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First published2O0T

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Publisher:Simon Campbell
SeniorEditor: Howard Cheung
Editors:GeorgeWells,I effZr oback
Designers:Iunko Funaki,Tonic Ng
Illustrator:Balic Choy
Audio Production:David Popeand SkyProductions

F o r p e r m i s s i o n t o u s e c o p y r i g h t e d i m a g e s , w e w o u l d l i k e t o t h a n k @ D e x l m a g e s ,I n c / C o r b i s ( p p a B , 9 B ) , @ G B a d e n / z e f a l C o r b i s( p p . 4 T , 9 T ) ,
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(p. 87) and O Gero Breloer/dpa/Corbis (p. 90)

I would like to dedicatethe Boost!writing books to two very closecolleagues:Dean StaffordandYannickO'Neill.We
have sharedmany experiencesand ideasabout teachingwriting skillsover the years,but your specialistknowledgeand
enthusiasmfor this aspectof learning and communication have alwaysbeen an inspiration to me. Thanksmightily!

The Publisherswould alsolike to thank the following teachersfor their suggestionsand comments on this course:
TaraCameron,RosanneCerello,Nancy Chan, ChangLi Ping,Ioy Chao,lessieChen,fosephineChen,ChiangYing-hsueh,
ClaireCho, Cindy Chuang,Linda Chuang,Chueh Shiu-wen,Mark de Boer,Mieko Hayashida,Diana Ho, Lulu Hsu,
EuniceJung,Hye Ri Kim, JakeKimball, JosieLai, Carol Lee,ElaineLee,Melody Lee,PeggyLi, EstherLim, Moon JeongLim,
JasminLin, Martin Lin, CatherineLittlehaleOki, Linda Liu, Tammy Liu, Goldie Luk, Ma Li-ling, Chizuko Matsushita,
GeordieMcGarry YasuyoMito, Eunice Izumi Miyashita,Mari Nakamura,YannickO'Neill, Coco Pan,Hannah Park,
KarenPeng,Zanne Schultz,Kaj Schwermer,MiYeon Shin,Giant Shu,Dean Stafford,Hyunju Suh,TanYung-hui,
Devon Thagard,John and Charlievan Goch,Annie Wang,Wang Shu-ling,Wu Lien-chun, SabrinaWu,YehShihfen,
Tom Yeh,LauraYoshidaand Yunii Yun.

policyis to use
fromsustainable forests
The Boostl SkillsSeriesis the definitiveond comprehensive four-
level seriesof skillsbooksfor junior Englishleorners.The series
hos been developedoround oge-oppropriote,cross-curriculor
topicsthot developstudents'criticolthinking ond exominotion
techniques.It followson integrotedskillsopproochwith eoch of
the skillsbrought togetherot the end of eoch unit.

The twelve core units in Boost! Writing 2 follow o cleor ond

tronsporentstructureto moke teochingond leorning eosyond
fun. The writing skillsbuild ond progressocrossthe four levelsof
Boostl Writing ond ore correlotedto the next generotionof tests
of English.

Youwill find the following in Boost! Writing 2:

o Age-opproprioteondcross-curriculortopics
. Modelsof good writing os well os exomplesof bod writing
o Writing procticethot builds from sentenceond porogroph
levelsto full-lengthpossoges
o Activities thot provide on opportunity to creoteo wide voriety
of text types(essoys, letters,emoils,etc.)
Unit Topic ItYriting,
,Eachunrifhds,dn agre"appropriate-,
',,, A very'simpleintroduction
of :the-
cross-curricular unitskillis provided.
. findthetopicdirectlyrelatesto their
' 6wn,li,Ves , ' ,:,, ;,:',,:';,,1',.;,,,
And.$tudV:,,,', a :cl'eafandr,I i
. be engagedand motivated to learn. uncleistandable

rorteel qtcsconi
tle na5sr$e by usinq the
xn:*i;::'ff"$;L::* rl!i: r*nllete

'ou \" \P oJr

'hd vou

*i',;,""t**y' My weekend

{oved up verylotewdtching
On SoturdoY mght
Re3cl iriend TonI
wotcneo I ;

r&"€j lovorite motie But oftcr thot i'


wos trying to $eePl

m ond :i
ro go to bed It wds 1 d

r' went to the Pdrk to lly ktes

on Sundoy mornrng
in the skyr
ktes looked so pretty flyinq
could olmo$ ni
were so high uP' il
i,, stoyed uP d long time
kit€ got $uck in o tee

o u t o g o i n b e c o u s er r r :

hclped i :
bronch A boy in the Dork
roil wos cought on o tree
got the kite lor
'limbed the tre€ ond

,.- happv X"",j,"
whor h:us-e-:t:

llr ."',"""*"'

i:il:r,"#T "
::] fiipo5s6rorher

* :[#i*:im ]rl"'

Before You Write

Samplesof goodand bad writingare presentedwith
a noticing
o fearnto distinguish
betweengoodand badwriting.
o discoverthe writingskillfor themselves
withoutthe needfor longexplanations.
Audio CD
TheCD at the backof the StudentBook
providesaudiosupportfor all reading
passages plusthe audiofor the lntegration
Thewritingskillis combined
or speakingtasks.
. producewritingpassages basedon reading
andspeaking/listening inputs.
o developlanguage skillsneededfor the next
generationof integratedtestsof English.

campi€ie the FaraEfapil

d"trt .l hodogreotweekend ,t wcnrto:r
grondmodndgrondposhouse i: grdndmosogreorcook

mdde some fontostic opple pie for

.oohng is olwoys so deilcjous , grondpd likes boord gomes

how to ploy chess i l

in one gomel Moybe :.-1

,..\: om not sure


S1 writ. o pu.oErrph absut your w€ekend ;nd {ircte eark t}ranoun yo{ !!e

My weekend

t'ae ,t,X^
t por*

Ploy /some

a sertes(c
absui caeh pi{tufe I
;;;;;::"-** ;Effi;*:l
Aftereverytwo core units Write )€coh4


thereis a reviewwhich
re ,i

consolidates the writing

skillsalreadystudied. :t W.1e rn
tn"'*',"","r.,,,.,,- "__
Studentswill t.nodo(io.i
tnc \|oild 'hat

. be ableto seetheir bile / her

progressin using
. buildon previously
motre / ms

and Using
Mv Weekend People pronouns

Worksheet p .1 3

At the Circus Entertainment p.14

Worksheet p .1 9
Review1 p .2 0

Writingcards Writeyourown
Party time! Leisure
for special invitation
and p.22
events thank-youcard.

Worksheet p.27

S c i e n caen d Planan essay

Proteet our Planet Nature aboutprotecting p.28
o u rp l a n e t .

Worksheet p.33
Review 2 p.34

I Sports Writing
I Leisure descriptive p.36
l sentences

Worksheet p.41

C u l t u raen d Writingbody Writeparagraphs

Citv Seasons People paragraphs describingseasons
l.r. in yourcity.
.]:l:ji - l _ _
l:l:::l1l Worksheet p.47
Review3 p.48
An Interesling Social
Writean essay
Place place

Worksheet p .6 1
Review4 p.62
o p i n i o nasb o u t
Magieal Actors HarryPotter

Superheroes I

I Entertainmentc o nc l u s i o n
o p i n i oo
nf c o m i c
I books.

Worksheet p.75
Review 5 p.76

CDScript p.92

My Weekend

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITING SKILT Using pronouns

WRITINGTASK Write sentencesusing pronouns.

When youwnitethe same word manytimes in a passage,it is boningto read.To avoidrepeating
the same wond,you can use a pnonouninstead.A pnonounis a wondthat is usedin placeof one
on mone nouns.Pensonalpnonounslhe/ him, she/ het // me, you/ you, they/ them, we/ us, it/ itl
show who is doingwhat [to who].Possessivepronounslhis, heCmJ4youc theil: out: lfs] show who
When you use pronouns,rememberthe following.
. Usethe nameof the pensononthingthe finsttime you mentionit. Aftenthis,you can use
a pnonoun(Anthony is very ta//.He is also smart not He is very ta//.He is very smart.).
. lf you anetalkingaboutsevenalpeopleonthings,do not use a pnonounif the
neadenwill not understand who on what it nefensto [Mary and Kim are both wearing
dresses. Kimb dress is red. not Mary and Kim are both wearing dresses. Her dress is redl.
Youmayfindthat your studentsuse a personalpnonounwhenthey shoulduse a possessive
pronoun [Him coat is brown. instead of His coat is brown.]. Getting them to make statements
aboutthe objectsin eachothen'sbagsmay helpreinfoncethe conrectusage.

1. We wotch TV in our house.

2. I am ploying my new guitor.
3. He throwsthe boll to you.
4. Shegivesher sistero book.
onswers;students'onswerscon vory]

@ [Students'clnswerscon vory]


What did you do last weekemd?

Diseussyour ans$sers.

From: Mandy <mandy@adventurez
&.:l tt:::lt:>
&\ To: ;lffi.""

&tglfo6 Readthe emails.

H i ,J u l i e !

,n interestins i'Sqre rrl;.
l*uomv Her 'xryffil::l
e nd.r1N
wittrrTri ame ts Lucy. ':'illlllileil:ll1{11111*ltllFqw
" - '\ ']..^

otr' inthe
Inthe afternooffi 'u')"0n' 1n".'F::,1 "'too
;;.";fi? ,*.., '"0 ""'u'Ytot;f'Kfr";y"
tnaffid likesvideogames'fls
1{, uounn"r
From: Julie <> t'4v ,. hi$!3'.Ir"
llK( isvervbis.
To: Mandy<> doesn't
H e l l o ,M a n d y l MandY
I',mhappy to hear you
had an interestingweekend.
I'm so confusedlWhr But
c s e h o u s ed i d y o u g o
pr h
or he ho r rsce^?aW, ^h,oL.-
nu r v t
L o
w _
- y
y o
u uur r h
n oouuss( e

was there?
the video games noi


f""$ Rnswer the question and follow the instnuction"

1 Why is Mondy'semoil confusing?Mandydidn't'ueeany pronouns.

2 Add words to Mondy's emoil so thot it is eosierto understond.

l J s i n gp r 0 n 0 u n s
Pensonalpnonouns (he/him,she/her,l/me,you/you,they/them,we/us,it/it)show who is
doing what [to who] Possessivepnonouns[his,her, my, your, their, our, r'rsJshow who something
b e l o n g st o .

ffi the passage
Complete by usimgthe correctpronouns"

my your his he our they you me him them it its ,i

My weekend

On Soturdoynight {'l} I stoyedup very lote wotching movieswith

{2} mxy friend Tony. {3} We wotched {e} mY fovorite
movie ond {s} his fovorite movie. But ofter thqt (5) my fother told
tl'l ug to go to bed. It wos 1 o.m. ond {s} he wos trying to sleepl

On Sundoymorning t9) we went to the pork to fly kites.

