Thoughts: The Three Rules of India's Frugal Innovator

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Global Perspectives Local Opportunities


• Stop making
• Japan loves
• Go retro
• Play without

The three rules

of India’s frugal
Thinking business
As the recovery starts to get underway,
businesses across the world are not only
looking to manage risk, but to make the
most of the many opportunities that
always arise at times like this.

HSBC is actively supporting these

‘thinking businesses’, providing help with
everything from financial planning to
funding for investment, working capital,
cashflow and more.

We are among the world’s best-funded

banks and this puts us in an ideal position
to help the right businesses, not only with
resources, but with global experience and
“At first I was horrified when he
explained their situation.
It was one of the hardest stories I’d heard last
year in my travels meeting hundreds of busi-
nesses of all sectors and sizes. As the MD of
volume of international transactions over the
last 12 months.e upsides of going inter-
national are demonstrable; superior profit,
expertise that we can put to work for you, a company supplying plant to the heavy con- better stability, customer loyalty.
locally. struction industry, he told me their
domestic turnover had dropped by 90%. And yet I would say less than a quarter of
100 oughts is a collection of some of the medium sized businesses are taking
best business thinking that we’ve come But that left them with their export business. advantage of international opportunities.
across from around the world. So they adapted fast. ey immediately People have a perception it’s more difficult
doubled down their international efforts and than it actually is.
We that hope you’ll find it thought tackled new export markets. It was a huge
provoking, even inspiring, and that you’ll effort, but within 12 months, they’d offset at’s why it’s our job to make the world very
get in touch with us to discuss your own every single pound of that 90% domestic de- small. For over 70% of world trade flows, we
business thinking and perhaps let us help cline through exporting.at’s inspirational. have people on the ground. Yesterday I met
you put it into practice. Call us on 0880 a customer who is buying a factory in
783 1164. I think we undersell the strength of UK Bangladesh. So our relationship manager is
industry. I see customers who have a good going out to meet his colleague in Bangladesh
*Lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday skills base, and good quality management to help make it happen.
to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Communications may be monitored teams who see opportunities in recession.My
for security and service improvement fear is that businesses stay too cautious for So wherever our customers want to go, we
too long. Across the banking sector, I would want to match them, step for step.”
suggest that only 40% of overdraft facilities
agreed for business have actually been used. Noel Quinn, General Manager Commercial
What encourages me is an increase in the Banking UK, HSBC
Sell experience,
not just things
In 1999, ice cream retailer Cold Stone Creamery had 74 stores. CEO Doug Ducey
had bigger plans. He wanted to expand to 1,000 stores in five years.

In his mind,the route to doing this take part in games. In six years,
was through the ultimate ice cream Ducey hit his 1000th store.
experience.e Cold Stone brand
Where next?
was already unique. Customers Ducey says a huge part of their
mixed and matched their ideal success is having staff with the X
In what ways can you
differentiate your combinations, with staff mixing it factor, “Franchisees with excep-
customer experience? all up on a granite slab. Ducey tional customer interaction do
wanted to go further by providing better than those who are just
Analyse what your
customers are actually entertainment along with the ice adequate.e fact is, you can have
buying from you.What’s cream. ey started hiring staff a great product, a great location –
their bigger need? based on their performance skills but if your crew members don't
Why not call us at HSBC to and personalities. Staff would then leave an extraordinary impression
fund your next steps. sing and dance while serving cus- on your customers, you'll limit
tomers and encourage customers to your business.”

03 Democratic by design “Franchisees with

Clothing retailers have Pittsburgh-based online cloth- democratic style. Allowing cus-
exceptional customer
to take a big risk when
buying up next season’s
ing retailer Modcloth believe
there is another way.
tomers to have their voice heard
is what keeps us fresh, and rele-
interaction do better than
stock – often relying on
little more than Susan Gregg Koger and her team
vant” says Susan. As they’ve in-
creased their staff from 3 to 104
those who are just
their hunch. put new samples up for a vote on
ModCloth's website for 14 days.
in the last two years, it clearly
works for the bottom line too.
After counting up the votes, the
company decides whether it's Where next?
worth the investment. If an item
is picked, the customers who Could you get customers to
voted for it receive an e-mail pre-order before you
commit to purchasing?
when their chosen design
becomes available. Look for ways to involve
your customers in the
buying process.
is ‘Be the Buyer’ programme
also helps build a strong rapport Why not call us at HSBC to
fund your next steps.
with customers. “Our vision is to
run a fashion business in a
Seek out opportunity
“It's vital to think more broadly about your business.
One client, a printer, always saw his business as
traditionally domestic.They source paper in the UK
and sell to a domestic audience.

