EWM Configurations

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EWM Configurations

 ERP Org. structure


1. PLANT: Plant is physical location where we can execute our business

Inventories and valuations (Valuation area)

Inventory: How many products are coming inside, going outside and how many products are
stored in the plant. All mentioned are comes under inventory

Example for valuation area:

Valuation would be happened from plant level not from the corporate/company code level

2. Storage location:
It is a subdivision of plant. Location for storing products. Associated with plant
3. Shipping point
It is also a physical location. Associated with plant
 In business process, we determine shipping point with respect to control parameters
1. Shipping Conditions: it is a 2 digit code EX: F1 – Fork lift shifting C1 – Crane shipping
2. Loading groups: Fork lift, crane
 According to product, we determine the shipping point

4. 3 Digit Warehouse number required (Number only):

ERP <<----->> EWM
5. Maintain Shipping point determinations

6. Maintain Goods receipt point determination

7. Delivery split indicator activation

8. Purchase organization: a small office deal with the vendors. Can be determined at company
code level and plant level

Sir notes

Entire SAP we have to work as below

1. Definitions
2. Assignments
3. Determinations

Configurations in SAP for Org structure

1. Plant:


IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-General Define, copy, delete, check

plantchoose option copy plant

Example: Create Plant: RSDN


IMGEnterprise StructureLogistics-GeneralAssign plant to company code

Example: Assign plant RSDN to 1000

2. Storage location

Definition: IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionMaterial Management Maintain storage


3. Shipping point

Definition: IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-execution Define copy delete check

shipping pointCopy delete check shipping point
Assignment: IMGEnterprise StructureAssignmentLogistics-executionAssign shipping point
to plant


ERP: In normal SAP implementations, plant and shipping points are with the same name.

EWM: If the SAP implementation with respect to EWM, same names are not possible for plant and
shipping point.

Reason is Location type for plant is 1001 Location type for shipping point is 1003.

Each location has only one location type in EWM

4. 3 digit warehouse number

Definition: IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-execution Define copy delete check

warehouse numberDefine warehouse number

Example: NDS

Assignment: IMGEnterprise StructureAssignmentLogistics-executionAssign warehouse

number to plant and storage location

5. Shipping point determination

IMGLogistics-executionShippingBasic shipping functionsshipping point and goods receiving

point determination Assign Goods receiving points for inbound deliveries

6. GR point determination

IMGLogistics-executionShippingBasic shipping functionsshipping point and goods

receiving point determinationAssign shipping points
7. Delivery split indicator

IMGLogistics-executionShippingdeliveriesDefine split criteria for deliveries Delivery

split by warehouse number

Activate the indicator by checking check box for the warehouse number

8. Purchasing organization.

Check the connection between 3digit warehouse number and EWM system

IMG Integration with other SAP ComponentsEWM basic settings for EWM Linkage
Configure SAP EWM specific parameters


If plant and shipping point have the same name. Activate and implement the below BADIs in EWM
Also see the enhancements in the same place for other specific applications,

 ERP Org. structure

ERP and EWM link

Entire SAP we have to work as below

4. Definitions
5. Assignments
6. Determinations

Configurations in SAP for Org structure

 Plant:


IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-General Define, copy, delete, check

plantchoose option copy plant

Example: Create Plant: RSDN


IMGEnterprise StructureLogistics-GeneralAssign plant to company code

Example: Assign plant RSDN to 1000

 Storage location

Definition: IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionMaterial Management Maintain storage


 Shipping point

Definition: IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-execution Define copy delete check

shipping pointCopy delete check shipping point

Assignment: IMGEnterprise StructureAssignmentLogistics-executionAssign shipping point

to plant


ERP: In normal SAP implementations, plant and shipping points are with the same name.

EWM: If the SAP implementation with respect to EWM, same names are not possible for plant and
shipping point.

Reason is Location type for plant is 1001 Location type for shipping point is 1003.

Each location has only one location type in EWM

 3-digit warehouse number

Definition: IMGEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-execution Define copy delete check

warehouse numberDefine warehouse number

Example: NDS

Assignment: IMGEnterprise StructureAssignmentLogistics-executionAssign warehouse

number to plant and storage location
 Shipping point determination

IMGLogistics-executionShippingBasic shipping functionsshipping point and goods receiving

point determination Assign Goods receiving points for inbound deliveries

 GR point determination

IMGLogistics-executionShippingBasic shipping functionsshipping point and goods

receiving point determinationAssign shipping points

 Delivery split indicator

IMGLogistics-executionShippingdeliveriesDelivery split criteria for deliveries Delivery

split by warehouse number

Activate the indicator by checking check box for the warehouse number
 Purchasing organization.

Check the connection between 3digit warehouse number and EWM system

IMG Integration with other SAP ComponentsEWM basic settings for EWM Linkage
Configure SAP EWM specific parameters


If plant and shipping point have the same name. Activate and implement the below BADIs in EWM

Also see the enhancements in the same place for other specific applications,
 EWM Org. Structure
Highest level org element Warehouse number


1. Warehouse number

EWM  SPRO IMG SCM EWM Master data Define Warehouse


Creating WH in 3 ways
 Define WH
 Activate BC sets: mainly used in implementations
a. WH Independent: Client level
b. WH dependent: process level
Transaction code: SCPR20

After activation it will ask for Warehouse number

 Copy reference WH
 EWM  SPRO IMG SCM EWM Cross process settingsCopy
warehouse number customizing

2. Define WH number control:

EWM  SPRO IMG SCM EWM Master data Define Warehouse
Number control

Alternate unit of measurements

Note: to manage the inventory tolerances use the currency in
warehouse number control


3. Supply Chain Unit:

Same in both Decentralised and S/4 HANA

Easy Access EWM SCM Master data Maintain Supply chain Unit
In EWM System:
4. Assign warehouse Numbers:
EWM->SCM EWM Master data Assign Warehouse numbers
 Create vendor in ERP to create plant vendor (PED) in EWM


XK02 - > change vendor by selectin purchasing data  go to extras and

additional purchasing data-> assign plant

Note: Plant and vendor is 1:1 relation

 Transfer vendor data to EWM using CFM1 and CFM2

 Check the business partner in EWM system using tcode BP
 Go to transferred BP and change the data in Identification
 ID type CRM004 is representing as vendor
 ID type CRM011 is representing as plant
 Add id type CRM011 for plant as shown below

 Add party entitled dispose

 EWM->SCM EWM Master data Assign Warehouse numbers

If the same plant is having the warehouse, then it acts as a PED and Custodian
Customer master XD01
 Create customer in ECC and do CFM1 and CFM2
 Go to BP in EWM,
 CRM002 is the ID type for customer

Note: If vendors and customers have the same number range in ERP, how to
SAP has provided 1 standard enhancement
IMG SCM Basis Integration BADIs for specific Applicationslocation
and business partner

5. Storage types:
EWMIMGSCM EWM Master dataDefine storage type
5 Control areas
 General Data
Storage type role:

HU requirement

Quantity classification
Blank – It accepts all quantity classifications

 Putaway Control
Warehouse Task: when moving product from one storage type to
another, 1 warehouse task is created

Confirm putaway: when the product reached to final storage type,

warehouse task has to confirm. For that we have to check the check box
for the final storage type

Storage control/ putaway completed: when the product reaches to final

storage type, this has to be checked

Note: we can’t activate ‘Storage control/ putaway completed’ indicator

for intermediate storage types

Delete Stock Identification: this indicator will be activated once ‘Storage

control/ putaway completed’ indicator activated.

Putaway rules:
 Stock removal Control
Confirm Removal: Checked

 Goods Movement control

Availability Group:
Mandatory check box:

 Replenishment

6. Storage Sections
Storage section is optional, adding and removing the storage section is possible
even though there is stock in the storage types.
EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data Define storage section
Example: Up to 4 Char length
7. Storage Bin
 BIN Type
Differentiate the type of storage BIN

EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data Storage BINs
Define Storage BIN type

 BIN Access type

EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data Storage BINs
Define BIN access type

Up to 18 char length, BIN number is unique across the warehouse
3 ways to create Storage BIN
 Define storage bin
EWM Easy access SCM EWM Master data  Storage BIN
/SCWM/LS01 – Create Storage BIN
Storage type is mandatory
/SCWM/LS02 – Change storage BIN
/SCWM/LS03 – Display storage BIN
/SCWM/LS11 – Mass change to storage BINs
/SCWM/LS10 – Genarate Storage BINs
/SCWM/SBST – Sort Storage BINs

 Generate storage BINs from templates

To build the template we have to use 2 characters,
 C and N
C – Character / constant
N - Numeric
Bin Identifiers:

How to create template:
For example, for Rack RK01 there are 4 Aisles, 10 Stacks and 6 Levels
Then the total number of bins are 4 * 10 * 6 = 240 Bins
How to define bins in template:
First BIN - RK01-01-01-01
Define bin number using C and N for the BIN for 18 chars length. Space is
consider as C and complete 18 char length
Last BIN – RK01-04-10-06
Go to
EWM Easy access SCM EWM Master data  Storage BIN
Define storage bin structures
All are mandatory in BIN definition

In additional data Storage type is mandatory

After defining the BIN structure, Generate BINs using transaction /SCWM/LS10
Then 240 bins will be generated.
Note: if there is increase in Aisles in future want generate more BINs, then go
to storage bin structure definition and modify the end value as RK01-06-10-06.
Generate using transaction /SCWM/LS10. New 120 Bins will be generated.
Note: Mass change to storage BINs using transaction /SCWM/LS11
 BIN Uploads
EWM Easy Access SCM EWM Interfaces Data Upload
Transaction /SCWM/SBUP – Load storage bins
 Down load the template from transaction itself
Below is the template and provide the values

This option is useful when legacy bin numbers are required to be in system
then use this option

8. Activity Area and BIN sorting

Area to execute some activities
Logical grouping of the storage BINs

 Putaway activity
 Stock removal activity
 Internal product movement activity (from one storage type
to another storage type)
 Changing product characteristic (Unrestricted to blocked)
also known as posting activity
 Physical inventory

EWM SCM EWM  Master data Activity areas activities

 Define Activities

We can create our own Activities and assign here. When creating custom
activity, process category is mandatory

Process categories are,

 Putaway
 Stock removal
 Internal warehouse movement
 Physical inventory
 Posting change
 Cross-line stock putaway
EWM SCM EWM  Master data Activity areas
 Define Activity area

EWM SCM EWM  Master data Activity areas

 Assign Storage Bins to Activity areas
Here assigning Activity area AA01 to RK01 and RK02

In the above assignment, all the storage types RK01 and RK02 are assigned to
activity area
If we want to maintain activity area for the entire one storage type use the
below configuration instead of creating through ‘define activity area’
 Generate activity area from storage type
Once we generate, the assignment will happen automatically
In the below example:
Activity area AA01 has been assigned to entire storage types RK01 and RK02
Activity area AA03 has been assigned to entire storage type RK02 and partial
bins of storage type RK01
Activity area RK05 has been assigned to entire storage type of RK05

 What is the significance of the Activity Areas?