{1$} Our kites lookedso pretty flying in the sky!

l1! I they were so high up, {xz} we could olmost not
s e ei x ] l t'hem {r4} stoyedup o long time too!
vI But then {ts} mY kite got stuck in o tree. {16} |

couldn't get {1?} it out ogoin becouse{'!tl} ile-

toil wos coughton o treebronch.A boy in the pork helped{ls) me

{}8} He, _- climbed the tree ond got the kite for {ai} ry-e,-
"Here's{g?} youl kite," {33}- \e*.... soid.{34i I

soid thonk {xr} You to {?6} hlm

On Sundoy ofternoon {al} I went home. Whot o greot

weekend {te} it wosl

ffi Wrlte a sentenceabout each pleture using the eorrect pronouns aerdtlru **
1 4

golfriend/house give/mother/money

*h* ip g*ing f.* h*r {ri*nd's hp*s*" His mother giveehim eome money.

ride/bikes/pork play I game lhouse

T hey ride th eir bikesin t he p ark. He ie playinga qameather house.

Iook/new/cor stuck/kite/tree

Theyarelookingat their newca?. Her kit e ig st uck in a tree.


&{'#f.f'd€ Listen and complete the paragraph.

{3} ! trod o greot weekend.{*} I went to {3} my d:
grondmo ond grondpo'shouse.{d} My grondmo is o greot cook. *
the mode somefontostic opple pie for {e} me
cooking is olwoys so delicious.{s} My grondpo likes boord gomes.
. {?}

{s} He
tought {n*} me how to ploy chess.qrr3 I
beot {t?} in one gomel Moybe {33}
om not sure.
he let me beot

{.ft} Write a paragraphabout yournweekend and eircle each pronoun you t"rse.

My weekend

Qna4a f-4g1asLtic gundaya;ft-grnoon

Wqgyqn{Wpgqt wilh@,f:ie nd frVy
visiting fr om c anada@n aa ,runchat Maxi M a || and talked about m any things,.@
tql!@abouy fryiendsinCanada.
Afterlun9!,@\elpe/@buy p;yesey.\,;9!o1y@

f or@t o s ay qoodby e. 6 ef o r e Ieaving,@ gy _e@ a pin shaped tikea butt e{!y.@*u u

B yu s i n gp r o n o u n sy ,o u c a n
t a l ka b o u t h e s a m ep e r s o nt ,h i n g ,
p l a c eo r i d e aw i t h o u tr e p e a t i n g
t h es a m en o u n se v e r yt i m e .

Nome: Closs:

O Writesentences
usingpronounsand the wordsgiven.
wotchlfY lhouse 3 throw lball I to

play lnew / guitor givelsister/book

Write a paragraphabout your last vacationand circle each pronoun you


@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing2
At the Cireus

SUBJECT Arts and Entertainment

WRITINGSKITL Writing an introduction

WRITING TASK Write about an excitingthing at the circus.

Writing an introduction
In essaystheneanethneebasicpants:the intnoduction, bodyand conclusion. The intnoduction i
stantsthe writingand tellsyouwhat the writing is can be one longsentenceon a l
A goodintroductionshould
. Thiswillfocusthe neadens'
expnessthe main ideaof the writingclear'ly. attentionon your'
main ideaand helpthem undenstand the nestof yout'passage.
. not containideaswhichanenot dir^ectlv nelatedto the main idea.lf it does,it will lackfocus
a n db e c o n f u s i n g .
. the neadenwill not knowexactlywhat he on she is goingto
not be too general;other^wise,
. not be too specific.Youshouldleavedetailsand examplesfonthe nestof your passage.
Lookat the topic and the exampleintnoductions
What do you like to see at the zoo and why?
Good introduction: / like going to the zoo to see the monkeys. Theyare so funnyl
Poor introduction [unrelated ideas]:/ /ikegoing to the zoo to eat popcorn, feed the birds and I
see the monkeys.
Poon introduction [too generall:.Zoos are great p/aces.
Poor introduction [too specificl: / like going to the zoo to see the monkeys. Theyare so funny
because they act like people. For examp/e, they do tricks and p/ay games.

At the Cireus

t*# What (an yori see at the c[reu*s?

Siseussyaur answers.

Readtf?epassegeand ehsosetlre best


r Someclowns clever'
CircusFun trlcKs'

I Gorngto thecircuscanoea
fun andinteresttng
tne' '' r* b:tt-l:tt-::11^t.tP't
ftyingthrough experlence'
twisttherrbodiesrntou n b e [ i e v a bP[ O
e sltlonsl
C Sometimes
% n d so t m u s l a c r r uu d r u ' ,
T hi ce a
r eanrded
d iaf n
f ecreeankntt d
cotorful costumes' Youcanatsosee
' ' ' < e as n dd o i n g f u n n Yt r i c k s l
clownsmakingsttly1ol ',r: .,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,:w*uu-*
.]. ' ].] ]i:].

n Rnswerthe questionand SEllowthe frnstruetion.

Why is the introduction (opening sentence)you chose the q
best woy to stort this possoge?
I t s h o w ' s t h e m a i n i d e - aa n d " l h e t o p i c s e n t e n c"""
es support ii.
eiiiie i[iiop. ';;i;;.;;i';;i;5;fibh Y

Writing an introduction
In essaysthere are thnee basic parts: the introduction,bodyand conclusionThe intnoduction
stants the wnitingand tells us what the writing is about lt can be one long sentenceon a shor-t

Q).* Choose the best introduction.

What is your favorite circus oct ond why?

Introduction: 'b : My fovorite

circus oct is
the flying
First, I'm reolly into omozing stunts. trOpeze.
The ocrobotsflying through the oir
Topicsentence2: ore fontostic.
Second,the fire breather is very brove
My fovorite circus oct is the fire-
ond skillful.
breothing performonce.It's amozing!

Why do people enjoy going to the circus?

Introduction: ,*Cl A Going to the circus con be

very expensive!
First, there ore mony different octs to see. There ore clowns moking
silly jokesond doing funny
Topicsentence2: tricks.
Second,olmost everyone loves to wotch I think the circus is populor
creotive performonces. becousethere ore so mony
amazing octs ond

Readthe passageand ehoosethe best introduction.

lntroduction: A r A Going to th e circus con be o

reolly omo;ring experience
First,peoplehove o chonceto seeonimols. Moybe becouseof lhe onimols there.
they hove never seentheseonimols before.
Circusesoften hove big elephonts, fierce tigers, The bestthi ngs obout going to
monkeys,horses,dogs,Iions ond even snokes. the circus c re the clowns ond
Second,the onimols ore reolly tolented.The
elephontscon use their trunks to do tricks. The I think goir Lgto the circus is
dogs con iump through hoops or wolk oround like expensive.
people.The monkeys con be even funnier than
the clowns!

Listento the passaEeand take notes.Thenchoosethe best fu'ltroduction.

Introduction: C Going to th e circus is o good

woy to sperrd your birthdoy.
Smoll onirn ols should not be
^ d* ryq!Fryk*,
g*_*d*ar* qf,anim;a{* tied up or r rode to do tricks.
* tied up;:n***;rn'9m*ve
Lrrcusesore Docllor onrmOls
- hurt,animalsio dotricks
ond we ore not helping
- circuseskeephurtinganimals onimols when we go to the
- circueesexist becausepeoplekeeppayinq circus.

Usethe introductionsyou choseto eonnplete
tlre staternents.
1 The writer (Activity F) soysthot going to the circus canbe a rqal]lyamaVlngex?e4:enge
becauseof the animalsthere.

2 However,the speoker(Activity G) soysthot circusescffs badfor

4ryryalsand we are not helpinganimalswhenwe g9,lo Lhe circus-.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Write a short introduction and two topic sentences.

Who is the most interesting person ot the circus?




What is your fovorite kind of performonce qnd why?




@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWriting
ffi, Write a semtemceabs{rt eachpicture uslng the uvordsgive*r.

bike / her school / their

theis ridingherbike. They-are s;tandjnginfro;ntof Lheiy


movie / his fother / he

They are watching a movie at,his lsheyourfather?


Choosethe best !ntroduetisn.

How can you leorn obout interestinganimols?

fntroduction: C A We ore toking o school

trip to o fomous noture
Topicsentence1: pork next month.
First,I con go to a noture pork.
There ore speciolpeople
Topicsentence2: to toke core of the
Second,I con wotch documentorieson television.
There ore mony kinds of
interestingonimols, and
we con Iearn more obout
them in different woys.

ffi Writean introde.retion

and two topic sentences"

Whot ore two countries in the world thot interest vou?

tntroduction: brazil and5outh Africa aretwo countries

in ihe world that, int erest me.

Topicsentensg1; First, the besasoccer I'eam in the world is from Brazil.

Topicsenten6,s21 Second, SouLh Africa has qm771inO

7a!q1i2 an! willl|fe'

SUBJECT Sportsand Leisure

W R I T I N GS K I L L Writing cardsfor specialevents

WRITINGTASK Write your own invitation and thank-you card.

Writing cards for specialevents

When youwant to havea party,you can send out invitations. Theyshow importantinformation
likethe date,time and placeof a panty.On an invitation,
you shouldalso
. write why you are havingthe par^tyon event (/tb my birthdayl.
. givecontactinfonmation [a phonenumberon emailaddress]in caseyounguestsneed
. includeotheninfonmationyounguests needto know (/m havinga costumeparty.).
After havinga party,you shouldsendthank-you cards to the peoplewho attended.In the cards,
you can thank them for coming(Thankyou so much for beingtherel.lf they gaveyou a gift, you
shouldalsothank them fon it and tellthem you likeit[Thankyou for the present. lts perfect!).
After attendinga panty,peopleoften sendthank-you candsto the host to saythey enjoyedthe
event.lf you send a cand,say that you had a goodtime I Theparty was greatl. lf you neceiveda
gift,you shouldthank the host fon it I Thankyou for the box of choco/ates.].
You might also want
to say somethingniceaboutsome aspectof the panty,such as the food or decorations(Your
cake was so beautifu/!or / loved the ba/loons.l.
Partv time! J

When do peoplc hawcpartfies?