It emerged that his competitors
were competing on price without “The biggest inhibitor of
compromising quality, by sourcing British businesses is that
cheaper paper.My client was using His initial hesitancy was fairly so many of them are full
a UK distributor who sourced typical. But today there’s an inter- of fear.
from a mill in China. I suggested national opportunity for many
talking directly to the mill. businesses, even if you see yourself I do a lot of work developing
Initially, he was sceptical, but we as just domestic. It might look leaders in large companies, and I
discussed the services that UKTI scary to source raw materials find people are constantly worried
and the bank could offer - putting directly, but there is extensive sup- about challenging decisions as
him in touch with people on the port available and the potential cost they fear it will inhibit their career.
ground who could hold his hand, savings make trying it worthwhile.” Ironically, good progressive leaders
providing him with contacts.It was at the top of these organisations
an epiphany moment, and his es- Yvonne Bear, Regional Commercial want to encourage this challeng-
timated savings were significant. Director, South, HSBC ing more than anything else.ey
know it’s the life-blood of business.

It’s partly a cultural thing. e

British often see challenging as the

05 Go Retro
Where next?

Do you have a product that

Play without same as confrontation, and they
feel uncomfortable about con-
might have become over- frontation. But if you confront

looked in a rush to Looking for your next successful product? constructively, you get great ideas.
modernise? It may be in your back catalogue.
Is there an element of your I’m surprised by how few managers
service from the ‘good-old Companies on a relentless search are most popular may be go out and ask to be challenged.
days’ that customers might for the new could consider bring- brought back permanently. Many make mistake of saying
ing back some of their greatest hits. Where next? ‘lets create a social networking
Why not call us at HSBC to Lisa Gaynor, International site’. But that’s of limited value
fund your next steps. e Body Shop has reintroduced Innovation Director explains when the culture is such that they
When was the last time
a collection of the most requested “is range was inspired by someone challenged you at don’t feel they can challenge.
best sellers from the 1980’s. Old Anita Roddick’s favourite beauty work?
favourites that have made it back products. It was customers and Is your management team I admire the culture that Arsene
onto the shelves include Banana store staff who were asking ‘why full of diverse thinking? Wenger has created amongst his
Shampoo, Dewberry Shower Gel can’t you bring back Dewberry Does your business have a players at Arsenal - ‘Play without
and Cucumber Cleansing Milk, and Banana Shampoo?’ With so mechanism for catching fear’. at’s the single most
available for a limited time. many people asking us we challenging ideas? important lesson I could pass on.”
thought we should really go Why not call us at HSBC to
Customers can also vote on their back and see what’s available”. fund your next steps. Russell Amerasekera, e Rocket
personal favourites – those that Science Group
“It’s fun,
and there’s no
more queuing
at the bar.”

Self service
grows legs
Self-service is growing in some industries.
What other sectors can it be applied to?

Where next?
MiNiBAR, in the heart of Ams- the hotel mini-bar to the high
terdam, is a self service bar.When street of course – but it’s new and
you arrive,a concierge gives you the is bound to attract interest. Could you take on a
franchise in your city?
key to your own fridge which is

Photo courtesy of Menno Kok

stocked with beer, wine, spirits From the customer perspective, it’s What points of contact with
and snacks. You and your friends fun, convenient and there’s no your customers could be
help yourselves over the course of more queuing at the bar. From a
the evening, and settle up your business perspective it also means Could taking a self-service
account before leaving. e mini fewer staff members, and more approach give you
competitive stand-out?
bars are stocked from the back, customers can be accommodated
making for easy restocking. It’s because less space is taken up by Why not call us at HSBC to
fund your next steps.
simply extending the concept of the bar.
The secret Avoid the herd
of the £1,300 “At the height of the credit crunch, a CEO told me
how his competitors were cutting costs.To make

savings, they had stopped their export sales force
from flying.