Sort Sequence of storage Bins:
Maintain sort sequence of Bins against the activity area.
Activity Area wise, maintain sort sequence against activities. This activity area
is nothing but logical grouping of Bins
EWM SCM EWM  Master data Activity areas
 Define Sort sequence of Activity area

Sort Sequence options:

Sorting storage Bin is one of the activities, we execute from the Easy access
Easy accessSCM EWM Master data Storage Bin
Transaction - /SCWM/SBST – Sort Storage Bin


Note: if we want upload the data from legacy system with same sort sequence
Use transaction, /SCWM/SRTUP
 Down load the template and provide data and upload it into the
9. Door and staging area Group
 Staging area group is a storage type with role D(Staging area
 Staging area is a storage section under staging area group (ST : D)

EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data Staging Areas

 Define Staging areas

Staging area group: storage type D

Staging area: Storage section
Check box: choose GR for receiving products, GI for products issue
EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data Staging Areas
 Define staging area and door determination groups

EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data warehouse Door

 Define warehouse door


Loading direction

Like that we have to create doors for inbound, out doors and inbound &
Shown on the below
EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data warehouse Door
 Assign staging area/Door determination group to door

Note: Storage area/ door determination group will be assigned in the product
master. When product reaches to warehouse, automatically Door and staging
area will be determined.
EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data warehouse Door
 Assign staging area to warehouse door

Note: Staging area group = Group of storage areas

Storage type = Group of storage sections
If my storage area group = storage type
Then storage area = storage section

NUMBER RANGES for the below activities in warehouse

 Warehouse Task
A piece of work in warehouse
 Warehouse Order
Executable package with warehouse task(s)
 VAS order
 Physical Inventory
 Consolidation Group

EWM IMG SCM EWM Master data Define Number ranges

1. Warehouse document has to define along with the warehouse task.

Warehouse document will be stored in background.
2 Wave

3 Warehouse Order

4 Consolidation group

5 VAS orders
6 Indirect labor tasks

7 Physical inventory documents

Assign all defined number ranges to Warehouse number, except

Consolidation Group

Consolidation Group number range will assigned in different path as shown

in the below
EWM IMG SCM EWM Goods receipt process Assign number range
Intervals to consolidation group

EWM IMG SCM EWM InterfacesERP Integration General settings 
Check of ERP-EWM Configuration
It will take you to the report /SCWM/R_ECC_CHECK

 Warehouse Mapping
EWM IMG SCM EWM InterfacesERP Integration General settings 
Map warehouse numbers from ERP system to EWM

Note: Business System Group is useful to find the deliveries and etc are coming
from which system
 One system has only one business system, Business system will be
assigned to logical system

Again check ERP-EWM configurations

Now the status is

ERP plant and storage location mapping is missing for warehouse number
JLPW logical system EH8CLNT910
Configure the mapping in the below
EWM IMG SCM EWM InterfacesERP Integration Goods movement 
map storage locations from ERP system to EWM

Note: 1 storage location assigned 1 availability group vice versa

Example: 8 storage locations are assigned to warehouse meaning, 8 availability
groups have been assigned.

Again check for ERP-EWM configuration check

End to end ECC and EWM set up

Check for the error ERP Distribution method,
Delivery distribution will happen as shown in the below pic
For this distribution happened through BAPI function modules mapped in
BD64(Distribution module).
Relevant BAPI function modules grouped together in the form of distribution
We need to generate the distribution model against our ERP warehouse
number. Here JLP

ERP IMG Integration with other SAP components EWM  Basic settings
for EWM linkage Generate DM from SAP ERP to SAP EWM

After generate, will have the below FMs

Again check for ERP and EWM link

Inbound Process
 Purchasing cycle:

Company (Plant)  Raises  Purchase Order Vendor/Supplier

Vendor Send ASN (Advanced Ship Notification)
1. Materials
2. Quantities
3. Delivery date
ASN also named as Shipping notification or Inbound delivery in ERP
We do the Goods Receipt with reference to ASN
Goods receipt will do at EWM when plant and storage location connected to
EWM otherwise it is an inventory management (ERP)
Create 2 materials MM01, MMSC (Extend storage location)
Create 1 vendor master XK01

Standard Price:

Moving average price

CFM1 and CFM2 for above created materials and vendors

Check EWM system for Vendor and materials

Vender – Transaction BP
Material – Transaction /SAPAPO/MAT1 – Maintain Product
Material will be stored at client level
Transaction /SCWM/MAT1 – Maintain warehouse Product
Material will be extended in warehouse
Note: What are the mandatory fields while creating the warehouse product
 Party entitled to dispose

ME21N – Creating purchasing order

VL31N – to create the shipping notification or Inbound delivery
Note: Once the delivery distributed to EWM, it is not possible to edit the
delivery in ERP

EWM Easy Access SCM EWM Delivery Processing Inbound Delivery

/SCWM/IDN – Maintain Inbound delivery Notification

ERP Shipping notification turned as Inbound delivery Notification in EWM

Inbound Delivery Notification is save replica or image copy of ERP outbound
Delivery. It is not possible to edit/delete the inbound delivery notification
It distributes with same number of ERP IBD (Inbound Delivery)

Configuration to activate the IDN

EWM Easy Access SCM EWM  Master data Supply Chain Unit
/SCMB/SCUMAIN - Maintain Supply Chain Unit
Here add the Business attributes as shown below

Note: Inactive document (IDN), it is possible to Reject. Check IBD in ERP after
rejecting the document IDN in EWM. The quantity is 0.
Active documents are not possible to Reject
Below clarifications are for checking IBD distributed from ERP to EWM
1. PO has been created using PLANT + Storage location combination
2. Any warehouse is connected to Plant and Storage Location

Check the configuration

ERPIMG Enterprise structureAssignment Logistic Execution
Assign WH number to Plant/Storage Location

After checking the configuration, One WH number has been connected

to plant and storage location combination

Ans: WHN ‘JLP’ has been connected to Plant JLPL and Storage Location

3. Is the WHN ‘JLP’ Connected to any EWM environment?

Check the configuration
ERPIMGIntegration with other SAP components EWM Basic
settings for EWM linkage Configure SAP EWM Specific Parameters

Ans: WHN ‘JLP’ is connected to EWM environment

4. How distributed to EWM

ERP and EWM both are SAP systems

Using SAP BAPI function modules documents will be distributed
Related BAPI Function modules are grouped together in distributed
ERPIMGIntegration with other SAP components EWM Basic
settings for EWM linkage Generate distribution model from SAP ERP

Check Distribution Model using transaction BD64

5. When it is distributed
In configurations, warehouse control parameter set the parameter as
‘Distribute Immediately after saving’

Inbound Document Mapping

How the ERP IBD converted to EWM IDN?

IBD Header details,
Delivery type is EL (Delivery type is called as Document type in EWM)
Item Category: ELN (Item Category is referred as Item type in EWM)
IDN Header details view in form view
Document category: IDR
Document Type: INB
IDN Item details
Item category: DLV
Item type: IDLV

EWMIMGSCM EWM EWM Interfaces ERP integration Delivery
Process Map document types from ERP system to EWM
EWMIMGSCM EWM EWM Interfaces ERP integration Delivery
Process Map item types from ERP system to EWM
In EWM, Item category always associated with document category
DLV associated with IDR

Configurations where we have to do it in IMG setup

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Goods Receipt process Inbound
Delivery Define document types for Inbound delivery process

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Goods Receipt process Inbound

Delivery Define item types for Inbound delivery process
Go to inbound delivery Notification in EWM
When selecting Items, it will give details screen below of it.
When selecting partner of header, it will give some details. Similarly for Items
What is the configuration and how the above mentioned details are displaying.
There is concept called PROFILES
We have several profiles available for Document and Item:
We assign those profiles to document types and item types
Partner profile:
Find out the profile using the below configuration Path at header level or
document level
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Goods Receipt Process Inbound
Delivery Define document type and inbound delivery process

Partner profile: /SCWM/INB_REQ Document level or header level

Find out the profile using the below configuration Path at item level
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Goods Receipt Process Inbound
Delivery Define item type and inbound delivery process

Partner profile at item level: /SCWM/INB_REQ_DLV

Setting up the profiles:

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Cross-processing Settings Delivery-
warehouse request Partner processing Define partner profiles
Search for system profile header /SCWM/INB_REQ

We can also create our own custom profiles and configure here
Search for system profile item /SCWM/INB_REQ_DLV

Similarly for other profiles

Reference document:
PO is saving as reference document at item level in EWM
External id document is saving as reference document for header in EWM
Find the profiles in the below configuration paths for header and item
reference documents
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Goods Receipt Process Inbound
Delivery Define document type and inbound delivery process
Reference document category profile /SCWM/INB_REQ
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Goods Receipt Process Inbound
Delivery Define item type and inbound delivery process
Reference document category profile /SCWM/INB_REQ_DLV

In the below path profiles have been configured for reference documents
For both header document and Items
Setting up the profiles:
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Cross-processing Settings Delivery-
warehouse requestReference Documents Define reference document
type profiles
For header /SCWM/_INB_REQ



ERP Document type EL and Item type ELN converted to EWM Document type
INB and Item type IDLV.
ERP Document types and item types are mapped to EWM document types and
item types with reference to Business systems
This has to configure in the system. Please refer the above configuration steps.
WPT Determination
Warehouse Process Type
Moving product physically or logically.
Physically – moving from 1 Bin to another bin
Logically – changing the product status from unrestricted to blocked or quality
inspection required for that particular product. Example damaged products,
expired products etc
We required Control parameters tells what kind of movement of product
whether it is physically or logically or both
If it is ERP, what is the control parameter
i.e, at Inventory Management level. Movement type is the control parameter
if it is EWM
Warehouse Process Type is the control parameter, it controls the movement
from 1 storage type to another storage type
Configuration how the WPT will determined in the Inbound delivery
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings warehouse tasks
Define warehouse process type
 Here we have to use BC sets or copy the existing
BC sets:
SCPR20  Search for the BC set */SCWM/* you will find the required BC set
Copy the existing
Select the existing warehouse and warehouse process types and copy to your
warehouse number.
Warehouse Process category:
1. Putaway
2. Stock Removal
3. Internal warehouse movement
4. Posting change
Note: Storage area is nothing but storage section belongs to Storage area
Consider 1 example with WPT 1010 (General putaway)
Go to above mentioned WPT configuration path and provide the source
storage type and source bin as shown below