Kead the cards.

t-r': &i
,.1...;,}"''L&;* { n_" , ',-r*, or, 5 erc't'ng a

;t',*P ;!;ii!::,'":.1:,ii^
r o' ,", ov s '

o * T ho n k 6 6 } ) ^,', no\1, Ae\\ci
;', u: t:,'^0,' o''Iri:::
.t,r1t' ^olher,d'2\'
!:'* :IA;"i'
i P.;;l::'
I @
": i
:)i# i tl a5 reallf.'
{ n*v."u, n


ww" Xmvftmtfonr
tt' ^ i:1,1'.,.,:,'
",'., ...',,&.,'l'..l.'l.'.lff
Qj:Jf"trjliyg @n s oinqo
aporty.Oarid@' rY' hove
t: i,;:r:i ,,
Dote: gqlu rday,
September21 dt S"t
,/il\ , . ..
Time; 4;30 p.m. r:.,,,,,.
iru;4 Olrfhdav D d r + v ^on
Porty h Sofurdav
c-r..-r_. ":ri:llilil
I wos so much a ,
fun . u/ nod o grecl
z crieswelt
:,".e, @
street '..' Thont6o) so muchfor
Phone:55U-7g21 cominq,

,&msw*nthe qurestionsamd foNlsw the

*mstruction" birthdoyl
1 Which cord wos sent first? F.
2 Which cord thonks somebodyfor o present?C.
3 Circlethe Dronounson eoch cord.
Writing cards for special events
Invitationsshow important infonmationlikethe date,time and placeof a party.After the panty
peoplesend thank-youcards to say they enjoyedthe event

Ute the sentencesfrom the box to complete the cards.
I t ' s p e r f e c t/! I d l i k e y o u t o c o m e ! I 3 p . m . - 6 p . m . I
The decorotionswere great. I My birthdoy porty on Sundoywos greot. /
Thonk you for inviting me to your porty.

I mw
It's my 14th birthdoy ond I'm going to
hove o porty. {1} !14,!i!gy,outo c9m9l ,

I hod o reolly fun time. Thonk

Dote: Sundoy,lune 27 you so
much for being there.Also, thonk
T i m e : { z }3 ? . m . - 6 ? . ^ . you
for my present. (4.1tt-'s-perfectl
Ploce: Ruby'sRestouront,64 High Rood
Phone: 555-7109

3 Y&rymmK
ge lo yg-ur?aUJ,-
{s} thank y9 u fol inyi!|iqg
It wqs Iots of fun' 4!i one-wer e
t he ! 99o1Y
Your fother did o
by himself?
Did he prepore oll the bolloons ond streomers

Thonks ogoinl
x&. gr .{*,

f B*[
to your perty, *nd take
" J g tise tlnc f$rst sard &mAetiwity€ ts imwltethree €Xassmetes
notes abourtthelr partt€s"
Nome:Junko Porty: lSthbirthday

Dote: 5unday,Marchl Time: 3:OO p.m.- 5:OO p.m.

Ploce: My house,231MidpointOLreet Phone: 555-6792

Nome: Ming Porty: lZlhbirihday

Dote: Friday,)eptemberT Time: 5:3O p.m.-B:3O p.m.

Ploce: BurgerTime,6 RiversideDrive Phone: 555-1107

Nome: Ji-young Porty: l4thbirrhday

Dote: 1aturday,December12 fime: 4 : 3 Op . m . - 7 : O O


Ploce: Telville?ark,lOlTelville
Road Phone:555-9145

Fretend yoexhav* been to smc sf the parties ebeve.Write a thank-you €erd ts the
per"senw$rehmdthe panty"

Thankyouforinvitingmetoyour ?arty.lhad so muchfun.Themusicwascool
a n d t h e f o o d w a sd e l i c i o u s . Y o umr o md i d a g r e a tj o b . D i de h ec o o ka l l l h a t f o o d ?
T h a n k sa g a i n l

Write your own cards.
1 Write on invitotion cord to o Christmos porty you ore hoving.

q) on ^o

Write o thonk-you cord to o friend who come to your porty.

) PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writino
ProteetOur Planet

SUBJECT Scienceand Nature

WRITINGSKITL Writing about a topic or issue

WRITINGTASK Planan essayabout protectingour planet.

Writing about a topic or issue

Bnainstorming is the finststep in the allowsyouto come up with ideas
withoutwonnying aboutwhichanegoodand whichar^ebad.Onegoodbnainstonming technique
is to dnawa brainstormdiagnam. To begin,wnitethe main ideain a boxin the centenof your'
papenIn bubblesconnectedto this box,note down ideasrelatedto this main idea.Finally, lines
extendingfnomthese bubblesare usedto wr"itedownsupponting details.
Aftenyou brainstonm,you needto choosewhichof your"ideasyouwant to wniteabout.
To choose,lookfonthe ideasthat best answenthe tooic and seem the most convincino.
Youwill usethese ideasto makea plan.
A planis an onganized outlineof the exactthingsyouwant to wniteabout.At the top of the
plan,wnitethe title and the introduction. fonyountitle in the centne
Youcan find infonmation
boxof younbnainstormdiagnam.Usingideasfnomthe bubblesin youndiagnam, wnitethe topic
and the topic sentenceof each panagnaph. usethe detailsfnomyoundiagramas the
detailson the plan.
Bnainstormingand planningcan helpyouto wniteclearlyabouta topic on issue.Theyhelpyou
your ideasinto paragraphsand stay focusedon the main idea.

ProteetOur Planet

r=i!. How can we proteet tlre planet? Biscuss


Looleat the brainstonmdlagramand read the p|an"

What ore someof the woyswe can protectour plonet?

.:*r{$ffi'YLes -,
' i:.i".t!'.1 : : 1- ' j \*t
' FFfa#ryffqq1 #q ",

smekefrem s a v ep l a c e s protect
they live in them from Title: protecting our plonet

save animals r: greenhouse ,
F r o t e c t i n go u r P l a n e t Topieserrtenee;First of all, we con
moke lessgreenhousegoses.

stop greenhouse Betails:recycleand use

egoin, use lesscool ond
invent new cleon power
invent new
recycleand clean Power BodyparaEraph2: (Sove
agaln Topicsentcnce:Second,
we con
urselesscoal sovethe animols on the

'l_netaifs;protectthem from
sovethe plocesthey live

i*,!9 Follow the instructions.

On the broinstorm dioqrom, crossout the ideosthe writer chosenot to write

On the plon, circle the introduction ond the two moin ideos.
Nome: Closs:

Brainstormand plan an essayabout the topic.

Whot ore some woys we con protect wildlife?





Body paragraph 2



) PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
{;}. Write an ecnailto your $riemdaradinwitehimlher te yccxrpartSr.

L i z z ie < l i z@ c o o lg i r l z .n e l >

, F.o-' Jercy <jercy9@beslmail'ca> Subject: lnuitation


It's mylZthbirthday onFridayandl'm goingto haveto party.l'dlikeyouto comel

Date : 9 at urday, August' 1B

T i m e : 4 : 3 O? . r n-. 6 : 0 0 p . m .
?lace, ChickenExpress,EAG beachfront'Road

To: Tim<> Dote: Mon., Jul.20

From: Mary <'> Subfect: Thank You !

Thanksfor inviting me to your party. I had so much funl I really likeyour sisters.
Theywere very friendly.Thefood was delicious.I at'e a lot of pizzal

s;$. Srainstormand plamamcssayand wrlte it CIm
a sepanatepleeeof papen"

Whot <rresome of the woys students cqn improve their English obility?

watchwithoui listento
learnnewwords Englishqrammar subtitles pronunciation


practicewit,h talkto a
talkinEnglish nativeEnglish

Title: lmpyg-yiyg
y our fugllsh

Detai1s: -a-?!.e-n"""iglrtn U"^, ^^,
Body paraEraph2: TalkinEng\!g\

SetaiNs;practice wi1"hfriends,lalkto a nativeEnglishepeaker


SUBJECT Sportsand Leisure

WRITINGSKILL Writing descriptivesentences

WRITING TASK Write your own riddles.

Writing descriptivesentences
To describethingswell,use sentencesthat show how thingslook,sound,smell,taste onfeel.
Youcan use these kindsof sentencesto helpyour neaderimaginea feelingon image,fot
example, The wind felt cold. and The view /ooked like a painting.
Youcan use these pattennsto wnitedescniptive
+ [adjective]lThesoup tastes sa/ty.)
[thing]+ look[s]/sound[s]/feel[s]/smell[s]/taste[s]
+ like+ [anothenthing] lThe rope /ookslike
[thing]+ look[s]/sound[s]/feel[s]/smell[s]/taste[s]
a snake.)
To givestudentspnacticemakingdescriptivesentences,tnythe followingactivity.
1 On small piecesof paper',write sentencesusingboth pattenns[Sugartastes sweet.Hair
looks /ikestring.]. Then cut the sentences in half lSugar tastes /sweet. Hair looks/ /ike
2 Giveeach studentone pieceof paper.Explainthat they needto go anoundthe classand find
the pensonwho has the othenhalfof theinsentence.
3 When the studentshavefoundtheir partnens,haveeach pair neadtheinsentenceto the

1. The cookie tostesgreot. 3. Your perfume smells like wild flowers.

2. My teddy beor feels reolly worm. 4. The wind sounds like someone whispering.
[Suggestedonswers; students' onswers con vory]

O fStudents'onswerscon vory]

{'it. Whatis a riddle?Discuss

You..canfind fhis
on the beachor
on a
Read the riddles. Canyou guess dinner plofe. In
the water,
the answers? it moves
. . f f i . W hlike
e no snake.wh"
lr ls on the beach,
if eg$ like wet

You can find this I

g,regnpaper. If ; i
' 't tooKslik€

thing in somebodY's
o .-,,9r rrne d
house.It tooks like Veq€tcble oF plonf.

bis whitebox'.tl^':. Answer:

. Seaweed.
*-orry gut1, but if
like a
is old, it can sound

You con find this thing in ihe countryside.It

is usually rj.y big If you are on if, you can
see very far and hear the soundof
birds. You con feel the wind on your
face. You can often smell trees
ond flowers, but near the top you
moy feel very cold.

i4$ rollow the instruction.

In eoch riddle, underline the words used to show how things look, sound, smell, feel, toste or

Wniting descri;rtivesenteRces
To describethings well,use sentencesthat show how things look,sound,smell,taste or"feel
You can use these patterns: l
. +
[thing] + looklsl/sound[sJlfeel[s)/smell(s)/tastets][adjective] i
. + + thing]
lrhing] + look[sJlsound[s]/feel[s)/smell[sl/raste[sJ;1ks [another

ffi, usimsw6rds&r phresesfr"clmthe box'
Co*plete the $emtemees

flowersond fresh roin / solty / Iittle onts / on elephont / big boxes /

quite scory / wet green rope / wclrm ond pleosont / tiny

The seoweedlooks like {'t} wet-gree1nfo?:e Spring feels {s} war;y a1d pl-eaea1!'
ond it smells ond the oir smellslike 4*;ftowers and

{?lf salty fresh rain


b Ia

He soundslike i]) an elephant' From obove,the buildings look like

when he gets ongry, $3 bigboxee ond the people

tiny , moving
ond he looks {*} quile scarY Iook {s}
oround like {s} liti"le ants ,,

{q#eo@ Listenand completethe riddles.Thenguessthe answers.

a Whot is it?