So they had a whole department this CEO was bucking the trend.
which had been growing export On its own, it sounds kind of
Rather than basing your price on costs, some truly sales for years and whose principal clever; in reality, he was just
world-class breakthroughs have come from taking job was to seek out new customers carrying on doing his job.
a price as a start point and working backwards. – and they kept them at home. As
ridiculous as it sounds, it was a It’s about putting a line in the sand
A great example is the Tata Nano battery so it has gone under the reaction to the times. and saying – ‘everyone else is
car. Ratan Tata’s inspiration came driver’s seat, or the spare tyre doing that,but I’m doing this’.at
from watching an entire family under the hood.Tata Motors also It’s herd mentality. If you can do sounds entrepreneurial to me.”
having to balance on a scooter. brought all the vendors to the car the opposite to the herd, you give
“e kid standing in the front, the together in a Vendors’ Park yourself a business advantage. Ian Tandy, Head of Trade and
guy driving the scooter and the adjacent to the plant to enable ‘just at’s the moral of the story – Supply Chain UK, HSBC
wife sitting side-saddle holding a in time’ sourcing. everyone else was cutting costs but
little kid.When you’re driving a car,
you certainly say, ‘Oh my god, be Ratan also had to stick to his
careful, they may slip!’” vision in the face of industry

So Ratan set Tata Motors the

seemingly impossible task of
making a ‘people’s car’ for just
cynicism. “It would have been
very easy to say ‘let’s scrap the
100,000 rupees goal and make it
200,000 or something’. But we
Share the pain
100,000 rupees (around £1,375). stuck to the goal.e real challenge As margins get tight, it’s tempting to put the squeeze
is when you choose to throw out on customers, especially when they have less choice.
e first step was being clear the gauntlet that you can do X.

what they could not compromise And it ought to be the kind of Chicago pizza business, Nick’s e restaurants go out of their way
on.ey had started by looking at challenge which somebody says Pizza and Pub takes another tack. to support their communities.ey
making a plastic car, making it out that can't be done because that It’s not a sector most would look to host fundraisers almost every week,
of scooter parts, or having curtains really becomes the engine of for business advice,but Nick’s is spe- and three large benefits a year,
instead of windows. But Ratan innovation.” cial. Recently lauded on the cover many for families facing high Where next?

Where next?
realised ‘the market does not want of US magazine Inc, the company medical bills.
Localise your marketing
a half-car.e market wants a car.” does more volume per outlet than
around pressing local
Is there a price point in your nearly all independent pizza restau- Then there’s spontaneous gen- issues.
industry that would be a So Tata Motors’engineers were set rants, and profits run at twice the erosity. One ursday night,
Have any suppliers put the
‘game-changer’? the challenge of paring down industry average. Owner Nick Sarillo picked up the bill for all his
squeeze on you? Perhaps
Could your product/service costs through design improvisa- Sarillo has some simple lessons. customers. It cost him $20,000 it’s time to rethink those
be streamlined to achieve tion. ey did this by making but generated a tremendous buzz. relationships.
this? things smaller and lighter. For Unemployment in their region is Do you have a policy to
Are your production team example, the engine is at the back twice the average, so Nick’s run e philosophy is simple. Stick by help out your customers in
up to the challenge? making the car 8% smaller on the discounts on quieter days; “Half your customers when times are tough times?
Why not call us at HSBC to outside yet with 21% more interior price Monday is here to stay until hard, they’ll remember you in the Why not call us at HSBC to
fund your next steps. space than its nearest rival. ere the unemployment line goes away” good. fund your next steps.
was no room in the engine for the says a sign in the lobby.
‘Let’s ape Hollywood’
Companies in industries that have been around for centuries can get
ahead by looking to completely different industries for inspiration.

