Class IV CH 8 The Great Mouse Plot Question N Answers.

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Class IV

English Literature
Ch 8
The Great Mouse Plot
In text questions ( page 104 – 106 ) ( Do all your answers helping copy)

Ans1. Apart from sweets , I think the friends stored all the motely
things that they collected and could not really store at home such as
pens , buttons , marbles , perhaps broken toys or the parts , things
that would normally be discarded.

Ans 2. We know that the things that were kept in the secret location
were valuable because the friends waited until classroom got empty
each day before they checked their secret place . They kept it a tight

Ans3. The friends were excited because they had planned on playing a
prank on the mean Mrs Pratchett and wanted to scare her to a

Ans 4. Mrs Pratchett is compared to an army or military leader who is

inspecting the troops for uniform and other standards practices.

Making Connections ( page 104 -106)

Quick answers ( Do this ex in your book )
a. i
b. iii
c. i
d. ii
Reference to Context. (Do all the answers in your helping . Only copy
2 a,b,c in your fair note book.)

Ans a. The boy, who is narrating the story, made the suggestion.

Ans b. A dead mouse that they found in their secret place was to be
slipped into one of the jars of sweets.

Ans c. At first , the plan did not sink in . But when it did , the boys
were very excited.

3.Ans a. The boys who had played the prank on Mrs Pratchett the
previous day pressed their faces against the window.

Ans b. They pressed their faces against the window of Mrs Pratchett.

Ans c . They saw that Mrs Pratchett was missing and that the jar of
gobstoppers was smashed to the ground . The dead mouse too was
found in the middle of the smashed pieces and sweets.
Do all the answers in your helping. Only copy 5 in your fair copy

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