You con find it in Xt!*qy-47s.g:|i.!!l?_q? . It Iooks

like ta) a ro?e jyp-! 9qe c*o*\gy
,,, ond it con be very {3}, .c:.o-lgf.ty::lo_f
. tt tqj 4?esn'thavelege

Answer: 5nake.

Whqt is it?

You con find this q'r;in many housesandschoole

It usuolly hos {a} ?,19yl4 ?FP 9-1!4 manv,-number e
It mokes tst 4t::i9trj!:9_?_oyl4
- ,. It is rq,ly9_1y,,!,?9-!!lL ,_, ,,

Answer: Clock.

Work with a classmateand come up with your own riddle. Let the rest of the
classguessthe answer.

Nqme: Closs:

@ Writesentences
usingthe wordsgiven.
1 cookie / tostes 3 perfume/ smellslike

2 teddy beor / feels 4 wind / soundslike

Write a riddle for each item.

1 kitten


O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
Ido t IO

vtty Deasons

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITINGSKILL Writing body paragraphs

WRITINGTASK Write paragraphsdescribingseasonsin your city.

Writing body paragraphs

As we saw in Unit 2, in essaystheneare thneebasicpants:the intnoduction, bodyand
conclusion. and befone
come in the middleof an essay,aftenthe intnoduction
Theygiveus the main infonmation,
the conclusion. detailsand examples.
Lookat the introductionand bodyparagnaph:
Introduction:Kyotois a gneatplaceto visitin spning!
Body Panagraph:Finstof all,the ChenryBlossomFestivalis in spning.Youcan see blossoms
thr oughoutthe city.Howeven,one of the best spots to see them is in ManuyamaPank.
W h e n w n i t i n ga b o d yp a n a g n a pnhe, m e m b e r
. it shouldsupportthe main ideain the introduction. lf it doesnot, it shouldnot be included.
. it shouldhavea tooic sentence.
. it can stant with a wondor phnasethat shows ondenlFrrst,Second).

To givestudentspnacticewnitingbodypar"agnaphs,
tny the followingactivity.
1 Write out an essay,includinga title,introductionand six sentencesfonmingtwo body
panagnaphs. Thencut up the essayinto sentencesand add two more sentencesthat do not
fit in the essay.
2 Havestudentsget into gnoupsand put the essayin ondenMakesunethey do not includethe
two unnelatedsentences.

First, there ore mony events in spring.One of theseeventsis the Cherry BlossomFestivol.Mony
people come to Woshington to seethe cherry treesduring this time. Another populor eventis the
White House EosterEgg Roll.

[Students' onswers con vory]

f .B
What is your faworlteseason?&lseexss
& ,l&

{f gp*o62 {hoose the hest par*graph to rmatc$r

qroy oll the time' Almost everY

sound of
loi you con heor the
,oirr. You con see
ond heor thunder
hos o long dry seoson' in the
Firstof oll, my city There ore mony buildings
citY.TheY look like huge
C olso q lot of troffic'
Oo".r. There is
drY seoson sound of cors
Second,ofter the so You con heor the
There ore
my citY hos o wet
seoson' ond trucks oll the time'
o lot of PeoPIe,so it often
this time'
It is verY sunny during
con heor
ifr" tty is deePblue' You
the trees'
the sound of insectsin
The buildings in the citY
shinY ond bright' PeoPIe
hoPPYot this time'

"q$ Follow the instna;etimn


1 Circle the introduction of the essoy.

2 which detoils in the porogrophs you chose support the topic sentences?
Long dry seaeoni sunny, sky is blue. sound of iieects, shiny andbright,,
wet' seasoni monsoon storme, sky is gray, sound of rain,lighluning,thunder.
Writing bodyparagnaphs
I n e s s a y st h e n ea r e t h n e eb a s i cp a r t s :t h e i n t r o d u c t i o nb, o d ya n d c o n c l u s i o nB. o d yp a r a g n a p h s
c o m e i n t h e m i d d l eo f a n e s s a ya n d g i v eu s t h e m a i n i n f o n m a t i o nd,e t a i l sa n d e x a m p l e sB. o d y
p a r a g r a p h ss u p p o r "tth e b i g i d e ai n t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n .

Chooseand add detai!sto sr.rpportthe topic sentenceof aachhody paragraph.

Cireleturo ideasthat don't belomg"

r s 0 greot time to moke o

Chicogo in spring ond foll sno\4rm0n.
I live in Chicogo in the United Stotes.Spring ond foll - The porks in the
city ore very
ore speciolseosonsin my city. green.

- They foll to the ground

First,my city hos o wonderful spring. It roins o lot, ond
look like colorful piecesof
but the roin feelsfresh ond cleon. T\e-p4rks jllthe p0per.
ci;ty are very qreen. Spring make1s-
pgqp)g\?p?y. s-o
- The wind feelsnice
ond cool
I canh9ayllot 9t pggplelayg_hing, ofter the hot summer months.

y fother'scor sounds

my city is o greotploceto be in the foll. The

Second, Spring makes people happf
leoveson the treesturn yellow,redond brown. T,-hgy so I can heor o lot of people
tall]to the ground andlooklike9;o-lpyfyl pl"_gpg gf _
9 yly / !9 elg | 9,qa1I cool aft er th e hot

best paragnaphto match the topic sentenee.

The great Canadianwinter

I live in Colgory in Conodo. Winter is o A Everywhereyou look there ore flowers

greot time to be in Colgory! ond green gross.You con heor bees
buzzing ond feel 0 worm breeze.
For o stort, the weother is fontostic.
B It's very hot ond you sweotall the
,..9, time. It's o greot time to go to the

C The oir smellsfresh. Everything looks

white ond cleon. It's olso very quiet.
The folling snow is very speciol.

{Wto@ Listenand completethe paragraph.

I live in Colgory in Conodo. Winter is the {r} worst time to be in Colgory!

First,the weother mokes me feel very sod. The oir is so cold you con't even feel vour
{2} ,,- face . , ! Everythinglooks{s} V!!!e_,-Afey
,,, , . It often getsvery {a} ryudy . .,,,,,,Soit is {s}
night. The sound of the wind con moke you feel {6}to_!gly,a!!dscared

Ut" the informationaboveto completethe statements.
The writer (Activity F) soys thot winter f a Qreattime to be in Calgary becausethe air
srytglls fresh and gygrythilg lgoks while and clean.

2 However,the speoker(Activity G) soysthot winter i5 the woret time to be in Calgary

becauseit is very cold and windyand the weather makes himleel very sad.
Nome: CIoss: Dote:

Chooseand add details to support the topic sentenceof the body


Woshington D.C. in spring

I live in Woshington, D.C. The spring is o greot seosonto visit The trees Iook groy.
my city. Another populor event is the
First,there ore mony eventsin spring. White House EosterEgg Roll.

Mony people come to

Woshington to see the
cherry trees during this
- It is very cold.

One of these events is the

Cherry Blossom Festivol.

O Write a paragraphdescribingyour city in the fall.

O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 ,
-qry Choosedetai!sto add to eae8rhody paragnaph.

I come from Melbourne in Austrolio. Summer ond

winter ore very different seosonsin Melbourne.

The sky is deep blue

First,my city is not o greot ploce to be in the winter.
ond the oir is fresh.
Usuolly we do not get ony snoq but it roins o lot.
There is o lot of wind,
Thereis a lot of wind,and sometimes it, is very cold.
ond sometimesit is
Thetreeg look sad and gray. very cold.
You con heor people
ploying outside.
However,my city is o greot ploce to be in the summer. The trees
Summerlooksond feelslike porodisein Melbourne! look sod
Everyb ody s eeme very hap py. T he-e-kyis d ee'p blue ond groy.

andthe air is fresh.Youcanhear peopleplaying


ffi; Write one paragraphto describeyo&*r€,ty !mspring.

I liveinTokyoin Japan.Tokyois very beautiful in spring.The chercyblossoms

areinbloom,?eoplego outtolo,ok at, cheyyyblossomtrees.Theyholdpartiee
underthe t reee.They havefun eating, drinking,singingand dancing.

Around the World

SUBJECT Geographyand History

WRITINGSKILL Writing about excitingplaces

WRITING TASK Write a travel webpageabout a cityyou know

Writing about excitingplaces

Tnavel websitestell you aboutexcitingplacesto visit.Theyuse gooddescniptions that contain
a lot of adjectivesto convinceyou to visit these places,fon example,Wsitthe lncredibleTai
Mahal-one of the most beautlfu/bui/dingson Earth!They also use action verbs to descnibe
the activitiesyou can do at theindestinations. This helpsyou imaginedoingthe activities
your^selfand makes you want to visit,for"example,Climb to the peak of this amazing
mountain!Tomakethe neadenmoneinterestedin their destinations, tnavelwebsites also
use a lot of beautifuloictures.
websitesgiveyou usefulinfonmation
Tnavel about
. what to see and do,includinginfonmation
aboutpopular^ sightsand specialevents.
. wher.eto stay,includinginfor^mation
abouthotelsand othenkindsof accommodation.
. how to get thene,namelydetailson how Lo get to and from the city.

Youshouldsepanatethe aboveinfonmation into categonieson younwebsite.To makethis

you shouldalsouse headingsto summanize
easiento find and understand,
infor^mation the
infonmationcontained in each one.

Around the World

$1|n} What placesin the rruor[dare popular for tsnxriststo visit? &iscussbr&err

Keadthe trave*rru*bpage.
lli http://www

you hove steppedbqck in historv os you

olono the old stonestreets.Smellthe o
ond listen to friendlv peoplein morkets
restouronts,Tostereolly delicious

Lsts &0See anri ffi*r \Xlhere te Stay

Tour the spectoculorAcropolis ond There ore thousandsof hotelsto
visit the oncient Porthenon. choosefrom. Stoyin smoll
Wander the streetsond seewhite comfortable hotels or huoe ones
stone building,s with bright full of historyl
flowerpots hanging from the
bolconies.Wotch Greekdroma F{ow to Get Tlrere
acted out in on oncient theoter. Getting to Athens is eosy!fust fly
to the internationol oirport.

W here i o st
stay accommod atio n), How t o qet th
ay ((accommodation),Howto ere (t'r
there (transl
anspo rt ati on).
1 Whol.ore the six differentnports
nrfc of
n this
f + t " i " it-rdvel
.A.'-t rwebpoge?
^,ahn^^o? \W6ot
A/(^+ does
d a A e h port
n a c edch nnrt i l t .your
rtdll '^' '1

2 Underlinethe ports thot tolk obout things you con see,heor, feel,smell or toste.
3 Which sentencesbegin with oction words?Why ore they written like thot?
Mosl senlences beginwii"haction words lo convincelhe reader lo do these things.