In 1990 Doug Woods, Peter

Nosler and Ron Davidowski de-
cided to leave safe jobs to build
their own company – DPR Con-
struction. ey didn’t want to be
“just another building company”
so took inspiration from the film
studios and tech companies in
Aping Hollywood on some big
projects early on, they spent
money building a ‘set’ that the
client can walk through and check
their assumptions on the project.
Like the film studios today, they
now make extensive use of virtu-
al 3D models.
11 multiple roles and levels of

Where next?

What companies do you

admire? Can you borrow
their approach?
Keep a notebook and jot
their part of California.
down experiences you’ve
e company also ‘borrowed’ the valued.
“I asked myself ‘What makes Sil- tech culture of knowledge sharing.
icon Valley companies so differ- In their open, direct and entre- DPR brought in Stanford
professor Jim Collins back
ent?’” says Davidowski. “I came to preneurial corporate culture, all the in 1991. Perhaps it’s time to
realise it was empowerment.” So staff, including co-founders and re-read his seminal book
DPR interviews potential staff up managers, sit together in the same ‘Built to Last’?
to 10 times, to ensure they hire open-office environment. Titles Why not call us at HSBC to
people with the confidence to
make decisions on the spot.
are not printed on business cards
to allow individuals to take on
fund your next steps.
Power of
12 Is your business ‘always on’?
In the ‘always-on’ economy, customers demand
instant connection with favourite brands.

Korean BBQ business Kogi have

tapped into this need. e firm’s
Angeles, attracting queues of up to with our customers,” says Kogi
800 people each time they park. BBQ's creative director Alice
three roving BBQ trucks have Shin. “ey feel a personal
become a huge sensation in Los Keeping the connection live and connection, and that leads to “Service excellence is what sets us
spontaneous, Kogi have 54,000 repeat business.” apart from other hotels; every single
followers on Twitter and 3,150 on one of the 850 staff working here
Where next?
Facebook. ey use the latter to know that they may never say ‘no’ to a
announce specials, discounts and guest, but instead must offer an
How live is your connection
details of where the vans will be with customers? alternative.”
parked each day. As the schedules
Social media can be a
of the trucks can change in an General Manager Jonas A
strong way of allowing your
instant, they keep followers advocates to track your Schuermann, General Manager,
updated on Twitter. progress. Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong
Why not call us at HSBC to
“It's a great way to interact one- fund your next steps.
on-one and build a relationship
Photo: Eric Shin
The power of connectedness
“The idea of businesses as hermetically sealed
units is eroding at an incredible rate of knots.

We live in a world where stuff Opportunities emerge as a

needs to happen faster. What consequence, and never more so
used to take a month now needs than in a time of change.
to happen in a week. What
impresses me is how much faster Scotland is realising we’ve got to
you can move your thinking be better at selling stuff to the rest
forward by reaching out to of the world. at’s when the fact
people with a shared interest. that a banker like myself knows
a bunch of folk around the world
is means being more entrepre- and can make things happen
neurial. You can’t wait for business faster – that’s potentially hugely

Rigorous research –
to come to you. You have to be in valuable for those we assist. And
amongst it and approach conver- we’ll grow too.”
sations with an open mind, not

