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#259/B, Bommasandra Indl. Area, Bangalore-99



Submitted by
Saouptik Banerjee

Under the guidance of

Mr. Yogesh Kumar G R
Department of Civil Engineering
BTL Polytechnic
Bommasandra, Bangalore-560099

The satisfactory and euphoria that accompany the successful

completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the
people who made it possible. Because “Success is the abstract of
hard work and perseverance, but steadfast of all is encouraging
guidance”. So acknowledge of those guidance and encouragement
served as a beacon light and crowned our efforts with success.

I would like to sincerely thank our sir, Mr. Yogesh Kumar G R,

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering for her unfailing
encouragement and suggestions delivered to us during the
development of this project.

I would like to sincerely thank our madam, Mrs. Nalina B, HOD,

Department of Civil Engineering for her engagement to encourage us
during the development of this Project work.

It’s a pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude to our sir, Mr.

Manjunath S T, Principal, BTL Polytechnic for providing us all the
necessary facilities for the successful completion of this project.

I would also like thank everyone else along with my friends and family
members whoever supported and laid out their helping hand for the
successful completion of this project work.

In order to reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases, many countries

are adopting new policies. So, this report deals with the tidal energy which is
the relevant technologies associated with the sea energy conversion. The key
access for a sustainable future as the sea energy is possible by setting up
related industrial fields and by adopting government policies based on the
technological development. This alternate source of energy will prove to be
highly efficient with high energy density along with the solution of the
economical and technological problems. We are living in a society where
almost 80% of our energy demand is fulfilled by sources, such as, natural
gases, coal, or oil which are harmful for nature. Tidal Power energy is a
pollution free energy having a lots of potential. A few studies that have been
undertaken till date to identify the environmental impacts of a tidal power
scheme have determined that the impacts depends greatly upon local
geography. If the fossil fuel resources decline during the 21 st Century as
predicted by Peak Theory, Tidal Power will be one of the alternate sources
of energy that has to be developed to satisfy the human demands of energy.
But sill even if we haven’t fully realised its potential, yet the advantages of
such kind of renewable energy can’t be denied.

1. Introduction to Underwater Windmill

1.1. Introduction 01
1.2. History 02
1.3. Technology in Tidal Range 03

2. Underwater Windmill
2.1. Definition 04
2.2. Principle 04
2.3. Working 05
2.4. Turbine Technology and Concepts 06
2.5. Seagen 07
2.6. Advantages 08
2.7. Literature Survey 09
2.8. Maintenance 10

3. Conclusion
3.1. Conclusion 11
3.2. Reference 12

Tidal Stream Turbines are often described as Underwater Windmills. They are
driven into the water bodies for underwater energy of moving water in a similar way
how a Wind Turbines uses the movement of air. The generator is placed into a Marine
Current that typically results when water is being moved by tidal forces comes up
against, or moves around an obstacle, or through a constriction such as a passage
between two masses of land. There are sufficient number of such fast-moving
underwater currents around the world to make such form of marine renewable energy
which makes it worth pursuing.

Tidal Stream Turbines are often described as Underwater Windmill. They are
driven by the Kinetic Energy of moving water in a similar way that Wind Turbine uses
moving air. There are sufficient number of tides around the world for renewable energy
which worth UK’s Electricity Supply by 2030. In their report, Future Marine Energy
published in 2006, the Carbon Trust Estimated that Tidal Stream Energy could meet 5%
of UK’s Electricity requirement and the reducing the country’s dependence on natural
sources of energy. Two British consultants have developed an underwater pump that
can irrigate river-side field without using any fuel or causing any pollution by using
carbon intensive fossil.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 1


A Watermill is a structure that uses a water wheel or water turbine to drive
mechanical process such us milling (grinding) rolling or hammering. Such processes
are needed in the production of many material goods.

Fig. 1: Underwater Turbine submerged in Ocean

The first offshore tidal stream turbine was installed by researchers on Monday. The
rotor uses the power of the tides to generate electricity on the English coast. Just the
beginning: The first “farm” of tidal turbines could spring up off the English coast within
years. Taking a windmill, turning it on its side and sinking it in the ocean is worth
remarkable. That, in effect, is what done by engineers in the Bristol Channel in England.
The aim is to harness the energy the tide produces day in, day out. On Monday, the
world’s first prototype tidal energy turbine was launched.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 2



Tides play a crucial role in power generation. In-stream tidal devices are designed
to capture the horizontal motion of the tide, tidal range technology exploits the vertical
motion of the tidal cycle. A dam is constructed across a bay or estuary which
experiences a large tidal range. Sluice gates at the dam base control fluid flow; these
are kept closed until a sufficient head is built up across the dam wall. The gates are
opened and water flows from the high side to the low side and in doing so passes through
turbines which spin to produce electricity. Power is generated following both the flood
and ebb tides with the high water being on the ocean side of the dam during flood tides
and water being held within the bay during the ebb tide. Variations on the scheme
include tidal lagoons, reefs and tidal fences, all of which operates using the same