To determine warehouse process type using the below path

EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings warehouse tasks
Determine warehouse process type
Automatically determine the warehouse process type based on the below
Warehouse number, Document type, item type, Delivery priority, control
indicator for process type determination, process indicator
After maintaining the parameters , create one delivery and distribute it to
EWM and check for the WPT update

 Now defining new warehouse process type and determining the WPT
using control indicators along with document type, item type and
delivery priority
Go to Define warehouse process type and copy the existing WPT. Example J010
Go to Define control Indicators for determining warehouse process type

Go to determine warehouse process type and provide the control parameters

Maintain control indicator parameter in the product master

Go to /SCWM/MAT1 and provide the product and update control indicator
In the warehouse general data, you will have the control indicator field
Go to ERP and create delivery using 2 different products one of them is having
with control indicator and distribute it to EWM.
Check for the inbound delivery in EWM for WPT update
GR Reversal, GR partial, GR process Codes
Inbound Delivery Notification  Inbound Delivery ?
Goods Receipt
After GR, goods will be available in GR staging are group. The background of
this setup is of warehouse process type configuration
Press on GR button showed in the tool bar and complete the GR
We can see the status of the goods using warehouse monitor.
Transaction: /SCWM/MON
Provide warehouse number and provide standard monitor as SAP or if there is
any custom monitor, provide the same

We have category nodes and profile nodes

Category node: if we click on node and nothing has opened, it is called
category node
Profile Node: if we click on node and opened selection screen. It is called
profile node
GR has been created in EWM and have to check the inventory since the PO and
IBD have created.
We have to check the quantity in Inventory (ERP updates)
Go to ERP and use transaction MMBE (Stock overview)
Provide the material and plant, execute
 Goods receipt reversal from EWM, From ERP not possible
Possible to do the GR reversal. Go to the inbound delivery and click on GR
button and select GR reversal
Now go to monitor and check the status and go to ERP and check for the
stock. Go to MMBE and check for the same material and plant. There also it
got reversed
Also check in VL33N, go to menu environment and document flow
Also check in MIGO, for the movement type ex: 101 – goods receipt 102 –
goods reversal
Note: once the ASN (ERP: IBD) distributed in to EWM, it is not possible to
change from ERP
Test case1: IBD10 qty  but vendor confirmed only 8 quantities. How we
can adjust
Create IBD with 10 quantity and IBD distributed to EWM
Have the inbound delivery notification and go to inbound delivery  (to
adjust quantity, process codes button is available at item level tool bar) click
on process codes and set the process code based on requirement. Do the
quantity check set up as below for the quantity adjustment.
Process codes:
Now the inbound delivery quantity adjusted with 8 quantity. But inbound
delivery notification has the value 10 and the ERP Inbound delivery quantity
also showing the original quantity 10.
Next complete the Goods receipt in EWM and check the inbound delivery
quantity in ERP. Now the inbound delivery quantity in ERP updated with 8.

Testcase 2: full reject

IBD 15qty entire products have got damaged and want to reject
ERP VL31N create inbound delivery and distribute it to EWM
EWM go to inbound delivery notification at header level there is Reject
button. Click on it and all statuses would be completed. Process code is
updated as shown below automatically

Check in ERP IBD, the quantity has been 0 after rejection

Testcase 3: partial rejection

ERP IBD create with 10 quantity
IDN ID use process code I001 and do the partial GR
Partial rejection is not possible through process codes (ie. I004 Reject
Inbound Delivery)
Instead of I004, we can adjust the quantity using I001 delivery difference,
adjust document
Testcase 4: Partial GR
ERP IBD creation and distribute to EWM
EWM-> IBD ID set the process code
Go to with quantity adjustment I002 Delivery Difference, Adjust document
and quantity  goods receipt

Check the inbound delivery in EWM, it will create 1 more inbound delivery
with due quantity (i.e 2 quantity) to be delivered. Go to reference documents,
there is one more document has been created in ERP with reference to ERP
original document

Here 0180017968 is the original document, after partial GR adjustment one

more document (0087001815) has been created in ERP wrt original document
Now we have to check both the ERP documents 0180017968 and
0087001815for quantity
Number ranges for ERP documents
EWM IMG SCM EWM Interfaces ERP integrationDelivery Process
Define number ranges for ERP deliveries

Note: How this process codes are applying for Inbound deliveries
EWM IMG SCM EWM GR processInbound delivery Define item
types for Inbound delivery process
Process profile: /SCWM/INB_PRD_DLV
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross Processing settings Delivery warehouse
request maintain process code profiles (Search for /SCWM/INB_PRD_DLV)
Maintain process codes:
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross Processing settings Delivery warehouse
request Define process codes
Availability Group
Product is available in GR staging area once GR completed.
PUTAWAY: place the product in any of the storage type from staging area
based on the product characteristics and other configurations

How we execute the putaway?

 Use warehouse Task (WT) to complete putaway. WT is nothing but it’s a
document with in it control parameter in warehouse process type is
 WT is a document and we have to maintain number ranges.
 Go to EWMIMGSCM EWM  Master data Define Number ranges

Define number ranges for WT and Warehouse Document

Go back to the screen and assign number ranges to warehouse number

 Go to EWM easy access go to IBN ID  check for GR complete, if GR

completes, then do the warehouse task
While creating the WT, our inbound delivery showing as warehouse request
Note: Inbound delivery is a warehouse request to create warehouse task
Every WT is having source and destinations. Source bin will be configured in
WPT and destination bins will be triggered via strategies or manually we can
maintain in default values tab
Create WT by clicking the create button, once it successful, press on ‘create +
save’ button
After WT create and save, one warehouse order is created, confirm the
warehouse task

Warehouse Order (WO): it is an executable package
Example: Painting a house
House painting includes, hall painting, bathroom painting, bed room painting.
All these individual tasks are nothing but Warehouse Task, If we consider
Entire house painting, it is nothing but WO
Warehouse Order Multiple warehouse tasks
after confirm, it will lead to another screen

Header level Warehouse order details, item level warehouse task details

Use Warehouse management Monitor for further processes


Note: if WO status completed, then associated WT will be completed status. If

WT complete WO status will be in progress
In EWM stock type F1 quantity is showing 11. For stock type F2 the quantity is

We can use more methods and select appropriate option and execute
Note: stock type, when the product is in GR staging area (after GR) stock type is
F1 and after confirming WT and WO the product moves to final storage type
(Complete the putaway) the stock type is F2

Check in ERP MMBE transaction

ROD storage location quantity is showing 11, in AFS storage location quantity is
Right click on the quantity and select the goods movement

When after completing the putaway, transfer posting happened from SL ROD
to SL AFS. Updated with 411 movement type
There is link between stock type and IM (Inventory Management) storage type.
Stock management
Availability Group: it is an interface between ERP and EWM to update the
This concept is same in S/4 HANA and Decentralised EWM
In ERP we have 4 stock categories
1. Unrestricted : FF
2. Blocked : BB
3. Quality : QQ
4. Returns : RR
NST: Non location dependent stock types: FF, QQ, BB and RR
NST FF with reference to availability group 001 and 002 stock types F1 and F2
will be determined. Availability groups are associated with storage locations in
Similarly, for NST BB, QQ, RR
Availability group mapping to storage location
EWM IMGSCM EWMinterfaces ERP integration
Goods movement Map storage locations from ERP system to EWM
Storage location and availability group relation is always 1:1

Availability group mapping to storage types:

EWM IMGSCM EWMGoods receipt process Configure availability
group for putaway

Define Availability group:

Also we can define custom availability group

Define NST

Configure stock type:

Search with WHN and NST value i.e FF

Assign custom stock type and NST

Where we create the stock types
EWM IMG SCM EWM SCM BASIS Logistic Inventory Management
Engine (LIME) Basic settings Application specific settings determine
stock types.
Define custom stock type

How and why stock types F1 and F2 updated at the time of GR and putaway?
At the time of Inbound Delivery creation, Storage location ROD has been
assigned to items
SL ROD has been assigned to stock type F1, though availability group has not
been assigned in the GR storage type. But ROD has assigned with that stock
type F1 and will updated
Final storage type RK01, availability group has been updated with 002
mandatory checkbox. Availability group 002 has been assigned to storage type

002 to assigned to AFS, AFS assigned to Stock type F2

Other topics in availability group
In previous, we have discussed about NST unrestricted stock
 NST - Blocked stock: BB
Testcase 1:

Go to EWM and define storage type for blocked, as shown below

Create bin for the storage type

Create new storage type for scrapping

Create BIN for new storage type

Testcase 3:

1. define availability group

2. Configure stock type

Note: Availability group and stock type is 1:1

Availability group + NST + Stock type + Stock type Role are unique.
3. Define Storage type

Create BIN
4. ERP, Create Storage location, assign storage location to plant and 3 digit
warehouse number
5. EWM, IMG configuration and map storage location to plant and
availability group
6. Search for open inbound delivery and proceed for testing

PUTAWAY Strategies
Putaway strategies are 3 levels
1. Storage type level
2. Storage section level
3. BIN type determination

1. Storage type search sequence

EWM IMG SCM EWM GR process strategies storage type
searchDefine storage type search sequence for Putaway

Create 2 more storage type and create search sequence for them
EWM IMG SCM EWM GR process strategies storage type
searchAssign storage types to storage type search sequence
Assign number of storage types to required storage type search sequence
as shown below,
After assigning the assigned storage types and search sequences,

EWM IMG SCM EWM GR process strategies storage type

searchDefine putaway control indicator
Define indicator for required storage type search sequences

EWM IMG SCM EWM GR process strategies storage type

searchSpecify ST search sequence for putaway
EWM IMG SCM EWM GR process strategies storage type
searchOptimize Access strategy for storage type search: Putaway

To update the putaway control indicator in product level,

Go to easy access and product transaction /SCWM/MAT1

Test cases: create 1 IBD and distribute it to EWM. Check for the automatic
updation BIN
After determining the BIN, we have to validate which search sequence has
been determined as per below information,
 Check in IMG configuration:
Product – JUPL-MAT1
Process type- 1010
Optimization of access for storage type determination
 Check in product warehouse level
Putaway control indicator- PUT1
You will get what search sequence has been triggered.