Writing about exciting places
Travelwebsitestell us about excitingplacesto visit.They use good descniptionsand give us
usefulinformationabout what to see and do,where to stay and how to get there.

rlan a travelwebpaEeabout a city you know.

::{{ City ond title:


iS* Introduction:
lq gbp-pfor clothes and electronicsl A gre4-t-p!4cqfgy-41u!ie-ry!i9
{f-un plac_e

l& Whot ore somethings ;t**,Whot ore some , ii&i How con peopleget
you con see,heor, smell, interestingthings to see there?
feel ond toste? and do?
- 5 ee 9lt -o,pe- q th e
e;e,]!in - Yj-sj!Hors*9!)s ?egplec,anreachHoryg
bestbrands. Dls;neyl4nd. Kongbyplane,trainor
- Taste delicious - Tourtemplesand ferry.

Cant'onesedim sum. country parke.

- Listentolivebands - Takealramacrogo

pl4yiggpo.pular s o ngs. : HogqKggqlelanQ.

:*i whot ideas do you hove for pictures?

- ?eoplein a rest aurant ealing dim eum
- HqngKopglyqry -
- ftilittg !! country paqk

Wnitethe travel webpageusing the plan in Activity D. Stiekor draw picturesin
the boxes"

Amozing sightsond sounds

ll&:t ;l:&?::,
Lots to seeond do

9 ee ehops s elling th e best byands. Visit Hong KongDisneyland.f our

Taste deliciousCantonesedim sum. iemples and country parks.Takea
Lisient o livebandsplayingpopular tram across Hong Konglsland.

ig,'IPicture] si::
HongKong- Shopping



cloth ee and elect r o nicsl

A g1eat,plac,9,fo;y

aut henticChinesef ood.


How to get there '::t' lPicture]

?eoplecan reach HongKongby plane,

ty4in or ferry.

t *,.
o\91 lWalcenotes abourt a elassmate"stravel webpageby askimgthe questionsbelow

Whot city is your webpoge obout?

s How do you introduce the city?

A gre4t p_1a9-e_to
and experiencel
Cometo Honolulunowl

Whot clresomethings you con see,heor, smell feel,ond toste in this city?
Taste the delicioiusfruit and seafood.

Feel the fresh air blowingon your face.

l*!l Whot ore someinterestingthings to seeond do?

T ake suyfyg lg99on9 at, W aihiki beach.

5ee Lhe Waiklkifqu arium,

How con people get there?

?eoplq9anget to,Honoluluby plane.

Report what youlleannedabout youn elassmate'strave! webpage to the class"

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Write a travel webpage about a new city and stick or draw a pacturein the box.

o,o,@c V V

Amozing sights ond sounds Lots to see ond do


Where to stoy How to get there

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 2
An InterestingPlaee

SUBJECT SocialStudies

WRITINGSKILI Writing an essayto describea place

WRITING TASK Write an essayabout an interestingplace.

Writing an essayto describea place i

Someessaysdescnibea placein a cneativewayto helpthe neadenimaginewhat the placeis i
like.In these essays,you can wnitedescniptive sentencesusingadjectivesto showwhat things i1
l o o k s, o u n ds, m e l lo nf e e ll i k e .
Beforeteachingthis unit,reviewhow to wnitedescriptivesentenceswith younstudents[see
Unit 5].You may alsowant to try the followingactivitywhichwill helpthem understandhow to
cneateimagesin the readen'smind.
1 Befonethe lesson,prepanetwo descniptions of a house-a poor one and a goodone.Fot'
the poondescription,be briefand use onlya few vagueadjectives. Fonexample,Thereis a
big /ooksnice. Thereis also a /ittle garden. Forthe good descniption,describe the ;
housein detail,usinga var"ietyof adjectives.For example,Thereis a big housein the middle
of a nice neighborhood. lt has three round wlndows and a square door Thehouse looks very I
friend/y ln front of it there is a fence and a garden fu// of beautifu/ flowers. Theysmel/ like i
perfume. Youcan hear children /aughing and playing. !
2 In class,givestudentsthe poor sketchthe house.Oncethey ;
havefinished,havethem companetheinpictuneswith sevenalclassmates. Theymay find
that theinpicturesanequitedifferent.
3 Next,givestudentsthe gooddescriptionand havethem sketchagain.Thenhavethem
companetheinpictunesand discussthe differencesbetweenthe first and secondgroupsof

An Interesting Placet

Outside our town,
house'' *""ii" 't a'sPookY
we ;;;;,.;"'k the house my
is hauntedl
First of all, from
the c

wild garden.The
weeds sme,
bad an
on theground."", looklikesnakes
:an hear strange
In the garden, noises
Second,if you go
ir the houseit is
scarierlrt is very even
and it is difficulfto
see-even in orvtiolf
creakinsso;;":;;T:I:,, .:" hearmany
very cord-jusr houseit feers
lerngin a refrigerator

the queest*cns.

1 Whot do the windowslook like from the outside?Openmouthswithsharpteeth.

2 Howdoes
sound ' 7ltr":l:tZ!2""i8fr#;fr1'^o,il"2i1Pill.,r"
noisesinthe garden."
3 whot con you heor inside the house? whot does the oir inside feeTlike?
Creaking sounds. li f eele just like being inside a ref rigerator.
W n i t i n g a n e s s a yt u d e s c r i h ea p l a c e
Some essaysdescr"ibea place in a creativeway to helpthe neadenimaginewhat the place is like.
T h e s ee s s a y su s e a d j e c t i v e st o s h o w w h a t t h i n q sl o o k ,s o u n d ,s m e l lo r f e e l l i k e .

{c!} plan an essayahout aminterestingplaee"

Title: Thezoo
tntroductioq'1 Oneof the moet popular p-lag-eg
in lny 9!y-Vi?-!he Vo-9,?ggple,99ryefrom
all over the count ry t o visit it,.

Body paragraph 1: Animale-

Topicsentence:First, of- 4l!,Llhgz9o has many differqnt animals.

Detaifs : t ake train Lhrough special area of zoo-,see

many night animals,really fun andlearn alot

q# Writethe essayyou plannedin Activity B.

Title -+: Thezoo

InfroductionJ .
all over lhe counlry to visit i1..

anlyalg. lt, h?9 o:Yel600^ spe9i99-

o! all,Lhe zoo has-many dlyiffere.;ryr

fy9y1 all over i.h9 y1g_r|14, very rare, such ae tl\q -1jb-qylan
9p:f e of th99-e-4yye-

Body z _>
.t7k9a train Nhrouqha s_pecial area of the zoo. Here you will aee many
interesting night is really fun and you learna lot.

to makeyour


Readthe topic and look at the bralnstormdiagram.Listen and complete the

writing plan"
Write on essqyqbout o very exciting ploce.

f e e l s l i k ef l y i n g +ee+sl+*e+ea++riving

f ront-sca rier soundof screams 5ftnd€++t rgfi+€r

- even mere fHn

with frierds

l o o k sl i k ea h u g e w h e e l c a n s e et h e uholecity

f e e l sl i k eo p e n e l e v a t o r

Introduction: In our city there is o reolly omozing omusementpork. I've been Ahere
manytimee. It is o very exciting place.

Eody paragraph 'l: Rollercooster

Tonicsentencc: First of all,the roller coast er is really incredible.

Setal{s:heor the sound of screoms,feelsjust like flying, sit in the front-even scorier

Bodyparagraph2: lSf-s-WIP"!

netails:looks like o huge wheel,


t"lsethe plan to write an essayon a separatesheet of paper.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Planan essayabout a beautiful place.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 2
{;il}. Choosewords a*ndphrasesfromrthe box to eorxpletetke trawelwehpage"

Stoy in smo' comro.,;;; ;;i, ) ,i" ';;;. ;; ;;;t;;;;;t" , ,or." ,

A greot ploce to be, especiollyin summer! / Seethe royol poloce /
Come ond enjoy the sight of / Getting to Stockholmis eosyl /
plon thot Stockholmvocotion NOW!

Sensqtionql Stockholm -
City of history qnd chorm!

This is Stockholm!qq Agreatplacetobe,

eepeciallyin summerl lt,s
the most beoutiful city in Sweden,so qxlplanthat
5to ckholm vacalion NOWI

Amo.zing sights ond sounds Lots to seeqnd do

#t Comeand enjoythe sight of Tour the amazing Djur Islond, Europe's

beoutiful best outdoor zoo.Wotch the colorful
old buildings thot look like they ore boots on the woterfront. 4225eelhe
flooting on the woter. Listen to royal palace

4q tlhe soynd of friendly people -ond feel like you hove steppedbock

in the outdoor in history!

restouronts.{sl! Tast'e the How to get there
deliciousfresh fish ond pototo dishes!
€* Geiting to Stockholm is easyl
Where to stoy
Fly to Sweden's
There ore thousonds of hotelsto choose
from. {6} 5t'ay in small comfortable
0irport outside
hotels or huge
modern hotelswith oll the luxuries!

Mtgical Letors

SUBJECT Arts and Entertainment

WRITINGSKILI Writing facts and opinions

WRITINGTASK Write facts and opinions about Harry Potter actors.

Writing facts and opinions

Sometimeswhen youwrite something,you maywant to showfacts-piecesof infonmation that
most peoplecan agneeanetnue on neal.Youcan alsoshow neadens youn opinions-what you
thinkaboutthrngs.Unlikefacts,howeven, peoples'opinionsmay be differentand they may not
agnee.To show an opinion,you can use opinionphnasessuch as / think,/ be/ieve,/ fee/and in my
Lookat the followingto see how these phrasescan be usedin a sentence:
I think Tom Cruise is a good actor.
I believe Harcy Potter is a fantastic movie.
I feel Superman ls the best superhero.
ln my opinion, his hair is nice.
askingthem to decidewhether^ Tnyto neadout some venyclear'
they are facts or"opinions.
examplesof each [Fact: My hair ls b/ack.Opinion:/ think my clothes are nice.],as well as some
that students may find confusing[Opinionthat seems likea fact: Girlscan /earnEng/ishmore
easi/ythan boys ) You may alsowant to ask studentsto changefacts into opinionsor vice i
versa [Fact: Our teacher gives us homework. Opinion:/think our teacher gives us too much

1. I think Emmo Wotson is qn excellent octress. 3. I feel Alon Rickmon is very intelligent.
2. I believe Doniel Rodcliffe is hondsome. 4. In my opinion, Rupert Grint is very interestitt
[Suggestedonswers; students' onswers con vory]

o [Students' crnswerscon vory]

Mrgical Aetors

ts$ who are your fa*uoniteaetCIrs?

Bisasrss an$vwcrs"

Rcadthe passage.