Fig. 2: Components of Tidal Turbine

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 3


Renewable energy generation is growing in relevance due to the dual issues
of continuing global warming and national security of electrical supply. A largely
untapped potential with global potential to supply 170 TW of electricity annually
resource is ocean energy. There are sufficient numbers of such fast-flowing
underwater currents around the world to make this form of marine renewable energy
worth to be harnessed. Tidal stream turbines are described as underwater windmills.
They are driven by the kinetic energy of moving water like the way that wind
turbines use moving air. The generator is placed into a marine current that typically
results when water being moved by tidal forces comes up against, or moves around,
an obstacle or through a constriction such as a passage between two masses of land.
Tidal stream turbine can majorly help in producing the energy in hand by hand
similarly to the other technologies.

A flow of fluid moves a set of blades creating mechanical energy which is
then converted to electrical energy. They are equally troublesome for
environmentalists, as wind turbines interrupt bird flights just as water turbines can
disturb underwater life. One advantages water turbine enjoy over other sources of
renewable energy is a predictable tide table. Ocean energy device works on the same
principles as a windmill, where large underwater rotors, shaped like propellers, are
driven by the huge mass of flowing water to be found at certain places in the sea.
The technology consists of rotors mounted on steel piles (tubular steel columns)
set into a socket drilled in the seabed. The rotors are driven by the flow of water in
much the same way that windmill rotors are driven by the wind, the main difference
being that water is more than 800 times as dense as air.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 4


In Underwater windmill the tides push water against the blade, causing them
to spin. These turbines can be placed in natural bodies of water, such as harbors and
lagoons that naturally feature fast-moving flows of water. These turbines must be
able to swivel 180 degrees to accommodate the ebb and flow of tides, as
demonstrated by the Sea Gen prototype turbine in Ireland. As the blades spin, a
gearbox turns an induction generator, which produces an electric current. In addition
to being renewable, another key advantage of ocean power is that it’s reliable and
predictable, said Daniel England, an analyst at Green tech underwater wind mill.

Fig. 3: Working of Tidal Turbine

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 5



The harnessing of the energy in a tidal flow requires the conversion of kinetic
energy in a moving fluid, in this case water, into the motion of a mechanical system,
which can then drive a generator. It is not too surprising, therefore, that many
developers propose using technology that mirrors that which has been successfully
utilized to harness the wind, which is also a moving fluid. Therefore, most devices
can be characterized into the three following fundamental types as mentioned below.

1) Horizontal axis systems that has been installed in the Bristol Channel
between England and Wales, or in Hammerfest Strom, Norway.

2) Vertical axis systems such as the device that was tested in the Strait of
Messina between Sicily and the Italian mainland.

3) Variable foil systems such as the device that has been tested in Yell
Sound in Shetland, which lies to the North of Scotland and Orkney.

Fig. 4: Hybrid Illustration of the Seaflow Turbine Fig. 5: The Blue or E-Tide Concept

Fig. 6: The Enermar Project

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 6


SeaGen was the world's first large scale commercial tidal stream generator.
Seaflow proved technically feasible, Seagen is needed to prove the economic and
commercial feasibility. The Seagen system has its rotors mounted at the outer ends of a
pair of streamlined wing-like arms projecting either side of the supporting pile. Each
rotor is 16 m in diameter and drives a 600 kW power-train consisting of a gearbox and
generator. the total rated power per installed unit is up to 1200 kW(e) (depending on
siting conditions). The reasons for the twin rotor configuration are primarily that this
permits bidirectional operation with the rotors clear of the pile wake when the rotors are
downstream of the pile; 1808 rotor blade pitch control allows efficient operation when
the current reverses. Also, two rotors clearly deliver twice as much energy as one would,
but at less than twice the cost, so enhanced cost-effectiveness is another reason.
Essentially, Seagen produces three times the power of Seaflow at around twice the cost,
giving a significant 4 improvements in cost-effectiveness. It generates 1.2 MW for
between 18 and 20 hours a day while the tides are forced in and out of Strangford Lough
through the Narrows.

Fig. 7: Seagen Tidal Stream Generator

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 7



1. One of the most important and highly significant benefits of using the power of
the tides is, there are no fuel costs. The energy is fueled by the reliable and
sustainable forces of the oceans. Although initial construction costs are high, the
overall maintenance of the equipment and the return of the power in the form of
electricity can help offset this expense.

2. Tidal power is also an emission free source of power, providing clean energy by
harnessing it’s Natural sources. It can be used to display other electricity
producing methods that can rely on the burning of fossil fuels and contributes to
the greenhouse effect as they releases poisons into the atmosphere like Carbon
Dioxide, Sulfur etc.

3. Tidal power can also provide secondary benefits because transportation corridors
can be built above the tidal generators. These can support Roadways, Water
Mains, Rail-Lines, or Communication Lines, which again can offset the expense
of installing the tidal equipment.