Block all BINs of first storage type in the sequence, and how the system
search takes place
Using monitor select the storage type, you will have all bins
Select all bins and go to more methods, select block for putaway. And
execute the warehouse task. Then system will consider next storage type
bin in the search sequence
Note: If any storage bin is blocked for putaway, it is not possible to do
putaway in that bin
Test case:
Remove putaway control indicator, process type check for mandatory or
Note: Putaway control indicator and process type are not mandatory to
determine storage type search sequence
Provide only party entitled to dispose value and execute for the search

Putaway Rules:
Change the putaway rules in storage types and test inbound deliveries

 Putaway split:
Split quantity during putaway
Example: expected putaway quantity is 10, but there is in one of the bins
can accommodate 5 only. Instead of considering new bin for 10 quantity. 5
quantity has to go for the bin which have accommodate. Remaining 5
quantity should go for new bin
For that, go to storage type and update split during putaway value 1

Now inbound delivery trying to create multiple warehouse tasks when

confirming warehouse tasks

 Capacity check:
Capacity check will be used to avoid searching each bin at the time of putaway
To optimize the system performance at the time of putaway, we have to use
‘Early capacity check’

Advantage of Early capacity check when update check. It will search for the BIN
types not each storage bin type. Example: Bin types: 20 kgs, 30 kgs.
Storage bin type: example: RK01-01-01, RK01-01-02 etc
Note: we observed that system checks source and destinations for individual
warehouse tasks, during putaway split.
Adhoc Product movement: Moving products from one bin to another bin
Transaction code: /SCWM/ADPROD
Provide storage bin type from where product has to be moved and execute
1. Provide destination storage bin
2. Warehouse process type 999
Then create WT and confirm WO
Check for WPT,

WPT 999 is of category 3 (internal warehouse movement) and activity INTL

(internal movement)

Test case:
Want to place products 50 kgd, 100kgs, 150 kgs are in storage type 50kg bins.
Want to 5kg, 10kg, 15kg and 20kg are in storage type 20 kg bins.
Now want to place 170 kgs products. 20 kgs in ST 20 kgs bin and 150kgs in ST
250 kg bins
Note: split indicator has to be update in ST 50 kg bins.
Execution will be as follows,
First destination storage type is 20 kg bin bout type is not sufficient since it is
170 kgs. Then search for ST 50 kgs bin, 50kgs will be placed. Remaining are
Again it will search for ST 20 kg bin, but ST is not sufficient for the product
placement. Then it will determine ST 50 kgs bin, 50 kgs will be placed.
Remaining are 20kgs.
Again it will search for ST 20kgs bin, now the bin is sufficient for 20kgs.
Remaining 20kgs products will be placed in ST 20kgs bin.
2. Storage Section search

EWMIMGGR Process Storage Section Search Create storage section

EWMIMGGR Process Storage Section Search maintain storage section

search sequence
Similarly maintain for other storage types, storage indicators and storage

Go to storage types in the configuration and update the storage section check.

Go to product master to update the section indicator

Similarly maintain storage section indicator for other products

Start testing by creating inbound deliveries

System will consider the storage section search sequence
Maintain Storage section indictor at product warehouse level. This setting
will consider if and only maintain the below check at storage type level
Update storage section check at storage type level

In product master, there is storage type data is there

Remove storage check from storage type and update storage type data,
If we want to place the product in RK01, that should consider SS01. If it is RK02
storage section indicator is SS02.
Note: if we maintain storage section indicator at product storage type data.
System checks for the storage sections, which are assigned to that section
indicator in sequentially
No need to maintain storage section check at the storage type.

3. BIN type Determination

EWM IMG SCM EWM  Master data  storage bins  Define storage
bin types

We can update storage bin type in product master at ware house level and
storage type level

Create inbound deliveries and test the scenarios

1. Alternate BIN type determination.

If the product has updated with one bin type and that is not available in the
storage type. if we choose alternate bin type then it will check for the other
available bin types

EWM IMG SCM EWM  Master data  storage bins  Alternative

storage bin type sequence

Test case: Use alternate BIN type determination

 Stock type determination is also one of the putaway strategy

The above are storage locations. If the product procured in the storage
location that will be associated with below storage type. that means in the
EWM stock types will influence the putaway strategy

Refer recording for putaway strategy for storage bin type determination for
the above exercise
HU (Handling Units) Management
Handling Units: A packaging material + Product(s) with a unique ID number.
HU number will be used only once, meaning after moving products out from
the warehouse, same HU number will not be used again.
We deal with three packaging materials:
 Main packaging materials – carton box, pallet
 Auxiliary packaging materials - example: thermocol sheet, bubble wrap,
shrink wrap
 Means of transport – example: truck, vessel
HU management,
We will work with ERP and EWM
1. Packaging materials maintained in both the systems
2. Products (Materials)
3. HU Number (Unique ID number) –
 Generate ID number at ERP i.e., internal number range – this internal
number recognises the EWM system as External
 Generate ID number at EWM i.e., internal number range – this internal
number recognises the ERP system as External
ERP System Configs:
ERPIMG Logistics general  Handling Unit Management
BasicsDefine Packaging material types
Packaging material category:

Number assignments:
SSCC – Standard Shipping container Code

Similarly, we have to create for other packaging materials

 Define material group for packaging materials: group reliable packaging

ERPIMG Logistics general  Handling Unit Management BasicsDefine
material group for Packaging material
ERPIMG Logistics general  Handling Unit Management BasicsDefine
allowed Packaging material

ERPIMG Logistics general  Handling Unit Management external

identification Number range maintenance for HU identification
Refer 01 and 30 which had been used.

EWM configs:
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units
Basics Define packaging material types

Define same packaging materials which have created in ERP.

EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units
Basics Define packaging groups for Products

EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units

Basics Maintain allowed packaging material types for packaging groups

EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units

external identificationDefine number range for HU identification
In ERP 01 is internal and 30 is external. Now in EWM we have define opposite
01 as external 30 is internal
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units
external identificationAssign number range intervals to packaging material

In EWM there is no provision to maintain external number range, then how

can system recognise for other number ranges
Below path,
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units
external identificationDefine number range for HU identification

HU Types
Define HU Types:
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units
basicsDefine HU types

Note HU types are maintained at client level.

Now how to use HU types into our warehouse as per below steps,
EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units
basicsDefine HU type group

EWM IMG SCM EWM Cross processing settings Handling Units

basicsDefine HU types for each warehouse number and assign HU type
Creating packaging materials in ERP and distribute it in to the EWM
Create packaging materials using material type VERP
Provide pack mat group and type
After creating pack mats. Distribute it into EWM.
In EWM, go to product master and update HU type in packaging data for all

Create inbound deliveries in ERP,

After packing

HU Management 2

HU details will be available both in Inbound delivery notification and inbound

You can open HU detailed screen (virtual work centre) from Inbound Delivery
As below,
Goods receipt tab will be available both header level and HU item level
Explained test cases
1. Inbound delivery created with 3 line items and packed in 3 packaging
materials and distributed. In EWM did the GR and compare the
document flow in ERP for each HU item GR
2. IBD with single line item of 3 quantity and packed into 3 with 1 quantity.
In EWM, at line item level do the GR and compare the document flow in
3. Go to monitor after GR, under the stock and bin or handling unit section
to check for the quantities and for other information
4. After GR, from inbound delivery, go to follow on functionswarehouse
task. Hus are not visible under warehouse request, those are visible at
Handling Unit tab

5. New topic, Product warehouse task and HU warehouse task

In the warehouse process type

If we deselect ‘Select HU w/o storage process’, then it is product warehouse
task, if you select ‘Select HU w/o storage, then it is HU warehouse task.
If it is product warehouse task, product will available in warehouse request
tab after GR otherwise it is available in Handling Unit tab
6. Repacking testcases:
Products are not generated in ERP, but our requirement is to have HUs
in EWM
Create IBD without packing and generating Hus and distribute to EWM
In EWM, do the pack for inbound delivery,
After repacking, we can see the Hus in inbound delivery,

Generated HUs in EWM and are available in ERP after GR
Products are packed in carton box HU, again those are packed in pallet from
ERP, But in EWM, we collect only carton boxes
Create IBD in ERP,
Create 3 items with 2 quantity each pack in 6 carton boxes with 1 quantity

Go to pack HUs and create 1 pallet and pack all 6 carton boxes in that pallet

Go to IDN and ID
Go to IDfollow on functionspack
Empty the pallet HU, now will have all carton boxes after save. Do the GR and
in ERP all the carton box HUs will be visible. Pallet HU will be disappear

Products are packed in carton boxes and generate HUs in ERP. Truck come to
warehouse, observed that carton boxes are damaged. Need to repack the
products in separate carton boxes in EWM.
Go to ERP create IBD, with 3 items 1 quantity each and pack them in 3 different
carton boxes.
In EWM, IDN check for HUs
Go to ID follow on functions pack
Generate on HU for carton box.
Go to repack product tab and empty the old carton box HU and move the
product to new carton BOX HU
Note: empty HUs will be disappear after save.

Testcase 4:
Vendor sending products in carton boxes. I will repack them in pallet and keep
them in warehouse

In ERP, create IBD with 1 item 3 quantity. Pack them in 3 carton boxes with 1
Go to ID follow on functions pack
Create one pallet HU, use repack HU and move carton boxes to pallet
Note: after GR in EWM all the data will updated in ERP
Now if we do warehouse task, it will create only one warehouse task. Since 2
carton Box HUs are stored one pallet.
Check the same HU in monitor
Packaging Specifications
Packaging specifications is a master data specific to EWM
We determine package specification during several applications with condition

Element: pack material + work step

Element group: assign related elements
Level: element groups are assigned to level
Content: Product is the content
Packaging specification:
 Reusable
 Number ranges
 Element groups reusable
 Work step also reusable
 Number ranges for high level packaging, element groups, work step
EWM Easy Access SCM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Transaction code: /SCWM/PACKSPEC (Maintain packaging specification)

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Define number range for packaging specification

Need number ranges for packspec, element group and work step
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Define general packaging specification parameters
Note: Packaging specifications are defined at client level, when ever want use
of those to our warehouse, use some condition techniques
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Define packaging specification group

Come to transaction: /SCWM/PACKSPEC

Provide packspeck JLPW and enter

Select the line and click on the display

Add product to content as shown below

Add level to product

If we want to go with the predefined levels, we maintain level set

Set of levels

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification

Maintain structure of packaging specification define level type
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Maintain structure of packaging specification define level set
Assign level types to level set. Sequence would consider from the inside
packing. Example: first auxiliary packing and then main packing

Go to packspeck transaction /SCWM/PACKSPEC

Again go to SPRO, define packaging specification group and assign level set
Go to transaction /SCWM/PACKSPEC and provide PS group JLPW and enter
Now will get level set JLPWLS

Select the row and click on display, Now levels have come automatically

Add product and click level and create element group by clicking create.
Element group number will automatically generated
For main level type HU creation option is available since we opted for HU
creation at the time of HU creation
Also deletion is not possible when we choose option ‘deletion is not allowed’
at the time of defining level type
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Maintain structure of packaging specification define element type

Go to Define level set

Select level type and assign element type
Come to transaction /SCWM/PACKSPEC

Select the line display, now element types are displayed for each level type

Assign pack materials types to element types, if we donot assign, there is

possible to assign any pack material
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Maintain structure of packaging specification define packaging materials
You will find pack materials, AXJL, CBJL and PLJL
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification
Maintain structure of packaging specification Assign packaging material
types to element types

