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a) The Model of motivation

The term motivation  is derived from the Latin word movere,  meaning "to move." Motivation can be
broadly defined as the forces acting on or within a person that cause the arousal, direction, and
persistence of goal-directed, voluntary effort. Motivation theory is thus concerned with the processes
that explain why and how human behavior is activated. The motivational model is premised on the
internal and external factors that impact people. The Model of Motivation is deemed to be
comprehensive in its application. It is noted that people are plagued with various problems which nullify
on their performance.

Motivation is a huge field of study. There are many theories of motivation. Some of the famous
motivation theories like

1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

2. Hertzberg’s two factor theory
3. McClelland’s theory of needs
4. McGregor’s theory X and theory Y

But if we simplified all the theory then we will get 3 important elements like

Each of us is motivated by needs.

Our most basic needs are inborn, having evolved over tens of thousands of years.

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs helps to explain how these needs motivate us all.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs states that we must satisfy each need, in turn, starting with the first, which
deals with the most obvious needs for survival itself.

Only when the lower order needs of physical and emotional well-being are satisfied are we concerned
with the higher-order needs of influence and personal development.

Conversely, if the things that satisfy our lower order needs are swept away, we are no longer concerned
about the maintenance of our higher-order needs.

 Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.

 Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc.
 Belongingness and Love needs - work group, family, affection, relationships, etc.
 Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige,
managerial responsibility, etc.
 Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth
and peak experiences.

1.b) Explain extinction and negative reinforcement with example.

Extinction is the disappearance of a previously learned behavior when the behavior is not reinforced.
the disappearance of a previously learned behavior when the behavior is not reinforced. Extinction can
occur in all types of behavioral conditioning, but the term is most often associated with its occurrence in
operant conditioning.

Example: Imagine you work as a clerk at a local grocery store. A mother and her young son come in the
store regularly. The child always screams when he is checking out, until the mother agrees to buy the
child some candy. For a long time, you witness the mother buying candy during checkout so the child
will stop screaming. Then, one day, you notice the mother refuses to buy the child candy. The child
became increasingly upset when denied candy; however, a few weeks later, you see the mother and
child at the store, and the child does not scream for candy.

Negative reinforcement encourages specific behaviors by removing or avoiding negative consequences

or stimuli. It is different than punishment, which aims to discourage a specific behavior. It is easy to
mistake negative reinforcement for a type of punishment, but there is a fundamental difference
between the two. In a sense, they are, in fact, opposites. People design punishments to discourage a
particular behavior or type of behavior, but they use negative reinforcement to encourage it.

Example: When we go to pediatrician for talking shot/vaccine for our children most of the doctor advice
to take paracetamol before the shot so that baby can’t feel the pain afterwards or suffer from fever. This
is negative reinforcement.
2.a) Out of many actions taken by Ricardo Semler to vitalize his company, which ones are applicable for
BD and why?

The company earned world-wide renowned for its unique management style. Way back in the 80s,
Semco was one of the first companies to experiment with democratic management principles: principles
that put people before processes.

Ricardo Semler, and the leaders he recruited to help him turn things around, first studied who were the
most motivated among their employees Invariably, the most motivated held managerial positions. They
realized something very fundamental: The power to participate in decision-making processes held the
key to motivation.

they began experimenting with employee participation in decision-making. They started with everyday
issues that affected the life of employees, not with a big transformational program.

These simple issues included things like problems in the cafeteria, cleanliness of toilets, the colour of
their uniform, and compensation for business days interspersed between a holiday and a weekend.

The increase in morale this created led to participation on bigger and more expressive areas. For
instance, employees

 began offering suggestions to improve quality and the manufacturing process

 were invited to set their own targets
 decided where they wanted to work from
 selected their next boss and future peers
 evaluated their managers
 set their own salaries
 offered inputs on small investments
 became involved in how the company shared its profits.

For BD

2.b) Explain how a typical quality circle operates.

Conceptually Quality Circles can be described as a small group of employees of the same work area,
doing similar work that meets voluntarily and regularly to identify, analyse and resolve work related

This small group with every member of the circle participating to the full carries on the activities,
utilising problem solving techniques to achieve control or improvement in the work area and also help
self and mutual development in the process.