on the fly sure what’s going to happen. John Rendall, CEO Scotland, HSBC

14 e-commerce 16
“Bells and whistles wear off, but usefulness never does. “We predicted we E-commerce is typically about tricks – exclusivity and scarcity.
There’s real beauty and value in the basics’ would have 300,000 reaching as many potential Customers feel privileged to be part
members by the end of customers as possible. It seems of the club, and that these must be
Simplicity is Jason Fried’s mantra. Constraints drive innovation and see if an exclamation mark makes 2009, but we now have counterintuitive to use the web to deals that aren't available to others,
He co-founded 37Signals in 1999 force focus”. a difference” he muses. around a million.” Oscar restrict access, but for one online and also feel they have to make a
as a Chicago-based ‘Software as a Hartmann, Director- retailer, it’s a profitable choice. quick decision or lose the
Service’ provider. In the last 5 A/B Testing is such an approach. Where next? General of KupiVIP. opportunity. Plus the clubs know
years, Fried and his team have In it’s simplest form, you put two KupiVIP is an online private shop- exactly who the members are, so
You could adopt A/B testing Where next?
launched 5 successful applications versions into the market and see to speed up market ping club in Russia. Members their marketing is more efficient.
now used by over 1 million people which works. You then put the research You could set up a forum
sign up to join the club, and then
and won the backing of Amazon- winner up against another version for cost cutting initiatives on get notified of sale ‘events’ with An added bonus is that friends love
At it’s simplest you can test
founder, Jeff Bezos. e company and repeat. your sales pitch in your intranet site. leading fashion products on offer to tell other friends about these
has only 16 staff. controlled A/B tests. Give examples to stimulate
at discounted prices. Members ‘exclusive’ clubs, so word of mouth
Fried’s most recent A/B test was Going further you can look their creativity then have a few days to decide if referrals are high. At the other end
A challenge for such fast growth their website. He systematically for test markets in which they'd like to buy the item. of the business, fashion suppliers
Sharing the rewards
companies is how to make well served up variations of the call to you can rapidly A/B test provides strong motivation. love being able to unload unsold
researched decisions in rapid time. action and found the winning new product variations. is club, and similar start-ups in items without them appearing at
Fried’s solution? “Instead of freak- headline gave them a 30% better Why not call us at HSBC to France and Germany are profitable a discount in High Street stores, so
Why not call us at HSBC to fund your next steps.
ing out about constraints, conversion rate. But it’s a contin- fund your next steps. because they use two highly ef- there’s a good supply of merchan-
embrace them. Let them guide you. ual process; “it’ll be interesting to fective psychological influence dise with good room for margin.
with Indian
“Indians are astute, street smart traders. They often “Find someone in
use close personal links to help build their business.
This brings tremendous advantage. the industry who
has the contacts,
Trust and loyalty are integral to
the business; the solid relationships
You can also develop your network
through the thousands of young who knows
with contacts in their business
network provide strong opportu-
Indians who come to the UK
every year; ambitious, business- Indian business
nities for growth. Medium-sized
British companies looking at the
minded young people with strong
links to Indian-owned enterprise. inside out.”
Indian market also need to build I would be thinking of how to en-
their network to succeed. Find gage with these kids right now.”
someone in the industry who has
the contacts, who knows Indian Dalip Puri , Global Head –
business inside out. You need in- Indian Business Strategy, HSBC
sight into the hierarchical structure
of Indian business. You need a Where next?
sound understanding of Indian
business culture.Without this, Are there any personal links
you have to India that you
you’ll be like a ship without a could trade on?
Setting up links with your
local university could give
How do you find that trusted ad- you introductions to new
viser? at is where professional markets.
firms like HSBC can help. If we
Make sure you have a
have a customer looking at India, trusted contact on the
we use our extensive network to ground in each region.
find them the right person. It’s
Why not call us at HSBC to
about reaching out and taking fund your next steps.
that extra step.
18 Let your ideas
go free
In 1998, Dries Buytaert, a student at the university
of Antwerp in Belgium, built a website for a
community of friends. He couldn’t afford to buy a
commercial content management system, so
Let your
join your
wrote his own.

Soon others began using the

software for their websites, and
Dries began to struggle to sup-
over two million times, has thou-
sands of developers working on it.
It competes with the big-name
Sometimes the best talent isn’t
port the requests for new features. proprietary systems, and even just within your own walls. ‘Crowd-
He realised that thousands of runs the White House’s website. Where next? sourcing’ allows you to engage
other web developers were also Dries has landed millions of dol- customers in new product design.
working separately to build and lars in venture funding to set up Liberate your Intellectual
maintain their own systems. a company to support this com- Property. Open-sourcing British drinks firm Firefly took
munity. might deliver critical mass this idea to heart and last year
Dries decided to ‘open source’ his on an innovation. asked customers to design their
software – anyone could down- But it would be a mistake to think Do you face a tough issue new drink, including the flavour,
load it, alter it, improve it and use this only works in software. that you could open to a label design and name. e result
it – and the project as a whole Open-sourcing has worked for wider audience? is ‘Britannia’, a raspberry, black-
would benefit. His ‘Drupal’ soft- industries from mining to aero- Why not call us at HSBC to berry and Bramley apple drink,
ware has now been downloaded space. fund your next steps. which has just gone on sale.