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification

Maintain structure of packaging specification define work step type

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWM Master dataPackaging specification

Maintain structure of packaging specification assign work step type to
packaging material type
Go to transaction /SCWM/PACKSPEC

Provide level1 information,

Provide level2 information

Provide condition technique
Select SAPIBD01 others are customization
Activate after providing all data, status will be green
Create test cases
Create IBD and distribute to EWM
Go to ID, here 1 HU automatically created
Packaging specifications test cases
Go transaction /SCWM/PACKSPEC
Provide the product and enter. Will have the defined pack spec details

Print also available for packaging specification

form has been configured at master data packaging specifications Define

general packaging specification parameters
Created IBD with 3-line items and distributed to EWM. In EWM ID created with
1 HU automatically.
How HU got created for one of the items and its configurations
Check the product JLPL-MAT1 for which HU created

Condition technique 0IBD

Check the relation between 0IBD and packaging specification
EWM IMGSCM EWM EWM GR process Inbound Delivery Define
document types for inbound delivery process
Search for PDI and INB
Packaging specification define for JLPL-MAT1 product and HU is automatically
Now define packaging specification for all other products
Packaging specification for other products

Add product to content

Come to level

Provide pack materials


Provide condition technical details

Now pack speck defined for other product and create testcases
In ERP create IBD with 3 items among 2 are define with pack spec.
HU will not visible in IDN, it will visible in Inbound delivery since PDI document
category and INB document type we have 0IBD
HUs will be created based on the min and quantity maintained in the
packaging specification at level

 Element group and work step

Transaction /SCWM/PSWORKSTEP – maintain packaging work step
Transaction /SCWM/PSEG – Maintain level element group

Assign elements (Packaging material and work step) and save

Create another one

These created element groups will be providing instead of automatically
generated in packaging specification
Go to pack speck transaction
At level, provide predefined element group
Provide technical details and activate

Create test cases

Create different scenarios check for recording video packaging specifications 2
from 30th minute
Note: after having packaging specification in EWM, what will happen if HUs are
created in ERP? Will those HUs are consider?
Yes, HUs created in ERP are considered in EWM though it has packaging
Where we maintain condition techniques and condition tables,
EWM IMGSCMEWM EWMmaster data packaging specification
Determine packaging specification create field catalog

These fields are used to determine the pack spec

If you want to add custom fields are new fields to this catalog, use BADIs,
below is the path
EWM IMGSCMEWM EWMmaster data packaging specification
Determine packaging specification BADIs package specification
determinationBADI Pack spec determination
Access sequence:
EWM IMGSCMEWM EWMmaster data packaging specification
Determine packaging specificationDefine condition tables

Define access sequence

Define Condition types
Define determination procedure

Create condition maintenance group

To avoid creating bulk pack speck for material use reference material (Dummy)
and assign it to product
POSC: Process Oriented Storage Control
Note: POSC will work only with HUs

POSC is multi step movement

1. Unload
2. Deconsolidation
3. Putaway
The above steps are calling as external steps also it has internal steps
Each external step is having source and destination also have individual tasks
as well
For Unload: Door is the source and GR staging area is destination
Deconsolidation: GR staging is source and Deconsolidation work centre is
Putaway: Source work centre final storage type is destination
What are the rules to go with POSC and how can we apply?
 POSC works with HUs only
How we can apply or configure POSC
 Define Storage process: Sequentially assign external steps
1. Unload (IB01)
2. Deconsolidation (IB02)
3. Putaway (IB03)

 We assign storage process to warehouse process type

POSC will trigger as below

WPT SP We have sequential external steps
EWM IMG SCM EWM EWMCross processing settings Warehouse
task Define process-oriented storage control
Will have standard external steps, we can also create our own external steps

Select Storage process, this is warehouse wise,

Next, select assign storage process step

Regarding product warehouse task or HU warehouse task check box. From

which status GR staging area group or Deconsolidation, the warehouse task
will be execute.

Go to warehouse process type

EWM IMG SCM EWM EWMCross processing settings Warehouse
task Define warehouse Process Type
Go to require WPT and provide the Storage process in Settings for Storage
Process section

Create storage types for door and one virtual BIN to provide them as source in
Define storage type for Door
Create storage BIN

Again, go back to WPT for J010 and provide source details

Go to determine warehouse process type to check for WPT J010

Work centre is also a storage type and it should have one virtual storage BIN
Go to storage type and create storage type with role type work centre (E)
Note: Capacity check will not work for work centre

Create one section and assign Storage type JLDN

Create storage bin

Till now we have created one storage type with role E, not yet created work
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master data Work centre define
work centre

Important: Work centre layout: available options at work centre

Repack WPT 3040, this will be available in WPT

Next go to Specify work centre layout, we have used DKMX

Go to transaction:
/SCWM/TWORKST – Define Master data attributes
Here we have to assign work centre to work centre storage type bin

Significance of deconsolidation layout

Finally, we have to maintain POSC
EWM SCMEWM EWM Cross process settings Warehouse task
Define process-oriented storage control
Select process-oriented storage control

Here putaway is not required since we have putaway strategies

Check product masters for WPT determination for example J1 here. Similarly
for other master product
Deconsolidation Test cases
Create IBD with 3 items and distribute

In EWM check in monitor after confirming GR staging area

To complete the deconsolidation process

Go to transaction /SCWM/DECONS
Cleck on HU step complete button
After final,
Along with unloading step, individual tasks are created i.e waiting warehouse
tasks. Another thing is once after completing the unloading step, system is
automatically creating subsequence of task example to move to
Testcases please refer deconsolidation recording 2 and 3.

 Consolidation group: Logical grouping of the products.

1. With reference to AA (Logical grouping of BINs)
2. With reference to Customers
Consolidation is having Number Range
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master data Define number ranges

Click on Number range interval for consolidation group

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GR process  Deconsolidation  Assign
Number range intervals to consolidation groups
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master data  Activity Area
Note: Check for the activity areas for all storage types, generate activity area
for storage type if AA not defined before. For that go to “Generate AA from
storage type” in the same path

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master data  Assign Activity Area to

deconsolidation group

Click on button pull deconsolidation group

Storage bin sort: /SCWM/SBST

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GR process  Deconsolidation Define
attributes for Deconsolidation
Note: Deconsolidation HU means mixed pallets,

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GR process  Deconsolidation Define

attributes for Deconsolidation
After generating AA for storage type RK01, RK02, RK03, RK04, RK05 and RK06
are available in attributes
Provide max and min warehouse tasks to go for deconsolidation
If product is coming in carton box it has to go to table and if the product is
coming as pallet it has go on the floor.
We have created 1 storage type as work centre and assigned work centre to it
Now we have to create shop floor and assign work centre.
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM master data work centre Define
work centre

Create 1 virtual BIN

Go to work centre transaction: /SCWM/TWORKST

Carton Box should go to DNWC and pallet should go to DNSF
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GR process  Deconsolidation Specify
Deconsolidation station

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWMCross Processing settings warehouse

task Define POSC
Also select rules-based check box, initially only 1 line entry for deconsolidation.
Now we have scenario, pallet and carton boxes are moved to shop floor and
table deconsolidation’s . now based on HU group type we can categorize.
Create test data
Carton Box example


Go to monitor

After executing WT in background

Destination bin is DECON-BIN-TABLE

Now create IBD with pallet

After confirming the WT in background, will have below open task and moved
to DECON-SHOP-FLOOR since the product is in pallet
Inbound VAS Process
VAS: Value Added Services
It is associated with external step and assigned to internal step
VAS executed through VAS order
Package Specification is mandatory
We also require on work centre
Define VAS relevancy in storage process after deconsolidation step
For inbound and outbound we can generate the VAS order
EWMIMGSCMEWM EWM Cross Process settingsVASDefine
Number range for VAS order
EWMIMGSCMEWM EWM Cross Process settingsVASDefine
relevance for VAS

Select 1 row and click on display,

Where to find pack. spec. procedure,
Go to EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master dataPackaging
specification Determination of packaging specification

Come from the bottom (how the 0VSI has been configured)
Define Determination procedure

Elements of determination procedure

Go to define condition type

Define access sequence,

What is the access table? Click on Access


Check for VAS relevancy,

Packaging specification existing check

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Cross process settings  VAS 
Warehouse number-dependent VAS settings

We require POSC with VAS check as well

Before that we have to follow the below steps
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master dataDefine storage type
Create one storage type as role E (Work centre) for VAS work centre
Create storage section, it is an optional

Create one virtual storage BIN


In the work centre need options like HU creation, pack, repack and so on.
How to achieve that?
Through work centre layout we can achieve that

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master data  work centre Define

work centre

At the moment external step has not been created

Will check for the work centre layout VAS1 functionalities are available
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master data  work centre Specify
work centre layout

Go to POSC
Cross-process settings warehouse task Define POSC
Storage process Definition

Assign storage process

Initially there is no step for VAS, now we have to add


Now add VAS

Go to warehouse process type

Define warehouse process type
Cross check the storage process updated or not
Go to master data work centre
Assign external step for VAS

Easy access,
Transaction: /SCMEWM/TWORKST – Define master data attributes

We require Pack Spec

Go to transaction /SCMEWM/PACKSPEC
Add product in the content and provide details
Provide the external step for VAS
Click on HU check and activate
Do the pack spec. for another product same as above.
Test scenarios:
1. Do the deconsolidation
2. VAS
Create IBD with 2 items and pack with pallet


Go to items and select 1 item. Select to diplay order for VAS

Select 2 item and display order for VAS
Go to change mode and update WC manually for item 1 and item 2

In both the cases work centre not determined, will update it manually now will
see the flow why it has not determined
POSC was not updated correctly

From now Work centre will determine correctly

Next step is, go to Inbound delivery follow on functions Warehouse task
After executing
Go to monitor
Confirm WT

Execute the open WT in background

Go to deconsolidation: /SCWM/DCONS

Deconsolidate and pack them in carton box for both materials. And confirm
HU. Both the HUs are ready to move to VAS work centre
Come to monitor, for 1 HU ready to move to VAS WC

After confirming go to VAS WC

Go to VAS execution: /SCWM/VASEXEC - create confirmation for VAS
Go to VAS tree, Click on VAS WC and change the status to in progress and click

Click on End, w/o Variance’s button and the status automatically changes to C

Complete the HU process step by clicking in the top tool bar and save
Refresh Monitor, will have 1 open status. Execute it in background for confirm
Confirm the open line in background for WT

Moved to RK01-01-04-01
Go to Deconsolidation for another product

Complete the HU step completed by pressing HU process step button and save
1 more task has been created, saying that this has to be moved to VAS

