable for desired learners. make relevant to
and their learning. emergent
accountability demands.
for their own

Total ____
Weighted Mean ____
Weighted Percentage 30%
Findings: Recommendations:

Best Features:

= Total Score

Reviewed By: Conformed by:

PSDS School Head
III. ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTINIOUS IMPROVEMENT A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive
accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors
performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains.

1. Roles and LEVEL LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
responsibilities of 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator Shared
accountable Evident There is an The stakeholders and participatory
person/s and active party that are engaged in processes are
collective body/ ies initiates clarifying and used in
are clearly defined clarification of defining their determining
and agreed upon the roles and specific roles and roles,
by community responsibilities responsibilities. responsibilities
stakeholders. in education and
delivery. accountabilities
of stakeholders
in managing and

2. Achievement of LEVEL Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

goals is recognized 0 Not Indicators. Indicators. A Indicators. A
based on a Evident Performance community- community-
collaboratively accountability level accepted
developed is practiced at accountability performance
performance the school system is accountability,
accountability level. evolving from recognition and
system; gaps are school-led incentive
addressed through initiatives. system is being
appropriate action. practiced.
accountability 0 Not Indicators. The Indicators. Indicators.
system is owned by Evident school Stakeholders are School
the community and articulates the engaged in the community
is continuously accountability development and stakeholders
enhanced to ensure assessment operation of an continuously and
that management framework with appropriate collaboratively
structures and basic accountability review and
mechanisms are components, assessment enhance
responsive to the including system. accountability
emerging learning implementation systems’
needs and guidelines to processes,
demands of the the mechanisms and
community stakeholders. tools.

4. Accountability LEVEL LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3

assessment criteria 0 Not Indicators. The Indicators. Indicators.
and tools, feedback Evident school, with the Stakeholders are Stakeholders
mechanisms, and participation of engaged in the continuously and
information stakeholders, development and collaboratively
collection and articulates an operation of an review and
validation accountability appropriate enhance
techniques and assessment accountability accountability
processes are framework with assessment systems;
inclusive and basic system. processes,
collaboratively components, mechanism and
developed and including tools.
agreed upon. implementation

5. Participatory LEVEL Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

assessment of 0 Not Indicators. Indicators. Indicators.
performance is Evident The school Collaboratively School-
done regularly with initiates conduct of community-
the community. periodic performance developed
Assessment results performance assessment performance
and lessons assessment informs planning, assessment is
learned serve a with the plan adjustments practiced and is
basis for feedback, participation of and the basis for
technical stakeholders. requirements for improving
assistance, technical monitoring and
recognition and assistance. evaluation
plan adjustment. system,
assistance, and
recognizing and
refining plans.

Total ____
Weighted Mean ____
Weighted Percentage 25%
Findings: Recommendations:

Best Features:

= Total Score

Reviewed By: Conformed by:

_____________________ ____________________
PSDS School Head


Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness, and
1. Regular LEVEL LEVEL1 Indicator LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
resource 0 Not Stakeholders are Indicator Indicator
inventory is Evident aware that a Resource Resource
regular resource inventory is inventories are
undertaken by
learning inventory is characterized by systematically
managers, available and is regularity, developed and
learning used as the basis increased stakeholders are
facilitators, and for resource participation of engaged in a
community allocation and stakeholders, and collaborative
stakeholders as mobilization. communicated to process to make
basis for
the community as decisions on
allocation and the basis for resource
mobilization. resource allocation and
allocation and mobilization.

2. A regular LEVEL LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3

dialogue for 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator
planning and Evident Stakeholders are Stakeholders are Stakeholders
invited to regularly collaborate to
that is participate in the engaged in the ensure timely and
accessible and development of planning and need-based
inclusive, an educational resource planning and
continuously plan in resource programming and resource
engage programming and in the programming and
stakeholders in the implementation of support
and support
implementation of the educational continuous
of community the educational plan. implementation of
education plans. plan. the educational

3. In place is a LEVEL LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3

community- 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator
developed Evident Stakeholders Stakeholders are Stakeholders
support judicious, engaged and sustain the
system that appropriate, and share expertise in implementation
drives effective use of the collaborative and improvement
appropriate resources. development of of a
behaviors of the resource collaboratively
stakeholders to management developed,
system. periodically
appropriate, and adjusted, and
effective use of constituent-
resources. focused resource


monitoring, 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator
evaluation, and Evident Stakeholders are Stakeholders Stakeholders are
invited to collaboratively engaged, held
processes of
resource participate in the participate in the accountable and
management development and development and implement a
are implementation of implementation of collaboratively
collaboratively monitoring, monitoring, developed a
developed and evaluation and evaluation and system of
implemented by reporting reporting monitoring,
the learning
processes on resource evaluation and
facilitators and resource management. reporting
community management. resource
stakeholders. management.
system that 0 Not Indicator Indicator Indicator
manages the Evident An engagement Stakeholders An established
network and
procedure to support a system system of
linkages which
strengthen and identify and of partnerships partnership is
sustain utilize for improving managed and
partnerships for partnerships with resource sustained by the
improving stakeholders for management. stakeholders for
resource improving continuous
management. resource improvement of
management is resource
evident. management.

