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Name : Ghina Salsabila

NIM : 200111301014
Matrix : 092020090264
Major : Electrical Engineering
1. Some plural nouns end in –es. When the last letter of singular nouns are ch, sh, s, ss or
x, you usually add –es to form the plural.
Singular Plural
Address Addresses
Batch Batches
Catch Catches
Fish Fishes
Lens Lenses

2. Some plural nouns end in –ies. Nouns like these are made plural by changing y to i,
and adding -es.
Singular Plural
Study Studies
City Cities
Sky Skies
Berry Berries
Country Countries

3. If there is a vowel before the y, add –s to form the plural.

Singular Plural
Boy Boys
Delay Delays
Guy Guys
Play Plays
Journey Journeys

4. If a noun ends in –f, you often change f to v, and add –es. Some nouns that end in –f,
just need –s to form the plural.
Singular Plural
Knife Knives
Life Lives
Wife Wives
Wolf Wolves
Shelf Shelves
5. If a noun ends in –o, you just add –s to form the plural.
Singular Plural
Photo Photos
Piano Pianos
Halo Halos
Studio Studios
Embryo Embryos

6. But with some nouns that end in –o, you add -es to form the plural. With some nouns
that end in –o, you can add either –s or –es to form the plural.
Singular Plural
Buffalo Buffaloes
Domino Dominoes
Mosquito Mosquitoes
Echo Echoes
Embargo Embargoes

7. Some plural nouns don’t follow the –s rule. They don’t end in –s, -es, -ies or –ves.
Instead, the word changes form. The plural of the mouse that you use with your
computer is either mice or mouses.
Singular Plural
Person People
Goose Geese
Die Dice
Bacillus Bacilli
Louse Loci

8. Some plural nouns are the same as the singular noun.

Singular Plural
Moose Moose
Swine Swine
Shrimp Shrimp
Trout Trout
Series Series
9. Some nouns are always plural. You can make these plural nouns singular by using a
pair of
 A pair of sunglasses.
 A pair of headphones.
 A pair of boxers
 A pairs of jeans.
 A pair of scissors

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