H e a cf e A i nlP-^ {f el e vii o n-
com?a^y 3!3
ii"ld." flis lather owlt sJLow b"tt
" D a v i AC
t h e c h o o t e ta c t o r s f o r m o v i e t

ond ploys\.
cnul qctet
ro-I ler "l
- A , i n - y o p ; n , o " D o ; " l | o o k"sI t r I

ffiii^arf andnau
7*llo"ks tmarf a

looks tvsllike HarrY Poffen

In conclvsion f f i i s l h e b e s t a c t o r l o ? l a
Harry Polten

ffi, rosloctr
1 Circle the sentenceswhere the writer shows on opinion.
2 Underline the sentenceswhere focts ore shown.

Wniting faets ar"ldopinions
S o m e t i m e sw h e n w e w r i t e s o m e t h i n gw, e w a n t t o s h o wf a c t s - t h i n g s t h a t m o s t p e o p l ec a n
a g r e ea r e t n u e o n r e a l W e c a n a l s o s h o w r e a d e r so u no p i n i o n s - w h a tw e t h i n k .T o s h o w a n
opinion,you can use opinion phrases llke / think, / believe, andin my oprnron.

usil'cgdifferemt opiniomphrsses"
{..r!}.,Rewrite the semt€nees

Kotie Leung is o tolented octor.

I think Katie Leungis a talente-daclor.

Sheis perfectfor the role of Cho Chong.

lbelieveshe is perfectfor lhe role of ChoChang.

Kotie looks very smort.

ln my opinion,shelookevery smart"

Shewill be reolly fomous somedoY.

lbelieueshe willbereallyfamous-eomeday.

Shedidn't get the role verY eosilY.

I don't' t'hink she got the role very easil'y.
K Listenand completetlre paragraph.Thencirclethe opinion phrases"

My fovorite Horry Potterqctor is Tom Felton.He ploys Droco in the -oviur.@Tom is

q* avery taleryL9da.9f9l. . .. . He storted octing when {a}, he wae eig,ht

He hos been in somei3] ot'herg9odryoluiee -- - --,

too. second,@*l ,hg!9 ,Perfect' for the role of Droco. Tom is

()l anic-eboy but he plays on evil chorocter.His octing is

{e} wonderfult"owalch

{;$ Readthe facts and opinionsyou wnote in Activity E on

Work with a elassrnate.
page 51.Write down eaehother's sentences.

Klpqrg *r!*b ploys K*n in the Horry Pottermovies. H* h** r*d &xir"
**d hi** *,y**. I *h!rykh* l*i {u*n3r*nd 4 g**# *q**n

AlanRickman plays 9naPe IN the Horry Pottermovies.

H e h a s w r i n k l e g .l t h i n k h e i s a f u n n y a c l o r '

EmmaWatson ploys Hermione in the Horry Potter movies.

thehasbrown ?r7tty'

EmmaThompson ploys Trelawny in the Horry Potter movies.

theisbetler al comedieslhandramas'
^!ehae_blueeyes,lnmy o-pinion,

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Rewritethe sentencesusing different opinion phrases.

1 Emmo Wqtson is qn excellent octress.

2 Doniel Rodcliffe is hondsome.

3 Alon Rickmon is very intelligent.

4 RupertGrint is very entertoining.

O Write a fact and an opinion about each person.

Your fovorite singer Your best friend

Nome: Nome:

Foct: Foct:

Opinion: Opinion:

Your fovorite qctor 4 Your hero

Nome: Nome:

Foct: Foct:

Opinion: Opinion:

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writino2

SUBJECT Arts and Entertainment

WRITINGSKITL Writing a conclusion

WRITING TASK Write about your opinion of comic books.

Writing a conclusion
As you havealr"eady seen in Units2 and 6, in essaystheneanethree basicparts:the
T .h e c o n c l u s i osnh o u l d
i n t ro d u c t i o nb, o d ya n d c o n c l u s i o n
. f i n i s ht h e w r " i t i n a
g n d s u m m a n i zteh e m a i ni d e a s .
. r'estatethe infonmation in the introduction, but not nepeatit exactly.
. n o t c o n t a i na n yn e w i d e a s .
. not contnadictanythingyou said in the nestof the essay.

Youcan use the followingphnasesto showyour neadenwheneyounconclusionbegins.

ln conclusion Toconclude Tosum up A//in a//
and the exampleconclusions
Lookat the intnoduction
Introduction: / don't think it is a good idea for students to p/ay videogames.
Poor conclusion [nepeats introductionl: ln concluslon,/ don't think it is a good idea for
students to p/ay video games.
Poor conclusion [contradicts introductionf: Toconclude,students shou/dplay videogames.
Poor conclusion [contains new ideas): Tosum up, students should not play videogames or
watch DVDs.
Good conclusion: ln conc/usion,/think playing videogames can be bad for students and they
shou/d not play them.

@ In conclusion, I believe thot with his amazing obilities, Super Ant is the best new superhero.
[Suggestedonswer;students'onswerscon vory]

@ [Students'clnswerscon vory]
'dJ who is your favorlte superhero?siseussyeur answers.

Keadtfre passaseamdc&,tsosc
the best
swrtenceto fimis&rit.

In conclusion, iir'
I think the SuPermon movle 'ir
I think the movie
Superman Returnsis reolly fontostic'
is boring ond not
very interestingto
Supermoncomesbock to Eorth wotch.
ofter five yeors.When he getsbock,
All in oll,
he mokes o huge discoverY.AIso,
the bod guY Lex Luthor hos o new
is o terrific movie.
plon to toke over the world, but
SupermonstoPshim! To conclude, I
think the
@ Supermonmovle
@t*ot SupermanReturns
reollyIookslike he con flY'His
is reolly terrible'
speciol"heot vision" seemsso reol'
AIso, SuPermonis bulletProof!

c..g* Answerthe qr.lestiom

amdfoNlowthe instruetion"

Why is the conclusion(finishing sentenceor porogroph) you chose

the bestwoy to end this
essoy?Becauseit shows the main ideasand restat es the opinionin the int roduction.
In the essoy,circle the topic sentenceof eoch porogroph.

Writing a conclusion
In essaysthere anethree basic parts: the intnoduction,body and conclusion.The conclusion
finishesthe writing and summanizesthe main shouldnestatethe infonmationin the
introduction,but not repeat it exactly.

Readthe plan for eachessayand choosethe best conclusion.

Do you think Supermonis o specialhero?Why or why not?

lntroduction: A All in cll, I don't

think Supermonis
I think Supermonis o very speciolhero.
speciolot oll.
He con seethrough wolls.
First,he hos omozing powers. He con burn things with his
eyes.He cqn lift veqyheovy
Second,he olwoys tries to help people.
In conclusion,I believe
Conclusion:iC ; Supermanis o hero
everyone con like. Thot
mokes him speciol.

Do you like going to the movies? Why or why not?

lntroduction: A Io conclude,going to the

movies is not much fun.
In my opinion, going to the movies is not much fun.
To sum up, I don't think
Topic sentence 1:
going to the mwies is the
First of oll, I think it's alwoys very crowded ond noisy. most fun woy to wotch o
Second,I feel wotching DVDs at home is more fun. There ore so mony people
woiting in line. The chairs
Conclusion:' B ' qre smcll and tight. People
tolk too much.
Readthe passaEeand chsosethe best conclusionto finish it.

Mony studentsreod comic books thesedoys. I don't A All in oll, I don't think it
think it is o good ideo for studentsto reod comics. is o good ideo for
studentsto reod comics.
For o stort, it is o wasteof time. Studentsore busy ond
hove o lot of homework to do. Reodingcomicsis bod To sum up, I think
for their educotion. comicsore not good for
Second,comicsdon't teoch onything. Children stort to students.
dreom obout hoving superpowers.However,in reol
You con buy comicsin
life they will never hove thesepowers.Comicsdon't
the bookstoreor even in
teoch us things thot ore useful.
o deportment store.
Conclusion:,B '

6&s.o.@ Listenand completethe passage.
Thenchoosethe bestconclusion-

In my opinion, comic books ou.sreall! great A To conclude,I consider

comic books to be oseful
for the studentsthot like to reod them.
for somestudents.
First. I think comic books are reallycreative
B In conclusion,I think
They hove comic books ore reolly
creotivestorieswhere funny or strange greot for the studentsthot
Iike to reod them.
things con hoppen. In oddition, we con reod obout o
Iot of interesting characters c All in oll, in my opinion
comic books hove o very
Therefore,I think comic books help us to think more bod effecton students.

Second,I believethot comicsore good for studentswho

don'tlike reading much

Comicshove o lot of reolly amazing-picturee

ond not too mony words to reod. This
mokes somestudentsfeel more relaxed

Conclusion: A

Write a conclusionfor the topic.
Who is the best new superhero qnd why?

I think SuperAnt is the bestnew superhero.

First,he hos superstrength.

Second,he con heor whot people ore thinking.


write an introduction, two topic sentencesand a conclusion.

Do you like movies obout superheroes?Why or why not?



Topic sentence2:


) PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWritino
..'; .
;^-" . d .-a-

$*} write a sentemceabout each pictuneusing the words given.

n rr

Opinions unllne

SUBJECT Scienceand Technology

W R I T I N GS K I T L Respondingto online articles

WRITINGTASK Write comments about an online article.

Respondingto onlinearticles
Sometimesyou may neadan anticleonlineand want to nespondto it by givingyounown opinion'
Explaining an essay.The wnitingis usuallyshontenand less
your opiniononliners not likewr^iting
formal.Fonexample, you do not needto wr ite an intnoduction.Howeven, usinga topic sentence
and a goodconclusion will helpmake youn opinionstnongen You can alsouse a phnasethat
showswheneyour.conclusionbegins[seeUnit 1O]to makeyour nesponseclearer'.
In your.response,you shoulduse opinionwondsand phnases, such as those in Unit 9. Youcan
also use wonds and phr"ases like shou/d,shou/d not, must, must not, had better: had better not,
need to and do not need to, Theseshow what you do and do not Support.
Usingneasonsto suppontyounopinionwill makeyounnesponsestronger^. When youwant to
givesevenalneasons,use wondsand phnasesthat show onden(for a start, first of ail first,
second a/so,next,last)to markwhene one neasonstops and the next one starts.
When you anerespondingto onlinearticles,
. nespondto ideas and opinions,not peoplell disagree with the idea that ...not John is
. do not be rude IYouare so dumb/).
. includeyour^ Youdo not haveto use your'last name.
fir.stname,age,city and countny.
. do not just nepeatwhat the articlesays.
Opinions Online

*".1f} How do people give their opimiomson!ime?Biseuss3rs!,.,r

Read'theom!i*learticle amdcommemts"

a problem at schoo!
Bullying is still a big problem at schools.More than 25Voof studentshavebeenbullied at schoolin some
way. More than 50Vosaythey haveseensomebodybeing bullied. Sometimesolder studentswant other
studentsto give them lunch money or other belongings.In somecases,bullies just pick on studentswho
are quiet or different. Thesestudentssaythey feel scaredat school,and it stopsthem from studyingwell.

b'€smmemt$ Eq€{yasr catr?lrj€ll{

I think schoolsshoulddo a lot more to stopbullies For a start,thereshouldbe moreteachersout in

the schoolyardto stopbullies.Also, the schoolshouldcall the parentsof bulliesto explaintheir

{tS.. Rnr*er the questiomsand follow the instructions.