Total ____
Weighted Mean ____
Weighted Percentage 15%

General Objective: A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its
shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse
Name of School:___________________________________________ Previous Rating:___________

Date of Validation:_________________________________________ Current Rating:____________

Principle Actual Rating

1. In place is a Development Plan (e.g. SIP) developed

collaboratively by the stakeholders of the school and community.

2. The development plan (e.g. SIP) is regularly reviewed by the

school community to keep it responsive and relevant to emerging
needs, challenges and opportunity.
3. The school is organized by a clear structure and work
arrangements that promote shared leadership and governance and
define the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.
4. A leadership network facilitates communication between and
among school and community leaders for informed decision-
making and solving of school community wide- learning problems.

5. A long term program is in operation that addresses the training

and development needs of school and community leaders.


Validated by:
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Findings: Recommendations:

Best Features:

= Total Score

Reviewed By: Conformed by:

_____________________ ____________________
PSDS School Head


Name of School:__________________________________________
Previous Rating:____________
Date of Validation:________________________________________ Current Rating:____________
Final Final
Self-Study Actual
Principle Percentage Self-Study Actual
Rating Rating
Rating Rating
Leadership and
x .30

Curriculum and
x .30

Accountability and
Continuous x .25

Management of
x .15

Overall Rating

Validated by:
____________________________________ ______________________________________

____________________________________ ______________________________________

____________________________________ ______________________________________

____________________________________ ______________________________________


General Objective: A
alidated by:
General Objective: A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve
shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse


Previous Rating:___________
Principle Actual Rating

1.In place is a Development Plan (e.g. SIP) developed

collaboratively by the stakeholders of the school and community.

2. The development plan (e.g. SIP) is regularly reviewed by the

school community to keep it responsive and relevant to emerging
needs, challenges and opportunity.
3. The school is organized by a clear structure and work
arrangements that promote shared leadership and governance and
define the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.
4. A leadership network facilitates communication between and
among school and community leaders for informed decision-
making and solving of school community wide- learning problems.

5. A long term program is in operation that addresses the training

and development needs of school and community leaders.


Date of Validation:_________________________________________ Current



Validated by:
Signature Over Printed Name

Signature Over Printed Name


General Objective: The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learner’s contexts
and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Name of School: STA.RITA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Previous Rating:___________

Date of Validation:________________________________________Current Rating:____________

Self-Study Actual Rating
Principle Rating
1. The curriculum provides for the needs of all types of learners in
the school community.

2. The implemented curriculum is localized to make it more

meaningful to the learners and applicable to life in the community.

3. A representative group of school and community stakeholders

develop the methods and materials for developing creative thinking
and problem solving.

4. The learning systems are regularly and collaboratively monitored

by the community using appropriate tools to ensure the holistic
growth and development of the learners and the community.

5. Appropriate assessment tools for teaching and learning are

continuously reviewed and improved, and assessment results are
contextualized to the learner and local situation and the attainment
of relevant life skills.
6. Learning managers and facilitators (teachers, administrators and
community members) nurture values and environments that are
protective of all children and demonstrate behaviors consistent to
the organization’s vision, mission and goals.

7. Methods and resources are learner and community- friendly,

enjoyable, safe, inclusive, accessible and aimed at developing self-
directed learners. Learners are equipped with essential knowledge,
skills, and values to assume responsibility and accountability for
their own learning.



Validated by:
Signature Over Printed Name

Signature Over Printed Name


General Objective: A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place,
collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately
on gaps and gains.
Name of School:_STA.RITA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Previous Rating:___________

Date of Validation:________________________________________ Current Rating:____________

Principle Actual Rating
1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s and collective
body/ ies are clearly defined and agreed upon by community
2. Achievement of goals is recognized based on a collaboratively
developed performance accountability system; gaps are addressed
through appropriate action.
3. The accountability system is owned by the community and is
continuously enhanced to ensure that management structures and
mechanisms are responsive to the emerging learning needs and
demands of the community.
4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools, feedback
mechanisms, and information collection and validation techniques
and processes are inclusive and collaboratively developed and
agreed upon.
5. Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with
the community. Assessment results and lessons learned serve as
basis for feedback, technical assistance, recognition and plan


Validated by:
Signature Over Printed Name



General Objective: Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with
transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency.
Name of School: STA.RITA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Previous Rating:___________

Date of Validation:_________________________________________ Current Rating:____________

Principle Actual Rating
1. Regularly resource inventory is collaboratively undertaken by
learning managers. Learning mangers, learning facilitators, and
community stakeholders as basis for resource allocation and
2. A regular dialogue for planning and resource programming, that is
accessible and inclusive, continuously engage stakeholders and
support implementation of community education plans.
3. In place is a community developed resource management system
that drives appropriate behaviors of the stakeholders to ensure
judicious, appropriate, and effective use of resources.
4. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and reporting processes of
resource management are collaboratively developed and
implemented by the learning managers, facilitators, and community
5. There is a system that manages the network and linkages which
strengthen and sustain partnerships for improving resource


Validated by:
Signature Ove



Validated by:
Signature Over Printed Name

Signature Over Printed Name

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