Quality circles built mutual trust and create greater understanding between the manage ment and the
workers. Cooperation and not confrontation is the key element in its operation. Quality Circles aims at
building people, developing them, arousing genuine interest and dedication to their work to improve
quality, productivity, cost reduction etc.
3.a) Some of the prerequisites of Participation are: Adequate time to participate, potential benefit
greater than cost, relevance to employee interest and adequate employee abilities to deal with the
subject. Explain with examples.

Adequate time: There will be needed adequate time to participate. It does occur suddenly. Sudden
participation does not bring any fruit. Because there is the time needed to think something about
something. So proper time should be the facility of proper time.

Cost versus Benefit: Every participation takes some cost. Management should gain some expenditure for
any type of participation. The Benefit through this participation must have to be fruitful. That means the
overall return should have to be increased by this participation.

Employee Interest: The interest to participate in any type of decision making process should be
encouraged. For this the opinion of participant should give importance. If the participant thinks that
his/her opinion is not important, it’s just a formality then they will lose the interest of participation.

Employee ability: To make participation there should be needed the ability to participate. The
physiological, physical, etc. should be sound. The disability to thinking something should not be
participating. The employees should have the ability to discuss something.

3.b) briefly explain with examples for following benefits of informal organization: lightens workload on
management, fill in gaps in a manager’s abilities, provide a safely valve for employee emotions,
encourage managers to plan and act more carefully.

lightens workload Social interactions lead to cooperation and coordination amongst people of different
groups. It helps top managers achieve their formal goals efficiently. They are relied on o the botheration
of inspiring workers to work.

fill in gaps in a manager’s abilities : Sometimes managers are unable to awake official decisions without
the support of theist. People of informal organization help managers by providing them the help and
support that cuts across official chain of command.

provide a safely valve for employee emotions Members satisfy their social needs of interaction,
recognition and acceptance by others in informal organist ions. Their needs of friendship, love and
support are satisfied in these organs tons.

encourage managers to plan and act more carefully Informal origination checks wrong acts of
managers. Managers cannot frame goals, policies and plans not acceptable to members of informal
organizations provide them relief against official boredom and tiredness. The provide them an outlet for
satisfying their needs of interaction, love and friendship.
5.a) Teams will be more motivated by the following share sense of potency, experience meaningfulness,
are given autonomy and see their impact on result. Explain

potency should elevate self-efficacy because with potency a staff can show a collective belief in himself
which, in a certain way, generates the habit and confidence to focus on his actions. Improving self-
efficacy. In this context, the process of believing in the results, the goals and the company is a possible
source of synergistic individual potency that can elevate staff performance.

Experienced meaningfulness: This is a positive psychological state that will be achieved if the first three
job dimensions—skill variety, task identity, and task significance—are in place. All three dimensions help
employees feel that what they do is meaningful.

1. Build a culture of trust

Leaders who are willing to trust their employees to perform the projects delegated to them need to
accept the risks that may accompany their subsequent actions. When managers resist delegating,
employees interpret this behaviour as being caused by a lack of trust. This leads to a culture of mistrust
and one lacking in autonomy and initiative. But it’s easily rectified: simply consulting people about
projects and tasks will allow trust to grow and new ideas to emerge. It’s best to start small and gradually
increase an individual’s responsibilities and freedom as they prove their capabilities, rather than offer
them an overwhelming amount of autonomy to begin with and be forced to backtrack if things don’t
work out.

2. Learn from mistakes

Allowing individuals to adapt their approach to their responsibilities will give them an increased sense of
control over the tasks they’ve been charged with, which will benefit their performance.

Leaders that are overly critical of employees’ mistakes kill initiative and creativity and, consequently,
employee engagement. If your workforce is fearful of the repercussions of honest mistakes, both
engagement and performance will drop.
5.b) what are the 2 most important skills useful in team building. Why?