Come to monitor

There is one open item to be moved to VAS

Confirm the WT for open item and now it available in VAS WC
Go to VAS execution: /SCWM/VASEXEC

Click on VAS order 601 and change the status to Completed

And complete the VAS by clicking HU complete step and save
Go to monitor,

Confirm WT in background

Moved from VAS WC to RK03-03

Assignment Testcase:
Want to know the VAS utilisation of a product and how do you track VAS

If you wat to know the consumption of packed materials, you have to update
consumption-relevant for VAS has to update at product master warehouse

Assign Storage BINs for VAS consumption posting: /SCWM/7300001. You will
find this tcode in easy access Master data
LOSC – Layout Oriented Storage Control
Mezzanine Floor

LOSC works with HU and Non-HU

It is possible to mix with POSC and LOSC.
At least one external step should be prior to LOSC. Ex: LOSC will work after Un
loading. Not before un loading.
Normally LOSC is used in MFS – Material Flow Systems
Define Storage type
Create 2 normal Storage type,
1. Ground floor
2.First Floor

Create storage BINs for above created storage types

Now we have to design a layout
EWMIMGSCMEWMEWM Cross Processing settings Warehouse
tasks Define Layout Oriented Storage Process Control

If the product has to move to RK01 or RK02 from VAS. Product has to move
from VAS area to Ground floor area GFLA.
If product has to move from ground floor GFLA to RK01 or RK03, product has
cross first floor lift area FFLA
Test case:
Create 1 IBD with 2-line items and packing in pallet
Save and delivery distributed to EWM. Do the follow on functions and create

Go to monitor and display Warehouse task,

Confirm WT

There are 2 waiting tasks and open task

Now move the open task to shop floor by confirming
Now 2 waiting tasks are showing at Deconsolidation

Go to Inbound delivery and display VAS order

VAS Order not been created, due to pack spec configurations were lost

Create pack spec for materials as shown in the video.
Please refer video POSC Vs LOSC from 18 min
Since pack spec was missed and manually enter for VAS order for 1 st item
Come to monitor,
Now products are at Deconsolidation
Go to Decon: /SCWM/DCONS

Create 2 HUs of carton box

Come to deconsolidation tab and repack them in different HUs

Complete both the HUs by clicking HU step complete
Now both are ready to move to VAS work centre
Come to monitor and refresh

Confirm both the open tasks and go to VAS


Confirming the VAS order at VAS order level or VAS WC level by clicking START
or End, w/o Variances
The click on HU step completes by clicking the ‘Complete Process Step for HU’

After that system is proposing new warehouse task i.e, 100254

Go to monitor and refresh

One open task is directing from VAS WC to GFLA (Ground floor Area)
Confirming WT for the open task
1 new warehouse task being created 100255

Confirm the open WT

Now the product is available in FFLA – First floor area, now we have to move
the product to final storage type
Confirm the open WT

10249 WT confirmed the product moved to FFLA to RK01-04-01

Similarly, for other material (waiting warehouse task 100250) follow the same
 Go to VAS: /SCWM/VASEXEC, perform all the execution steps
 Go to monitor and confirm WT from VAS to GFLA
 Confirm WT from GFLA to FFLA
 Confirm WT from FFLA to Final storage
Outbound Delivery Distribution

Master data
 Customer Master, it is also a BP and is having ID type CRM002
In ECC, XD01

Go to company code data update with required data

Go to Sales are and update with required data and save
Distribute using CFM1 and CFM2
After successful distribution, go to EWM BP

 Create Sales Order using VA01

Save and SO will create
Go to outbound delivery VL01N
Create 1 OBD and it will be distributed to EWM
Go to EWM Easy access outbound Delivery Maintain outbound delivery
request (/SCWM/ODR)

Check for the supply chain Unit, /SCWM/SCUMAIN

Activate ODR
Now we have to check why this OBD has been distributed and how and when?
Go to ERP and check the OBD. Check the plant and storage location of OBD
Here plant is RIPL and SL is AFS

System will check any warehouse (3 digit) has been assigned to plant and SL
ERP IMG enterprise structure  Assignment LE Assign Warehouse
number to plant and SL

Now we have to check, the 3-digit WH is centralised or decentralised (assigned

to any warehouse).
ERP IMG Integration with other SAP components  basic settings for
EWM linkage Configure EWM specific parameters

Here the WH is configured as decentralised i.e., ERP with EWM

How WH is distributed?
ERP IMG Integration with other SAP components  basic settings for
EWM linkage Generate distribution model from SAP ERP to SAP EWM

Will do check and create entries

Go and check in BD64 for RIP WHN
Mapping for document type and item type
Delivery type: LF
Document Category: J
Item Category: TAN
Document category: ODR
Document type: OUTB
Item level:
Item category: DLV
Item Type: ODLV
Note: all delivery parameters mapped from ERP to EWM against which
Business System
EWM IMGSCMEWM EWM Integration Delivery Processing Map
Document types from ERP system to EWM

In the same path, map item types from ERP system to EWM
Where OUTB and ODLV are configured
EWM IMGSCMEWM EWM Goods Issue process  outbound
Delivery Define document types for outbound delivery process
Search for document category ODR, you will find OUTB document type

In the same path go to, Define item types for outbound delivery process
Search for document category ODR
Click on outbound delivery order:

Go to warehouse process type in EWM IMG

For outbound we have to mention destination storage type and destination

Create 1 storage BIN got GI storage area
There is one more setting instead of mentioning destination storage type and
bin in WPT
Easy access, go to shipping and receiving, transaction code
/SCWM/ STADET_OUT – storage area and door determination (Outbound)

If you maintain there, automatically staging and door will be determined

After maintaining above, do the access sequence, using /SCWM/STADET_ASS –
Access sequence to staging area and Door determination
Come to outbound delivery and do the follow on functions
After confirming WTs and do the GI, then system will create 1 outbound

We do not have any reversal goods issue in outbound delivery order, but we
have it in outbound delivery

Go to ERP, VL03N
Check for the document comparisons,
Go to EWM IMG GI process Outbound delivery Define document type
determination for outbound delivery process

Stock Removal rule

How to get the empty storage BINs
1. Mass change of Storage BINs - /SCWM/LS11
Here you will see the empty indicator

2. Another option to see the empty bin details is Monitor /SCWM/MON

Go to stock and bin provide storage type and empty bin indicator as X
Initial upload to bins using transaction /SCWM/ISU – Stock Data Transfer

Sample file to upload

Execute and it will create warehouse material document

Go to monitor and check

We have to check the stock updates and movement types, where it got
updated in ERP system
MB51 – Material document list

Double click on one line

Same thing we can see in MMBE transaction

Right click on stock and choose material movements
Stock removal rule:
There are multiple bins having same product and need to consider having less
quantity of product BIN to more quantity BIN
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GI process Strategies Specify stock
removal Rule

Select one row and select stock removal rule

For second line stock removal rule

Note: for putaway, we have 3 types of strategies
Storage type
Storage section
BIN determination
For Picking or stock removal, we have only 1 strategy,
Storage type search sequence

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GI process Strategies Specify storage

type search sequence

Select 1 row and select assign storage type

For the second line item

Same like putaway control indicator, we have stock removal control indicator
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GI process Strategies Define stock
Removal control indicator
In the same strategies path, determine storage type search sequence for stock

In the same strategies path, Optimization of access strategies for storage type
determination in stock removal

Go to product master,

Update stock removal control indicator in the product warehouse tab

Similarly, for other product

Update stock removal control indicator

In ERP, VL01N and create 1 outbound delivery
Go to /SCWM/ODR – OBD request
Select OBD request and click on OB order

Then perform the follow-on functions

Select 1st record and click on create. First record will be configured as FIFO
Go to Monitor and cross check

Selected record comes under FIFO

Second test scenario, please refer video stock removal rule from last 20 min.

Outbound common steps,
These are external steps and it associated with internal steps
IBD POSC: Storage Process Warehouse Process type determine
OBD POSC: Storage Process type WOCR Warehouse Process type
WOCR: Warehouse Order Creation Rule
WO: Warehouse Order is an execution package having 1 or more warehouse
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Cross processing settings warehouse
tasks Define POSC
External Storage Process

Storage process definition

Select row and select assign storage process

Note: Outbound side product HU and HU not required, since pick will start with
the HU only
Next step: WOCR
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Cross processing settings warehouse
order Define creation rule for Warehouse order
In creation category, we will use consolidation group, Pick path and Physical
Inventory. Pick path is nothing but sort sequence

Now go to Warehouse Process Type

In the same crosse process settings Define WPT
Example, here copy 2010 to J210 and assign WO Rule

Go in the same cross process settings, define control indicators for determining

Go to define warehouse process type

Require packaging work centre for packing
Master data Work Centre Define Work Centre

Storage type VAS which has been used for inbound can be used for outbound
Next, Master data Work centre Specify work centre layout
Create storage bin

Define Master data attributes using /SCWM/TWORKST

Assign storage bin for PACK Work centre

Maintain POSC
Cross process settings Warehouse Task Define POSC
Note: Picking external step is not required in Outbound, where as in Inbound
Putaway external step is not required
Also check determine storage type search sequence for stock removal
In EWM, GI Process strategies Determine storage type search sequence
for stock removal

Update product master

VL01N – Create 1 delivery with 2 items
Go to OBD request /SCWM/ODR

Copy OD Order, go to monitor /SCWM/MON

Provide Warehouse order and will get 2 open tasks, double click item 1

Note: HU is mandatory for POSC

The above open WT should go for picking

Click on create

Confirm and go to monitor, process the 2nd item

Go to pack WC, easy access EWM Execution /SCWM/PACK – Pack

Pack the products in pallet or repack with the allowed HUs, based on the
Click on pallet HU and confirm HU complete button
100322 WT has been created, based on our configuration at Storage Process.
Go to monitor

Provide WT and will have below

Selected item has to be moved from PICKING to Staging and confirm WT

Come to OD order and check the picking status

Then do the Goods issue at HU level or header level

After GI, Outbound delivery has been created

Go to ERP,
Control for PICK HU Removal concept

Configuration settings for the above will be done in the below

 storage type level
 WPT level

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Master Data Define Storage Type

In stock Removal Control, we have HU Picking Control option is there, do F4

and you will have the options and select required option
Here selecting option 3
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Cross processing settings Warehouse
Task Define WPT

In the section control for putaway/stock removal section, we have option

‘Control for HU Pick’
Select Blank option here
ERP, Create outbound delivery VL01N with 2 items

Here for MAT1 there is no source and destination HU are there

Perform the execution for MAT2,
Here source HU has been determined, but destination HU not been
determined. Since in WPT, we consider option only content.
Now will change setting in the master datastorage type RK03 option is 1

Now the destination HU determined due to option 1 in storage type RK03

Similarly check for other options like blank
Now for the other processes, option 3 has been used.
Go to monitor and check for the warehouse orders

