GEC 107 Lesson 1, Activity 1-3

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GEC 107

Module 1-Lesson 1

Name: Dane C. Cloma Date: April 10, 2021

Course: BTLED IA 2 Section:

Answer the following questions briefly:

Activity 1

Why are rules important to social being? What would happen if there are no rules in our

Rules are important to a social being because it play a critical role in achieving something close
to a harmonious society. The presence of a set of rules makes to everyone clear what they can and and
they cannot. If there were no rules,  there would  be  no  discipline.  There  will be endless

Activity 2

Based on your experience, what rules do you find restricting? List down five rules that restrict
you? Why?

- Watch your words. Because whenever I talk to, I don’t want to offend someone.
- Always Listen. I am really restricted whenever someone is telling their problems on me I am
always avoid to to talk about mine, because I know that they need someone is listening.
- When you are scolded, don’t make any reason even if you are right. Just say sorry.
- Believe in Yourself , but Be Aware of Your Limitations. Always keep things realistic.
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you find it hard to move; trust yourself to
deliver what you need to, but also be prepared to cut yourself some slack.
- Treat Others How They Want to Be Treated. I might end up getting in trouble if I
try treating others how I want to be treated, instead of how they would like you to
treat them.

Activity 3

What is ethics? What are the reasons why we should study Ethics?

Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what
humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or
specific virtues. Studying ethics is a must because it helps a person to look at his own life
critically and to evaluate his actions/choices/decisions.It assists a person in knowing what
he/she really is and what is best for him/her and what he/she has to do in order to attain
it. study of moral philosophy can help us to think better about morality

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