1 Who showedtheir opinion better,Lindo or Terry?Why do you think so? Linda.because she
aavethreereasonb/ooinions and useda conilusion'tomakeheropinionslronqer.
2 U'nderlinethe wordsLirido usedto showorder (first,second...) ond opinions.Cirile her

R e s p o n d i n gt o o n l i n ea n t i c l e s
E x p l a i n i nygo u no p i n i o no n l i n ei s n o t l i k ew r " i t i n ga n e s s a y T h e w n i t i n gi s s h o r t e r a n d l e s s
fonmal.You do not needto wnite an introduction,However', using a topic sentence and a good
c o n c l u s i o nm a k ey o u r o p i n i o ns t r o n g e r .

{&f. Completethe cornmentshy axslmg

words fnom the boN.

S e c o n d/ A l l i n o l l / I b e l i e v e/ I t h i n k / First of oll / In my opinion /

Io sum up / AIso / For o stort

h{s rwewsrrlc $rmrrmn's

Most studentshove never liked doing homework.However,there is
somebod news on the woy. Someschoolsore soying they wont to
give studentsmore homework thon before.They ore doing this to
prepore elementoryschoolstudentsbetter for high school.

b' Co m nt e nt$ r'o$t vq,!,!-.qatIl:.lrett,t

1{ } ln my opinion , studentsthesedoys do not need more homework.They

needless!{e} For a st art , too much homework is reolly unheolthy. It
stopsstudentsfrom ploying ond exercising.i3) Also homework
is boring ond mokes studentsfeel sod ond stressed.{*} All in all ,
{s} lthink studentsolreody hove too much homework.
Mark, 11, Bangkok, Thailand

{€} lbelieve it is o good ideo to give more homework to elementory

schoolstudents. Firsi of all - . ., studentsploy too much ond woste
their time. {s} 9econd , being better preporedwill help students
not feel too stressedwhen they reoch high school.{s} T oe u m u p
more homework will help studentso lot.
Tina,13, SdoPaulo,Brazil

ffi!, write yourovwn

Privatetutors on the rise

More ond more porents ore poying for privote tutors to help their children do well in
school ond poss importont tests.The number of porents thot use privote tutors for
their children hos neorly doubled in the post three yeors.The most common sublects
for privote tutors to teoch ore moth, scienceond Enqlish.

) Comments Postyour _c,ammenl

f tfrftk hatlinga ?rlvapqt'utorhelpg gtudey;ts gqt-bqtter gradee_,For a s-tari,
trhey9-pnfqyther expla\ tle l9s_9one- !,hat,are-diegqssed i1 g,lase,f;lso,
student's arel't afraidto asktut orgthlngethatthey don't understand.Last,
et ;yden;!e,-94n
haugfun studying w|t]ha ,t:u!,or.To concluQe,hauinga pfruat e
tutor is goodthing.

Supermanreturnswith a bang
The movie SupermanReturnsopenedin movie theotersocrossthe country lost week.
Theotersin mony ports of the country reportedrecordnumbers of peoplegoing to see
Supermonin oction. After the movie, one viewer soid, "Thot is the best movie I hove
seenoll year." Another viewer,however,felt the movie wos "boring ond too long.,,

) C o m m e n t s p o s ty o u r c o m m e n r

)-thinksuPeraa!1 $9-;t!/...............!"(1s- 9f all.Fo_r4 stgyt,!h9

gpol_.gl9o,_t!9 di4lq.gueisterrib|lg,L.aet,_t/\gs?e,lALeffeqae
?cU:tgis qg;-t-y"ery
af"g.!l_o-!gf 94 . To_s1lmup, t|hq ry1gviei9_4wfq,l.

R e m e m b et or i n c l u d ey o u rn a m ea, g e ,c i t ya n dc o u n t r y
Ask three elassmatesthein opinions and take notes.

Whot do you think of getting more homework? Why?

f think gettingmorehomeworkisnotfair.1tudents will havelittletimeto rest,.

I th ink more homework is a good t, will help etud e-ntsIearn.

I th ink get't'ingmor e homework is a bad idea. St udents won't be ableto d o oth er

fl$' wtite a paragraplrabout your €lassmates'opinions from Activity F.

etudents think ge-tting more hom;elwork

5o;ryte- ie a bad t.hing.For examVle,one 9t1de-nl
said it, is not f air becausest udent s will havelittle time io rest. Another said that, if
slydent::s-get-more \gmework, they wo_1'!b9 4ble t o do olher thinqs lhat, in!:.efe_9t

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Write your own comments.

Thesedoysmony porentsore sendingtheir kids to English-speoking countriesto leorn

English.Theseporentssoy it will be eosierfor their childrento leorn Englishin these
countries.However,otherssoy thot studentscon leorn to speokEnglish just os well ot

Comments Postyour comment


Most students do not like tests. Unfortunotely, there is some bod news on the woy. Some
schools hqve decided to give students more tests thon before. They soy thot this will help
teochers know even more obout their students ond how well thev ore doino in closs.

Comments Post your comment

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 2

SUBJECT Scienceand Nature

WRITINGSKILT Editing essays

WRITINGTASK Write and edit an essayabout dinosaurs.

Editingessays ;

It is impontantto edit younessaysfon mistakes.Makesuneyou i

. o ng n a m m a nm i s t a k e s
c o n r e c ta n ys p e l l i n g i
- subject-venbdisagneementldinosaurs arenot dinosaurs is)
- wnong venb tense lDinosaurs lived long ago. not Dinosaurs live long ago.) l
- inconrectcount-noncountusagelmanypeop/enot much peop/el l
- lnconnectpnonoun use (Dinosaurs were big. They were scary, too. nol Dinosaurs were
blg rE
Dtg. lt ls
is scary
scary too.)
too) i
- inconrect anticle use [a good idea not an good idea) .
- inconnectwond form (C/oningis dangerous. not C/oningis danger)
. separatediffenentpanagnaphs and includean intnoduction
and conclusion, l
. nemovesentencesthat don'tsuppontthe main idea.
. use fonmaljoiningwot ds and wor^dsthat show onder. I

Let's study crocodiles!

Mony people ore scored of crocodiles.However, I think we should study reol crocodiles.
First of oll, we con leorn obout how crocodiles live. We con find out whot they eot ond how they hunt.
In oddition, we con leorn how to stoy sofe if we see crocodiles. Therefore, they will not be so dongerous to
Second,some people think there were dinosours thot looked like crocodiles.We con Ieorn how
these dinosours ond crocodiles ore the some ond different. We miqht olso leorn why the dinosours
In conclusion, I think we should study live crocodiles.

:-"r-i-lJ i


{,;$l Wtrydo you thinN*dinosaursarc.extinct?BlscussyoL{ranswers.

6{i}fu thepassase.
Do you think it would be good to hove
dinosours living todoy? Exploin your opinion.

Maiiv ,n{,drs*q,}tl* i"i$tv*?er
M$c,hpeoplethink dinosaursare intrsting.I do,too. But, I

don't betieveit would be goodto havedinosaurslivingtoday.

flir** *f xil.
,,Jdon't think there would be enough space for dinosaurs.
They are reattybig creaturesand they need a lot of room to
ln *ddit'i*n. #i'lil'tj*i*
moveerouna.Alr4thi:ywoutdusethe spacethat othereninqel
Therefore,I believemp-Iy'gUgIiilffi .o, tdbecome extinct. Br*t-they-ere-
|ff ifJrt ^ are rea[[ydan9erous! Theycoutddama9e
iru!!*ir:q* M;lny {"h€Y !f *Y
bui{dnig and cars. Mueh eat meat, so4iraytry to eat people ifhe'get hungry.
Enrosaurs-died{ongago:Eventhe gentle ptant-eatingdinosaurswould be dalrgbr.
{hev *h*rn
Itcould step on peopteand crush thim!
s*fi*iuCs 1*ie n'{ ihi*k diitctl;**r* livinq in"!;'hcwsrld
To eone{usion;{ dontselieve itwou{d-be good'tolcave
*f t.*e;l;ly i*i * g*r:d id*x,
dinosetrts livr+rgtodey.

Look at eachcornectionand discusswhy it uvasdone"


E d i t i n ge s s a y s
It is impor"tantto edit your essaysfor mistakes.Make suneyou:
' c o r n e c ta n y s p e l l i n go r g r a m m a r m i s t a k e s
' s e p a n a t ed i f f e n e npt a r " a g r a p hasn d i n c l u d ea n i n t n o d u c t i o an n d c o n c l u s i o n
' n e m o v es e n t e n c e st h a t d o n ' ts u p p o r tt h e m a i n i d e a
' Lrseformal joiningwondsand words that show order

ffi, Uu*nitethe passageby fixing the problenns

;n red.

Whot killed the dinosqurs?

I think the dinosours gf_e,"

killed by on osteroid.
6l thonk the osteroid destroyed mony !_Lrifrg.It wos very hot ond burned mltlh*tlee. fTrees
ore very beoutiful:l And it mode big woves thot turned into floods. These things killed
many _c!:4qsgurs.Fecond, tLreosteroid 4q\e o very big dork cloud. This stopped oll the
l]il]'e. [Maybe the dinoscur bobies were scored of the dorkl] The plgn:! couldn't gro
for o long tq!g, so the dinosourshad no,eqt.fu oll the other din
!q4qlU!g, I believeo big osteroidgis the reoson why the dinosoursore extinct todoy. ll

Fjrst-of alll,lthlyl;ktheaet eroid deetroyed manythyngs,lt was very hot'andburned many

tyggs-,lnadditio,n,rtmadebiqwaveethatturnedinto f]lo_ods.Thesethingekilled

Second,theasteroidmadeaverybiq dark cloud.Thisstopped allthe sunshine.The

plants couldn't,growfor alongtime, soihe dinosaurshadno food.Therefore,
other dinosaursdied,too.

r+*f ,
Write an essa]rabout t&retopie. Fdit youn writing for mistakes.
Do you think dinosqurs qre interesting? Why or why not?

Tif te J , The dinosaurs

Dinosaurs lived over 1OOmillioneago. I
thinkthey are int eresting creaLuyeg.

Body l -->
First, dinosaurs had inierestinq bodies.Sgme dinosaurs had sharp

lorpe and epikes sl'lickin1out of theirb_odies.Tomethey arelike

weaponslOthere had specialboneslhal worked likearmor.