Yes, you can get results by creating work pressure over employees, but you definitely can’t build a
strong team with that. For fostering team collaboration, you will have to build a creative atmosphere in
your office which gives your team members a good opportunity to make the best of their skills and
abilities. A creative atmosphere also imparts a sense of personal growth and learning amongst your

Work Together, Celebrate Together Team lunches, random weekend celebrations, and get togethers
can build strong bonding among the employees. In School days when birthday celebrations and picnics
fostered friendships and build bondings which study hours could never do. The same applies here as

All that matters is the efforts you put in to collaborate them as a team which will eventually take your
business to the pinnacle of success. As the famous quote by Michael Jordan goes as,” Talent wins games,
but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”.
6.a) Typical cause of stress on the Job are: Time pressure, Inadequate authorities to match
responsibilities, Role conflict and ambiguity, Difference between company and employee value. Explain
with examples.

Time pressure refers to how rushed or pressed for time people feel on a daily basis.

It also relates to whether individuals perceive they have sufficient time to do what they need or want to
do (including time for work, family, leisure, travel, study, volunteering or exercise). For men, long work
hours is the main predictor of time pressure, and for fathers having young children increases this time

Inadequate authorities to match responsibilities : So with poor slikks they triy to run the show as they
mostly reluctant to delegate authority because of losing their power. Fear of competition from
subordinates hinders the process of proper delegation and without that it never match the responsibility
actually they are capable of.

The most obvious example of role conflict is work/family conflict, or the conflict one feels when pulled
between familial and professional obligations. Take, for example, a mother who is also a doctor. ... He is
therefore unable to satisfy both incompatible expectations,

Role ambiguity occurs when people are unclear or uncertain about their expectations within a certain
role, typically their role in the job or workplace. Role ambiguity arises when the definition of the
person's job is vague or ill defined, which also create negative actions to the overall workgroup like:

 Overall job dissatisfaction.

 Dissatisfaction with work tasks.
 Dissatisfaction with supervision.
 Dissatisfaction with coworkers.
 Low organizational commitment.

 Personal values
 You might not be aware of it, but your personal values inform many of your day-to-day activities
or decisions. For example, you may go to the gym every morning which can be linked to your
valuing a healthy lifestyle. Or perhaps you only buy ethically sourced food, which means you
value fairness.

 If you take the time to do so, you may be able to identify a whole list of values simply by asking
yourself questions like 'what makes me happy?' and 'which goals do I want to reach?' Ranking
them will help you to establish your core values: the ones that matter the most.
 Company values
 Company values and personal values are much the same in the fact that they are both markers
of identity, acting as guiding principles for what is said and done. However, while personal
values are for us to uncover, company values are consciously chosen and pre-set.
6.b) what do you do to manage your stress in your life? give examples form your life.

Motivate staff to change location:

My colleagues thank you for joining today. Myself, Khairul Bashar bhuiyan, Director operation North
South University here with you some of the updates in recent taken decision. Most of you know already
and some of you may not happy with the decision taken my management. So, what is the news? the
news is we are panning to move our current location to near 300 feet road new location. But why?
before answering that let me allow some time to share a story.

In 2003 some people laid a foundation of a project in 5.5 acres of beautiful landscape area. In early
Summer 2009 that project become a complete impressive state of the art structure. This structure
facilitates with modern academic amenities/facilities and stands out as an extraordinary architectural
landmark of Dhaka. That structure was designed to serve at least 22,000 people at a time.

The structure also contains a spacious open-air theatre and lobby, a large auditorium, gym/health clubs,
lounges, cafeteria, medical center, club offices, game rooms, 4-MW captive power generators and 3-
level basement parking space for 600 vehicles. By that time, you all understand I’m talking about this
magnificent structure. Our North south University. Which has also WiFi access across campus, fully
automated library, 35 administrative offices and 391 faculty offices; 34 labs with around 1850 PCs and so

So now we have to move on to serve more student, prepared more educated for the nation and the
whole world. So we have new dream now which only can fulfill by us with our hard work and sacrifice. I
can assure you every problems of yours will taken care of.

Lets visit the new site together, lets fixed the pool car schedule together, lets decorate our new office
together, lets share our ideas to the management together.

I can ensure you we will create history again in education sector. And you all will be a part of this history.

Because our vision is we will be and remain a center of excellence in higher education. we will gain
recognition, nationally and globally, we will attract students, faculty, and staff from all parts of the

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