“We had so many wonderful

entries, it was hard for us to

To save costs – choose, so we got customers to
vote for their favourite” says co-

embrace your staff founder Marcus Waley-Cohen.

“e winning design is just what
we were looking for – fun, creative,
In tough times companies need to make every and well rounded!”
penny a prisoner. Yet, as the saying goes, real
change comes from within. Where next?

Where next? When the Minnesota-based non-essential computers when

Rather than running focus
Mayo Clinic found that its 2008 offices were closed. Another groups on your ideas, push
You could set up a forum expenses were far exceeding suggested separating hazardous your customers further to
for cost cutting initiatives on income it turned to its employees waste which is more expensive to come up with actual ideas.
your intranet site. for their ideas on where to cut get rid of, and another department Identify your most loyal
Give examples to stimulate costs. e not-for-profit medical dropped printed employee direc- ‘fans’ and work on ways to
your team’s creativity group did this by setting up a web- tories in favour of an online ver- bring them inside the
site where each member of staff sion saving more than $100,000. organisation.
Sharing the rewards
provides strong motivation. could suggest ways of reducing Set up a ‘creativity lab’ for
expenditure. As a result the Mayo Clinic came sourcing new ideas.
Why not call us at HSBC to
fund your next steps. up with savings of around $154 Why not call us at HSBC to
One department saved nearly million. And the spin-off benefit fund your next steps.
$900,000 a year by turning-off is the staff feel more engaged.
Simple! Sample
sense 22
Ten years ago, a successful but little known American insurance company
introduced itself through a friendly but frustrated white duck. Since then, the
Aflac Duck has entered the iconosphere of advertising as a fun, fanciful and
ubiquitous corporate face. More importantly, Aflac has grown the business by
an additional $5bn since the duck came along.

Like many great innovations, it

happened by accident. Tasked to
come up with a TV commercial to
make Aflac’s name more memo-
rable, the Kaplan aler agency
had trouble remembering the
name. “Aflac, Aflac, Aflac – you
doesn’t even say “quack-quack”, it
says “ga-ga.” So it made even less
sense, and staff were sceptical. But
Amos persevered, offering his
marketing director there a $50,000
bonus if he could make the duck
work in Japan.
Where next?

Make sure your incentives

align to your marketing
Exporting to Japan? Don’t
ignore the power of ‘cute’
Is your marketing truly
Handing out samples is a well-tried route for A new store in Japan has taken a know – like a duck” an artworker memorable?
gaining advocacy and feedback on a new product. more rigorous approach. Sample said. A seed was planted. He did and it did. Aflac Japan’s
Why not call us at HSBC to
But getting your products into the hands of Lab! in Tokyo is dedicated to sales increased by 12% and they fund your next steps.
influential customers can be tricky, much less sampling. Its customers, mainly Despite advice from fellow CEOs, have overtaken Nippon Life as the
getting detailed feedback young women, pay a small annu- Aflac chairman and CEO Dan country’s leading insurer. All thanks
al fee. ey can try out a wide range Amos decided to take a chance on to a duck.
Where next? of products like cosmetics, food and the Aflac Duck. Knowing “If it
alcoholic drinks. went badly we were just going to
Sampling could be a route pull it.” But people just loved the
to get your products tested “e concept of going into a retail duck. “Our first day on the air we Amos’s rules for backing an
in the Japanese market store and being able to shop ab- had more visits to our website than idea that doesn’t make sense:
Could a franchise work solutely free, exchanging no mon- in the entire year before” he said. • Trust the numbers.
for you? ey whatsoever, is unique,” says • Don’t tell the board.
Can potential customers Anthony James, founder and Taking the idea to Japan was a • Incentivise those who you
sample your products in Global General Manager. “Noth- greater challenge. In Japan a duck need to make it work

such a commitment free ing is behind glass. You can try,
way? touch, or taste anything in the
Why not call us at HSBC to store.” ey are planning to offer
fund your next steps. this around the world, and are
looking for franchisees.
Old heads
New ideas
“To remain competitive in a global economy,
companies must accelerate the pace of innovation”

“Looking externally and strategi-

cally for new ideas is necessary for
growth” says Brad Lawson, presi-
dent and CEO of YourEncore.
the bright idea of harnessing the
power of retired experts.

