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Biopharmacy practical

fourth stage
Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
Biopharmaceutics: is the science that examine the interrela onship
of the physicochemical proper es of the drug,the dosage form in
which the drug is given, and the rout of administra on ,and the rate
and extent of systemic absorb on.
Biopharmacy involves factors that influence :
1. The stability of the drug(ac ve ingredient) within the drug product.
2. The release of the drug from drug product.
3. The rate of dissolu on\release of the drug at the absorp on site.
4. The systemic absorp on of the drug.
The study of biopharmaceu cs is based on :
A. Scien fic principles.
B. Experimental methodology.

Studies in biopharmaceu cs use both in-vitro and in-vivo methods.

in-vitro and in-vivo methods

in-vitro in-vivo
•In vitro-methods are •In vivo methods are more
procedure employing test complex studies involving human
apparatus and equipment without subjects or laboratory animals .
involving experimental animals or
•Biopharmaceu cs considers the proper es of the drug and the dosage
form in a physiological environment, the drug s intended therapeu c
use ,and the route of administra on.
•Biopharmaceu cs can be divided into :
1. Pharmacokine cs .
2. Pharmacodynamics.
Pharmacokinetics: is the science that deals with drug absorp on,
distribu on, metabolism ,and excre on.
•The study of pharmacokine cs involves both experimental and
theore cal approaches.
The experimental aspects The theoretical aspects
The experimental aspects involves: The theoretical aspects of
1. Development of biological pharmacokine cs involves the
sampling techniques. development of pharmacokine c
2. Analy cal methods for the models that predict drug
measurement of drug and disposi on a er drug
metabolites. administra on
3. Procedures that facilitate data
collec on and manipula on .
Pharmacodynamics: refers to the rela onship between the drug
concentra on at the site of ac on (receptor) and pharmacologic
response, including biochemical and physiologic effects that influence
the interac on of drug with the receptor.
•The interac on of a drug molecule with receptor causes the ini a on
of a sequence of molecular events resul ng in a pharmacologic or toxic

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