Double click on line it will leads to warehouse order and task screen

Go to Pick HU tab and create it

Provide pack material and click on create button
Copy HU number 1709047
Now go to monitor and double click on 2nd warehouse order and in the Pick hu
provide the pick HU which created above

Click on create button

Go to monitor and confirm WT

Now the goods are available at PACK WC

Execute /SCWM/PACK
We can use the same HU or create new HU and repack. Both options are ok
Here he has created new HU and moved products
Now click on HU step completed and Save

Come to monitor
Confirm the WT and products available in staging

Come to outbound order and do the Goods Issue

 Rule based package
Master data work centre Optimize WC determination in Goods Issue
Select appropriate options Active area or consolidation group
Come to easy access Master Data Work centre
/SCWM/PACKSTDT – Determine Work Centre in Goods Issue

Go to POSC,

Standard Steps:
OB01 – Pick
OB02 – Pack
OB03 – Staging
OB04 – Load
Till now we have done GI, that means until staging.
Now we have to do the LOADING
 Door Determination: for that we have to create DOOR Storage type
Master data Define Storage type

 Create BIN for DOOR Storage Type

Cross process settings Warehouse Task Define POSC

Create external step for DOOR ST
Select Storage process OBD2

Select OBD2 row and assign storage process type

Add Load step 07LD

Go to POSC and add assign storage process type
Cross processing settings warehouse Task Define WPT
Provide Destination ST and BIN as DOOR and DOOR BIN

Note: if there are multiple staging areas from which staging area, which step
we are using to consider
We have to update the external step in storage type
Go to Define Storage Type
Go to Cross processing setting Warehouse Order Define creation rule for
warehouse orders

Cross processing settings warehouse Task Define warehouse process type

Update WO rule
ERP VL01N with 2 items
EWM /SCWM/ODR OBD request OD Follow on functions
warehouse task

Create and save  confirm

GO to pack WC and get the trolly

In the pack HU provide the above HU

Similarly for the 2nd item

Confirm and save. Now the trolly available in packaging WC.

Go to packaging WC /SCWM/PACK

Here you can use the same HU or repack the product in other HU. Save with
HU step completed and refresh
1 new warehouse task is created
Go to monitor,

Confirm the open WT

After confirming there is 1 more open task available, which is loading

warehouse task. It is directing to DOOR. Confirm the task
Opportunistic Cross Docking
Normally staging areas are called as docking areas in business terminology

Stock determination: F1 also allow against F2 requirements

 There are 2 BADIs to be activated for OCD (opportunistic cross docking)
 Stock determination group we need to map
 PUSH: I have stock in GR staging area, when I am creating putaway WT,
system checks CD requirements and create WT against GI staging – OCD
 PULL when I am going to create picking WT, system checks stocks in GI
staging area first and create WTs to pick the products from GR staging –
OCD Outbound
EWMIMG SCMEWM EWM BADIs Cross processing settings Cross
docking OCD EWM triggered OCD
There 2 BADIs to be activated
 EWM triggered OCD Inbound

 EWM triggered OCD outbound

 Define product type and product group
SCM Basis Master data Product Product groups Define Product group

We can use existing available types and group

In the same path ‘Define Product Group’

Product type and Product groups to configured

Cross processing settings Cross docking OCD EWM triggered OCD
Activate EWM triggered OCD
Provide inbound and outbound product group type
 Stock determination Group: F1 in the place of F2
SCWMEWM EWM Cross process settings Stock Determination
Maintain Stock Determination groups

In the same Path ‘Configure stock determination’

To execute this, creating new product in ERP

Do the CFM1 and CFM2 and distribute it to EWM
Easy access Master data product /SAPAPO/MAT1

Provide property group type and Product group

Come to /SCWM/MAT1
Click on create, provide stock determination group

Next, we need manage staging area groups (GR and GI) for PUSH and PULL

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GR Process Strategies Storage type
search Assign storage types to storage type search sequence

We apply SEQ1 for that product.

Next is PULL
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GI Process Strategies Specify Storage
type search sequence


Check for the control indicator at putaway,

EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GR Process Strategies Storage type
search Specify storage type search sequence for putaway

Here we have indicator PUT1 for 1010. Will use indicator PUT1 in the product
Check for the control indicator at picking,
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM GI Process Strategies Storage type
search determine storage type search sequence of stock removal
We can use SRC1 control indicator
Go to product master - /SCWM/MAT1

Update Putaway control indicator and stock removal control indicator

Test case:

In ERP, Create 1 PO

Inbound Delivery VL31N


Come to ID and do GR,

Go to Monitor and check the WT
Staging storage BIN and storage type F1 is there
Refer video recording for test cases from 40th min

WOCR – Warehouse Order Creation Rule

Activity area level w.r.t to activity WOCR will be assigned

EWM IMG SCWMEWM EWM Cross Process settings Warehouse
Order Define Creation Rule for Warehouse Orders

In the same path,

‘Define Search sequence of Creation Rules for activity areas’
Cross Process settings warehouse Tasks Define warehouse Process type

Remove WO rule, value if there is any. ‘WOCR Activity Area’ there blank -
source and 1 - destination.
For outbound it is blank – Source
Crate testcase for triggering
Create 1OBD with 2-line items
In EWM, do the follow-on functions and confirm the warehouse order. WOCR
would be determined as per the configuration
Currently WOCR determination is happening for the first only. To trigger first
sequence and second sequence and so on, we have to use FILTERS
Example: in grocery shop, we have 1 kg rice bag, 5 kg rice bag, 25 kg rice bag
and so on. Here product is same and based on the weight the packaging will
differed. Here weight is the filter
Cross process settings warehouse order Define Filters for WOCRs
In the same path, ‘Define Creation rule for warehouse orders’
Provide Item filer FIL1 – up to 5 KG
Provide item filter FIL2 – up to 6kg to Max
Test case:
Create 1 OBD with 2 items, 2 and 4 quantities

In EWM, go to ODO and do the follow-on functions and warehouse task

WCR1 triggered since the quantity filter is for 4 KG for warehouse order
300353. Since the quantity is 4 KG and it consider filter WCR1. For the other
warehouse order 300354, the quantity is more then 6KG and it consider WCR2

Note: If we do not maintain WOCR for any activity area then the system use
default (DEF). Here for AA RK02, there is no WOCR defined

EWM Cross process settings warehouse order Define search sequence

of creation rules for Activity areas
Define WOCR for RK02 activity area

Now RK02 and WOCR has been determined


In the above screen there are 7 warehouse tasks have been created. Want to
restrict warehouse tasks with in the warehouse order example 4 WTs. This is
possible through LIMITs
EWM Cross process settings warehouse order Define Limit Value for the
size of a warehouse order
Come to ‘Define WOCR’ and provide Limit value

Testcase: Because Limit, 7 WTs have been created in 2 different WTs.

In FILTERS, system will check the item level filters. Where as in sub-total filters,
items will be clubbed together and pass through the sub total filter.
Also, sub-total filter will trigger, if FILTER setting is not fulfilled
In the same filter type configuration, provide filter type as Filter at subtotal
Define filter for warehouse order creation rules

Go to ‘Define creation rule for warehouse order rules’ and create rule
Go to ‘Define search sequence of creation rules for activity areas’

Go to ‘Define creation rule for warehouse order rules’ and provide subtotal

Test case:
Create on OBD using VL01NO,
In EWM, now see WOCR determined for WCR3, since quantity of all items are
more than 5 quantity.

Explaining about the ITEM FILTER, LIMIT and SUB-TOTAL FILTER

RED colour box represents the LIMITs.
What is the consideration for selecting the warehouse task?
2 type of sorting
 Inbound sorting
 Warehouse order sorting
Cross-process settings Warehouse Order Define Sort rules for warehouse
tasks select define sort rules

Save and back, select define sort fields

There are 40 standard sort fields are there

In the same path, Define creation rule for warehouse order

Select line and click on details. Explained about Inbound sorting, WO sorting
and creation category
Packing profile, PICK HU is mandatory for packing profile
Ion the same path, Define packing profile for warehouse order creation
In the same path, Define creation rule for warehouse order. Select all items
and display and update packing profile JP01

Now we need packaging specification for product.

Go to easy access, /SCWM/PACKSPEC – maintain packaging specification

Go to details

Add product under the content

Click on HU check and activate
Similarly, for 2-product

Note: 1 virtual BIN is required to manage the pick HU.

For that we have to create 1 virtual storage type and virtual storage BIN
Master data define storage type

1 virtual BIN

Now activity area wise, we have to assign sort BIN,

Easy access /SCWM/SEBA – Assign start/End storage BIN for Activity Area
Create 1 outbound delivery with 2 items
In EWM, go to ODO and perform follow-on functions

Here HU is automatically created

Go to monitor and in OBD, provide outbound deliver order #.

Destination Bin is Auto pick HU, confirm the WT

After confirming all WTs,

Here pick and pack steps are separated.
If the standard rules are not full filling the requirement, then go for
customization using BADIs

EWM BAIDs Cross process settings Warehouse Order Creation

BOM – Bill of material
BOM is calling as KIT in EWM

KIT to Order
Based on the order KIT will prepare

Note: KIT to Order we can use with POSC and without POSC, with VAS

One BC set is mandatory in ERP

Go to ERP and create Material
Remove NORM from Gen. Item Category group and Item category Group and
provide KIT.
From the Sales Org. 2 tab

And continue and save. Material will be created

Will Prepare one Bill of Material (BoM)

Tcode CS01,
Extend to storage location AFS for the material using MMSC transaction code
Create Sales order using VA01

Provide the header material JLPW-KIT and BOM will be exploded

Item categories KITH and COMP for header and item are carry forward to
deliveries. Below is the set up
ERP Logistic Execution Shipping Deliveries Define Item Categories for
How the mentioned item categories are determined for our delivery
In the same path, ‘Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries’

Provide AFS for all sales order items

And complete the incompleteness document and save. SO, created
Now create the OBD using VL01N.
Now distribute the material using CFM1 and CFM2.
In EWM, extend the product to EWM.

Compare the configurations ERP and EWM

LF: Document type ERP
Item Categories: KITH and COMP
OUTB: Document Type
OKM (Header)
OKC (Items)
Where these mappings are configured.
EWM IMG SCMEWM EWM Interfaces ERP Integration Delivery
Processing Map Document Types from ERP System to EWM

In the same path, ‘Map item types from ERP system to EWM’
BC set activation, go to SCCPR20 transaction code
Available BC Sets,

Come to OBD, Header Item we are not picking.