In 2003, they set up YourEncore to

tired chemical engineer who’d
spent 35 years at Kodak perfecting
colour stability in photography
was able to work with a consumer
Involve to solve
“This idea was born using Edward De Bono’s ‘6
Thinking Hats’ system over a cup of coffee with a
napkin to map out a new way to finance an album”

South-African singer Verity

wanted to build on her success
on the Cape Town live music
album would be called, which
cover art to use and so on. is
unique approach gained her press
Where next?
In new product
allow companies to connect with products client to improve colour scene by releasing an album – but and TV coverage, helping to development, look to
In the knowledge-economy, your this amazing knowledge-base. stability in their hair-care products.” couldn’t get a recording contract. market the idea. engage your core
competitive edge comes from your Member companies contact customers at an earlier
Where next? stage in design.
team’s brainpower. Yet the most YourEncore with specific project “Basically my idea was to have Over 2000 people from 25
knowledgeable workers are often needs and YourEncore then forward-thinking people buy my countries bought the album in Think of routes to give your
pensioned off in their early sixties. matches an experienced ‘Expert’. ‘YourEncore’ is looking for first album before I recorded it”, advance, giving her the funds she wider customer base a
UK partners. greater sense of ownership.
It is a huge loss of intellectual To date they have completed over she says. needed – and acting as part of
power. 1,400 engagements and have Set up a ‘alumni’ base for her marketing team to sell the Don’t be precious about
thousands of experts enrolled. your organisation or e incentive Verity designed album for others, because they your ‘creative process’
partner with other – share it wider.
US pharmaceutical company Eli companies to pool was to give these customers a felt it was partly theirs. Verity
Lilly and consumer-goods com- e open nature has the advantage sense of involvement and owner- now donates some of the profits Why not call us at HSBC to
pany Procter and Gamble tradi- that people see, and solve, problems ship in the creative process. ey from her album to help other fund your next steps.
Why not call us at HSBC to
tionally relied on the talent inside that seem to be outside their field. fund your next steps. could vote on which tracks singers to record demos.
the company. But then they had Lawson gives an example: “A re- would be recorded, what the

24 UPcycle
Recycling is not always associated with taking products up-market.
New Jersey reclycer TerraCycle has taken such a route.
Where next? TerraCycle partners with con- in a way that also secures advertis-
sumer packaged-goods companies ing is a big win.
There are plenty of non- to organise free programmes which
recyclable waste streams pay consumers to help collect non-
that might provide recyclable packaging such as biscuit
wrappers or drink pouches. ey
Terracycle now operate in then ‘upcycle’ this into new prod-
the UK.Your brand could ucts such as bags, pencil cases,
partner with them.
binders and more.
Can you turn green issues
into a business e key is that the logos of the
funding companies are made very
Why not call us at HSBC to visible on the new products. Major
fund your next steps. brands are keen to improve their
green image, but to be able to do it
To be the first to receive the
next ‘100 thoughts’, sign-up at

Thought No.101
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make a suggestion for Thought No.101 – that maybe now is the
time to call us.
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our business thinking. If you’re not a customer yet then it’s
probably worth talking to see how we might help you put your
thoughts into practice.
Either way, we think it would be great if our business could help
each other.
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The views and opinions expressed by contributors are their own and not
necessarily those of HSBC Bank plc

Issued by HSBC Bank plc. We are a principal member of the HSBC

Group, one of the world's largest banking and financial services organisa-
tions with around 9,500 offices in 86 countries and territories.

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