Body 2 - > .
r Sego-nQ,ytgdon't'knowwhyNhedinqgayygdisappgared.9c-ig1N1is,!9haue
tlheydo li9,!W9:tl gxact-ly wha!-happ-e1l-e-d,W\4t9-v-ey
many iQe_ae_,but
t he r eas on, it wo uld be int erestil g to tind out what happened t o th e-


B r a i n s t o ramn d p l a ny o u re s s a oy n a s e p a r a tpei e c eo f p a p e r
Usetopicsentences that showyouropinion,supportedwith details.

G["@ CD scripton p.93.

!-istenand completethe plan.

Do you think it would be goodto hqve your own dinosauros o pet?Why or why not?

what it likesto do
when it sleeps
big and strong how to feed it
l e a r na l o t




Title: Dinosour - A grect pet

Introduction: Peoplehove mony Atrp:gryW
I think o dinosour would be -P-9I-e-4-P*-!oi{9:-"""---------

Body paragraph 1: Leorn o lot

-F-irst'of all,I couldlqall4lol+rom a

Topirsentencez :

Oetails:when it sleepsond eots,what it likes to do, how to feed it

Body paragraph 2: ?r*otectmy-house-".- -

Topicsentence: 999n4,llFnn! a dypeAyft.tseyQ-P!9J9e-W i9!*:.

Oetails:big ond strong, looks scory,protect ogoinst thieves

Conclusion:To sum up, I con leorn o lot from o dinosour ond it could protect my house.
Therefore,I believe q-4iry-e gyll !- e-a r e a[y good pe-!:-
* "r-u-t

ffi Use the plan to write an essay on a separate piece of paper.
Nome: Closs: Dote:

Edit and rewrite the essay.

Let's stvdy uocodilesl

Much people ore scored of crocodiles.However,I think we should studied reol crocodiles.

We con leorn qbout how crocodile live. We cen find out whot they eot ond how they hunt. Moybe
they eot pizza. And we con leorn how to stoy sofe if we see o crocodiles. Therefore, they will not
be so donger to people. Some people think there were dinosours thot looks like crocodiles.We
con leorn how this dinosours ond crocodilesore the some ond different. We might olso leorn
why the dinosours disoppeor. To conclusion, I think should study live crocodiles.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWriting
t;S w[th erpinionphrasesamdwords t*nats$rcnnr
Completethe eomc,'xsent srder"
Cirquein town !ir$
i: iti
it tii
tii :ti
Cirque du Soleil, the fomous modern circus from Montreol in llffil
ili ill
Conodo, orrived in town this week. Their show, Dralion, is a ti: 1$
:| tll
combinotion of Eostern ond Western ort, music, donce ond their :a: :!i
ll: r:l
amazing circus octs. Tickets ore selling fost ond people seem very :; i:l
i;r ;l
excited to see the show. li: til
tlt t:l
tla !
:ii iit
F Comments Fostvour -c!m[enr i:t iul
ai lu
ln my opinion , Cirque du Soleilis the best circus oct ever. ll ;il
ta: t!
For a slart they don't use onimols in their shows,ond I like thot l.

becouse lbelieve it is cruel to use onimols in showsfor people.

ln addition I heord thot the doncing ond music ore truly spectoculor.
A l l i na l l Ithink it is going to be the bestoct in town.
Melissa,12, CapeTown,SouthAfrica

ffi; *r,u* y6ur"6wmccm*memt"

- -:..:.::
W*rq,g*x'*qx*f*r s*hsep$s :l'..:]ll
The government hos decided to moke schools prettier ond heolthier by plonting 'tg:]
more trees. Eoch school will receive young trees ond seeds. Students ond teqchers ot
eoch school will help plont the trees. Loter, students will need to woter ond toke core ,;a.,l
of the trees.
F **gnrm*rtts .f,r:.iyr:r-:-r
ln my opinion,planting more t reeo will benefit not just, schools but,the whole
neig,hborhood.For a start, having moretrees will improve our mood because :t.l
people love nature. Also, more trees meanbetter air because trees will reduce ,ill

air pollution.Last,l,reeswillprovideshadeon eunnydays.Tosum u?tlbelieve

havingmore trees willmakeour livesbett er.

ffi, edltandrewritethe essay.

No cloning dinosours!
Some people wont to clone dinosoursll don't think it is o good idees'
tofattitthinU " (sdangerous lnaddition
trCloning is thing to do. Monlg"eggfe sgg cloning e++iielege+ A.rd, ti
if we clone Will Wontto stOrtcloning
cAn-' rld- - idZI
todaYey- -
re weildi of +(#. I think
Ytirr##il otr,"r'3[ffiltooff
,rr- #E I don't thint< it is o good ideo to clone dinosours.

N o c l o n i n gd i n o s a u r s l

gome idea.
Veoplewant to clonedinosaurs.However,I don't think it is a good

First of all,lthink cloningisnol a goodthingto do. Manypeoplesay cloningis

dangerous.lnaddiL|on,ifwe olonedinosaursand'rt,works,maybescientists willi
wantt o st'art' cloningpeople,too.

5econd,Idon't think dinosaurecanliveint'he

world of today. lthink dinosaurswouldhurt
p-eo ple, In ad diti on, t hey wo uld hurt o-ykiII m a ny
other animals,too.

To sum up,l don't think it is a qoodideato clone


in English." "Kids in other countries"? If kids con
use Eiglish to tolk to eoch other, they con shore
informotion obout their countries' So I'll write two
things: "leorn obout their country" ond "tell obout
my countrY."
Listen to the passage and take notes' Then choose plon
My broinstorm diogrom is finished! Now I will
the best introduction.
my essoy.
First, not oll circusestoke good core of their onimols'
Mony of them live in very smoll ploces' Sometimes
they ore tied up ond cqn't move much' Circus troiners
sometimes hurt the onimqls to moke them do tricks'
It's reolly owful.
Second, people buy tickets ond the circuses stoy in
business.That meons the circusescon keep hurting Read the topic and look at the brainstorm diagram'
the qnimols. Circusesexist becousepeople keep Listen and complete the writing plan'
paying them moneY' Wrife an essayabout a very exciling place'
Introduction A. Going to the circus is o good woy to OK, I've finished my brainstorm diogrom-lots of
spend your birthdoY. good ideos there. Now it's time to choose some things
Introduction B. Smoll onimols should not be tied up ond moke o good PIon before I write'
or mode to do tricks.
Introduction C. Circuses ore bod for onimols, ond we
ore not helping onimols when we go to the circus'

the diogrom.
Listen and complete the brainstorm diagram'
How can learning Engtishhelp children learn more about
other cultures?
OK, I'm going to do q broinstorm diogrom to help me'
mony times. It is o very exciting ploce'"
Here in the middle of the poper, I'm writing "Leorn
English - Leorn obout other cultures" becouse thot is Greot! My first body porogroph is obout the roller
the writing toPic' cooster-i'll write thot down here next to "Body
porogroph 1": "roller cooster."Now for my topic
OK, whot do I hove to do next? Oh yes, think of
iente"nce... OK, I'm writing down: "First of oll
ways leorning English helps to leorn-obout other
cuftures ... Hffi, I con reod more books, ond wotch
progroms. I con qlso tolk with kids in other countries'
till write those things in the circles: "reod more
books," "wotch TV progroms" ond "kids in other
of screoms" ond "feels just like flying" ond "sit in
So whot's next? Ah yes, HOW do these things help us the front-even scorier." There, those ore reolly
to leorn obout other cultures? Hm, let me see "' First detoils to 9o with my topic sentence obout the roller
is "reod more books." Well, there ore mony books in co0ster.
Next, my second body porogroph is obout " ' the
Ferris wheell So next to "Body porogroph 2" I'll
"Ferris wheel." I need o topic sentence'OK, I'll write:
"second fcommo] there is the omozing Ferris wheel
it one more time:
fperiod] ." Good. Let me check
iS..otta, there is the omozing Ferris wheel'" Thot's
"internotionol news" ond obove it "mony progroms

my topic sentence, but whot obout some detoils to OK, I'll soy "Therefore [commo] I believe o dinosour
describe the Ferris wheel? Well, it "looks like o huge would be o reolly good pet [period]." Check one more
wheel"-uh, it "feels like on open elevotor" ond "you time: "Therefore, I believe o dinosour would be o reolly
con see the whole city." Thot'll do it. Greqt! My essoy good pet."
plon is reody ond it's very orgonized!
Greot! My essayplan is reody ond it's very orgonized!

Listen and complete the plan.

Do you think it would be good to haveyour own dinosauras
a pet? Why or why not?
OK, I've finished my broinstorm diogrom-lots of good
ideas there. Now it's time to choose some things ond
moke o good plon before I write. What's first? Oh yes,
the title. Thot's pretty eosy. I'll just write: "Dinosour-
A greot pet." Thot onswers the topic question. Now,
I hove to choose two different things to show my
opinion. I hove three different things to choose from,
but I'll just toke the two best ones. Hm, I think "leorn
o lot" ond "protect my house" ore the best ones,so I'll
cross out "impress friends" on my broinstorm diogrom.
Now I con write my introduction. I'll write: "People
hove mony different kinds of pets [period]. I think
o dinosaur would be o greot pet to hove [period] ."
Let me check my introduction ogoin: "People hove
mony different kinds of pets. I think o dinosour would
be a greot pet to hove."
Greot, so my first body porogroph is obout leorning
o lot-l'll write thot next to "Body porogroph 1": "leorn
o lot." Now for o topic sentencethot shows my opinion
... OK, I'm writing: "First of oll [commo] I could leorn
q Iot from o dinosour pet [period] ." OK. One more time:
"First of oll, I could leorn o lot from o dinosour pet."
Thot's o good topic sentence.
Whot about my detoils? I need to give some focts, don't
I? Well, I could leorn obout "when it sleepsond eots,"
"whot it likes to do" qnd "how to feed it." So I'll write
those ideos next to "detoils": "when it sleepsond eots,"
"whot it likes to do" ond "how to feed it." There, those
ore reolly good detoils to go with my topic sentence.
Next, my second body porogroph is obout ... how
o dinosour con protect my house! So I'll write "protect
my house" next to "Body porogroph 2." I olso need
o topic sentence.OK, I'll write: "Second [commo] I think
q dinosour pet could protect my house [period] ." Let me
check it ogoin: "Second, I think q dinosour pet could
protect my house." Thot's my topic sentence,but whot
obout some focts to show this is a good opinion? Well,
it is "big ond strong," "looks scory" ond it con "protect
ogoinst thieves."
Now, I need to write o conclusion. Whot were my two
ideos? "Leorn o lot" ond "protect my house"-so first
I'll write down: "To sum up [commo] I con leorn
o lot from o dinosour ond it could protect my house
[period] ." Now I need to show mybig ideo ogoin, but
write it o Iittle differently from the introduction.

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