4. Unlike renewable resources such as wind power, the ebb and flow of the ocean
tides are entirely predictable, consistent and aren’t affected by outside forces such
as the weather.

5. Tides are predictable and goes in and out twice a day, making it easy to manage
positive spikes.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 8



 Sea Energy Conversion Problems & Possibilities: Now-a-days, policies are
being developed in many countries in order to decrease there greenhouse gases
emission. While in this area, some technologies are widely installed (wind & solar
energy), others like the sea energy could get an important role in the medium and
long term. That’s why the most relevant technologies associated with the sea
energy conversion are presented in this report: Tidal Energy (both the traditional
power plants and those best on Tidal Streams), Wave Energy and Ocean Thermal
Energy conversion. However, the Sea Energy conversion is not completely
developed yet due to some unsolved technical problems, apart from it’s high cost.

 UK, Europe & globally Tidal Stream Energy Resource Assessment: The
Marine energy Atlas identifies many potential new sites, but as expected many of
these are small sites with low velocities. There is a huge potential of new sites of
reasonable size, but again many have low velocities. The main areas identified
are of both reasonable size and reasonable velocity (>2.5m/s) are located Islay,
Carmel Head, and the Isle of Wight. The updated Phase II, technically extractable
resource a reduction of 20% of the Phase I results. The reduction is due the
removal of two Puntland Firth sites as a substantial portion of their energy Flux
is not independent from other sites.

 Wave and Marine Current Energy: The attraction towards Ocean Energy is
clear. There is a massive known resource and huge market potential for a clean
renewable energy source. The opportunities for investment and technology are
great. The technology to exploit the market and to contribute sustainable world
energy demand is still at the prototype stage. The reports considers the status of
the technology and research and development requirement of the emerging

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 9


For the First month after the erection of the Underwater Windmill:
 Shut it down while you are away, unless you are positive that winds will be
gentle. After a month, you can leave it running while you are away (as long as
you installed an automatic controller and dump load).
 Watch it regularly, including monitoring power output.
 Listen for strange sounds, sniff for strange smells, and watch for odd behavior.

After six months of erection:

 Lower the tower (or climb a non-tilting tower), and firmly re-tighten all the
bolts and nuts that hold together the blades and alternator.
 If you used linseed oil to finish the blades and tail, re-apply it in another thick
coat or two.
 Check all guy wire anchors, turnbuckles and cable clamps.

Yearly (or every sixth month in harsh climate):

 Lower the tower, (or climb a non-tilting tower), and check all the bolts and
nuts that hold together the blades and alternator. Re-tighten as needed.
 Apply more linseed oil finish to the blades, wooden hubs, and tail vane.
 Check all guy wire anchors, turnbuckles and cable clamps.


 Regularly check your pendant cable for twisting.

 Listen, look and sniff for strange changes that might indicate a problem.
 Monitor your power output—a big change in it could indicate a growing

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 10


More and more people have recognized the importance of the renewable
energy, the vast coastal and offshore areas contributes one of renewable resources,
i.e. the tidal stream energy, to the entire energy consumption. The emphasis has been
put on tidal turbine concepts. Indeed, it has been described the strength and the
weakness of the major tidal turbine technologies. Moreover, attempts have been
made to highlight current trends and alternative issues for generator topologies.
MCT believes it is well on track to delivering commercial tidal stream technology
with the potential to supply electricity on a large-scale, at low cost and without
pollution. It is believed that the concepts under development by MCT will become
one of the primary techniques for extracting energy from the seas.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 11

CONCLUSION 2020-2021

[1] Yun Seng. Lim and Siong Lee, Koh, Marine Tidal Current Electric Power
Generation: State of Art and Current Status,

[2] Rakesh Patel, A review on underwater Windmill, International Journal for

technical education and research innovations, March 2017.

[3] Jinhai Zheng, Peng Dai and Jisheng Zhang, Tidal Energy Stream in China, *th
Internantional Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2015).

[4] Kannabiran S, Dhanabal M, Boobalan B and Kailasam R, A Novel Method

for Generation of Electricity using Submerged Windmill, International
Journal of Modern Trends in engineering and Science (ISSN: 2348-3121).

[5] P L Fraenkel, Marine current turbines: pioneering the development of marine

kinetic energy converters, Nov 2006.

[6] John Harrison and James Uhomobhi, Engineering Study of Tidal Stream
Renewable Energy Generation and Visualization: Issues of process Modelling
and Implementation.

[7] Seifeddine Benelghali, Mohamed Benbouzid, Jean Frederic Charpentier,

Marine Tidal Current Electric Power Generation Technology: State of Art and
Current Status, Nov 2010.

[8] Andreas Uihlein and Davide Magagna, Wave and tidal current energy- A
review of the current state of research beyond technology (2016) 1070- 1081).

Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.T.L. Polytechnic 12

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