For components, picking and putaway will take place

To skip some processes use the transaction
Now OBD directing to GI staging
Repack to another HU

Click on generate Kits

Please check video from 30th min to 45 for the above testcase
Note: From EWM side KITTING is a VAS activity
Cross Process setting warehouse Task Define POSC
Step 1.
Define external step
Step 2. Storage Process

Step 3. Assign storage process steps

Step 4. Warehouse order Rule is required for Kit to Order

Cross process settings warehouse order Define creation rule for
warehouse orders
Step 5: Required 1 new warehouse process type
Cross process settings warehouse task Define warehouse process type
Step 6: Determine warehouse process type

Step 7. Required 1 work centre

Create 1 new storage type to avoid confusion
Define storage section

Bin is required, /SCWM/LS01 – Create 1 BIN

Now Create 1 Work Centre
EWM Master Data Define Work Centre

Specify work centre layout

Change KIT option is important to create KITs, otherwise it won’t create KITs
Come to the path where the POSC is defining,
Define master data attributes
Assign the storage BIN to JKTO

Go to product master and maintain process type determination indicator

Create test data
Refer last 20 min recording
KIT to Stock
We expected some sales in our company and we prepare KITs readily to send
to customer. Without order we make the KITs ready
KIT stock happens in EWM only

VAS order is the document to initiate all these processes

VAS order generates 2 warehouse requests
1. Inbound Delivery
2. Outbound Delivery Order
It works only with POSC’s. with BOM and without BOM we can use KIT to Stock
Step 1.
Cross-process settings VAS Define Order types for VAS for KIT to Stock
Step 2.
Required 2 POSC’s for Inbound and outbound
Inbound POSC
Outbound POSC
 Putaway
Cross Process setting warehouse Task Define POSC
External storage process
Storage process definition for IBD and OBD
Warehouse process types
CPS WT Define WPT

Provide storage process type JIKS in the KISO WPT

Require 1 warehouse order creation rule
CPS WO Define creation rule for warehouse order

Require 1 WPT for stock removal

CPS WT Define WPT
Provide WO rule
We require 1 work centre come staging area group
EWM Master Data Define storage type
In the same path, Define storage section

Create 1 BIN

Define 1 work centre

Master data Define work centre
Assign BIN to work centre KTSW
Go to EWM easy access master data work centre or /SCWM/TWORKST

KTS-BIN has to assign to KTSW

In the WPT, we have to provide source and destination
CPS WT Define WPT
Example WPTs KTSI and KTSO
WPT determination automatically for KTSI and KTSO
CPS WT Determine WPT

Above values are taken from document types for VAS for KIT to Stock

We need to manage the strategies for inbound and outbound (KTSI and KTSO)
EWM GR process strategies Storage type search Specify storage type
sequence for Putaway
EWM GI process Strategies Determine storage search sequence for
stock removal

POSC set up for KIT to Stock

CPS WT Define POSC
Packaging specification is required for header material. Because against header
only we have to generate the VAS order. Internal VAS only not specific
preservations etc.
Go to easy access master data Packaging specification or

We should have 1 level type that too Kitting relevant

We have to activate kitting relevant

EWM Master Data Packaging specification  Maintain structure of
packaging specification Define level type
Select Kitting
Now kitting has been activated for level type and go back to packaging
specification. Add product and update the information

Come to level
HU check and activate

Test case without BOM:

Easy Access-> Work Scheduling VAS /SCWM/VAS_KTS – VAS for KIT
creation on stock
Click on create button.

Enter required information

Click on enter, VAS order 626 created

100203 warehouse request has been created. This is for header material (KIT)
200203 for items
Go to Outbound delivery order, there is no outbound delivery request.

Follow on functions and WT

Create and confirm. 2 warehouse tasks have been created

Double click on each record and create PICK HU

Go to monitor
Confirm 2 WT

Go to VAS execution /SCWM/VASEXEC

Click on post HUs in post components tab. Meaning putting the components
on the VAS WC table
Go to Post kit tab and click on PACK button

Give the pack material and click on execute button

After execution, we have the below screen
Click on back button

Click on POST HUS in POST KIT tab

Click on HU step completed button

Refresh it and 1 WT generated 100482

Go to Monitor
Test Scenario with BOM:
Create BOM material using CS01

Check the video, last 24 min

Queue Determination
Warehouse Order: Executable package. Need to assign these executable
packages to a resource
Resource: means a worker or a piece of machinery
How to assign executable package to a resource?
Queue: set of executable packages
Ex: Inbound queues, outbound qs, internal qs
How this queue can be determined in our warehouse order?
Queue Determination:
EWM CPS Resource Management Define Queue types
In the same path, ‘Define queues’

Now queues are available. Now what is the criteria to determine queues
Save and go back

Choose Define QD Criteria

Control parameters to determine
1. Source Activity Area
2. Destination Activity Area
3. BIN Access Type
4. Warehouse Process Type
5. Activity

Example for determination, instead of WPT, we can use Activity Area.

Below is the AA to determine QD

Save and back

Define queue access sequence

Note: go with the same queue or different queues. Each warehouse task
associated with 1 queue
Create 1 IBD and distribute to EWM
Refer QD video recording from 30th min
Access sequence for QD
Resource Management
Resource management:
 Resource type: what type of resource group
Ex: Worker, Fork Lift, Stacker crane
 Resource Group:
Group of resources assigned to queue
Grp1: 3 workers, 1 Fork lift – INB
Grp2: 6 workers, 3 Fork Lifts – OBD
Grp3: 8 workers – Packing (Internal)
EWM Cross process settings Resource management Define resource

If the resource is assigned for inbound then the resource will complete the
putaway and after that resource walks back to GR staging area without any
Assign BIN access type to the resource type.
Select the row and click on assign bin access type

Assign HU type group to the resource type

Here for manual assign the carton box HU type group and refer the product
master for the same

The HU type for this product is JHT1 and get the HU type group
Path to get HU type grp.
EWM Cross process setting Handling Units  Basics Define HU types for
each warehouse number and assign HU type group
JHG1 is the HU type grp. For HU type JHT1.
JHG2 is the HU type grp. For HU type JHT2
Resource and resources group are pure master data, those comes under
cutover activities
EWM Easy Access Master data Resource Management /SCWM/RGRP
In the same path,
/SCWM/QSEQ Maintain Queue sequence for resource group

In the same path,

/SCWM/RSRC – Maintain Resources
Standard bin get from /SCWM/LS11 transaction
Maintain Users for the resources, transaction code /SCWM/USER
RF Functionalities
Transaction /SCWM/RFUI
Please refer RF cook book and technical vedios.
It is an EWM internal process
Replenishment at 2 levels
1. Storage type level
2. Storage BIN level (Fixed bins)
Replenishment processes
1. Planned replenishment
2. Ordered
3. Crate part
4. Direct
5. Automatic

Create 1 storage type with replenishment at ST level

At the end there is replenishment level field available and update it with 1 (ST
Create 1 ST with replenishment at Storage BIN
Create storage BINs
Storage bins for RESB
Master data  Define warehouse Number Control

Master data Internal warehouse processes Replenishment control

Maintain Document/Item categories for replenishment warehouse request
Check WPT for 3010 for the required configurations
Cross processing settings warehouse task Define WPT
In the same path, Determine Warehouse process type
Come back to
EWM Internal warehouse processes Activate Replenishment strategies in
storage type
Want to pick the products from reserve zone to replenishment zone. For that
we need some strategies against 3010 WPT
EWM GI process Specify storage type search sequence

In the same path, Determine ST search sequence for stock removal

In the same path, optimization of access strategies for ST determination in
stock removal

We need to manage the minimum quantities and maximum quantities at ST

level in the product master.

ST level we can manage it in product master.

For BIN level, assign fixed bins to product master
/SCWM/FBINASN – Assign fixed storage BINs to products

For both the products

Run the Replenishment

Easy access EWM Work scheduling /SCWM/REPL
In replenishment strategies, update ST with ordered related replenishment
Create picking strategies from REST and RESB
EWM GI process Specify storage type search sequence

In the same path, Stock removal control indicator

In the same path, Determine ST search sequence for stock removal

In the same path, Optimization of Access strategies for storage type

determination in stock removal
Rough BIN determination, this is possible only in order related replenishment.
This check box will be updated in WPT and Storage Type level

ST level:
Go to EWM Master data Define Storage type


WPT level:
EWM Cross Process setting Define WPT
Similarly for X210

Test scenario, from 11th min

Decrease the stock in replenishment bin and create SO and OBD with more

After distributing the OBD to EWM, schedule the Replenishment

Why it is showing 35,
For the MAT1 product maximum quantity is 50. Available quantity is 15,
remaining 35 products we can accommodate in the replenishment

Regarding minimum replenishment quantity. If this will be used system will

create tasks multiple of the quantity.
If it 4, system will create tasks for 4, 8, 12, 16 etc
If run the same above replenishment after updating min. repl. Quantity. As 4
then the repl. Quan. instead of 35 it will give 32 for that particular product

If storage bins are empty in the replenishment storage type

Test case:
Move entire stock from replenishment storage bin to another bin
If we create OBD and run the replenishment and the bin shows empty. It will
shows only ST
Refer last 30 min recording for Automatic replenishment and direct

WAVE Management:
Consolidate outbound delivery order items together for the combined
Common point to process collectively. Example: Route, Product etc.,
EWM GI process Wave management General settings Maintain wave

In the same path, maintain wave categories.

Before that, we have to create filters
EWM Cross process settings warehouse order Define filters for
warehouse order creation rules
This will used in WOCR with wave filter which will be created in ‘maintain wave
Go to path, GI process Maintain wave categories

In the same path, Set automatic wave generation for WPT

Same update in WPT M210

In the same path, maintain WAVE capacity profiles

If wave creation is automatic, we need wave template. For that we have to

configure condition tables and access sequences etc to determine wave.

In the same path, Wave template determination Define field catalog

Define Condition tables

Define access sequence

Fields automatically come

Define Condition types

Define determination procedure
Assign procedure to document type

Note: there is no concept for inbound delivery order.

Only for the below

Define condition maintenance group

Click on the condition maintenance group and check for the latest counter.
Here 114 is the last entry and provide 115 as the counter number. Use new
entries and add the record

 First create wave template and define the condition records

Easy access EWM Work scheduling wave management maintain
wave template /SCWM/WAVETMP
 Condition records
Easy access Work scheduling wave management /SCWM/WDGCM –
maintain conditions for determining wave templates

Go to Monitor document wave

For manual, we have to use transaction /SCWM/WAVE
Pls refer last 6 min recording and 2nd recording.

Exception Handling

Operational environments: Desktop/ RF where Warehouse Task being created

In which process Warehouse task will be created:
Inbound. Outbound and internal. These are called as Business Context
SAP has provided several exception codes, but for project can use only 3 or 4
exception codes

EWM Cross processing settings Exception Handling Define Exception
Activate BC sets to adopt exception code.
Transaction SCPR20,

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